HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-12-8, Page 2itIiIrtsposta AIR ut lipstressa, said his body me" away with by TRE LMMOAN WkR. y,itsTourhoud. for :nl.yda few months since a h aeatiall Many Successful MOC
a gritall an ud 0 all,.,; but to avoid gettiog themselv., to mail do$ .1, b 3, I" I he same afaime- WOOD WANTED rho" an a slight error", however, is your
Kea" reow, YBO! I Pill IT,"I 11 may tjoillile iiii the subject Crits and thin -Ishook ying their su in which laugusdas 'rho following particulates of thso late btLl 6rP' Statement that he is 11 the verairfirst be is &VetJ to ;: y nn Luj it tery, Cut Off one bond, and burat it to selads. Parties who intend ea
Speaking is 6tryll k1 which be mixed with gunpowder, in the belief I tiunk in Cordwouni will Pleasant bring it (in tAo very last," many others howneg succeeded Niqua' MEETING a I brilwif lanTaild had since died. .ad it,, ilk Tcuue"" me from Federal sources, suit that he should then be able to shout game right away. . Don' t bring us a lot of tuis- the whvit ciOuTerbation we,* cosiducts-1. previously.. It way be true it.% be is the
our.,wo I aide. 4 ua.,t,q:d again. (:rile further lawers way be believed in fully by our reladem, if without his gun making any report to Attract I stable knotilliv first water ibe favor tbud of *"initiation, that olne ' years 640 he use in company with they find it pckan:b # to duai the notice Uribil graxle, kampetrt." ac., l6ill. ill,. $crystal V husband, iurat tht Ili but -a doubt it. The Others Well ago LadoI Tito Late Fire In CLIZA61111, flith Ii I ata 0 Coal - - -_ - GOMML C. W.,. DiT. 'G. 1864. I ... ; is ...... r.1 in't I .,*j at LQUIdIVILiac, Ky., Dec. 2.-Tbe Joursoal
us, the itsrioo --- I ll latully who I A 111,4111farkab'41 WOM&a- long before Our f.umd or his panegyrist& had
A .31 he ('fit& said he thuujkt very 1kitla if' Of this wittarniog had the following :- The Curainsday's nivesugsaltion into flaw, 4111fit, gateting Of lkl e`dt". 6.,j .Usn'Thufams Lai his Strong -tilt date coal their 6-addliud cloth.., said urlincia wl ark
the I I I
them upon which the other rejowasid be did I was Lard to do, had done an hv had done, and of ill&& IIM Came to AL CIII" on Tburieiay 'he llra vh till.culturs' The Nashville (Inion of a me
POPULAR lvt rvt. Illef L ,,losing are the nanit- ftht il"U'l, oil Thaulsday last, f') the out naler at I beliefs he (Ct its) had u. doubt twition at Franklin &nJ formed his him of "Mrs. Pegity Fite died a few ayl agog* ------ 'a, . c,)usileratioll the also beard lite til-ty has (the Germane) wife had ,fit walkin threal miiv* .1 Nashville. Yea. Wilsoucoonty, Tenuess", ed one hwtkdrW S&ITIss Mayorsky Nomination Will fully as wall- This one when won could Of So,
jury ofiffidanci.4 : _J. H. iL&cvv. purpserof &SIV loin. nuluiry it turned out that I ,*many owmailas the two hostile armige were Mad three years. From Mo4rhosiske 1). Fito, ifixi plw on Monday the 19th inst. their degree 11 by the skin of their tve,b." The
I I ile the Still chose, irk ill* ("Pike- Jilar, MacGLrm simulate Fair, I*paw.d met is a" the (I ereallont limmls ttuld I on
. and %be to tit it wait dead, wall %Lai ib.m elagaged in heavy *Lirwtiihing arid the rattle of half grandsons we learn that she fact Wall there is now a d,fiervot abactfood Of
ion Ikunt tifie" is no necc ity for submit-' Alex. Taylor, John Sitop, kirc, W - - wait no t. ut -1 *fewer ini,ilave culuoilon ..Or of 16"I"trl could plainly be beard ill the tmirn oil the 1th olf'ApFil, 1761, "it WES sw SUSLL OUT.'-Thaa Town Coll". Q"Miu-tl-a way Eire a wit of literal truth tneK the ,clInnue of Corifesicration to the Hoary Stephens. Glick. P_ 1, will. G,,). the alli"WilY of 9V&lnlS giblet that ballute her death sho had meia a strevu of Nashville. A battle of terrible fury SO.' is latuament. we do Out believe 1bt ne hundconi arid three ywan tot advertised for money, which means, t, what you say, but thm literal truth
it c,viceJes, that W. Smith, and Mark t anells. 'I'll* ovallence Duct. a. -641todminaLial the Agiie"Well I t.avinent tit that bert, ii,vit by Criix. aid on the I 2th of April lost. tier Lusbaud, Mai pepplic of Canada at all, I $bat( all"w t tile C,unlf your taxes without delay. po"ibiy convey an untruth to ill* Kell mail
'in On, civi' A l at . I 'IA1 1,.,itlict, lite Gormain th-ow, th,st 6 lull f homas bea any fivare for tit* result. Leonard Fite, Wait A Soldier in the MVU[UtIOQ-' Pay 0
t1be sna"llon of libii and other reform ` 100 IeO--tbv t be giiell in jvtLil pilv,., e%ur ,j such & conversn,lion with Critz ,an flu& at week as he would make tile relivalm be. dry war, aiid fought throughout like at, ustsle public, not too well acquainted with the ruled U.r is at ree"ska'y Or an to i;l.e L I. workawl lit I L,,e.alei 0 livive. lie call offer ballie to better advan 1 SwThs weather is Still extreLdielY build and regulations of Osgood Hall. The facts
journall, of a direct Popula vi, -t,. -- yea, I'such Scistall, &I'd not k, in &Ile#" took Place between them. Items, so a private, having Moodily refused prvavmk
, meek of what at first Seemed to be of an i w- was CAIWOU by the Ill by I; I . i " ' lic(ohly part of his story in which it tail* to hiansfalf in front o" than at non . r. and Mrs. Fite ouligraied to 'Fell- Ifor the Wawa, and the offautry roads am us to the succeed f %he Gvdal Siudent, or " nay. , bving taken. is Tully more ral-, by Direoa possible IIIto the death of the other any other point. His Islit wing Tests of) masee flood North Carolina mid Settled here
tionfad tion tile ideA or getting at the ,.,! J,siftakat hamcwr ban been mu4wrevi c,,m;1 as at teJ be 1urfreekilcuru', said wheat atretiAllikerved by this unconscionabl bad. law* been mom creditable the. even your
I Ce membersrf '40 k: -c-illiat Imu- Pdxt,Z, tilvaidre, but hit mmement' he isfintly furcea at Chiettatinficaga it will be sit ong anougla when this pis in flow[, as as A C lloulogium shows us. From
lie Wively by the I' -lull ` I cuts c . And if hill StaLsineia 'to Incr- In ill day@ Fite often iAwd i the Gwerich
cold by diwIvixk6 the Provincial liar p,val,ittatsuf each 110"i &)tit Court
principal tuation, John it, his 6 u the which if Vru- to CIOU Upon Hood's rear suit cut off his rt. in butio while her husband andothere RE HER Gfsmm&r4cbwl; under the late lamented
lollars1111101411? Into the! tee, ilk ref aid to Particular* freedin
The fol-lavoccOuAcell"b" ofpruuf, it is unlyfuir to So far so good, but we fAil to me &ppoommees, before the )uary he druked I- ., Choose to'PAX I. Tito relief Geller.[ to pro4ain,; blindly gi the - ttlement' wittre daefoling Lv4w R*,. Alexander McKenzie and Mr. Haldan., Went. n t inhad ed a rap = the evening of ill-% 13th by Mr.
the force of the Gl,.I.;s Argument thativich'swer left Mrs. Finkle a house dorm. the all, lkt Iressul i it flit ty Preume thal in the others it is equally fails. f-rwaid. 13vu Tho irpmr, lied alai t the attacks (if the Indisater. Ferguillamn, affiliated by amateurs. (tha present amier) tic onsuccessful buy had
vote is nectilk so 1-usIc" it can ba- truth-, of the fire, Lfter be bad retired U, b,lills, were Pftsclil at the ileWit undvrstand that Cr1tA has is* left the said the too is too eager to ta , e he bilit rs. File b live a ith her third son, Jacoll gone forth to Ili* world. Final on the list we "-a province i but we hope that no effort Wilt be, I'le lines are c,loin it the e welay, and Fite, tit Wilson county for a number cal years, Wit- halt our Vuunty Judgew next each hour the bre:1:10"ohni net are being
fully alleged that the feeling of the People .Iloe ve plot The track. orsonall wit: Vir ttestiou is directed tak the thv Judge of
(i.b6i!ifts and %%'an ,.,,d w bring hi- back, if that be possible ofher husband having died y1exim since in ular neighbouring couoty i baval been
I who bad bow:, acc3tapanied by a do., we, I ciinton-me - _% t ; ! m.ru completely woven. We do not tron-ble the Mail tit,mk I moss' advertisement in another column.- is a ,tier ordoubt. The Globe may. [,am 6!u. ,ad hold him rvsNuiuble for the lander County. On 12th o pril, It,
' * * , I plinly visiVe in the fresh amup sa,,w that be, eukhop. Ilkirtlurave.% Smith ppoinloil County Crown Attornico,and many
feel Flatisficd that little or no o Wrn has set ad -at. for the result but strong and liupefwl fur this journal as Una of the Albers have distinguished themselves I. itte
PpMf ands ThoSLMC%l"h-'1' ' I large uumbor of her alvacendants met at tilt We look upon wit'. that eight, Ak,.I that the tracLs were 6o- the c vow find c.utidoutly look fur victory to nee
.,if J., pickilrd. . . I houve of Fite unit cdebrawal tile one I ablest and maliat independent in the Pro. Provi will spring of-, and yet w, g r. J,Instil Deplorable Calsel of rotitolifing. porch upon our banner*. Our in 14, nice 1 hundre-Ith anniversary of lier-bit thday. At' mco.uid to be bil Neal he'll T blame &fill tienTbodows is an able ccuw ...Thus, yod will excuse this correction of all W take A*ir am,,, der. I that tou.. she II&I eleven childmi living, her inrot. for,bowever accidental arid nomination. it 'that a great many pek.1le in the West- (.lit ,,f t4a: Loe .1 the Iloot Gibbi Ara of A 101101.9 FAMILY a prandiet that the Cvnfiriltralka, arms a all dust, a &in, being *,jhty years aid, suit her RINK.
not mcr,Iv clm,icrv.tivc who might Pstal- mLwL\tn the t.f,whica other ad their file I most with a terrible disakater. (;eat 'I'llomans 'it SKATINO -We are pic,ded to aI on Your paA, it way have done Ian %best Tile exPra" youngest, a daughter, fi(Ly 41110; Seventy 611 I I V u the harbor of refuge let o our on
to kiiake 14itical CillitAl 'Jut Of t,,Ot:,r as wLich he was well I, make exactly i subject I bly bopkL ' teI had :!Lered his plane and will eitile ' r ' capture grandchildren, three hundnJ Observe that Ooderich is to have a skating or the go yl leglelly or otherwise. pled ;i; flit b;tt toad rancirenSeventy Low al, t I
an but 114,rujuka !rl&v liar%! One of the most deplorable coulds of poi i or , ilkllAtc the COntodellSte, - ,.. 4. -i rink at last. The lots below Mr. D. Me.
the C uqlv of Huron NAsit, it ix, Dec. 2 -1 he ArTy"i,e full I Youni obediently,
tew, by saying, XSadved, At 9 offuldron. mod two grest-friemigrent-grand-:
almost -4raby Mr. Ur,wu for years- lull us.re "low the .1 'ficultural sonic I hilt has ever happened in this vicinity ; accousts of the Iliac battle at Franklin, and childma ; fit all, fur hundred living dowend- I Key's Gro'cery on West Street ve to be PHILO LEGIIII. - certain twIfiat the lk a ound in Lh,t. di4tcliu I "Ccurrvl ill the village lit odessai Nation I ilia 11,111901KINOIS Which Wait One Of the [*-)it A% the time of her deati& hv gramij tationei end pmparakal for the put" and
are very r.r from e I 4an the C.91,ty f I th which last it north of this city, In Saturday last, no to. I_f re. aftci Le hif'I 1, Vue ""i I Itirihimit in its general results of the War. For C The 'slight error' was fully cot -
scheme should not beubjectedi to -ii I h beive. ths, annu I' *wi% of Iin the death ef Mr. Joshua Booth, proprietor 1 three days sharp skirinishiox was kept u hildreik of tile fifth geneMLiUlk bad inereadiedl very domain we hope to see the new rink for l6to G woolen mills of %bat place, and so I during tli retirement of our army froffix Due sto tit, staller r4,"t half IaLhIr erruffeutgrwat, "fult lie 1
b,'n; subtakilt- ej Ink ( joaly of Ituran. uv VY 109 - much larger I of tile cortiLin her living fleseendat." must, number ters. Of all winter atutasementA this is have observed. -ED. til.tion incident t,) i Ia. oFiV*r to Fr Llin, durioi; whic to twenty on , and her griandsion feels quite covered with a gay thrng of merry sks- reacted in the next issue, as car cot. invall
popular vote. Wcdotfu llarfieLil Ituad (r,tu ovar I , lie fro:st of the ;Aild, slid I r :Lbrilet anuI4, estimable citiien, and his little dug h time & mult" over Hie hundred. . Mrs. Fite -an it resparka- -tit and healthful and we
-y 4 Sam 0 raise yetairs. 'rho cause Alf the poisoning V" plicity of expl.ita *,ad succesets resulted to hie w, umall, as were of I t hour in ho act I the most ingtooL ,u.y I W parsuipai The Servant in diggin the . I'aly ilis so lit to a0m. i.tan", thence over the In 1. 91 Blue'. ill Cie Federal arms. Gen. COX conducted ,hill 'cannot therefore, but wish complete duc-
I local, t he sumbe d4ruitalle Imenlawat to the CLIfiariolF,
e 0 .tiity.- feuck, a:A lhtui tile be',h' W Ntm efin,oh*niallilik, the in p epanktipn fur the ulikajog vanilla '9th achieved a splen- P*t'c;p&%ed in the throughout tile WeSt i 0 To,. itti So cukkav at ear uard, and oil the I ut ofthis qate retained eyes ?A) those ongigtel in tile enterpriw. are L %ll W,Jt!J,UCc ilaCL W tt'vJl' 1: we' IItor spiguet, Tickets may be had of Mr. Finlay, Bank INQUEST ON THE LA,TE FIRIE. gor do we annouric"e ouri'A ros, a ccobsadcrubl quaratity Of these 4 i -t.r ,ery the Confederates I relce.0111'eclion Of the revolutionary sting
ner, W, !" %flat if,.! dilll Gi,n Wkls,ni s ,levelly grait'lled a filly. -e f Montreal. to eaxnf eleratioyt. but le b,!- a OoZ a which 4 to Ifk ratr if P., ,j iao ill -fite. of Routh, Mr. Geo. Bruton, a tactuary I gle. well a., of those which resulted in it L ufik% !lowntice of two , be,ries of important su"ead,s over Ir urreat's alstall%lament of the white settlement ill Tell JUK. -wilem 11 hi,d pp,J,ntjy .lood - little daughter ate fleely of it. advance under Itoddiv. uu the pike between her
is and rift's sh-iialkil be- SLA &jA", wit T and hid
Fall to Perplex the with Oencv f Ifit Co. lbka w i au -I tlwt 1. Turner's mad S,prio Hill. Isurin,, the offer- almost a,, the hour of tier death. with di I(.if sw'. time ije A a. I;U.th valfi, ate a small (Juldilial of dill' 4K,"" - tier meniory ww clear and %AINDS96LD.ro\ik TAirs.-The great licars as to the clfieWf of I!ve About the Lasi,tia seviss tj shAke F::A!e` sllo_n tefv J fair! v i,i ruot,bi,t thalaking [hie taste all%- did out partake noon,ut-the 3oth the Confederate arm) was lialle flands for texes took place its thisl The iffavertigatiou into The orixin the tdl reforms promised, is it not re4vnA confience , of nty,*t of euKuik it) pro,duce any bad rtnult. at. -ter lio,wi b.) land -I'li ak.uitd: i staftlir!'ed u town on, Tuesday and Wednesday last.- fire i Clinton (Mr. Perrin's house) time".
-40 -i 1;4 av Ilout , it appeari, jortouk of the puraiijas gun -urt.4 curpi aA a portion of J)ick Intiro i
that thly IIQUII sFA out d,!,pite, the 4ings In Oe foe in0 cofjf rswl W Let UlAaul. to c-,WeLl, -to w sting Items. Quite 3 number of nionied men were In Tile jury had been sitting wish closed con go'
I Society lay hai and latter dinpv r, 4A did also thi numbering in all over, --overwit'luling Parliamentary majority over to, I each B slid vvith Brutoat Ovainiti Cux'sgallatitchocli - wkath i ')Wit be filled With anclidance d the competition was keen. that it is difficult to get at anything ale U.41 parties that tie 1, to the nnu;Ll Lit ale henatily at dinner =11000 wit. u by wiliAt they are t, he efroct-I. niIli;wri of ohoul-l.deter WVIA ial Lhately to the factory, whi,re he to IS
It),,rtin of the Ith &nil 2.3rd
dvies. Faint lots off, to use a vulgarim teary. It APPearks, however, that Ili* the U:;bt, 1. s, bids
no of c4u!cy tit .led - in tweak enou4b evidence produced to Satisfy
in III,: dArk with re,;,,krd*I mine 9 uext tnaiiwd fur sarl his little daughter fell Corps to join I'maii early
ilk as ( Ila lea hot Soo, viC6 aud a tuess,n -or %widespistelattl fur him. rile small Pot U alorluill,111' Prevleft like hot eidies, it even town and village
recently we were ty or ILI the he day-, in lie, the7 thrvw tip a I toe of braidst, r to the rt ult of the Qu%la,c GNIfere"C", 'f' 4' fat 6 had Acclj"" ly 't iii - he lie did ct yet suspect f fit Laid around Merr;ckville, W. corknier that Mr. John Finkle is a dzi
he he had attempt J t I past n.a-i-it so II llvfviuc &: Exhi. tu I j.. or,.s extend I o n a to tile Other O I is were boei briAly. 'rho sale, aaJ evem novar it ii wk crt#1 6at ill,,,#, ri'vitlar, Zhi ' w la tell our en, I C:y- ,,'i he commencement or the Mill. -i it Sam' pale - -t t striou,i; but soon after a oei,lillur , tile cor'e in If lie. chstrifirter, for I'see be has been placed in cc
f I (,me. eki of the Tea link . ti11A of that Couli O.L I be ti to it COUI ut. I :rpa. asnd tile root !a' I at (4w,fic, 16.,, ,,co,14 class and on the whole. was a cry so U
IItIl C, J "'. ill, rIk puoitiy Lt tary .1, O tiontandpt in the lookup. A warrowt was ahka
- os A , i it ,if ilite ", of 114 un woman canto ol, U la "" Oil I - C: far as is L'iJ I! o kas ved vvil t they IL3;j love, at I p. ru, the entire isolated to arrest Urd. Finkle. 1 live, I pro. tho Gdaverntuvatt Le U-0 viout, is A"j Into IPt a11 ouf'ed- 155 firlt C AM cl-it-ficifies have bellit grant, d..
at it. ' rsi I;t)otb replied te. tile. ilk at ii-, t,11le ol, ome time lit some I& for the purpose of bringing her be.
smice, printed by ordertol' r,rc, berate &.ad Succeeded in in 1'exas -Little turned bar Tile item of* tile news is.our last I I
and traustuilteIl to iti-culKard -of Iselai- too the mil Cie:culursl comm Illy lie thut It is Wt, but the neii,tal living, oinking a it-4upora b e,,L uik or splquilidly this year. repardinz the advatmem t of Mr El ton the jury an a witneski having sudden.
itto take at :it&, *-tier i.ifv1P!i ituriked-tely recognizcd it it I!!,ua,,U tba,e lature, are warke -- Strictly cou'l IIJ11tial. b i,to the .4d . f a. Ilia commanded 6, W er, n
Inw-.1st parvaill, an the raakent Of It .T he sol m composing C The- Leader fee" wood, was handed in by a rftopot ly dillappeared from the neighborhood. Skit
.1 I lit "me. 'tit. lusity. P.6" wilt &h,u.t r. M,dcalt , i's way into it . to pa r i And ye the in its COEIS'JLUUIJiQ efid Irvine, iii th-t Lie. kkl 6e track* liaa ild out til the,, that the terrible reality Italian'. rushvd into he tircusiourlis, and round i came back, however, lasai'might by ransmal
dom Iul. as I carpur-' a,, I - theorizvrp of in Jjt, this. chat, for a Wco I lone. iai.i. M, p.e1whiked at the ei. jtu. a Ls! led across Lhcir mools. Tit,- little g,l with the atta kinAvatirvi,thi,ir lns,l e9zalfal having received proer iu4pecti While tile evititable took charge cf her all ingki, an ill " ve'Y " left, attern:,t to envelope said alvaltiow our
all who refuse to I- -go it blind." If the' know lbav'hc "I aClidell 'I fi-e`1 ill-' I wild Already eziftedltl ly irl I L..c f
minutes altervii r. tit wis talivelf Light. Ili thouickof tounit troops cal'Wall. I atilan i7i Brantford. I we think r. I,. deserved al C it or as to make sure of her being forthegming
ok lie t.j:d !ter ILC based ilia Los: .1
people of Upper Canaa are sia teff ibl , e petitim orthe DelesteA of the *eye eathly si,:k 41so. kill eff", tit to mid tio.-s their - Liale w pushing through sit lit.- has done, it i only wheat wante In the weantille, I am in -
This kit ry Has clwber Agricu:fura, Sotiet.o Of tile ree .,I the V , d..,e ilorck Two - then to say Mat he is Plot he in.; !nat week '
Ihe eff,et Of ilia pui-u,A furmed that John Finkle, has mnfessed to
t ;Csi IIIT itlfu, , c u n just to 0
earuv t 110 the I'Vill'C'SWIlt-Itivii 'JUlts flub US t4le ej ad to %4e I;uk % CC I t, . .:I thowelf: 'y I., the Lite un'J."'def 4 of tit, P 8 bating fired the premisci by arnsind. Mrs. Glolm has for ycar*4vpr,,* utcd them to 16c.. lbou,,, oil tile or ":ad be says I,lm &--I. t the I Society of i. One shott hour aflerwarda Mr. Booth and file torm.11 Pei I , J ery fir -t of our GoderIc lawyers t Iii dinli Cie pt'ste In ilv t1a.,TLum he r ,sa lit rezol-cs ail'tronal the who was 80" 411t and r1sual"S.- Fintille's evidence wait heard this morning And
Tito Confederate. n de fun, char- oil 0 se ou4nis.4 lietwiren a out-% aud his dtcuased I has pamit.4 through the various stages from
atIX: it 6- th"
and if they are per;ectly atbafieLl lll3t. . I . 4 was the -it from custoJy. How
as itr"t wife. frUA t will torminsix it is thilicult
V 1. flit etvm of one thouita%l it I Ilger w- dispatcho harsisti repulse a Iteic I '4tlj&Ult to Hart iltcf in the iU'- cc. One
tanConfedes at ion 'A ill rigillt L11 th,ir w roui;ii, ll"In. flow .;ad sume b&I lt, 'tlu, Ila Quelive 1tercury stated that
or -of, taustal-4 at flat kk:J v It& I
s"y they would unit Lie ffiupiac enamst.1h to Fi do that ui.bt) &a the jury IIA no or two othcr have derbe so tefrt,him in to Mr. John Finkle -ill be agow,
their 'u"Y MlLlidl NJ' their winds that J , fuwait. lie wilt all a, neari - v half f % 0 1 r, let; Ilm% city (a Wed- I Y -ct the Apportunit t far4vr Ito very sick i,decd, -rto. art il' of very eredittible strinner. We are gorr
Degit, ur al,claring fiV beAna ii. he .1. it ere in 'teake rile a it obrought before the jury this Afternoon, when.
house, thou.h. ova 14 be Votilr Alai J 4" A 4r.%r numbr of app;urul at the The question of and, Cir Le made A very lam was a aliowed'and most the i'ttic bi,rclawde lo \, W 11 Islington, mad join LAO A any Invidious d6tinction should IA4 el I it it h 11 [Oaks Some important r4 cotimv led %ilia it$ %,11TU'tU:3l t,,,Iuu.tvly Strewed In 1114 Ili effects at once. but their ammuoit:uu Collns cli chiel o hot orexpense is, in our officiou, a'paltry one to -It,wptto coatki for hii-lailare t I Ili it i Lie illy of Peith r4ceivelt, I"erlialus to the treisenger repebio the fue .,,it helf, whil6 for two hu a tile u " my. made, but wish %fr. Ism Elwood Ste"
Juislbefl:4mes. bred ill Lorid,of that Lord Thc change Like u cc to tb amount Vf tory, Brutuai *a* taken ill Yrry sudlezilv and tlot," of moral murderitu, a ill frum) costs, notwithatandini;. raise at the present juisetisre. c . but I,ucc was trunk Kr ' "' :11 , Im I land doan ui,u, a buad e Of cl`th;' but Sit 'ed *,ill lea ful fury lo%lie ,r4I too *III tlre fux 0, - V,tioltership proposed is a wepi[16 Lilac. 'It provil..., ulati,7 r llicio tateasel;ts. th u,lh . I h! ricultural Sho% have suspected the cous,- it, A l be .,.tcmpls Lai the I,, the Spal ul .111' be succeeded by tile SEAFORTH. 'tteu
cauticatiqJ Joh-s Fioli said 0 th .14 On ili, 1nd A'. ,,wi I Lear% 'lot t, tA(;RIVULTt:R.%L. invite the 2 for tile est,blishaticut of un entir,ly new ivill- Is. to speak toi muill about ill* ties sloce bee., Ailing stimulantv frci,ly, Said U glain a pr.rarknent m1sntAc Mom it a hout ill the. 'Pow,14 of #;Vlurieb S,t`ucte at Iustin;,uiahod yhy%ician, W6) died tion of our gricultural reallers; to the re, Fr,,in our cornriti
form of Goverutficut after the oll system fire, mud litcali'jence ill L4her rripal ot, I - 1libuitgh not now ,cry ek bi. oeed a, it at it irk the Fed-trul po'Iti tk wai of an extreme part of the sa-I Copty. where,, is *ad oc-ur- h' earl biblical, in Paris, ilrdifired:6 I part of a Fbaketing of delegates at Clinton, Seraftiamb and vicinity &"an to be infested
bhAU have lxvu disoolve,l-itconWinplates decidedly eicuip't.", .f hergelt wi .1 b not tall him ILL of d ;.r Ili .. C vinged. shi'e the Cnreileistarki retired under oncu.IuA tvintatunnir ut :,,! tit er ca. If Own A over the entire I he Confederato ION% Ilm 43 let during that twenty wear I flat, as " 1, for
die furtnation of a new IlikLiou out of tile :(ter h:A retired from Z,A srt of lite- -d Colville re enable to "Lace had a cok of ill, ar-sali. I procinsed my profession via this cili, twenty spcitin6 the County Shows, Ac. We with a $warm of PeUY thitv at Pre a
vid.rice,he bu,,t .Adenly intuitive ;ory ruwu a vaulaill, Of, or receo 'Ili benefits is fuliv 6,000. including over 1,000 ptisualters. carried to the do not know how far the invitation exteu- 1 from a watch in Ira or ockes to a geode in
B,:.I!l in a oiltheers. Our loan have been th 6th 'Now. a
clealcutta at haud-it iivolvcs most Serious itSOL I of maii.eer sayin, that he t Iofa"'. `de'e 0 "i knife' on 0
1 he ut but;l the Said :how were held &4er -.spocts was guiol to tell the who!e tSulb Alk,,ut firs The Cousperation of it 4;athedral IC4dled a t,lt4l Uff%!Ut 1,000- earriikelo the &Lzu`4 c"Lum Of ded, but it oceins a pity that Stanley, God- uquestions of firianoe,-in i cry few re ..felt I,, ditfe.vnt ;.,tA of the C.uktv, to bit in expozo,, Iboir arms TieIwretched, m4ged looking follal slit a watch
uist;r while be was about it. purpose PHIT.IVILIX111LI, *,N.V. 20. Additional reports received I` is a win in Maine, the owner of aocA it ignore thc deuaocratic principle,; C Ile itdetcr-mined on by eLe,ralis or that crich and litf awanush and AilifiIA ere lared that %fr,. Fialile had given him tho,iu fly the several grivuAlrall c'ens,e the of the Is's vi, fury at: b 'a to Dr. boy, EllmorAvilto-
and yet the PEOPLE whose dearc5t iate- surfactioull to buru the h)use if he cou'lla a . I 'rho Cathedral ceremonies attv-d'"Al tit* ita &fault of colors were captured U ,crinlliole. who all..* decided! not represented on the occasion. To 'we- ou the !Itb Mr. Bull, watchmaker, Sesforth,
Lite &ilk ai of proamily to %tali
Tests Are at suke, who will laUvo to pay fur find the th4uniand dollar 11ole. tie h()* j I blessai'14 cormiecrivii,knof St. liaul*s ft"A bytha Vision f.irces. Gen talkiley, cum pluck. He'dny2thattoben the minister was', ore Succsin affairs, of this kind, unityof
S."t .-A ill wril "C'ual I) all "ur. And detained the watch As Stolen property, be.
ever adh -ed in his f,,rmer stattaient that he I ' ' ho' SI catiledr&t was celebrated to day launching the 4th cr,pd, bad a very n4rr(jw slid' his wife, he perped I
the three or four branches of legislature itQ11cy srvedilk ILA. that t -, - . -"e .1 ibctiouisindispAiF blynecemary, but we longing to W. VainEinforld. lasiciel Moran,
dolu'llre tb hat but that sat Ihe.pucitkj Kxh,bijij4"e *,ilk alto an, etll6ct. To% C.therhul -lit shoulder, be,
builln, let escape. &aid was %but in the ri, Ianu N if us , L -fore constable, atia-itall in puryinit, tbrourb man itliant oor and Dow it all;
local and geneial, Who will bc called upon to- it caul.t fire accidetoully. Mrs . Finkle ,ice would be done Away w,it. *,A I is the work If vi4hiven year$ labor, and :oil the tivall traversing the Loo and glong out ati o, the spirit of a samin it- must not co,odeman be we know the fall circumstancesof the case. As far m we mod, and tracked the thief all along. L,
lfili,,,U)o 0()o beits, then cA!Itd I&,, stewed quite overcome. .out encuu,, ',$tend nearly $500,11i It in the lar,cat church LA left &Iluuldef. Ile is in %he city, WWI will p on such aa,casi.nd.
pay ill, ir proportion of tho ad all liver the C 4uly i, i ra captured a shoplifter itFt1w site he -d lit ed,liceinthe United States. ati'lend-1 C: -, fit, - know at present, the farmers of this neigh. i Noble Kolls, b&iiin& from winglasaff, having required fur building the Intercolonial w or in coo spot title. -4vecing Ili,- fel- I
earnestly him to s;,Pak 'Ile tluth,' 16 That tit the upimou Of ToLr 'Petinonert, &led in the an'rile military linen all 'witain, Ste., tv _, stolen a decanter of whiskey from Mr. Dixon, itort- that, 700 priests part , i,) duty. on te fit i at 11 JvTY a tile Upi:oUtl %last Uel P. Ste it
an to sit illy by vildle an mid nuth'a. but the tiuih: remind Z 4"" two filtim of Like wb.i;e annual grant from tile ccmmou:r%,which wcmwito=d is SL tklsyr and Scholikeld 1 low toter a #hu &lit off, borhood would not object to the intiner. ere relf-Riallop I'll cu:lductA lite M)Tcn1eut from PulasLi il the he f !hotel keeper, Brueefi,lal,' and stilln tially imuteinbe: llarl:Anaeutary mijority bettles.thathe hA a Jul to &ivv, i ILL him: (I over" mvlt I, he Cu.auty far Agrico!tu,sl primts- I'Articipalingw r- Lam [tit 1 %ec, t :1. J tilt,, plan of holding the County Shows, i off the line at Eseter, pedal Asian 2, not to Wild hiuis if to pardiii by Saying, tell, of cinciollati, a, CC!uAry f cer face of flit ith wiuiir.')Ie &kill: and I tiareatening to Shoot hiia,ij he did not return 1 . 6 . n. clothirs
purp-ases thu6ld tic set aside i. tct liom other the I if it were oinducted upon okluitAble Pet on Abe road towards London. Noma and his
irtk:VUC4bly the all-important qumt on, I ,uch eviie.co as ti,.t. fit. &I;c.ne an rely far the the Said movA! Co. 1 York to arther with the Bishops Of Rusk ..... %I! w:th a ma,niviceat Union vie the article. The thief marched back to I I C i
iture arid paid a double price f,, the cap. Ay farmer'4 rInestiolk smiit.tnt. McNamara. staid over Lai lit ork Mr.
lot or not to In, thi, popular sanction being, aff"titil. John, howe%cr. at-% I.) hit hast I Show Buffalo. Brooklyn, Burlington. Vt., Se -irk, ,ry at PralaWiti. iples. This is a pure
I statement, 'firmly, arid rs. Finkle retired, rt WneIns, 1,!!ts f.
dispeascil with on acc,juut of the er1mrsor iour petitio,mrs thertf,re pray ill it ycur 1 C,st wl^. Fu lace. 3.-Tha corrospoodeut Njw;.i.f,0-b N however, and we bliall hold our columns Hud,nns' Hotel, Lucknow. Will fit wallifer
f,utn tile ricam open to correspo in a fluud` Of fears. I be Jury, worlbi, bx the litilered bU'ot of It.; U4;,IIr broke j.ii hem this a ndence, ir any person fivelli
dul,council 114-ili ,:rits.; fr-no Nashville, gives ., !,,,hr.0 h , fiff lintaillast, Moran coined thin thwilbrashing
True, the Globe inform-, ui drit the people -r for 9r,Ulo Arobe. particulars of IIA tie of Fmoli:in. Seven 'the laws. ly it before the ifixestin, ' The constablo lairrialy in.
of of St. and 1, Pisiols were pressi 4 at the head his Way onward.
after tu4eLb nre- of one prisooer who reftoicil to le ad inclined to ventilate 9 Wited LIM trivellerto lamakfastand ilsonaiinit
01 Canada Will"IlUt butfulit to rcEuaiu in- time ill ".real 6!441!y bruu;ht La the fjlluwink he meted at I, tbe County of Ifuron in' proceeded trunk tile Elk teen diet ct attacks -t the enessial were aof C ... ty Council.
diff,rent off,!.ctalors of' an attempt to rL,b i vcrd;.t: the unaltorofthe sirl annual -rant accordi"44 lull estments with Mi ice throujh , .lit Jus'a; tile rebels were rellu'ver I they threatened to About him made any to Guallerach, where tic awsitalkiii trial.
VL tll('T.- -1 That it, -. Fire whiA occurred 110 our lod exenVf 1,;,ItOrT I,,4an saluare, followed by the . priests, and Pel:ed'
th-Lut of their talic paiio, if I,, a 'tile Ith of Now . : pr Ceded to the Valliedral.the ch. -it chortling all pointa, hot the firing dill not ceA,se until alarm. 'I he pua:tc - am now on the' track of Written for the Sinal. bwIXI)l.rA.
Cletus on The .1 And a:&,, %hat it* .. t relating to 4,lewitu-, mine o',;,ck at ni,lit. At least 5,001) rebeld the fugitives. On the way Lome, Morme arrested John
last, by which the all h- of W. it. d uns. The usual creanunics -ere that, and captured. t:y-The Charleritois Courier of
SICC41211ary, to make dican, -lives heard from iocieti" be so ameAcd that 0,e said soinual e vigarAilled, wuun3ed, Ole Slit I THE WEE RAGGIT LADD] E.
in lsvrriu wait destroyed, Wab Set 111 County Show be he:d &!ternhasti, in different' ikraceed -d with, fifinump Wood, accons ' Daniel Cunninglamu for obtaining goods under ratoe
we ask at i
terms no6o be mistalion, but, I fire by Jahn I vWe, ...I that !I,. as in I. I.,, sod r.w Yost, D". -Savannah and other ofientiong that a mail anit wite unfied John
'dh Ill- "'"ts apriolil,04 Oie f)undat papers of Ili,- 7th, slid Iti, .,,,I NIAFT ullanev, wpm killed about :half LIR-TODDIAN' Tit Ad' ar,. pre-tence'll from W. Campbell, Eail., bearortla,
ho 6 to judge of tLe sufficiency of any listed thereto by Sol-hia, Fiukle,." lt"r if al,lej.4 .414 with holy winter, All. %fact the VubtO IT anch a, e!L Pm"`z of the lit Ill,c. are received, f -an plot 12 .'clock on'the previous Sunday nigift. but hawing too many irons in the fire," wad
objections that tuay be raLied ? And We understand that the coroner thereupon, 1. the annual mi, euaj for be of deter entry form$ oil, sucvh raccaskionp, tocludiFfS the y is driestedri- , e If which entered tba Sce yonder keys, ladda, will, blandif at the door, F, Slam hd been conalldA. Jklcb iwb'ch the follow"" Summer y a frament of al having no beand"Ifio Cuunnaighwas to UC mu" has warrant, mad Jul, like ,,ad ,,,an. at what t I i made on East room in which they were intl:ctint- He)i w,' be'. - cm Pat", through what ankeium are they he .Irit e wo. annual -ered air It appears that an allack was re, from him at firusefield.
Sophia were built saftiv IW,tJ lit tile (: t shop Soulleier, or flail mire, delii f \"ek feet am quite twisse an, ilia so I, -ill. Y -,bill $hill I be hold. Malcom on u rlajr, the 210th, the reffeN lusill, mortal wounds tit the abdomen of the oil or- in it., rac .we too inty or nee one toe an-,. I rd, if not through the press, which, County in this lowat to wall'their t. inj 11 the t,st. 5th I ANOT11911, WATCH TIFIRF.
Your lwtltiutwrs also pray to& two fifahs impressive sermon o a battery, which they subse'leentiv recovered lunatic cumplo. It I., supposed they ere tbe fail her we. Look n the void Home'. it does not exictly coincild with: at to'. Next of tile *bole I for clam.ptcr, 22ad mod 2wth verse il,clubivt- tali small loss on . both fides The attack killed alimust onitfioat!Y. but were not discover Arrivis- home, a negria was placed a his I"r,cu'lural purl.,,,, r :made I I fr but ed until Mood y morning, when they were A.4 he, .,the, 'd door,
Glotc is liAL to be black lli.tt ?`Ld -a he set I The Charge, under suspicion of having stolen a ea. was expected to be rvinewed on the 2 I bat TNTICRA-MONIAl. RAll.w.v URYLY.- 'a :.old he'tivan, were plot. to mesa the expenses of 16 it was not, &aid the rebels came to th AT watch. The darkey sold a watch to Mootk '
its theorizing." Mon of Ifurou all I' W-ITAS,73, -WIT! con ,found dead, lockedtogetberin oneanutber d.='wi
Q.vbec 31ercurysayt; that the engineering chmoon that tb3 movement on Suridlsy was a .,.$. oisst olet wonder bleavalf. mair cry's groorn for 91 3, vahled at PO. A over I ray. - 90M
Draw! you are deeply interested in tit ui4lki recently. a man f".11 out of a party under lair. Walter Lawson, C. 1: , with reint. it wax probably m,de by a small force An wintor-wLad orbiellestlo-ugh ilk college oor
indow of the hotel in Newbur., 'a Curtis. watch of the same description being adved. subject to which your atteutin has bee.- fury w JUNAI, GIBBINGS, Chairman. Mr, H. J. Cambie '01 So `c A XMIM11,16 Stopped bY &A UnUmflY Yet worm beams am bilmovit, who'll think a' Ili@
pit. tweed to Bmini papers as stolen, ofitele- Arawn, and we adjure you to " make your Y., in the course Of a sommmutfulic piom Who bate been in the wood' ay I"tl 'rho To ustis Cons(itulwmtligt, Of ill* :oko- And feel to, the ladd. Who .lead. 1.1 the door. graph wait sent it) Brantford. but no &"war
ade. The fall broke both arms, awsaligif line* bei extremely wrt, slid tile flies to 24th oil., Days that Siontro's entire c,)rps sent voice heard," before the final steel is en down the vi sole of tile I fell tee river pro- A wedding ceremony at Pearyis classic to The leaveso' (be forran am withered anst,dwed arriving flail darkey was discharged.
hill jaw And knocked out nearly all his teeth, The Btratforl Murder etory. have returned. They report the all ran the 22od, indicatinA the an uttespected close on Thursday or eit under And the their falose-imi a *bad--
knbut it ilk irut stated whether it saroke him." troublet-ne ,I ill viuus to tile w,,lat (If I
base lwil unustakilly inailutioll to pa4s by Au4usto. betireen that peculiar circumstances, 'A weli do ounif Itut Mpr,ng var, l return wi' its noinfloW gr- en,
-r. 10 When the werandays ollitinarkiner will answer for
So stuth the Toronto Daily Lollr in A PARTIAL CO.NTRADIC TiON. part of tile sumint The f-:I()*illg oinks for the ses be man, named Andrews, recently raclurnu The Importance or youth Is Is I'M011i
Own were also of the party: place start MAcoo. am trusts ob-n.
itis editorial summary on Monday. If that The Sir Me twien Sivarna's snal lBrunskill, Australia, hall wooed and won a dentinal I ill. Gillsoy. for Acquiring Knowledge.
TAX EXECUTION OF MULLER atfird ficticon had the followinj lk,luir, E Owet, Jiffies, Ilevviolds Black- youpectably connected, and, lamwing procurtil Mr. Sandicard I leasing, is not 'I pecimen of it * LAC it, we should with referetice I I Lite start o; a marder said well. slid urray. like to linow what iS. Think of An great ill have been cummi-t,d ' the chief engineer of the it present in Another iffurder in London. a anti. license, the pair,ationded by.irl A TARM TILICK. With reference to the self education which
The wretched murderer Muller expisfed in that town we inevonake, have a than a dozen friends it, four of five coritaXed,, most be conducted by many who are entalred
his awful el itne oil t'le gAllows in front of big L, 111finsvirick, will, red for Pat We have another horrible murder on hand. art i wed at about alleven o'clock oil the above in the ordinary occupations of life, and . by
summarizer holding hill siden years ago. report akI the explorstins P It 6 in roulity far in,)re ghastly than the Tail. ornin., at the doors of St. Wtivias Clai On Monday, the 29th ult., a most ralk, men 'a humble life-tiffire is one book which
Nourgate on the morning of 31ujJjy, thj aill roArinZ with lati6litcr an lit! pictured Talk; Sfonv of Talk ()AT.-InCjrwnl,n With liament during theapproaching skergli'Ju.
thd a poor f' lions lyhomm upon ths pa;ctnentl others or our cutilf utporari", we did not I 0 der, but it makes law sensation ad it Pet it. The appearance of the party indi cally attempt was made to secure the con- may be read, not only with profit, but with
14ih u1t.* The se.,ne as dcscribcd by , ' i decto the r -port Lai b,co MAGIstrATE.-A Mr. Green, :71.nu.'ko a ciao awl is not unique, like the caVa more than ordinary denim to do all i fist2tion of the Pchooner Jenny Rrianball, the highest interest and pleasure as on Mae-
bruizA lid a jelly ! ILL tile game excellent the County dumij ilia pul,t abroad ;If 1 A ItAtCALLY Norfolk, Islauglater of Mr. Briggs,o. I be victim, this honor to tire occasion. The offienctinig clergy. I what rn.y be, don# iky persons in
daily press was a terrible o;w. rile Con. in such on ;it th, comm;is;on of tile peace for or this town. It seems that on the Sur.. tmf'ou 0
taste is the Lclrltr man's way ordoing reas uu;,ht ttreciit ,nalkilic;i-ni ill the i ontD,puij Iteove of Towns"I'll, &aid tt7n." llkelhe ACCUSej, IS & Getra.M. In the M.Lo, tile ltev. C. D. wistanclQrs, curate, Con. , humble lift. I all de to a work of the hasin
vict was pule, but wcandt rfally ca al I . we do not remember any dueled the Service, which proceeded in due 1 day night before,vibile theJenny was lying lamented lfwgh Miller- My Schools and
up a uiciti; -- Mr. Blank, of' Blankville, oolufuns,ura lvews. Iwr- The terrible nature postmaster or 11I aterford. has been gazell history . clime
Collected, Lod at the last pror.ssc 'ho,lb. of Ih,. 'kii-I a , J h4%e I'vell committed ; out of the Commission. This man,it, -appears, I thing rovolting'thian the incidents of the course uotil the uestion was sake d of the , Bay City, Saginaw, and while. captain Scholmasters." Beyond the scholstruff
fully pruparel to atcp into tLe presenceef thoiight fit to blow his briiiii out 01, the A-Kiall f th.. pef- rk skilled at I veduced a girl in his employment, attel"Pted i discovery of this crime. First we have a biniproons, 1, %Vitt thou have thz won,an to i Da and his crew' were asleep, a little education which he received as a ebild, he
Tuesday last. ' That'w tile way, r, that -10exiiiwasVe there, ter, as is .1ige 'to this, instead of: lacy educated himself. It's Rallied was always Ali
,j 91 Ili product abortiian by and not sue- baxi body found in a patch of weeds close be thy wedded wife ?"
the ijving whose laws he ILA so completely aearly ftyelkling ISecret ; I . I tried to indukee the girl to take poison to a great tticaroughfare, surroonded on three he, ordinary affi-nistive, ILP mplied, Well, , vessel, comm.-kndc,d by one. Louis NIONeal, worL, mind we know the great litersty heiialat
ler, think or public mor4ity, and lihe fength or eveding. I
tie wait tried at the sides lay cultivated land, and within hml of I it. n't mind taking her for a month or so on came alongside Lm4 McNeal told his Men be by the exercise of %how focalties,
violated. Around tho 9:111ows W3.1 a hs" 04111111 Since the tra!rly is to efr"t Ili* pLarotAw. hif on,betualy speech Astounded the - w hick God bod given him. A yonaing - III sort o * thi I,, ;in I a-' to 64ve brain iFb
seething, dirty, prufin auisf or 0.0001 a yo,,d ex a nailde I t the ory, after a long doollita m. Further search leads us to a dry triAl.- me. whiskey Which he said
it- beets inaintmintil re3pectinglab4limaration friuZ a verlict of not guilty. ditch. D'Sort of channel tilt the Bond wst rs of1f.ongregalion and di4gusled the clergymen, I to Put Aboard 60 acrooke Whom citcumatfiences oblige him to devote
to I ountry press by the Canada himseif to manual labor, as in the calls Or
huLnAu beings, representing all Oral, it *aid the 4-th of Sam.! If ill-, Who were - 'rile (,bier Justice rcmarked at the times that i vi timp,filled with soft mull. Here there I who instantly clo"ed his book, went into %Ike; had been smuggled
the great city. N`k tilt a I Otect, I are fuutmal kit, a want blood Main, but no sign; vestry, and di4robed. Tbal Wtirs followed: emi &D,l which he had bught. The Haigh Miller, may think it impooible (of him
'Ito it to dilmee the CORILY119, of a Struggle for life. The. an so,tailuous 1 beg,,ing him to proceed -tali the core d to ac
land loathsome i -i IlilFT GOOD. -A gentlem in in I'llin. "ring ill the house at tile time, inredictl tile, he hoped the the Game of Jam- ental cultials,. But beer in
pictur fur the studetit of humin na;,urel don tile lefus advertise, hilwicit'in the cast. I o";Illy inkill'.1144111b" 1, nl owd not be allo-e I order was obeyed, and next morning Mc- oAttila
for less sipe, Wbat siun of the Peace. lie should be depri wed Of' Count able, peetial4about, alights upon.freshlyl but he resolutely refused, arid left The and that youth in the time especially for The
,:2uh,,ition o(knowledgii, and for the formak,
;eyer. retrained from all his offices. V
in its lowest firui. Through Lite rair , off clothing I'llike, and winds tip with an the (:Ill turned esi and scrap,og deal the suiract, builalinz. Neal reported ill,-. Alleged CON of 11=09- sound habits. which are of OfteubAl
0 "?y parTs' h
ni or sunday a thi:a pencil (if Iii;ht i .14. B. that tali li w no cutinection with any y Ich distrua joum, he find's's human Land, smai .,,,)I y gel i a to the customs authorities, whi.h as it. after life. It ladis been well
ilWhom a Mon Is 110101 more business left temple. It is surmised that the murderer. KI AN( o( rt nattyrs. the value to
in the city willpower he wait led his rictim into ahe over- plant week a most Melancholy led to the arrest sold t at t is a solemn thing to fold up and
6LftamIlJ;I from tile WiLI(IOW of ill-' Cell 1'61h, r clip -trap pla etof the Jenny at once. In h
noangood end to he' jet yea lay han you are, look at the advettivernaint3 ha oc,earminee took 'I life to Anisholit
ties ill the PA Tile filminess man *ho growth of rialthem,which convea0ed bth,broke place it, the township ot FActint, slynal fifteen this dilemma Captain Daney went ashnrp lay by any portion of ork,
within which ilia writcliA min Was eat- It Splicers that
I;A,; d i,I t!lj last of prop.iii ar. Park from whom and complete that we can Iocik bach 00 in
m run Till Sours a WutyVZV: 0 Is-e &in will it ,,b:ie,1y b,t rather puti bid paper does a inuch wiser hA slatill lay u tmmend ion olow, and then I miles wPat of Brockville end soon found a X (iiZeftc,.,f Th I Jay that the a entit'p,l to'itte, bellent 1 thing than when lie fastens it over his store cuiiio4 off tile bond, allowan] the life b!cdad to No ... .. f the name of John O'Neil, .1 with honer, thankfulness and h'Of and who would 110A away, bvf ,re lie removed tho. fur his doom-uithout, dill imuliediatuly Walker, it kru:u.iteer nume I the C011fewl"I'ditc I of tile Rd-11ti-111.11 doubt thrown ()it tit, body, and educated And respectable person. who had the Yankee captain had bought the whiskey flat there is no period of life in which it ad a
I -fr think air noglecting that?- IL - to solemn Act to (old up and toink back
under that window, pror,"ity, filth onJ hos;):tu!t at Rithrracord, is now ill this city to I the So-called " reveliftin, " he i rho man who ndlerlis's infairniq the public link ied I It.- he bject of the latter been & conimercial. traveller in Ireland, and i preiono k putting it clandestinely aboard avo
rijbIxry O! tile grobskest & Viiotijtl. Ile purpo,, -uf UbL.ailklag i'rvLu 4c coottibu 'tradictior, has to I that he wri it) trade. &aid Ilia sadvert,inlinent proreedinl, it to natural it, loppose, xkan to wh'-se family, raffuo!ting of a wife and three life then in AN period of youth, because Ilia
li,- .1 lit. e-Impitwo for sm ww ilortion of tho r is sr. Invitation to dentificatiah of the body. But it western part of ill* the Jenny Itumb.ill in orer to secure her I . iiv)sz a is youth never can be
stort we blish Where onall read. opportunities I
upitythat tho 12W whie". liefivioll 9401, custom e t th,, i daughter&, reci ig in the
ruq.c, - X briet"ill the J at his uncle's, Major orwifincatinn sod hill hair of the pinder, repeated. Youth.hr the seed time of a lielf,
kniviall.1 to,, Ill. .Ou:i&-J .If nefit and blersing, and stiverits-
itit4m, iff vital we Ilea . A G@rmAn I #wm to come and ashortsight #1 am criminals. The body Province. ral Off% via' tword of justice down u.,oa Oij ti- of %hat Soutl I who too frecluently perish mme,l who has been living file Some I sign in the street, five hundred mad it in the. with no sonner carried to a tovern, a few hall Neil, an old and r"Pected inhabitant of hich would have amounted to a 6?m tire years in the unnod 4 maker n ii'Neil, 14 se,orns was restless good ges to as hereafter, if it be rightly improved,
tit tho m -kat allsoluto nocasiderifilq for bites, is said to here "dwspaScre. No matter h,)w well #I business fired yards dktant. th-in it shire @Wing E"Tolt. -job tation being %,ad it is lik meod-t-we, GRA-flu"41"I.7, to to's
toe murderer, did not al,io apply lilic rud it. on faffirbaw it iwi, And ;oak a large r1o". of louden thing." On a proper raparemakin
hair i. W,kl"r is a il ik Ire on., if counman In now", be Cook ILI-AT4 pick up new it, at once. recognisid the bo.ts. This laid to and tolaws him Aftelp at night. Instead of made to the cu4torn house officer, he at Mon, who neglect &.it wasto their time, or
Of C114114SMILCUt to that Alilify LILUSLA of' lit Of Who , ,
a 7 I, that 2 )care ago a nefialoodurs if he will take the plains to odvq, r the arrest of the Gavrorma at *flood house the Dill to an- - tr.i%clier wax Ine,lemi n Ili* tid in nties; for neglecting thp, means of onceri I Inquiries are In aelbowing Ilia" to a," however, the Imaidanum on pai it in "rental indulgaincksk of remorse,
crim-, around tile gAlluvar,, troo be,411116114 Ut'llid wAr vu;uoicered ,ad a nurse I murdered man lodged. mmin him demn gell as releade.all the Jenny and informed a t and sorrow. -(Sir (iforgo
At" far tilt! briaketel cicilaitwa m,I To- Ill 'be "Le'der" "I"W!" avingh raw, ofurd, nni )"at it larp wLq * iih har trade he loved the best of his profits." career. and during the night he I alwappointana
frie,als said culoar) tot that %"pit kept the and ShQ ,* I .- __ _ itgot tip &aid attacked his uncle, who slept in Captain D-Incy that ha conbi stend the (j,y. lineament of our age, hour much, of t irid V is N Z oubdiferibers am thus As EXTRAORMILIXT AIVAla.-The Collimi these* room, with a rater, ctitting him into rustically Xalloal to tAteva Primarm if he
ULe &A.." spi,it or desalo charity Lbrat oe,,l 1 Ve lea a high posonill tow;,. in, tittpoted , y smairdi the bons, on bth elkeokf from thr our to the as
to'. Nilflitinipalit "it her comporti,m, 1, t h. Ile Iffirms, so we nou toley that Ca In islai As the natinfaction raffe.reill would g:)P- A late Pttonbmrg (VO-) PAM Stated barbAri-tin underlim its sparittio.9 waters. ON . it 1. by thorn editor:- Wag,toos, can rr an Iflarivre relative the Itiallow"ll *a FiatJ. r.,
Scutari and the Clinton. Shp coined below I be we 9 e -11Y. tiyears %go 04 1 not run without sheeh: - boats without nmI straor,-hich has frowel great ,zeiteneent mouth. have, "t a gookill tical, T om (Is(-.] ined but Fair the" or fear weeks past Severely a
Whih the ghiody prep-ations were facing I junill withimt logs, or a Inihat town And naiAkbOdnhocd:---A4 a eoulawattect the unforfonate trof Accredited tar I*Itcrefre):n I ern in question, all that licato itool at before leaving the river, it is hintt , he shell has layers thrown dirikelly into the @fly.
made, Dr. cappiel, 111 killer's kind spiritual lailigliest Position in WO in 'tail, e fly there was 6 , fit girl them who wait after. n Wapa,ier tie car, (-it on an everisialing time p=n. n Hrall,hville, whom he at present . Sines
in I ,::;1O1tAuvm,jorl wait out %isoutinS cil hag slept almost con. found on op Tinnily of giving the trick -
adviser said;_,Iffe few Moments, ilallerii the Stiveretary of %Yoe. Wo trunt kill O r wards marr, tj a Gorintork living not tar without ronal if,) tuom then a dill can amil for from the eanketwiry of his committal 4) N po The number of slifillA thrown into the e4liff
estimated will out (if theiroburniance c I from strutfomf feawd the dealt brilly (as old tirrually, awaking at short intervals, and is after a firming that will keep him in lively
., I . t,,,n Proan ranov hit tail bee he has none. Out Ad, lie ino$4i y rakeorerinfir him "fasn". Major Neil fewombrone of the affair for a few malliths , I asionishing." It further Neal- that
you will aided befirve God; I ask you lithemily to & work carch bute the 000 der a 0 flow rin bid saw xill eaked but What does a mosk,2 graw an _ an rodnall during the progress of tile howhordswot van
isrity fahtel, to,, is a sbroul. g
I I 610,000 polls& of Yankee *11sialle hav,*
again, mil for the, last timp,aro you guilty we whether their Sympathies b, lay fruits 'I eliNferich, land *tripled do alb- It do Yoe any stood If We have . y I la bill still I- hilli to to arms, and very few of our readers will f 11:Vouthmitbils, and the body
Southern *godly appeal* to thcraf." two or had as that of a Madmitsk, Allairv, I
war instrument 1" Ile reph(4, 11 alai ionks. three dilia. ilia evet.iol of the so al"I'l that ev.Z, think. that all be" Wake lockage lit , 'a "' silly ye" of'", 'be inelinewl in pity him. been colt tivall lat t, and sold to the
ad le"r fol or it 1111, be Z41. Adi W On the 24th *bile his nephew is alanot forty. Vainard70 A,
"emball (it third day, the 4,con;rwr to f Of it Will Make sit. It wan at first suppo.ed theta the 0"0 10
so Avg. Rowland Hill- 16 I'lle him horls ready antly next filwasmonds 1460 96,fm sheik wells shilown into Point -
*am: Dr. Coppielsaij, 'You are innomtl* Tile I .. .od Goderiolk Ilityll-
"Joel"% we own words is the form of a 1msmo- NOWS Wall. 1114 chapel b&,iv4 been aneAntilles to prewoviaill ota bb no Iit were toe had been disinterred few the purpose allatipall 1:3k- A travel orator li rallon a built, and yet, strearigan to any, not mom then
__ Reffifir maswerod, GKI il ... tested by pink plackels, he I The hr,tva, ne in reentheem at on savill I dris-ra 0 a hundred &*ON bet any j0wollory litat All have hatert be= speech Which hel intawrAt t.. deliver can a
to hot in closer onam.nation having cabritain takeesivion, gave it to a friend in T &IS. EA I'm f ns Wallis 8111ind Aft -n or twenty parse" Were killed Whall
witind the ankof -station I bat Ie I p-Inied, bet aide. stronger AW talk ourm inwarm 16 -ifift mom all, title coal -fill elt Out I mm about allostablas ill" oun4w, woodwind I
oto &it Iii A a"
be us
illIlik liry
ltry aunit. ofsoonea I in by ar-
,e Ieob. oromOne 11 Ponce, to whom sit I. siltnXistive, too Caudell. As the albol-is 1"4 the on hod bean to part do andissolved hot affirifficks or it. he i
mioty koo- what I ho, oil "it na hitle, timilki aAerw%,& *an fidald G l lal =bilio we Settle Lima bill fruit Dead - fr$ Plot 1, yen but death to pri..d or ill* Bill% and Ili" the alliket earl &(ter mf" time, tow life afellial, bo W -@4 gind 10 Use Ili" a young Goderiels fisill, Mt.
an b.m no mt t hisaw . ,,, .1, The N. Y. lVatabeal Dole 7-11 As tile lollineiii- M bay* dam I" "s repatting the om -but he added, 'ill-- be Sta0 &am 1,11A. Whitk Sol- us. &bit~- lied likesel eat tip@&, it area do" a Led it rise, the" tkom that first time at @"owd Jew Y. lillwood, id fistintringly Rotational; 4p.tial majmiti" am now Opel Is
it of WAIW inan which we 40 010 A" 16st eanso, bellsor to v italkeraft had m1sam the very good, the mainland inalmrskiii " also ifists"al #am f flit,alift am. is the at"" gloring
hie to so, M?k;-" " c pleft *(my kind am Who at -6 Or this a to, to anLee" tot his immet. third 4whe lssiod. "'I"nat mill kle", HAW fillud"It"
fififis am am VMS is so 040m" "o Iv 1160 P
viet's own frovlle 'Djw God know that leave to ass, that there also BOW t., This mos to be wit the onalleo majorities would olliect VcCle!-
this pirticular dould owed on the I 241 a" livallow that IM stla-l- b- -6-4 in a* of mt~ to took novalk. it opposed that a belsof in it. ocifti the omuw Tell isall"', " for I be" Only to, many r4aooed6 -vb-W.
_lwip Ife, Night ill bar "Olwv 00"t ."% &it ;ID if"m ". parer. irties o0makfam remains in rre,staut is tit* rollout it owe." ton."
you lair, dow mim,"= INS youth bats 40M credit fr, ill* smsma to"