HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-12-22, Page 1T.' EDITION.
W T. OM, sitar a.ltlei)roprietor.].
faultiness Di'.cccrll.
-� _-- lr A.M.1)uumull
TUP 10 10 A.M.
alio. modem,. on North Wawa, Next dour
faith til thereouleuceul Nur. Mr. ElerriuJ. 10:1
1 (;. C, a0hmanoo. M.U.,
tPHYSICIAN, ?WW1 EON, Sc.,i,'., GOD•
. mem, C. W. 11:40.1y
Thom V. Alole•'mm. M. U:.
Yor.r >iurrrauu (u4oua Hwpital).-
nlca-AI Arthur's llu•doi Huu:',
1.w61w9) tderlc►,C. M.,
1.1r. Cole
1 ATE uF'srA 11
-Cid. TON, OV fl
L mom Marl. (Mr. rkwit 111.11
July 1,'111.
U Melptclwyi.
- *OM College, M
HYa1C1AY suitq :U.
The Greatest Poesib e Good to tho Greatest Possible Number."
Ousulcso Dircctorn. Business directory.
.1„1,.: Isom.
Glue\ll �ltl\1•:K 1N I'l1t. COURT OF
tauean's Hr,a•b,ConreyruLer; d,e. A Rea
Astro kept 01 Farm and 'I'own Loi• fur Sole; par-
tie. hoer.; luta for aisle, ,r dr.vmng to purelnar•
w dl (drew serol full pout eal.r..
Une::,uteon, Feb. 20. 1 •'•i7. a:n
GoDEItrc il, 0.
Beitleb ►series la .ranee Co.
Chief Udlee-Luruut
la s.
E ICH. . 'tiodene -ale . Jae
{ACD H d
_ h
TLE If'UEKSl11NEU LIE()+ *1 Iy WI t e. .puler,
i&' /Mak e t trwwd$ sad the travelling a bo•aie tt7EST . PANY, cud lie rr
emuye • t- 1 the err • Liberal palrousaus be lar. ',l I(nt uta; Head Cour�-Ikur• Sgt: sr,.Gedw.,A, Coutd Loll,
sa)uyrd for Ihr ghat nine vo- tr., nnJ wood Ir- 04%ees,To Insurances to s{.k.e, hu
l� 1.1iGeetn lir J. B. °o awCh•m- DISPENSING CHE & DRUGGIST c,.~mr testi
hr*.. • Uvalert a,aad 11 revel y
JOHN ['ALDAN, Jr., Agt. They Mel nu a
Godericb, Noy.21. *brit lullurr f, •'iypu
G,b:y\! I\ I: 1 tU�iS . •
uraatip Lew game.
b. C, W.. 1^I fi IeWl.
a c .
,•b Anirrtr, Aa,wprnr limy
wino' Nome, Fire 171
1i:.■ x11.1
(,.us uses•..) AIL,
• THURSDAY, DEC'. 22, i8 -f.
Etteip coo aire[to
'\LW Yo ,s. Ike. 1:3.- The Richmor,J 6s•
amieerot the loth na).:-'•There is o0
new late. than the 7th, At that thud' he
.... ,1 - Asa a . �-ars - >r- te r ... r -
Hereafter ever venni of war must he
ate therefore irrlrw•trd, iu case Ihr)her icy e} 1 . ,
el deprwleu'n std murder aro uurulnteJ, •Scam vr.-et: and etr*m-eniineeiilia must
whether lay marauders or per$.t.$ acting iu t be • spereG,y 6, the educetiuu of aural oil
der comalssion from the rebel authorities at cern. -
RnchmouJ, to shoot down the perpetrator, (*.Two men have been apprehended rt
b tel Ale iucumwi.tmn of their • New ....Irk, 1•ur suspending a little colored buy
canes Autos of sherptao wee eombieod 0u 0 11 Foal y, ,
rad 1L..lit the Algeeeke, Ito Ih0 6th it 'ad. erupts. or if it be IletRmery, with a view to ' by the heels, from the honks of, a blacker:It
ruuer.l an kw then 1e w(... His men were r their capture, to curt the boundary bet emu , stand hl Fourth Atntne.
' 'gr'as's d ao much t*ti;ued,and their spirits' the United States and Canada; said 'command- + t}Jia oiiwu in jetting noturiuss for rcpt•
f Nisei,,;. 111 uumliem the ware 22,000 ere are hereby directed to pursue them , dyate. Several brutal rod uuproroked u•
USG tis, ural :1 most ...tortuous
wagon train: wherever they may take refuge, and 11 cop- , mulls arc successively t•p0rt, d.
e country in htt rear was swarming with tired they are, under no circurnatences, to
� �,} A rumor it ew relit in Turuido Mat
Ise* and deserters. *hu ate begging .urreude'eJ, but aro 10 be ar01 w *1.1se bead • Muth M. )l. Foley htlrude to uppoee M.
r iu; at Berry huwr. Ciliata who quarter fur teal and punubmeut by martial 1110wliutd in Nest leek! :
IYlion with .the uek011 trorour in. the law• 1 \ row occurred in the Toronto (`Aly'
1100that they are m.iyereOH diaj•i�Jalyd The Major General commending the Ile- • r it the otter nigh( Several ore hem
hesitate l
o exert
lir to the
, • I not ►ser r
r tl
helms t I
, nm nal wound
vers r he'd mimes. I fi
TT other!' oyretan• d r
1 t h war. '1'Ua u D 1
ea led. w utd the I '
I r uYdrr
Lurie of Shennur'e platy. They *Midi Ie* of the authority ll p.tr &I c 1 up by Itruu,i:iYg %o se IU. affairs=m t a ft.li
old li t risk an eagerme t if lig the rule. of law recognised by all civili(sd I ref/-atTxr the Co*. I ar fiver. •' ++a-""
t, bet -aurae he had tau ammutrition Stales in regard to peramts urganiSing Inutile - „ppc:'
would 1001.11 1a. way to the sea expeditious witting neutral lurritu,7. iii(`ms whr a li Aware dealer was Hke •s•bwy'
motet Nrc 1 lies' nut
Th.. 0ecung wit for an asylum after' c,,nr editing
I l
1 1'rtrrhxt .uta rd
111e t
4 r son:
chm0k �r! • rb
lir urns; such ,g
m., h moues' sodsmer them.- sotsref depredation (t *dine o ,' 1
1*, but care merely r:wny. *serene of authority.- harm, Mcumo indite � it up, •`H'hy,•r•, wed the oilier, •'hccauw
, ill' noduutkite their woe peneahle, to protect our cities rod towns from 'the one e t!d it1c qui.., Ynd"tlte other u[dod
homy, at even a pingToac•', to be reptaeed tneendiarulu, and our people, from to heti 1 aolre.'•
by o-bert No oil Wiwi is .now raid to the and murder. .. I f'- Vt. 1.t N ,,ew ter hod, • mail. Vain
t(rtirral urdrr of st •titan iuucd at the be It of earnestly hoped that ll''' iuhahilwle 01': !,gaud (0 0Meit.o,- 0.0 ruhMd 01 a hall eon.
• s.ue not
e 11ceaurtula.l )
Y )
lll Ball,
' !VOL. XVII. -NO 47.
on us ►bortire by chase attention to our drag
•that ia,uur towing sail.
In this wanner the forenoon phased, Sebes
the brews became fitfo4dving ares gradually
es the day declined. emit son.iJ.a 1 e.. it earns
only in fitful breaths, whi.•11 ehaftd narWoad
sheets of estivate, withmu: efevting a*7 II m
serial ehaage in our position, whir h. owtag to
the strung ebb tide, had remein,d unaltered .
during the afternoon, at which lime the c i At
of paver bore wejrnorthwnt,l'� enmrar,anl
.Canals hsrbor *moll by knit, el out egaallp
dirbnit. As the run went dcen,*Le r.wal-tide
made, and we ronld distinguish the Innek of
pieparation'en board oor Ono/Re, whish her-
ded his Intended visit to *he t.. 1 „plait)
it to rhes the, idles•
Meares had notf� ed
' r ', r
J rk's Int au ow
tions of the revenue u
which he seemed to ponder deeply for a0eriel
)�tinuie"l, wheir1k(citing •the• -mete^ se•tp•. .
pfradr he "laid :
w' Minded to 1 ce ebt• •
'Audrey., yon fellow's
they Irak at oor bonnie w.e Witch. Uye
' ken, I'm emir than half 1•rmuerted (a glee
him a chance to try hie fottane is her for •
week orae.
'flow *0, captain?'
'A (air exchange iv ca rel. berg, ye ken,auf
if he comes to waken raptere, a in bis seem- -
ix ra'
n tore nothing wprevent f
ipg intent, 1 a
taking posbewiin o' the Agile fur a true...
Send me, we might lard n cargo f,a her in
the very flee -o' a England an' Dane *peer
where ft tame from.' - ,
'A brilliant ides, by (be eines,. triple's! 1l
he only delays his tin an hour and the night
oat ' ' - w half.ae dsrl( ao usgal. nothhiq can rc•ent
erred. 1 hatch ohs 122 Y k.e poison. owe, tau atmdrirs through masa. t.fourw. 'rwoutd be a ',orlon. yokel �re nt-et
had seri • in Augusta..' - I
Nichmo Examinee -of the Oth Myst` Starvation Lfltr$Qrritnary.
• aro tt..a t • 10ree .eat Il Ureut do Dao undrtA of t1l.Iftw N1 f V
don road Co ;sod of nue entire cons The Au.tralien correspondent of the Times
tet,)• Lt. Wan of them oun'ht giver the following reinatkable statement
illustrative of the power of the Oamau being
lrter•rnas 0 p.,.31i/t �harar to reeiot hunger 1 -
me under On.. arren.- which " A very remarkable incident.wbich 1 must
un Weetw*Jay along the shortly relate, if uuly for the interns• it moa
')herr were .0t untirmed neceseari' have ter scientific std medical
a tic- wen, lately „ecuered here. 1T.cu.oinr•a have
ten. htqueetly ariwn iter. to'hnw long human crew
tars cru exits% with..ut uouruhuent, and the
Met to which 1 proceed to refer throw* light
11 such an investigation. Some week/ Lack,
the "kilos of • Mr. illi 'd Smith, et
110t m, t aro buys aril a girl, eget'reepee-
M. U. '. Ni.. �uully .sk a ventrowave o: 1Leli lu.ronarr.
radusla ••"Mwtwuse Ito. 1011*, *0.., p..:16,1O,11,,,11.,:.,..,`..',17.4
Ltc erp:n .d.nnd
;EON, k,., t t wdl Gu fuurd complete in rt-rrY pun crab.
tr11dit Leta/ow. - JOHN UUNU,.11,
. .. Y,� small .- Propel tier.
�rjrO�v -d..lerteh Sept. 16, 1� 11. .w7
{I l7( IN IR iIIVt. tPAel. Ai 'LONDON •< Ch• ,0 0, I../Winn
P teed, pann>rlb*Wyo.d1 actdwt.Ical , 1ttt, a t. trct"lN1'eltcaco. lli(r rout h.' Pad Nall ill
l Wyo. Y
a M
a1rYM )
un u T
'1 ' u '1 r 1 .
ppn '. C t l u. c
1 F
wt7.t •
L 1 R
.Ia6 [ : `.� r r
r h P sr r►
I1r aur./ cn n a rs
- t'It.i. t. a. t � of �. /ts1aT. nl Lr 1. ■ a
x a tel . 1 .' A t
Mw � �'+`�, y- fol 1:3 0(10 u �iaa .
I • �... *lett r��II/ shot y.rawntnlY tnurfrJ oft &a 'Cartel, , ,1 t
r u.
emurrKt..• 11Wiret hfr¢• overlook tui the Harbor {3,6:1.73...' ' . • .
L w
. owl' 1 a 'Ib u c
I L thin". .s..t
Jra•uirJ ark
1 t
e will el-
4 a
nn, .t r m nt-a �e
Nond't 4•• nae , ewrJ 11 per Jrv,•,ualr Brlltsnia Life Assurance Co. ofLo0do11.
Law, •rJ :ruhew,r-ta•UWsorry, C ft( 'Iled...r 14•I'. tS rrnu.
vlSn I0 lr •� - CARD[M • &C.. &C.
Dro LAtlornr),Uwlerlch.:road. west. e - B i 110111-11s. • 'g1,II uode r•iul t • I.av11 a *000 app dente
• C Hgabe. _ _ __ �__ _1_ DOder►fwm lir.Lcrl sea punctually ulerNle.'t
-- - - M. C• Cameron, __ -' I Apwlb,rth.shovr )izblt ••atctaUlr Mr-y..'•r.ir-T);,J. Pn +.
W t r.Tlrec t ' ser. r •,o.► Flak fed s tl P►yir•..a'. Prebenplmr esrelyIly are•
rlit, .\rlu,t.iF.Y, CONVEY.,
ew!!( ll 1 1 11 1 bila Ok 11 l► 1I t
D anus
I7 saliva,•
rK•ag.tou arert,e;. ler,ch, C•W•
w is aHoclr*r. ~
{III,ICrrOR, 1'1/NIIVE % I
.1reate, tie taw*, over the .Non it
...Y• Werra •.•a.
r' J. S. Strew.is,elitemttb
. l#awlr _:110
Nul•r.v miss., kr.. Weal-ln.t,thelcr
u, awl germ etrew1,
.11Y1V,Kr tae•
ROXETER it.urn{ranrr+. •p -
I Lltreieks,al u..lc est, rel,• ol. remium peeved.
oltuarrd •.n Or Grovel Ruud ruining from . tl . ILO,' A get'. Goderteh, tans 1 1. 1he1f. ' .*
otorth lu 4.14110411400• one War. n..ata .d lottv.irh et:•,•'�I •n r• ,,,,,,2t_ .
W any tray I
our frontier d•Ut arta wt r 1aam r u 1 a Its N hl tie a re tr es p.a
rad been
m', the lax and the so:.Ir country ol1 •000,5111 o1 lh. twlna00 11
oar hee'i ill+ n•,1 by In •Ir. lit snldirtw wilhmut ,tl rehrlirlinru 1 laves r t nr heli 111.1, and letters. cnnb.ueo'
1 J that t11,000 h
I f
1, rebel martin ere un 1 / 11 it ,d,atlo Ira N• n to • a value
• ,, ere
ad y
Randa *1 .011, i. • 'eratiug"uu the tun proper r . 1
Random," rt eery slap• proper me►+war of redress all bo !.:!t 1. the been fuundln hit r.+Nrxaioo.
The Au:ufu Cnual ifu(I. nn(iaf of the GO: action of the public autlidt hies. 1'ter.• have been err 'irked a1 tli
Ufa o. . .til a ' • nt Wok .Lace lty ronam.tnd of Maj (l0n. ! IX. Somt, tiu0e Iht' out'. vt of Lt tear, *erre
t••••• tier's l) d y1 ,J I ) 1). r. \'esetmet, fest. clra vnf•uule five'rcweJ c r. ' 11133.1.13.11
ikrr's a, in ,. on Brie creek, 22 mrr! - J Ce1., A Au t.A4dj t Geng" 'Atop,' ;
from uAa, in wh1 L 1:,.• I'r I. tr"s were � Ir hareem Im S inn lea of on
wiser d teed, od to '"I'''. awl • y • .• We
d e
v f • w Lr eau
it anY P,l+• toluu.1.0...t. n, Insurance Camp ny t�.o�,h � COAL 01L 'f here N
dalNon ,war a. hr Jt es pert. to Loofa( ent cines
1.dvn,tr., o. oyte.t�
ot, I
^u Southampton,,
Belmo !
- _ LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT! tb. w
,urd:•r trill*, lid ramulus sru Iry de r at.
Agile the buret of the reyenur,aud tLr terror
wort.. Tho.. ,-.t.ilili.hnwnto are wjyd.rd of all tauten, transformed Into •emu'- {
Mutates'. , • u ■m arm* Mud 6ler 1 Illy, ha. ha 1 11,t, lie, ho !' Ot it wou'd
rtnuutrerrwau lir ib. Curfedc.al. Sir.. - Ile a rich ileal for t11e m.•motet o(our fru-
�• A eulrwion 1)0150,1011 on wr•dgr•rdn. urnity,.and an awful blow to the pude of the
mtrn.i,.g- On: the N. J•'('eutral Relives he �fthnte rerroue eemmice;
lorty, .. ort train ar.J a freight train. ie r \'Ay. 'mould be Odd, an malt, .Andrew,
Mt s butte n very severely and berets _'Ttsd lit •sheen irmr yellow boy. in our
'4► I
. •r • . tri fo'• w"
*rail." r 'u he 'n h t the
• r ••) d 1' r n we'll maker t N
HU" . 1 1 .17 I's:she'd 1 h
lit the thane slid shortly aftrrwarNNrnrxpnor duu\jl, ll's a trick worth ',ling, rN' try it 1
grnerel d,•.hueuuu. 1'rurdentlally nu our ala laconic boat, when ee ha a rented the
Ilya. erre lost.', _ i fe*ttet reiietand 4proudest oRic,rt+ot in *1..
a}• A lgly rwid,nil at liartfmrd, Coan.. •nod the men ekla Owen elaee 1 Crow we 01
•• soon F 1 V - wee Latey burn• d to ,1 -t I.
rLi'c writing •. find enough on board the 4'1 a to Mot out
the fuhuwing :-The !ti mond Uir/rrfrA' at ga Jitter to her hushand in \,•w .le,re A.r,wl
• •• the. m+11 is user �u ouch, probable
appears 10 have )rreu meet s h hl t • 4 d mi d 11 drew
p ys' P t d oil getter
to Ips. Ir r 'Mita a a' aster !wattle'. manned.
SE natfirr mots distant. Illi h not yet made � ti:elr t, eldest buy nine. the girl rrrru, ■ n ' t m op
tin cu°,muui•silog W her clothes., euu.uwtJ to
make rrelrr•tiontefor hie_ ream &rerun*, •
R3 it' iL L - Inr.ider
Iubn tenroaan. _
ARR13rER,ATr.LevF;Y.!tfn.1 roil
e C reer7. yi• f14.•e. Harker 1i11ft .r.
NClrawoarNrY..unlar,ra. _ _
l.rfrwtr c 1 •o1.rrao,*.
BAR saga.., : roust:1,•.\T•1-LAN,
e Mc.
l:.,nre ••oven, A.
sou. )
(ar'forwaev NeN Lrtreet.li.ioara•h. .:.!-_
• J • to 1H. (;ardor*. .
l:haucory, N• *ry Pablo., conveyancer,
W: dee., U,alericb, •esadr N rN, i,*.e�.•u
he d•'utb .bee .d Wert . r r11t t, mud dour thou the
iloar(•Itouse "Neale.
WaIIW.' 'r lura,
CMararp, votary Panne,. unteraI,er,hc.
• deirnch, C.V9.JJ6.-e, over H. •J.rw da C..'.
tl•dwarn Stun
• 1.029
"kepi' to Loll ea lost perty._
M load.• 4 ira'clinp.
A Tr0I* fl'Y. )LII:ITII;r, tie..
a. ■r r,C. W. r r u' a: l'r !hair* ;;V•
IX°ek, Wc.t n.4 entrances Vin( Deor we
*isogon -
-,'rosea Ic Moore.
Iq Ths NIES SOLICITORS, :cc•. Il•nio-
i rah. • W. Q6re-I,NAUtl'e NEW
11410 r. r..ea
(,. 1•nek. Auttml
Sox te.
v elven ay
ra. Crabber New Bloch,
Diming Fluid, Lamp (ii11.
. ter i) the Co
went soothes,
ICE: AL . YS OS J AND - - FIRE •AND LIFE. . Weid a taihna
&or Sale by
,n +e F. Jon) kx rumors that lie h •fight andCnute
Trout Fish' : g Friends CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLARS. (hrf•rlek, Jan. 17. map,• • 1v tory et Janetes.ut m, 32 miles foam
r r i>r 7 tion
a + L...kru o0.- Aer,nnolufrel f ands un Ann11, 8.5,Uo0,uoo, err our, e. e - 'o E.
FEET ,I•-Ri'hlnorod a re ftoday contain
1 Ili NUKED .IND FTI' FEET! cape: I I.L
Cif.U.Lb YS,
A:19Uti Incolu° !.\i ) ,1
jupli.tur• / 1: Immune,. ede..ied s the LteiVEs 1
(rain nun 0G10 'the -*1011 two, witting W the - will, teeming to fertt:ue to Fein l'wxtc.simn of
rt a:�,5oaoot . AoV
n1.11 •
num•:• t o re s op. u n . n
- - � were IWI. Le 4 been fight i•crurn•. lw n ro CO
1 i)11S1
,. NnrMll.
I00 Hewes. 11.
•111 Shortest Nig
i WAR£
en arrack. It tit sill d mbtfu ' wbellcer � by 'lha aeon 1 boy line, Ik1t•ludreit of a tar And the skipper repaired the taLm to
tb t 166111 F/off, irrudrred by IitamwlveN -Mor within a few minute*.
�1►Y a Las awl Int the twl. a f (} • g
ell I'.1fr t 4i'L'- .....0r4.00:411 M'rW a 10' ).
Life lasaraaee-4Nple-,See�lrity.
1 ICK0, Pu' ri.tur.' This '/ the i
nJ bent Cowart.. to K' earn - : _ •do�T g(o Lis!( Fp Ns. '
herd., ae ,moderate a* tiny 1
'e yropnrlur. I;.hal.Prl.:u.a
...nod Catheters wt rl. Losses Promptly Settled Without
Bsferetic to a Board) of Directors
LT some*, Are. CtoteeCt and l'hotoii.
911. CSMIlliti iv: 1. v. 1:L1%111111.
Menu- Ilead-
Tomb Tablets, Table- .;±'•:"
will do sx or mu, °retake for the
mot It is ver certain
t r Fllie
yet opened ra,mmunicetir,n with
Ihou h he may d0 au very .men.
•• 1 ..II--.\ tel-gta4•bia dispatch
belux Ch+fleitmestele. that Sloe matt w
luta of battle (we rid amt 'tilt' -telt, re) c
fronted by • strong Confederate force:
Atwitter pater sista " there hire Urea no
direct tommum.anon with r..wn0h foram/
oral da)s, but ee apprehend t`,e wins have . o once oborigind blaeka wits obtain , thees
been cul Lrlw*en leio pixe end Chet Intuits." peak pu�srrl:g •u almu.t hlioJbu
- ("Sighed,) - 1. &. GRANT." 0*1 iu Initowtn�I up the yea( taiutest
lanulardnrr• run 4i. u.,w .n: ha.' a-rnmp'rle always do
ill' solve* 'II -re. little ow And-
aronrarM.r Furniture, at ni• werer.toa.r, �:rahYil'e. a .. w.- .... tuft of gra
-,aN.0n • pettier 10,
�,- h 1 hka V f I h.' er t
:A.111 NI
British ant Me.enatile AND 1121111 rano( Co.,
Cort, rent out by their other, es they had erten 'perm of the New York Fi.rin.d ilei. mo
gone ouwn the sat errand b•ILre. to gr Ing (the I:lib). iu which a large number
rum hn,om, mrd 1,01 rete ring heti.re dark *1 men were reserelr, and sum ,: it is Irate
m• C Ihr the error 1 and him the mat.
m hr , b maul
r : m' a1N1 to In t* o
Lrirdy cmmn 1 Ic
til - project, tR. which they joined with evident
d. o0*-e,haoteii .g m olryJ the G mcr'e directlene
rich alrc IIy. 11e Wen orde ' err t. Irxb
the ailed and aid lh••m. Au .rnbng frim
- wif en the taffrail, durf1nl hitt .' ridrd at -
tri 1.
414.11:vrl, ea tiatiog, KS these trackers
R The,.•1r•..•ty of the we..*her Las prevened 7 ae b _ . _r
link tea
at every beet teig, or flattened A
tmy iia) learnt mureturutr Uy e+thrr .Ada .t
�on Ottispperetit *clines of the 1T„
soon upon the IIN IIALDAN, Ir..: al ell ov aetiiIiiit of a battle in from of Sioyans,h0i, 011 jr•Vtli liti night ; dark ; not see that bush ; So Mei he
. Ate- ... g,,,,Cmc, flueeens,..Tahleo, lemdateads, Hair, Setutday the lOth. .whieb 140 1140 0..n100 bee fell ea him.' Farther on und ine•e ob. flr open calk
13' "4"3. . "112.1" ''''-il'anet.,,d Wo 0 ...reed Chnire. 41i,t Moulding direkt from a loyal reeident cf Iliciun,nd.- serraji,,,,,h, 411„,..,
*tally %outdid.
'Irls winter
e trade,
at th
then a• ter's elastic*: the boats. \
.I Ditch tiled, all lo. entices 'An our Witi, Andrew -are 1
ern ii,fter thatt„his brains.. ; ' • demanded the Old man, "laming •
eveielle pi tic Imo les melee- beaten visage in the compaeion-we
• gited with fleeter tenure, •All envie to lower, sir, rev
'116' 'Y',.'n'ter.lide'il.11hIliii ' hooked. hauled alongside an manned, re ste
1,.. shott time sr ever the Fame feat wee Pen
The too resole erre fully a mi'e apart,
and dm fastdegeetteling shades of eight werf
forsook Tao pret, and from the head of the
entneenioe•ladder reported thn *preach 44
114. mys Met 211,1.10Duf Mermen's teem it alt one kneel dont. ; fru
able to roor, WO don thin
4,f they re iii4s of Anil fnottillI4 0.11 an
curiously co obor- i,ff whole curling 11
rewires. On 'be As kerne he trot* eith am
U RING Nome Manufacture aod Imported!! ehtlit":"(i,c741, h,.. LT' 1: The settee
Wore enh meant
. • Sistrarliala arid natesine betaken that point atm; -bey atiw,elulcahfirdr,•::'
marl Ciliate,
D. G• he. alance on bun.' cnnst,b1le of.' and Teifftir. The left nIngeatonled so nti to eighth day idler they were et, sod loug a er slip.shtel r hove with ort, rare
11L A N sort meld of COFFINS. Also, HEARSES cut the Chariest m zed Savannah rtilruad.- the extinction of the &ink% hope of the , Are hill es etbd as though %hello rie•
. • le:r. 'Amber and tonbiood taken to el- ing day wits, Foster, .1.0 wss again rapidly tarty moue on them. They are eeeritted as Tull by the lire pillt trembling loo
wisp iflotteriebt the Om.. te6/1. - mgy retreatiug from:0,6r second sositions gouth chimp of broom among Solite tr01•11, young• Ile Snivelling gell ti onothilia KW'S
& 1 At r selves threatened lt,tli in front simerk frock They a . cared to be in dee Or placthim (et the wenn heoithmenese
Ilse, 't ill all th
Will receive '0 year.' Alen, ni I
Mama rer for Can
he dor of Agencirs.
For.Relee avid Pnope,te splay to
DR.WACDO[..:ii ALL; Medieel Referee.
TO 11111E. Communicative Mal been effected Ile! ereced• ever being again seen alive. searching Wets crammed. with enow, or ell t olese
NCE CO. change for Furniture. advancing cot Oralmins...1111., the Confederates *ring been found lying ail or row en a Scare* able to hold itipittahookees,
_ • - of rtuttilu'i.e,, bridge. bud es' eullY alarmed est in the middle carefully wrappe in hi* And mikes les mother rub Ida -Amon,
' and rear, by otiperior forces. Sherman, wlio• and not unpleasant sleep. Ou being e
. - . Wan on the field. found Litto..:1 fOrorr011ied by the eldest tried to sit up, but: fell back.
. I ettettle•WrGIVI4N, Th it a id....,•,0: ot thc ..a large force of eegulars and nitlitiu entiestele fate was so emaciated that his lips would n
11' Short eed Ek'',.I," '4 ii."J" .0"8,1"'":1 ' yd. The 'kW, !reg.!. early in the day, and corer lois teeth, and he could only just feebly
id ,, ,,, .4, ft 1,1.,•1, r Ihe !akin. at a olt, to , 11331 gavison,nf Sovaneati., weathering 12,000 • suffered kaat, woke lip as (ruin a dream,
e dia-.1w1 or tee i he •loieiwteg Lly SW IIII veteran's, pitheopating. 'Toward." I•1011 • el.iidlike demanding, 'Father, why didn't you •
net eh eleet.4.. . o i grand charge ens made by. the I: won troops. come ter us 500110r ? we were ?Orlin (Or Toe.'
JOHN ETS.,S.s%N.,,k;;!,,,,,,,y. ; Ili.i.c.k,etut.r.int-4411s.075.0-0,of thlae.,ewt.4.7,ki,s,gontutehuet ch.:: The steter, who was 'dews% quite gone, when
1Prodoriok Proudfoot, CeoVe• Laiololo. 404 ooliWf Government . 'Mee could only murmur, "Cold, cold.' N
BARaist Ea. ArronsiEY-A I -LAW, consent.; Talent:ma ['meets tor !emanates-. 2% !kw._ 1'4,1. '
'ilow many Wats has shy down, Andrew Id'
despanded Captain firearm. as he took hid
it seal in the stern sheets 01 tine,boat, the male
leaving Willy int) the other.
'Three, ei-, and aepareetly manned.
any bettind,'"
the biller. We'll bee the leo to stand
0\:‘,1,1 has IsO his bonewer 0.01. Ye epieed the gilt& end wet tbill
S. Died Kfimetre ,Chaten. Jaly I, 411.
1.. if. lietwillna
Noel LAN Agent owl Couveyoneer, K lilt 41,11114
' gro011ior a1 thiron Auction Mort, Wag
, OATS •11,111.1 Sr yitousov,)
Audio& & Commission Merchants,
And nett Daor to Strong's Hotel.
attention mid in .I, `oloo of Moo nopt ,
cane ow. ireet...1 to tette. ma the finite& AMC.
11. Me Ormamall.
VI St.., olo, C•fof, Ong'. "1 evert' de- •Thnt Pot: h ter, or ter. T0
19101:1•• 1.1FIC OF
moltostignool "...I Mull 4.11.3
off foun theenlf t c . This was followed wonder 'ho little creature had strip
by an advent'. of the 'who imhehielt doelded herself of her frock, at the elder boy 51' 'to
,11111. 1.,nif.sitn.ale 10.11141 eonfetieitn
.. require. e0rtesponding di:dunce akin.; the up▪ per rail drinte id water during tbe
„, ,rot the ro.0.1., Ile.essur troold rested, finding tIlle *am mo, .„d ye„,
tte adoptortier siatenity forenlorvelment a y march the !fresh/us night and tbe t,ine ,hip, and ei
wription. Tin
the stove Ikpna,
bleloner. all received
AT BuTmast•a.
I the inItabila do of ISO Cannier* el Horns
Ind Knee that he mill Manufacturing, earl WI
on Mind • •Ilnlber 01 his
•Ctpla, 1.0, !ilea Chef. Pump* model.> order
Arldrew. lbelsna P. O.
forwarders, Commiaaien Merchants
ti PM( 101 1,:1114
ornl.alt• IS
ad C0nonroo Rend.
t.w., agent for 'beetle or Morean'a premium
patent • 11,TO/emit. winch him never vet
to give **Mardi iitietnetion to formers Who
hive used them.
per, straw, Rego and eh embus. taken in es
et Anal
of oast the Ithas, d whali we .evere beak worn out. mists *twat this li
STEAM. FNG E be? 01 the year ..1 ..11r 1.0ttl 011 Tnomand
' he 1000 WWI Sent'. Un both sides, 2,500 that 'cal wiii
11,4.02 la by Ino poistott ,
Siounner. (*rho him lately roomier' from
Plebs Inks wfth truce Hoek of Hondme *Mt
Hooks et *II ktiolo.oille *Ott style* with mad *on-
ont 0,1•113111001.11411; Ill ten Fier cent cheaper
.han Toronto prier..
All kiwi* of lloolinan..1r.f111•val9.11mion wdl
rymowd free of ehorce.
1 (Slaw') 11110A HT SPECK M
G14 NER A I, coMMISmi" "EN, I ine 'ono, nowt oi the l' ;tweak's.. of 1.1•v Ana
'ST. %Whereof Kincsrilow.C.W. " In, I .1,1 Pi Ctilet11%. no1,141, ,f11 that h• Woll he
Weeohani, livens*, liwt, C W. Nat.. sad
•Neith sir --yea g•Te me no orders to
ma tin mordeed al ye -but
o, away and let oe water. 'lead be a had
t wee a 1,11Gbl and *e pie execution of *hie er neeerled the
we.0 running tejth the wet free, bout., moat hut a few II, el. be relented,
d.'- watch below *ere lit the net 01 111
ell' end semi bell" havteg "truck-- ellen
ere witlsont head sung out ;
only.20 'Cutter h.!' toners Mg usthe inform
hole "me `"`, that one ol Jelin reltuue 041 was
the Friday of one id ht
• in fbe mufded nere'we 001.01 away 'RAO our tenant
little cleft, tallies eme to move trl a dlr....Moo
too which woak1 morn from the view 44 Woes
vriallid to Greet, elid at the nom time -
;lace beyond the fonts of ir ;rue, whew
hey diocuteird nor aleiceet feat tie a notes,
rce fue minutes thsesed ere the mese.
'eke of thew oars fell upon our ears,
centred rowing at st-Sirnal from the
r. This, however, is tke form 'fling perfectly still boot the sound
polar demonstration has mken`, and die • fainter. • hell We 111•01101111 Kra.
Cubit, we.e la coinmalid of the Confederates, ntno.
*hone less at first was less than own, owiae the
h long mid tensioned otroke•
their protection, hnt at thn Clore or the
of tbe next week, in
'Where away, Sandy ? ' d. mewled the ,
nights. The pathetic
Idetore 11,5 an nkei,,,,,, Fordo, while Caroni 1lienves, w -o WWI on 1lln .
no surprise ta,h,ing vie; titmice deck, theme] in with, .
colony. I only wish popular aod his brew little Agile. !rye na see 111.1 t.,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,
cattily at command 1101110 less under the Ian' yonder -a bit e ester', 0' Hilint
meet satisfactory appreciation. of ins's Illerbur 7 rationo, and or
. e.dpeoni were eaptured. Slwlfh. Illfdoe• &lid .1,We J n• Illufre conduct than collecting 41.,.., 1 imve ber row. lle mny board us bore Joan vroll
ion they suffered tremendomly. It la IPP•
mewl ever 4U other Idect. re
' lie. 61 the Confederates at Head of Inlet,
r/ too num Tint four or live thousand, woold
.1P ""4" 8t•niey' respoinlett‘hate been carefully conceal
the Coat rete authorities. The
1 the • fleet, or to' attack Serena
ut.d.eda." echoed. of before the small r. Wand rd her erew bed
___ lite Agile end her commander were eld half recovered Irvin their Petrie- the result
Sad Bo'seng Accident.
that sermon the latter had board:el us when act wee to "nee aod bind I m. lo prevent
light. sod obliged us to • exhibit our later*, eny betrayal (doer presence byligeal, *hit h
14.7tabter mid ty of Pundits, by the drowning 01 four y apnrd,vish.ree., limn' hod he chimed us in Fnmeh they might reedy have effected it,ontlered to
to some of the beet larn"iulies lariailietioin when laden to the bends with go at large -and having placed them under
, in yhe dioiret. The names ol the unite:me car wes which would have proved velueble guard below, we hoisted 0110 boato lif and by
yllt-'1"117sintsgere Allan Metkonell, son ill' the aid n1 the cutterk 'weer', gni her head to
n Plicrctlai.rwn.days,„'"Crda; 17Ctreenutain Alexander Ntepotiell, J. l• , of the Ott the present ocemeion, the entter's me We loutherard. *Iwo we toured all eur
ri, represonts War. '110qUois Volunteer Aitillery ; Allen Parton lion apeedily betrayed her commander's design strength to work bee in lownili the I .renelt
to 0,11yet us to a Werth esenenetion ; when moat, where we might hem to catch • jight
Captain Dreaves entered the !trillion's.. to Itiff breire, favorable to cur temps witE eer ,
up for the French come end piping to Meek p:iffr.
't,hrec..t;Lefrtfun,,;Iid,,,,f .1! 1 Vault; 10.Ii.n,h0n1 jio.shenkiesiut.g•AN:,,.... 4 . 40.1, Edwii; fast, when below,. leering the cutter to fdlow &A *eel. A edrew, I trow this is na Puy
Hem vioit Thar. from any ell. The &muted were members of ty,de
*011 tools ntrwe
;. confidence John Itarnhe, I, employee of (•,,q;uiji, M",.17,1, ber commander • dunce vie he subwitted to green en the ntatl.11td 111,00i., and moping bit
athttheorewlevisah.re, and apierently onaolved to leed "meth,' maid Captain breams, relinquishing low
: min,4171i:dr: the new di ill shed. On the evening of the 24 infl
, ,, ft - " t„o 'de. : *"1"leer welibery company or the &wk., and Breakfast over, 1111 ropiiii *4 ontleek to note ,Whialle ler a hoax., nom. I wad 1 had
stienming 1,11,0 .11111 his hoodena.
Irlim'ntill:71111;ewladd etnt'o"7be ailtaTegYeilleal, ' 11 ihrey'lltob°oelleledfiednir.t:ille*hehd°7illthg0rrinm:rciorniirntil
rant knew was 'in proem of con -hrs thn St. Lserrehee in • small boat. Ca t- trhe "'regrew; of our pet suer,who Wu evidently the wenteercietk 1 h I
tt, and woo designed tet serve to ILA- A. SleDonell, commander of the cm ,s he. 2 Fainims 1/000 •• real, and at ne Pante Stale enough, 1 warrant, to serve me purpose.'
eating lo windwitill•-111 fart for which our ."Thetek a eat epow. now,' roritted the
'el'et litlitel dr"oti44itnIcahe te41.1.: T-:'hitrl.flgrAr:171111tpe lehtftr64::: bheolifibWn111111a1:1,'.77."enr:g. inr:,..''''''il.1`t""n*-71:7::1°111,unilgti*:::I.: :6,701:':::;rh'::';:,::..76-i'':hri',",111*;71t'l'ahlei'n,.ifirn:!':::17:,A.'.117:0::Ithce':hr'''''':%Inh::en:4 ebor:1:hez:v.i'fl:11"rral.:11::i.h1::;:arri;:"0111i'elnrikt::11".'::1:taritbell "'fa:::
ults of H aneri m expeddion -mall ,..__,wae "t*rk end ""'''""' e""ing the pert; "!,, die occupied a position on ow 'relabel •quarter, distinct, and wu evidently approaching se io
'emelt nf hff miles. he deriniy rerwitosebefere euteiik,' ',pow, 11.0 pe, i I . nod riodetfig no Within rallgO,11.0 a rrmrel 11h01 111 .11 MO I 0,1••
sciliwinten, co ol onis. 'Three times durnig ulnae midden advent theisNmidst. fioit
10 tw• in Glatil..1 /1..1.41tilli‘r
11.,11.11 III.lkCtll,.1:1 am 1
1 Groot 'is tonGilent
1 NI.. Washburt.i. ht
Of the fume fro
previoue ore.
'troy the We
Piwible, II.
1°01 ne,-etVed 1.1,1. the enebret
'r emer.VS1.017100.1)
Havetakenthe First Prizes
PIS 1.1 Mon0e01,14.1nrotimer 11111, 1M116,
Country Storekeeper, supplied al 01
•4110,310711.11.Y TO 311•1111, T111
t lie
e• three ire
aftfOUTII of fortge aed other river, cries of distreu were heard from the
a. .er pueblos into nth.. arrow elor for? (Opt, showing the 'Meteor •The breve, it cies, aboani, Andrew, arid
news (*met !louse ealdnn "'kg' the ',ma,. !„e1a,,c, ie.1.00,1, .1 A, *1' it the Philimtinto. 1 how it's is race 1.4c
. .1 voyagers, tenting till they bad lanile fully titre, ahowitig a fee simile of his ereign 6 our pettl;. meet. them In et. the as,t., end
PARKER'S ALMANACitir 1886 '81"0 "" h
School Book.,
51at warn',
Fancy 1:..4111,
Molkoellaneoilo g.,
Will Poptta,
Wank Rook..
PLETE IN Vie Confederate
Camila and rerun, Raider*
Ving sustained but trilling
miles ent gee veto. Orring to the darlin ^^ '
and ine.eaveney of the weather, no assistance 'I herio Iniktirc' for Mantel'. Maimer Done remote she begme to
could reach them iit time ' wire their lives. ntt' if that doeh 11 0.0. bele sele Om lal^,7" 'eve "4, 0:e
' Yaws MI the my name's n• Jana 1 OrPh*Ott.' nno e gash -
et Ill Cilia& Invo the alarm, leut the natty who had eneaS eheets, Andrew -We'll CO11 IttIOGG 11:111 11* • tied fintegaler, losing slight e y,
L a. nti. 14.7:7: o
A nomee, tieing on A heed of 1110 riga', . bomb to le r'ur
could not find • boot for a long fiat!, 0ft Ihr. erd ear, hendle them .0' 1," ctitSer ing the merriment of all band.,
ahr.r:s. 1 1200, she hen elehn 'mit coed du.hie 'befit. on ilk nisioakek, sigh,
Ike had Wen kw than an hoer it, rill/Oka
croft to oosid perceived. eh, search for the . TAP Aheets were ottani off, and the bona when tbe sound of oare heralded the memo"
* /*Ale* h.° whim been tinsuceeserut, . guyed oict, *ben we NM ,114 100114 *Itl*IT Milt, a i•Ortion of the cotter's erre ; &or had taxill
elseenatri were enstae:d nn Monday le; .11411r nhieb one fleet little end) rally Intent. pinvvi knit 'darted when the boat could be
flraeM the bottom In the metre end at from at's. as sea, whi ner tinging cheer bore distinguithed, while the me, easing breeze
04C rendering 0110 ',entree more
AI.T. 1114y01911, Hertdeptarsees Department of the Rext,N
Info, matins hovel been recetred ot Oust!
R. A igz1cR a co., Wore godly of rewslor and robbery et St. Al.
mp pm II s beta, hoer heen doscharged front arrest, awl
hot h sal
" th° ri•wv• 11 ill neeellews to wig oar defiant@ to the tutu'', who, easing rep y
mj•Inunn• his 0,0•Ierl • her mheets without delay, wee soon dsshing it inereased onr arca. A ky, minima
1,0101 of sadness throughout the along in our wake at n speed • hieh almost to pier. ns ..n eowal trnew, whoa ta.r
hein *Int *red the Arlo, and nnable to secant
Prices bare been Greatly Reduced ! tssrwar srEus Rupp/Amp ; hewlron. ihs; IL rebel matiraudletii, who re dutriet.
HAIT grarAligent, AT THE otairroN BOOKSTORE in-4ot. .4., the moot peornm anti efficient of bein poor .0.1 nnineoned, are our Mummer. .
1A)VE, sear., East Side Market Square n 0,41(1:04., pg. mealtimes for the -equity nr their howl sod heavy tom! 10. 6..04 , y en thstssee, *dots am, ma maisir;forim weethms
Holler•thees ‘0.reane. Rad, 1994.
amatrotow* win t* Romani tn.
*eV etwierrat. Mow. I% MN
rbeteber 1,11.11M4.
, equalled our OWn oar 111•W
rght•having the advantage nf thy cotter what. fore, roared roving. while Ow
Cf4eeNiale stares that deeteue hwlfaro the Wind -the latter being • 'lomat or fleeing hati--•Agde r way solad
that other ty.terpriers are wearily 111 per141111. lir. n131
•••••"111 nonr,,ost noel riternteli, tine in rimed'', the commanding flenend ehieh
teeurted to Heisting% on the elle en ten nearer Ann ballast trio. lty dropping our miernment,Mmiting NO,. Apah•
dea,,,y0,1 • remit mil *role cutwater, we were agam MA ata met in strobes IS at • ida
0 &mates ther,est int& the street, moat enrdded in maintain uniform detente from of their preemies, *hes fierd,ng hia ewswefte
d On OUf W41111111 In bill WOO.* to po