HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-12-31, Page 6prj
If y>
s>.w1 A
K E• ■ ..sworns,
o* ’ ■■■ Dan Colwell of the Grab-
&Sri- W-Yairi1, detective agency is- assigned
\/thijj,;. jobri.of * shadowing McDonald
Ft- “a
jwh®se wMe fears gangster enemies
iare .plotrin-g to umrder him- McPob”1
aM-is killed ip spite of Colwell’s
'Wa-tcJ-ifulne^s. Now, with MeDonald
^slehd, the smuggling ring which he has
.±-s— j
'Vj? ri
>^! o-v*, .\ n
V , . ‘
7 ‘
sfeeI m m < iiiu i J IftWnMwiM
Business and Profess!
k'Bd.'has become disorganized, Colwell
•jrieks his life io gather evidence tjy
.graying one against another,. .
'ri-, - i \... ; ■■'.%
. TLook' out! Hey!” The truck driver.
. cafeened his vehicle, nearer the edge
nf the ’road at another .niad lunge of
_ .-the'par, "Keep aWay! Get'that thing
away from here*” . *■ ■
The secund man leaned out! ftGo
■ pg, honey—we: don’t .want 'an acci
dent,” he begged. "Listen, this thing
would bust yottr car to kindling. You
too!” He al; bur pitched at the'coupe
us it veered at him and his comrade
jerked ths truck- aside. The man
' shrank back inside the cab. /'
' , ’"^gdrjmk .and crazy as—” Colwell
„ Irita went hi to a new series of
' dwjkscrew lunges; and V n'ew 'series,
of gestures and calls. The coupe kept
edging the big t^uck nearer and near
er the edge of the-road. The driver
Was increasingly nervous'; his com
panion tensely waited the. crash. . ‘ '
- It- came,.
A final reckless swp'op brought a
. harsh .scrape of fenders. .The truck,
,lurched' away to avoid a bad "smash-
up. Its double rear wheels mired in
?>.. thct.'spft J5hAuIdcr.,af the-road, and-the
driver abruptly was bereft of strength
to get it back. There was a prolong-
■ . -ed sucking sound, a>. series -of yells
. . and warnings from both, occupants of.
the truck—then-a crash,
. ■ Une .headlamp shattered against?,a
- ; , tree, A fender scraped its tire. The
; big five-ton. truck- with"'.AcmeCarr«
riers/Inc., U. S.'Customs Bonded,
Permit 229, painted .on her side, came
to, a' dead halt, Irita also. stopped’.
Colwell slipped unseen out the far
door, a long, keen, edged, knife in 1ii.s
hand. He hurried to the rear of the
■ ' truck. '■.-■•
Irita climbed out with the air pf a
Woman scorned and about to -do
i.,. ^.something important,, She carried a
. jn one hand. "What
d’you mean, Ttu,j:n’ ;pt0 me?» she'
" demanded riirilly rfsjW weilt t0 me(jt
- the pair. \ kri .'
• "What you ta!kinw>^|b|^^r^o<
'.. that bustea Btfjr
■■■;.. e<l, pointing. "Whop^pilllg tcP;
F. t ■’
1 £tf! St •
for, tjh^ huh? Damn all .drtinken
drivers! A woman, too. WUyW’,.
"Who says I am a woman? Whb’
saysit? I’m a lady.- Thasswhat I am’"
She straightened prbudly., “Pm a
lady. What you meaii bending my
fghd'er? Have you arrested. Terrible
driving. 'Want to kill md? Captcha,
see whvre you’re going?” .' 1 -
She carried if out v.;ith xest, as if.
she enjoyed it. But it. was' hard,.hate
ful work. Irita',declaimed,; Complained;
and berated' them. She. had the men
perspiring? They began.-to thmk she
was right and that they 'were wholly
Wrong. UptiJ sat length she*'.seemed
.to lose .int.ere!ri/:a.nd turned, back' tO;
her coupe.
"Teach yoti’ gobd le.sson,” she niut-
tered erankily. "Do; it against I’ll
have yOul arrested.”, '?-'■'??
fit’ll? that, she banged the door on
her side; started up,, the motor, and.
■backed gingeriy from .Contact with
the truck fender.. Colwell, crouched
low beside.her, waited until they were
d’nlile away from the truck, Then he
straightened with a. sigh.
"That wgs a rotten? job Td a$k y&i
Her exclamation was followed by a
leap of the coupe that threw his head
back, 4^ tim same instant she swerv
ed aside. A sedan shot at .them'
through the dark-.' H bpr.e no*light;'
and Irita, at'sight of the’thing lung*-
ing* from nowhere, hud to .act .with.
split-second precision, ,
Tlie cars seemed doomed'to meet;
head-on; but at the last pos^i|?lp lb",
Mahi’Jtye driver of the sedan twisted1'
aside iind Irita’«' wrist gave them: a;
foot between,
Glass tinkled. There . was' a thin-'
spray o'P tlie gfpl*s arm.. Again it tipk-'
led a§ the second orange -sta& df flardg,-
came/from the other can'Its tires,
shrieked on the concrete; The (pT
plunged likea.‘piston to back and turn.
The spray .of the rear window -stung
GolWell’s -cheek. . ' ■ ■' ■ /• .'
"Irita—step on it—they’re turning!'.
I’ll give ’em something to chew on;
but- git! It’s Graber and Quillen and
VaeJ!” . >
Colwell sat reading.a newspaper in.
his office on the eleventh floor .of the'
■Lawyers and .Dbctors-i buildings in the !
formerly occupied by. that well-'suite
Jritu declaimed, compl ained and berated them.
j' - "
to do. But IHta, you did it nobly.
And we’ve got ■’em in the rear deck—
brushes from Holland, It was ri
on (he edge ‘df the tailgate- waiting
to be taken!”
T.hey,.;whLeeled..at.a fast pace down
the ’concrete toad... "Two’.hundred and
fifty thousand in snow.! Irita, that’ll
put us—”
"Dan!” / ’ ''
« re
’W ri
,?; •'•
?■; •
L Hr . ■ •
i ■' ri -
is thfe mbtwcyele
akmg ttn lUliait highway.
alt wind resistance. Note the -Fascist
emblem painted In the front.
'known defender of criminals, Arthur
.McDonald. The-'Opaque glass Corri
dor dobr had,-been replaced by one
of walnut which bore the simple in
scription:-The Federalist,. Transoms
were of metal, and immovable., Such
glass as the- suite still -boasted \yas
bulletproof.- ■■-. y 'T ’
Dan had- treated himself to a box
of fifty cent cigars of the brand Otto
Graber smoked/one of Which he puff
ed luxuriously! as with his. feet on
the desk and/ powerful body tilted
back' in his /hair, h0 absorbed . the
day’s hews.- fte took the cigar fr<yn
his mouth, flicked ashes -on the floor,
and replaced' it. Sighing, he turned
a page of/his paper to read tlie
Around Tpwn Column.»
T‘Word, reached ps today’,” he read
" khat Otto Graber,....Wurace
ency, sufffexed a hunting accident four
days -ago. Graber and a party of
friends were Starting from their camp
hear Ewing, ^Pennsylvania, early one
morning when, one of their guns ac
cidentally discharged. Graber suffer
ed a shoulder wound which local doc
tors pronounced not serious. Otto,
well known as an aviation entlihsiastj
expects to fly his Monogram plane
back to be at’ his desk in the sleuth
agency next Monday morning’. ”
Dan puffed interestedly on his cig
ar as he re-read the item. His eyes
squinted at the window. Graber had
a neat alibi worked up. Very good.
Even to the "accidental” discharge of
a gun. But as a matter of fact the
"accident” had occurred out on the
Telegraph Road when Graberl^jt
barely missed getting that two hund
red fifty thousand dollars* worth of
snow which Colwell now was offer
ing to sell him for forty thousand.
He tossed the newspaper on his
desk. Yawned and stretched. It was
tiresome waiting. Colwell wished the
boys would meet his price and get
the thing over; Forty thousand from
Graber, forty also from Quillen. Each
side acting independently, the same
Boston bag of show sold both parties
—if it could be so worked—would net
Colwell a sweet,eighty grand.
His telephone .‘inklod. "Graber or
Quillen?” Dan a^’ed without a mo-,
merit’s; hesitation,", "Oh, Lefty! I’m
here till I get tny^ price or rot. By
the way, it goes tfy five thousand a.
day from now on. ^Yoti fellows have
to pay me for .all t!^ time I’m wast*
ing. You think I ^ijoy putting off
my little vacation?’’ |
About to replace tlie eat1 piece, he
listened, A grin overspread his blunt
face at the torrent ol heated curses.
Dan felt gingerly of tlld adliesivte tape
crisscross on his head} "'Certainly i’ll
sell to Graber! First
partner < with
e*Vael in a. local dectective ag-
mfffexed a hunting accident four
■first serv.
e«L Sb vo® feoys -fell out ggsdn.? Yas,'
yes, I ■kuQW^.Qtto is ambitious tlvtb
. way, Bq it’s matt for himself
now-rr-and that goes for me too.”
He' listened a moment. "Never
. mind threats ring ine up when,
ymi’re Ijringing ,in‘ tlte /<iash. Where
can yon make a buy like vhm? Sure,,
I know. But that. t\-yo hundred and
fifty ,G-s wasn’t all your money. What,
aj?ouj. MeDonaid and’ Graber and
Vael? Probably Catterby too.
. "No, .I’m sitting tight.” Of a sud-
> den his eyes kindled as the yoice^at
the, other end changetb "What, Okay.’
This, afternoon.at three? Well, J tell-
yojr. Lefty: as a special favor> see,'
I will hold the-'Stuff .'for you. It’s a
‘ ,degk .But -not a miimite after, three!.-
: Remember, when .‘you qome, come
alohe. Else you don’t get in!”
y‘ He li'uhg’hT. :The grin.- deepened'on
,1iis -face-and Dan laughed aloud. So
CjulIRn had given in: he'-would buy!
,■ Buf he. could' not raise forty - thousdnd:
in -cash until’-afte'fnoon,'*-he said. .Coi-
• Well. t-ubbed; his hands with exuber,-;
• ahedj*; One .signed up^that was 'great 1:
'NoW'.-tq'Tqqk'Graber. > .
. ' .Fbrty;five mifthtes-' T'assett'/ -PA11
r stirred at the summons of'the. buz-r
zer; He gwung h’isrieqt frorikthe desk,,
ffelt for the gun in his shoulder .hoh'
"ster, and. moved for. the'doori'.But.
: withop-t louphing’j-ts. knob he i;t'ealt;h-.
ily opened a wire .wall screen; panel'.
|.Tim-perS’bn outside"could not se^ jn,;
’’ nbi- would any tiny pinpoint’s of'light'
suddenly/show through yellow kalso
mine’. But' Colwell could see out, and
he raised', end eyebrow as he recog
nized- Helen, Fane,‘ ”
. He thought a moment. Then he un
locked' and unbolted the door, "Hello
— Come rh-—-if you’re alone?”»
$lje sniped. As more than ..once be-
fore.lj'e.Was struck by her regal grace'
and Lhe simple, yet effective , costume
she-, woke. .■ The little, maroon; hat.'tilt-'
■ed arcii-ly uver lidr.. haze! eyes" matc)i-'!
e,d the.rabi>it’s-h‘ai'r marooft wool dress
.that riipwed through 'her.- open mink
coat .-• It was chilly out today Aylth
the; crisp tang' pf winteri Colwell-
smiled ? appreciatively.
He closed' and locked the *ddpr-with ■
care’, ?’Well,” ’he Said, “"you’ve/iapp,ed,.
my , wi-ph; and profi.ably have ,a. dicta-'
phone planted, so I’ll haveWcr-be.ppl-
ite>-AyonTH? I-Iave a chair. The in
ner,’office please. Cigarette? I hope
you brought a’ fat wad of Graber’s
money, Hear you and he' are thick
again.” - . ■ ' . ’", ' •
She smiled up at him/shrugging. ■
They both were' >aware tKatevery
word said could be heard clearly by
Otto. Under a fake name he ha’d rent
ed the next suite south. Helen lean-.,
ed t'o th,e.. thatch he cupped, Theiy sat'- -
back ,.iiy her phair and blew, a . little
wriggling smoke ring? '
“^‘Why not be reasonable?”
■Colwell feidned surprise. “As if I’m
not!’’’-\ ' '' '
' Helen Fane ’took a tiny memo- pad _
from her-jAitse, and a patented pen
cil. As she "talked she wrote a few
words, slowly :and carefully: ".You’re'
not a very good’insurance risk these
last few days; After..all, fifteen thous
and is more than a private detective
earns a month.'' Or a year. It’s a lot
of money. And you could have it'.so
easily!” Helen purred. ;
"Fifteen is ; chicken feed, Look
here,” he toll her earnestly, “I’m
boosting the- price five thousand a
day. Tomprrdw, forty-five thousand.
Next day fifty.. Take it or leave it.
Maybe I’ll ufeefthe stuff myself,” Dan.
grinned.. "Why not? There’s enough
to last till I’m-eighty.”
"You’ll never live to eighty,” Fin
ishing her writing, she handed- the
-slip to Colwell. He read it, raised his
eyes to hers, and tucked the paper
away, "How much did you bring?”
"Twenty-five,” she said.
“Nothing, doing. 'Waste of time.
Just out of cussedness. I want forty.
You tell Graber I’m not coming down
and he can send you back with forty
or not at all.”
He spoke with impatience but it
seemed not to register on the girl,
She smoked her cigarette in silence.
The telephone rang. "No,” Dan said
into it directly,- “you can’t come in,
Otto. Your little messenger liere is
enough for now. Anyhow, I want to
get better acquain—•”
"What’s that?” His face changed
as he listened. “Oh, Sommers* Sor
ry, I expected someone else. What is
“Now Mr. Colwell, you gave strict
orders not to be disturbed,” the
building superintendent went on. "But
I’m afraid I • need to get a man in
your, office for about half an hour.
Steamfitter. Oh, he’s dependable!
The shite next yours burst a radiator
and they’re all Connected, and he must
! get in your place to shut It off. Built
for one suite, you sec, but when Mr,.
McDonald took separate space—”
Colwelj cohslderedf frowning. He
could rely on Somjners, of course:-he
had paid, the fuati enough. "Well,”
he said I« some teluctauee, ‘-all right arrow head and was made by Cam*
then. Provided you bring lilm up. IJ eron Geddes, while working in the
want to see you with him so there’s garden at his home this fall, thseov*
tiitii mistake, but of course you don’t cry of such Indian relies Is occasion
- ally made along the lake shore but
we have never learned of such a find
■* ' ' , ’ i ‘ ■'
Wellington Mutual Fire
Insurance Co*
Established 1'840.
Risks taken on all classes of insur-
ance at reasonable rates.
Head Office; Guelph, Ont.
ABNER COSENS, ' • " Agent.
Dr. W. A. McKibbon, B.A.
Located the Office of the bate
Dr. H, W. Colborne.
Qffice Phone 5*4.Nights 107 Phon’
' Telephone 29,
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Mopey to Loan.
Office — Meyer Block, Wingham
Successor to Dudley Holmes.
'i '■
A Thorough kW
Phone 231,
............ »■■■ M
need to come Im”
j. (Continued Next Week)
Dr. Robt. C. REDMOND
7 M.R/Q.S. (England) ;
« . L.R.CiP, (London)
Phone 19. . ,
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Successor to R. Vanstone.
Wingham Ontario
Office — M orton .Block.
Telephone No. 66
It Will Pay
Phone 191.
rss F
BighamoppjpF r
■ ' /' V-
' Physician and burgeon -•
Located at the office of the late ■
/ Dr. !Jk P/Kenpedy. - , ■
Phone 150 'Wingham
/ri.ri;.--?'riri''’ ' . '
-next to
. Anglican^ 9QN Centre ■ St.
Osteopathy^ ., ! Electricity
Phone 2J2;' Hcurs, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
.k;A5.R'.&F„E.PUVAL,. |
“ s.
North Street — Wingham f
Telephone 300. i
>rr ■ ■r ' ’ ri .T. . .
■ ". .. ; ■
................ .......—.
• L S
of the
J ‘ ■:?' I
Buys Seaforth Factory
Negotiations which have been pro
ceeding for., spme time betweep, Mjr.
E. L. Box and the Canada Frirniture
ManufactilrefS, culminated' lh the PUri,
phase of , the Seaforth, factory by Mr.
Box for' an undisclosed amount. Mi\
Box has no immediate prospects of
renting the factory; . He .has already
taken steps to repair the roof and to
attend to .certain other necessary re
pairs. Previously an agreement • had
been made with the town whereby
the building would not be wrecked
for at least. three years.—Seaforth
Huron Expositor. ■
the 9 th con*
Avith an un-
She slipped
in front of
Fractured Her Arm
Mrs.zHenry Bross of
.cession of Carrick met
fortunate accident here,
on the ’ icy pavement
Schuett's furniture store, and fractur
ed her right arm at the wrist. The
fracture was set by Dr. Miller, and
Mrs. Bross is now doing as well as
Can be expected.—Mildmay Gazette.
Walkerton Constable Takes Mumps
Juvenile diseases seem to be no res-
pectors of persons. At least so Pro
vincial Officer Otto McClevis, of
Walkerton, believes. He was forced
to his bed by an attack of mumps and
spent his Christmas there. Last
Christmas be was laid low by meas
les. The officer and his young son,
Bobby, contracted the childish dis
ease on the same day and it is be
lieved he contracted it while mar
shaling the children here for the com
munity Christmas tree.
Yes, The Worm Turned
Last Thursday, walking down the
main drag, a couple of our worthy
citizens noticed a worm on the side
walk. Thinking the insect was frozen
Stiff, it received a.Jittle nudge, but
Io and behold, the worm turned. It
really wasn’t a worm, or if it was
it had its winter overcoat on. Just
a foolish caterpillar that had come
out of hiding, coaxed by the warm
sun of that particular day,—Teeswat-
er blows.
Found Arrow Head
Christmas lime and digging pota
toes haven’t much connection, but this
item goes back to potato digging time
and was only teamed of this week*
The discovery was an Indian stone
’gn the immediate vicinity.- -It ,pjas';the
Hurons of Wyarfdots, a..tribe'belong
ing to the^I^pquoi^fadnily of Indians
th^e-SetJ'ied aldjagt'the Eastern shores
Of LakeiHuprii early in the seventeeth
century.^;'They we^e nearly exterm
inated in a triba'l war of 1636 and the
.remnants " of the tribe settled in
"Lower”. Canada, where their des-
sgehdants still Temairi. Thus if this
arrow head belonged to some mem
ber ‘of that tribe of original natives,
■it will be some three hundred years
old.—Lucknow Sentinel.
Taxes 91% Paid Up
Up -to and including December 18,
91 per, cent of the current taxes have
been paid in Wallace .township, coun
cil wasdnformed at the December ses
sion.. This is considered an excellent
record,, in view of the5 low prices of
cattle and hogs’, and? the light crop
, due to drought. The ■ return of the
.collector's roll was extended to the
January session;—Palmerston Observ
er. , ? '/ ' ■;■.?/// ' ...' .
R. C. Hays, K.C., with whopfhe was
associated to form the law firm o£
Hays & Hays. The firm has been,
carried on as such since the death of
the senior member a year ago. Mr.,
Hays in March of this year was el
ected bencher in the law society-of
Upper Canada, and was the -first re
presentative from this town since the
death of Senator Proudfoot in 1924.
A graduate of Toronto University
and Osgoode Hall, he has besn prac
tising law in the town of l(is birth
for 15 years. • Mr. Hays at present is
secretary of the Huron Law Associ
ation and is advisor for, Huron Coun
ty Council.
Agricultural Conventions
Plans are well advanced foi| the an
nual meetngs and conventions of sev
eral. Provincial organizations concern
ed with the. welfare and pi^motioif
of important divisions of Agriculture.
The following dates have been an
nounced by the officers:—
Jan. 13-14 — Ontario Vegetable '
Growers’ Ass’n., (Royal York Hotel,.
Toronto). ' 1 f .
February 9 —Ontario Plowmen's
Ass’n., (King .Edward Hotel, Tor
February 10
Mink Stolen at Harriston ' . * ,
The fox farm of William Davie, of
Harriston, was raided by thievas Who
stole several of the best mink from
the pens. It. is the opinion of thostl
who know the habits of these animals j February 10 — Ontario
that the invaders of the pens are con-1 & Seed Growers’ Ass’n.,
versant with animal life as one not
So well versed would have encount
ered considerable trouble in the re
moval of these animals. The police
are endeavoring to locate the thieves.
last sur-
home af-
for some
Brussels Resident Passes
David George Halst, the
viving member of one of
oldest families, died at his
tor being in failing health
months. With the exception of a few,
years in Chesley he spent all of his
life,in Brussels. He was 67 years old.
Besides his wife he is survived by
two sons, Edward and Walter, at
home, and a married daughter at Ay-
ton. The funeral was held on Satur
day afternoon to Brussels Cemetery.
The service was conducted by Rev.
J. H. Mahoney, pastor of the United
Palmerston Church May Close
Probability that Kitok Presbyterian
Church, Palmerston, will close is
mooted as a result of financial diffi
culties and steadily decreasing con
gregational support. Taxes have not
been paid for several years. Kiiox
Church, lost the majority of its mon
eyed .members with Church Union.
The Baptist Church closed some time
ago, and- it the Pr.esbyterians with
draw there will be, left only one self-
supporting church, the United, and
three missions, Anglican, Salvation
Army and a small Catholic one.
Goderich Lawyer Named K.&
R. C. Hays, Jn, Goderich, who has
received notice that he has been nam
ed King’s tounseV k 41, and is fol
lowing In the footsteps of his father,
Filild Crop
(King Ed-
Ward Hotel, Toronto).
Feb. 11-12 — Ontario
Fairs and Exhibitions, (King, Edward
Hotel, Toronto). •
■«Feg.- 18-19 — Ontario Horticultural
Association (King Ejlward: HoteL
Toronto). 1
•Ass’n. of
1 ZJ:-1
ps V-’
"My dear
love.”—Il 420, Floretice;‘\.
"Johnny, the Hudson river flows in
to New. York bay. Thatjis its mouth.
Now where is its soured?1' '^sked the
teacher,' . fi>
"At the other end( iha’amT
Jenny, you are my first
Professor: "What is it?1
Nurse:" "A boy, sir;”
."What dees he wan/?!
Proud Lady: "You ||
'ba^d.^tays the organ/
t ‘'Well
do'int iriirir^vbj my 'hbnbrt
tb get ohe/too.w
111 lit things
Will have
i., ■ *'
»\ . .n jOjfcfr.