HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-12-24, Page 1it
With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News,
Single Copies Five Cents
Fine Program Was Presented Society Had Very Successful Year
The Christmas Literary was held
Tuesday morning in the Assembly
Hall with the President, Helen Mill
er, in the chair. The meeting opened
with violin selections by Mr. G. A.
. Schatte and the first two verses of
“Adeste Fidelis” followed by the min
utes of the last meeting by the Sec
retary, Ida Kelly. The Glee Club
sang “Silent Night” after which Char
les Scott gave a piano solo. The
school joined in a French song “D’ou
viens-tu bergere.” The boys of the
'Glee Club sang “Deck the Halls” and
the whole Glee Club gave an old plain
song “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”.
Mr. Schatte favored with a violin sel
ection, accompnaied by Velma Wheel
er at the piano. The next on the pro
gram was a Christmas Story read, by
Willa Reid after which the girls of
the Glee Club sang “CHristmas Lull-
■ aby.” Mr. Schatte accompanied by
Velma Wheeler played a violin sel
ection. Eight girls danced “The Fry-
ksdalspolka” a Swedish Christmas
- dance and Isabel Habkirk read the
) Journal. The Glee Club sang “Hail
io fhe Lord’s Annointed” and the
meeting closed with community sing-
■ ing by the school — two old- carols,
“God Rest You Merry Gentlemen”,
and “The First Noel.”
In the evening the annual Christ
mas Prom, was held at the school.
The music was supplied by Mildmay
Nite Owls and a gala time was had
"by everyone. This closed the school
term of 1936.
Mowbray _ Mundy
A quiet wedding took place at
Presbyterian Manse, Bluevale, at 1.30
p.m. on Saturday afternoon when
Velma Beryl, eldest daughter of Mr.
•and Mrs. Roy Mundy, of Wingham,
became the bride of Mr. Kenneth
Mowbray, of Lucknow, son of Mr.
-and Mrs. Alex. Mowbray, of Blue
vale. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. J. R. Greig. The bride was
-charming in a brown crepe gown,,
brown hat and matching accessories.
Immediately following the cere
mony, Mr. and Mrs. Mowbray left on
a wedding trip to Sarnia. On their
return they will reside in Lucknow,
The Christmas meeting of the Ev
ening Auxiliary of the United Church,
whi.ch brought to a close another very
successful year,, was held in the
Clfurch Parlour and took the form of
a pot-luck supper.
After the meal, the meeting, which
was in charge of Miss Blanche Ben
nett, commenced. Mrs, G. Adams
read for her Scripture the Christmas
story, and gave a very fine exposition
on it. Mrs. XV. S. Hall made a most
interesting review of the book which
the Auxiliary studied during the year,
“God's Candlelights” by Mabie Shaw,
an English missionary in Africa.
Mrs. Chas. Lloyd then read a charm
ing little Christmas story called “The
Black Madonna”. Miss Phyllis Johns
was asked to read a letter from Miss
Caroline Wellwood, who at the time
of writing was still on her return trip
to China.
The business part of the meeting
was then taken by the President,
Mrs. W. A. Galbraith, who called on
the various officers to.give their re
ports. And the Evening Auxiliary are
very glad to report that they were
successful in again exceeding their al
The important feature of the meet
ing was the installation of the new
officers for the ensuing year. Mrs.
F. A. Parker, convenor of the nom
inating committee, before addressing
the new officers, spoke a few words
of appreciation to the retiring pres
ident, Mrs. W. A. Galbraith for her
splendid work during the past two
years. Rev. J. F. Anders'on then in
stalled the officers for 1937, which
are as follows:
President—Mrs. E. Webster.
1st Vice Pres.—Mrs. Chas. Lloyd.
2nd Vice Pres.—Mis B. Bennett.
3rd Vice Pres.—Miss C. Gannett.
Rec. See.—Miss K. McGregor.
Cor. Sec.—Mrs. W. S. Hall.
Treasurer—Miss M. Barber.
Press Reporter—Miss M. Simpson.
Pianist—Mrs. W.' Hamilton.
Assist.. Pianist—Mrs.^W- -A. Gal
Sec. Christian Stewardship—Mrs.
U W. Howson.
Sec. Missionary Monthly—Miss J.
Temperance Sec.—Miss P. Johns.
Strangers Sec.—Mrs. A. W. Irwiri,
Mrs. H. Peterson, Mrs. J. H.
The meeting was closed by singing
Christmas Carol and repeating the
Mizpah Benediction in unison.
Slippers and Hosiery — .Lovely
•Christmas gifts, best values at Greer’s.
To Celebrate 50th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bosman,
Bluevale, will celebrate their Golden
Wedding Day on Wednesday, Dec
ember 30th. They will be at home to
their friends from 2 p.m, to 5
and from 7 p.m, to 9 p.m.
Officers Elected for Ensuing Year
The annual meeting of the Wo
man’s Association of St. Paul’s Angli
can Church was held in the Sunday
School Room of the Church last week
with the President, Mrs. E. L. Rob
erts, presiding. The meeting opened
with a hymn and prayers,x following
.which reports of the year’s work were
read by the Secretary and adopted.
The President then addressed the
meeting, and in her remarks outlined
the work of 'the W. A., emphasizing
the great need of missionary work in
the Church. “Truly aS in the days of
Joshua of old there is yet very much
land to be possessed. Let us be
strong and very courageous and go
forward in faith, consecrating
Selves, ■ and all that we have, to
service of Christ”., ’
Mrs. Roberts expressed great
light at the splendid response to
Appeal for funds for the Aklavik Hos
pital. The President then welcomed
Mrs, Simpson, the new Life Member,
And the newly organized Little Help
ers Branch of the Sunday School, and
the new members.
The year had been a very success
ful one, all obligations' being met in
, full, with an increase in membership.
The officers for the coming year
were re-elected and are as follows:
Hon. Pros.-—Mrs, Geo. Allen.
President—Mrs. E. L. Roberts.
1st Vice Pres.—Mrs. Mitchell.
2nd Vice Pres.—'Mrs. Connell.
Treasurer—Mrs. Hash.
Tea was served by the President,
assisted by Mrs. Connell, Mrs, Kidd
and Mrs, Nicholas.
The Advance-Times
and Staff
A Merry
The spirit of the season
prompts us to express again
the pleasure we derive from
our business relations with you
and on behalf of our organiza
tion we wish you and yours a
Very Merry Christmas.
Subscriptions $2.00 Per
Hockey Club All Set, Ready to Go.Capt. Rumford of the Salvatiqn Army
and Mrs. F, Oster, of Blyth, Dis
trict President, Were Speakers.Schedule Drawn Up — First Game
Here January 5th,
New Stewart Warner
Farm Radio, No. B. Batteries, low
current consumption on A. Excellent
tone, right price, Campbell’s Garage,
Victoria St.
Improvements at Junction School
The trustees of the Junction School
have installed a steel cabinet for their
library and have also purchased a
piano for the use of the children at
the school.
Plenty of Chicken Pox
An epidemic of chicken pox has
been on the go here for a few weeks.
It is a mild variety but seems to keep
on the go. A peculiar thing about it
is the number of adults who
contracted it,
*—Absent for ’examinations.
Senior Fourth
Total 950, Honors 712, Pass 570.
Edna Hogg 786, Bertha Casemore
721, Dorothy Stewart 719, Edythe
Campbell 709, Reatha Sinnamon 687,
Velma Ohm 681, Jean Breen 678,
Norman Mundy 678, Clarence Ham
ilton 670, Nora Finlay. 665, Louise
Reid 665, Louise Lloyd 664, Betty
Gannett 662, Frances Robinson 661,
Evelyn Scott 657, Anne VanWyck
653, XVilliam Harris 635, George
Johnson 617, Louise Dore 616, Helen
tfanimond 613, Elmer Dcyell
Harold Cantelon 593, Norman
58.8, Dorothy Mellor 560, Hem
555, Mabel Campbell 547, John
523, Fenton Barnes 502,
Stoakley 469.
G. Kidd, Principal.
Junior Fourth
Total SOO, Honors 600, Pass 480.
E. Lediet 641,’ E. Bailey 629,
At 8.30 p.m. in the Town Hall—Silver
Collection in aid! of. Xmas Tree Fund.
The program for the Sacred Con
cert which will be presented in the
Town Hall at 8.30 p.m. on Sunday
•next is now complete and an evening
of fine fellowship is in store for all.
The audience will take part in the
program as Community Singing will
be one of the feature items.
A silver collection will be taken at
the door and is for the Christmas Tree
The Concert is timed to follow the
regular services in the churches so
that all may be present at this big
community sacred gathering.
Lee, Barber.
C.C.M. Skating Outfits are the best
See them at Greer’s Shoe Store.
Mr. Alton Adams, of Toronto Uni
versity, is home for the holidays.
Mr. Lloyd Henderson of Stratford
Normal School is home for the holi
Mrs. XV. L. Craig of Toronto is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W.
XV. Armstrong.
Mfs. W. A. Currie left on Tuesday
to spend the winter with her daugh
ter in London.
Miss Agnes MacLean, Reg. N., of
Toronto, is visiting with her mother,
Mrs. John MacLean.
Miss Kate King, of the Ontario
College of Education, is spending the
holidays at her home here.
Mr. John P. McKibbon of the Col
lege of Pharmacy, Toronto is spend
ing the holidays with his parents.
Dr. and Mrs. Reg. DuVal attended
a meeting of the Silver Fox Breeders
Association in Toronto last Week.
Skates Sharpened — Bring along
your skates and have them sharpened
the right way at Greer’s Shoe Store.
Mr. C. A. Morrison of London
made a flying trip to Wingham to
wish his mother a Merry Christmas.
Misses Ann and Florence Barber of
Toronto are spending
with their mother, Mrs,
Rev. G. I. and Mrs.
Ottawa are visiting at
the latter’s mother.
the. holidays
Charles Bar-
, Campbell
: the home
Mrs, Chai
o f
I Miss Veronica Morris of towh is
away oh her Christmas holidays, to
visit her aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Wetzlcr and little Rosemarie of
Hopper 619, B, Groves 611, C. Ohm
605, E. Dark 604, G. Evans 582, J.
Gorbutt 555, A. Williams 554, L. Col
lar 650, E. Schatte 548, L. Bateson
540, G. Lloyd 526, H. Howard 507,
(Continued on page four)
Bingo Well Attended
The Bingo jvhich was held, in the
Council Chambers on Tuesday even
ing, under the auspices of the Wing
ham Legion, was well attended. The
proceeds were for the Christmas Tree
George Mason
One of our. highly respected and
older residents, George Mason, pass
ed to his reward early Friday after
noon, December 18th, in his 82nd
year. Mr. Mason was seriously ill for
two weeks but prior to that time had
been in failing health.
He was born in London, Ontario,
May 6th, 1855, and as a young man
was travelling representative of James
Atkinson & Co., a wholesale station
ery firm. Tn 1879 he came to Wing
ham, built the Mason Block at the
corner of Josephine and John Streets
and for forty years carried on in this
With the arrival of Frank Carroll,
one of the most successful coaches
that Ontario has ever produced, in
terest in hockey here has reached fev
er heat. What a break this is for the
boys that the Wingham Hockey Club
has secured the services of this out
standing hockey mentor. Mike Rod
den, of the Globe and Mail, says of
Carroll that he is a builder of cham
pionship teams.
Carroll’s long experience in hockey
has been a most successful one, He
is noted for his abilities to develop
players and a long list of hockey stars
are grateful to him for his splendid
efforts. Some of these are Earle Sie
bert, Ott Heller, Cecil Dillon. Scien
tific coaching is what our players need
and with Carroll as coach they will
get it,
In 1918 Carroll led the Toronto
Arenas when they won the Stanley
Cup. He coached Springfield Indians
to the title in the Canadian American
League. He was just as successful in
his efforts in the amateur ranks with
Toronto Granites, Aura Lee and Uni
versity of Toronto. He has the abil
ity to impart his knowledge, develop
players. This is an opportunity that
comes but once in, the hockey life
time of most players.
The Intermediate O.H.A. team is
grouped with Kincardine, Durham,
Walkerton and Owen Sound. Owen
Sound will play their games either in
g , XValkerton or Hanover.
_ The schedule:
Theatre Shows Every Night Next
" Week.
The Late George Mason
Thursday, Friday and Saturday this
week movie fans will see Fred Astaire
and Ginger Rogers in “Swing Time.”
This ever popular team have danced
their way into the hearts of the thea
tre-going public and. their efforts in
this production surpass anything ever
shown here.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
next week “The Magnificent Obses
sion”, an outstanding Universal pro
duction, will be the feature. This
drama is from the best selling novel
by Lloyd C. Douglas. No better pic
ture has been produced this year.
The “Quintuplets at Play” is an add
ed attraction.
Mrs. J. H. Crawford is opening her
home to the members of the Bridge
Club on Wednesday evening, Decem
ber 30th. Play will start at 8 o’clock.
All those who wish to take part in
the play on this night please hand
their names in to Geo. Mason, the
secretary, or the Advance-Times Of
fice, by 10 a.m. the day of the game.
This is important.
Winners of the game on Wednes
day night last week were: North and
South— Mrs. A. J. Irwin and XV. W.
Armstrong, Mrs. O. Colborne and A.
J. Wilson, Mrs. J. H. Crawford and
R. S. Hetherington, Mrs. R. S. Heth
erington and M. Christie. East and
West— Mrs. L. R. Blackwood and D.
Nasmith, Mrs. W. W. Armstrong and
D. Kennedy, Mrs. A. M. Bishop and
Ken Somers, Mrs. J. Waram and C.
30—Walkerton at Kincardine.
4— Walkerton at Durham.
5— Owen Sound at' Wingham,
8—Wingham. at Kincardine.
8—Walkerton at Owen Sound.
11—Wingahm at Walkerton.
11—Kincardine at Durham.
15—Owen Sound at Kincardine.
15—Durham at Wingham.
18—Durham at Owen Sound.
18—Kincardine at Wingham.
22—Durham at Kincardine.
22—Owen Sound at XValkerton.
25— Kincardine at Owen Sound.
26— Walkerton at Wingham.
29—Owen Sound at Durham.
29—Kincardine at XValkerton.
1—XVingham at Durham.
3—Durham at Walkerton.
5—Wingham at Owen Sound.
Teams in second and third place
play off, goals to count.
Team finishing second has choice
of ice for first game.
XVinner of 2nd and 3rd place will
play first place team for group
championship with games to count.
In case of a third game being neces
sary it is to be played on neutral ice.
Play-off dates:
Feb. Sth and 10th, second and third
Feb. 12th, 15th, group play-off, 3rd
game if necessary Feb. 17th.
The December meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute was held ■ in the
Council Chambers on Thursday after.,
noon with an attendance of 45 ladies,
Mrs. W. Jas. Henderson presiding.
The meeting was opened with the
singing of the Institute Ode followed
by The Lord's Prayer in unison,
The Roll Call was answered with
donations of Home Made Candy
which will be used for Christmas
After a short business session in
which the usual Christmas donations
were made and a letter from the
Children’s Shelter at Goderich was
read acknowledging the fine donation
of canned fruit the Institute had
kindly .forwarded to them.
Mrs, F. Oster, of Blyth, the District
President, was present and. gave a
concise and interesting report of the
Area Convention recently held in
Mrs. Donald Rae sang a Christmas
Carol in her usual pleasing style.
Capt. Rumford, the guest speaker,
spoke from the Bible text “I will
make all my mountains a way” and
many were the interesting and worth
while things she gave for her hearers
to take away with them.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tervit gave
two splendid selections on the piano
and mouth, organ, which captivated
the audience. Mrs. T. Bowers gave a
very interesting reading on Peace,
Lunch was served and during the-
social half-hour an exchange of 25-
cent Christmas gifts was made, af
ter which the meeting closed with
the National Anthem.
The hostess, Mrs. William Well
ings, was assisted by Mrs. C. Carter,
Mrs. G. Kerr, Mrs. XV. J. Currie and
Mrs. B. Welhvood.
Second Hand Skating Outfits, some
real values in boy’s and girls’ outfits
at Greer’s Shoe Store.
hi was very fond of music
time was organist of the
He was also
married 54 years ago, two
rs arid one son, Mrs, Olive
of towh; Mrs. G. T. Gregory,
Sask.; and Jack, also of town,
also survived by one sister,
stand a stationery, book, china, wall
paper and fancy goods business. Sev
enteen years ago he retired and his
son, Jack,
Mr. Masi
and at one
Congregational Churcl
leader of the Salvation Army Band
many years ago, Deeply religious he
took life seriously and it was through
his efforts that the present Salvation
Army Citadel was erected.
He leaves to mourn his passing, be
sides his wife, who was formerly Har
riet; Johnstone, of Wingham, to whom
he was
He is
Mrs, (Rev.) F. H. Sanderson, Frec-
mont, Nebraska, U.S.A., six grand
children and fottr great-grandchildren.
The funeral was held from his late
residence, Josephine and Alfred Sts.,
on Sunday afternoon. The ‘ service,
which was private, was conducted by
Rev. C. N. Good, of Kitchener, as
sisted by Rev, J. F. Anderson, pastor
of XVingham United Church.
The pallbearers were: Oliver Mof-
Transferred to Toronto
Mr. XVilliani Campbell, who
been on the local staff of the
minion Bank for the past three years,
has been transferred to the York and
Adelaide branch, Toronto. Bill has
made a host of friends while in Wing
ham who wish him every success.
Free Show Went dver Big
The Lyceum Theatre was packed
to capacity on Saturday afternoon for
Capt. Adam’s free Christmas show for
the children and how the kiddies did
enjoy it. Long before the doors of
the theatre were open the children
started to gather in large numbers
and the expression on their beaming
faces was proof positive that they ap
preciated this kindly gesture of Capt.
fatt, George
O. Habkirk,
Armouries, Friday, Decent-
under the auspices of the
. Legion. Music by Walter
his Bluebird Orchestra, of
Admission, $1.00 per colt-
.dy 35c, tax extra.
McKinney, who withdrew
Skating This Week
The Arena will open for skating
Thursday night this week. There will
also be skating on Christmas Day,
afternoon and evening.
Dance Christmas Night
In the
ber 25th,
Eidt and
pic, extra 1?
Won Prize
Mr. A. T.
from the teaching staff of the Sarnia
Public Schools, to take a position as
salesman with the Wearever Co. of
Toronto, has just won a valuable prize
as the most outstanding salesman in
the Western Ontario Division in a
Harvest Contest conducted during the
past three months. Mr. McKinney has
now charge of the sales in the Ct
of Lambtoti.
Observed White Gift Sunday
A special White Gift Service
observed by the. United Church
day School on Sunday afternoon. A
special Christmas program was pre
sented arid a splendid White Gift of
fering was received. Miss Edith
Campbell was presented with a brace
let for having had 100 per cent, at
tendance, An award of rings was also
given to a class of eight girls, whose
attendance during the year was 76%.
Mttson, Jack Beattie, J.
G. XV. Buchanan and F,
took place iti Whigham
Don’t Forget—
The Christmas Dance in the Sacred''
Heart Parish Hall on Tuesday, Dec.
29th. Mu,sic by -Jack Ernest’s Or
chestra. ,'
Pope X Broadcast
Pope Pius announced, his intention
of broadcasting a Christmas message
to the world Thursday.
The broadcast will be made at 12.30 <»
p.m., 6.30 a.m., E.S.T.
His Holiness has been ill and it was
not expected that he would he suffic
iently recovered to broadcast his mes
Life Membership Presention
The XVoman’s Missionary Society
of the United Church held a quilting
and Pot-luck supper in the Sunday
School room on Wednesday. Four
quilts were completed and have been
sent to the. Canadian Red Cross for
distribution in the drought area of the
One of the highlights of the meet
ing was a presentation of a Life Mem
ber's Certificate, by the President,
Mrs. F, R. Howson, to a former sec
retary and an earnest Missionary
worker, Mrs. Charles Campbell,
Local Junior and Intermediate Teams
Will Play in Westeifi Ontario
Hockey Association.
The Intermediate entry in the W,
O. H. A. have been getting into shape
for the season’s play and the players
are an enthusiastic lot. A decision
that has met with great approval is
the placing of a Junior team in this
The Junior team is being sponsored
by the exevutive of the Central Base
ball Club and they are to be congrat
ulated for their enterprise. The de
velopment of young players is one
thing that has been lacking here for
some time and the young lads will
now have an opportunity to strut
their stuff and get their training un
der proper supervision. The executive
of the team is:
President—R, A, Cbutts.
Vice President—Neil Williamson.
Scc.-Treas.—-Stewart Cowan.
Executive Com.—Omar Hasel grove,
Jim Sell; Farl Wild.
All Junior players wilt be given an
opportunity to catch a place on the
team, Now is your chance, boys,, go
to it. Mr. 0. F. Holland has been
appointed Manager, and he has had
plenty of experience. He will be sure
to got the boys’ numbers as lie i* &
Bell Telephone product