HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-03-04, Page 8THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, March 4th, 1937 Show Starts at 8 p.m Stanley Moffatt and, Mrs. J. R. Greig. Mrs. Harvey Robertson outlined the Topic “Mission Projects for Young People’s Societies,” in a most inter­ esting manner, After explaining the meaning of Projects, the speaker illu­ strated by taking first a study on Formosa. The meeting closed with prayer. PIPES PIPES 25c and Up G. B. D. Seconds $1,00 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 4th, 5th, 6th The Unknown Ranger” A Western Picture ------With------- BOB ALLEN And MARTHA TIBBETTS ------Also------ Two Reel Comedy — Cartoon Screen Snapshots — Sports Reel and News. NEXT WEEK ‘The Smartest Girl in Town’ ' Institute to Meet March 11th The regular meeting of the Wom­ an's Institute will be held on Thurs­ day afternoon, March 11th, at the home of Mrs, Joseph Curtis, and will be a Grandmother’s programme. Roll Cail--my grandmother's maid­ en name and where she was born. Motto—-age is not a matter of years it is a state of mind. Mrs, R, F, Garniss—Discussion on Preparing meals now, compared with fifty years ago. Exhibit of Grandmother's photos. Prize for the grandmother having the greatest number of grandchildren, Contest — What grandmother mis­ sed. Music and singing. Visitors welcome. OMAR HASELGROVE’S Smoke Shoppe AMATEUR CONTEST WHITECHURCH Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and Mrs. Rus­ sel Gaunt held ten-cent teas at their homes on Wednesday for the ladies of the W.M.S. of the United Church, and Mrs. Ab. Coultes held a tea last Tuesday for the young ladies who are working on a quilt. Several from this community at­ tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Dan Geddes in Wingham on Sunday. Mr. Chas, Wightman and his grand­ son, Mr. Ivan Wightman, of Blyth, spent Saturday with old acquaintanc­ es here. Mr. Chas. Gillespie is laid up with an attack of flu. Born—On Friday, Feb. 26, in Kin­ loss, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Case- more, a daughter. Mrs. Smith and her neice, Miss Smith, of Listowel, spent the week­ end at the home of the former’s dau­ ghter, Mrs. George Garton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie and children, of Culross, spent Sunday with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McBrien, of Auburn, spent Sunday with their mo­ ther, Mrs. McBrien. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft yisited •on Saturday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Sea­ forth, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kirk of Birmingham, Mich., spent the week-end' there. The ladies of the Women’s Insti­ tute held their annual At Home in the hall last Wednesday evening with a splendid crowd to enjoy the games and contests which were in charge of Mr. Bert Cullimore. Crokinole and cards were also played. Later in the ■evening the young folks danced until closing time. Miss Frances Robinson, of Wing­ ham, visited on Saturday with Miss Florence Bcecroft. Mrs. Fred McLean has been very ill during the past two weeks and Miss Hazel McPherson of Walton, has been helping with the housework. Miss Lorna McClenaghan, who has been helping Mrs. Robert Barbour of E. Wawanosh, spent the week-end at her home here. Little Jimmie Irwin, son of Mr. and: Mrs. Herson Irwin, had the mis­ fortune to fall on Friday last and break both the lens in his glases, so Mrs. Irwin and Jimmie made a trip to Toronto on Saturday for new ones. They visited while there, with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Cane. Mr. Stewart McBurney was in Tor- he is ser- the Y. P. was held onto last week attending the Good Roads Convention, and was taken down with a severe attack of the flu, at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Stanley McBurney, Many friends of Mr. Richard' Ir­ win, who is spending the' winter at Auburn with his sister, Mrs. Ruddy, will be sorry to hear that iously ill. The weekly meeting of U. of the United Church on Monday evening with Miss Let- tie Fox in charge of the meeting. After the opening erercises based on Early Christian Fellowship, Mrs. G. Gillespie led in prayer, and the Scrip­ ture Lesson was taken by Miss'Luella Laidlaw. Grant and Russel Farrier then gave an instrumental duet and comments c-n the Acts of the Apost­ les were given by Miss Genevieve Watt, the Letters to Phillipians by Mrs. Jas. Falconer and the Letters to the Romans by J. D. Beecroft. Af­ ter singing a hymn Mrs. Chas. Gil­ lespie gave an interesting talk on the Acts and the Epistles. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan gave a piano solo, and' Mr. Milan Moor closed the meeting after the usual business period. The young folks have decided to get the books for a play and commence prac­ tice. BLUEVALE United Y. P. U. The Y. P. U. of the United Church held its meeting on Friday night with the President, George. Johnston, in charge. Helen Thomson read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Aitken spoke on “The Charm of the English Bible,’ ’telling of the history of its writing, its Literature and its Mes­ sage. After the devotional part, some good games were enjoyed by the large crowd of Young People. Sunday School Attendance Increasing The attendance at the United Church Sunday School is increasing. Beginning with the 1st Sunday in February, two boys’ classes and two girls’, classes started an attendance contest. The girls have a slight lead, having an average of 25 and the boys have 24, for the month. There are seven classes in the school and the average attendance of all was 78. Presbyterian Y. P. S. The Y. P. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church held the regular meeting on Friday night with the president, Jack McTavish presiding. The opening devotional period was conducted by BIRTHDAY SALE ............................................. ......... ................................' .......................... .................................................... Will End Saturday, March 6th One More Week to stock up in Drug Store Items at Big Savings. WARBLE FLY POWDER Just received a fresh stock of “Cooper’s”. Warble Fly Powder. We also carry “Cooper’s” Kerol “Dry Kill” “Sheep Dipping Powder.” Cooper’s line you caii depend on. DR- BELL’S VETERINARY REMEDIES We always carry a complete line of these wonderful remedies. Dr. BelFs “Medical Wonder”, you cartnot afford to be without’ this. therington also Dr. and Mrs. Bert. Hetherington of Brampton, over the week-end- Mrs. John Brown is visiting with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson, 1st line, Miss Etta Agar spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. We are sorry to hear the young son of Mr. and Mrs, Sparling Johns­ ton has been very sick again and tak­ en to Wingham Hospital on Satur­ day eyening. Glad to hear he is im­ proving. MORRIS COUNCIL Miss Jessie Strachan of Brussels is visiting with her cousin, Mrs, Peter S. MacEwen, Mr. George Mundell of Drayton, spent the week-end with his brother, John and Mrs. Mundell, John Messer was a week-end visitor with his sons, Harvey and Charles in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Kerney was a recent vis­ itor with relatives at Brussels and Walton. Mr. John Miller of Lucknow visited with his daughter, Mrs. John Sparks. Miss Rosetta Dennis, Wingham, spent the week-end with Miss Lorena Hamilton. Miss Verna Johnston, Belgrave with Miss Isobel McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers and daughters. Hepworth, with Mr. Geo. Mathers. Miss Betty Curris, Brussels, with Mr. and' Mrs. joe Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Mann are visiting their daughter in Detroit. Mrs. D. B. Lowry and daughter, spent, the week-end in Listowel and Stratford. Mrs. Raymond Elliott and Miss Florence Fowler spent the week-end in Toronto. Donald Robertson is spending this 'Week in Toronto. A large crowd attended the auction sale of farm stock and implements of Peter S. MacEwcn, second con­ cession, Turnberry ,on Thursday af- ternodn. Mr. MacEwen’s stock was in prime prices. Will Be Held I,n BRUSSELS TOWN HALL Fri. Eve., March 12 Under Auspices of West Group of W. A. United Church. If possible, contestants please file their applications with Mrs. Elston Cardiff not later than March 10th. PRIZES: 1st $10.00; 2nd $5.00; 3rd - 5th $1.00. ADMISSION — 25 and 15c. Journal read by Wilson Woods. The music for the dance that followed was furnished, by Mr. Chester Taylor and by Messrs. Henry and Hackett. The Hustlers, with Dick Weather­ head as Captain, had charge of the meeting of the Y.P.U. on Sunday ev-. ening. Mrs. Earl Durnin read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. John Cam­ eron told the story of Samuel. The topic “The Acts and the Epistles”, was taken by Mrs. Ramage after which a discussion was led by Mr. Mochrie. Laurene Miller contributed' a piano sole and Mrs. E. W. Rice a vocal - Minutes of Council meeting, Morris held in the Township Hall on Monday February 15, 1937. Members all present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Council decided that tobacco should not be an item in relief bills. A bill was received’from the De­ partment of Health asking for the municipality’s share for Insulin for the quarter $6.83 which was paid. The auditors presented their report which shows the municipality’s fin­ ances satisfactory, no debts and a substantial cash surplus. The report was accepted as read , The road superintendent was ap­ pointed to attend the annual meeting of the Highways officials at Toronto. Accounts Paid Department of Health $6.83; Alvin Smith, acc. relief $4,37; Brussels corp- j oration, relief $6.80; Auditors each $20.00; Mrs. A. H. McNeil, nursing $12.25; Mrs. J. P. Riley, nursing $5.25; D. W. Tavish, acc. relief $18.46; Baek- er Bro., acc. relief $1.45; Allan Oakley, relief $10.00; Walton Library grant i $5.00; Board of Health, Peter Mc- | Nab, L, E. Cardiff each $3.00; Dr. Stewart $20.00 Next meeting, March 15. A. MacEwen, Clerk. Spring Showing Of Men’s Suits and Topcoats this week. NEW CLOTHS— DISTINCTIVE STYLES KING'S SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of S. S. No. 11, East Wawanosh for the months of January and' February. Honours 75%. Pass 60%. Sr. IV—Martha Smith 74.5%. • Jr, IV—Dorothy Pattison 68.9%. Jr. Ill—Gwendolyn Irwin 75.4%; Ruby Smith 6.9,7%. I—Florence Smith 99%; Audrey Irwin .96%; Jack Shiell and Elmer Shiell 95.3% ((equal), January .spelling prize was won by Audrey Irwin. February Jack Shiell. Number on the roll 8. Average at­ tendance 6,7, Jessie Finlayson, teacher. For almost an hour the fussy wo­ man had been badgering the shop as­ sistant without making a purchase’ from the many fabrics shoiyn. At last she said—“After allv I want muslin,” “You most certainly do, madam,” the shop assistant agreed fervently. number. BELMORE condition and brought BELGRAVE good i Farmers’ Club March 9th The Belgrave Farmers’ Club hold its March meeting at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Procter on Tues­ day evening. March 9. Besides the business part of the meeting there will be a debate “Resolved that rural Hydro holds a higher position with the Ontario Farmer than the auto.” All interested in the problems of the farmer arc invited to attend. Please bring sandwiches. will C. R. Coultes and Cecil Wheeler spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. Sackrider of Kirkland Lake a visitor with relatives here,is Institute Euchre and Dance A very pleasant time was spent Friday night when a Euchre and Dance was sponsored'by ’ the Wom­ en’s Institute in the Forester’s Hall. The first part of the evening was spent in playing cards. The winners were: Mrs. Wilbert Procter, ladies, first prize; and Herb. Wheeler won the gents’ high prize. Consolation prizes won by Freda Jordan and Nqr- man Keating. Lunch was served by the ladies and this was followed by dancing. Jackson’s Orchestra furnish­ ed the music. ST. HELENS on MissMrs. Robinson Woods and Irene Woods of Waterloo were week­ end visitois with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Murdie, Toronto. ' Mrs. E. J. Thom and Miss Jean Thom spent the week-end in Toron­ to a guest of the former’s brother, Mr. John Miller and Mrs. Miller. Born—In West Wawanosh, Mon­ day, March 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Swan, a suit, Although the attendance was small an enjoyable time was spent at the Social Evening under the auspices of the Women’s Institute on Friday. Mrs. W, A. Miller presided over the interesting program consisting of musical selections by Messrs. George Henry and Mr. Alex. Hackett; read­ ings by Marie and. Iona Swan, songs by Margaret and Marie Aitcheson, Marie Swan and Dorothy Webb; a mouth organ selection hy John Prit­ chard, accordion music by Mr. Geo. Henry, a solo by Miss Vera Taylor, a dialogue hy Cynthia and Silas ( Mrs, K, W. Ride and Iona Swan), and a SCHOOL REPORT The terian party, their guests, the young people of Teeswater and Whitechurch. Refresh­ ments were served of the Community The Missionary United Church was afternoon at the home of Eleanor and Minnie Jelfray. 12 in attendance with Mrs. Raynion as organist. Meeting opened with singing and prayer, Mrs. Arthur Fitch read from the Study Book, and Mrs. Mulvey gave a paper. A~reading by Mrs. Roy Rutherford, and in conclusion, prayer by Mrs. Metcalf. Mrs. Thos. Appleby of Glenannan is paying a visit to her sisters, Miss Hannah and Mary Stokes, The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid is quite low with Pneumonia. Others on the sick list are: Mr. Mc­ Neil; Mrs, Baier and Ronnie; Bruce Rutherford; Mr, Wm. Weir and Lawrence, all with the “Flu.” Young People of the Presby- Congregation gave a skating Tuesday evening, having for in the basement Hall. meeting of the held Wednesday U.S.S. No. 8, Turnberry and Morris January Report: Pupils were ex­ amined in Writing, Composition, His­ tory and Arithmetic. Number indi­ cates percentage of total possible. Sr. IV—Helen Walker 84, Lloyd Elliott 83, Dorothy Elliott 80, Pearl Walker 66. , Jr. IV—Isobel Miller 90, Helen Mc­ Michael 78, Joe Walker 72. Jr. Ill—Emma Walker 58. II—Dorothy Walker 81, Edna Wal­ ker 74. Primer—Barbara Foxton, Good.- February Report: Pupils were 'ex­ amined in Reading, Memory Work, Grammar, Agriculture, Spelling, Sr. IV—Dorothy Elliott 86, Helen Walker 85, Lloyd Elliott 84, Pearl Walker 72. Jr. IV—Helen McMichael 90, Is­ obel Miller 90, Joe Walker 81. Jr. Ill—Emma Walker 59. II—Dorothy Walker 86, Edna Wal­ ker JI. Primer—Barbara Foxton,' Good. E. Jean Webster, Teacher. Minerals Vitamins Delicious Flavour THE PERFECT BREAKFAST CEREAL 2 lbs IA Natural Healthful Ingredients Prompt Delivery Ed. Mrs. ASHFIELD James Cook and son,John, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. Charlie MacDonagh, and other relatives. Mrs. Sam Sherwood and Earl spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ritchie, 12th con. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morrison and son, Gordon ,spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Alton, 10th con. Miss Myrtle Johnston, near Cour- ey’s Corners, is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Arthur Cul- bert, south of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter and their uncle, Mr, Albert Helm, spent a* day recently with their relatives near Tiv­ erton. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Hall, near Mafeking, spent a day last week with his brother, Mr. Tom Hall, of Kin­ cardine. Messrs. Elliott Sandy and Adam Johnston spent the week-end in Tor­ onto. 1 MORRIS Mrs. Roy Seller's spent the week­ end with friends in Preston. Miss Maud Hamilton visited with friends in Turnberry over the week­ end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Bosman spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. El­ don McKinney and Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ chie McKinney of Toronto. Mr. John Messdr visited with his son and daiightet-in-law In Toronto. Mrs, and Mrs. Chris. Hetherington visited with Mr, and Mrs, Leslie He­ CONTAINING— FLAKED YEAST MALTED MILK FLAX SEED Combined with Whole Wheat, Wheat Germ, and Minute Bran. YOU WILL LIKE IT— ASK YOUR GROCER, u Phone 161FOR SHOP AT Smith’s Economy Food Store AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY PEAS, 2 Tins 25c Size 4’s The following is the . report of S. S. No. 9, Turnberry, for the month of January and Febrlary. Pass 60%, Plonors 75%. Jr. IV—Fiances Powell 69, Edward Powell 68. Sr. Ill—Alice Howes 82, Glenn Wylie 81, Mary Powell 78. Jr. Ill—John Howes 74, Clarence Henning 59. Sr. berta Choice EVAPORATED APRICOTS ................ 23c Choice Meaty, Large Size PRUNES............. 2 Lbs. 25c Fresh Australian Seedless RAISINS .................2 Lbs. 25c ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER 15c lb Tin Lb. Choice EVAPORATED PEACHES .......... 21c Lb. HALLOWI DATES ............ ROWNTREE’S BULK COCOA.......2 Lbs. 25c DALTON’S VANILLA EXT. 15c 8 oz. bot. 2 Lbs. 19c WESTON’S FRESH GINGER SNAPS .. 10c Lb. Pr. (promoted to First)—Gil- Howes 82. Alberta M. Shiell, Teacher. BLYTH A number of^our citizens attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Dan Ged­ des at Wingham on Sunday. Mr. R. D. -Philp has been confined to his home owing to blood poisoning in his hand. Miss Edith Lockhart is taking charge of the drug store. Inspector John Hartley paid his of­ ficial visit to the public school, and was highly pleased with the standard' of efficiency he found in the teach­ ing staff, also the status of the pup­ ils was highly commendable-. Our Postmaster, Mr. Bert Tasker, was taken to Seaforth Hospital an appendicitis operation. c EAST WAWANOSH Mr. Stewart McBurney attended convention in Toronto last week. While there he took the flu so was unable to return home until Monday. Mrs. Herson Irwin and Jimmy spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and family spent Sunday with the latteris parents, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, St. Helens. W.M.S. of Brick Church are hav­ ing a work meeting at the home of Mrs, Thomas Irwin onB Thursday, March 4th, Al! members are request­ ed to be present Mrs. George Coultes spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs, John Gaunt, Whitechurch. Smith’s Four O’Clock Blend TEA ................... 45c Lb. Dalton’s O.K. Jelly Powders All Flavors .......... 5 Pkgs. 25c Polks or Dixie Dainty Grape- Fruit Juice..... 18 Oz. Tin 15c Clover Leaf Red Cohoe SALMON .— Large Tin 25c TUNA FISH FLAKES................2 Tins 25c BUTTERNUT PEANUT ' BUTTER ............... 2 Lbs. 25c Dalton’s Fresh Ground French Drip COFFEE 35c Lb. Kellogg’s ALL BRAN, with Mixing Spoon ... 22c large pkg. TOMATO JUICE, AU Kinds 10J4 Oz. Tins....... ......5 for 25c MAPLE LEAF TOMATOES 2 Large Tins_ _________ 25c Tip Top Prue Orange MARMALADE 2 Lb. Jar 25c GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. for 53c with $1.00 Order LIBBY’S PORK Arid BEANS .... 28 Oz, Tins FRESH TEXAS NEW CARROTS-----2 Bunches 17c Choice Seedless GRAPEFRUIT POTATOES 15 Lb. Peck .... 5 for 25c . 2 for 21c Choice CALIFORNIA LEMONS .......... 39c Doz. Nice Juicy Navel ORANGES ... 35c and 45c Doz. Firm and Hard Cooking ONIONS .......... 10 Lbs. 19c-.... 29c YOU NEEDa GLASSES! If your eyes smart or pain, if you, have headaches, if print blurs, or you carynot see to sew dr read properly. Complete eyesight service is right here at your very door. Have your eyes examined! R. A. REID Stratford’s Leading Optometrist for 18 Years At William** Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to Noon. Phone 5W for* Appointment.