HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-12-22, Page 3•••••••••••••••••• • a light buuUual i and sunt° tridwg allele bele I RATS RILL OS Fess SC11uol.a..—II C.4). L. fl/'t„ re•r. •,•.; °.inn',n For the .`,'ytnal. r31f1. .._ - I• .1 use day miming, be was aluutr with terata Y WP whil,h bit dit,ea d hs W'rruw •l ,ua CIjLiT(1' LI BITIOII" Ax ODD 01 On th. Nth uPtw !, of I' rt. Albert, nett. , 1. L E A locked up In a dark cellist 'Ilse ehildry 1 will beo seen b our report or the rwtued• T E Curried. GuJenicb, Emmeline, second dw,bur'uf the r' were much alarmed i and all were let uut with lugs of the leaf meeting of tlw Town moved twit eseondeJ, rhrt the thanks, of Tt•xe-l" Fur a. :kw uad a"fAoAt." Iran Captain kubert lhway, Halal fYr1.' m ' Illy T- „1 the exception of this pour bur, who waw de. CouuCtl that it was resolved to tike a vol ,ljpls real • M tfude d to the wnwl era til Mined uutd past wiluiyht 111e became from ,l TThhtunr odor 6r nee unbuu,Jud h 1' . , hospi. Herrrdl we. Write a loss way o1, • of the rate -payers at the ensuing clue - time °•aunt rud melauchuly i and souka shy in ena•rla tit 1M members of the ode erne. to 'haute' ocean ; • THE MARKETS • late • state of lesewibility, from which he tion iu order to rsoortaiu whether or not County Lod r 13,.,:,1 Hers lerh.plate very poor indeed; r will never recover. The musing article wag a raft: -bill eheidd be int d tb Bru \Y lhck. AI, I'. 1) , ie w very neat ' •rt,•a. u' to fatal o'110.111:11, . ' 1 —TOLL GATE& pose , or e toned un the following morning esculpauug - she'll ammonites* ash and 'we'll w(ueuuua *let, Guueur'u, lose." 1U, 1`+,.I. spreeb eulu r +ti ,P R.i (ray "mored, MCuw beau charged.-- J.X. l'up•r. l •tall, that the utmost rote the Huard of 'o. l uw,aww shell aiue,0ue. hrnl t., woad wu. a sheep. P d iufunuetiou of our readers it ie ro to Me buy from the guilt with which be had P lam, ed b Ir fu:4p o. u.` NOt1('1:IS11i:1t1 fl t :11:ST11AT Dung 1111.: 0 nu C. M.- RUE AN 4rrlil Pens ... ... . ..1!:vu 'r 'tri' " l)F Fh A'Tt:3, of rvaa'v rarirlr. uvinrnd Iuls ('. 'mt. su.r. ar • J'1.1.1.•AN ICOMPLI•a1. I h ' 1'ufk'.... • 0.1N1 t0 ,.:A ;le f)ytv t a4d I+e.t uaW odoK'd, a11.1 Ifou1 the , wt ,eleb(au•d uat!.eo, Bxf, 4 • .vllra•Uou ,.t fumlAi ' li .V Silt: .1 l'ulYins reek ua;, t U:;lis ,[ / T1' /'' D L + •+' 17.'rar, r du 0 :,: U: Uh,t t]itl.t. _ tom* —' _.•_`1.. `. Mibi rower OF VaD L1.LVL• iic'cnsr }I pair 0:220 (,i' 0:00 1)ukf, do 1111U:UU .l0 0.'t'' Ilook , s SL.I . I ,i.mps. Alw, Y the 1Y 1.!, o It 11• I Aulest, and •car• And 'wend to whnkey tram two, hell Attest,. t tis 0- 10 11 u WOOD WANTED Truoteen is empowered to impose is 25ets 'That this .• I.,• (s0ylut adjourn without Lid rat te!nary haulst rx• p,cvrw4 n yll IarUfO moat .-110. h o,a•0en rrurLentlu r (ureter fur each pupil relent/41g the Hr, pram- .1 nen° will' w nrtlrj, ' per I !' l t J D d! I Y he u about to `Parties whu intend pa)leg their oub•crtp- tiose in Cordwood will please bring it un right away. I)ou't bring us a lot of mis- erable kuuti. ' O as °•isle f public oehools. It to estimated that u rate Ivor ad to u dot a I a i (1lontrnal) of the She .ur ly ort to In+0 erre,., of that amount would realise 0700,ur about a"ttrl wit I a 1 ming bilnw!f fore Lang +.nee sera and a' that. 01001401111Ud •url uai,I sphere of 1101400, .ltd one•Ifth of the amount required fur school ,1t this arm' t m• ., ,.',d eapre0r our joy to she'll ervrr'weoI n. ony purposes, and as the burden upon those. bear tbal the °urs Le is about to piss°• is •1'l, warm' In toot t•, reed Lisa; h children d wouldbit me of so oral •o 4 "lure. &resume ttre'a point.. 0l, ,; erg we, • ' - . „ w in t w pro 1•n >lane' s stoat Ler ora-L.,t door, unanimous vote fur the rate bill by all mulgatiou f mr L,ble t(nleri'Guth u O j b 1'n I aid, li Shutt learnt • ,- Am. Weld wu1 GRAND TRIINHa.R. — Ttletlh: TA Ist.L:. 00110 LOST, Uprose dep.-Ila as. Mixed 13 ark 4.30 p.m, 00114 Warr. u Are 4.30paa, Mixed 10,40iai440 having c u en to educate not Also, we could feure to rcknowledde't a Sbc',1 ac\'rr L+rr tr neral hon, 1 very heavy, we think three should be • able .waist Uur br hr+ u'Ir r tyl1rr neighbour Ije lecture: nal primp •crel're 0f.uur means. It it not pnipuoed 10 apply the rlld. . mu t, lei or. that h 11 11 coo• bill, if passed, to the ragged eohool in 5t A d te d th 'la rte d u rent • ar , as o pups a o - n IIg it are geuurally the children of vary poor parents. ' '0. sowed advertisements and other ,tithe bees been crowded out for want of Cr. Attsatioo is directed to th• 'dye, tis - meat el Mr. Lltoek, lois Almanac will be found very cheap sad us•fuL Q} "L." Uido't pt lbs 4etter. TL¢u. Thurady. Oar Morn. story k Davis have open. ed their shop for the title -being iu the old PstutO!IAL.-Wn learn with extreme regret that the members of the Firm of VauEdesy & Numball,•io well kebwo in this town and throughout the oouutry generally, have Weir ooastruiued by the pressure (Atha times to call a meeting of their creditor* wider the Insolvency Act,in order to go through the sad furehula there - 1n provided or. Bard as the current of ercuta,aa',reseed upon •hippos •burin,. (Mtn pas two years, we believe tho firm alluded to would haveweathered ushered tl • at '" tit QId. u ono S OIf -M found in rooms U R} At Trot of t r: }ordon'a law office will be Kay Hloek, where a new eat of being prepared for it. --' tenuon - is directed to the advertise be Townehip 'of tiuderich, r chant bravely had they t t' h extraordi la 1*0 1112 ort nerdy heavy losses, which n0 human fore• sight could have averted. As it is Goderieh must feel their suspension very keenly, r there eau be no doubt that they have Itonu ed aatoAi(1g t rd f l 1 a great deal fur the eowmcree of the place. 0 order o C0ullgt . We trust the firm will yet see the way on Tuesday evening, 13th, Mr. P. sass's I clear fur a teras start amongst those who the w • wt sl, untie t u.e the powers be has received from the Grand Worthy Cbiel above, in aid (dour noble bow. ' Bro Grey res; onded in an affectionate man ser, when it was 1tosulrod,'That IIIo Uauicl Mei an transmit comes -Aid the for.eoiue rrsuletiuu to the Huron Signal, Tree lritoe. Toronto Yfetloe, aril M elt/ee Witness, end slut bre Gray reat•ive a copy of the saute. , lt 4red,'I'bat tM urat'so•et(nd of the (' yJ Degree ledge, and at Valhi', secuod Saturday In March, lobs. at 10 o'clock. - By nnler. 1)AN1M:L M1)IIIAN. Montreal IFitneaw please copy• Muses'', I)ee. 12,--1110 fitted Templar+ of this pl lee, utter a apleted ducua.iun, "'- solved that llurhieb T•sp•raoce hill uf 1464 he eufurced. • rioted br Urulellloran, seconded by W. Hb b; odrsl she'll ori tulc51 a rorht. ' -)1linsug to lallan sires: avi • PII ferry'. tit • I.oatwe m o'er, nu inert rny qugrr, 5J,1 In a greet pig 1 ran e'er she'll saw w r, II, o2'putllw. kwrse ma111 nem: Makes, a every.de& raw limit. s Wel: howbeit. dc; S.,oe holies tyre have Lie pie luau. For what they'll rade 4114.'• wonder, She'll auk there Wane (or ul•k,n duets, And some fur sums wider! What enrols ori croute u' fugw ter there. A twosaud ay aid urorer,., ' a Whet wggorte !Amman,. and rine.' 'fha•y'll °mfrs .,n(cUm-a reset .° er bit til) •hump end fuer. to Keleher volute, Mc. Gerrowf, That this Lade regrew the eon-' Herb honr•heu, kis. .emulated departure of John Grey from mar I eso our aduarotion of 'ranrto'te was midst, and hrrc'uy esp SLegl .a.n ai•t w b his indomite!de teal, uni+eteal bt•nev0leuce And inrgln .umr:mg beim. 1 e nd elnri.iau depot emelt. Ir'si!ing that Trout- Su to Ie ,•onstre o.•I ah[ II mel deuce may 0040 lead L s ',der His 1)., inn And (te't.I W to (((suer, _ :Richt 'wind fere five 1'r■ er (we, ILLE. And safe good deal uges, I1UDGk"11 Got it...ataaea-alert: u tom Iteeld, protetiiuu --Carried. twilit SoNaL-II110wisg that 1"w like to They'll wow' ape a hedges! Notwtthstandm the revere storm 1lev n b. •flan. S:c. sir R beer andithtais of what is going cis in etch: t Ana deplore thet difficulty. rrountlieg meltabfp4 t herewith give She'll gut pew •etc bar Pt:,d; Concert was 11 •(4043010.you a dear •tars 111 • Temperance 1 ep urn present t ream• ller;regale. hen rhr91 re Ler; 'n' St'e'p•° ps n sea 5( tat .h '11 ho •ht, hate Are on lM evade of Thursday. Sib t)ousT for January .is a superb nu' Orsrex 5crrxn.-Mr. Bingham give • Sol'1kt n when the, ll et. re Lar! ber. . .very lady should have it, See members of Union Fire Company So. init.. .ua'!"4 a s10,aefess 1 of the weals N(rt the I be got n w •rise I■w, thele wire o' four speake • present,riz., et, hThe I! call luul rugae and da' sale on first page. 111oorbour-hal it fol 1 an n arise sapper in their 1141 on \\ ed- 11er. \Ir. lai(' 11. MStephen 'visit, Mr. The. 1 .weer u,r)'14 mate •1011 on her. - nt lday eniq;j rapt, After all had par- Alrx. Itir,ibr •rise t ►rad ,lfr. AOdrnw Mo . 11,. Int ewra•r ru wtd iet her I THE COUNTIES COUNCIL' - I taken hear of the good thiuga provided, IWmbeing elected chair • then Het+ h uucharroke. • Wet in the Court lfou•e, Gode,icb, on'Irlsrra-; Capt. Cuwruii • took the chair, when the introducedl t,objrrtof the meeting, nr -h, 4ty Int. We will publish the proceedings I Usual loyal and tit r to.istsineVis proposed i(1 our next.and duly responded • . Th‘ worthy host , wa(1 not forgotten, o , urse. M r, 11 'n 0)'We ere unformed that a was out on; kiudueu was fully spin: .,ted by the \iicr, Jrises Dickson. that mule the blunder about bbuys;”Tube mating Gra cup early Alexander the Gre•t, but a temperance lee• andu1'goodorder. named tl'm Ihclrun. The correspondwho wrist• m our last wielu here kuuw0 TOWN COUiCLL8 h7hn Cauucd had tie . 1 a special meeting 0 r le the G- rund Jury's I'rra tmrnl they 1 Fridge evening !°torso Sfarur'iathe chair. forgot\\\tis notice lint Honor Judge Cowper's II Present --Messrs. Gibbous, Hurton,.Slew edi recumm1tadatiou to inquire into a better Mode ' a t, Moorman, Smith and Longworth, edit,' of payingeCoustabte5. We 11re Informed that - \recant from Mr. Saadi fur 87.U0, beiu4' int ds. 1ka the gentle ieu of the.Greed Jury rt' ret the . hia 'cea I"ur faking up drunken character+ un .," ,,'“,40111.'.. ,rah .e., ' 1 occasions w.orrtasd. Mote ► discus .hu":%I-'" y oar as fpr whether accounts uf this it; uld nut be yid b the Quarter Ses- tehe'0 1• len loot. Nationale fres fleet. b ((iI Id h Itrl'ic wi::d in Gear 0* l)uukru• Su bag', ,bell tole pig wort nn, 'Tfiitttite'gtheetut oduted Nee. Mr. Loge • WtsoOt au II8u(t0I nn, the audieoer rk,; gree several :Pawns w > •(1 toned •+hips bound for Quebec, induced keret eupp ort such steps as A I hk'1 an nlhxnrw,r Ire urces,ar 1 bring the s rid 1t11I in fi a sok- abe'IU travellt fu the *wool tuwushl(s. ' Mr' nal tr+m way. r■d t0o;; Wiles Lely ,•led uu ad lre••rd 1 n Huron's 4lea at1,m, In; tau the e.t.a til In 11Jga• a:iJ shad too. but so, later ptrd'in the cuur baa, \a•. In ,rt.a 10 Piss. 'Brander an • . uir-aesivat . whom s 501• til dlsapp til 1011 ties palled' Novi out she'll went to ' talismans, Ibc .ra••1, • Sir. it .h hiavin, clonedf A firm she'll seek to he 't Len. 001sT'. Mr. Mair ,1454(1 atte.iptrd to t Sbe'II ao be'crreror.beap'r dor. n u•. ••flay or praelically d:wlrrt- rbc'. mi le mean (0 part L,1a '('bl inter ierance. The remarks. ,1 a Id not undersand: tis Itu1 qb ! tr tare+ pr aura pyo. • tag eteepi•d in n Mrt w;(1 , tvautcry, 1.11131. t It■rb' l Ur/rya/tn. lir. Legre t was I titter far lite luelui Lend. Et uruictiun, the meg. :Awe: slicer, wool tatt.e rear llun. ch ibht rev it) tephen meeting ; m-'rrunce, of his re. t3 UD1lratnn. BANTA CL ',try —_e— Iefmtl t:0. -Mr. butler is making kind. preparations t , display a splendid assort- cions. meat of Chrisuue., Toys, &c , Ac., of An se which those who intend filling the stock- Trainer w logs will take Doti See adv. ' A-'eount I to Le paid. Csnp1T*IAs - 1'ttes STN. -Persons wish-! Account of lag to inspect a merit - nt assortment of to Smith's Ta gilt -books, albums. &c., suitable for the ipaid. holidays, will do well to :'ve Mr. Moor. ' With regard to house a call. Ilia mock panned by any retail est Canada. •- EuttietilWB HLvi,w for before us and is a fair number, the majority uf the articles are ea(•ier On mutioe of 1(r than usual. L. N0ott & l.'u., X11 1'., ' , J sol,ed that Cu: nem I.an y t was finally ordered to be paid.' uut of a 5imller nature froom M(. also ordered to be grid: , f Mr. Cut forpriuti'id: ordorel1 slaw ed I 1 e Last Conran :i"Sew ' dons the:ale oat. aural of Mt .int-e•:',Gude'id,. to it resent .0..10.4 as.T. Answer -..f he futber from Grace, (W. M . Hyslop for making a drain. , t _ ry, 93..00' ordered be octrg. - l. he report of the - 14:e 11ri Aber of 6 r.• 0 ennui be aut. g•de ita "111 lb. it Vila nen, ieti that man he peel the sum f 01.re) ober is on chiet eueineer's 'fire two colt+ to subscribe. • [books, head The Town Council met on Fri•lay even. ia order 01 ing, the 9th inst. 'The old returning offi- ken tit oars were re-appettated. Several appeals against the dog tax were reed and rcycercd, and the Council adjourned toad this even -1 , log, wl en the rePort of the Finance Com- • mittee will be read and acted upon. • , Mi" St - it. d•irieg the past the Towns& few days has be., adinirahle and our zits' -suers the passing -o are availing them...Ives of it to bring tiMir Rill, at which rodeo, to ffinrIft. Trade had brightened over the 'ignite let rine o ns it, their n rote of the nitey Alexander rue lareat. in your jowl 'of the Mr: Druukin'e Temp./ran was resold.. In an article of "Perplexity," in the yr, .kof • DEPARTING 414. h ouch e. ordered " ent may be. eke. el 4410 up in the wen' ry eel! ttf Woodland flow'rets, y stones tr *breath to die, mod •st little dwelltug. 1 the ruthiese winter sq. for one ep considerably and thins geaerally wear a I reeort I am reeres nted se sayine that Alex- eruronr of the reporter .1 skt him (Aleaander *Merv. that farmers aye reall'zing a frusripikri: 11 ed,rworiowniltlh,e1eutlipoinsiteth , de, of theahouse, fuel for their surplus comin ydities. Pork, c term 1. a burrito. ally, rules high, the price ranging ' you will euttitte a favor on is a lice in your next A ...... FIRL-Ori Friday night last, by Yeurs truly, •..DICK JON. some means, at present unknown, Mr. Platt's! . cooper shep, near the Mill's Wok tire and was , — List ! 1 hear he wi:d whirs sighine, We understand that the folio comm. - As my he 'hey Mister tier, - horned to the ground. There were in the Manion has been made to the Wa cn of Cr 'Tis the voice riff some osi detret-A • building tome twelve Or thirteen hundred it. ;lig the wail of wnodlani Sow'retit; 0.. Left by summer's breeh to die Ooderich, December lok„ 1864. • broad aud dee.. Lske Huron the North King in his wrath, es 11e, he sorteels dent union the (Wive' drooliag head, re lowly lime cf.] vieltt trumbeed with the dead. ..ty have flown our s;origaters- the 1111:1,1y eolith they tie, forewaru'd by tire Omniscient it the winter deseetheeth. • ny'il come again hispringtime, old winter melts sec, a odor laden brceres nt finished barrels, whicheeegether with all the workman's tools, ;sere destroyed. We are informed that the insurance will neatly corer Mr. Platt s lo Ist Dee., Kohl Gibbous, Esq., Warden of the Cnited Counties of Huron and Bruce: Stn, -I be leave to intimate that own to declining Alt, it is me 1111lent1Oft tO 11-• sign at the January Meeting of Council gie, od upon by John King, Feel., Mngistrite, cif the township f Ashfield, who informs us stein:titan I at present hold et Local Supealle that there is not a single word of truth in the Tuckersmith. and Statiley. 11 u, rig* lit I thiniki gory about a Fenian organisation being in to give this early notice so that those interetti existence in his township. The people are indignant tbat Such a charge should he brought against them. Mr. Kiog further mays be is wiiiing to forwsrd to the utmost of he ability any investigation, that may be in• ary Meeting in the Wesleyan Church on Monday siening, the 12th inst., was very turterteeful tionaidering the storm raging at the time. D. Kerr, jr., Esq., occupied the chair, and interesting addreemea were delivered by Reeds. Mesers. Shaw, Mae. ho Mayoralty may have tone to coneider as to • succce it is tit sot. Meanwhile, I remain. Yours respectfully ! Cornish 0,411 bs, run ou tion to toe montreal lion on WediresMay; t misperance melee liras held here for tha tol of hm heen btu" Dunkin's Bill. The meeting en. yid...," number of men sre bly Brett, Mr. Idrterlain and i.bit wisely 200 horse* nowt In London is glit probable that is to int established elected by &cerium 1 ith. . Louis, from ell an bleed. '44 and wounded, and ules killed. rey. James Orey and W. Iturld remised tleammes is NIA dialogue between drunken father awl • 1° ^"I'Hootod• teetotal son. I). Moran recited the Gambler'. ezr There hat fin bi Wife, when W. Campbell, Eel., rit ned, gee Hath hyo -hon: &o. 1141 then aha i( nlnu,l her iw•ta to cat, ' Au.l cash her (aa to p (y too; Ard .•:ere 101 -a' e' to to ' rth r To tendle Teach end preytow; She'll tout great runtr.,g. or.•'0-road, And lis n Lig Bose non 1 wan, Tl, b.4111 to ricer retie' to pw,dae, o strung .he'll neer, lel: (nen. !Itch l.o.a'I35'., S.' Its. very - rad to I.• great wawa, , tier 1:aqua wt 1..., lent rs'. rl lt(..S It l) 1> 1) 1 a! Public 1t«ctlou q .. • Idiot 1(10 r. el.rotrd 4 ,i. C11""."1 '• • '1 ll`. 11 des (;recti) ":1.011 („ 1:.01 ,4s t 1 tell r . 1111...... O:UU 1 . 0:18 't t t, t‘1":114 r f Z L• (i 3 •% 1 "Z r . P(tutoi:. 1111,... 10:10: t,; 0.:1., CI r".sw 1t 1 S `l. 111. : ,L• •e ti 1 C D h!Z' ` 1 ,• urs tri, ' bt;G'iJs',1122 JJ8s N Dad '2:10 10 0:00 0.0•'' Int 0:11 tl.te to O,Jo 10.00 to 12.Ou :.%U. t0 .LUO Maes ' h .' r Apo..., il..st t flay,';titon Now Fruits for Puddings, /tuts and Viii•,, a ry r Brandies, "Gins, Ates and Porters. 19 TOLL GATES' Ea . , !1Iise, per lord Cl.INrON MAI:IiI•:I'i. (erya,ntJ fprri („r tl,.: Clnt,c 110-. Fall Wheat, %i bushel,,, fn 1-0 ri1 0;s2 Spring 11'hraf, I (011-1... 0.,• Unta...e 030 to 0:110 ' --. OJJ, (,i;. 0:10:, • 010 1,r 1:00. 0.21 11 ) 10:00 nl trued d 0,2::001 0 :1:00• • Birley Pros k'oratinct •v (•y1 tun Pork I'td uec led) !{rel Hide' ....t utter re p.) 0:13 (J dry ` (1:60 ECs(tad•iten)• 0:10 Turk 's, each.. , , 0: .4021 0 (o Gets•, 0:'21 1' Uceks . 00(0,.:: •01 U• Culckees. 1111 'l1.IfU (•r Straw.... ... 4:00 1.4, Mutton ..-.. NTN treed tmentN. CHRISTMAS ,ru 0'.10 wl+' For 11, 1,.ln% l'rru•uta; rail and cite 11e FI.a'r of N O'' G 001 8 01317 PLATED a-c)fe ns, AT THOS. RO'DDY Sc Co.4s, 1 trornrr,uf Parson; Block, and nest door to 1"drkor and felt!••,. l 1.t J, (rlf.A14IS, .1N1) 1xir'I''I''V rich, lleceml,rr 16th, 1.44. ' • se Irl CHRISTV[ 1S C[fl GOO) G tz EY GO'I'TO\ e Ea.P AT 7. Al M (3 rO NV 'L I -O - I P Prints an Calicoes. cheap at ' ` THE GLA.SGOWHOTJSE. Red and its Planners, .11••4=74000174,11,10(7•024161. • , IN '('Ot.\'lt9` OF lit: hall •1 lint n:, trio Inn ion l: •t 1 : 2 f"at•■ nn Kori I (ate on ty. lllll llsind! les on the lwitlrilh and W Reeler Road i f (i '(1(11,,toe and IV i elinin G.,ad i 'ma 2 lab on the 1'>hor:ie I:oad ' it, wi(.l.e sel4 w•, .late'r fir the tar, rash lefty define teem the 1 •43. T{ e rent to,be rind meatrr to the VUWlty Tres. hate es - hate t6'tl.(nish leo exit!,from whnm s jreduced at the ' terdi '+61st of _ nu • in munch wirer, Etta mini, • ••: t. firth dd• • trwil ha -!.y„. toe:' • I GLASGOW Teas, fin fres and good CHEAP AT 'They'll mak her :actinic Aldan% she'd mak le Me.. 11* STOC GRE Mr. Henry' old /Stand I AT TEE GlL\418.10W la nee hell -pinny. st Stock • %o flop. eiirede 'the (';pt the tight of • 11 1 then coin .u4. additions ,'.t. ,1 n time l,1 .* u nt I collect tat. (hurtle. rtlitu fne 14 '4 od Tall he fut.tIlle al nix , e Oat :untie Ill each firueetf .1 01 neirines shall be ali j tot 1010r0 Foretely lee-, ilia tiler, *Au pewit. Ma- Aga • et ..it tree, West Street. ; GudetlIRT, 29th 0., ' 1, v ler e! U1 'rest eettley two pence 4 B 0 iiKs11 U'Vr.ULE BOOKS FANCY 'MODS. • In isli? Assortments! I weeder whit roa'd he their mesh, When melte' int, tAws Ninon. To (AM a oinreadasast Mins wills, Pay Ws tor Ewa ! What need tarn we for Itte,ter Could do good well .whhoott•Itifti, Ylkseadouftsa much Jint.tor !Ufa. Ikea hooebae. &e. ehr 'er it 10 ha: (lei 4n0g1tculliti4e. d7w2t• to Toil. the ule.to nie ratted rat. NEW ASSORTMEN rcrei,f -1 4 THE GMT OOK STORE Crest dignal, ehe ) et not Lad, And tor 111 SI.V...111.111,04.411110CP, • Ttre)'ne Very tote 11 leet me, 4-4 And men shell tuousloin:fterrer And moon ur erase ntan, Wig IIANNATYKI: 1400 of lieyknoturos ,1 aunt IA'Inte ILI 0./10 pe) rhai,gss Colburee, WA. TEACHER ANTED, Tne Law Relative to JuLiTe Coursers Decision MoStrits.t., Dec. 16th. A LARGE STOCK OF nhristmas Presents. JUVENILE. AND TOY BOAS In collie* variety. at dhe T THE CLINTON E NO ot Litary 'Ifni meet • at...litna for even notch r,thialde Book Store I 1 The fellowitig is taken from the Montreal ABItAHABI SMITH L .11 1.11114 space tor 111,111,•r day in the yew, teed, formatitet, such as Oiliness. DUT Crown lynd Department; Quebec, Deeember Hee Gentlemen --I am directed by the Jon. Merchant Tailor, • 01' BAN ulations, acknowledee the receipt of your lett, f Judiciary it Parl!ementary Usti' few aims of tbe Crown concur in the opin Large & Well-ASSorted.1 Er,,y,fornier elsotad hare one. esterdafselate, 111,41 ta inform you that fin. don expressmil by ytnt with regard to Jodie Coupe/Vs decisiun in the *natter of tha St. , i [minion. 19th December, 1'61. (A19 Albeit 'offenders. I herewith eticlose to you FAL AND WINTER . a copy of on ;seder of Her Matesty in Council moms on Init way ink, remitting ie ventl 4by D. Moran, That this stetting regrets the eceompanied by Ig of life. were made thie time. The °holt s eorrtrotiond frost -tuning mach suffering to ewers! anthems and select pieees in fair - of the temperanee question is of /tech eerier!. tit: h gale et New ix, disaatoro, mount Interest, mid that tine meeting pletites Pe. of the Essex Rettord ac- olyte. itself to spare nh exertion to seehie the „dies blesainge offered by ihrkin's Et; NION LLE. Interented in the improvement of the Aeh- field Road will find petitions to the County Mr. Dunkin's Tem- perance Bel Couned for that purpose lying at the Were§ of C. Shannon, at the bridge, and The Qnarterly meeting of the Coate, .)1/. deo. Ilawkine, Pert Albert. We trust gree Ledge of the It. A. O. of 0. T. war Old in legmondville, on the loth inst., • fe:re The F1/21t hos of raimnis and Kermit,. Christens id they may be numerous y gri rod in the mussy is i, such riming namt.er of Degree Templar* were p and of improvement. the °cession. Tile following Lodge, THANKS. en Lodge, Social botlge, Victovia N. -- Bros W. Dickson, Jos Ireng and It N ws me requested by the enterers at the Nostnsio Doptatia,,,pret,,„,,,d on, t fire es well ari by Dew 'hem Lociee. The Indiums of tlem rattetin ge on re h. 2. nd as ke thortiAtively big thing. England al 01 greater capital for for yoint.a thauks, the receipt of a Mr. J. C. Suttonetruggist ky editor be, ecnondering on bootinaker states ite• tion in the nate of interest in merciel purposes. 1 he amnia enterpriees hart evidently been deem Hailwory Ime night, roamed by the coli of • treat ward bo.md peartenger train w' right train, t1011r (hill city. A f pin eeveral wounded pestering.* ricatit theenwel or* from the *reel, riled to death ; fwo romans ant re suffered death tn thin rneoner, rotted !het oreeeral others AW en. tent of tbe toes of life is net yet ;import, woo aimed, to return their eineere opened at 10, •. m. r an ter the at length on Mr. Dunkin's and w WWI elimaks to tba firemen end citizen. who lowelPhy Metiers. Elliott, Gray, Suicide, rnd: *OAdo Iowa and saving as much end Ns"' 110:1 1 so oodooly in endeavoring to ea - semis se perrible where that was not per Rro Gray, That • vote of thanks he Unfired to oar worthy brother Wanks,* W. 41 ef • reletive to the 24th Vic. chap. G. 1 I hetet the honor to be, tee Clerk of Crown Law Department. To .1. G. Johnson, Esq , and Ed. Cartier, will be kelt the lean Mel, ShIrts,Collars, Neckties. Caps, dia the /9th 41.4y I NOTICE THE MI II 0611t.. Township of Co 1111 11.,e swift fifteen de. ft t•A intillinew *MN Inati 01 told road. 00.• I a, 1. • cric • 00. 1061.- Pre be Queen's Coin Which he is prepreed to 'Sell Cheap for At 10 0.1-1'.14.. a• f th Excellent Mejesty, Ittelmeii the Cash. to the Olt hotter or net the foectwitig ' l'rince Consort. Lerrl l'rivy 14m1, Sir Cler.rge tionmicp•Oct. 13.1* 1 Itair he 101;q4ed I Tito vi'l. be Grey, Rart.,-Wherens the Governor.General • VI.. Clerk, Celestite. Th Insolvent Act of 1864 I /1 rine Dec.•19th, leel, of her Majesty's Providce of Canada, with the Council and A. . of the said Pro ursday, 1112nd inst wince dol. in the mons of May, 1861. pass an the hour ot 2 o'er ek r 11 ; 11. • 1 -Le Aet, Which has been transmitted, mowed as 1.141:1)1Tmis the meder'oreed eve copl _ follows, vis :-- No. 211. An Act to Amend I notified 1.. met at the. Law Office of Mes- Chapter' 69 of the Consolidated Statute. of 'mere 11)W.' P'1"1111;, , TOWN OF GODERICH, ca,' and whereas the said Jet haa been laid from the most neble the Duke of Newcastle. . State, reconintending that the said Act should ir„. i he yorp...e nt re/ elfin,: A unfennent r)their be left to its 1,1mratinn 1 Her Majesty Wag again., anti 14 1.11M1111( on nnalyner 10 w nno the) thereupon, thle day, plerteed, by and with the may nod, an awarninent undvr i kr •fitete Aef. advier. of her Privy Council, to approve the Dann re the Town 01 eheimsWisow 5110 4.:4140.01_ the Twelfth day of December, ..11, Lk 501 • General, Lieutenant Governor, or Coot. Is"' menderin enter, for the time being. of Dm THOS. B. VANEVERY, Stitieity*. Provined of Coned*. and all otter. . notate and ghvern themselves accordingly. . Retina/I. '' (Signed) , h .,...Tprio.,,eil mg Ike Firm of Vanevery and of citizen. ems held at the Conn Hoene IA4% Ni.W MARBLE WORKS .....,.. to glee .11n elepreeston In rmtatil to . Matn Street, Exeter. 1 aided. SprecLe• were made by Judo* 1). tf• A. NI 'CO N NIU.I,. Gmukl, Capt, C. Iltithes. Martin J. Towns- end, I'. It. Ildrmri, rind C. li. McArthur. Mt/MCMENTS,TOMRSTONP, Peep. Are.. of every olesenswes lied (Amities, hot osprey...1 fhb hope that it would ...manure wee opts -anted In &Infer wide the short nailer, and al the lowest pricer. national 11510 and heel euthorities. Copse 111 letetwin tedeet ion merle rOr reel.. of pea/sidings were ordered to be emit to MN ill. 1111111tA PCIM11,111 IMIII0 to Congress be Gen. Pis. Desigmof MO1111111.561 he. may he require !Mir • Poll be taken in teeny • of the whether Of liti• the qualified Municipal Elec. tors of the mid Monici ality will adapt, under authority mei for enforcement of the lurid arts the 1 11.1Avr follintial, which. we hereby pro pose for limit adoption, to wit : The sale of intoxicating liquors,- and the 411/111; tif Lieensee therefur, is by the revs ent By Lin prohibited within the Township of Cannier, ntisler authority and for etrforce mere 01 the Icreperance Let of letit. our hsnda this Third dee of De. 'Jollier in th year oloar Lord One Th./wind 1,4421i Ilandresi and sixty For. WILL/All 1•10M0y1), Nlterflf n. t 1.I. pnrties indebted to the Estate tit. the " late Junx either lie 000 othorwete, are requested to nettle Ole usulu" iffmnedintely with the 41.1114 110601ntil will be placed In the heeds of so Attorney for collection ; tool ell ettli claims *genus the innate of the so..1 John Allen deceased, up to thit date, lye to b. hrowe'lit in to the executors at team for 'MUM leaner and adjustmeet. GEORGE Cox, Gale, 17th, 1864. w31 To Rent or Lease: I. \DIES' ANDQENTS' 1-.0.fs live and Rid in the Filet Concession, 1.1 tewtiship "Welborn*, W. 11., about two ovERSHOES t anon el tire huidint Li line* ere a teaseled wet the ImiZaw . I). 119.” 0.5 the le . Awy tenser entree awil *alien Sigart Lei IA, 8, Wsataavelt,1 Debe ukes For Bebe, i•iii 20 Ire 101 glad hay 4110.104 1,`, IV.' 110.rdworl of nalerritt 1.•11 reedy •,o thy ad). Jaasery J.oy sath ;ref. W31. SlT•rfON, Reeve. Lotetertne 31ireh7th. 'set. reseal yilitte,/.11n.kowlb, Will be, paid 101 • II ftlIther OWEN thin J. B. Quiet of Gode- Me Emote lord Ede. or to the OM Peers! Merit ei ...enure. trawl eredlidt. ni testa em to *mil "thee claims t• •