HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-12-17, Page 16wjr way ia?' Gowns and Smoking Jackets I PAGE SIXTEEN Show Starts at 8 p.m • Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 17, 18, ! GEORGE O’BRIEN ‘ ------In — • “Thunder Mountain77 * A Zane Grey Story. ------Also------ Two Reel Comedy — “Pain in the Pullman Mickey Mouse — “Three Little Wolves” Colored Cartoon — “Cupid Gets His Man and Fox News. — FREE MATINEE — Saturday, Dec. 19th, at 2.30 p.m. Free Matinee for Children Only. NEXT WEEK — SPECIAL FRED ASTAIRE And GINGER ROGERS “Swing Time” Announcement! I wish to inform my patrons I am changing my place of business. On and after Monday next I will operate my Beauty Shop in the store oppos­ ite J. W. Bushfield’s of­ fice. Permanents at $1.00, $1.50, $2.50 - $3.50 Finger Waves .........25c Monday Next Only — Free Shampoo with a Finger Wave. HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Phone 133 ! Prompt Delivery BLUEVALE Institute To Send Bale The regular meeting of the Wom­ an’s Institute was held Thursday af­ ternoon at the home of Mrs. Alex Mowbray, with the 1st vice president, Mrs. J. Wickstead in charge. A letter from a lady near North Bay revealed an urgent need of clothing for child­ ren. The society are sending a bale this week. Articles to be left with Miss Scott. The local Christmas work will be carried out as in former years, donations of cake, candy, etc., to be left with Mrs. Harry Elliott before Friday. The Mot{o, “The dark night wakes, the glory breaks and Christmas comes once more” was taken by Miss Olive Scott, who spoke of the Spirit of Christmas and how it speaks to us. It brings lejuvination, it speaks of and joy. Carol singing was enjoyed by all. The Roll Call was interesting when a number of articles were exhibited, ^g^lmade from material costing" not more Phone 161 SHOP AT 7s Economy Food Store For Your Christmas Fruits, Mixed' Nuts and Candies, you are as­ sured of absolutely Fresh Goods at Lowest Prices by buying in this store. CHAMPION CREAMS and JELLIES.......................15c Lb. ROCKS AND SPOOLS Hard Candies ..........15c Lb. SATIN MIXED CANDIES _ ___ _ 2 Lbs. 25c HUMBUGS And GUM DROPS 15c Lb. Golden Browh MIXED NUTS NEW SEASON........... 21c Lb. Large Washed BRAZIL NUTS ...........................21c Lb. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS ...... 10c Lb. Large PECAN NUTS Thin Shell..............25c Lb. A Lovely Box of Assorted Chocolates Hard and Soft Centres........5 Lb. Box for 95c For Your Xmas Pies, Choice MINCEMEAT____2 Lb. 23c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE.........2 Large Tins 21c MAPLE LEAF PEAS .................... 2 Tins 25c AYLMER TOMATOES 2 Large Tins 25c LEMON And ORANGE PEEL.......................__............. 25c TABLE FIGS 8 Oz. Pkg....................... LIBBY’S PINEAPPLE JUICE------ 13>/2 Oz. Tin 15c DICED BEETS or CARROTS ...—..........IOC Tin Choice Quality PUMPKIN............2 Tins 25c AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS ____ ____2 Lbs. 25c CHRISTMAS NAVEL ORANGES 25c Dozen 35c Dozen 45c Dozen 55c Dozen FRESH cranberries FRESH CRISP^ , HEAD LETTUCE A 2 for 15c 25c Lb. FRESH CLERY HEARTS ... 10c Bunch CALIFORNIA GRAPES_____-__2 Lbs. 25c We extend to Everyone our Heartiest Greetings for a Very Happy Christmas. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES than 25 cents. Mrs. Harry Elliott exhibited a sample of maple-cream candy and ex­ plained the process of making. Following a period of Christmas music and singing, the hostess served refreshments. December 31st were left in the hands of the newly elected executive. Rev. A. V.Robb closed the meet­ ing with prayer. Thursday, Dec, 17 th, 1936 Y, P, S. Elect meeting of the Y.P.S, Church was held on United regular United evening. The 1st vice presi- of the Friday dent presided. Mr. W. J. Johnston spoke on the topic, “How to bring youth and keep youth into the church” and the im­ portant part played by the Young Peoples’ Society. Rev. A. V. Robb presided for the elecion of officers, with the following result: President —George Johnston; 1st vice pres.—W. J. Peacock; 2nd vice president—Miss Jean Hanston; 3rd vice pres.—Miss Isobel McKinnon; 4th vice pres—Miss Alberta Shield; Secretary — Miss Eunice Thornton; Treasurer — Miss Emma Johnston; Press Sec’y—Wilson Thornton. The arrangements for the annual banquet to be held on the evening of Presentations The sale of farm stock and imple­ ments of Walter S. Davidson, 2nd concession, Morris, drew a large crowd. Bidding was brisk and prices good, A short time previous to, the sale neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Davidson and presented them with two occassional chairs and an electric lamp, and en­ joyed a social time together/ At a recent meeting of the Church group of ladies of which Mrs. David­ son belongs, she was presented with an electric iron, x, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson have been respected icsidents of Morris Town­ ship for many years and will be great­ ly missed. They intend moving to their new home in the village this, week, Plan Xmas Entertainment The two Sunday Schools in the village are preparing for the annual Brother more for Christmas than a Suit or Overcoat. Our range "J is large and moderately priced. $15.50, $17.50,$19.50 and up. Forsyth Shirts There’s such a variety here to choose from that we can’t begin to tell the whole story, and For- Col- Up-to-date patterns shades, also white with fused, Prince Eric, Tab lars or Separate collars, es 14 to 181/2- $1.75 and up Smart New Hats Surprise Dad, by giving him a new Hat. The latest shades and. designs in smart models. $1.69, $2.50, $3.50 up Ties for Christmas We have on display hund­ reds of smart Ties from many leading tie manufactur­ ers. A man does appreciate lots of Ties and how well he would be pleased with at least two or three of these lovely Ties for Christmas. 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 to $1.50 Windbreakers and Sweaters iW Silk and Wool Mufflers Shadow plaids,Tartans, plains, silks and hard woven Mufflers are always accept­ able to the men. All colors and designs, also plain whites $1.00, $1.50 and up. Our range o!f gowns in­ cludes Tartans, plains, Shad­ ow Checks and moire silks. A gown will be sure to please. $5.50, $7.50, $8.75 up For real enjoyment and comfort for evenings spent by the radio, a smoking jac­ ket in the new English wool­ len cloths, will make a de­ lightful gift for Dad. $7.50, $8.50 and up Braces Now that braces have be­ come popular with men and young men, our range is complete with, braces ranging from the narrow brace to the wider brace for older men. 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Christmas entertainment. The Pres­ byterian S. S. present their program on Monday evening, December 21st in the Forrester’s Hall, and the Unit­ ed Church S. S. the following Thurs­ day, Christmas Eve in the Church. Visitors— Miss Elizabeth Mathers, Embro, spent Sunday with her grandfather, Mr. George Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and son, Tillsonburg, and Miss Ethel Johnston, Byron, were Sunday vis­ itors with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Johnston. Miss Ethel Mathers, of Brussels, has been spending a few days with her father, Mr. Thomas Mathers. Christmas Slippers — Lovely as­ sortment to choose from. — Greer’s Shoe Store. MORRIS Miss Elizabeth Mathers of Embro, spent Sunday with her grandfather, George Mathers, in Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and son of Tillsonburg, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Johnston. Miss Ethel Johnston, of Byron, spent Sunday with her parents on the 1st line. " Mr. Harry Barnard spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Davidson are, moving to Bluevale this week.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaw and fam- ' ily are moving onto Mr. Walter Dav- . idson’s farm he bought lately. | Mr. Alex. Shaw and bride arrived home this week from their moon. Many congratulations and Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. Alex. Forest has been sick list. We hope she will soon be better again. I Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston and family, of Wingham, visited on Sun­ day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler. Mr. Milvert Sellers spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClellan and family. 1 Don’t forget Browntown (Ebenez- er) Xmas Tree on Tuesday evening, $ Dec. 22nd. A good program is being arranged. honey- to Mi*. on the Banker: “An eye for an eye, a tooth r a tooth is my policy. What’s yours?” | Insurance Man: “$200 for an eye, ■' $50 for a tooth, and $1,000 for accid- ental death.” $ EAST WAWANOSH The W.M.S. of the Westfield Unit- (cd Church met in the church Wed- $$.inesday afternoon last week. Mrs. Stanley Cook was in charge. The se­ cond chapter from the study book was taken by Mrs. Cook. The sub­ ject for the day was taken by Mrs. Harvey Black, Mrs. Fred W. Cook, Mirs. Marvin McDowell and Mrs. Cook. -The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. James McGill. Mrs. Walter Cook' was appointed re­ presentative from the Ladies’ Aid to the Church Board, and Mrs. John Vin­ cent, Mrs. Albert Walsh were the committee appointed from the W.M.S. to prepare the missionary subjects for the Sunday School. Mr. and, Mrs. Leslie Wightman and Eleanor visited with Mr. and Mrs, Vipond and family, of Donegal, on Sunday. Mrs. Stewart McBurney spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Dav­ idson, Hensail. Mr. and Mrs. Percy King, Turn­ berry, visited at Alex. Leaver’s on Sunday. Miss Jessie Finlayson spent the week-end with Mrs. John Gaunt of Whitechurch. t« Christmas Gifts! for Her! Orien, Crepe and Chiffon Hose.........................$1.00 Bathrobes, Satin, Moire, Tartan .., .$2.95 to $7.50 Pajamas, Crepe, Celasuede................$1.59 to $2.95 Hand Bags...................... $2.25 to $3.50 ^Handkerchiefs, fine linen .. 25c to 60c Arrow Socks, All Wool, variety of color and pattern ..................................................39c to $1.25 Handkerchiefs, fine linen...........................15c to 75c W Ties...........................................................50c to $1.50 & Scarves, Silk, Wool, Tartans..............89c to $3.50 Pajamas, Forsyth, Flannelette and Broadcloth .$1.79 to $2.50 ..$2.95 to $5.95Bathrobes Linen Tablecloths...................... Breakfast Sets .. ................<.... Lace Tablecloths . .. •.................. Auto Rugs, Pure Wool, Plaids . Arctic Down Comforters........ Wool Coverlets and Blankets Bath Towels.................. .......... Reversible Mats ......-......$2.39 to $5.75 ffij Bedspreads $2.98 to $6.95 F ¥ Taffeta, Silkalo, Crinkly Cotton JI $2.65 to $12.50 1 .$2.25 to $4.25 | .$1.98 to $4.95 ,.$5.00 to $8.50 $5.00 to $13.95 . $4.29 to $8.95 ........20c to 85c B KING’S 6' The Sunday School of Brick Church are having a Xmas Concert on Fri- is being prepared so come and enjoy it. U.S.S. No. 7 are holding a Xmas 154 day, Dec. 18th. A good programme Tree on. Monday, Dec. 21st. A play entitled. “Marrying Off "Father” will be presented along with recitations and songs. fa BUYING THAT XMAS i GIFT FOR HIM For all winter sports and general use, a button or zip­ per front windbreaker or sweater is always a useful gift. Pleated backs in wool­ len, meltons and suede. $2.95, $3.50, $4.95 up It Will Pay You to Shop at ARMITAGE’S Men’s Handkerchiefs Pure linen Handkerchiefs in plains, initialed and color- er. Large range for your choice. Never in the history of Hanna’s Men’s Store have we had a greater selection of fine Christmas Gifts. Call ahd look over our stock as the above are but a few of our many sugges­ tions. All gift purchases boxed if desired. Hanna & Go. Ltd P Outfitters for Men and Boys Let Gibson’s do Your Xmas Baking High quality Fruit Cake 40c pound; Scotch Shortbread, Mine Pies, Doughnuts. Also our regular lines of Pastry, Bread and Cakes Gibson’s Bakery Phone 145. Pyjamas .. ...........$1.50 to $2.25 Fancy Wool Hose 50c arid 75c Scarves.....................75c to $2.50 Neckwear .......35c, 50c aind 95c Fancy Braces, Boxed...........35c ' Initial Handkerchiefs...25c, 35c ...........................3 for $1.00 2 Hdkfs. and Cigarette Case 50c 2 Hdkfs., neatly boxed -......25c Bathrobes.....$3.50, $4.00, $4.50 y House Coats, pure wool,...$6.50 | Spats ..........—......... $1.00 Ladies’ Chiffon or Serv­ ice Weight Guaranteed Ringless Hose ’ 69 c Pair With every 10 Pair bought we give 1 Pair absolutely Free. ARMITAGE’S