Huron Signal, 1864-12-22, Page 2sheets, Awilrew ! We mishit for .nutiting Wool pato nee sae iitickle as to gird 0' Oaf Sill Monne boat, to tante my hated egienst oily I esteem re Eh tithing ep their/veggies,: A hich highly. Am to, ,lie uLligatou you ai t p railed Wel, ie es peat hurry to begin.' 10 mention, it 4 'teething. The A g i'.. served *Mists Willa hauled aft, at.d the cutter•s me weal while I retained her, theroure ae're II mid Mid op channel, on • course a hi. h equate, Keep ymig sic scuset, mr, an' ye mould cer 7 her almost a mile to clinical need im fear that I'll heresy ji. • Itsad only , lie g row Loit n add to my rentitat,on iii IS way lead.. tiinew. eseeeerree, esebhig ea 10 clereme ism own Onto min to ye, and a pleissaut pro*age back eusisse, still holding the wind free, *tole to to Ette'mid.' maim off, the loonier would be chliged to , %%eel to y.,u, whithersoever bound, Islet!! buil to on a tau., bil•11111e, %She. 11.41--41411t 01 Ilet al.411 forget you, sir, nr the le•ini you ballast would tied 'elatedly cesure her defeat. lave teught me. Ferewell,' And b mitig Our change of course soon brim/ea ea vrithise !low, Lieutenant Davis made assigrod to his i in.', a en ior , men to reaUltie tloir °Ale, %rheas 111° boats ledIW, soppeeing thee hal et length aitimesed I trimmed, Captain Greases reigntking to his tell attention ot the ship keepent,lient to their ?nate i 1 oars with a wilhaed as we pooled them withm 'A brew le.11M,Andrew -a retro lour chiel thirty yards, ieioni • clan:wrote ihout, de. 'indeed, it ,Lieutenaot Davie Muir*. the pity saradieg -.W here the deuce WC were gohig lie:a only a revenue sheik.' tants the Agile r .1he male molded au Mb mad, e he. mid. •f)n • smuggling eruise, otv bantams ! This 1 tiothing, *idle the uht mail ;rms. himself up saucy craft (Attica the tieg of a centralmeeist i I .0 • p-eesatit reverie. the mimic 01 *hub he just now l' shouted thc mate, in reiily, white bettered el,. We le11,1404 the yecht, %there the the skipper chimed in a ith, old man dismissed air keel,. :1 with a tull 'Ay, lads, •nd just be sae kite] OA to hear bumperand ordeiing the sato, tn dolittented. . Jack tireares respects to Meister Davis, arid went below to $hupe 6 ,ourse fir rear, which tell him 111 meet him oily time in the nett erisa cur desunietion. new moon, an' gie him beek, hie ',Arkin, in In eonelas• i would add -ell ait pts to return for my ant bonnie Witch,. a hieh I'd JED t,,,,p to. .,,.,,.,,, of ez,b,,,,,,, 1,,.0„, vane owreesorry to pert ei' for gude.' Not Many months elapsed ere it fiecion en. 1"4.110 le'etved .17 the eraily kiiown-hut not before Lieut. liar hose, crew silt] volley ot oaths, whi.'e they eh„ e„„et,,,,e eeprehe„eee „„e„, „„. relineeistied thi•ir oats, Mid were speedily -had applied fir an appoietritent to a frigat to view as ate dashed away into the deep, glonm. - Captain C. Mari d, ith the eid °Pa night glam found the tiiminc:e, Wi..5 enabled to sassietein vigilant watch.on the movements, rot our „foes. whom he awn reportud to he truniniak the Witch's canvas io chase; law 011 fltn-!gei eertiee. hile his foiaier the A 05A k be the sobrep,,et of, Smug/fry Cufter;' king as I • lied 00 tilt 00611. !T/1 ---r here; deelinedej--ilehill"."1111""IM""elly RALICTIRG TRI ELM,' kelbeee Ogit's hotel, in the full expectation that no Mr rt ilexes explanatirmegat linineuen:g earthly power could *aye it. 'liaised, if The f Ike order toe lee" 11e" sufficiently explicit, Mr lidee1 utond and gm barn had been destroyme it is diSetilt en ral.- IrJounatou aseouded the Although the coiucidence is ew p: mejenugta. Ilis Excellency the Governor ti 11"114uffiell Of to sec how the remaining buildinp.bo the coo d have escaped. startling, we believe the ete-e-ler Mr tiibboes said it was not showing Ws understand that the tanker. in Order of t en. . St. Altei;iiv re:hi:rat.): et di tee Li! juedb •wt(10 ::rt wade e wasps* of. went consequent upo the eleite- means, and a telegram was deepatehed fur much rtteptet to Mr Smith, who had bean the Bank of 3eontreal WU insured. • beet' iwinediately prompted It liaiked very touch as if he had baeu to Niers 31r. Grace's safe by ordinary the Mew of tbe eteeeht before the pooele by requieition. After the fire it wee fouod impressible 1''' It does mit m . pu mead Mr Gibbons' tiellorY 00e: thts.:'; si. L'el::lie balk• is tour! , quip. y, pu e o t a corubivation ufacturer (Titylot, of Toronto) to come ' I•"d all and ti k f h a man from the establishneout of the man- eibbveuetunilti::fn..1117,',11W1ile"bc;116:c',:tile:diuerPoprurei'Ltimityl‘lierlosettrah.:;u;":-'::' 1 eheete. VenEvery and Butuball, Dearer, was opened the °outwits were 'build to be entered Into by certain parties to run in uP fur that purpose. Mr. Taylor Came Mr Dialer. Between the amiesior au,j up hiuseelf, lest 'light, and after the sore The teed number of, osen raised bY t" Cameron, ko . , a great wany oew eoton had uninjured. 1 banlloi: ist..i1,1,b0.14,50!,,0001 he: -Cos.resnbler‘-ii:i.v:: Im*.elrliSului'''itnhur4betie edltudgot dau 1,7 etb",,,eyy"one- thAa. Bleck, who escaped by mean* of a ladder. It was Mr. J. It. Bleck, nut JustatItan , is pleawd. in 1.11""mwe 4 ri rde the oe South Imundery, and so on. This wee We may derive several useful lessons r"estitLirtri.2n"ocfineer2y2ieel'abeftis),7 orriler.ue. ' ale no doubt, iuteuded to influence t. u h from the lee% ttlieelerous fire. It teaches ti:lethsi4li:lonit ermlit:Ilblebell'ennin:17,17.‘theid":,',17'„'..e'Itiir-,_:h.,,„ Robertson here imam! up costly fire engine so much exposed to the !need this Protium utidermentiened, sri t lta, in the firs place, the folly of having a • hied , , end said if 'elr Smith tuenut that his vote 47 "1 t"'ulit::::7401:t.101..::„.""pe.Per:i:e y. had been manufaceured he wished to ould as to be froseu up at the very mo- ; ebPeeY"r,i,,acilrat!':Iireall'i'i,,Pup",e7por::fenw7inenv"nge.:"Icise° inform him that he was a ratepayer d just as good a voter as he4(11,1113. of keeping up a lire iu the Engine eked tuent wben it may .be required. 'file cost fie„.rii,i.e..1.1,,e,:d:n, .ce:ittr,,,,:rit.iii:::::s.noiegii...1)•::::1.1,i.crlail,fbirido::ate:1,11.41c4elh;: stowirwitrha)swiwuai tsh1, nr 'inmost Ilisetimi of Wart. one that evil. We can hardly thinlethe Town r, iwwoiuuleddiabtee astempesre trifi, and we trust that afte( Iiratuhgeheteorn.f)usion had sub- will be ,teken to remedy -..,,--fie----._ .3_3_ _ ._ they Iran leetinquistiett the attempt, .antis.gri comrades. to a hom our atioyer Mel entrusted dently hove to awaiting the return of their twon -Vigital. . , • his messtge. tieing assured of secu,ity from _ . further molestation, Captain tireaves piped - \ ail hand.. to solace the main brace, when tbe watch was set, 11101 the larboard sates- a H.JDERICH. C. ., DEC. '20, 1'464. whit h I waa a hatable. mendmr-sailered fo I Tim ton. .1 gin, garry. Mewl, Froutense, two, Glee. t e: Eemt. . teeei "sided, went INS tO Say thta if the electors Commit would refuse small grant fur the tH4e:i":"„ete,,eneil Mr &Smith remarked thet at the oloee nr:ii,eart'le. One; Grey, mo. re, uitite wols w two: Bel present were satisfied with elr Defier's purpose, if application were made. Seed - I ron, two: mit, one: lamblon, one? Liner , expl nation, he wee also. eel other precautions are neeessary, such ad Ad li tgrocur.e; one; teed*, two: Leant -mob as having the ke/ buildidg and all tlenieet le d t1.0.“016""•'"*"• IL).timel• of the election last year Detlor said he ere they can be found at a momenta warning. Again, it would, in , toe Pe• . 'ertle P'terh'''''' • °P w old never cow:. out for muni • 1 one, Pencil Katiri• °WI' ben. our opinion, be a vast acquisition if the emcee: two; Stormont. ors "gees. Ile did pot cotoider,therefore town had at the Firemen's Hell a few seek repeat! the huntwoi Ids of the revenue * I one: Vieloria, oee: ate o . e • ,` ^lle• h t was acting an honorable Webin iton. tee; Wentworth, two; I ...irk. Plet le good, serviceable hooks and ladders. We Men. five, in all bfty tat ions. ceuimg out as he was doing that day. At daylight next morning we were no with the 'Schell.' uml could descry the Witch, nearly bull down to the south* met when, easing off 0.11 Ahe.11 we ran IA, ItOt1 beiore the afternoon wall half spent, Cando ts unchor • few miles below A...twerp. Itur cargo wee all ready, and a few hours sufficed fur ils reeeption, when we hove up, sad at daylight emu Mor11.1,1-4 WAS beating for' the D.iwns, whi,h we entered as the tile turned, and easing off our sheets ou the board tack, ran Joon along the coast of Bel. gium, the Witch tacking III Chase as soon as, site discovered us, but being too &slant to eause us apprehension. - y eve. ery tt When off Bre des we hauled our wind fur led above the positiee of a stipen-lery the English coastsaluting t tie serval cruisers Magistrate, he took upon to deciee as we passel, and waking the cutter•s eiei...1 upon a point of law in winner which I t to the station at the mouth cf the Tumhridge soon after the gun went down. It is needle.. any man posifessine a single grain deem; to mieil,.we ran in that night and discharged mon gense might hate kiiinter would et! Mee Cc/wig:We D Gen. Diee'w Won and, der.' The Government and people have been moat utiplevontly, arou their dneems of perfect security b THE NOTORia.TY - Cadada J. V. DET1.1 leelle from ACCLAMATION. the , The nominatim ferethe May precipitatr; seem of Mr. Juttic3 Con and the coosequent threatening 'order' f initiated by the ni equa..y _asty _..riero, _ E That 34.CourS01 aOted with tiepin! emble ' Mr 11 ) was thereby telling a public lie 1 1.31ATIOR [ f he epeeker war here inierrupted by such vociferous marks of d . . *. ED BY Mr Detlor then came forward and said that we lost his concludiug remarks.] y , -tbat after the learned and gentlemanly- , the Town of tiolerich toik place in eehe reiee learned and very gentlemanly -man. T„,,,, Hell on Mondry the leth instent, hineme Cint 5,0whuiledlehaML,Sbeinitehxlipeeedtadallutudedv. itloe cordeini!uatesanTnhilagnitee.0:,enTtO we Clerk, let- would devote much attention to hen. iThe ham° we 1 • beli li .1 ed se Re ning Officer. • The hour een &deck living arrived ' ; he returi 'Lee eteeer seated ehe object et \ he 'nemeses,. nd called eir nominations. W. M. Whit • Eeq.. after wiehing the arge auliezeoe the tuplieuesets of the Sea. emi„noininated Mr . l;. 5 Mtkas a fit nd prefer person to r reread the,,Town t of tioJerich as elayor or the cm/Wig .f,'",. JAI., Leneworth. Eisee, mid s no other pereee Conte forward to see md t nomi- etien he lied much pleasure iu do • se our cargo in safety ; the otily difficulty ea. ,,,„10,‘ endanger the peaceful reeiteme I perieneed being in convincing nur allies of . . the assumed ebiteacti•r uf the Agile, . meting between our Governmeut and the • Day vras just brealin4 when we hove to in United States. lie may have been sincere, ; 3 ' spirit in which he spoke was derogatory to that of a gentleman arel directly con- trary to that of a neighbor. But, if every mon of refinement and respectability had to 'me his name put up as a target for i such men, the day would surely oome when they would be deterred from safer- . itte themselves for any position of trust or : responsibility. Pr It was mipposed by the' Matestuen who gave we our municipal : system,that they were 0eferring a boon upon us, but they * all seen in tea meny inetanees how it had been abused, and in vueequenee of that abuse of -power riglitehineing men were frequently deter- \re,1 from aec-epting the honoritvoffered therti. When the Hon. Mr Cauch&e. was ,iffered tl; Mayoralty of Quebec, 4lest del licerey ? His answer was, " No, I wall hev nothing to do with it while there is ea inue licenee ori the pert of the cP:t°erleth-st that \ cr be revoked and said he would advo- tested in Conemissioners.ef TLey It even gone so far as to circulate a report that he ( Mr D.) hid enede an seeignment and was likely to break own, but he w a started that rumor would' il in attaining \ •happy to inform them th t the man who hi. object. (Cheers.) He wee too strong the dfflog nest morning, and at sunrise: we 1• Indeed we cannot believe for a women were gratified by a sidht of our own little j craft iii mid channel,aben we crowded 'mune, !that he conspired with liamothe, the chit with a view to speak to her -an event her lof police, to dismiss the railers fir commander protem seemed strongly inclined , to hasten by hauling uu a wind and standing i handful of greenback!. hut we do blue for es direct. :him severely, because, knowin-• that Iii Agile, oh o y. he shouted, m "1" " hi' i decieion might and would, ie all lima came within bail. 'Ahoy !' shouted Captain (imam., 11, 1 probability, plunge hie &entry into a des - 'Heave to, you raacally pirate, or re 'sink I whet, to nivel to the judgment of th eeply. perate war, he did not think it wort 'Blooms away, Meister Davis, but bear in I JAW billficers of the t'rowe, obese decisim s e ' himself. • . . 1 Mr. Smith sail, with the consent of hie h wover and seconler. lie would beg to re- ,. tire from the concise. providing the et. ' planations ef Mr. Dater on the Market , Quested proveesetisfactory. White and Lengwerth eignifieil e; their to withdraw the 'amities - ,1 tion elr. Smith desired it. , 7031. e. min' 7.11 be wastin• the Queen's pouther on upon the point of law invelved woull hot r ain yew . An as he spoke, i•niltim been carefully coneidere I. 1 1; meter de Hewes signalised te the mate to haul aft the. fore sheet, when the lilittble craft flew v;. in termined C.:medians may' be to present. tbe windotrid b Term statiom • un the weather their British institutions at all Mamie beim of the Wit b they cannot afford to tight with a doeb 'What do you mean by running away eith the green's CUlter eir?' desnatided tbe hanging over their heads ail to whethe lieutenant, as wee as •e hart become few ethe war is one of their own bringingaws tionary. Itebt. Giblems, Eel., said Le hal much r. pleasure in neelinitine hie worthy friend I Mr Delo 're 3 gentleman fuliv qualiSee ti; to act us their chief inegistrate for the year ISO. Robt. [lancelet°, Eel., hal greet plea ' sere in 'gee secoteling Mr teibeenes' me - - We are not one of thoee wit. think tha .1 beg your pardon Mester Davis, f ex- change is na rolthery.' the "...cognized law of the lend should be .The deuce I That remain, to Le tried.- warped out of eitherrear or fevor; but • we Bet e hut have yeu done n'air my men-muh . - • demi them -Icehouse?' 0 , .ii i‘. nitii. u ' a we 'Nu, na, not imite sae bad as Vast. Just fholt1 worth living fur, that the interpreta relieved them free duty for a day ur two.' !tion of thole lees be left. to men whore, 'Well, Ws pia turn nue, my fine fellow. , , , You can make up your mind to vise the penal scans hare , Own hoary in the ste iy 0 colonies for your etfrontery. jurisprudence, wile, e ability is as urest .Sr, na. dilute Ise 500 last mon. Did ye tell : as theit cheractene are Awe the treath 01 any o' the croacra tliet ye led lust a Queen's 1 . . . ,_. . t, , _ .. . ...I w i cutter?, suspicion. I lie Itile ace General Di . s 'Wes 1 • fool?' . I equally unperdonsble. lied eu right '1 trow ye wad tia' "--en •ii..3e lad h. -Ultra- I to Weer from Coureorsr relt•ei on that the ye' lin se.rict. flat &ad ye min has yer aigai'ag":11.11:46( 04 ba'ILI''' I act was deliberate end senetem . hrough- 'Insolence I -,Surrender,or I ruust carry the : o hy the Cenadian: people. He tut, ter by bosirdielgT . !lave een aware that thc Can eh ut Gave - 'An' ye were airdt.7e wad attempt nil IA 1 thing. 1 mak' e • faii otler. lisle up ter 1 meet re bending every energy to re - it an nene ne Jae the wis v ; refuse it, an' 1 I vont ffrx orgenitati.in of rails on the wades. 'ay non ling the "we 0' Lieut"a" I border, and yet by. virtue or 11, brief Davis is like te appear, uu the rull of I officers on active service in r Majesty's 1 authority voted in hWi he saw fit. t., issue . an order, which ubsequent events prove ',venue. The officer was dornirloandered by t I plied threat. which he was Well aware way n- to have been wit ut the &sweet of the front idie. and cutting Me reedlid in command, . :vetiver at Washiligiati,rie the following bald a brief cousultation with bias when he dive amply show)] X, reamed: - .. '1grant that you have the ;advantage. but "lleadqua Department nf the gist, semember your vemel, if carried in, would Sew lurk, , c. 1.. prow, quite an rogulumit in my favor.' Genetal Order N41. -- 1.110,Prespleol of 'Nis doato. Lint euviid that el -gement be the l'itited States haring e., peeved of that all powerful while yer ain bit harkie was in pcition ol depai talent gentOal rho• Nu. ti?, the bars& c.' • smuggler?' curicnt series, shich 1,structs a militaty 'llark'ee. airrah I Ual that taunt a 'tee Commanders un the frontier in certeht ire. l sod you'll have calla° to rue is Fru 'dig therein epecified, 1.1 Crobel the Imuisdory r posed to treat for posuesion of the Agile, betairen the United States and Canada ani but n...4 to be taunted with my tre for• directs pursuit into heutrai territory. -.1 he We.' said instructions is hereby revoked. In rasa. 'Say ne man. I ha na wish to mere ye, en' therefore, of any future marauding expedie still lees to see you suffer for wast ye eouldtm , toms imo our lel roory from ranado, military avoid. Jain fill awe' toe aii hour or aie• V. cotnenanders mi the frientier will relent to ken 'twill be only natural -eke tu see the Agde these head -mai tete fir orders Lame crottalig is chaise 0' the Witch,an. will prove li Gaither the bound toy line in putsnit of the guilt, in pier cap eheu ye teem expect it ; besides fmrik.g., it's only necessary to the safety u' your char- by emulteuel of Major -Gen: Iffs.. • Neter, which it wad Le like to suffer if boats (M. iM. ' war* sun to pass between us. p. 'r., v A N III •REN. rot and A. A .1.. 'Thank yuu tar the euggeetion, sir. I did CilAS.O.JOI•IND,Maj. eel ais.c.- Not look for so much generunity in • smug. It is a metier for great thankfulness gler-but I trust I shall tire to convince you thugs,. failings, whatever they be, olv not .0 that, however freely Canadians have '' elude insrutituda la their number!' And availed thews Ivo* of the British privilege ' . leawitig tun, tile lieUtenaill !repel from the rail to the retain deck. %hilt' a !Einem later of untrammeleal eriticiem, they have by no I .avt, public or private, endeevored to take! advantage of the distraction,' tweeted the. bceder to injure the Americans in sny 'shape or fonu. Not a single Canedian '; tion. . to Le injured in his credit by "itch petty ! ,' mr Res, saia that " the hccr allowed., calumnies as that. (Aepleuse.) It had f ! for nominal, *newel feet ezterine. he, and been said that there was a coteibieetion , fur the purpose of carrying tbe Merket h le I . • . I, o le , Tea,- e ; Questiou through WS election but upon ;eel to hear Mr Deti ir s views up in the this vent he wished to lay • 'few word?, ,1,10061m which till s •ititel the Tiede ! Ile del intend laet year to retire front of the retepiy..rs for the fo, in municipel life :thee -ether, and when be ; Mr Delve said he het suppoee th it 11 I was sufficiently etplicit ie his written tleiespotee te the requisitien tint hal been ; fetwerled to bine Ile wiserei ewe as 'etinetly preible that ;folic erket ; teeeetion Ctluo aesin he ',veld be getatiedby ,:eision of a tu ajerity the rateplyers of the town. (neer. bear.' 3Ir Reese- In case the qeeetien is sebiuitted te the people, how would you ase your influenee ? the yacht' boos fad off towanis tlor French smut, 111.1 lier soils being trimmed to the breeze, she bounded olun4 at • dashing rate, glumly followed by the runes We amod in towards the land for nearly two hours, abets, being fairly •ithin this jurisdic. that we have heard of, has been fount: tams of Freuee, Captain Greates the 'eclat to come ha, sod hauling •ft the cot guilty or even suepeeted of organisin.• eerie upon American towns. or Ainericer't ered, mid every peva:mien mode fur instant mixture. Commerce. In the reepect we can roe Lieutenant De. is adopted the same mes smert that our Deutrality has been ear,. un board the yacht, and Immo,/ one Peetterved even mere completely unitive- bose• tete,/ fl,t41.1 1,01/APA41.,11 uietil we I cooed foi.ti oo lie, deck. embeekeel with tioncieehan by the people ef Britain it -elf, rianiaealer ot h s urn, and shored off at the r instant that wa dosertel the cutter, learitig her irs preermion of thetas in whore ebeespe we had foand her. As the beets dna smear each other, glade eossmander Maned she 41Allet IV anion, Lieewneet Deets said 'I ~not part with yon, though /Oa ....SWItaallt expressing my deep eau uf the obligatkm you ban: lard me usdar. Yoe Isar. sawed we wry rank in the escwiae, sir, • laver for which 1 an darply pausal orbits I was enly regret that the wide ride dilemma' oer voomions ituarpoese DO fewartatewstresie harrier to any return pfteL Yistrosia swan tem all oar fin • re lade ellesemst mom be character. Abetwahre 1 beg of yes to sie meet ia private Mb 'lilies OW we Amptifie.' I bewbed writ and alewelbew hod as 41•1011:8214111111.41reel As pi farearet Ow mob. ligrip shoo Mies krieskteirt, ordered tie boats to ne low - .cet t; Ina . e &we ee .440 • ,44.4 , P.* 4444 ...a, MLA thi :111!:,A whence 'the Proclamation or Neutrality mead. We bare all along given tbi, course our cordial approval, because we bare believed it to be beam! upon a principal or right end justice For future we advocate every [Awful step ths' wisdom min suggest in order to prevent thi refugees from the ['Mod States, which 'bum of our hospitality, on the pert ,it I is a dutyi ocumbent on us as a profeesedly civilized people, and which is in strict ac- cordance with the lofty primciplenf doing, not as we have bmen done by, but as we would well to be done by under similer , But,while we are peefeetly willing to go thus far, oe by no mean* wish it to be understood that we are wil tn gn tbibeematth of the blatant nevem. who pride vie no being infinitely thee the Anent:lens them Wee es a people, foe! ihot the law or **time, let tee diet we AIM 001 Mita NNW self :eyelet. was asked this fall to stand' for the 3Iavorelty, be had urged every argument against his doing so, but when he saw the requisition mot to him, sIgned so lergele . and respectably as it was, he telt it a ' public duty to comply with the request that he should allow himself to be put • in tintuination. There was, hewer-cr. r10 combinetien, no pledge, either directly or iedirectly, as to bow bis actioashould be governed ! [Cheers.] 1 Mr Hoes here interrupted to toy that • the declaration just made completely 'Annelle(' eim. [Hear, bear.] Mr Detler.-.13 your representative 1 weal ipte no infinence in favor of it but as , an elector I should reserve iny right to act as 1 pleasel. if electel. 1. shall, es mayor, eTreeent pier rinwl, 'an' if any- thing is carried enntrary to your wislim II reeign my met, but as an eleztor I will ree (Applause.) ens, froth elevens. leen le,y, Rem one the and the replim, minglel IC ritio with erpresstone miteelere; fell so ilack and fest that it impossible for ' even short heed to fellow the gist of it al osie a strong rel How I on the part or Mr Neer of the answer first given, with the addition that if the , questein came to a tr. et the Council • Beare he would vote in the negetive. Mr Gibbons. sai there wee not the ' •least probability ef the 'premien ever coming to a tie, it indeed, it ever value up again at all. Ili answer to lir question fram Mr le "err, Mr. Gibbon% Mid if a By-Lsw the kind alluded to came to a tie on the popular vote he did not think the decision wnuld lie with the Mayor at nil, but With , . t e resertung-omeer ! In reply to qnentione is to how he would rete to a simple t•loctor if the Tie& ion weld mine up, Mr leetlor mid be denied the r eiit tf say one to question him upon what he eoneidered hie right, u a man and a Britieh mitiret, to hie retest', jelentent. ffe Mould repeat, however, thin as their repreeentetio• he sroold use no inflames in favor el the measure. • Mr Crabb, in rising te propose a Carifil- date, went intr. an etplenation of the benefits the town woeld dense from the is property Ile thought both In outlining law aad cheneery he Onnld &nape; the tees es 'tisk to the bar- gain that had beset agessemseated by the seal of thee/8,1mm," It did em with Mr Demo: est soh them tn whether the traddmipsidlinuld be numbers' bat with him (Mr Crab's (Leuehtar end applause.) Ns would DOA peeve,. Mr Lefroy as a fit end peeper preen for Mayer, no recount of the great interest he took in tie market imessime• (leads. ter ) .1r Detkw tweet on to say t a gees chenges were being male, constitutionally and otherwise, and it behoved them to do all in their power to advance the intereete of the town of Godench. [Cheers] Let all envy and malice be thrown aside, and ,let every one du what he could to sustain the business men of the town and thus contribute to the general prosperity. - [Applause.] If hit was placed in the 3layor's ehalr he °mild assure them that he would put forth Ids best efforta to sus- tain the intereses of the town. In con elusion, Mr Detlor urged the electors to send Men to the council board of practical ability and sound judgment, and, having wished all the compliments of the season, resumed his seat. , eleesre. Lefroy mid Johnston expressed t melees satisfied with the explanation that had incidentally droppee from Mr nomination ef Dr McDougall. [AP - have herdly ever seer' a fire in Goderich imrioal allowed by the Statute.' Orate Congrdas, eapreitaing clue! Lie ' Latest trona Quebec. _ • of bevies stolen • lamb in the month of June laat, red is rain in the month ut July fellow - Queues., DOC. 14, 1862. Mg, Hum omeltubt Rees uf the Tuwnahip of Grey. Verdict, guilty ef attempting to steed • rain in the month uf July lest. The QUeell vs. Nuble Kelia-This is this watchetealing case, the particulate' of which were publiehed in our chlumus a week or two ago. Verdict guilty. The fulloeine ortiteuces Iteierpumel L 11 Saturday at 3 o'clhck :- James Dutly.-I I dayet M goal aud years in the Reformatory Olson, Donald Kippen,-114/tors the sentence sus owed in this case, the Couuty Attorney *aid that some a ft:upped, nciglibors-had spoken to hien IVAltrall14 the excellent character tlie prisoner liud hurtle previotai to this Oen, and taking all the: incontinence* int cone:dere tivn he telt warramed in asking the beoch to tu pose the liel.test pumiuie *cumuli compel- ihle ith rAlth or Ilr. NieLter luott uls 1, behalf ot the pristiner, said the wIsule ease wan beet. as to leave tkii way open for a eery light sentence. One he said, must „e apeareet to ell, viz : that Kipper' 'wee such a state uf health that be could nal posSitily enduie ha leugthened lacers -era - tion 111101 or Penitentiary, Tlw seillenC0 f‘LI therefore limited to three nitintlis in the 01,11104/0 gaol without labor. We heliese every ULM who heard the erideuce heartily ooncurred hi the sentimen a expressed tly the Court ar.1 the prisoner's comes'. NoLlo Kilts, 1.r stealing a watch was sett- teneed to six months in gaol, thiee of which to he at hard labor. fhe following is the Grand dory's PHLSE%TblEff.T. -T he Greed J Loy presented as follo.s: 'They have exautined the gaol aud found the rooms clean mil everything connected With l'heao ire good Ocder, eircept privies, which we find iu a ,filthy *tate fur r atuilitt ,0,11 riu,rpeotvertlrditri::,i::g4,,,aitirtfonthielmc:111•orlof::: j,rry th,, mrri 01611 pon Mehra of •Uer it. They leash! recom this evening. date* are fir days hiter mend that the lunatics confined in the gaol than thou alieady • reCeiec.I. Itusat I be sent to the asylum, and the boy Duffy be bad replied to the reeetit manifesto u Cooled - The discharge of the raiders in Montreal yesterday greatly surmised the members of the tievertimeut here. The ground On which the dieeliarge wite made is preetomiced lout. Mr. Counsel held that the Extradition Act of le61, enseeding the Act of Isla, is not in force, lieCiltlite it waanut proclaimed hy the Queen. .rlt did nut require to be rpecially proclaimed. 11 was 'wearied to hy the Crown in CaMolo, and an thder iu Council was paned io Eng ainl, et pawl approv ing uusl •reeuxuizieg it. It ie as iuuCli lorce aid any other law on the statute book. This i* our ef thoee alupid blunder.' which iitferior judges fall into ellen theytittelopt to be •wiser than ther ctifee!ms. Tbe tiovernment cult do nothing, except perimpe tettiute WI14.1 hoS GIOIA/11 laill14 self so incompetent. Ne• 'iyarraols hate been iireued by a Superior Coen, Judge. tor the rearreili ef the r.tiders. Two,ur three of them have gone towards lloviere LOW, loll coinetabiue ale after them. lt heed!, poet- blit.they can escape, wiled* 'juts the I.' lined "eates. As regisole frontier difficulties, it le uscier- otoudthat efficient militery force will be .tent to lhe border tO elm iminediutely, to put 'down illegal demonstrations. frptia this side. Messrs, Macdonald, Carder. GAIL McDou- gall, Campbelt, Chapels, slid laungetio tended the COUlleil meeting le -dry, being the only mealier& here..-161obe. EurOpean Nevis. 'PONTI.dall, Dee. 17.- steatuship Hi- bernian, thous Liver pool, ou let ril4 LOU. seat to the Iteloiniatory Prison fur the •hule where a frantic search II424 riot been -made ; fur a lo„g !Adder. Now, if it were known I rroT,fiSee:/,,‘;,,tittsaiiii:31:7,-dy exactly where one coulil be had numb Beau,' 111 his l'i""• The Londoii '1' Imes thinks that air. tioeoh, trouble and perhaps a good deal of proper- '141,,Irel,':1,e1",li:r1.! et",eentlieeln,eeeutZrte, arP°7"el will make some atte 1 a fu el the et I • . , • I ,t 011S, at by ty might be saved. A few stout hooks in eettestwe S. k'ollock aud 11 Horton IL/Li 'ttegottetiou. The Federal troops ist4 to In. willing hands would also be 11 materially 'sainting in mayiug of a conflagration. The town is greatly in want bell ' ie mean" of The Coen .adjaurned emit TueedaY, the iitsineshiste'y withdrawn from_ Ilo!atein under \ 27th insi„ fur the purpose of draltiag' juries • denland from Prussia, A W ag held the prog ter ieee; ritomTWAsii: LNG Rix. Monday night, end the consequence was The ',Niter of Thurehy says 1 h [form rend the epee:eel-A driven y from it.,- eto„o„.,,,u;tP.1.1,,,,,..,,,"".;:„.,It• Lincoln. A rush.wiMtiteu made f r the plat I 111,rig Wouirie trotips, on F;esklie Pike, yards distant slept it out eittirelfoblivious the Federal Stites 'since the war cuintnericel Itaseell has made the fo'hiZr Mg reply to the 600 iprisoisers, mei drove. t enemy within of an alarm . tegu ar alarm WAS given on THE Ali alga -kW -alit. „ :SlaW YOKS, Da. 17 -The KickiMond Whig of the 1•Ith my* we spill failed to receive uur exchanges front Georgia this morning, and ars ‘011WRILIelltli With,,,It details of meet evOilla ddi Vieillity of Serenest, and be. tween there and Chariemon. Ai far as we elm learn, Sherman's army liaa boosted Savannah; but, beyond the usual skirwiening, isu fight has tail‘eirplace. Hardee is lei calumniator our troops. The Richmond Examiner of the 1 4th Soya up to y. stet diey fore,' don 110 fighting bad telen 'deco between She:inns. and the Cutifesh.rate troops in the delences of Saran. Clem Burden commands the latter.... A cotempurary t,oper speaks uf Savaauali as invested. 'Ibis 01 init the ease. Savannah is am inure iprested thau Itichmuud, aud hare no evideme that 11 stands in the least ihin r, ...it or siege. Ali edictal despatch of yesterday mentions Sherman had developed his at my uear LI/ town, but that dues not wigelify that b• will go into trenches. Savenuah haa • triplet line of detences. Tit • folowing official report uf the great victory achieved yesterduy, by Major General l'honios and his gallant army, over the rebel forces under General Hood, front uf Nash. Mlle, was received the' adorning i- Ahle ol the moat surprising circenistances 'etenneeted aith the liffSt achievement is the e mail suffered by oar troops, evincing, inueng other thetgs, the ad/hirable dal aid eautiou' of Gen. Thomas in his dfpusition Ilibt4ututrlerr. joicihge'sit the defeat of the aniney, ilionk* are due to the Almighty lor his pro- tectiuti to our gallant oaken, and soldiers hir the great conflict they bare passed throagh: The roin.rt of. Gen. Themes, and alai art repent containing interesting do t4.11;..144.realeuuh.)1171Ld•ii; of Neleoe's corps oral. refry, ou the right, turned the enemy's len e nd raptured large number of premiere.-- "Neliiij"uunr 144-ierienantlYSectlirorld"cdc.ops, next oath* \ left 01 the cavalry, cal ried Nigeria hills. oap. takryed pilsunera and six eieces of art& •. \ Breyet Major General Smith, next on the left af Major Oeueral Schofield, carried the 66.1i.!nt point uf the me:calla line with hle iftan'a Midge of aleraidair's dieution, eap- tu lig lb peseta id &Marry, 2 brigade gene - rale, mid shout 2,000 priaohers. Ilrtg. Gen. Gurrard's division of SenithE c inruan. , next on t m left of Meterthar • At Grated to celebrate Mr. Lincoln's re elec. dtvition, carried the enemy's entrenchments, tion. Cheers Isere given fur Jeff Ds a and captering MI the artillery and trooyla of du Con. Lee, and groans fur Grans. tler and enemy the le that people not more then three hundred most important nee. which bu CJilat,. frOla Tbe po,,ice finally cleared the /room. Earl • lured eight pieces of artillery, s mething oesvie; of the fact that a number of their fellow, ". , sell lie.founi.th our columns this uorning. . 1 Maj•ir lieberal Steelman ' commaliding de- draiwitch of ,the Confederate consruissioners' ee" 111-'e i ,4 the ttentwoml Ili Pass. thi the iimerow after the release -of the St. I tachnients of the diff.rent/ormov ot the milk. citizens were struggling manfully with.tefie .e!,,,,,,,uce:ivr:ieiiear.e.,,i•izei,:tietceoureiteutheereeeule,trit:inleenet; devouring element, and few indeed of Biotic seoi;•,,,:r•Ltromete.:;....,, gebez.i.w.,hei:set.42.5,h•!1.84,,oer. •to I iteury il,rit:Iiii.z.,.ilr0thi.rr:Iliatissiptii, nitwit nobly mid manifesto of the Souther' il_ °agreed :- - knew until next morning of the terriblevieir have been 'made Al M„.hustlie.igtun. - lien. Lhx.1 the maerifesto issued be the Ctixests of the! in ihe nen uing-at eeyeelit. who reside in distant pirts of the town ' of 'groat importance to Ilt•itish Altimeter *Melt . receive the copy whielt von have sent 1110 of . ilibase ordered the pe6rinit to be coatinasd aahi.ploin. These are a few of the thoughte issues an order in pursuance of which Small- *Ill'eralali'ej;esCt ''''illittrt:trifriMgein'tte-ilite ',' I lniiTnrei'iei 14' --he ' 1 i NtiAt"111‘!oil"La.tfif:dc.r v;--9 LP m,.---ilinng lan ()there, however, will oocur to the minds escape back, to. Le 10110171 IMO Caligula; the nerteerviet southern States uf the for"! Granny, White a el Fraitlelinfpikes, ohivh In.; be taken against a recurrentx of such a of Cangtere, the Howie of Itepreeentativea, faend4..eelationa with that, the, Not the; mend 1 defended, -an at lest heavily esealillect thimp ._ Southern Siete'. since the canonentenient times bele • succeeding. It wee serried, scene se we have passed through. • . ___ Nesidria to live the re.luieite U9b.C,e to ter- Iler Merit! it gotrernulent hese continued 'to tincluding :en .111,114iffl, with the remnant al were teken. hy .* t!.11' large 111..1",lifi "Ill".4 '5" tne tif tho civil war, which broke out „fit 1.411 llhowerer id 20 pieces uf artirmy. 203 men. COUNTY COURT AND QUARTER mime the He, ihr''eitl Trea.IY. .. pr,,,ki.„,, th,i, .1',U,r,14Snu"rte-,,*hi Is!: '.1,tn4tIFINOrigi'lhP'11171(16InelhOn,i8011"14;1.40'11*htireeqetirlYs i;lo'rr I "Tdlim'i'ne'nos' y •air forced back two milee,.aad 8E881038. — out an appended , the ritlitore Der Najesty 1 F:.verometat have hisior y broken its') two parte-ooe cm. the ' be taken ta reconstruct. the treaty. en e new fitter presumed to Jud4e. I hey depl.red the i Whit pike and the other on the Franklin, 13. 17. C. rs. Boyce et aL-Verdict for 1,,,,,.. . ceeneteseemeet of this singettesey atiuggle,,i witty the 11111120 44 htuffy hille between them, plaintiff, $193.411: ef its termination. In the -sauseifime I mr, ,A. J. Smith, Schoftield sod the eariairy • 1 he Conscidenee of ior rt.... oe.. ..ach i . end wizionsly liso1/4 forward te the peried! eteeditinn and Wie4 ...wain dowi The 1 B. le. C. rs. Veal.-Verdiet! for plain- ue on • simile day is mit perhape PO OM till th are conettice 1 the beil at is a t lir er • (hag he I d 1..-' ; M - . ee .1"'41114 'It lin" 4110"0 aj'i''''' 11"1'!""r• vro?salt the intonate of yerace, auilY respect the C 151 md eati•t ina.ke another sit6h day', fight tiff, $33.?..2 I. ealee...r. et the St. :ethos'. rapti.rs • but the I imeirteet neutrality. Stich tieutt.oi,y 11er' hon. Cleneeme es. Iitidii.-Verdict for 'Plain - health leaninue tuatietsitaiii. 1 reqsest ,ou gentle. Sf gni TO lie- 8111RISI TRW Ralallai.....i0 oat rally auvested by our affliction,- erli r"ideri '"0 !re, t.6e1 7nalu<-e th" •":01;...Y'10 Ilretoliee • Mfrl tudIr a' '1.6 'tont rClovterilirr:gin lihilehrbiu"rser? or our readers, ated we esrnestly hope teat . the re-nete. rutr.s11,000,00 tie p'ece ve re- .o!ori.y unie,,!;reeeteie of irth .oredu y prepared or just Mu• sem venue cettem-in rearay geubo,a.s-oe the Britem lime %%nice 1..3, remained with Itingeni lin was driven 1r,do the ;m1118611 every precautieinery measure poseible will lake,. a.„,i a re,„,:eti.,„ hei pae,ea e„e era„,h the exceptioe ef a short pm io I counected mealy. ut 1 second wan very stubbornly •••",' Buell cs.elunn.-Verdiet for plff $2.00. ot ienerel Di( W164. of course,. fouede on the , rights oriel punies by uteserviaga alliet.tuid 1 while filters el in good co ter se pars il*P'sfY h w_ faithfully mai:pained to,e1 uni /fti . ng of the revenue cotters if A fwei gone conelusion, even her ire Miami -to A "bald Gluon -N'erdiet for plain. • Wei to Seer. e terminate the arrangeniecit s j ..‘ VanE very - rs. elurray. -N collet ler ; given. At.d the iesoestito *Lunt thee teei te,e;„. e-'9. • '1' i eleKeYe'es MCDanal-I. -This wai an he t had v,en. ixh'resieutem reaches 1,. • • • • 1•17..4;A::•,..eil'iy Ise relied'. C. itede • .•ei . ream ,yet c.tali 111e,.44 plff., 3100. ! procity Treaty icaa -1;eftire the detrieiee The Loud in -Times fies-s aliat Earl If.. ! Sinclair vs. litibl.--Verdiet fur plff. 111•1';`' "tee of .tbe 81 4 I • 0. !.1 ith ist. 11,31141, 1.1a ,C11/1 .fitif iro.(avsir with the . $131.3A, known Mt Wasidligti4, mid tee dav ewe ; tie, $160.94. • • atrictieg armaments on the S'.• 1 vain es it wea &see ned that Mr. Coareol Intended iv re..eme e prisoners and before he hoel tOIL:4 led • is jut/gm:rib steps OOTO la.te.11 by the ". °mewl erepti•red for she Cutied Statee ivernment to have terWr - ',117411"id a wAaerran'"14tinicgcluYedPatilph'"r: t:e7byawkilie, The 1 1 tgh ror.stati.e meld • 1,ot be towel, and one ot (mensal be COIF Zilli WWI 6 .IO" a lite Aineviesti 'lending** rie,:l.i,elejerne.e.le.di;n1 to .t,li..ei.leethofe twegartmaceisef t to, eel, told it wee aigned by re of tb• Judges dupe, ior Comt, he declined to eme erne it mita be hot three quarters of DA boar lor retie,' Mil. As that veined to involve • 'Cho for the lime Kimono* to wave hy the evening trent, aintiber attempt WU to Mai the .leieh Conitable, and this 'time with frowever, one man could not at 11 st-tho teen, 10 10:510,11 muse whether th• City Police could bv called in to assess. For this mirposa smithies visit woe made to the (lief ol Police, who egsiii a-aked fur time to I redact. The llieh Cornish!, then said teat the liKateo Police might aid him. They, however, c.trild not at t without the order of M,. Mr. Coursul was, therefore, j applied to tt his residence, •nd at one* gave I the order for the Wolter Poiice, and four Of flee of them, with the !fish Constable, pro reeded to searedi the ears of the Welters trate; mei not ?holing the men, to take other steps to arreet the Meiners. All, houeeer, veered I be ueavailing. 1Ve undenetand dodos hoon as Mr, Cattier ems informed of 1 what had taten place, he directed officers to ba sent in every direction to re -arrest Om fegitives; hut up to last night we hied not heard of ell having been laid hold of.-• Jinn:real Herald. action be -night to recover t • amieunt of bevies unseemly/tied" omitted se , e. te e It OWL . met wee act account. \It wee alleged the the deft. .Movemeots u , • • 'had got poeseion or 110 note scilicet by . ,!•• rui.ttie 'h.,:syr. en .titmtl ;'112t:11 h for the ameent and deetreyel it. !T he ood 1,.:tese • evi nee offered io prove the claim, thin th""'''''''"ee abeencea of tho nOte-, Wu or a peculiar, ruishl it be j..ntiliable is it pester cherecte written by viously frame an admimiem 1..ensr.1,1 11.57 Ili dt in 0) 0 ',Mb!' Cgt•. tit follow raiders sets bratrat ter &tory.- There was a letter put in Entry coantry eipeeted .preneree the he dell. hich, though ob- .,1 ; ;0.1 0.. for the uremee. of evaeing 0. tee .110,..e,i ei of this• iS ill it the reetty ved indebttiese, country zit Ilegletheqr is WO Wenk "0 per • s form this ety is hetet, ta the lest•le Two account,' wer end iti,each of which ,e- .r belhr,..rents. Rut it Is & SiligIC"Ontry had been teede. by deft. and 'that the power- ISInVol eterwrul Pis, it hi. POO. For the defeeme thee deft's eon ,tei,erYwri,,e,"oeteuie,,,e. lho s n.1 lb% was put in the box.- Ileeswo that the , extreme iseceseity. Arne! [can precolent. account had been overpaid b er COO. I would not jamitie the u. r. here is reason The jury however rejected his- teeny, I tt.';3retehre;.e.tmen't *ha ',tarot, O.:nil), and found a verdict for the full ount here 04aitist ipiation a ith w In4we 'are at claimed. The CSSC aas managed, with pence ; mei we trust that it wit ot he Lund rnanifeer ability on both &dee, Mr. oe of Kinceelme, for the , and Mr. Ca; • latter country were numerous : mid Et Med eron for the defence. \actually apulogiseil for the red!, Set 0 • Mr. It me, by t waY. Wide his lint lit3rtutmli"of0th17:1te:mi''..;(2'aurVie„Z!ed-t appearance et our oenty Court, and was \ received with mech favor. We wish him \ The ht. Alban's and. every nieces's. The remeining civil businese was not of a particularly interesting -character. The Queen es. Bemj. C'oombe.--Assault. This wail • lse growing out of the late election excitement in Bruce. The simple Leer ere that on the last day of the Legislative Council election, Mr. Coombs met Mr. Geo. Sturgeon in Kin- oirdine,end a convereation into which they Detior, aod, therefore, withdraw their entered led on from one thing to another until Coombe Atruck Sturgeon. Hence the pleuee.] pre11301. suit ane a great deal of cost in - After Nome further conversation of a ,e , inotea upon the eountiot to settle an affair pecific nature, The returning officer declared John V. that 'should not have gone beyond the Deceit. Pm Me or of Goderieh for the jurisdiction of the local magistrate& Vet-, year 1865. diet, guilty of oommon aseault. Mr. The eelie gith Sieelair for deft. elv*Ross couneel for three ringing cheers, and after three more eel.. sturgeon. for the Queen the audience di/Tensed in "e 11 th mudered. The Queen vs. dame' Duffy, larceny. The prieoner, a of about I 4 years of sge, pleaded guilty on two indictment/i.- e.__ He lived somewhere near Kincardine. As near aa oan be asoertaioed the Ines The Queen rs. Donald Kippen, horse- d property ea usesi by the fire on Monday eimeing, This in the alleged cam night la about 850,000. At first it wee eteeentt hones from Mr. Colthapl, lof rumored that 3Ir. Grace wee fully insured, the township or Bruce, the particulars of but it new 50011111 that his store building, which have been publiehed in our column& the bank building (which belonged 10 lemm the very peculiar way in which the him) sod hie stock were only insured for lime was gone into, it would encroach too 81e,000, which 'Joule hardly sever the much upon our apace to report the evie ',complete Wm of ell, at the lowest entierde• denee in full, but it is only just le the 'Mesmer. Story Is Davi' hail altogether, on primmer to state that the able contuse! bnililing and stock, an insures's:a of lel 800, engaged on his behalf -Hewers. SSr. Rook, and their lone will bet fully as great se Ite,,,of London, and J. S. Sineleir and II. Bret estiniMed. The building belonging blaodermott of Goderich-enntrired moot G. Mr. Blake was ineured for $800, no Ingenioeleie make te &ppm. emu, the that the owner will not suffer much, if eompheated eueiness traneactions whieh any. We should have mentioned in emir here permed between Kippen and rolthard hurried article of Tuesday that a bern in dist the fanner bad at least a 'harlots of the rear of the consumed block, belonging avulse for taking the harems. The jury to Mr Andrew Illownsrb, aangtia Am sod oteideolly wok this view of it, tbr they was only saved from &templets destemetion brooght le a verdict of "ride?, with a hy the utenrist exertion ea the peg a the tiro*/ rwooloteendttion to merey." liftman sad °them A. lap gasotity of Tbe Quota ets.Colls Jamas.- Tlds was seas. fewniture kr , was Roved oat et . Deo. or aleeersteatinff• Tbe Pri•oaer Ins seemed THE AECENT -Suledereara. \ 17se re disc% tryrd from custody - The sae if/soul Mc jurisdiction of Me Cour \ ,,,‘ — . • From t Le -Tutor's telecrtm dstel Mon- treal, leth, . c Ware' the followin,g inter. being impliceted •n the StX1t14b.in es reel, \ eseing partic ars :- To -day the time granted to th prisone charg•,1 with to enable them to rilettre ev cricie from Itichniond, Va., cepa eitidehey Morel in the Court of Satsto &Renee,' b their manse!. Mr. Justice 'miry)! peen el, and there was a number Ct spectatues Cte the coert. , , Me. Jezetite Coureol delivered aelengefej judgment in the cam, of which the follow- ing is a eynopeis. Ile sail that objection bail been taken to the jariedictioa ofethe court On the ground that the emperiel statute passed to impiement the extradi• tion treaty with the United States was liable to be suspended in a oolony of the Crown only when such colony passed • law reguletme the precelure to be taken within its limits, and the'm only by procle- mation of Her Mijeety in her Priey Council , that when this colony pivoted, the act, 1 eth Victerie, cep. 19, • procla- metien wee Peeled teispetpling the °petit - teen in Canada of the Imperial act as long tut the I 2th Victoria ehouhl remain in force, but no longer ; that the 2Ith Victoria repealed the material elem..," of the 12th Victoria, by mean,' of which the proclenet- tion mimed to have efeect ne suelw!nding the Imperial act , awl that, se no meth proclamation had been ieetied with regard to the 24th Victoria, the Imperial act was now really in full forms and eff.e.a. , and as that act required a warrant of the Gover- nor General en give jurisdiction to a meg- lent., whteh warrant had not been issnoil in the' Mlle, the 'magistrate had no juris- diction. Ile therefore discherred the prieonere from the pewee, 41' the oourt. • • . oa then helloes st conoter i; .1 ..•c1 • ,..-',irmeledee,•theeefoit, • n Intermit *hetes. It444•4•• to lee in clanger of tr. I gelling that .!, does tea niesa• leute: theretweitte!' • r ,1. ity, it m evOi I any 11••:. atioo of fiieldeliip ur eithe.r bail' I Maisel was 1.1 in -a -raved dentate!, and the! oliscount vaarket active, at 6; to 7 per rent I ha ferias ithowed cousiikrylile depies•unt.-; Consuls nu the afleh further declined 1 pea cent. Onti C ft.Pft.140 f ci,ulir reports: market eerie I , tire for Ame?e-lean steuntiee. of fluenuttieg netes accurditig to the- gold rpedations .froen_ , New York. Loxi..e, Dec. 2.-A Vienna despatch of 'Thursday 'mate seys, the atedietiou or aceciited. there is nu longer s.tmi• ger of • colleion between the Prussians awl iederels kloleteiii and 1.mienhu-f- The Timee city 'article sty. that the de foetid firsime mint et the bank yesterday was abdut the average. In the open market here, wen an iiieriemed inquiry Tor demount. j nus,p. Great Western has fleetly ,juitted Live I for New York, taking With her large\,, the a nt who' sn,ragini aern, roe lee ',Meer" the Crown did 'not eee.‘ sufficient k round for .gal pro.mel•nons. The cace of the Itappehai eick has been fixed for the 511! of December. fore the (hetet.' bench. - The New `lurk c eseondent of the Timee .1mA tee Ameriean the justice to say ; • was roeducte it h nisch good feeling, propriety oval unle is 1, be in the highest degioe honorable to the . rican people.-.- ! The Times article replies M C I I reinarke on the American tinantes, aml jioti nee its own jiredictione. Daniel Rebores the ie dead. The Itritieh export tem for eictober, shew great til'inz n :n the derangement in matietary . Ciinetitutionul has puteishe-1 • strum e • paragraph, a warning ageinst Orgies an ' corsairs.' It id suppunal tu hove reference te ',the alleged letter of ,miseque, slated te hme ghiliaPfly-Jiiritils, The Opinion ha tiorsinIe_ souks the Ccnstitutionel for the wartlaig, tad taunts it with having libel.' the Areharna, Florida, ite. It charge the Conetituthitial wiih changing Mt opoinins, now that t Freneli commerce way be pia pardized hy s . The market hi generally quiet and steady. , Wheat ruIes firmM. rs of the alleged Fed •tal 'moults and I The Fenian Brotherhood A meeting of the leading menthe, ef the Fenian 111.mb...shied waie,reeently held at Chicago, Et which messurett for sieconsplzhil;i, the aurpoites of that organisation we erthject of grave deliberation, after full Info:- mation tooching the resources at their flit. posal was submitted. The plans they have had in view for years past are approaching perfeetiom and. in the opinion of these gen- tlemen, the time for 'Hieing a decisive blow for Huth independence ia neer at hand. As a , • of them deliberate,na a Manorial Pen Ian on.enteei 1,1 called to meet in this city, .isituary 17. 106;i, to which all the circles have been invited torrid ;fele:rate's, and it is I estimated that corer tine thousand will he in attendance. The cell for this giontention announbte that ihia will be the' last general convention to be held in this conntry-that before the necessity exists for another con- vention, the fires or liberiy will be rekindled upon the altars of Ireland, and Irishmen tams ell parts of the world returning to right their centuries of wrong. In the' them in mueh signifieenee, and ranee it; the faet that earth circle in the Uoited &ate* Asa been strongly urged to send with their aelewates ite meek tworatiatier.ible, in order to nuts • fund of 66144, (Noire. else( Dane feessater• ,AftsEL) -VESSELS 0)1 THE LAKER. -- The Albany Atlas and Aff11/ cane twee. iien to the tact that the agreement with Great Detain that n ither powerahould_place more thao one 'armed vessel on the Lakes wit,' the work of Benjamin Franklin, and that it has often twin pointed to am the true yructhod uf preseraing peace between co-ter- isinue States. It argete that the proposed tithresse of war vessels. unlesa intended as a measure of hostility toward* England, M no lifflil, Klitliirld will &meter ants and he ready for hostilities ea Noon as ma can be. It says ?es" Thin ell, likr the fewest of the Recipiocity Treaty, and meet ef themeamires of tine Adminiatiation, is a rettognefe move - et, • direction sgeirtst civilisation sod ardihiritarists." ever Frighten Children. A sehoo streets, 17 -or some trident, off.' nee, roost foolish put • child in • dark cellar for an hour. T e hild waa greatly terrified and cried haterly. I returning to her parents in the evening, * e burst into tears, and beg• gel that she tnight ont be pet into the cellar - The pmehts thought this ratternely odd, and. 111.11r,c1 her that there wee no danger of their being guilty of si great on act ofentelty r bee it wes diffieult to pacif7 her, and wheia pot ID 61,11pAased a restless night. On the following d iy tee had a feret, during which she fre- qaeralt exclaimed, 'Ito not p,ut me in the meter. l'he fourth day after, she OM tabs. to Sir A. Cooper, in a high slam of fever,. with deltriusn, frequent' m den't pin me in the cellar.' . r st y 111Y rernat inquired the rouon, he found that dm mums hail learned the poniahment to ohich she lead been subjected. Ile ordered whet wee likely te relieve her: hut pate died in a week attar thee naftelisig conduct. Another CASe from the mine sieihority nisy• he h•re eitee. ft is the caw of • child, twa years of age. who, wanting tii write ber our one, end to sereps her slatopened, went into the school in the dark to fetch her keife, wham one ot Mar schoolfellows burst Irma be- hind tfie door te frighten her. Sim wee mmek teirinest, and tier head aehed. On the follow day the became deal: and, on th• the emeh as to not hoar the loodeet tar Astley saw her threw months after this bed, heppened, Gad she continued in tho maws da plerable state of deafness. A Any, fifteen years of WM athaitAla an inmate .wf the Dwisdr• ismatio Aspl • i;e▪ hnavt•inefil,itb.enmareare ntin:sb7weisis (ammo". rabrigmeerts