HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-11-19, Page 16DONNYBROOK Are You I KING’SBLYTH soc- Phone 161FORPrompt DeliveryST. HELENS BELGRAVE Keep Your Feet Warm 4 EAST WAWANOSHAnd as a Rule You Will Be Warm All Over A and Mrs. Ab. JAMESTOWN her visited at the Our Christmas Stock a Make T ravel lers SamplesSelected now may AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ASHFIELD »■ is not enjoy- at the present Show Starts at 8 p.m. Ashfield Cir- of Rev. and iTenderly Jesus is Calling” with Miss Margaret Mason. A lovely lunch was Muriel Williams as accompanist. The served by the Nomads, then the meet­ recreation period was in charge of ing closed in the usual manner. All the members are requested to attend the Annual meeting of the Beef Ring to be held in the Community Hall on Thursday, Dec. 3rd, at 8.00 o’clock. ' . Mrs. Jim Little and daughter, Lor­ na, are spending a week in Toronto with het sister, Mrs. Claude. Mr. Roy Alton is spending a few Wal- witjh Grainger of health J. M. Coul- R. Coultes Convention Grainger grandmother, Mrs. Rob- AUST. LEXIA RAISINS WITH SEEDS.......2 Lbs. 25c FREE Enlargment Now is the time for Christ­ mas Photos and just think, we will give you an Enlargement FREE on al! orders of $4.00 and over. Church Organizations and School Teachers/ before purchasing your Xmas. Candies, consult us (for prices. TRY A POUND OF DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .. 33c Lb. Ground Fresh while you wait — Sold only in this store. . GRANULATED SUGAR....................10 Lbs. 50c With a $1.00 Grocery Order—Sugar not included. Brook united in marriage Miss Gibson and Mr. A. Smith, will i eside in town. Now is tht time to get your Fresh Fruits for your Xmas. Baking. We have a complete stock of choice quality fruits, absolutely fresh. Save On Your >1 Radio Needs 1: WESTINGHOUSE TUBES Have your tubes checked now for ma’xirnum performance. ALL Tubes Glass or Metal Checked FREE Mrs. O’Brien: “Shure, if I was to put your brains in the eye of a needle, Mike, I could thread It in the dark.” COOKING FIGS...3 Lbs. 25c PURE CLOVER HONEY ...........'....5 Lb. in 45c DOMESTIC SHORTEN­ ING ............................... 15c Lb. AUNT DINAH MOLASSES...................11c Tin LELAND’S TOMATO JUICE 10'/2 oz........5 Tins 25c SUNBEAM Seeded RAISINS 16 oz Pk. 17c 12 oz Pk. 2 for 25 BLEACHED SULTANA RAISINS.......... .............21c Lb. BURGESS AND GENERAL “B” BATTERIES For Expert Repair Service PHONE 171 John W. Pattison Minnie St. Opp. United Church FRESH LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL.....„...23c Lb. FRESH BROKEN WALNUTS....................39c Lb. CIRTON PEEL............35c Lb. FRESH CHOICE CURRANTS.......... ........14c Lb. ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER ........... 15c Lb, Tin FRESH ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE, Large Head...10c FRESH CABBAGE Large..........................2 for 15c' NO. 1 COOKING ONIONS ..........J....10 Lbs. 15c CHOICE SEEDLESS GRAPE FRUIT .......................6 for 25c FRESH CRISP CELERY HEARTS.................10c Bunch EATMOR CRAN­ BERRIES ____________25c Lb. FRESH SHELLED ALMONDS 53c Lb. SAXONIA GLACE CHERRIES ...............49c Lb. CUT MIXED PEEL...25c Lb. DALTON’S VANILLA EX­ TRACT, 8 oz. bot......2 for 25c CHOICE PITTED DATES............ ............2 Lb. 25c ■ ■■ FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES LYC.e^hmEaTRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 26, 27, 28 WILLIAM POWELL And JEAN ARTHUR The Ex Mrs. Bradford” A Comedy of Errors ------Also------ - Cartoon — “BOLD KING COLE” Nature Study “UNDERGROUND FARMERS” And NEWS REEL. NEXT WEEK------ Poor Little Rich Girl” SHIRLEY TEMPLE BELMORE A slight mistake was made in last ■week's issue. We, like Aunt Emma, are bound to see it through. The name of the play put on by Eadie’s Young People was “Aunt Emma Sees it Through.” The first sleigh ride was taken by some folks on Sunday. Mr. Joe Tiffin assisted by Mr. Ire­ land, Tecswater, are training the ■■■"■...!■!».... .............................. ■! ■»■■■■* We desire to introduce to the citizens of Wingham and surrounding country certain lines of footwear made especially to keep the feet warm. These are made in Wingham at our place of busi­ ness and we are therefore in a position to offer you a Better Selection and Better Values in these lines than any other shoe store in this section of West­ ern Ontario. We enumerate the several lines we make.herewith: Felt Fillers for Men and Boys, made to wear inside rubber boots, either the long boots or laced boots. Sheepskin Fillers with t.hc wool left on. These are also intended to be worn with Rubber Boots, ei-. ther laced or long boots! and they, as also the felt fillers, are intended to keep the feet dry and warm. The old-time Leather Leggings, made with hooks on the side; either, Black or Brown. These keep the legs warm and dry. Military Leggings, with the steel fastener down the front part. These also will keep the legs warm and dry, and are an excellent idea for those who drive trucks, etc. . . : Heelers, that are worn with Rubber Boots, absolutely prevent slipping at the heels and also prevent wearing out the socks at the heels. Spats or Overgaiters for Men, in Grey or Fawn. Just a little better line than the usual kind at 98c per pair, being heavier weight than the av­ erage and therefore they are warmer. Snuggles, slippers, in other words “solid comfort”. These slippers are made for tiny little girls and boys up to the very largest size for Wo­ men and Men. They are nice, in appearance, reas­ onable in price and as comfortable as it is possible to make them. We invite you to call and see these made-in- Wingham lines of Warm Footwear. Willis Shoe Store The Leading Shoe Store of These Parts PHONE 129 WINGHAM CHECK UP ON YOUR EYES! T 01 ; fr Have them examined by a man who has proven his ability.' 'If glasses are not necessary you will be told, and if they are, you ean get them at a very moderate cost R UPjipi Stratford’s Leading Optometrist for 18 Years At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to Moott WINGHAM ADVANCE-’TIMES Thursday, Noy. 26th, 193G scholars for a Christmas concert. We arc all looking for something good. Rev. and Mrs, Raynor and Miss Jean Herd attended the entertainment in Mildmay United Church Tuesday ■evening and report it splendid. The open meeting of the Women’s Institute .was a slim affair, our poor men all being on the sick list, in fact some have been on the sick list since the fowl suppers. Mrs. Joseph Hall has returned to her home in Galt, while Mrs, Mulvey is having a pleasant holiday with friends at Lucan. Mrs. Elmer £inn is suffering from a sore eye. Mrs. Reuben Stokes and Mrs. Thos, Appleby have returned from London and Toronto, where they were treated for their eyes. We hope the opera­ tions will be beneficial. Miss Juletta Stiffler and Mr. ter Pease spent the week-end friends in Listowel. The local Liberal Club held a ial on Monday evening, members of the Liberal Association of Wingham and others were present. Mr. Harry Weymouth has disposed of his dairy business to Mr. Earl Bentley, On Saturday, Nov. 21st, St. And­ rew’s United Church Parsonage, Rev. R. A, Ruby They District President Addressed, Institute The Belgiave branch of the Wo­ men's- Institute held its November meeting at the home of Mrs, Jas. Taylor, Belgrave, Tuesday afternoon last week. The meeting which was well attended, was in charge of the president, Mrs. N. Keating. Several items of business were dealt with during, the business period. Mrs. J. Wheeler gave a splendid paper on the motto “Greatness—It is better not to know so much than to know a lot that isn’t so.” The roll call was "res­ ponded to with “Your Maiden Name.” Mrs. N. Geddes sang a solo which was much appreciated. Mrs. Oster, district president, of Blyth, gave a splendid report of the Annual Con­ vention held at Wiarton,’ The Na­ tional Anthem was sung and a social' time enjoyed when lunch was served the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. VanCamp and Mrs. R. W. Procter. Mrs. Norman Keating and daugh­ ter, Catherine, are spending the week with Mrs. H. Mitchell at Rothsay. Mr. and Mrs. N. Stonehouse and daughter, also Gordon Stonehouse, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Stonehouse. Mrs. Jas. Michie, Mrs. tes, Cyrus Scott and C. are attending the U.F.O. in Toronto this week. Mrs, Sela Breckenridge and mother, Mrs. Stokes, were in Toron­ to for a few days. ’ ■ Miss Laura Savage visited with her sister, Mrs. Ben Hayden, last week. Mrs. Wm. ing the best time. Miss Jean home of her ert Earls over the week-end. We are sorry to report the pass­ ing of Gordon Moffatt, who died in London Sunday last. Mr. James MacDougall spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright. A baby daughter has come to glad­ den the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foster. Mr. Cecil Payn and family, Tor­ onto, are visiting for a few weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Payn, 2nd Grey. Miss Olive Edgar, Listowel, spent the week-end at her home here. Lighters, Cigarette Cas­ es, Bill. Folds, Playing Cards, Dice, Change Purses, Ash Trays at OMAR HASELGROVE’S Smoke Shoppe The W-M.S. met on Thursday, No­ vember 12th, at the home of Mrs. T. Bamford. The meeting was led by Jean Robinson, minutes of the prev­ ious meeting were read and approved and the treasurer’s report giVen.* The new Study Book was introduced by Mrs. Albert Campbell and the report of the sectional meeting at Bly th was given by Mrs, George Naylor and Mrs Norman Thompson, Mrs, Jeff­ erson read the Scripture Lesson and Elaine Bamford favored with an in­ strumental. Reading were given by Miss E, Chamney, Mrs. R. Chamney and Mrs, Bert Taylor, The Y.P.S. met on Friday evening with the President, Mr, John Thomp­ son/leading, Margaret Jefferson read the Scripture lesson and Kenneth Campbell. Rev. Wilson gave a talk on his holidays at Tobermory. Mrs. Geo. Naylor is spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Jas. Rob­ inson, in Toronto. Mr, Wallace Cunningham is the guest of his uncle, Mr. George Wal­ lace, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Robinson and children spent a few days with rela­ tives in Toronto. There were twenty-three ladies at­ tended the five-day course on “Health Education” which was held last week in Donnybrook' School with Mrs. Mooney, R.N., of Toronto, in charge. Going Away For Christmas Holidays? LADIES! You Will Need A smart afternoon frock A new hat A Coat in which you will be assured of ityle and service Kid Gloves, A new Scarf GENTLEMEN! , Have you a good supply of Shirts? Wc have a complete new range of ARROW Shirts, Our new stock of TIES is here — and how about a gay Wool Scarf? E. Zurbrigg Photographer days at the Royal Winter Fair. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Elmer Al­ ton is under the Doctor’s care. Miss Elmira Alton spent last week with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, north of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Campbell. Mrs. Sarah Johnstone, 12th con., is spending a few days with her daugh­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. Campbell. The W. M. S. of the cuit met at the home Mrs. Pattoil on Friday afternoon with a good attendance. Sorry to hear that Mr. Clifford Hackett, while helping to skid logs in Mr. John Millin’s bush on Friday af­ ternoon, stepped on the side of the .log boat which turned and struck him above the kneC. -A large number attended the funer­ al of the late Arthur Culbert, on Wed­ nesday afternoon, to Dungannon Cemetery. Is Now Being Placed On Display Your Selection Now Gigts be reserved until Xmas, on the payment of a small deposit. WILLIAM’S The Jeweller., Announcing the Opening of the MODERN BEAUTY SALON Opp. J. W. Bushfield’s Law Office ON SATURDAY/ NOV. 28th MARY NICHOLLS ' 1 .....'' *• xr , w . ■ Of Toronto, comes highly recommended with Seven Years of Ex­ perience. Bonat and Naturelle Spiral and Croquigtiole Yetitik* mmt Waving, Finger Waving, Marcelling, Hair Cutting, Man- icuring, Etc. All Work Guaranteed. Give Us a Trial. icuring, Etc. All Work Guaranteed. We Solicit Ybhr Patronage. You will enjoy your vacation if you KNOW that you are correctly and smartly attired. Satisfaction Guaranteed at SHOP AT Smith’s Economy Food StoreMiss Mary Robertson, of London General Hospital, spent the week-end at her home. Miss Annie Vipond, Donegal, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Wightman. U.S.'S. No. 7 (Chamney’s School) is putting on a Christmas Concert on Monday, Dec. 21st. A dialogue en­ titled “Marrying Off Father”, along with recitations and songs, will be put on so come and enjoy the good programme that is being prepared. Mr. Alex. Robertson and Miss Ag­ nes Robertson attended the Winter Fair last week. Miss Phoemie Rintoul visited a few days a,t C. Shiell’s. Miss Agatha Coultes, Fergus, vis­ ited at her home on Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Thompson, Dungannon, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Thos. Irwin. A number of friends and neighbors . gathered at the home of Mrs. Thos. Irwin on Friday evening and. .present­ ed Mr. jfnd Mrs. Hugh Thompson with a number of useful gifts. Brick United Church is putting on a Christmas Concert in the church on .Friday, Dec. 18th’ Excellent program' is being prepared, so don’t miss this concert and Santa Claus’ visit. Brick W.M.S. held their meeting on Thursday, Nov. 19th, at the home of Mrs. Thos. Irwin with twenty in at­ tendance. Mrs. McB'urney read the devotional leaflet, the. theme being, “The Great Teacher,” and Mrs. Rob­ ert Coultes gave an interesting ac­ count on the second chapter of the study book “Men and Women of Far Horizons.” Miss Annie Vipond sang a solo and Mrs. Hugh Thompson gave a reading c>n the Vimy Pilgrimage and In Metnorium. The meeting was brought to a close by prayer by hte President. Formosa Man Found Dead About' five o’clock Monday after­ noon, Gregory Straus, of Formosa, was found dead in bed. Mr. Straus, who lives alone, had not been seen about the village for two weeks and it . was thought by his neighbors that he was away visiting in Kitchener. On Monday, however, his adopted son, Tony, finding thp house all lock­ ed up, forced an entrance and found the body. It was estimated that he had passed away nearly two weeks ago. The fact that he was not seen in the village fpr two weeks did not cause any alarm, as he was often away from his home for such periods. He was in his 59th year? Young People’s Union •The topic “Jesus and Ourselves”-at the United Church Young People’s meeting on Monday evening was tak­ en by George Taylor. His talk was taken from one of D. L, Wethefliead*s- books and was most interesting and helpful, Miss Phyllis Johns presided. The Worship period was in charge of the Ukamtous group. Miss B. Ben* nett read the Scripture lesson. The filth ehapter of the study book was taken by Miss Haael Wilson. A quartette comopsed of Caroline Well­ wood/ Jean Zutbriggr Sill Havidsbti and Lloyd Proctor sang “Softly and These are Toilet Sets suitable for Men or Ladies Articles from 65c to $7.49 The goods are in perfect condition, the cases are very slightly soiled. They are in the Famous Jasmine, Gardenia, Forget* Me-Not, of Southern France Lines. Every Set is Different. We also have a few boxes of Fancy Boxed Station* ery and Fancy Boxed Perfume which we are offering at “Half Price/* This is an opportunity to make a big saving on ar- ticles that make acceptable Christmas gifts. McKibbon’s Drug Store JTAmv