HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-02-04, Page 8Show Starts at 8 p.m
Carrick’s side won, and Mr. Bert Cui-
limore’s side will have charge of the
social evening on Feb. 11th. The
meeting was closed with the bene;
diction and prayer in unison.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 4th, Sth, 6th
44 The Country Beyond”
By James Oliver Curwood
A Thrilling Picture of the North Country
Featuring the North West Mounted Police
and Two Famous Police Dogs “Buck” apd “Wolf
■8. ,
Keel Comedy — Sports Reel and News.
“Private Number”
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart, of
Lucknow, spent Friday with Mr. and
Mrs, Ben Naylor. Mr. Naylor had a
bone broken in his leg below the
knee, and has been suffering very
much with it.
Miss Frances Robipson of Wing
ham, spent the week-end with Miss
Florence Beecroft.
. Mr, Albert Stein, of Aylesbury,
Sask., has been visiting with relatives
in this district during the past week.
Mrs. Walter Lott spent the week
end in Brussels with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Mackay,
Mr. George Ross, went to Walker
ton last Monday, where he has sec
ured a position with the Bell Hatch
ery for the coming season.
Mr. Harris Purdon of Owen Sound
spent last week-end with his parents,
Thursday - Friday
Special Rack of Over
Reg. up to $19.50
Sale Price...........$15.50
U --------------
Group of Heavier and Better
Quality Overcoats
Reg. up to $24.00
Sale Price...........$19.50
Woollen Goods have advanced
in price, in spite of this we are
offering Special Prices on
Stock Suits. Prices are
$16.50, $18.00, $19.50 and
Buy your suit now and save at
these low prices.
Warrendale Shirts
Separate or Collar Attached
Special Discount on all
“Outfitters for Men and Boys”
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon of West
Miss Mede Wilson, who has been
with her aunt, Mrs. Powell, of Strat
ford, for the past week, returned
home on Thursday last.
Mr's, Wm. Humphrey of St.
ens visited over the week-end
her sister, Mrs, Andrew Fox.
Mrs. Robb, of Stratford, has taken
a position as housekeeper for Mr. T.
Mrs. Hugh Gulley, who has been
nursing Mrs. Jas. Gibbons, El Wa
wanosh, for the past two weeks, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A.
A full house was in attendance at
the Institute Hall on Friday evening
to hear the two plays “That Rascal
Pat” and "Henry’s Mail-Order Wife”
presented by the young people of St.
Helens United Church.
Mrs. Archie Patterson and baby of
Lucknow, spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tay
Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and Betty
spent a few days last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins, of
The Young People of the 4th Con.
of Kinloss are presenting their play
“Your Uncle’s Neice” in the Lang
side Hall this Friday evening.
Mrs. Kate Stewart of Lanark spent
last week at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. John McGee.
Mrs. Will Mullen of Ladue, Alta.,
is visiting with her cousin, Mr. John
Mowbray, and other relatives here.
On account of the Day of Prayer
coming on Friday, February 12th, the
regular monthly meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held on Feb.
The regular weekly meeting of Y.
P. LT. of the United Church was held
on Monday evening with Mr, Bert
Culliraore in charge of the meeting.
After the opening exercises Mr. Gar
net Farrier read the Scripture lesson.
Mrs. W. Lott sang a solo. Miss Ag
nes Gillespie gave the worship talk
on “All One”, a story from overseas
experiences. Mrs. W. R. Farrier led
in prayer. Mr. B. Cullimore gave a
reading and a mixed quartette sang
“Seeking the Lost”. The topic was
taken by Clarence .McClenaghan who
spoke on the mission subject “Com
panions from Other Homes.” The
discussion period was led by Rev. H.
M. Wright and Jack and Agnes Gil
lespie gave an instrumental number.
This meeting concluded the contest
which has been in progress for the
past three months and Miss Susan
• Taxpayers may make payments on account
of 1937 taxes up to 90 per cent, of 1936 taxes.
Interest at the rate of Six per cent, per an*
num will be allowed on such prepayments.
Prepayments of taxes must be made at the
Town Treasurer’s Office# Town Hall,
W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer.
Town of Wingham.
Presbyterian Congregational Meeting
The annual congregatioal meeting
of Knox Presbyterian Church was
held on Tuesday afternoon last week
with most of the families of the con
gregation i epresented. Rev, J. R.
Greig opened the meeting with a
short devotional period. He was
then elected to preside for the busi
ness session. The first report was
presented by Archie Messer, Clerk of
Session, showing that the qongrega*
tion had suffered the loss by death
of three members, James Fowler,
Peter McDougall and Gordon Mof
fatt. The present membership is 114,
Miss M. Olive Scott, secretary-treas
urer for rhe Board of Management,
presented the financial ^statement
showing the revenue by envelope and
collections to be greater than 1935.
All obligations were met, including
the budget alloration and $100 paid
on the church debt. The secretary of
the Ladies’ Aid, Mrs. Archie Messer,
reported the group system working
■ most- successfully. The treasurer,
Mrs. Harvey Robertson, gave the fin
uncial statement, receiving from the
circles, Village $95.10, Morris $64.25,
Boundary East $80.20, Turnberry
$102,74. During the year the Society
paid over $200.00 on the church debt.
Mrs. Alex. Mowbray reported a
very good ’average attendance at the
missionary meetings. Two splendid
thank-offering meetings were held,
the allocation for the bale was met
as well as miscellaneous articles. ‘The
Sunday School is self-supporting, as
sisted the cause of missions and ob
served Mother’s Day and Rally Sun
day. The Y.P.S. report showed an
earnest active group of young peo
ple holding regular devotinal meet
ings and assisting the board of man*
agement with church requirements.
There were very few changes made
in the slate of officers. R. Elliott, E.
Nichol and W. Smillie were re-elect
ed to the board of management and
W. S. Davidson was elected assistant
superintendent of the Sunday School.
Following the business session the
ladies of the congregation served
sandwiches, cake and coffee and a
social hour was enjoyed.
Institute Will Meet Feb. 11th
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Institute will be held
on Thursday afternoon, Feb. lltli, at
the home of Miss Olive Scott. Roll
Call—Don’ts for the sick room. Mot
to, Talk Health, Happiness and Pros
perity to every one you meet — by
Miss Florence Fowler. Current Ev
ents, relative to good health and
health exercises, Mrs. Joseph Curtis.
Discussion "Health in Winter,” Uses
of Milk and Milk. Dishes”. Visitors
welcome. t
Young People Elect City Officials
At the meeting of the Young Peo
ple’s Union of the United Church on
Friday evening Miss Jean Houston
gave an interesting address on “Fam
ily Worship ” The President, George
Johnston, was in charge of the meet
ing. After the devotional period the
business of electing officials to gov
ern the city of Bluevale was conclud
ed. Addresses were given by Ross
Abraham, Eunice Thornton, Ormal
Smith, George Thomson and Harry
Wcttlaufer, candidates for office.
Voting for the candidates was con
ducted in the official manner and the
following vzere elected: Mayor, Carl
Johnston; Reeve, George Hethering
ton; Aidermen, Will Peacock, Wilson
Thornton, Jean Houston, W. J. John
ston; Board of Health,, George Thom
son, E. Thornton; Board of Educa
tion, Ross Abraham, Ormal Smith;
Police Commissioners, Harry Wett-
laufer, Jack Wcttlaufer, Clarence
C. R. Coultes spent the week-end
in Toronto and attended a meeting
of the managers of the Fertilizer mix
ing Stations on Saturday afternoon.
Townend and family to remain an*
other year. Various matters were dis
cussed and plans made. Key, Town
end closed 'the meeting with the ben
Thursday, February 4, 1937
1935 Dodge Special Sedan
Heater and Defroster
1933 Pontiac Coupe
Rumble Seat and Heater, Real
good condition,
1936 Terraplane Sedan
With only 5000 Mileage,
1927 Hudson
1935 Hudson Six
See These At
The United Church Woman’s As
sociation will meet at the home of
Mrs. Robert’Shaw on Thursday, Jan.
4th. '
With an attendance of 41,
weekly meeting of the Y.P.U.'
held on Sunday evening.
Ramage read the Scripture lesson and
the comments were given by Mrs, E.
W. Rice. An "article on "Making and
keeping Friends" was read by Mrs.
E. W- Rice. The topic “Companions
from Other Homes” was well taken
by Mrs. Wright after which Rev. H.
M. Wright led an interesting discus
The young people presented their
plays "The Rascal Pat” and “Henry’s
Mail-Order Wife" under the auspices
of the y.P.U. of Whitechurch Fri
day evening. On Friday evening, Feb
ruary 12, they will be presented at
Dungannon under the auspices of the
Women’s Institute while this Wed
nesday "Henry’s Mail-Order Wife”
will be given at a social evening at
Currie’s School.
You are invited to the social even
ing to be held, under the auspices of
the Farmers' Club in the Commun
ity Hall on Wednesday evening, Feb
ruary 10. The program will be pro
vided by the East Wawanosh Liter
ary Society and a good time is ex
Mrs. W. J. Humphrey is. a visitor
with her sister, Mrs. Fox at White
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor of Blyth
Amateur Contest Proves Interesting
A very interesting program was
presented in the Foresters’ Hall on
Friday evening when an amateur
contest was presented under the aus
pices of the Anglican Church. The
stage was nicely decorated for the
evening, James McCrea acted as the
chairman and introduced the follow
ing contestants, the first of which
was an orchestra, the members of
which were John and Ken Leitch,
Clark and Maitland Johnston and
Clifford Logan; Helen Arthur follow
ed with a song and dance; a piano
duet by Velma Wheeler and Charlie
Scott; song with guitar accompani
ment by Clark Johnston and C. Log
an; Lillian Fuller sang a solo; a
dance by Ruth Bradburn; Dorothy
Wade and Berna Yule gave a motion
song; a solo was sung by Doris Scott;
Dorothy Vincent and Eileen McCal
lum played a piano duet; Miss Doris
McDonald sang and tap danced; an
instrumental number by Ross Car
diff; a character song by Geo. Jor
dan and Nora VanCamp; another or
chestra number by Mary Dow, Ron
ald Coultes, Ed. McBurpey and Alex.
Rpbinson; Charlie Keating gave a
selection on the tin whistle; a piano
number by Miss Cora Phair closed
the contest, The judges, Rev, Brook
of Blyth and Rev. Kenneth MacLcan
of Wingham and Mrs. R. Procter Jr.
had a difficult task to pick out the
winners and while the decision was
being made Rev. Maloney spoke a
few words of appreciation- of the pro
gram and to the splendid audience for
their attendance. Miss Doris McDon
ald favored with more songs and
dancing, Little Helen Arthur also
appeared again with a song and dance.
Before she left the platform she drew
the lucky door ticket which was No.
119 and held by J. S'. Procter who
received a pair of flannelette blan
kets. Mr. Brooks announced the win
ners, as follows, 1st Doris McDon
ald; 2nd, Helen Arthur; 3rd Nora
VanCamp and Geo, Jordan. The Na
tional Anthem closed a very success
ful evening’s entertainment.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
The annual meeting of Knox Unit
ed Church was held on Tuesday af
ternoon last week with a good at
tendance present. Rev. J. B. Town
end acted as chairman and opened
the meeting with' prayer. Stewart
Procter was secretary for the meet
ing. The reports of the various or
ganizations of the church were pre
sented and these proved to be very
encouraging. Three members of the
committee of stewards, J. M. Coultes,
Robert Stonehouse and C. R. Coultes
retired automatically and Chris. Ne-
thery, Herb Wheeler and Lyle Hop
per were elected to a term of three
years on the board. The ushers, Ed.
Wightman, Harold Vincent, Bob
Yuill and George Martin were re-el
ected. The plate collectors, Martin
Grasby, Jesse Wheeler, John A. Ged
des and H, McClenaghan, were also
re-elected. The treasurer, J. C. Proc
tor and the Auditors, Mrs. J, Wheel
er and Mrs, Robt Nicholson, were
also re-elected. An unanimous invi
tation was extended to Rev. and Mrs.
Church Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Blyth Mun
icipal Telephone System was held in
Memorial Hall Wednesday afternoon.
John E. Ellis presided. The rates al
ready existing were not changed. The
election of officers resulted as fol
lows: Commissioners, John E. Ellis,
James Phelan, R. D. Stalker; Audit
ors, Russri Shaw, William Laidlaw.
This system is in a prosperous con
dition and serves thp public ably.
Number of subscribers December 31,
1936, was .549; renters, 58; miles of
poles, 182; miles of single wire, 667.
On the operating account the re
venue was $8,139.48 while the operat
ing expenses were $7,670.53, leaving
a gross income of 0468.95. The sur
plus Dec. 31, 1935, was $12,391.59,
and , the surplus Dec, 31, 1936, $12,-
860.54. The total assets .of the sys
tem are $72,211.43, and cash in bank
and on hand, $9,070,39.
See pud Window Display this
week of fancy knitted and crochet
ed cushions, afghans, suits and big
range of yarns.
Sweater-Coats...........$1.75 to $4.95
Pullover^......................,$1.95 t<? 2.50
Windbreakers............$2.50 to $4,95
Scarves .........................89c to $1.75
Socks............................39c to $1,00
Gloves and Mitt?.......89c to $1,00
Underwear - Watson’s and Turn
bull’s - Combinations and Separate
funeral of his aunt at Monkton on
Mr. Carl Douglas spent the
week in Toronto.
’ *■ ■■■■ ...
Miss Grace Blake, near Mafeking,
and Miss Elsie Ritchie, near Zion,
spent the week-end with their par
Miss Ellen Andrew, near Zion,
spent the week-end with her friend,
Miss Jean Nelson, near Courey’s Cor
Mrs. Wesley Sherwood and son,
Alvin, from the West, are visiting
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, S.
Rivett, south of Dungannon, and oth
er relatives in Ashfield.
Miss Lenore Stothers, eldest dau
ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Stothers
south of Dungannon, entered train
ing in Alexandra Marine Hospital in
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.-
Thos. Hutton.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Riseborough of
Toronto, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Con
Mr. George McCurdy was a guest
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex,
Campbell last week.
Mrs. C. G. Campbell Spent a few
days last week at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Edgar of Wingham.
Mr. Charles Congram of Ashfield
is spending a few days with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Congram.
Landlord: “But does the chimney
always smoke like this?”
Servant: “Oh, no; only when there
is a fire in the grate.”
25c and Up
Mr. James Baird of Goderich was
a visitor with Mr. Milo Casemore on
Mr. and Mrs .Frank Cole of Gor-
rie, is spending the winter with Mrs.
George Day.
Mrs. Malcolm Mundell and son of
Teeswater, spent a few days at the
G. B. D. Seconds $1.00
Smoke Shoppe
Prompt Delivery ■Phone 161
Smith’s Economy FoodStore
PEANUTS 2 Lbs. 25c
| DRQPS ...........15c Lb.
COFFEE........................ 33c Lb,
PUMPKIN ...... 2 Large Tins 25c
■ SODA WAFERS 1 lb. Pkg. 20c
SALT........................-...6c Pkg.
ROLLED OATS....5 Lbs. 25c
Bernard Lillow, who has not en-
I joyed good health for the last few
weeks, was taken to the Sick Child
ren’s Hospital in Toronto on Sunday.
Bernard’s friends wish for a speedy
recovery. He was accompanied by his
Miss Marie Wettlaufer returned to
her position in Blyth this week, af
ter convalescing for a week at her
home here, following her operation.
Negotiations are in progress for
the installation of hydro on the East
I Boundary h om Morrisbank to Blue
Arrangements arc being made by
the W.M.S. of the United Church and
the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian
Church to observe the World’s Day
of Prayer on Friday afternoon, Febru
ary 12th, in Knox Presbyterian
J Church. All the ladies of the com-
‘ immity are invited.
I Recently Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nich-
| olsott celebrated their 25th wedding
I anniversary at their home. The same
I day Mrs. Nicholsmfs parents, Mr.
’and Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge celebrat-
|fcd their 47th wedding anniversary,
Pollock’s and
McLean’s Stores
Will close every Tues*
day and Thursday even
ing at 7 o'clock,
on and after
February 9th.
Rhys Pollock.
X F. McLean.
The missionary meeting of the Un
ited Church was held at the home of
Mrs. Newans Wednesday afternoon
with an attendance of 12. Mrs. Rev.
Raynor as President, opened the
meeting with singing and prayer.
Readings were given by Mrs, Hector
McLean and Mrs. Elliott. Roll Call,
Thoughts fur the New Year, Plans
were made at' this meeting for a
quilting bee to be held at the home
of Mrs. Fred Johann Friday of this
The Young People’s Union of Bel
more and McIntosh held their meet
ing Tuesday night at the home of
Jean Herd, with an attendance of 35.
i The., president, Jean Herd, took the
meeting. The Scripture was taken by
Mrs, Newaps, and, prayer by Joseph
Tiffin. Topic by Mrs. Fted Double-
dec, on the Christian Family at Wor
ship. Musical selections by Jack Hol
land, Jean Herd and Lily Edwards,
Story; by Gladys Fitcli. he meeting
closed with the benediction, when
games were enjoyed, and lunch serv
ed by the hostess.
The February meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will fee at the home
of Mrs, Herd when a contest in bak
ing will be held. Judges, Mrs. Ray
nor, Mrs. Darling and Mrs. Double-
dec; pic and cookies was decided on.
Mr, Tom Abraham was in for a
few days taking treatment for some
trouble on his face,
Mrs. Mulvey spent a few days with
Mrs. Dave Eadie at Glenannan,
Eleanor and Minnie Jcffray were
visitors at the homo of Roland Bal*
lagh Friday* also at Mr, Temlsh’s.
Mr, Norman Baiers attended, the
TEA .......................................... 45c Lb...
Silver River Sockeye
RED SALMON ... 27c Tall Tin
MAPLE SYRUP 16 oz. bot. 29c
RADISHES ........... 5c Bunch
HEAD LETTUCE ... 10c Head
RHUBARB ....10c Bujnch
ORANGES ................ 35c Dozen
TOMATOES .................15c Lb.
GRAPEFRUIT.... 4 For 25c
Try Coleman’s Smoked Breakfast Bacon It is Delicious and
We Slice It Fresh Daily. IL
If your eyes smart or pain, if yon have headaches, if print blurs/
or you capnot see to sew or read properly, Complete eyesight
service is right here at your very door. Have your eyes examined!
Stratford’s Leading Optometrist for 18 Years
At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to Noon,
Phone 5 W for Appoiiiffnerit*