HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-03-04, Page 7Thursday, March 4th, 1937 GORRIE weeks wish friends -iw1 When Ruber: Wadiuw Ill., celebrated his 19th birthday was eight feet six inches tall ; weighed 435 pounds. His father, 1 Mrs. McLean and small son, Wing­ ham, were guests last week of her friend, Mrs. W, Wright- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright, of Elora, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ashton. The members of the Evening Aux­ iliary are entertaining their husbands and friends at a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Steph­ ens on Monday evening, March Sth. Mrs. Robert Hastie, of Toronto ar­ rived on Saturday and is spending some time with her son, Mr. Kenneth Hastie and Mrs. Hastie, Miss Ruth Heinmiller spent the week-end with relatives in Windsor. Miss Isabel Earls of near Wrox­ eter spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Hastie. Mrs. W. C. King and Mr. Harry King spent the week-end with the latter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest King in Detroit . Miss Dorothy Heinmiller spent the week-end with relatives in Detroit. The March meeting of the Gorrie Branch of the Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday next at the home of Mrs. Wilford King, with Mrs. Alex. Edgar Jr. in charge of the pro­ gram. Roll Call—A Household Hint. Mrs, Leslie Earl of Ethel, Mrs. Patrick, of Brussels, and Mrs. Flock­ hart, of Sault Ste. Marie, spent last week with the former’s father, Mrs. R. S. Clegg. Miss Maude Higgins has returned to Wingham, after visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Gallaher and Mr. Gallaher for the past couple of weeks. The sympathy of friends in this community is extended to Mrs. Mc­ Millan and family of Listowel in the loss of a husband and father, Rob­ ert McMillan, who passed away at his home on Sunday night last. The fun­ eral to be held on Thursday after­ noon of this week. Mrs. McMillan also lost her father, Mr. McGrath, by death two weeks ago. TALLEST BOY, EIGHT FEET SIX INCHES IN HEIGHT AT NINETEEN s are ni-rmal;; 19. The pictures here show, (1a Rob- brother and sisters. (3) The cei ht, as were also^ert with a group of tall Texan music- of the Wadlc-w home is just a fex ■ifontally and emotion- ians, desmmstrarijag hwv he would inches ab >ve R bert's head. Here h ■ » be a normal b:y e-f -day a ba>.- viri. (2fi Robert with h:> is shown steeping to pass trader a SALEM Mr.. Walter Bush from near Wrox- eter spent tire week-end with Mr. awd H Mrs. Edwin Fateew Mfes Hrieo Lsngtey has gene spend a few Tcmato, Mr. Edwin Wein, Mr.. W. Palmer, Mrs. W. H. Dane and Miss Mil­ dred Dane attended the funeral last Thursday ©f their c©«ssn, Mr. Harry Melvin, wtfo lived near T-eeswater. Mr- and Mrs. Jehu Gowdy spent last Sunday afiernosn with the lafo tetr's brother, Mr. David Vogats, cd Mofesworifo Mr. and Mrs, A. E. GaMser spent; last Sunday with the latter’s broth-’ er, Mr. Wm- Jacques and Mrs. Jac­ ques, of Lakelet locality. The Literacy’ held fo the Union. School last Friday night was well attended. AB those present report a good programme. The flu and grippe have been very prevalent around here lately. All the sick ones have fully recovered, we are glad to state. St. Stephen’s W. A. The W.A. of St. Stephen’s Church are meeting on Thursday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Geo. King to prepare for their sale -of work, and also baking which they are holding in the Orange Hall one week from Saturday, March 13th. Mrs. Wtn. Bell of Kurtzville, spent the week-end, Monday and Tuesday, with her mother-in-law, Mrs. J. Bell, who, we are glad to report, is pro­ gressing favorably after her attack of bronchitis, and hopes to be up in an­ other week. McMillan or Listowel; and three sxns, Mr. James McGrath of Toronto; Mr. Joe McGrath of Gorrie and Mr. Wm. McGrath of Herschel. Sask. Deceas­ ed are Nelson McGrath and Eva Mc­ Grath, R.N. The funeral was held on Monday, Feb. 22, at one o’clock from the residence of his son-in-law, Mrs. R. McMillan, Listowel, followed by public service in St. Stephen*s Ang­ lican Church, Gorrie, at three p.m. Rev. A. H. O’Neil assisted at the house by Rev. W. E. Kelley, conduct­ ed the services. The pallbearers were Messrs. H. V. Holmes, Norman Wade, Samuel Stinson. John Dinsmore, Hartwell Strong and James. Edwards, and burial was made in Gorrie etery. Richard McGrath Dies in Listowel The death of Mr. Richard McGrath occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert McMillan, on Saturday, Feb. 20, 1937, at the advanced age -of ninety-two. Deceased was born Dec. 4th, 1895, in Ireland, province of Quebec, called Lower Canada, and came to Howick Township at the age of eight years. He worked three years river driving in Wisconsin, later con- -ducting a hotel in Gorrie. He also ran a livery barn here, later going in­ to the machine agency. For over *30 years he was village policeman here, retiring at the grand old age of 85. Mr. McGrath was a member of First Baptist Church in Howick, the first service being held in their own home. Following the death of his wife in November, 1935, he went to Listowel •arid since has resided with his dau­ ghter, Mrs. Robert McMillan. Three ■daughters survive, Mrs. Alex, Scott, Fiske, Sask.; Mrs. John Brownrigg, Edmonton, Alta., and Mrs. Robert 1 “HITCH-HIKING ROUND THE WORLD'' THE TOLL BROTHERS Eight ’round the world these two University of Toronto boys thumb­ ed their way-one full year—twen- ty-seven countries—30,000 miles— and their transportation bill was just $75.00 each, Their remarkable travelogue, telling the story of the trip in pictures, will be given m Wroxeter United Church Wednesday, March 17th at 8 p.m. Adults 25c. Children 15c. Sponsored by the Triple V, Class. realize rirat fifty diphtheria wiped cut while families in a very short period ©f rinser Like a plague it swept through many towns and villages, leaving death in its trail, and very i little could fee done about it. Today f most towns and cities are practically i free fr©m diphtheria. This dramatic I change in the picture is largely due Ito the development of diphtheria tox- I* oid, which prevents the disease in children and adults. The giving of the diphtheria toxoid produces no - discomfort. I Another disease which in the past | has caused disfigurement and death gis smallpox. Today st is practically 5 unheard of in this esuntry. This S state of affairs again, is due to the | widespread use of vaccination against | the disease. Diphtheria toxoid and I vaccination against smaffippx have J prevented two cf the worst plagues | of mankind and all parents should | have their children protected against these diseases.- | There are other c^ntagfous. diseas­ ed and fort?- '€8 which altueugh not absdutoly pra­ se ©tmed ■- rentable, i.ke d:; can be nridsfie-; treatment. -The es of rite latte: er, measles Contrary to idea, that ad diseases and the fact that 1 prove mc-si useful as they launch -tut-ary College, Guelph, spent the week- to Turnbersy Si years ago “squat- -IiTk their cwn.*' |esd with m? parents, Mr. and Mra. ■, ring”, as the term used in pioneer t| Miss Beulah Ashi-m, of Tc>rcmto,| Thomas Brown ^days, after telling a tree, and mak- J played wedding music as each bridal I Mr. Jim Hesnbly of the Bank rifoi ing a fire, covering himself with his and Sault Ste. | couple was brought in; Harry Johns-1 Commerce staff, is ca-.nSned to his i, blanket, and the heavens for a roof I ton and Leland Ashton made the pre-bed with iciness. over his head, slept feis first peaceful | seatatfons. $ Miss Isohel Milligan is quite ill at K sleep m this community, no doubt to | The remainder of the evening was “ her home. p the accompaniment of the baying or | spent in music, speeches, etc, Mr. A. ji Mr. Orris. Wingham, is visiting :----’—’ ■’ s’—— —’ — regular meeting of the A.Y.pjMk Wright, of Elora, acting as chair-? with his sister. Mrs. Breckenridge and ” Mr. Breckvnriege. i! Dr. MacLead i> ill at his home here ■’with a nurse in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf, Glenannan, " were Sunday guests cf Mr. and Mrs. 4 H. J. Wylie. 0 George McKee and W. J. Gallaher. I As well as from ike imntedi- e....T«r!Bm»»#v. friends were present Wingham, Bfeevaie, Brussels, P<v>mtac, Mich., wed as th"-$ I ate c -mmunity, rr I from Wing ham, Ethel, Marie. s A. Y. P. A The A. was held ora Wednesday evening y£a2Ii- last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.!! V. HoSmua with a good number pres- .*< ent. The president, Miss Ivy Lawrence | presided for the “Literary Program,” which was prepared by Mrs. McIn­ tyre, Mrs. O'Neil and Mr. Clifford Dodds. Poem were read by Jean Vitiie and Ida Ritchie. A splendid paper was WROXETER I I Mr 1 visit© G. A. Gibson was a Tt>rontofi last week. -.j 1 Mr. Tas. Hem'blv is at present ©on- ;i... , , , „ . . rtJ sines, to tne house suitermg trow I bronchitis. | Mr. T. G. Hemphill suffered pain- it nrepared and given bv Mrs. Melnivre, ■* fol injuries as the resul- vf a fall -■; n " |giving a synopsis of Charles Dickens ’* foe steps <•.f hss h-me last Wednes- | beck, “A Tale &s Tiro Cities? ' •? day wsdfo resulted in a fractured • | Harold Kina gave an interesting ■,; knee-cap aiad t: ru ligament-. -T foe . t account of “Current Events” and Mr Ji ankle. He wa- taken to ListoweF I Clifford Dodds gave a comic reading.»Hospital where it was necessary to;i o-f “Aufowrs and Books’’ it have both lags put in easts. His many' ©nductcd by Mrs. Norman AYade ! friends wfofe him a speedy rec<-very. of Beano, Bean- ?! Mr. and Mre. Verne Denny an-I ■; s Bags and a potato game were enjoyed. :■ faintly m-'wed their u-vuse-hMd effects. ’;A bfluntiftd lunch was served at thcria-t week to the hjuse vacated last ?. cfese. • summer by Mr. JR. G. Gibsan. •! An exciting game e-f kcckey was played cn Wednesday evening at the ■ Serai rink wfeeia L:?towel and Wrc-x- s Jeter played, with the s<rore resulting 11-7 m far-j-r tt Vi'roxeter. Anrs-fot.r troakey game was played here Friday stigl.? when hferdwich and., Wr-uxetor Juniors met, the Fordwich team winning 6-1. Mr. and Mrs .Percy Rogers .-. t De- ■ J- tr-eit, spent the week-end at the h-Me 1 of th< latter’s mother* Mrs. George when y Fatwiin, wro returned fos Detroit with • n fom-them and wffi spend a couple et ‘ •sembled >( weeks tsaerc. Mr. Ifobti McAifoter of Grey Twp.., Ijealfed t<tu friends fo town Sunday ii afters .-.on. Mrs. Sangster is at present spend­ ing a few day- with friends near1: Ethel. * Miss Mary IV pe is at present stay-b ang with Mrs. Wm McKerfoer. wfec-’- is net enj eying g.. ;.d health. Mr. KennetSa Edgar, whe> teaches C"<gratu?a-jj ® Gray Twp.» spent last week at fos!. fee home, his being ek-sed en ae- r w wedding. |i Ct a«t ef measfes and Eu. « tor, 1S.CY, j-. j. * May you hve to enfoy ntamy mere re-[i Mas- Jessie Stracnan. of near Brus-i; wa- service was held in Gorrie United«turns of this date. I| refe, ns I Yen, Untie Hilt, have always tak-^P. L.----- . en a kindly interest in foe whsle Ash-1 this week. ton c&ffinec»i©n. se> we are glad tojt Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hainstock ©fj have an ’’Dppprtunsty showing eur| Fotdtvach, also Mr. Wtn. i». Hainstetkl apprecjaifon. And yeau Aunt Birdie, jj enf bbaunasvm, bask., were guests ©f have long since endeared yourself to|D. S. and Mrs. MacNattghtcn flnj all of us threngb ysu kindly genet- 0 Thursday oi last week. | ©us disposition ; Friends ©f Rev. A. L. Sanders ©nJ We Itopedhat this family gathering ■■ Brantford, will regtet to team that ' no ___ — —- —/will add to ths ---------- .IL J-.-.,' -’„"*** - s-~-- — w. _ _ the room of Peace waiting for p and ask yon to accept this small tok-'j mobile accident of some weeks ago, deep regret we part with such a good 1 " * ’ “ * * ‘ i - he has bees given four weeks leave of jjjg2g|jbr»r and citiaen. As Mr. Mc- absence,. Dr. Charles Collins will take J gvran has disposed of his farm to Mr. Andrew Adams, a prosperous and highly esteemed young man ©f the same township, avbo is now in pcs- sessfoti of 490 acres. Mr. McEwan’s father, foe late James McEwan came OBITUARY CeES- Mrs. Richard Clegg Following an illness of a f« with pneumonia, the death of Mrs. Richard Clegg occurred at the family s • residence in Gorrie on Fridas’, Feb. h c"-’i3Le-J 19th. The late Mrs. Clegg, whosew,a> c”‘ , maiden name was Mars- Pyke, was ■ aE'e‘1 •4S?4- uamc- born in Gorrie in September, 1S64, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.« Edward Pyke. On May 20th, 1891, j she was married to Richard Clegg. ■ After living for Some years vn a farm south of Gorrie, they moved to the farm on the 12th concession of' Howick, now occupied by their son, / Delbert. Seven years ago they retir­ ed and moved to Gorrie. Left to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother, are her husband, two sons, Vernon, of Pontiac, Mich., and Del- • bert of Howick, and one daughter, * Mrs. Leslie Earl, of Ethel. He is al- , so survived by three sisters, Mrs. R..| event last Patrick, of Brussels; Mrs. J. W. But- ’’ members g. tew ■fira' centered to the house is raw improving. Mr. and Mrs. bfofoe: ily have nr wed into the ran: by Mrs. B. Wade and lately vacated by Mr. Geo, Gallaway. GORRIE COUPLE 25 YEARS MARRIED Their Son, Lloyd, and His Bride, Showered at Same Function.fl: The home cc Mr. and Mrs. Hilt;; Ashton was tire scene of a happy jj Monday evening , ______, _ _ . , ____... .. .f the several Ashto ! ton, Fordwich; and Mrs. D. Flock- aud thair c©nnecti©>as a- hart of Sault Ste. Marie; a brother, f e^ramem^ratc the Silver Wedding '< William Pyke, died on February 1st,'1 Anniversary of the h©st and hostess, ; this year. >!i also fointly. to fec-aor their son, Lfoyd, I The late Mrs. Clegg was highly es-jjar.d his bride of a few weeks. teemed by all who knew her as a kind.; Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Sr., were pre- ' friend and neighbour and for her sented with a. set of dishes accom- I sterling Christian character. She was i! paused by the folSowmu address, read S . . . , -ir-.il__si.*!', r-.. ii I •a consistent member of the Methodist ;j by Bertram Ashto-n: i: and later of the United Church, and,|Drar Uncle Hilt and Aunt Birdie: jj an active member of the W.M.S. r The Ashtons, in canclave as-t-mb-J | The funeral was held cm Monday,fed. wish to extend Shear c-nuratma- h ' Feb. 22nd, when a short service was,! fc, y-m on the ■.•ccasipn cc «he| " conducted al the home of her pas- •! 25th anniversary ©r y©ur wedding.!! ' tor, Rev. 1% J. Fydelt The public« Maj* you to enfoy many more re-1! ’ Church, where a large number assem-» Ygu, Uncle Hilt, have always tak* ■bled to pay a last tribute -of respect| ■In this service the pastor was as-| 1 sisled by Rev. J. W. Button. Mr. Fy- > riell took for his text, Revelations 14: ■13, from which he brought a very ’ comforting message. He speke M ! Mrs. Clegg as one who had lived with J tier life facing the southern window J ’of God’s love and who at jhe efldj • lay in t Women’s Insritute The February meeting t: :*:e W I. was hetfl cn mwsday ct tast week at the o: Mrs. Robert Stecks. Tto president. Mrs. Adams, presided and eperiJ the meetmg with the Ode LdL-wed by the Lord's Frayer tn tmisin. The m tt for the day was given by M -s. Alvin Moffat. The RcB Call—Sing. Blaj. Say ©r Pay, bto.ugh: a splendid response- os ch-rice verse, C'itotati'.ins and Irr-usehrid hints. C. m- tmttt’ty smging was enjoyed. Mrs, M. Seifers had charge ■'.*f the T:p*c "The Value ©f Fs-h in Out Diet'* giving many facto <*f the vitamin value and afe© various way* <4 serving tins fine Canadian A s ocial Lals bt-ur enfojeri when the hostess as-ist- .. a guest M her c-usin, Mrs.^ed by Mr-- Selk-r-. served dainty re- P. S. MacEwen and Mr. MarEwenjlfrashmento fetheria and smallpox, 1 and in some cases early recognition and most serious diseas- rroup are scarlet Sev­ an 1 wheopiug cough, foe generally accepted children devefep these recover from them,, is death < ccurs from all three in certain infants and y-sung children. Fneumsnia following meas­ les and whooping cough is often a cause of death. Remembew me-foera, your infant er young child may be cue e-f foe fess fo-rtuuate and develop cusspljcan. as :rcn: scarlet fever, measles and wk .roping cough, which, may cause Ffe-lcng diseases or death. Never alkw y»?ur child to be expos­ ed tr © maefous disease with the ex­ cuse that hi wh* get them gsEEetime anyway. The family physician shouM always be c.nsult d when any suspicion is aroused that a c.ntagicus disease has attacked ytur child. The physician will be able either to prevent these diseases «r mediiy their severity by early treatment. Questions concerning Health, ad* dressed 1? the Canadian Medical As* sociati'tt. 1$4 Cilkge St., Toronto^. ill be an-wered personally by tetter*:a* Alma Durst for Korea, '-alien for Iud:a and Tv-rune r-r Jaj-an. Mass Hariewyol. <*-■ iry of ‘The Bible Jesus ind its language, illustrating ■’.ring -specimens of the earily '’tar Indian peeple. Thelma aroympamed by Miss K. The auetirn safe of Peter S. Me-Haalewo. d. saner very sweetly *'H1 Ewan on. reb 25th passed ©If ufuite ■' Btrild My Castles in Heaven." The successfully, splendid crowd, and fM Leader then fold the story ©f ‘The day ail that could be desired. Mr. I* Path that was Taboo”, describing how, McEwan has been noted for his fme|a little African girl overcame a sup- u Hairing Ottf factory etjtdpjied with the ms nasinuty gauwvaMMjg■■ imohu—---- -----»stock and formmg abiisty, hence the} Measure of this day, ■' ©wing to illness arising frem an auto- ^5 a gcod one. But it is with w Magistrate—“When were y©u b©m? N© reply. Magfetrate—-Tud ysu hear what I edr When is 3 our birthdayr" Pris -ue*—d© t* care* Yott aren’t grinr t© give me anything? MONUMENTS at first cost .jay in -------— -----------------------------------------------------_— the daybreak A solo *'Good Night | en of the esteem in which we hold | and Good Mottling” Was sung by 'Mrs. i| you both? Kaine. The flower-bearers were, Af*u Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton were ’ nold and Chester Earl, Cecil Lynn | then asked to come forward (amidst and Clifford Pyke. The pallbearers y a shower <of confetti) and were the 'were; Messrs. W. H. Gregg, Russell|recipients of a deluge cf miscellan- Graingcr, A. E- Toner, George Dane, I ecus articles, which will doubtless s Kainc. The flower-bearers were, Ar-charge ©f St Andrew’s United Church during this time. Alex.’s many friends hops be will soon regain his health. Mr. Gee. Brown, Ontario Veterin- As Mr. Mc- ersrittsn. After she minutes were reach most modem machinery for the exe- and discussed the meeting closed with j| a hymn and the Mirpah benediction repeated in ttnisom Mrs. Murphy (concluding an argu­ ment): ‘Every time I feck at you, Mrs. Patrick, I feel Fm dpifig foe government out ©f the entertainment tax? >; to see the largest display* of mofttt*. merits of any retail factory in Ontario. |’r All finished by sand blast machines. |l We import all our granites from the | Old . Country quarries direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal­ ers’, agents’ and middleman .profits by seeing us. £ X Skelton & Son at West End Bridge^WAtM^RtON