HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-12-17, Page 6THE WINGHAM AD VANCE-TIMES
Thursday, Dec, 17th, 1936
Grape Pie
Four cups Concord grapes;‘3 table
spoons flour; 1 tablespoon cornstarch;
14 teaspoon salt.;,, 14 teaspoon grated
lemon rind; 1 recipe bran pastry,
Wash and stem grapes; cut in half;
remove seeds. Mix sugar, flour, corn
starch, salt and grated lemon rind to
gether thoroughly; combine with
grapes. Cook slowly until thick and
clear. Stir occasionally being careful
not to crush grapes. Cool. Line a
pie pan with pastry. Fill pastry with
cooled filling. Cut a few gashes in
center of top erust. Moisten edges
of under cmst with water; place top
crust on lightly. Press edges of top
and bottom crusts together and trim
one-half inch beyond pan, tiring scis
sors. Flute by placing forefinger and
thumb of left hand against outside
edge and pressing pastry against fore
finger of right hand, Bake in hot
Oven (450° F.) about 30 minutes.
Pumpkin Pie
One qua-t rich milk, 1 pint sifted
pumpkin, 1 egg, 2 tbspnSj flour, 1 cup
sugar, 14 tspn. ginger, 1 small tspn,
cinnamon, 14 tspn. salt. Beat egg
yolk, add sugar, pumpkin, flour, spic
es and salt, which have been mixed
together. Gradually add the milk and
lastly the beaten white of egg. Fill
crust and sift a little sugar and a
grating of nutmeg over each. Bake in
moderate oven until firm in centre.
Lemon Pie
Two cups holing water, 1 tbspn,.
butter, 2 egg j oiks, 1 lemon (juice
and rind), 1 cup sugar, 2 tbspus. corn
starch. Put water; sugar, butter and
lemon juice on to boil for 5 minutes.
Beat 2 egg yolks and corn starch in
a little cold water, and take
from fire and add corn ’starch
thick. Beat the egg whites on
Christmas Mince Pie
Break one 9-ounce package of dry
mince meat into piece. Add 114 cups
cold water and place over low heat
until mince meat is smooth, free of
lumps. Add3 tablespoons ‘sugar.
Bring to boil, and continue for 3 min
utes. Mixture will be pratically dry.
Add brandy now if wanted. Cool.
Cranberry Pie
2 cups cranberries, 14 cup raisins,
94 cup sugar stirred with 1~ tbspn.
flour, 1 tbspn. butter, then add 5 or 6
drops almond extract This is to
baked between two pie crusts.
Cocoanut Pie
One and one-half cups milk put
to scald, 14 cup granulated sugar,
tspn. salt, 3 tbspus. flour, 3 egg yolks,
Mix with scalded milk and cook un
til thick. Add 1 tbspn. butter, 14 cup
cocoanut, 14 tspn. vanilla. Meringue:
beat egg whites and add tbspn. sugar
to each egg white.
Applesauce Pie
1 cup strained, thick, unsweetened
applesauce, 1 cup sugar, 1-4 cup cream,
2 tbspns. butter. 2 eggs (well beaten),
14 tspn. grated nutmeg, rind and juice
of small lemon. Mix together sugar,
applesauce, cream, melted butter, nut
meg, rind and juice of lemon, add
mixture; return to hot
Cover with meringue
Hard Brandied
One-half cup butter; 1 tablespoon
brandy; 114 cups sifted confectioner’s
sugar. Stir butter until creamy.
Gradually work in the brandy and su
gar. Beat until very creamy. Place in
a dish in which it is to be served and
chill until firm.
Cranberry Jelly
Boil together, for six minutes, 2
cus granulated sugar and 1 cup water.
Then add 3 cups well-washed cranber
ries. Continue boiling until the skins
break and the berries become clear.
Turn into a bowl, and allow to cool
and jelly.
rind and juice of lemon,
Have a baked crust; fill /with
oven till -ict.
or whipped
One pound butter, -5 cups flour, 14
pound fruit sugar, 1 fresh egg.
Method: Work butter, sugar and
egg together, and then add the flour
by kneading for half an hour. I think
the secret lies in kneading well and
firing slowly.
Scotch Shortbread
One-half pound sweet butter,
cup powdered sugar, 1 egg yolk,
teaspoon salt, flour.
Soften the butter slightly, but
not allow it to become oily. Stir
I with a wooden spoon the sugar, salt
and egg yolk. Now stir in the flour,
a little at a time, until the mixture
cracks. Take it out of the bowl and
knead it on a floured board until the
lump will not take in any more flour.
Divide in two, pat out on an ungreas
ed pie plate, prick the edges or rath
er pinch and prick all over with a
fork. Bake slowly until a pale brown,
and leave on the plate to cool.
Almond Shortbread1
One pound butter, 14 pound light
brown sugar, 1% pounds flour, 1 cup
blanched almonds, Mix well and put
in pie or jelly tins, patting it down
until about one inch thick. Cut
through to the size you want to serve
while raw; then it will break easily
when baked.
Christmas Cherries
One and one-half cups shortening,
14 cup granulated sugar, 1 egg sep-
arted, 1 tbspn. grated orange rind, 1
tspn. grated lemon rind, 1 tbspn. lem
on juice, 14.tspn. vanilla, 1 cup sifted
flour, 14 cup chopped walnuts,
cherries, Cream shortening
ar. Add beaten egg yolk,
vanilla and orange, lemon
juice. Mix well, add flour
real well. Make into small balls abo-ut
14 inch in diameter. Dip in egg white
and roll in nuts. Bake in a slow oven.
Shortbread Delight
One pound flour, 14 lb. unsalted
gutter, 14 lb. fruit sugar, yolks of 3
eggs. Rub the butter into the flour
until a fine granular texture is Obtain
ed. Beat the egg yolks slightly and
add sugar to them. Make a well in
centre of flour and butter mixture
and into it pour the egg and sugar.
Turn the flour mixture into the cen
tre and thoroughly mix all the ingred
ients. The resulting product should
be quite clear and waxy. Roll on
lightly floured board to about 14-inch
in thickness and cut’ out in
shapes. Bake on -ungreased
sheet in slow oven until crisp
brown, (275° F.)
Sugar Cookies
1 cup shortening, 2 cups brown
ar, 2 eggs, 3 cups flour, 2 tspns.
ing powder, 14 tspn. salt, 1 tspn.
on flavoring, 14 cup of chopped
may be added. Cream shortening and
sugar; beat and add eggs; mix well,
add flavoring, sift dry ingredients and
continue to mix well; form into a
roll, chill, and slice. ?JBake cookies on
greased pan and for 8 to 10 minutes
in hot oven.
Oatmeal Cookies
Two cups fine oatmeal, 2 cups flour,
1 c-up lard, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 tspn.
soda and 1 tspn. salt dissolved in 14
cup boiling water. Roll out and put
jam or date filling between cookies.
Peanut Butter Cookies
One cup granulated sugar, 1 cup
! brown sugar, 1 cup butter and lard
j mixed, 2 eggs, 1 cup peanut butter, 2
I tbspns. warm water, 2 tspns. vanilla,
214 cups flour, 1 tspn. baking soda, 14
salt. Drop on pan with a teaspoon
and pat to cookie thickness with a
fork dipped in flour.
ped into
lire and
by teaspoonfuls on a greased surface
of a piece of waxed paper,
Peanut Butter Fudge
One-half cup peanut butter, 14 cup
milk, 214 cups granulated sugar, Va
tbspn, butter, 1 tspn. vanilla. Com
bine the peanut butter, milk and sug
ar and let boil gently until a little of
the mixture forms a soft ball when
tried in cold water. Then add the
butter and vanilla and allow the. mix
ture to cool until tepid, Beat until
creamy, pour into a buttered pan, and
when almost cold cut into squares.
Chocolate Truffles
One-half lb. sweet chocolate, 14
cup sweetened condensed milk. Melt
chocolate, in double boiler, Remove
from fire and add condensed milk,
stirring constantly. When mixture
thickens, drop from teaspoon on but
tered sheet or plate. HalA nuts may
be placed cn top of each candy or
they may be rolled in finely chopped
nut meats or in shredded cocoanut.
Frosted Caramel Squares
’One-half cup shortening; 1 cup sug
ar; 2 eggs; 14 teaspoon vanilla; 14
teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon baking
powder; 114 cups flour; 1 cup chop
ped nut meats.
Cream sugar and butter, add two
yolks and one white of egg well bea
ten together, vanilla and flour which
has been sifted with salt and baking
powder. Spread mixture 14 inch
thick on flat baking pan and sprinkle
with chopped nut meats.
Crackerjack Taffy
One cup brown sugar; 14 cup sor
ghum, bit of water to dissolve. Boil
till hard ball of taffy. Add 14 tspn.
soda, pour over pop corn.
Peanut Fudge
Three cups brown sugar, 1 cup
milk, 2 tablespoons peanut butter.
Boil sugar and milk until a soft
ball can be formed in cold water.
Take from fire, add peanut butter and
beat until creamy. 1’our into, butter
ed pan and mark in squares.
cold water, Remove from
cool, add vanilla, salt and
Beat until creamy. Drop
A fanciful description you think?
But it’s the literal translation of
the name given by a great natura
list to the cacao tree, which pro
duces chocolate beans.
What a help to you homemakers
of modern cooking chocolate is —
with each one-ounce square neatly
divided for instant use! And what
a gay deceiver is that rich, smooth
chocolate flavor with its power to
hide, gracefully, the economies of
simple dishes and transform them
into apparent extravagances!
Here are some familiar favorites
over which chocolate weaves its
magic spell — to the joy of
Chocolate Macaroons
egg whites
cup sugar
teaspoon salt
teaspoon vanilla
squares unsweetened chocolate,
cups shredded coconut
sift again. Combine egg yolks and.
milk; add to flour mixture, beating"
until smooth. Combine butter and.
chocolate; add to batter and blend.
Add vanilla, Fold in egg whites.
Bake in hot waffle iron. Serve hot
with whipped cream, orange mar-
Makesmalade, or orange sauce,
four 4-section waffles,
Chocolate Upside Down
1 cup sifted cake flour
1 teaspoon double-acting
14 teaspoon salt
% cup sugar
U cup softened butter or other
egg, well beaten
tablespoons milk
teaspoon vanilla
square unsweetened chocolate,.
tablespoons butter
cup. sugar t
slices canned pineapple, cut in.
wedges or 1 cup grated pine
Sift flour once, measure, add
baking powder, salt and sugar, and
sift together three times. Add
butter. Combine egg, milk, and
vanilla;/.add to flour mixture, stir
ring until all flour is dampened.
Add chocolate and blend; then beat
vigorously 1 minute.
Melt 3 tablespoons butter in
8x8x2-inch pan over low flame; add
sugar and cook and stir until thor
oughly mixed. On this arrange
wedges ofj pineapple, or cover mix
ture with grated pineapple. Turn
batter out on contents of pan. Bake
in moderate oven' (350 degrees F.)
50 minutes, or until done. Loosen
cake from sides of pan with spa
with pineapple on top.
with whipped cream, if desired.
Serve warm.
Chocolate Pineapple Upside Down
Cake may be made with 14 cup 4
brown sugar, firmly packed, instead
of % cup white sugar, in butter-
sugar mixture in pan.
1% _ _____
Beat egg whites until foamy
throughout; add sugar, 2 table
spoons at a time, beating after each
addition until sugar is blended.
Then continue beating until ihixture
will stand in peaks. Add salt and
vanilla. Fold in chocolate; then
coconut. Drop from teaspoon on
ungreased heavy paper. Bake in
slow oven (325 degrees F.) 20 min
utes, or until'done. Cool 5 minutes
before removing from paper. Makes
, 2 dozen 1% inch macaroons.
Chocolate Dessert Waffles
cups sifted flour
teaspoons double-acting baking
teaspoon salt
squares unsweetened chocolate
teaspoon vanilla
egg whites, stiffly beaten
measure, add
the bird.
the joint
the breast
yolks, well beaten
melted butter
but not
Molasses Cookies
Two eggs; 1 cup molasses; 1 cup
Each 5c
Extra Choice
if wished,
turkey is
cream for
2 Lbs.
. 1 Lb.
Jubilee Specitl
A Choice Mixture of Candy
12c a Lb.
2 Lbs. for............23c
At Baggs
Turn upside down on dish
Sift flour once,
baking powder, salt, and sugar, and
Pure Wholesome Fruit is good insurance against your Xmas Cake being a failure. We carry
nothing but the best in Xmas Cake Ingredients, and we invite you to Compare Our Prices also our
Service, with any store in the district, and then Phope 76 for Rapid Delivery of your order.
WE Appreciate your business
Xmas Special
2 Lbs. for............25c
Jubilee Special
Xmas Special
2 Lbs. for............15c
Baking Soda
Xmas Special
1 Lb. for..................5c
Sultana Raisins ...
Puffed Raisins ....
Lexia Raisins ......
Bleached Raisins
Seeded Lexias ...
Walnuts .............
2 Lbs. 25c
. 1 Lb. 17c
2 Lbs. 25c
... 1 Lb. 22c
1 Lb. 17c
i/2 Lb. 25c
Rose Baking Powder
Xmas Special
1 Lb. Tin ...... . 15c
Dates....... 2 Lbs. 19c
Choice Apricots .........1 Lb. 28c
Figs, Choice .............3 Lbs. 25c
Orange Peel.. ..... 14 Lb. 13c
Lemon Peel ........ ’/2 Lb. 14c
Citron Peel............. ’/2 Lb. 18c
Pineapple Rings
Cut Mixed Peel
Pitted Dates.....
Prunes .............
Pecans ..............
. «/2 Lb. 28c
>/2 Lb. 12c
i/2 Lb. 26c
. 2 Lbs. 25c
2 Lbs. 25c
J/2 Lb. 33c
P.R.’s Chocolates
Try These
13c a Lb.
2 Lbs. for............25c
W-e believe we have the Finest Assortment that we have yet offered to the public of Wingham
and district. Get our Prices First on Quantity Lots—You will be surprised at the price and quality.
Turkish Delight ....... 1 Lb. 25c
Peanut Cluster ....... 1 Lb. 25 c
Xmas Bells ...... 1 Lb. 25c
Jumbo Chocolates 1 Lb. 17c
Fancy Gum Drops 1 Lb. 15c
Xmas Cream Mixed....1 Lb. 25c
Royal Gum Drops...2 Lbs. 29c
Jumbo Creams...........1 Lb. 18c
Special Mixed'...........2 Lb. 29c
Choc.wSanta Claus.......5c Each
Choc. Kewpie Dolls...Each 5c
Choc. Xmas. Trees..... 2 for 5c
Xmas Trees ......-.....-... Each 1c
Peanut Macaroons...1 Lb. 25c
Choc. Mandarines......1 Lb. 25c
Montrose Choc............1 Lb. 22c
Brown Mixed.......... 1 Lb. 18c
Grocers Mi'xed .........2 Lbs. 29c
Xmas. Choc.....-
Princes Creams
Fancy Cream Mixed 1
Cut Rock Mixed. ... 1
Xmas Popcorn Balls ... 2^ for 5c
Popcorn Balls...
Popcorn Satchels
Krackley Nut
Our Own Mixed
A Grand Mixture
2 Lbs. for............29c
Motor Creams
Try These
1 Lb. for............ 17c
Mixed Nuts
(Without Peanuts)
1 Lb. for................20c
4 JELLOS and LOVELY PLATE..............25c
CHOICE COCOA and Beautiful GLASS ... 15c
MARSHMALLOWS in Fancy Tims ............. 15c
PURE CLOVER HONEY .. ............5 Lbs. 45c
VANILLA...................... 2 Oz. Bottle 5c
ORANGES, Small But Sweet...........1 Doz. 19c
ORANGES, Choice Quality ...'.______,1 Doz. 29c
ORANGES, Medium Size, Thin Skin, 1 Doz. 35c
ORANGES, The Pick of the Crop ......1 Doz. 39c
ORANGES, A large size ................... 1 Doz. 45c
ORANGES, The Real Larges Ones ...... 1 Doz. 50c
Special - PEANUTS
BRAZILS, Fancy...
Mixed Nuts
(With Peanuts)
1 for ’ 17c
1 Lb. 22c
1 Lb. 20c
.. 1 Lb. 25c
..... 1 Lb. 18c
Baldwins - Spy - Mann
6 Qt. Basket........23c'......... . ■ .■ ■■ .
2 Lbs. for .. 23c
Make this store Your Christmas Shopping Centre — Save and. Be Satisfied,
PREMIUM COUPONS Redeemable for pieces of the finest sets of English Chinaware in town.
Mincemeat | 1 Tomatoes 1 I Cranberries (Choice)
2 Lbs. for..............25c Fancy Stock I I 1 Lb. for . *..... 23c
vD brown sugar; 1 cup shortening; 1
ng‘spoon ginger; 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
1 teaspoon baking p,owder; 2 tea
spoons soda; 1 cup hot, freshly made
coffee; 14 teaspoon salt; 1 tablespoon
vinegar; 414 cups flour; “halves of
blanched almonds.
Beat the eggs. Cream the shorten
ing and sugar together. Sift the flour
with the baking powder, ginger, cin
namon, the5i blend the eggs, shorten
ing and sugar together. Add the soda
mixed with the hot coffee, stir well
and add the vinegar and salt, then
gradually the flour.
Beat smoothly and drop by spoon
fuls on pans rubbed with shortening.
Press almond half on each. Bake in
a moderate oven of 350° F. for 15
to 20 minutes.
Molasses Candy
Two cups molasses, 1 cup sugar,
1 tbspn. vinegar. Butter size of a
walnut. Boil ingredients together
until mixture will become brittle
when dropped in cold water. Remove
from fire, stir in 14 tspn. baking soda,
cool in buttered pan sufficiently to
pull. Pull and cut with scissors or
a sharp knife.
One cup white sugar, 1 cup brown
sugar, 14 cup syrup or 2 tablespoons,
14 cup sweet milk, % cup melted but-1
ter. Boil 214 minutes, then add 2
teaspoons cocoa, Boil 5 minutes
longer, then take from stove and add
1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat till creamy,
then pour in buttered pan and mark
in squares.
Maple Cocoanut Drops
Two cups brown sugar, 1 tspn. van
illa, % cup milk, few grains Salt, 2
tbspns', butter, 1 cup shredded cocoa-
nut, Cook brown sugar, milk and
butter together, stirring until a little
mixture forms a soft ball when drop
Roasting the Turkey
Order your turkey ahead of
and be sure of getting a good
of the weight you desire. A ten lb.
bird is ideal for a group of six or
eight. Singe the turkey, remove any
pin-feathers, cleanse thoroughly and
wipe dry. Sprinkle salt inside and
fill with your favorite kind of stuff;
ing. Sew up the opening. Fold the
wings back on the neck and tie the
tips of the, legs together under the
tail. If the turkey is young enough,
put it on its breast on a rack in an
open roasting pan and brown lightly
in a hot oven. Put the turkey on its
back, reduce heat to moderate and
cook until tender—allowing 15 to 20
minutes per pound. An older turkey
will be tenderer if cooked in a cov
ered roasting pan after the bird has
been browned. Allow 20 minutes per
pound. The secret of a well-browned
bird is regular basting.
Carving the Turkey
First, have a very sharp,
bladed carving knife. Place the tur
key on its back with its neck at your
left. Insert the carving fork at the
point of the breast bone—the tines
straddling the ridge—and hold the
bird firmly. Cut through the skin
which separates, the leg from the
body; pull back the deg, disjoint and
remove it. By cutting through at the
joint separate the thigh' from the
drumstick. Slice the meat from the
leg into several portions. Remove the
wing by cutting through
close to the body. Carve
meat in thin slices.
Roast Turkey
Dress, clean and stuff
Sew or skewer the skin together ov
er the stuffing in the breast and neck.
Rub^with salt, flour and dot with
butter . Place in a hot oven, 450 de
grees F., until brown. Reduce the
heat to 350 degrees F., and baste
occasionally with the juice and fat
in the pan. When‘the breast meat is
tender the turkey is- cooked enough..
A ten-pound turkey should cook
about three hours.
Old-Fashioned Stuffing
Eight cups soft crumbs; 2 chopped
onions; Vs cup melted fat; sage or
other herbs; salt and pepper.
Mince oftions and cook two min
utes in fat. Mix seasoning with
crumbs and stir into fat, Cook two
more minutes, stirring constantly,
a moist stuffing is desired add a
tie water.
Sage and Onion Stuffing
Four onions, 8 ettps stale (not dry)
bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons powder
ed sage, !4 cup butter, 1 tablespoon
salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 egg, 1 cup
boiling water,
Feel ohidhs and boil In Salted Wat
er for ten minutes, Drain and chop.
Add to crumbs with butter melted in use rack). Place bits of fat on top
hot water, salt, pepper and sage. | of ham.
Cover and let stand ten minutes. Add
egg slightly beaten and mix lightly
with a fork. Stuff goose with stuff
ing and sew up the opening.
Plum pudding may be added to this
menu for grown-Tips but better have
the ice cream snow men for juniors.
Light the candles in the snow ball
cakes when the cakes are carved. Hot
chocolate with whipped cream for th$
children instead of their usual milk
will add a -festive note.
To roast goose put in a hot oven
(500 degrees F.) for fifty minutes.
Then remove from the oven and drain
off the fat. Now dredge with flour
and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Return to oven and reduce heat to
350 degrees F. Roast on a rack, in
an uncovered roaster and baste ev
ery half hour. Allow 30 minutes per
pound for roasting.
Boiled Turkey
The turkey may be stuffed or not,
as wished, wrapped in cheesecloth
and plunged into boiling water, us
ing as little water as possible. Cover
tightly and cook very slowly until
tender. <It may be garnished as at
tractively as when roasted, with
strings of cranberries, celery leaves
and paper frills. To boil the turkey
and bake the ham will be reversing
the process from the usual roasted
turkey and boiled ham, and this
change will be enjoyed.
Serve with celery sauce. Make a
white sauce of the consistency of
gravy. Add' stewed celery, cut fine,
and season well. The giblets, chop
ped fine, may be added
The water in which the
cooked may be used with
this sauce.
« Giblet Gravy
Cook giblets in four «cups boiling
water until tender. It will take about
two hours. Add one teaspoonful salt
when half done. Remove from stock
and put through coarse knife of food
chopper. Use stock in gravy and add
enough water to make four cups.
After taking turkey from roasting
pan measure fat in the bottom of the
pan. .Pour off all but four table
spoons, Stir in four tablespoons flour
and cook and stir until bubbly. Slow
ly add giblet stock, stirring constant
ly. Bring to the boiling point and
add salt and pepper if necessary,
keeping in mind that the stock was
salted, and that the fat absorbed some
salt from the turkey. Add giblets, re
heat to the boiling point and serve,
Baked Ham With Apples and Raisins
One slice smoked ham, 1 inch
thick; 6 apples; 14 cup raisins soaked
in water for 1 hour; 14 cup water
drained, from Soaked raisins; 2 table-
spoohs vinegar; 1 teaspoon dry mus
Method: Trim the fat from the
ham. Cut fat into bits* Place the ham
in the bottom of baking pan, (do not
| of ham. Cover and bake in a hot
oven 400° -F. for half an hour. Wash
and core the apples. Put some of the
soaked raisins in each cavity. Heat
14 cup of water drained from the
soaked raisins, add the vinegar and
mustard. Remove the pan containing
the ham from the oven. Arrange the
apples around the meat. Pour the
vinegar-mustard mixture over the
ham. Cover the pan and return to-
the oven. Continue baking in a hot
oven 400°F. for 1 hour longer. If
apples become tender in shorter time
remove from oven to warming oven
and ^continue cooking of ham,
Raisin Sauce
(To Serve with Ham)
One-half cup brown sugar; 3 tab
lespoons corn starch; 14 teaspoon
salt; 114 cups water; 2 tablespoons
butter; 14 cup vinegar; % cup Aus
tralian raisins.
Method: Combine sugar and corn,
starch. Add water, salt and butter.
Cook for 10 minutes, stirring con
stantly. Add vinegar and raisins and
cook until raisins are plumped—about
5 ‘minutes. Serve hot.
Stuffing for Goose or Duck
Three quarts stale (not hard)
bread crumbs, 2 teaspoons salt; 1 tab
lespoon sage; 2 tablespdOns chopped
celery; 2 tablespoons chopped pars
ley; 14 teaspoon pepper; 6 table
spoons butter or margarine; % cup
minced onion; 10-12 lb. goose; salt.
Note: Use half the quantity for a
smaller bird.
Combine the bread, crumbs, salt,
sage}- celery, parsley, and pepper.
Meanwhile melt the butter in a large
skillet, add the onion and simmer un
til tender. Add the seasoned bread
crumbs and cook until golden brown,
stifriiig the crumbs constantly from
the bottom.
Allow 25 minutes to the pound for
cooking the bird, and be sure that
your oven is very .hot, about 500°F.
for the first ten minutes and. a mod
erate heat of 350 degrees for the
maining time.
Cranberry and apple pie will
found very good, particularly so
ter the richness of goose.
Cider Punch
sweet cider, juice 1 lem-
lemon, 14 cup sugar, 1
94 cup brandy, 14 tea-
Five cups
on, rind 14
cup sherry,
spoon nutmeg.
Pare off the yellow ring of 14 lem
on, taking a thin paring. Put this in
a bowl and add sugar, crushing rind
juice and cider and chill thoroughly,
and sugar. Add sherry and lemon
When ready to serve add brandy and
nutmeg. Pour over a block of ice in
punch bowl and serve,
Your* Christmas Pleasure
Yottr Christmas pleasure is due
when your Christmas duty is done.