HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-12-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT Thursday, Dec. 17th, 1936HI' WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES wmftustus Caesar issued a decree frothed, from the home of her ed to Bethlehem to pay their s sixSjnfles. Mary, seated sidewise on a \beipngings tied in a cloth hanging se&h trudging beside her, found !W\strd8£s of ancient Jerusalem, n intcxhe Valley of Gihon, ^-J^alestine’s hill country and ey probably paused beside the road to be (Jailed the Well of the r\ would stop there tVaiXeled by camel to ____________3 YEARS A that all the world wa/ta Thus Joseph tq mother Ann in J taxes. Now the way small donkey,j across the their way [th through the J< then up to i|he on to the Plain of Rephaim. Midwa drink from a well. They did not kq'o Magi because the three Wise Sh^pjierds folio to drink and to see the star reflected in the water Bethlehem in search of Jesus, the Son soon to/be/J/q Joseph and Mary were humble and fl pily -across the well-cultivated terraced, their flocks, noted the old stone watch towers where the farmers to look far across their lands in all directions. Then\theyg|limps<kHJi\city of Bethlehem, ildings showed ther.\They gazed hap- hVph’&tds guarded d shepherds could go lyside. Now Mary^was with child and Joseph wanted b.ut nojoom wa£t$)U had. So the couple sought ible was a cave or grotto in the rocks..w x - X x X[with bay. Heije, in the year^ILC., the thirty-third People were having tcysleep byfthe to protect her and make her com _ shelter in the stable beside theiminy / f /Jvw With crude wooden mangers year of the reign of Herod'the ^reat\jesusVf Nazareth was born. Mary wrapped Him in ' I X-X ' " " imtort; / I . swaddling clothes and laid Hi' / // ( announced the Sa^ur’Sjbi^h^rne'to/kneel low beside t before the Babe whom, they adored. / - Because this Babe was" born the -dhole worl( peace, love,/humilit^^llz<the great truths of/Ghrjstianit birth. The basis of modern civilizatio Evenas^the Wise Men 2000 years ists, believers and non-believers journ artery of communication between Jerus the Well of the Magi, the terraced garde\is}\he s towers. The highway is now.smoothly payedX urious motor cars. But they still pass caravans garbed in costumes of many lands. For pilgri Land, particularly to ancient Bethlehem, whose grayness has increased with centuries of dust and erosion on its leaden-hued stones. But dull as is its outward appearance, few. approach the city without a thrill of reverence and awe, without renewing acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures and gaining inspiration and faith. Today they cross the lively bazaars where “objects of piety” made of shells, mother-of-pearl and olive wood have wide space among the food-stuffs and goods for sale. They go to the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem’s greatest relic of antiquity. In 330 B. C. Constantine built this basilica'above what is believed to be the grotto-stable in which Christ was born. The church looks like a fortress and its entrance door is so small even a short person must stoop to enter. It was made thus not, as some, say, to cause thoughts of humility and reverence upon entering so holy a place, but tc> prevent the ancient Saracens and Turks when they were in power from desecrating the place with cattle. Five different nation­ alities of Christians now guard this church and hold services here.. The place is strik­ ingly simple. The Greek Orthodox and the Armenian and Syrian churches occupy the main floor. Two circular stairways lead to the dark caves below. There is a chapel in the grotto. On the floor is a great silver star With silver nails over a hollow where Mary is said to have given birth to Jesus. Around the star is the inscription: “Hie de Virgine Maria Jesus Christ us Natus Est. *• Fifteen Silver lamps unceasingly burn day and night over this holy place, Four belong to the Latins, six to the Greek Orthodox, and five to the Armenians arid Syrians. Repre­ sentatives from many Christian nations kneel in common before the little altar. Seldom is the grotto without worshippers. Whether or not they believe this to be the authentic spot of the Nativity, it carries the atmosphere of holiness and spirituality. The handsome, proud natives of Bethlehem seem always a happy people, but at Christmas time Bethle­ hem radiates Joy. © Western Newspaper Unbn. ierb^the"'shepherds, to whom angels, had hiumble bed^ndTayTheirgifts rejoices and celebrates Christmas. Joy, me to the world with His ethlehem. rine, so pilgrims, tour- e road, still the main art of Israel. They see nd the old, old watch too often ride in lux- little town olies in th o mac e epherds fields e travele camels and ^ses and see pedestrians near and far to the Holy