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Wroxeter News and Corrie Vidette <■?r J
Gorrie, Dec, 15th, 1936
Council met in the Township Hall
according to statute, members were
all present, the Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last regular meeting
were read and on motion of Lovell
and Weir were adopted.
Moved by Toner and Baker and re
solved; That no bill for medical or
other service will be considered by
this council, unless such service has
been approved by the council or some
member thereof, befoie the service
was rendered, and also all motions or
resolutions which have been passed
heretofore to prohibit or to regulate
the payment for such services are
hereby recinded. Carried.
Moved by Weir and Baker that By-
Law No. 7 for the year 1936, as read
[he third lime, be finally passed.
Moved by Toner and Lovell that
By-Law No. 8 for the year 1936, au-
pointing a time and place for Nom
ination and Election” as read the third
time, be finally passed. Carried.
Moved by Baker and Weir that the
following bills be paid^ Carried.
A. E. Toner, Attending meetings
and mileage, 1936, as Councillor $78.-
35;• J. A. Biyans, attending meetings
and mileage, 1936 and allowance as
Reeve, $105.00; D. L. Weir, attend-
• ing meetings and mileage, 1936, as
Councillor, $82.10; Robert Baker, at-
. tending meetings and mileage, 1936,
as Councillor, $80.00; Thos. Lovell,
attending meetings an,d mileage, 1936,
as Deputy Reeve $81.10; Isaac Gam
ble, balance Salary as Clerk 1936,
$90.00; Isaac Gamble, Salary as Sec
retary Board of Health, $12.00; Chas.
King, salary as caretaker of Town
ship Hall, Gorrie, $40.00; Mrs. M. C.
Knight, balance salary and postage
for 1936, School At. Officer $25.00;
D. N. Whitley, M.D., sal. as M.O.H.
1936 $75.00; J. A. Bryans, salary as
member B.O.H. for 1936 $5.00; Ken
neth Hastie, salary as member of B.
O.H. for 1936 $5.00; Wm. Stewart,
cleaning Fordwich Public Shed $2.50;
Mrs. Evelyn Strong, refund of dog
tax 2,00; Adam Zurbrigg, refund of
’dog tax $2.00; Isaac Gamble, prepar
ing Voters' Lists for S.S. 7, S.S. 17,
and U.S.S. 14, $33.85; W. C. King,
Overpaid*, taxes for 1935 $16.01; Mof
fat’s Hardware, supplies for Wroxet
er’Hall $7.35; Alex. McLeod, M.D.,
medical services for Jean Graham,
$7.00; Dr. H. Hart, operating on Jean
Graham $62.50; Norman Harding, re
fund of dog tax $2.00; County Treas.,
hospital exp. for Mrs., Harold Cook
$11.38; R. H. Carson & Son, supplies
for Township Hall, Gorrie $9.43;
David Robinson, Servicing street
light in Wroxeter, 1936 $74,00; Stew
art Finlay,' refund of dog tax $2.00;
Samuel Robinson, refund of dog tax
$4.00; L. N. Whitley, M.D., medical
services for Gordon Simmons $8.25;
Janies Walkom, refund of dog tax,
$2.00; James Walkom, part salary as
Collector E. Div. 1936 $65.00; James
Douglas, salary as sheep valuator,
1936, $12.80; J. H. Rogers, Postage
and excise $9.00; R. J. Hueston, part
pay for material for Gorrie Hall $75.-
' 00; W. C. King, part salary as Col
lector W. Div. 1936 $80.00; J. A. Bry
ans, telephone calls, postage and ex
pense re relief $10.00; R. Milligan,
cleaning out Municipal Drain No. 8,
$4.00; J. Milligan, cleaning out Mun
icipal Drain No. 8, $3.20; Roy Caudle,
cleaning out Municipal Drain No. 8,
$3.20; A. Landman, cleaning out Mun
icipal Drain No. 8, $3.20; D. Braun,
cleaning out Municipal Drain No. 8,
$3.20; Albert Deitz, cleaning out
Municipal Drain No. 8, $3.20; Irvin
Reidt, cleaning *out Municipal Drain
No. 8, $3.20; Morley Wright, cleaning
out Municipal Drain No. 8, $3.20; Re
lief $116,60.
Road Expenditures
Twp. Turnberry, work on Bound
ary $1.95; E. G. Denny, Weeds, .80;
John Delta, Weeds, .80; Geo. Blum,
Weeds, .40; Eldon Ankenman, Weeds,
.40; Notman McDowell, Weeds, .80;
Isaac Kroft, Weeds, .80; Leslie Shoe
maker, Weeds, $1.60; Robert Denny,
Weeds, .80; P. Wenzel, Weeds, .80;
Leslie Shoemaker, Weeds, $2.60; Rob
ert Denny, Weeds $2.00; George^Bak-
er, Levelling toad side $9.50; Harold
Doig, Weeds and dragging $4.60; Ed.
Jacques, Weeds $3.50; R. F« Edgar,
Thursday, Dec. 24th, 1936
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
Levelling $4.40; Orval Shoemaker,
Weeds and snow $3.10; Thos. Strong,
gravelling $2.20; Gordon Brown,
Weeds,$1,50; C. Sotheran, Weeds,
.40; Win. Gregg, Weeds, $1,50; Car
rol Gregg, Weeds $1.50; J. C. Howes,
Gravelling $3.50; Arnold Halliday,
Weeds $2.00; Samuel Webber, Rent
of roadway $2.00; Ernest King,
Weeds, ,60; Wm. Boyd, Weeds, $6.00;
Adam Graham, Weeds, $1,10; Everet
Wright, Weeds $3.10; Lorn Wright,
Weeds $2,00; Wm, McLean, Weeds,
$3.60; Henry Merkley, Weeds, $2.40;
Chas, Muir, Weeds, $2.80; John Rob
inson, Weeds 2.00; Bert Hubbard,
Snow, $1.75; Geo, Hubbard, Weeds,
$2.80; Lot. Viney, Weeds $1.00; A,
Jacques, snow, dragging and weeds,
$14.55; Stan, Edgar, snow and weeds,
$2.45; Herman Albrecht, weeds $1,00;
Alfred Bast, Weeds $1.50; Geo. Reid,
Snow, $1.25; Thos. McClement,
Weeds, $3.15; Ed. Henry, Gravelling
$3.00; E. E. Denny, Postage and Ex
cise $9.00.
Moved by Toner and Lovell that
Council do now adjourn sine die.—
the scripture reading chosen by Stew-1 on roads, however in this particular
art Musgrove. Rev. Mr. Grant led in
prayer. It tame upon the midnight
clear, was the second hymn.
The topic, “Encouragement"
taken by Clifford Denny.
The followed a business discussion.
Silent Night, Holy Night and the
Mizpah Benediction closed the meet
For The Best
Eye Service
Eyesight Specialist
Phone 111 Harriston
Wishing you one and all a
Merry Christmas.
Born—On Wednesday, Dec.
1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heibein,
a daughter.
Mr. Wm. Edgar, who has been
working in Hamilton, is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Edgar
and .other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott, Wrox
eter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Hueston one day last week.
Mrs'. Dave S. Hicks, of Harriston,
spent the week-end with her sister,
Mrs, R. H. Stephens.
Miss Alma Brown, of neai- Moles-
worth, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. August Kiel.
Mrs. Gordon Barton spent a few
days in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. August Kiel were re
cent guests of relatives in St. Thom
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wray, of Toronto,1 tfT(j war-torn Spanish capital where co’s rebels, The once beautiful city
spent the week-end with their son, j ~ __ __
Mr. John Wray. ' |
Miss Margaret Graham, of Toronto, mon .taking as his text, St. Luke, 2nd
was a week-end guest with her fkth- chapter, verses 10 and 11. He spoke
er, Mr. Robert Graham. j On each key in the octave of Christ-
Mr. George .Kiel, of. Guelph, is mas Joy Bell's. The first key (the
spending his vacation with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kiel.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Holt mov
ed their household effects to Listowel
on Monday where Mr. Holt has se
cured employment. We understand
Mr. Robert Douglas is moving to the “Peace on earth and good-will toward
Holt farm. 11 .
••• x‘A’j
Spanish woman of Madrid stand- loyalist forces are still turning back is now a mass of ruins from rebel
; ing amidst the ruins of her home in every fierce onslaught of Gen. Fran- shells and bombs.
lightest) being “Joy of mirth and hu-
| mor”, the second “Joy of giving”,'3rd
’ key, “kindly and generous judgment”,
4th “Significacne of childhood (the
gifts and kindness to children) which
began with the Christ child”, Sth,
Imen”, 6th, “The Incarnation — God
| in Christ, etc.” 7th, “The redemption
• from sin” and back to the deeper keyUnited Church Y.P.S.
The regular meeting of the Gorrie note of joy to all who believe.
Young People’s Society of the United ------------------
Church was held on Friday evening SANTA WAS GIVEN
last when the meeting opened with a Arp orfUDTIAMsing-song of Christmas hymns and ( GKEA 1 KECEU UO1N
carols, followed by the Lords I- layer j Children of Gorrie and .community
in unison. Miss Alma Brown read the were agajn delighted to meet Santa
Scripture lesson, St. Matt, 2. 1-2,- and ciaus on Saturday afternoon last,
hymn “O Come all ye faithful was wjlen jie made his annual trip here,
sung. The topic was ably taken by | wag mefc gtuart Finlay and
Miss Ruth Fydell. Miss Bernice Day pranc;ng team of grays, who
took charge^of the business meeting drove him to the large prettily decor
ated tree on the town square, where
they were met by the children, who
sang Qiristmas Carols. Rev. Fydell
j and Rev. O’Neil .each spoke a few
words of Christmas cheer, and Santa
I also said his piece, after which the
children all received treats of candies,
nuts and an orange. Santa then said
Vice Pres.—Mrs. A. E. Toner.
Fin. Sec’y—Mrs. Pyke.
Treasurer—Mrs. W. G. Strong.
Rec. Sec’y—Mrs. W. H. Gregg.
Press Sec’y—Mrs. D. Gathers.
, Pianist—-Mrs. H. Sparling.
Parsonage Com.—Mrs. H. Sparling,
Mrs. A. E. Toner, Mrs. W. G. Strong.
Flower Com.—Mrs. Robinson, Mrs.
Sparling, Mrs. Pyke.
Quilt Com.—Mrs. H. Ashton, Mrs.
W. Gamble, Mrs. R. Ashton, Mrs. D.
Lunch—Mrs. Pyke, Miss Earngey.
Auditors—Mrs. R. Ashton, Mrs. Fy
Roll call with eleven members and
one visitor present. Hymn 300 "Ring
out the bells for Christmas” was sung
and the meeting closed with prayer
by Rev. Fydell.
A dainty lunch was served by the
The January meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. R. Ashton.
P. R. Station. During their stay in
our village, the Leggatt family have
proved to be fine citizens, and their
leaving will be regretted by a large
circle of friends who wish them the
best of success in their new home,
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd McMichael of
Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert McMichael.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill ,Mrs.
J. N. Allen also Mrs. J. J. Allen spent
a day in London last week.
Mrs.'Alvin Moffat spent the week
end in Gorrie with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Gathers.
Mr. Hans Rasmussen, London spent
the wek-end with his mother.
after which “O Little Town of Beth
lehem” was sung'. Rev. Fydell led in
the closing prayer after which all
peated the Mizpah benediction.
Amateurs to Do Their Stuff
“Amateur Night”, when all budding
entertainers and artists will be given
a chance to do their best or worst, good-bye until next year, when the
will be held by United Church Sun- children hope to see him again,
day School, at its annual Christmas i------------------
Entertainment on Wednesday, Dee. I WOMAN’S ASSOC.
30th. There is a wide field of compe-
tition and so far thirty entries have
been made, covering all classes. The!
audience will get a diversified pro-i
gram of dialogue, lfiusic, recitations,
funny stories, etc., and there is yet
time to make your entry, if you want
to show what you can do. Major
Bowes, please take notice,
Huron County Council has restored
the annual $25 grant to Public Lib
raries. The Libraries in this township j
received the cheques last week and it
was a real Xmas gift in some ca&s,
as the exchequers were low in funds.
Rev. F. J. Fydell motored to
Brampton on Monday where he vis
ited his brother. Miss Jean Fydell re
turned with her father for the Xmas
A beautiful Christmas service was
held in St. Stephens’ Church, Gorrie,
oh Sunday afternoon With Specht
Christmas hymns, and also Christmas
anther fey p
preached ft fine ser-
Christmas Service
There was a good attendance
the United Church on Sunday morn
ing when the pastor chose for his
text, “No room at the Inn”. The choir
tinder the direction of Mrs. George
Allen with Miss Mary Gibson as or
ganist gave two splendid anthems.
T-Iallclijuah to the King, by Gabriel.
Crown him Lord, by Ashford.
The evening service was of special
interest. Christmas Carols, trios, duets
and solos were contributed by < the
choir, while Rev. Mr. Grant spoke on
“The otherwise Man” by Henry Van
There was a good attendance at
the Town Hall on Thursday of last
week, when the public school pupils
gave their annual Christmas enter
tainment. Mi-. Hector Kinght, princ
ipal of C. S. acted as chairman and’
welcomed the parents and friends. The
first half of the program was given
by the Junior room and the recita
tions, solos, choruses, dialogues, dan
cing and drills were well given. Sepc-
ial mention might be made of the
Rythm Band, under1 the direction of
Miss Evelyn Stephens.—The second
part given by the Senior pupils was
also of a high order and much en
joyed by the audience. The whole
program showed careful training and
the teachers, Miss Wright and ‘Mr.
Bryans are to be congratulated on
the splendid success of the evening.
At the close of the program, Santa
Claus arrived and distributed treats
and gifts from a beautiful Xmas tree.
Bride And Groom Showered
The Town Hall, Wroxeter was the
scene of a happy gathering on Fri
day evening, when a large number
gathered in honour of one of our pop
ular village boys, Stewart .Higgins and
his bride (nee Marie Doig) of Moles-
During the evening in which danc
ing was enjoyed. An address was read
to Mr. and Mrs. Higgins by Clifford
Denny and two chairs, an end table
and numerous other
sented. Mr. Higgins
sing the appreciation
himself. Refreshmens
the close of a very enjojyable even
gifts were pre
replied expres-
of his wife and
were servied at
DOUGLAS--In Howick, on Sunday,
December 20th, 1936, Elmer Lloyd
Douglas, beloved son of Mrs. Doug
las and the late Hugh Douglas, age
18 years and 18 days. The funeral
service was held at the home of
Mr. Bert Underwood, Lot 8, Con
cession 15, Howick, on Tuesday,
December 22nd. Interment took
place in Wroxeter Cemetery.
Merry Xmas to the Advance-
case it was decided oj® potion of
Couns. Redmond and BJac$c|that this
road be opened forthwith, u'nder the
supervision of the road superintend
ent, this work, however not to be tak
en as a precedent in future for simi
lar cases'.
Reports of Ged, R, Irwin, school at
tending officer and John S, Scott,
weed inspector received. Moved by
Mr. Redmond, second by Mr< Bee
croft that these reports be accepted
and that Mr. Irwin be
school attendance officer
On motion of Beecroft
the collectors time was extended, till
Feb. 1st, 1937, for the return of his
roll with the balance of taxes re
maining as yet unpaid.
The following accounts were pass
ed and paid:,
General accounts, Trustees of Bel
grave School, use of school for nom
ination meeting $4.00; Corporation of
Blyth, hall rent for Div. Court pur
poses $20.00; Corporation of Brus
sels, telephone assessments and tolls
$34.31; Corporation of Turnberry,
share of light in Lower Wingham $10.
The Advance-Times office, printing
financial statements $23.76; Gillespie
Bros., balance contracts on the Grain
Drain $45.17; Adam Robertson, refund
error in dog tax $2.00; John T. Scott,
services as weed inspector $5.00; Geo.
R. Irwin, salary as school attendance
officer $10.00; Jas. H. Currie, salary
as Tp. Treasurer $120.00; James H.
Curire preparing financial statement,
postage, exchange ,etc $37.00; A. Por
terfield, revising voter’s lists $48.41;
M. McDowell attendance at voter’s
lists court $6.80; P. W. Scott, fees as
reeve $70.00; Councillors fees each
$50.00; A. Pattison, part salary as
collector $60.00.
Road Accounts—S. McBurney, sal
ary as road supt. and telephone $20.85;
C. Robinson, crushing gravel $20.42;
G. Godkin, trucking gravel $47.85; H.
Gousher, gravel and loading gravel
on road No. 2 $19.00; R. Chamney,
checking gravel on road No. 10 $2.60:
The Ontario Bridge Co., snow fence
and posts $250.28; Ross Robinson,
hauling fence $8.00; W. A. Boyle, 5
gallons oil $2.25; J. F. Davidson,
working on road No. 2 $2.45.
The business of the year being
finished, Council adjourned to meet
again on- Monday, Jan. 11th, 1937 at
one oWiock.
C -x, ' A. Porterfield, Clerk.
for 1937.
and Ruddy,
The annual meeting of the W. A.
of the Gorrie United Church was held
at the home of Mrs. Kaine on Dec.
17th and was conducted by the Vice
President, Mrs. A. E. Toner.
I The meeting opened with hymn
' 299 “There came upon a midnight
clear”, followed by prayer by Mrs.
Fydell, after which “Hark the herald
angels sing” was sung. Scripture les
son was read by Mrs. R. Ashton. Mrs.
H, Sparling then sang as a solo “Tell
me the storj’1 of Jesus”. Minutes were
then given by the Secretary, Mrs. W.
Gregg and were adopted.
The annual reports of the various
secretaries were presented, Mrs. Fyke,
financial Sec,; Mrs, W. G, Strong,
Treasurer, The flower committee re
port was given by Mrs. Pyke, who
reported having remembered twenty-
one Shut-ins and sick with cheer.
Mrs, Toner took charge of the busi
ness period, after which the election
of! officers was conducted by Rev.
Fydell and Mrs. Kaine and are as fol
President—Mrs. Kaine,
Mr. John Muir of Stratford, spent
a few days last week with his brother,
George in tvwn.
Mr, Hugh Harris who arrived from
the West about two weeks ago, was
the guest of his sister, Mrs. Archie
McMichael last week.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Wm, McKercher is confined to
home with rheumatism. We hope
may soon be better .
Mrs. Archie McMichael was
guest of friends in Wingham recent
Mr. Harvey McMichael made a
business trip to Toronto on Saturday.
The many friends of Rev. A. L.
and Mrs. Sanderson of Brantford will
regret to know they were both in
jured in a motor accident on Sat
urday, December 12, Mr. Sanderson
was recovered sufficiently on Sunday
December 20 to take his services in
St. Andrew’s United Church, but Mrs.
Sanderson is still in the hospital. Wo
trust both will soon be well again.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hainstock, Mr.
.Trenalyn Hainstock, Fordwich also
Mrs. Robert Connel, Palmerston were
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
D. S. MacHaughton on Thursday last.
Mr. Jim Sanderson spent the week
in Brantford with his brother,
A, L, Sanderson.
Woman’s Association
The W. A. of United Church held
their annual meeting on Monday af
ternoon of last week. Very encourag
ing reports were given by the sec
retary and treasurer on the years
work, and the following officers el
ected for the coming year.
Pres—Miss Margaret Jardine.
Vico Pres,—Mrs. T. G. Hemphill.
Sec’y—Miss Margaret Linton.
■Mrs. Jack Adams?
J. N. Allen.
Mrs. T. G. Hemphill,
and Mrs. F. Kitchen.
T. G. Hemphill.
Times and its readers.
John and Donald Acheson of Lon
don are at present visiting their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mr. George Lane and Mr. A. E.
Gallaher motored to London last Sat
urday and the formers daughter, Miss
Jean Lane who is attending Univer
sity there returned with them for the
Xmas holidays.
Born—On Tuesday, December 15,
to Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Porter, a
daughter. Congratulations. Mother
and babe are doing as well as could
be expected.
Mr, /Yndy Gemmill celebrated his
79th birthday last Friday at the home
of his niece, Mrs. Eli Bolt and Mr.
Bolt. Congratulations. We wish him
more happy years. He is enjoying the
best of health.
Mr, and Mrs. James Halladay of
Wingham spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Balmer.
Mrs, Wm. Hayes is at present ly
ing in bed very sick with heart troub-
We hope to see her on the road
recovery soon.
Rural women with ideas on the im
provement of fall fairs will have an
opportunity to express and discuss
them, if plans of the Ontario Assoc
iation of Agricultural Societies de
velop, as expected.
For the first time a separate meet
ing of women delegates, is being ar
ranged, as part of the annual Agri
cultural Society Convention, to be
held in Toronto, February 11-12, 1937.
Miss Bess McDermand, Director of
the* Women’s Institute Branch, has
kindly undertaken to provide demon
strations and leaders for discussion.
An afternoon will be devoted to prob
lems confronting Women’s Commit
No .division of the fair is more im
portant than the Women’s Depart
ment, and there are no more ardent
workers than the lady directors. It
is hoped, where oat all possible, there
will be at least one lady delegate
from each Society.
Moving to Mount Forest
We regret very much to learn that
Mr- and Mrs. Leggatt and family are
moving to Mount Forest where Mr.
tpeggatt will be in charge of the C.
Manse Com.—
Mrs. R. Stocks
Candle Light Service
The Annual Candle Light Service
will be held in United Church on
Hew Yeats Eve. Members <5f the
Girls’ Mission Circle are preparing a
pageant for the occassion. Further
notice will be given next week.
Young People Union
The president, Stewart Higgins pre
sided at the Y, P. U. on Monday cv-
ening. The meeting opened by repeat
ing the Lptd*S Prayer in tinisoil and
followed with hymn 159$, “Away in a
Manager”. Joshawa C-l: V-l-9 was
i embers of
fficials had
>ur 41CW Sovereign,
f pre-
The last meeting of the council for
1936 was held according to statute op
Dec. 15th. All the members being in
attendance. Alter the
Council and township
each taken and subscribed to the
of allegiance t
King George VI, the minutes
viotts meeting were read and approv
C. R. Coultes, mail courier on R.R.,
Belgrave and others addressed the
council in reference to making pas
sible for wheeled vehicles the road on
side line 30 and 31, con. 6, opposite J.
L. McDowells, the snow at this place
having accumulated, to such an extent
that at present the traffic is practi
cally blocked. As the Council in the
past has wot looked with favor on ap
proval for payment of shovelling snow
Timothy Widely Used , ' j
. i
Timothy is used in Canada almost
to the exclusion of other grasses,
largely because clean seed of strong
vitality is generally available at a low-
price. The expense per acre of seed
ing is less than with any other grass.
Timothy, if fed alone, is of low nu
tritive value for growing animals or
for milk production, because it is de
ficient in flesh-forming constituents.
It is, therefore, not a profitable fod
der by itself for those purposes, A
liberal mixture of clover improves it.
It is favored for work horses that
have heavy grain rations as well, and,
on account of its digestibility, it is
the standard hay for delivery horses
required to work immediately after
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having our factory equipped with the
most modern machinery for the exe-
cution of high-class work, we ask you
to see the largest display of monu
ments of any retail factory in Ontario.
All finished by sand blast machines,
we import all our granites from tho
Old Country quarries direct, in the
rough. You can save all local deal*
ers*, agents* and middleman profits by
seeing us.
E. J. Skelton*Son
•t West End Bridge-WALKERTON