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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-02-25, Page 2
The ■ around there w ill be a three’cornered Winsham Advance-Time* !•»»• u» »«■<* <®»y /»»« •’» ««>- Published at -u'>t will be -he North Wellington WINGHAM « ONTARIO i "Diy s’X IWery Thursday Morning by j ^erierwe has shown that The Advance Times Publishing Co.,nuwe does not accomplish THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, February 25, 1937 Him during His earthly ministry. j velopments proved that the farm sell- It was. the week of the Fassoverjing price of this poultry was too feast. People came to Jerusalem from (great in relation to the domestic or all oyer^the world, ’‘and there were | to the export market prices. This ex certain Greeks among then that carnetperience -bowed that there is a price up to worship at the feast?1' These | limit tor poultry, in comparison with ... „. . .4.,. <, prices of other meats, and made the ^beyond which the cotisumei* will not pnudt The prohibitionists when they 1 Greeks, or Gentiles, sought out Philip, J the relatives Subscription Rate — Due Year $2.00‘oim '* pdiikai party have the two .one of the disciples. ; ' ' i show no encouraging signs, say of- jficials of the company. The large | world surplus of sugar, which had I been cut down somewhat since 1933 will be increased again by the com ing world slop, they say. Ontario Agricultural College wiil be on parade as a part of the Thirteenth Annual College Royal Show. More than two hundred animals of the Col lege herds and flocks have been as signed to individual students. These will be under the care of the students until the time of the show’ when they will be exhibited in the live stock pa vilion. The student is judged on the basis of showmanship and the im provements in the animal assigned to his care. This is an important day In the history of the College and it gives an opportunity for the students to display their ability in the hand ling of live stock. In the gymnasium will be staged a large number of educational exhib its by the various student societies and groups. Here again will be a spirited contest on the part of hte students on the basis of display and showmanship. Classes for exhibits of clothing, grains, potatoes, fruit, photo graphs, art and handicraft work are provided. I he purpose of the show is to bring out phases of College teaching in a practical way and to promote In- | terest among the students in live stock, grams, fruits, vegetables, home ' economics and educational displays. Friends of the College are invited to attend the College Royal which is | under the leadership of a group of I students headed by N. J. Denholm, F. T. Archibald, W, A. McGall B. S- Beer. a boon to the housewife—especially when made without meats, as custom dictates for this season of the year. Rich, luscious Lima Beans add zest to such Len'en dishes as these below: Lima Timbales cups cooked, dried Limas tablespoons butter tablespoons chopped onion tablespoons flour cup milk egg slightly beaten 2 2 2 1% % 1 % cup chopped walnuts U teaspoon pepper ¥2 teaspoon salt Rub Limas through a coarse sieve. Melt butter; add chopped onion and cook until yellow. Add flour, stir un til smooth, then add milk, Stir con stantly until creamy. Add pureed Limas, egg, salt and pepper. Pack in buttered timbale molds or custard cups and place in a pan of hot water. Bake in a moderate oven (360 degrees F.) for about 20 miputes. Turn out and serve with tomato sauce. Limas au Gratin cups cooked, dried Limas cup thin white sauce cup grated cheese cup buttered crumbs teaspoon salt Current Reports Bruce County reports plenty of hay on hand, but grain very scarce in some cases. In Grey County *a canvass has been conducted, with 95 per cent, of the farmers favouring a restricted T.B. area for the county. Farmers in Halton are finding it ne cessary to buy seed grain outside the county, Perth farmers have a good supply of hay, but are obliged to buy grains. Many stockmen there find that last year’s grains do not seem to satisfy the animals. Perth also re ports that as a result of the refores tation and conservation campaign, the number of applications for trees from the Forestry Branch is much greater than usual at this time of year, while the schools of Perth County are act ing as centres for distribution of trees for planting this spring. Cream and milk production is being maintained, beyond expectations in Haldimand. County. Farmers in Lambton are not i inclined to sell their cattle at this; time. Seed oats there are finding a< ready sale, with the majority of far mers asking $1.00 per bushel, Oxford reports a good deal of small seed be-: .'old parties, l.ilxval and Conservative, .'■slacked against them. i X better plan, in eur opinion, is tier the umpeiance forces to get in ■rt^uch with the candidates of the oth-jdid He I formal request: *’bir, wu would see | give active support to the market, i Jesus. 1 hilllp told Audi e\\, and the^ There is every reason to expect a i JVO d>sCu.kS ibr«uSht thf nwssa8e tu; sMis!a(.wry mu¥cn)clll of lllc 19Sli ; tte Urd. i.M H.s heart reio«c. and I ,Hn,ltrs. bot)1 in Ca„aiJa and in ^aud welcome these. export tvaL. This should have a tT. , , ... strengthening influence on the situa- .... T. ?v,An S4'c lion during the marketing season of iw receive them. He could) 19S7i a„ Mrlv relllrn to prim no , ain <»t tie ..one tone be true toi,,.],;^, 9rt.v;tjjc(j i9s5 is not nor- the imssion lit, heavenly bather had mally to b(. expected. The cnnninsr Riven hnn.AVe.mnst never torsel that I ,j pontov lllrals iu Eastcrn Canada ■tlic .son of God came first to Israel !has i„creas<-d considerable in recent jas thwr Messiah and their dmnety 1 VMrs ,i,rOTBh the develonnient of an | and beripinrally promised King, By .----rejection of their Messiah culminating in His cm- U'ifixion, He became the Saviour of » s'.’ j the world—of both Jews and Gentiles, : During :be iMrt rive \ears Canada |as many as would receive Him in this ■ ha- .-pent on unemployment relief,-jage of grace. id same b. -c’d age pen-tens, etc., $1,799.000$0& I The comment in the Scofield Ref-]andWaHaceburg,Ont,,haveannounc- ; ummejp.'il-; Thi- looks like a very large sum but Jerence Bible is valuable: "He doesled that more than 350,000 tons of the county i,me wondcis it in the future it will j not receive these Gentiles, fk Christ ] beets have been handled. Farmers of be lc— for any 5-yeav period. 5$J The Ontario Va- that more inurest in rehabilitation of prisoner ,h‘hs for o;;r youths who ft offended -veiesy is a prol take- some thought * Due to defense i Britain it is expected that the income > The local high school board is be-pax rate wdl be boosted. Defensive; „I ................. .? and there is no’measures amt war expeditwres ata, “heal trustees ■ great tax raisers. « ’ The eembmed gross revenues of j C C R and the C.N.R. have dec Speh an idea into working shape butjehned move than $149,009,090 since: it is such a good one that It should j 1927. Th? tailwavs have had difficult! ■be pxtshed along to a successful con-;!times. 5 elusion if at all possible. ? leth alone: but if it die, it Lringeth! ; It is reported that Mrs. Simpson > much fruit," 1; RACKET INQUIRY uBl not marry the Duke of V( mdsor. > Christ was ready to die for the sins r An inquiry wiil take place in Mont- j The geneiul opinion appears to he ’ o-f the worid, both Jewish and Greeks, i ml in various rackets of that city hhat Fdward will jump the broom-_c\®d He went on to tell his disciples; which it is said the citivens of that stick as s-^m as possible. j$hat they could follow Him and be[| city contribute millions of dollars j if they were ready! yearly. W« have all heard or read ofij Mr. Rlackmove, the Leader of iay d^wn their lives also. Dani re-f the various rackets in the Vnited J Social Credit party at Ottawa, says ‘^5^^ this truth for all Christians j 1 States that made the siyoraws weal-, that $oehl Credit at the next elec-,;-^.^ he declared: “I am crucified q thy and whseb have cost the eitirensj tion will sweep Alberta, Manitoba, -xv;th Chn-C (Gah 2;29h h of the republic to the south of us'i Saskatchewan. British Columbia and Tfee L.or4 ^y. *.^mv sums that would make the war debt| 'Quebec. Cri< wonders what this par-i^ t-oabled 'and what shall I b' look Smalk ty has ace.- myhshed to warrant even ' f save Me from this hour?" j j kanada <uoes not want such a can- j sack a prophecy, ■ j. proper to give that last sentence d dition and the only way to handle j * - *- • a ^wstian. as in the inarsrin os the ’■ I the bud.j - 'leeted from| ’ who are|j he people F place in, by snehf . be made ■'I 1 ! Six months, $1.00 in advance, To U. S. A., $2 SO per year. Foreign rate, $300 per year. Advertising rates on application. e receive ier two pasties, find out their attitude Gentiles at once A WORTHWHILE SUGGESTION on the Shpu r question and then sup-j Il appear* that smaller town* and’pen the vuc who is in sympathy with; He did iv villages cannot afford to >uppott a “then’ idvts. -u.., .. school mu’sv. It seems a shame that: this sen ice cannot be made available to such co mnumtivs due to the fact; question, that the \o>< xs too high. < haw m-t, A suggestion Jja* been made that . would give such a set vice and if car-; ried out would not lu an expensiw j one. The idea w this that the county ■Csmncil take the matter hi hand That they employ snuicient nurses to car ry on this work in all schools of the county, and the expeusv same be divided among the xarlous municipal ities of the county with paying part of the cost. That a school mn-c wo.uld do ex-j qdlent wwk is, we are smc. the gen-( erul opinhnt <u” most ratepayers but like so many other services that it would bo tine to have, the ex pease is very high. If all the munsciyalities Ju the county weu'ild co-operate as suggest ed above, ;t’e idea could be easily put across. It is icrv doubtful if starting an te other party will help to settle the Chud parties in Ontario , up to date, got tery far. * $ * £ We can truly say this year “K win-1 the Jews’ ter is hero then spring cannot be far ’ and King, behind.'* .hh'.d such a move doubt that the public are also as they have beer, in favor ■ of such a service for some time. There may hr dSitictdties in getting j the such a situation is rap it in The public should be pr- rhe. unscrupulous peep' glassed as mkateer; or Montreal or any Canada are practices ev: to -tamp it IS IT WISES- It new appea*-'. Imgte-n vbvm th de If ether bring gypped yy cftiWi shonM »)?!» iSnsiR UlsoV; 250 1 luronii 1 J years through the development of an •j export trade in this product. I I ■i Sugar Beet ProducUop With the run of sugar beets 1936 conmieted the Canada and Do minion Sugar Company of Chatham for I 3 1 % % ¥2 Arrange Limas, sauce and cheese in layers in a baking dish. Cover top with crumbs and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) about 20 min utes, jin the flesh, Klug of the Jexys, could.!Kent county and districts farther. I be no proper object of faith to the|a'vay have been paid approximately ays j Gentiles, though the Jews should have | $2,000,00, and 80,000,000 lbs. of gran- j I I WW. »«,V »•»- «.-» . -------------------------------------- ------------------r> l a sacrifice for sin, as Seed of Abra-1 officials, die crop was not as rich in ling offered locally and the recent ham, not David (vs. 24, 32; Gat S:!- sugar as usual. Whth the price of su-| priced of red clover was 23U cents 14; Fph. 2:11-131." jgar still practically at an all-time low‘a pound. Potato prices in Wentworth Instead vf receiving the Gentiles j level, price paid to fanners for the j have been advancing gradually, sell- at that time (but we may well he- J beets has shown no upward trend as png at $1-90 to $1.95 per bag on the hove that these very Greeks, with! yet, hut this year the beet growers; local market their deep interest in Christ, came to i received about $5.60 per ton for his ’ accept Him. later as their Saviour), ’ product. ’ O.A.C. College Royal ) Christ said to His disciples: '"The ! The future outlook of beet prices 1 On March 3rd. the live stock of the ’ hour is come, that the Son of man; should be glorified. Verily, verily* 1 say unto you, except a corn of wheat; fall into the ground and die. it abid- i role Board _ ..................... . .... should be taken 1 believed on Him as such. For Gentiles I Mated sugar has been made. the corn of wheat must fall into the! Yield of sugar beets per acre was ground and die; Christ must bo lift-1 above the average over the entire ed up on the cross and believed in as - growing mritory, but, according to expendilores in & Id O D o !I MEATLESS MAIN- COURSE DISHES and Bill: “Hullo Henry, what’s happen ed? You look queer?’ '* Henry: “Nothing much, except that I happened to leave a pot of varnish By Betty Barclay | on the kitchen table and the missus Tasty main-course dishes, healthful, happened to be making treacle pud inrigorating, and easy to prepare, are ‘ ding.’’ H o fl o : as a question, as in the margin of the ; 1 Revised Version. Then the Lord an- ’' ifrHE SUKDAY SCHOOL LESSOR j s"'tr> His <«■«««»»: j. ’ 1 cause came I unto tb.m hour. Instead - of asking for deliverance, >; the Lord prayed. "Father, glorify Thy name." G.-JY answer wa> immediate J and rcassunng: "Then camo a there 3 a vei«? from heaven, taxing, I have '! Lota gicr..fhd it» and will gioriiy it J agiun." ■ j The Lord's new commandment to' Gisciphs ?> our Golden Text:‘JI /'That ye hwe cr.v another; as 1 Lave O' as 2ctcd yem that ye also kwe one an- 'other." Arc we keeping His now || commandment’ De w< love our fel-'J*t 'ow-< hrismms v. 1th Christ's own Lwe, sz. that we coald gladly lay down c.ar : The Lord >poke a word that is of- O ten misunderstood and misused. ‘‘‘AndIt I, if I he dtted up from the eartm4 J will dma no men unto Me" People • IS often ox te verse as though it ‘ O meant that if we bear witness to ft .Chris”, talk about Him, honc-r and -jj gh'-ruy Him .a'd men will be drawn ■11 utile Him. We ought to honor and 11 exalt Chrisr. rmd bear witness lc< Him,. ■ 05 course, bst this is net what He:^ mtnm here The explanation ts given hW "This He saul sig- ?|| death He should die" ’ >4 ed tm" doies r.ot meam horn, .mr worC’p'T Him. W His JJ being 'ifted up or: the emss -of Cal- O van wooo God lom mxm Him the W sms .‘f She wmT Csa || i THE NEW COMMANDMENT. Suudaj, Feb. S3.—,L’i 13:34, 35. Golden Text A m-w cxnmandmKUt 1 ghs : m « NVw! Wri-•>-* T J0 ar-;-;t~ rSJbs '' vo.'p'e sa? that the liL ...... '1' "' ' Chri<* is more important L’i B ® ; hoan His dvmh. There could not be a cS C ; j sweater mistake Toe message *d the ~ * ■ wo. .o1 i-.P.c is that lamb sxam j from the i.cmdativu of the AX<rldT‘MCI ¥1VC ; aS.$.. ,ar.A ’ 'hbds earth as a mam not primarily ia WIITH ’ 'd-'* illv ill, :?hriy‘three jean- .-n earth as a man, OO'C’ioilist. ;. ■ and then o.-ccitdeil to- oca'ici' w-thout v i o mg. tm Ir.man -.ml c. aid c wr have Hamslo^t. Kv- saved .■.■ecrust He died we have .... ......... Ge.spri <C srdvo.tlo.n tor Ls: >m- That Gospel is “ibat Christ died ■ hr cur sins aoccndm.g to-- the- Scrip- , mms: and that He «as NuritvL ami 'of coeirse. bro vat He rose again the third day at- .nuam here Th. -- to- the Seriptaras*’ <,1 Com ' in the next vers; 'vlwSKSS?' TmS, 4’- * mfymg w-t Trii? ?:ess,.n brings ns to this heart .His bemg rii- and etortim •:?—'■ n .: >*-. His death th.m we nig kt - Txsday m Gst nock Lay LiLr He ws m d, and fro knew tins Tome a rtx'vo-: o: the- 1... T fT- X 12-aO-SS; ■»tJCSY ■' News Asd Information For the Busv Farmer o o h s R O ■ * Service is a feature of Thfc Wingham . Advance - Times Job Printing Dept. Unusual service is given and jobs are completed promptly. © fl o ■♦ Take Stock of Your Printing Now! CHECK UP ON YOUR REQUIREMENTS AND FILL YOUR WANTS NOW. TELEPHONE 34 And OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. T o oThe :uar evro th* hs ' m tilicli the Grrnad’an crinal c”. “ ha- -wan al 33? r .Ih.-n bsshD- The »! whir.! > acu i-:hvated a* 229,- 21$» aert-s ‘—the srxhhsJ crop smeo The ■ IW CTJ1P vas tebGs; the ..Q m-jd; W ,.p, 5ga. S92M”) fehsls. >|| 8 W* a-*, the WS A The ; p.'gikry the Catjaih&n'd pchas USS TH- 3K«i*i5^ iid Wfts "amketod by j prtesi *es»ssme3 a stftesoMd Jitecxst aft’U tbisr of She ywra im- | gub’X'g&rht -<fc- j 1 \ j INVITATIONS LABELS LETTERHEADS MILK TICKETS NOTEHEADS ORDER BOOKS PROGRAMMES PAMPHLETS RECEIPT BOOKS RULED FORMS SALE BILLS STATEMENTS SHIPPING BILLS SHIPPING TAGS SOCIAL STATIONERY TICKETS VISITING CARDS WEDDING STATIONERY D o