Huron Signal, 1864-12-15, Page 2iurQriignate 1 L.. J --... - ....w._. _ _--- " _--. nnw>;tt rtt. c.1►., IiEC. 13, 1`Nd., r , e GENERAL GEO. B. MCCLELLAN• It mems to bo one sef the inclinable decres that, 1n order to gain ter himself a mime which shall he inscribed upon the scroll of fame 1a imperishable characters, a maw must be eweavejel, To command lee respect of a vast majority of your fel- low-wca, whether your sphere iii life be of a patello or prieutc cavpucity, )oU must taaeds be eueeeseful. Beeo,nc known as a Yisinginerchant, ;cod :ill ezeerid'ncc teaches that you will be borne aloha; up,u the sephyre of popular applauae, but let it 0013 be hinted with any show of rcasen that you are likely to fgure in the (;. erlfr, awl at once you begin to experieneei the meauing of the phrase, " wan'e inhutuin- ity to wan:' TIte-to;roue of eatery Tice durulant—trienis fly ♦s do the rats Prow a sinking .hip -props wliic'' were oTerel Crawly once when they wuFe) slot reeituired are withdrawn hastily, it' not rniJy, and east out of the good ship Proapeiity, you left to etrugglu alone in the dark and ay waters, within e3-shet of the' of merriwet•t on hour,. d Just at Ir the leaden of great +rtuim. If ,rtunate enough to be saeee'efug, 'l each ether in sounding their 'tori ins re o' nt wi:h pri.le eels, whiie'huwbler • bio• thankfully whatever or personal ch3ucter- A few appre iatirc d recoio ttize genius iters of aacLttit h itisfortune If'their Da- awecna til, hick al u1J r Noun ie it w they me meu rte w praiser, amt their gl,iriour gophers pick crumbs of ineiden otic may be Ief. eeufs there are who wo In the moat auceeesful w or modern times, even the should bavo shorn then of rela, but we feel conscious tha after all, the great standard by are measured. %. ho shall fitly th oleon 1, Wcliington, or 11'aahingtou, • oorupy such a dirge place in the ell of the world at larMr•, if they ha b auCC,•eaf tel ? (en ee, "n most co wan W Jcrs of t o e n et, will, if Sri, it i. achieved throogh i' lace Jas1r'• P th homes u \1'ashin noblest effort. so •lied er: will kn s0 apPrec m- Ia not of the fierc- if not the independence i etrumentelity, the >: elutes list 01 oo h' trnedf - but ifl ie i I ins &feat, aaad,if be. is i tuall • to 8 Into. erilk ) be Y n in history only as ae\iw rJ„d leader, and his merits be : ted only by the very few p•ho are nimous enough to recognize genius cpcndent of the fortuitous circuutaten- by ' hich k ire thwarted and'bafed. to rlecord today the par ' ultr. of a fire In formin an mitimate of the wore'lFstructive is ins c military that has •curre w J to 'o- ca act: ott,Gc•mc .1 U hri P J r 1 . feClcllau, it es neooe- turned epos McClellan. If he eueld not 'turn the tide all was loet. ile cheerfully lutllttttouk the teak,and having ro.irgaalaed the ar.y, met Leo at Antiltatu. Ilia plea of uttack, aeoording to an able writer in !i(rrrkrr..d, to tellies we aro indcbtrdj f w a -it' excellent article oa the genii is career—was not the beat that could have bre devised, but it is certain that Ito gniucJ Ialmee adl antage over hitt enemy, Iand that Lee, in view QP eppnnchiag reinforcements for the federrls, thought it necessary to necrose the Pomeroy with his rich booty, rather than ri.k :mother baWc. And thus it was that the utueh- abused )Ict'lellen saved the f.'Jcral eat•itd, and cleard the country. North of the Potonlso of the invadere.— The shltut that greetedd his•'quali8.J sne- eee was e , .1 r lune . ” LUt e . f -u i I Naw the hero of the moment with the m+slew, as he wca eltuoat &doted by the nrwy — Hut the jubileti'm was eihuitJived. Ile war bd•a,wirg tau japular, and,w.ulo ha was lfupt'relly planning the eirruwventi'm of his wily foe, he was depas.t aaminerily an d, unheard, 3 getter:II trunt,of suee3as be- "'ki theallegede..uac, Wu believed at the time)aiiJ still bclicve,that if!emelt. lctiul- but had possessed ambition ■nd daring cuoagh,be need never have submitted W the indignity heaped upon bine Idolized by tbesoldiery, a stirring appeal'would here gathered them every tine around hint, and be might have ejected the Pne*ident fro« the N kite Ilouse, to matume• the position ihimself, of Dictator. B.ui,,a/e\either larked 1 the ambition or was coogo .1 11:1 citizen W undertake the experiment, a' d therefore retied with dignified calwnesr. And now, dricen froom the sriny and rejected at tie pills, he must sink quietly Into inay,nifi- canee amongst the world's unrewarded, if mot nws.Ceessf'l wen. 1Ye give, in MIF eluuiuo a short extract frotu tha article to which wa have alluded :— ee• Hut there i; one aspect in which M,C'Iei lin *hes with nhmlute lustre rhes coilapared with other general.. of the N .nh. The aeint in which he makes w..r is hum we amIthouer• -able. The gris'y fsnstn o i t of Sherg.plas— ! wbu Jaye waste a kneed ba of euaieated country -*lune his tine of mere', as it,wmne puisur•ous stud hal eerie over_ it, and al.. dip'pul.tes cider and dstricts 'ss a see,iiese that a tt t mit ['utters a ba•lirf t wh I 9 el hr h everted into a ,reli :lows pnnciple trot le be suint without 'l. .ho'my—tints ni eters•, e from )Ietlellan. Of that I,'•non fail has al ys •1 i roe st J hnnsrlf r fi rm ad xrem , but lie ' e uemerl,n.e'Wned that it is to be 1 'naionai., at lhe'ro's' 'f the deal, ',k len of i the S' uthe people, and the, devestuji.ua of their territu GREAT -. LAGRATION• A BRiCK BL() 'K Ct) SONHD' We regret vert wuc that it• ja our dutye istemid fur tete lemur, tho prostate/ of such ' a terrible fire, bel ne, we know M &lea& Cienl el:'tee. . THE LAST YESSEL,et ZeetlEASON• Gellunt feet of Rapt. ▪ Alarnry M.•/iregor, w)to',rive u reteel lulu lirderuA /la r- d,r durlwg MAe sight, in as owlet snow• SI,'►aI. Guderich pan proudly h cut of sermon se . rood not seen to ifs stria{ of ocean tars in (kill ter brewery. 'Pieta au l again have they broneht their reseed into jwrt when it scent- ediupos'ibhf,r.atythine0o:upset of um her, relieve an 'iree to live' upon Lake heron, and m ire then wheebss it bens our duly to're•corJ their en:leery in ruslee.; into the b.,i:iy, waves to rescue the shipwreceel, hit n v r h+re we heenl of as a reality ur t then was real Irl deliU:1 a ,•ere gdlla/t K , perform. l by eeet. •Marray Metireeer-on ?aliJ.y uieht Ir01, while ev '• Isud lubbees'' were n,, le r Brine to keep our tusa Cana at parlor tins. Tibio«, if mer, here we, Jee the e.twwily-live roan Lnewle'ge of 'loon, witimea I a fiercer eerie storm th:ul last el Suutry hut. Lunde the lmre:te , to be sure, the www fell quietly eueweh, ail all rejoiced in the prospect ref splendid slriehine, but early in the ar,, uq.'a lee wind shifad to the S. W. and Login to blew •'great gene' S h!r,inr'- the hooey snow into almnsl imupost bee d,itl. which buried fences. and rendered iocomotidn out of the (peahen. exaepuog to people of the '• Exce ler"• stamp. The ehurehee in the *yenta, were alanat deserted, but surety the l:,in eungreers1ioas would here beard a fervent preyer to the Almighty for the uric • •lin • uteeMe. hid it been sus• (lee kind of oU.nes ie still p■weeleet in the Myhnry which sway well occaey a little el your alamtts* as well r sere, The abumt- liable. syste. of nt11" t coon into foreign aervics-.ao minim b which still continuee— '',lr is nal^ erre( thtt cRW r coutrary W the " F re gnFedi A IMtrary to the eapref u tdtrs of bath~ " s ib, to the bouring St•t50; sad aipswesl to the nergh- unly to IM well heowtlyw ) :ailed ra out dews el the Int Asda;.. sof ('u r.JU laid herr ter Mr. Juauce !eagerly, but ale) to the express ;dere and Metier:eos of the Government, ea eummuu- c..l ai the Crurn Atlund.. and uther5.— I hero is a mute of evudl•,g the tae succe50- fully, and it is dune every day• Men are hire! oatyualb:y for mere t wte in the theme. No enlistment or prupuaale to enlist takes plate hely. All that is dune alter the an ivel at the f)epot or place of safe No stele can be talen apparently to prevent tItiv—aed well do tie craters, dealers not in clack, but ins white huluan flesh, kenr lhla After the ar rived be u nd the l' i nes Y tbo re ' tsa cb ,ia tweet, strvuson &nJeulul,neut,wnha buuuq. on the aide 0t the enluttuent, end worse weeps used, which need stet be turned here. The truly protectiue we have agMeet this trickerr, which the law cannot re eb, is in the curlduct, advice and example of cur own people. We sboull nut be cheated out of the bone and sinew of our own couutry in such a In.enner. F'sthets and mothers are grieving f r the lusa or deager of sots whew strong arms might be, act ought to be, .wining these Glbeni anl'nether*' bread, and' ready if used be, (.end need may be at any time ) to deleud the sacral soil of a Luber's home and their own land and their ;saw *.,verei,ln. tt is haul te lose cur yea. unary like this. The laskueyed teeter' of the poet becomes a proverb sow :— •• A stout yeomanry—the country's pride, When once they're gone, cad never Ire sup. plied." It is enough, to find in the duty of a• chrisuen, that you may be iestitied in defacing the ered Iles at that moment • Mlle reeeel Makers ,ma_e, and •• 51111104 f re's sacred I11' ,tineas," to defence ofSn re,dn, or soil, or was Isatin; bravely with 1h. m's ins sea and Is,•11. or one's home ; but to do otherwi*a b:ia4ing maws ofinow en Like lluron. it'' th:.n in relfeleknce- to do so for • foreign seems that the schooner L Patten, owuerl by pus wer—te du so iter mere pay—lhw is aumv- our townsman, Councilor Leonard, was lyinj 1* .u*lulll llo Ace t ► tbei rSons amend Ewe seine dare at Southamet in, and that Capt. sande I ' b McG.ogor rent ep by 'author the purpose of, brinein; bet t, this poem Tempted by tie fair.'tpd trom the N E., the Captain cast leme un ;Suarlay 013014 ,3 abort t I. o'clock, and slreek out bolliy ler Galerieh. All went Sell feeemla• hours? but when off Kin• cardiae, the i:erf luded uminuus'y • few mem huts, and n the terrific gale Caine richt Jowh u jun t 'itde vesse from the 3. t S. W,, ' stn. lJ; her i he teetb," as sellers 4.7, a,l,nr,iu;`vilery tem .rqulree'with the shoe:. The gsuation was c ire! e.,oudh to appal the steuteitheart, t,W ' u the force of the win at d di'v' • s w ' d r e w nu as a ace as much to befeare.' a eit •r r as h_ but Yc' or d stru4,'io'l nu mslfu0y. SuJJro:y, Ked h l e 1110 nfw rn. r W a In' IIdM of t ., •. bo e cert xle lee apparatus ;;ave way, aid then foe a loft; hour sola itadt'se reset •a' drifting at the mercy of the eleree ,ts, The damage Lein. tem rayl! re aire'1 at I h • 1 f tet t e easel was w r li 'tepee her . r 1 •jar pus , c any , he •rrireJ ufl •(luderich abort half past 10 p. m., . but bow tee da+,. r was i,ierletted • hundred feld,— To sttem;.t'seein; in, amt musing the pars row entrance wns'aute deeiructiwl, and the \sane was driricg w thickly that no' gut line stens was visitfle. Jud then.'huweeer, the r t n•,r c er,;e are net cajoled or tneked ter enticed Inti, fume. Havin • seen much of it dune, the !tench fult it a dntr to.say w mach as a warner;;, to all who bear aur al who may think proper) on the subject. ri word to the wise may be autti;i.nt to put theta on their guard,—no number of words will de cued with the foolish, . For bray a fuel in a snorter end he will eti.1 be one." et'bet is said is w,th no reference to the mor- 1es of the horrible civil war rasing so close to us tie another's querrel, not ours, and one in which we hies nether right nor inclinatiuo to interims ; but ere put torth the winning with a view to abate as much u we can this crying evil. Une case mny be stated which • but nue to a thousand An old man eel to Sa4inar to find what bad I,ecrome of tut^ sons of Isis. , He was informed that they had One off: employed in some work at San• Francisco He erns aaaLrud of chi s b the ri erimp iho had made money out of them. buds they are both mercenaries, bariue sold' by this crimp—one of the meat auccenful otos in tee-service,—Mr. Jerdrue, ate et %wtham ton sud the old mai s rs P e Is burs arc easing down with Barrow to the grave, We should use all moral i,ltluence to prevent thio se•rit of adventure; natural to the young, trona leading tleta in.0 wrong.— duney in hauet and glory •m prospect are ;teat temptations, but ebee ill relay the pain that such • course leaves at homy. There is a gm-ermneat order's out the exportattuu is than ao of munitions of war, 1s it ins the power of J c uwL broke Ger a moment, sad the lijht at the f' t t t to Dat ,overumen 0 preven a expo .. n for yearn. high btuk was risible- .Seiyn; hs'uppurtu of m^u of war—inert fit to tight aq one's it waw first observed ab.olt h fpm t 12Inee4aptMctire,fordashed, in, notwithatand 1 buttes, phynirrily, but who cannot light the awry to hoc lhcao oonnidree but i0 view• i D.nles tel sns a,untrr trot their own without Ile was not match for Lee, but no other the morning in the lower part n le afore lee tee iepeeeeeee dseeing the leerli4ete. tar urs, m ,rte', ter ry hu eir oil i the federal commnlder, in our opinion,..can be df Mr. W. E. (i;race, 11'est Stele. Thr renin hie tborou4h knowledge tet ctrl barber I Pave Dol taken cur esth, Yaud bath moral 1 compareedl with Lire in ability, or in these datuee must have broken oat 'bolt. tut- he kneir shoal «were. W r"ld rhe entrance• and I04aily it' they have dune so. The au observed, because the first object p - t- an't, by great goof fortune, he ran in s.fely 1, chinches should keep the se icle.t watch opo noble qualitiMevhieh tend to render war- Knowng as we do tee fearful pails of the ►II wbu :r v coucen,rJ in this c: imps; bas faro honnrabk, `and whkh, l0 a runt ed t'o those ariving at the sous after the oras. Three elaasrs of men fie being k.J g alanu was, given w.ls Mu. Jnn ishan nicht, we ten well ima; nn h.,w each srilur'a na q'cJ—the j.il bur'fe of tie l'rurince. They measure untryra rho horrors in•icteil rat bouhdvI with joy and gratitule as hr: ahnuld be (et'tio witaout molestaliun, Tbe u n a ^,onntr in elate of el' Black, Mr. Ile.tee'i clerk, in a nus ,re- po J 1 tl strife, i 1'v hen in AO wfit, I8G I , he urns called cancra trasiri0n. The Gro h lel shut him upou by the Preside t to give' hw bows out from e•grena down st•tire, acyl he stood upon the military a, 're of the 'country, half elifiaJ with auulu al ml upper we find that his was tl Duly mind cap*- window calling fur help. A ladder 0-,deiich tele of cvrrcctly cati.uat n, clic gn:atn.+le wan procured with as little delay u er saw: o`. possible, by which Mr. Black made hit ever a n* of the etra _Ic upon whi the nation had tet (he m••.e . entered. 1Vhile Secret i Seward, 'un- escape. Tho buil ling urs at tl.at time'!akes—u worthy awed by the disaster of I 11'a Itun, .was so completely within tris puver 'of th>! ntemptrJ. and a that amen;H is we pmelaimin;' his celebrate opinion as to Jevuuriug ei.' * •nt,th:lt it mat f,va 1 int- 1 lire,tiurioun " ilesru possible to s;n•c it with the lituit•:d tis' 1111 , ,rn.lered Ornish II Wore (.110111(0 every se nous a•' In al men cannot be to•, carclu Ute rte ' wle at cI *b., of t c ate, Jia were 1ta, stem n15 are 1, •; ,attlnl ith,a',J sew ,.-dry w. esitci ally m, the hunter. Clell a ' w that cl.il> raW p arativn waw b hand. Nut n single Jell me worth, we 1 iern4lu d, fiCu.ies t lute; In Qrer. i hand, you a eery of thej.til regulations. - 2s 3 b •here, of )Ir. Grace's lira+ ..t.,cl of lam c'ear ti,.t the tlucony.co-d should not 009 lac R^o'1 w d S 1 I' d ` 1 I Vied. Yreement tried disastrous galea o00- tlaued around tie I.giiah coast, causing nuUersus wreoka, aarunrp.niud by lose of life, TBS AMERICAN WAR. SHEItMAN IN A "TIGHT PLACE." New Yoac, Dec. 7.—We bare to -day some additional ne.s Irum Cuulalerabs sources show tiig how the fright et Sherman's apprurco to the .ea ru&at te spreading i1 Georgia au1 South Caro:ina All the utBoiale, civil and military, have tweed fierce and feverish pruclamauuus rail• sus,( un every male, old steel point, able to shoulder a musket to report immediately I'or duty. 1 ho Mayor of Stavannah and Cherlea on,sa w«II as tee C nfederate army odieme come ma.d10 w 'Lawn dace r Y ., hu n ixsu 1 rd b•furn tlwe already terrified comruuniiies documents of this character, probably by this means adding cauiderably to the panic. Governor Brown, of (reorgie, hes iaaued three m.re proclamations ons the crisis, but in ('harleeten, according to the Rept b(ic is of shut c.ty,eveu thee'surrine paper. do not bring cut the ciliaeue, fur it appears a military guard has W go around the town and drag them out of their Milian places. Gen Disk 'Taylor has been assigned to the command of all the Alamuh• and Georgia reserves witty heed pwerters at Savamu.ah. The MLC01, Telegraph of Nov. 2.ith says : "Sherman's situation is daily growing nacre pprecarious, stud we may confidently hope fur his complete overthrow and destructwn.— The central road is said to be entirely dealruy- ed between Griswoldrille and McIntyre." Nssavtt'.c, Dec. 6.-1'ery little of interest lrarsptredd yesterday. Artillery skirmishing continued through the day. Weaataor0x, Dec. 6. --The Savannah Re pubtiWn of fk•c. 1st, says that it mentioued ,n a previous issue that a furca of Feder ile had landed un Itroad river, and were' &vane- iud on the railroad in the direction of Gra- hamaville. Dunng the night the Confederates had trsnaported at effective force to That point, which, upiung with that already on the ground, marched forward on the 30th under commend of Gen Gustavus Smith, of the Georgia State troops, to meet them: The Republican sips the Federal troops numbered 5,000 men, with lS pieces of sttll lery, Smith was attacked at a place called Honey 11111, three miles Ism Orabaiurdle. The Confederates had only 1,600 muaketwand 7 pieces of artillery. '1 he fight luted till dark. We (the pappeer s Lys) repulsed µtack, and finally dove the -enemj s right e nd centre, cwt the left stood unmoved at the ,eiuse of the action. 'Tito confederates re eeived reinforcements. but notwithstanding their boasting, they, admit it was • drawn le. hart last ni •ht tb 3 th e 0 the R stet' a ( 1 c w e ) sp pr uvea ter eight trunapuru IurJad with trouts were rapidly going up Itroad river, which gives arsuran a that the fight will be rerumel today. The Republican says Wheeler managed Kilpatrick eith all ease. Dcvault, Ilee 7.—Positive ieturmation ba been teceired here that a raid upon this city u being organized by Cunlederate refugees in' Cauda. Cul Hill, militar commander in I r r • -Dote to Mayor ltarkrr, recumuendY that im• I mediate measures be taken to organize and, arm & regiment of militia for local protection. Active measures art being taken to .protect the city. !'ot'uwexsratq Dec. 10.—A heavy anew.' storm cummenced laat nicht, ateteceesed 1 Winne le Taw Sscen Coenf—TDs fol Iowiva significant answer to the above ques- tion was recently ggiven by the gwllaub General Hancock, of the 11 8, army : '• have left the Second Corps deal un the baWe fields be• tweed the 1lapidan and Petersburg I' WOOD WANTED. Parties who intend paying their subecnp- tiona in Cordwood will ploue bring it un right away. Dunt bring us a lot of mis- erable knots. GRAND TRIINER. L 'crab: TAlt b:, cwsu xstlr. Express dep. 9 • m, Mimed 12 in A 4.30 p.in, swim; west. r .3 m fixed 10 1 • m " A r! 0 hi 0 2 t r • 1:r0N'ui } tee meet in Gw tt - A plain of th in getting Quartet c turd to c Solas the Good the ereni ing and tobeun of the *I Mission Snow int the to the stria/eat sewer« adopted by the lata Pacbu, it u ins the present Lime almost em poasible to obtun a genuine mummy. It ie difficult to imagine what object the ancient erubalesers cuuld pare had in pract.aiug such • deception. Within 24 hours after wy arrival iu Egypt. I was solicited' by mummy venders to purchase numerous articles of the kind,each tel' which had • rung history utter' ed to it, but none of them found a purch•eer in me, as 1 bad been made •ware that tbeie mummies had all Caen made at a mestere mummy mwnufavtu,.y.—J, M. To the Churchwardens in the Ltocae of Huron. Daa■ Baxyuatr,-1 addreu you under the impression that my object in duiug so will be kindly received and rightly uudentoos. Yuu Will bare iu recollection the im ressive r Pra tocol letters addressed W Churchwardens, on ,,,yyy former occasions, by our esteemed Itiahop, oun# requesting lhrl the Christmas offiYtury tel lh* iCp several cougregatiulu thrvugbuut the dwceae verse Cordele* u. will ice ons the v lust ' '1\asda 7 respondent writes to com- great difficulty 0uuetabla find their amounts phased at the asions, although every care is rjsurc eorrectneas, I —A Soiree will take place in Templar's (fall, Manchester, on .e s sak- ' of the Ih tort. Gael 6 (a iuging may be'expectdd. It is er the auspices of the members . E. Church, acid in aid of ins ?cud. roar.—We have been faeored dur- st few days witIi a snow storm of the real Blurs; sort.. Yesterday (I heredity) it was 1u 50.dre that people could ,scarcely venture .'scir noses cut of doors. As a con sequence•the railway traits have been thrown outbf 1itie. United Canadian Alliance for thither prmslon of the Liquor Tra it- re e, t: aor.4 ler 11„ra, ',wont. Luta, Sts,—Will you allow me through het f our colu,nos to sa to all t ;edit m u I r those who desire tet arose, public opinion in their 'esaral neithbuurbeode in favor of "The '1'•mier.nee Act of le61,” that the rc ma be uLtaiued b ri u cur ctu re ter ces y I making a. early applicat' to the Council of the AUban , stating the Lutrite to be visited• and -the li •e' the services of the Lecturing , •a be uired. A Ant was 11 . , e ch cess rsv Yu r, respectfully J. WILLET, rSecretary. 3! °teen S . James Street, Hommel Dec. 0,.,1 did. 1: MPERANCE BILL IN about 10 o'clock this morning. fen inches ! lin Puu-aoxt-rurs, Dee. l0,—A heavy snow storm commenced here at one o'duck this I - `' morning and c'osal about dep light. .'A public . eiiaj tetee bwtd in tha (steel New Yoax, Dec.. 10.--A beady snow storm Template' 1f. 11, under the auspkes of " Koss cummened here at a n early hour thus morn 1 of Sharon ' 1 de, Nu. d ), If. A. of G. T., ' ing and Mnlinued till wbuut ten, why^ it 1 on 1YeduewIa eve ' 4, Now. 30th, fur the tamed t^ rain with all its commie/rues. n A Milledeertlle corespondent of the Au- i i urpusc of ens iderine the pvorisiuns tet rtes g y et of 19{1. 1'he hour fur ing harind arrived, and the ell fillet, proceedints cos• Iter. E. Roberts engaeir.g in ich Mr. Janes Halls w:u r. The chairman briefly set •of the meeting, and would weigh well what then called uu Mr J■mbs. the meal,,, . forth the claims of the a very forcible manner, have been distinguish- alha,es of the world, lied° Persian Mtonarch. Tecumseh the Indian Slow Foot, William eland, lac°roe Wash- untrywsn " Wallace on to slimy that the e fa7 m^r^'^g rare u temperance Ia which bare been Nxw Ywnc, I11a, 11. —The :1a;was'.. 10.01 heave been each n impro'ement on Che ::tele tet the 4111, says l—rhe fact that . t Sbermao's army bad reached Milleneeettles its pred`euuun, acid that Mr. Duukiu's Hill the question 'het ins declination is towards is the best USBGKNE.' :- ren -weer grids once mom tom rmouth d,eaffecteed towards the Crown,—tree, also w,d feltth it he wes saved as if bre a linty be ealely lett to make their own tied an .111 h nor to the brave Captain end lip w it. Hw tears ie nue clw d,( penpl rho u;ht th I:. Prttou tut°'' rhoahnuld-be, in ever way that is lawlu, I [ rote:led , from the bns ndage of the cri op s ,teeny i1. undry night in tee face I who infest m:.nr pari of Colada, and certou ', senlre»t u,8w scorns we have ly these Counties,-- the loyee, well conducted Steeli\Fke g ileinl act -+one but eaaIy led men, who reedilr believe tha 'e1 !ser nearer! on the , they ane only zou,e to the work that i5 prom f *he (,u!i. record ,we Imeg Seed thew. These should be warned tied tb rely sloe we ailrejoiee slve:Iisemome ad blrndishmenu tel those c'Lett'J. exomelea 0f '.,bo induce them to leave Canudr are mei el 1 6.k” Licit have the slime of the e, i.rpin{ .erpe•et. Cuuscien sr ht aurae 51,81 m• • usta Constitutioea:be sa s :—The Yankees Temperance ' were •dmir&bly clothed and appointed, each ',penin; the m hal ei • ti w le malt ehty yon ds tet ammunition, hr their` &germs cm,tented fixed material with house Mung I out sus i1 preppm& , they suffered I'or potterer. prayer, utter w N,Wtvu. e, i)ec. i0,—The situs'iou of called to the e fl tffstre rvrmai unchui In front tel (be' explained IM o th corps not • hot war fired io to 2 o'clock I h„red that I ,• I this evening, ' U ire to the slippery state of the ground the men nd it im esssrble, to inure -f' i;hr b.• "4' an' t tench..' ”' i... ------_I. D:ckunn t"address Deserters wbl tome sae that the Con• Sur, fj.r kaon'50t e federales bare elnmg eel nehments with 2 Tempentnes r•suae rows of cefreuwx de •ze, with wires r streterd arom.d to etrenethit them. ted ■Towed 4hal tine Reti fns for forty day• bad beau 'nrncw 1 ny -_.a Jeh,son• iwstrs 1%( Col G 74 ed temperance men i 1 i Johnson. cuismsnder nl the 46th eotored in -1 instancing Cyrus the necessary, and that at tl:e ver least • 7 moo •neriuirod ,r the int ( as save . u as t tit ;etrtte. bC tmated a piris,ners owlet fentence, bo Urn waw, it enpn bac_ttnn a vent that COUITT' COURT. Al<D IId►lt wnh ell p, saibie indul4ente consistently with Important elmpsign. itis or'uion, ns PP given at that time, may not le ve been the adjottsiru_ buildings .uet bel: involved gdSSI0H/• thea^ rc,uln'ioils fur nut only the input tet t the most epright may, through sem correct ins curry respect, but it Icaat in the rain, Che B.mk of MngtreiI, on The Cuurb,.eveop not today ( a!) P. take or freed ter wren). he imprisoned for a I at noon, u us,:al, the ('ounty ('sun , a_ -lu0 .time belore trial •,d acgn ttaf, wd i proved that he poseemed more arsine cum- the 11'crt, «Etch waw on,y crexkJ ,last elm L50 tet retrrne4 frc. •rather v ' was nle•er intended *hat Min neither convict men sense than a^y otltcr of the 1'n. i •nt'a summer, t,onk bre, an 1 burned W the 1 ti 1 ed rtur Cmm uttaJ for punishment, but only many n lvllaers. ir, tlh ruouth of Not •tis- eronnd, ?Ir. Finlay, the teller, bring and rrry owl circuit-presidin f. Then w to await twirl, wnh, (or dl we know urs mush ' ber, 1861, General 3le('1e113u was plat: J brrely ti:uc W sonar irjih thus few rrtidca wltwillnelM l+ng the s n0w files and fiery n, chaisl self bet uretn rte bvY rhes intlictron o ofebthint he could 1 a+lily ,uateh. Ua a Ju which Lave in a,mmanJ of the F'cdrrd anutca, :Ind 1 rntdrmv,t the rea4almest'm asa.hie µ so.e ' ens .n deet° February f4Iowing prcpd ations were the E tet tis large tin-ohnp of Ileum, places, If harind W come f u. nt fas off as •Soy opiniva! of yours nn they ehjects male fui the cnsuiug septa crmpai;[n. led on shy others that occur to you will be W jp k 1).11 is caught about the same SJoutleueNon, Pai,'ey, Ac., suits urns and rum ►i laid beWrc the Count Council cn v:_ :d_- —__ ,r__ r an.l the sgmestethat coul•1 be dune ei ncat'•a,it 11,11 beh'oees them to obst t fwstaJ and °Iso berure the Fjlecntive, a0 , to the lest, that Richmond was morn rule w. .1e save as much se po*oible of the erection of (esmy Buildings in 'emigre. will iso doubt receive dee cons,derauen. .nerable by way of the Lower 1'etoume the gids b.furc the roe' fell County. N"i:h the aid of loc•I,new* w.rn +. + than by tLe direct route from 11'aahinovtou, in. Quito a ^ Ixrhe number of 1 t °nl b,aat pui(lici:.n,;(the " LitUe 1'ed,i.in (•1 ' \ Io thil view he ie supported by the Llai.- etrnce end .mall wares Pete ennreyeJ tel n 1ch0 they have ecc,s31rJ w far, ,t European Newe. The royal mail steamship Canada,wlicl t Liverpool at 8 a. w. en the 'Zilch ani ieenoWwn tel the 27th oC No/+ember, re o cntmye "'1'hcro are, we tirt'1, urn pits mord in the arrived at Hnllifnx ■t li a- m. today with ^read still .further Kills Nil, On riming the•jeil yon kill find that Boston passen•'Crs.— srme of teem are lass te.J under sirens ar led atx nnJ k:r e 111' of \:rly B. ti ,r- st■na•a that prevum1 s b lm dealt 14 wa , The ntuteuohip City of M *nolt':stcr, from ing fmnaly occupied them here, ass! (re insane. Mace bu'New York„reached Liverpool early on hich were, like tLc b'eu sail a!eoat the hn'nq,nety of wing the the morning of the 25th. Tie Yereie stet as wlws int r77, hate received from the /ren al Com• Alexander the free manJin4, the highest praise for the teener in which be leu,bt hie troops at Mill (, k Station, No 2. • No report has yet been beard from th you boats which went down lbs river yester warrior, Black Hawk, Telt the hero tet Swhtze iugton. aid his noble c Scotland." Ile wen t, but. wo are sorry to say that I Ire male wch jt"uroeyu *0 these may 6'10041 bulk" or the a lendid ebnck in 1 m.eke tuete damp jurymen vole f,r gravel P toads and .5 c untr town. Tbe" Chairman her with tho'Whole of the I charged the Jiey to the followi.4 effect t liable Wul• w 1 d eat military authority of *he age, and the the stn fearful slaughter of the fedoral troops',\the'great eubsabm. ntly, under l'opae, lfooker, Berri- the shop, t, aide, and (inapt, are 5o rnyny. awful ultra- prtiRrietor'c talions of the Ret that however eagaciuue Then* the 6 In other respects, President Lincoln's ward to he la " Un to liichmond "'tilcory 0.1s fall.tcieue don, and the buil lcChdlen's plan wak I' iii the extreme. Genera Wr adopted. I1e prcpeee trees Moeruo Lis first basis the line of nperutimis upon IZ by Mr. Morrow, e „r others, leen" with o ground. 1) here tech unt,l ebc •sylo iarrearre the au 6 r,ul off arrtvod at Queenstown on the evening o supply were the fire Jer g all thio tune ',' wbu ere pared there with a view to the safety the 2sr11i. The Lnnd,m 'Globe' a that ib luirfid Thr moiiihen of ',r. 1- arc pronetly en' of%ennuiyen ao l of the ,ei tic, Cpn t,e I. one has not n i ed, tent is bout \ the round with their et ice b center ecndicatee of the edital Etrminer l.nni J b dnpi,bp 1 orktowo ■ted !Vest 1 ural, the g , but unfor-eef*hum the 'aA surg,•,,,i innate, thly will tut i b return home on six month* moa on Jame■ River to be used for the trumdprine tunatelywt was found that a t:dre%were1reposed to the aylute tribe asylum 11 ready account of ill health, The 'Daily Qe of eurpliee u( well as general leo nperstion n uP w u to rends lit n d at, ►fid f to nisi.. them, Rut it 5onretim':s hsppel,a,10 nn editorirl on the propn*^d artning' rake labor however, tee''*n• u ' bas `isur4e0 rs w not room end, u the ;fee; on the part of tLc p;untorraU. \u loaner, g ' r{ qo widens da tall ya.—and hn lakes ever the slaves in the South doubta if it will be however, had Me(:lame Meted upon his into perking order in time ria ren, cr very I pin" in Ihr mala—Jr,sy, often oecur in dente, but is sati'fied with the mem pro- a t rt•-•.' - •.• -•••errs w tete r, In 1 cm,voince of the 0lfieers of the asylum not . ^ .a b,u s wan tntCrtemM3 with •' l alw.yi h.1ving a r.0a,t Inco reed , 1 «olid pow! as an asrnest of the approaching end, his I ovcwenta began. First Blenkcr's whsh, tilt" o$ton is situaWJ. At ono ime! recmamerrl n to c'msult the stet •inn, Dr. Doth of (ho err and of the evil and cure Alvi+i of ton thouatad men uta. dos we thou)teht for ecrtain that the old .S', ria KdDua;at, •f°re memo; to • reeetesee, tachi, d scut to rho lYcst, then was now re/ tut rtes next tbrce sunt ' end ham,nj your pin.arotmrnt o.. the uhyect the Flluridr o0 1 er w:'xurc ata Bttlitaa was DleDuwcli'r ons was withdrIwn, and ee 'emit, but thenka to the exertions of the the ata Ye laid hof,rc *h r npiui'n w to J 1 P I Count l'uuncil ikon entinl b rue ries erovything on nn until he way Jcp►iyed of +0,000 of hie fircwo , nn 1 othor LarJ workers amt se ice meting of Qin der week. boned was tcureJ by the carton, end sound I (+ ino:f brick will a were s a here is a prnu',ar Cberged wnh a,.rm, amdmg tie pa rs was conch imnortsnt bat tri q e. 11 a all know the result : p red i r ant'cher w d" . 1 P Low the fleet failed to co-operate Mid bow °hat calamity, ' IIy for rv, but these m,ut ra• infvrmutinn whl ch d it said ma im liaah main bT the as.i s,n,w"'er f rn,a for iuc0n- M 01e foreign nfficiale of high rank in active be was goaded on to *Dike ■ blow which vanit^' - or Ibeir eemai„ir, in pee in, until I symp.irhy and aid in favor of tha Comfed- hc kis w to Lu rout 13 uld,0ut bus Jrlever f The lensesnu+twined will rare with the the u `e, amen admire to bail. 1'ha e amount* of In.nrenee effected 0n the re- ether cr Where .cursors a e cnmmrued, cntee. The leiedon Lail) Newi pub dffwtively, and how at Inst he ulmn(t stir- r d "erns 'ire n.f ties ve on Isil for the Iiahml a letter front Prof GOldwin Smith, spxliJc baildinglalJ Heir content*, Mri I IiYeoffru,.ee dater! Broken, Nov. 0, ort the 1'rewidential aculuualy succe_'ded ins wieldiesttu; his kileke lo+en a two storybriklingnext Kty's u ti m lareen r, Can he dispos ed of hen, Dan a char a fur hone steeliti clech0n, Uc exwlla the tr.nrbuiiity with !owe I y army down Ulo 1'alroeuly fol Block, pe , a don tared all ht5 ll Birks awn is tkcs CORY : ~ II oK LWl laalerr whichintvaincotor evidaton last Mie tppdtr■nay Wwo 1 by the triumphant Irg:ona of (be sed p+pen, ■nd bit site is all richt. I er,, it m,r lis in .xlanuntion of the' ,.f the fbalnrity. Ile onuld eoaroety cnn- ConfuJeraey. Me( Iclluo rnwpiniu,d bit 1lemre. yitory i U.rcis will Inas t m where frit• tha b"ter jn ' Id*.n 1Ahr•rrs n If0the alto the nation in tiro midst of a great coyly that hi■ army had a,.t herrn ■uptatrtdd, abort S ;00(1 over and aloe *n innrrmre and mesh• more ',opaline district than sn pe to Y Itc urns not allowed fur n moment t0 oxer• i(111, otlur Ifrsnd Jury Aas M be rs• let t* from p,litica1 1trag,tle no tem ra ordert of e I Mr. Grace is, we believe, end dose not necewnly show an i,ecrewao at or nthrostful of each ethers rights. Ile Oise his nwn judgmnent, he was snubbed pretty fully insured, and the Rank of eros, 1* ,e s^hjret t0 which'Mentior should m; aids the dcflat of the 1Mmrarats u ■ a d sensed as no corn or les(r lranimily Montrewl will L wo novo of ins traa.un••. phial site nus an suhjt'etyedg10 *11. tell s,.I sat Ipe from d he r of bo h . would Of temnper wnulJ have submitted to, end )1 r. Ntamyrh's dwelliq; and shop i ,, se.ulie,y, their 1''s ire not t w m he yet noun of theme fact■ were eonsederod n bhcon into eche but his f ueoneideraht s • tabs glee. in the peymen', u rte* emdeeey have adapted a etrrwlg fi,rrrgn policy, per «heti it became known that he was P Arae w n to M'"1i ticularl loot En land. Gen. Tiom g l)nM0e "' tut ' . -;d0 a,d nn J g woae.5w*t/Ll. ilio rival, Pope, Lowever, dams 1. 1 este allnwanet eke M made f ,r exnrs Thumb, wife ■nd sotto, had boron n oeired plc deli ftna ; ad the eo.r+trertan w, rho c ,n at the Marlboro lionise bJJ the Prince and fared wine, Goin;; forth in the,rkwoath TM !talk of Moetrea; wi l be opened for 11.111,..ee often eitlarr Iukrwrrr 'r nett( I'nneeb, of 11'tlea lir, 8oramer, for of i !. ianity,he ailreked the Confederste. thw urM being in lis old stand, North Street, hir• hhh nk es • ddrowdke be nn, wolf ni m■ny tern the wool -known 1'mtereant ander lune ao l J .dksoa and was ignomil i- in our nett we may be in • prtili05 to give pperson their bad *vexeations with thermor lender ,-the Wen of tel r. SpAt it decd. /tesla deterred, kir broken f roes bring fa, they l arupU►ra an I is tM me50iti In'Id^ea end ((nr+ear rhanen of suresws— The Lord Mayor of Dublin had Mien give WMih.r any Islper sy.tadn can b. *elapl«d i a banquet to the Lord Lieutenant, • may be for Ate sr ret ted t i1b5I 0( tltp auacot all ,res wore Ibe ahrace of s vere) art,vks and total items Iasrs to es,lee '" ty kv • w Ia t apekab bon taaUmOny W tbk / , Inhered rosevery nnJ progront of Its e e have leer h 1, and concluded Savannah Elis route, however, is yet to be'. by m.kin3 as loquent ape al to tbe rstepwy determine.!, Fuste,'a advance, to'ether w,th n,s present con self of the * 11, v. E. Ho r kis no come to ti,ce, No point is«to be' gamed The f,llowing redo:meta ' . then put to • l by the cap tn-e of Grahumavilie. It wits to the mretine, and carried elm t uoanIU1OU.1 cut off reinfureemenu from Au,fas*a to Se- ly - f bus sending op sijua:s, indicate teat he ex 1 Itev. A. Mei and peeled to meet merman, but the latter failed - fulluwed web elobueed add d vannub. 'Iles would place Savannah at. his Moved by Mr. J Dickson, mercy es be would use fort l4,yal os • base. Ker E Roberts, sod resolved and then proceed to the ultimate °eject 0f mee'aug approves of Mr. Dunk hu eampsien, nbe capture of Savannah, ter ;nee Act, and pledges itself to e herbs)«, Charleston. Ile would hardly risk venison in tune ail lawful means n hattle before Savannah with .dy the sup• urge into effect in ibis township,' plies he Ras - on hand. Ile will lien secure A(tar vntea of thanks teal bee his hese, s,d 1hal will Ine (;ruhannv,lle and t l'urt I4,yal. In view uflhes cons,,eretions, the speaker and cbairmsn, t - no matter what femts he my make, be will broke up. nim to reach the point where Foster ns now ening for him._ seconded by Teat this n'a '1'emi,er the -Con• carry the The American Currency. The New York iJ'nrld says:—There ie now afloat in the loyal Slates nearly one thousand mitbo,s of paper money, witb.rut one dollar f . of guld or real money W pay for the same Elie largest amount of paler money ever used in the sane States, before the rebellion, wu about. 150,000,000, and the ser was found u, 1w ample to tra,sad pore than dowble cur present amount of bemuses, and also to carry the weight of Southern indebtwt tient to the North. Theme figures give some int idea of the msgmtude of the evil p iib our legal currency bu rewched, (( me we i SISd bheak urns Waehtagtee itself. in ret crave the iwdetgasc. of Der r.odels for \ tom, Affecting Inotdent• Yesillr•ens, *fib joyous spirits, aid in gorgeou4.trim array i sallied forth with chemline Adelaide, fur daluhine promenade. Ah t what etre to of megic'esower swell the curd of youthful pride, se riMeetrewis the welts of faahi'6 with a beauty by )tie side, -- Ada. wnh a grade bewitching, aceyardt0 trip ons fairy feet, and tech er turnle to view us sailor rand) K",n R g 1 ki' ^ s streM ; thrilled' my heal with adoration for my fond affec tiers' r ereew, teatime thee to of her waving criroli'he. tiuddenly my charmer fettered. as If Rho-.kmt by some great ill, while the megalith of her features teemed my inmost toll W chilli lightly on my arm she langunhed, and I cried in anxioas tea '• Speak once more, my darliu4 Ada iall me what■ the mater, dear-' Methought her i entle form jhew leaser, by the eollafwe of ter town, u she sited in t•emhlingacwens: " i ove, my skeleton ,s down t" Q} An Irishman was directed by a la'ly nl lark• size to seeine ad pay for Iwo swats ie the attge as she wanted comfortable room in reeling. The I. -flow returned and said : 1've pad for two @este ye Inert me tot bet u 1 enelJ,,'t get but nee fnr the need. of the oowch, 1 look the other for the noted«. Cnwrt.t . acv.•—Lind North, eh. was ver rnrpalent before • ween sickliest, said to chid physician .fore it, Sir, i ant obliged to you foe inteadeeing etre In some old ac- gs.mtanee t. Who are (My, my lord ! in..ttIir• we tb. flume. My ft . replied hie lordship whifh 1 have wee sk ter mane years until now. r are should be presented so their respective pas- ties, a wade, 1 may observe, practised in the oche' dioceses of the Province. 11 x Lord- ship the Ouhop expressed hie views relative to the gratifyiug indications of the kindness w ed liteeality of our people which s;.1) don•• tows would er.nce, and which, without being particularly burceusomo u,, indiv.Jwd mem- bers orc "14.egstiuua, will be .l material use tu the ('lergy. I have het' confidence, there. fore, that the wishes of our &trent Bishop in ibis matter will meet with due respect. The Churchwardens, aad thou tbey represent, will beet judge of the must apprupriite way of presenting the offertory sod other sccua tonied gifts et their Pastors, With apcere desire fur fraternal gmralhr smon4st our brethren, clerical and lay, and fervent prayer that God may greet us a happy eelebretiun of the nativity of our blessed 1.unl and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1 remain, my dear Irretbren, Yours faithfully in the Lord, ('ass, ('. BsOron, Commissary Admiuiatering lee Lrucese. 1.undua, Dee. Sth, 1.61. To Ibe Editor tel the • Huron elsnal ' Sts,—Through the medium of your col- emdu, 1 beg to be permitted b make the following suggestion to the Trudtees of the Common Schools of this town : That on engaging • teacher who has nut a certificate of qualification from our Cuuoty ftoard ter from the Normal School, it should be considered a eine yea m,n to the engaee- rnent, that he (the teweher) obtain a cert,ti- dle of a specified clam at the next c. se'.n,g of the Burd of Examiners W lute er asap be the atteceJ rnu of • teacher, it must be worm:tory to the nte- payers to know that they are l' 7in4 011e she u lc a 1 uali d I fie 1. !hest Je*,the stantant tel i1 rq qualification--4aa of tate been considerably raised by ('ounty B•,ards. Many teacher* who euubl loreerly obtain with ease a fleet class certilicate,'sn now only obtain a seead clam one "by the skin of their teeth -"— Therefore, by iecepti,ea art effete certificate fr m another wi u Cuuoty, thuot the Nip,alatws to which 1 have referred, it a psoit4. that the trustees are engaging sL in'ferior men, when the services of a better mny ee nl Ilait Jst.neal. 4- V) attention has been drawn to thus subject by the fret of our truatees ha.o,g, on the 1st list., engagei • teacher for ^me year (who n rot legally qualified In the•County of clans) without binding hiin to pass • first clam ex eminates, a the next meeting of the hoard of Examine . wh' • tee r Kh 1 bel • lakes twee on n. n p or about the Beth of this menet. Let it Lott, however, be sepputd (bat 1 direct mr rem.rks to Utes paucular case. • I em altogether.•n•equauited with Ibe pers.w enggagedd It ;tit opinion of the ratepsyere to whom i have spoken on the point in queston thee there ou,fht to be • gener.el rule ins the. ata:• terand that lM rule should be ngidly ob aereed, A RATEP.h'f b lt. 13tbbonisa to AahAe:d and Wawanoeh We give for what it u worth a rumor cur• rent ins this neigbbultrleete tlmteeveral brdies of Itibbonmen have been•ferined in the town ships of Ashfield ■nd Wawannslt, and that the members are undergoing • regular course of training. We wutald be sorry to agitate the public mind uuneceaserily, but we feel it t., be our duly to mention the «wry ns told us by severs) inbvbitanu of lite tnwnahi;M in queetioa. They, at least, seem to believe that there u seine good foundation for rt. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. The current number o- f Maga bus been forwarded to this office by the enterprising pule Fishers Meters. Scott A Co-, N- Y. We need only say th■lat is jusese good u ins prede- 0.500.1, end *bat every article to it may be read with interest and prof t. A* this is the time of year for renewing subecriptiens f,.r the four British Ke.iews and ltlackw,od. we giee• to, would urge upon those of our readers wbu can ene.nn( afford it tee• necessity' .d seoluring fir them- lelveea perusal of thole iterl10j pronndeed'. To elereymen, lawyers. teachers, le4islaur5, and thinking men generally they are e1m°et indispeusab•e. in fact we know of no intel ligent panun who has accost emed h,meelf b, them that would •nct make any reasonable sacrifice nthsrt than be without the means they afford ltjm of keeping pace with the nge in the depurbnenta of arm, science and tiers tare. The books tht test only $111.00 in this country cannot be had for leu then $:10 or $:t:, in liritain. fhe are within the reach 0t thousand* of British ranadian, who hove hitherto deprived! themselves of a luting pleasure. Orden may be hind ed l0 at this office. ' Was Alexander the Great a T since Han 1 Dear.9.gnil,—in your I►tt Semi -W 1 observe the% ,n a e;leech delivered late "Mr. James ihcks°n,"—cur member 1