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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1937-02-04, Page 4
TAGS FOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, February 4, 1937 ..................................—rnrtm ' = j^Lini3DT......■”■■■■■■ lagnesg.” - lacy ■ w w FUNERAL SERVICE We h^ave served the people of Wingham and district continuously in Funeral Work for over Thirty Years, in a kindly and sympathet ic manner at all times giving our closest attention to every detail, In the preparation of the departed. In the Quality of Merchandise. In the use of modern Funeral equip ment. It matters not if you select a Funeral at $70.00 or up, you are as sured the finest in quality and the best in service. A. J. WALKER UNDERTAKER House Phone 224. Store 106. w|w * lj cents a word pen insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. | ‘5E30®2S2SS£301±X6ES=====aOJ^dES±±±SSOESOE===SS3OKI&l FOR SALE—Good, shorthorn cow. 'Apply to Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Quebec Heater, good as new. Apply to Russell Walker. FARM FOR RENT—100 acres, 2Vz miles west of Belgrave. Apply to Mrs. Frank Shoebottom, Belgrave. FOR SALE—Carload, of Argentine Corn and. Carload of Western Oats. To arrive Feb. 7th and 15th. Ord er your supply now. Also special prices on other feeds and molasses. .Phone 38, Duncan Kennedy. 'FARM FOR SALE—100 acres, Lots 41 and 42, Turnberry, 1^ miles from station and school. Good •' house and buildings, fences and farm in good shape. Apply Joseph Breckenridge, owner, on the prop erty. a reserve bid. Terms of Sale — Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. For further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to r. g. McDougall, Solicitor to the Mortgagee, East Block, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario. DATED at Toronto, this twenty-third day of January, 1937. IN MEMORIAM NURSE—Hospital Training, wants patients in own home, or will go out by day. Rates reasonable. Ph. 136, P.O. 121. Jean -MacDonald, Blyth, Ont. WANTED—Reliable girl for light housework and company for eld erly ladv. Phone 142. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity of thanking our neighbors and many friends for their kindness and expres sions of sympathy during our recent sad bereavement. —Mrs. Samuel Bennett and Blanche. NOTICE TO CREDITORS CORNELIUS—In loving memory of a dear father, . James Cornelius, who departed this life, January 29, 1932. God knows the way, He holds the key, Some day up there, We’ll meet again. —Ever remembered by Wife and Family. IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDG MENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re sult of years of successful experience in collecting local or out of town ac counts. Personal calls made on all cases, if necessary. No collection, no charge. Remittance made monthly. Mail your list of accounts to-day to Burke’s Collecting Agency (License 176) Office over W. R. Smith’s Store, SEAFORTH Box 498 All persons haying claims against the estate of George Day, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of December, A. D. 1936, arc notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the thirteenth day of,Feb ruary, AD. 1937, full particulars of their claim in writing. Immediately after the said thirteenth day of Feb ruary, 1937, the assets of the Said tes tator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re gard only to claims of which the ex ecutrix shall then, have notice. DATED at Wingham, this twenty- first day of January, A.D. 1937. J. H. CRAWFORD, t Winghaln, Ont., Solicitor for the Executrix. MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a cer tain mortgage which will be pro duced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, at Public Auc tion on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1937 at the hour of two o'clock in the af ternoon at the farm of John .Sander son, No. 1, Gorrie, the following pro perty namely:ALL AND SINGULAR that cer tain parcel or tract of land and prem ises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, and being composed of the East half of Lot 3, and the whole of Lot 4, Concession 11, of the afore said Townsihp of Howick and con taining Ohe hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less.. On the said farm there is .said to fee erected a dwelling house with suit able farm buildings. . The lands will be sold subject to PUBLIC SCHOOL RE- PORT FOR JANUARY Senior Fourth ♦—Absent for examinations. Total 700, Honors 525, Pass 420. Betty Gannett 628, Edna Hogg 617, Bertha Casemore 585, Dorothy Stewart 562, Evelyn Scott 548, Helen Hammond 545, Louise Reid 545, Edythe Campbell 544, Frances Rob inson 542, Nora Finlay 538, Velma Ohm 535, Jean Breen 523, Clarence Hamilton 521, Louise Lloyd 519, Reatha Sinliamon 510, Ann VanWyck 510, Louise Dore 508, Norman Mun dy 501, George Johnson 488, Mabel Campbell 477, Dorothy Mellor 461, Elmer Deyell 433, Harold Cantelon 431, William Harris 419, Arnold Stoakley 372, Norman Fry 354, Hem Lee 338, John Lee 332, Fenton Barn es 314, *David Murray 208. G. Kidd, Principal. Junior Fourth Total 600, Honors 450, Pass 360. G. Kingston 500, E. Dark 498, J. Hopper 468, E. Lediet 467, G. Lloyd 466, E. Bailey 463, B. Groves 452, G, Evans 434, G, Hutcheson 434, A. Hyndman 430, L. Collar 408, L. Bate son 403, J. Gorbutt 401, E. Schatte 396, L. Thompson 392, A. Williams 392, H. Howard 388, C. Casemore 378, J. Falconer 372, $ Carter 344, J. Rich 343, J. Cameron 338, H. Montgomery 307, W. Forsyth 300, C. Ohm 26i, J. Nivins 240, J, Wilson 203. B. H. Reynolds, Teacher, Senior Third Total 500, Honors 375, Pass 300. Bill Galbraith 430, Frances Brophy 396, Lois Adams 390, Donald Hastie 370, Ruth Harris 354, Douglas Fry 339, Kenneth Allin 335, Doris Fin lay 335, Marjorie Falconer 334, Grace Parker 829, Robert Chittick 328, Wal lace Hutton 327, Donna Buchanan 319, Mildred Fitzpatrick 318, Grace Small 313, Mary Lepard 311, Lloyd Mundy 307, Craig Armstrong 299, Harold Jfutton 289, Margaret Finlay 283, *Isabel MacLean 283, Bud Cruik- shank 281, Jack Ludwig 281, Frances Durnin 274, Alvin Seli 266, Iris Tem pleman. 263, Roy Dark 234, *Margar- et MacLean 221, Reggie Collar 213, Doreen Garlick 206, *Norma Brown 192, Donald Campbell 192, ^Lorraine Brown 172, *George Fitzpatrick 72. H. Brown, Teacher, Junior Third * Total 500, Honors 375, Pass 300. Annie Shiell 431, Lillian Angus 424, Norman Anderson 422, Joyce Walker 420, Shirley Edgar 411, Marie’ Lock ridge 405, Evelyn Allen 399, Muriel Evans 397, Harold Seli 378, Helen Carr 377, Lauretta Everick 369, Or well Allen 368, Madeline Mellor 362, George Copeland 352, Ileen Morris 325, Jean MacLeod. 308*; Eddie Fitz patrick 301, Freddie Templeman 293, Evelyn Cantelon 275*, James Stoak ley 273, Margaret Richardson 272, James Sanderson 138*. Myra J. MacDonald, Teacher. Senior Second Totai 500, Honors 375, Pass 300. Wilfred Gannett 443, Jean Stewart 428, Jack Walker 426, Milton Brown 409, Donald Lloyd 406, Jean Town 405, Walter Burgess 403, Jack Scott 400, Marjorie French 393, Jean Pren tice 392, Arthur Brown 391, Grace Bailey 390, Evelyn Evans 382, Percy Vanner 382, Billie Field 379, Cecil Yeo 364, George Breen 351, *Marjorie Sinnamon 347, Mary Forsyth 347, Jack Mellor 345, Freddie Ohm 344, Helen Forbes 339, Jack Ernest 336, *Margaret Angus 333, Raymond Bell 328, Teddy Bailey 316, Hugh Bell 305, Jack Montgomery 304, Eddie Carter 301, Billie Hilbert 298, Billie Lee 271, ’•‘Isabel Brown 266, *Robert. Prentice 201. V. McLaughlin, Teacher. Junior Second Total 440, Honors 330, Pass 264. Jean Willoughby 376, Betty Finlay 368, Dorothy Wells 367, Jack Lock ridge 353, Helen Lockridge 344, *Shirley Lloyd 330, Jimmie Colborne 320, Wanda Cowan 315, Alma Thomp son 301, Donald McLeod 300, Billie Templeman 293, Mary Prentice 289, Jack Musgrove 280, Jack Lloyd 277, *Gerald Brophy 214, *June Everick 189. First Book Total 500, Honors 375, Pass 300. Betty Allan 443, Mary Forbes 443, Joan Edgar 419, George Town 404, Patricia Wild 382, Lillian Jones 377, Howard Breen 365, Mary Vanner 295, Harold Doran 281. B. Joynt, Teacher. First Book Total 465, Honors 348, Pass 279. Mary Lu Connell 434, Barbara Ross 432, Betty Sanderson 432,' Greta Hyndman 429, Pauline Cowan 421, Ruth Gannett 412, Helen Sturdy 411, Bobby Finlay 406, Alan MacKay 397, Laurene Prentice 394, Jim Beninger 389, Wilma Dark 389, Madeline Deyell 389, Rose Marie Ohm 386, Grant Ernest 386, Iona Hen derson 385, Donald Schatte 385, Helen Arthur 383, Dawna Walker 376, Theresa Fitzpatrick 371, Charlie Lee 364, *Donna Tervit 363, Betty Mae Hutcheson 351, Donna Lockridge 344, Ronald Browne 342, Joyce Hingston 333, John Armitage 331, Florence Harris 327, Ross Johnston 319, *Buddy Morris 300, Edna Tem pleman 290, *Buddy Wild 285, *Tom-' my Lockridge 267, Grace Roth 329*. P. Johns, Teacher. Primary Total 305, Honor 225, Pass 180. Leslie Mae Wall 304, Gloria Swan son . 295, Jimmy Hall 294, Donald Montgomery 286, Marjorie Anderson 280, Ruth Burgman 279, TrCsena Bondi 269, Wilfred Seli 262, Kenneth Hingston 251, Marie Fitzpatrick 245, Bobby Mundy 240, Lois Lockridge 237, Shirley Yeoman 235, Gwen Mac- Lean 234, Clare Hopper 225, Violet Bowman 218, Maitland Brepn 215, Gerald Williams 209, Irene Everick 204, Eugene Roth 196, Fay Angus 190, George Colvert 172**, Ralph Sed- don 164, Gladys Shiell 148*, Ronald Seddon 146, Billie Wells 145, Gordon Moir 134, Jimmy Jones 115, Wally Haselgrove 105***, Bonnie Richard son 98**, Wilbert Hart 95***, Joyce Dalgleish 45***. A. G. Williamson, Teacher. Midgets Trim Teeswater Saturday morning at the Arena the Midgets gave A fine demonstration of hockey when they trounced the Tees- water lads 12-0, The local youngsters netted the puck 6 times in the firrt period, 3 in the second and 3 in the third. Teeswaterf Goal, Brown; def., Morton, Weiss} centre, Jeffery; wings, Trapton, Porter; alternate, Gillies. Wingham; Coal, Wilson; def., Cartel4, Murray; centre, G. Johnson; wings, D. Biggs, Habkirk; alternates, Attention Graingrowers National Fertilizers are hold ing a Meeting in Blyth Memor ial Hall, at 2 P-m< on FRIDAY, FEB, 5th Their chemist will give a talk; and illustrated moving pictures will be shown. Farmers should not miss this opportunity of seeing just how National Fertilisers are manu factured. Everyone Welcome. Roberts, Forsyth, Adams, Goals, 1st period, Johnson, Adams 2, Habkirk, Biggs 2; 2nd period, Johnson, Carter, Biggs; 3rd period, Forsyth, Adams, Roberts. Public School Tie Lucknow In a clean fast game in Lucknow rink on Wednesday evening, January 27, th.e team of Lucknow High and Public -schools, and the Wingham Public School battled to a 5-5 tie. B^th teams showed improved speed and combination and there were no dull moments throughout since the condition of the teams was much bet ter. For Lucknow Darner showed the best form and for Wingham Wil son played 60 minutes and was steady and reliable all the way. For Luck now Cook scored 3, Mackenzie 1 and Darner 1. For Wingham, Murray scored 2, Wilson 1, Forsythe 1, Bunn 1. Teams: Lucknow, McKim, Finlay son, McDonald, McKenzie, Cook, Damer, Aitcheson, Treleaven, D. Mc Kenzie. Wingham, Carter, Wilson, Forsythe, Johnson, Murray, Bunn, Harris, Gorbutt, Prentice, Hopper. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING (Coninued from Page One) There are also assets of $2262.75. A bond of $2000 donated by John Nichol and unused interest on same $262.75. The sum of $1030.00 Was remitted to the church office from the Budget Account. Rev. Kenneth MacLean, m report ing for the Session, spoke of the loss sustained by the church in the death of eleven members of the church. The membership roll now stands at 409. There were 9- baptisms during the year. Mrs. J, E. Fells resported foi- the Women’s Missionary Society. This society had raised $549.90 during the year and had forwarded to the Pres byterian Treas., $475, which was their- allocation in full. A box of books and magazines had been sent to the west and clothing and quilts valued at $24.18 was sent in the bale. A gift was also sent to Miss Williamson in India. The Marion Williamson Auxiliary ‘of which Miss Flelen Miller is leader, forwarded to the Presbyterial Treas. $29.92. Miss V. McLaughlin read the re port of the Goforth Auxiliary. The society had forwarded to the Pres byterial Treasurer $100 and to the Goforth Memorial Fund $7.90. A layette valued at $30.00 was made during the year and sent for distri bution. Toys and clothes to the value of $17.72 were also forwarded for distribution. The Happy Gleaners’ Mission Band sent to the Presbyterial Treas. $32.00. This report was given by Miss F. Wilson, the leader of the Band. The report of the Sunday School was given by Mr .H, F. McGee, the treasurer. The Sunday School had a very successful year having a balance of $5.93. Receipts totalled $268.50. The average attendance was 80, The Ladies’ Aid Society did much useful work during the year as was shown by the report given by Mrs. Gordon Godkin. The society have a balance on hand of $180.89. Some of the activities of htis society were, pap ering and painting at the Manse, painting the church floor, shingling the manse and: installing hot plates in the church kitchen. They also gave $100 to the Board of Managers, The repo.rt of the Westminster Guild showed $40.00 given to the Budget. The receipts totalled $90.99. The balance on hand is ‘$5.18. The Cradle Roll Department has on the roll 27 members, • Mr, Wm. Robertson, who has been a valued member of the Board of Managers for many years, resigned, and Mr, Geo. Olver was elected to the Board for the balance of his term, two years. Messrs, George Wilson, D, Rae, D. Currie, retiring members of the Board, were re-elected for a three- year term. Messrs. T. Y. Smith and W. N. Pickell were also elected for a three-year term, Other members on the Board are W. A. Miler, chair man; H. C MacLean, J. W, Hanna, J. W. McKibbon, Roy McGee, John Raby, Gordon Machan, D, Kennedy, W, H. Haney, Sec.-Treas, The members of the Session are: Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Moderator; H. F. McGee, Clerk; John Gray, H. B. Elliott, W. H. Gurney, A. E. Lloyd, W. E. plammond, N. L. Fry, Wm. Clark, J. E. Homuth, Dr. A. T. Ford, R. H. Lloyd, Jas. Moffatt. Mr. R. H. Lloyd was elected to the Board of Trustees t.o fill the va cancy left by the death of Mr. T. C. King. The two other members of the Board are, W, Jos. Henderson and Donald Rae. Mr. Wm. Barbour and Mrs. Gor don Godkin were elected as Auditors. UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING (Coninued from Page One) by Mr. Wm. Wellings reported, that the average attendance was 26 and the receipts $74.14. The secretary and treasurer’s re ports for the Sunday School were pre sented by Mr. Elgin Coutts, show ing an enrolment of 268 and an av erage attendance of 150. The receipts amounting to $481.64. The Library report was given by Mr. Wilbur Tif fin showing that 1630 books were loaned .during the year. . For the Evening Auxiliary Mrs. W. S. Hall reported that the average at tendance had been 18 and the re ceipts $343.83. The W.M.S. report was given by Mrs. R .A. Coutts showing annual members 52, life members 25, and re ceipts $704.27. Mrs. Geo. Williams for the Wo man’s Auxiliary, reported that an av erage of 14 had attended the meet ings and the receipts were $455.51. The Choir represented by the lead er, Mr. J. H. Christie, reported that it had a membership of 35. The Session report was given by TIM TELLS THE HOIGH SCHOOL _BOYS’ JOKE To the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers. I tought mebby I shud write ye a few loines this wake to lit ye know how tings do be goin wid me. I sup pose ye hev hcered already av the big shoine thim Hoigh School byes an girruls intind to hould purty soon, Thim lads that shtay wid us hev the missus nearly crazy wid theer non- sinse, She sez they make moore thrubble than the Hipburn Goyern- mint wid less to show fer it, Shpakih av thim Grit lads at Tor onto they same to be all at say wid Mishtpr Hipburn away out in Arj- zony fer his health. I hope he soon gits betthcr, fer, sliure, it is no fun at all, at all, foightin wid a sick man so it isn’t. Av coorse our byes do be bavin the toime av theer young loiv- es, roastin thim lads that Mishter Hipburn wus afther laivin to run tings in his absince. Down at Ottawa iviryting'is runnin along noice an smooth barrin whin Mishter Woodsworth an Mishter Heaps want to hear thimsilves talk, Thim Hoigh School byes tink thimsilves purty shmart, an do be al ways throyin to git" jokes on aitch other. Theer ould dads, an the ould- er byes at home on the farrums, hev to schrape up the money in some way to kape the young shpalpangs 1 in town, so av coorse the byes do be interisted in the proice av iviryting that is sould aff the farrums. Wan noight at supper toime wan jiv the byes sez to me “I .wondher what Wood’s worth in town this win ter?” “It’s worth Heaps whin ye hev to buy it,” sez the other fellah, wid nivir a shmoile on his face. I didn’t see the'joke mesilf fer a whoile, wondhered. what it wus all about whin both byes lift the table an wint outsoide an shtarted a shnow foi ght. I suppose it is nicissary to hev a Hoigh School eddicashun to make jokes, an undhershtand the wans oth er fellahs make. Yours yit, Timothy Hay. They had lost their way in their new and expensive car. “There’s a sign, dear; are we on the right road?” With a flashlight he read: “To the Poorhouse.” NOxa-colD BOTH LIQUID AND TABLET FORty Stop a tliz. cou^lv crthoAA. net CASTRONOX GIVES QUICK RELIEF FOR 9ndlcpzAilorn • C/aAf/iiJjLA.. 'ttejm.fJrufirv • AddLLij. NOXACORN JUST RUB IT I N iJivnevM coXnA. crV'e/uvLcjJif N0XAPAIN ’ TABLETS tot. koaoLaxJxjzA- ox anp pain., 11 ajid. f-erx. laxlleA. duJtbup f ■ ■ ■ ''■.y. tnjjlnp. pexlodA. ’ ■ t Listen in daily to your Family Ad visor CKNX at 12.15 noon. Collection Results' "Received your cheque for $40.03 on ............ note and want to thank you for the capable mantier in which you attended to this matter.” Taken, from a letter dated January 21st, 1937. < Can we be Of service to you? Remember our terms “No col lection, no charge for our ser vices”. Kelly & Aiken Collection Specialists, ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO Eat. 1890 Bank Reference. Dr. Redmond and showed that the membership was 772. The Board of Stewards reported ’through the Treasurer, Mr.E. Wil- kinson, who presented the financial statement. .1 Receipts Bal. from 1935 ......................$ 18.36 Weekly Offering .................. 3430.32 Emergency Fund ................... 183.00 Radio Donations ...................6.00 Anniversary .......................... 695.05 Loose Offerings .................... 346.05 M. and M................................... 2004.87 $6684.43 Expenditure Salaries ..........-........................$3097.50 Pulpit Supply.......................... 105.00 Music ...........................11.20 Fuel ...................................... 439.45 Lighting ................................. 96.23 Printing and Postage ..........78.96 Taxes ....................................... 168.44 Fire Insurance ....................... 30,00 Miscellaneous .............-.......... 610.93 M. and M................................. 2004.86 Bal. on hand .......................... 41.86 $6684.43 The retiring members of the Ses sion, G. M„ Proctor, T. H. Gibson, F. R. Howson, J. M. Graham, Robert Currie and A. Reid, were re'-elected, as were the retiring Stewards, Thos. Wallace, Elmer Wilkinson, R. J, Cur rie, Thos. Kew, G. T. Robertson and R, A. Coutts. W. B. McCool was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late S> Bennett. W. A. Galbraith and D. Geddes Were appointed Auditors. A vote of thanks was tendered to each of the following, the Pastor, the Choir and the Caretaker. During the evening musical num bers were given by Miss Tena Reid and Mrs. W B. McCool. Following the business meeting a lunch was Served by the ladies, Isard’s Store News Big Stock • Reduction I Sale i Is being Continued for Another Week ENDING ON SATURDAY FEBUARY 6th Sweeping Reductions in all departments. Greater Value and Bar gains await you here. / Buy Now while prices are at the lowest, and stock up well in all lines of merchandise in the face of rising prices... . . . . . >.. . . . . . . '- " T H. E. ISARD & Co. ■ “Yes,” he answered. “We’re on the right road but we didn’t know it.” Mother: ‘Willie, there are seven pieces of candy on the table. Divide them with Susie.” Willie: “All right, mother. Now Susie, I’ll take one and then you take one, until they’re all off the plate.” These prices are effective for February 4th, 5th and 6th, ----------SPECIAL----------- HEINZ dfflh T arp-eTOMATO 2 KETCHUP ■ 3 5 Singapore CUBES 18-oz SLICES 19 oz.PINEAPPLE ~ .IO Pitted Sair DATES - 2T3 CLARK’S 22-oz. TinsPork & Beans 2F r .19 1 Old Colony Maple 22-oz. Tins Aunt Jemima Pancake SYRUP FLOUR 16-oz. Bottle. 9 -■.15 MCCORMICK’S RE BAG SODAS Weston’s Balmoral J CREAMS 20Stock Lasts Pkgs. . 2 >».:■ 20 STANDARD QUALITY TOMATOES .1© EARLY MORNING COFFEE w. .19 CHOICE Keta Salmon X Ta" 9£S GLASSCO’S YAM STRAWBERRY UAHl RASPBERRY 4 FRESH FRUIT HEAD LETTUCE 2 For................15c FIRM TOMATOES 2 Lbs. for .... 29c. GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 27c. Green Peas, Wax. Beans, Carrots, Beets, Celery Fresh Daily DOMINION