HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-12-17, Page 13Thursday, Dec. 17th, 1936
Satin Fanties
Fine Gloves
Satin Gowns
SPECIALSGifts Men Appreciate
Luxury at its peak, they launder so well, can’t
be beat for wearing quality, dainty
styles in good array. Priced...........
Lace trimmed sets consisting' of brassiere and1
panties; brassiere low cut, panties but- 1 A J?
■ton top; Colors, tea rose and white. Set ■*■ ••*'**
An irresistable selection of fine sheer linen with
rolled hem, appliqued designs in white
and colors. Each ............ “*-'*■*
These are cut exceptional full size, tailored styles
or fussy lace trim. Tea Rose or Blue. O A Q
Each ........................................................
Smart creations in fine wool, consists of sweater
and cardigans, contrasting colors in O QE
each case. Set ..............................i.........
Dressing Gowns
Fine brocaded satin that shows plain trim to
match, a practical gift of lasting beauty. Q *7 A
Special .......... utl J
A price range and, no doubt,
and enjoys them; sheer silk
69c 85c 89c $1.00
Boxed for Gifts.
■r Dainty Gifts
she wears these
hose in prices
Exclusive in style and quality. She will admire
any of this choice. Lined or unlined or fur top.
1.50 1.98 2.75
Gift Parasols
So compact, so smart in handle de
signs, a gift she will admire. Each .
Distinct in style and trimming shown in *f OO
lace or faggotting trim. Tea, rose white I*"*'
Christian civilization from the bond
age of Finance (1936) into the econ
omics of the Kingdom of Heaven.
This release is now actually being ac
Amongst other datings the Great
Pyramid defines the actual date we
entered the Great War, as well as the
Armistice, the actual date the ec
onomic depression began, May 29th,
1928, and the date of releave when we
entered the King’s Chamber, Septem
ber 16th, 1936, the very date the Gold
Standard of International Finance
was smashed , The British Financial
crisis of August 23rd, 1931, was fore
shadowed as well as the Wall Street
crash in October, 1929.
On December 5th, T935, the spir
it of life from God is symbolized as
entering both church and state, which
was consumated on Sept. 16th, 1936.
The King's Chamber defines the
period of “the Judgment of the Na
tions” and Israel as being cleansed
and purified of national, sins to be
come spiritual stones in a mystical
temple spoken of by St, Peter m his
The year 1936 is symbolized by the
Pyramid as the most momentous one
sine ethe crucifixion “crucial beyond
all others” as Secretary Avernol of
the League of Nations recently phras
ed it. On Sept. 26th Rabbo Freed
man, speaking in Niagara Falls, N.
Y, said “we are standing upon the
threshold of an uncertain future, ev
ents are now brewing which will
transform the lives of individuals and
nations and change the hourse of his
tory. We have seen the death of King
George V, the Rhineland crisis, the
fortification of the Dardanelles, the
emerging of a new Roman Empire,
the smashing of the Gold Stanard and
now the abdication of a King. The
Church and State have clung to right
eousness rather than expediency.
Through the purging of the throne,
the nation is being led in humiliation
I by God to become prepared for the ,
coming of the King who will sit up- I W
on t' ■' '
and rule over the house of Jacob '
forever.” I SC
the throne of His Father David j
-riilzi rnm-r* hriMCo /-vf To/'/iK ■' / ! .
LOUGHLEAN — Tn Wiarton, on
■ Tuesday, Dec. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Vic. Loughlean (nee Jean Orvis),
a daughter.
Visitor: “I hear you’ve lost your
parrot that used to swear so terribly.”
Host: “Yes, died of shock.”
Visitor: “Really, how did it
Host: “He escaped from his
and wandered on to the golf links;
For Each Member of the Family
No Xmas is complete without a pair of Slippers
They are always right and always appreciated
Chosen from the best slipper makers and priced
from 40c to $2.50.
Besides our great array of Slippers we have a splen
did showing and real values
For Men For Women
and Boys and Girls
Overshoes Auto Boots in Black
Spats or Brown Velvet
GoloshesRubbersDress Ties
Skates Hosiery
Skating Outfits Skating Outfits
Club Bags Aero Packs
Gladstones Over-Night Cases
Romeos Dr. M. W. Locke
Oxfords Shoes
Call and see our display of Comfort Footwear
for Christmas.
The Good Shoe Store
£ All over patterned Ties, many
’ in silk and wool mixture, ex- l cellent value, outstand-
ing patterns. Each..... vUV
r. Wrapped in holly wreath cello-
< phane. Fancy colored elastic
f; . with leather cast-offs. QQp
i Pair...-..........................
New stripes in wide variety,
splendid weight flannelette, kite
style 'front, pants have 1 E A
elastic belt. Suit .......
All wool flannel in plain color,
others show contrasting trim
collar and cuff. /| A EEach.............................‘t.CFcJ
Fancy patterns they enjoy,
many in botany wool, others
reinforced heels and QQp
toes. Pair -..........JU V
All wool in fancy patterned
weave1 in color, a smart scarf
for any occasion.Each .......................-...017 V
Fancy designes that men enjoy
wearing, cosy and Q A E warm. Each ...............AeZ/O
Initialed HANKIES
Fine all white linqn with neat
embroidered initial, in OKp
corner. Large Size. Ea.
3 pieces, helmet, leggings and
windbreaker, all to match; good
weight blanket cloth, zipper
front fastener. O A QEach ....................—...rf&av/O
Colored flannelette in good
weight with fancy trimming.
Ages 2, 4, 6. EQP
Fine knit all wool, high neck
line style. Reg. $2.95 O E A
Vest and Bloomer Sets
Reg. 98c fine quality rayon,
neatly trimmed. E ASet, Each ..........QUO
Many in this range half price,
all silk crepe showing lace and
appliqued; trim. “j E AEach........................... l.iJV
Bath Towel and Face Cloth to
match, exceptional value at this
special price. Reg. 50c
Each ..................... -
Pick your choice while stock is
complete, interesting range. of
toys and mighty interesting
prices. See special tables priced
5 10 15 25 35c
This doll stands 15 inches high,
fully dressed and .has Q E« hair. Reg. 50c. Each ... OOC
B. Y. P. U.
The Young People of the Baptist
Church opened their meeting Tuesday
night by the singing of the B.Y.P.U.
theme' song “Sing and Smile and
Pray.” After the singing of a hymn
“While Shepherds watched their
flocks by night” the Scripture reading
was taken from the first chapter of
James. The Scripture comments were
given by the President, Louise Kelly
and Mr. Smith led in prayer. The
minutes of the last meeting were read
and the Roll Call was answered by a
verse of Scripture. After the business
was transacted, a chapter from “The
Story of John Paton” was read.
Following the singing of several
choruses the topic was given by Rev.
E. C. Smith. Mr. Smith gave a very
inspiring message on “The Greatest
Things of Life.” Mr. Smith has been
a great help to the B.Y.PU.. while
he has been in Wingham and he will
be greatly missed by the young
Premier Mitchell Hepburn said.
The Ontario Cabinet discussed the
matter of the C.T.A., with the result
that unless the Dominion agrees to
abolish the statute, the province will
encourage a deliberate violation of
the Liquor Control Act in one of the
three counties—Perth, Huron
Peel—where the Privy Council
ruled the C.T.A. is in force.
On the basis of that violation,
premier indicated, an appeal would be
taken through the superior courts, as
far as the Privy Council to determine
“once and for all” whether the Liquor
Control Act of- Ontario was consti
tutional. If that ruling is obtained
the Government will hold that the C.
T.A. is ultra vires the British North
America Act.
“We will ask Ottawa to repeal the
Canada Temperance Act and if they
will not we will arrange for a test
case,” the premier said.
Hanna’s Boys’Shoppe
Your gift problem for your boy will be quickly solved 3$ when you make your selection in our Boys’ Shoppe. Practical
W gifts galore await your inspection. *
sS' Give your boy a. new Suit or Overcoat for Christmas. We
have new pleated, fancy or plain backs in a large range of colors
W and materials.
$3.95, $4.95 and up
Representative of British Israel World
Federation Gave Address HereGave Address Here
de Pendleton, graduate
Israel College, Harrow
London, England, de
livered ah address on “The Revelation
of the Groat Pyramid” in the Sunday
School Room of St. Paul’s Anglican
Church under the chairmanship of the
Rector, Rev. E. L. Roberts, R.D.
The British Empire has just emerg
ed from the most critical crisis in its
history, when the very foundations of
the throne were shaken in the day b
visitation, and the fibres of an empire
quivered at the terrible swiftness and
the Uhparalielled climax of a succes
sion of events whereby a king1 was
removed from the greatest monarchy
h the world, to go into exile m an
other country- The awe of awful
Mr. Eric B.
of the British
Weald Park,
wonder has descended Upon the Brit
ish peoples, as the power of Almighty
God is being realised,'and that He
does rule even in great kingdoms and
mighty empires.
The Great Pyramid was built by
the White Race or the Ademic civil
ization under the direction of either
Seth or Enoch, This extremely an
cient civilization migrated from their
home, in what is now the Gobi des
ert, and colonized the Ancient World.
From 3,000 to 2,500 B.C. witnessed'
the rapid decline of this glorious civ
ilization owing to the misapplication
of the principles of mass production
and mass consumption during which
time the excessive stimulation of
world trade and industry on this basis,
“mushroom’* civilizations sprang up in
the Ancient East and in the Mediterr
anean; the appetite for luxuries was
acquired, cultivated and whetted;
greed grew, aggression spread, and
“vidlence filled tits eftrfh”; and the
seeds of decline were sown in the
sphere of international intercourse,
through racial intermarriage, inter
racial claims,panel international rival
ry. Deprived of its “splendid isola
tion” by a too intimate intercourse
with the primitive races, the power
of the white race underwent moral
decline and subsequent ..extinction. As
it was in the former age so it is in
the present age. Before the civiliza
tion was wiped out a revelation had
been given by God which was en
shrined irt imperishable form by
means of ail astronomical, mathemat
ical and geometrical structural sym
bolism in the Great Yyramid, whose
message ficrtains only to the British
Empire and the U.S.A., the descend
ants of Ancient Israel, whose fore
bearers produced the mighty white
civilization, and whieh perished in the
Great Flood.
Three main epochs are defined: the
exodus of Israel from the bondage of
Egypt into the comparative freedom
of the Theocracy; the exodus of man
kind from the bondage of sin through
the atoning death of our Lord Jesus
Christ into spiritual harmony with
God Himself; and the exodus of
This Xmas Give
Give Him a new Pipe, a
Lighter, abox of Cigars,
a tin of Cigarettes, a tin
of Tobacco, a Tobacco
Be Sure and Visit
Smoke Shoppe
A Presentation
A pleasant surprise awaited Mrs. Rev.
E. C. Smith on Friday evening, when
the young women of tile Baptist
Church gathered in her honour at
Miss Jean Fralick’s Tea Room.
Mrs. Smith, while in Wingham, has
taught the Young Women’s Class in
Sunday School and lias been Coun
sellor of the Young Women’s Mission
Circle. She has shown great ability
as a leader of young women and has
made many friends among then who
will not soon forget her. She has
taught them n^iny things of a high
standard which will always be rem
During the evening a miscellaneous
presentation consisting of ntany beau
tiful and •useful gifts was made.
The story of a Russian Woman was
given by Miss Louise Kelly, dressed
in a fitting costume .
A social time was enjoyed by fill
and a dainty lunch brought the even
ing to a close.
See our Boys’ Shirts: in stripes, plains and dark shades, with,
sport, dress and button down collars.
59c, 69c and 89c
If Pajamas are qn your list you will be greatly pleased
with the broadcloth or flannelette in our stock. The colors are$3 sure to please.
! v
i ■?)
$1.25 and $1.39
For the boys who like to have a hockey outfit like the
National Hockey League stars, we have a complete range of
Sweaters, Caps and Hose. For dress wear, our range is just as
large. *
69c, 89c, $1.59 and $1.95
® ' CAPS
3$ New Pleated Caps or plains in smart Boys* Caps, also hel-
XpV mets with fur trim or chinchilla. Heavier quality caps with fur
$$ ear-lugs.
' 69c, 89c and up
Many other suggestions such as Ties, Mufflers, Belts,
Braces, Hose, Snow Suits, Breeches and Long Pants.
M Boys — Don’t forget to put your name in for your chance on our
Nfl Streamlined Mechanical Train. “
Test Case To Be Arranged if Act
Not Repealed
Outfitters for Men arid Boys”
The Ontatio Govtrnmcnt will re
quest the federal adfmnistratidii th
Repeal the Canada Temperance Act
and. leave the province as the sole au
thority in the ifiatter of liquor laws,