HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-11-19, Page 12TAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 1| cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. jorpiorsT"1 'SEsaoisioi?[OE3OE Thursday, Nov, 26th'x. 193F AD’S BRINGRESULTS 1 Ek3O1 APPLE BUTTER—75c per gallon. Bring Container, Robert Gibson, "Wroxeter. ojctoc: ' <• AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock and Implements will be held at Lot 21, Concession 2, Morris, at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8th. Terms —Cash. W, S. Davidson. FOR SALE—One lady’s best quality Muskrat Coat, size 36-38. Cheap for cash. Apply Advance-Times. Legion Activities ARMOURIES Cribbage—Mort. Nov. 30 GAMES START AT 8.30 P.M. NOTICE No Bingo Until Further Notice. .FOR SALE—Complete Dining Room Suite, price reasonable. Apply' Mrs. David Falconer, Phone 303. Wingham Post 180 Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. H. Browne, Sec’y. P.O. Box 321 FOR SALE—A New General Elect­ ric Refrigerator. Apply to Mae Young at Williams’ Restaurant, or to Jas. Young, Belgrave.SALE BY TENDER FOR SALE—2 Cutters, set light bob sleighs, leather Settee and chair, 2 Bissell Sweepers, 2 oil drums, sec­ tional book case. Apply Mrs. R. Beattie, Phone 265. FOR SALE—A number of barred rock pullets, 60 and .80 cents each, t Also Jersey cow just freshened, good easy milker, high tester, quiet. W. R. Farrier, phone 628r21, Wing­ ham. GIRL WANTED—For general clean­ ing. Wingham General Hospital MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Write today. Raw- leigh’s, .Dept. ML-453-SAK, Mont­ real. Staled tenders will be received by the undersigned up and until noon, December 12th, 1936, for the purch­ ase of Lots numbers 22, 23. and 24, Cantelon’s Survey in the Village of Btucvalc. Ori the said premises there is said to be situate a one and one-half story frame house and stable. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 21st day of November, A.D. 1930, L W. BUSHFIELD, Wi ngham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Committee. pied by the committee members and! their assistants in transporting the, contents tu our local Community Hall. Potatoes, fruit, etc., were plac­ ed and stored in such a way that djs- tribution could be effected in an ef­ ficient manner. On the 10th inst. and continuing until today distribution was made to the following: (1) the families of residents of the Moose Woods Indian Reserve, (2) needy residents of this municipality and (3) needy residents of the Village of Dun­ durn. In short, the distribution made was as widely done as was possible. To those who contributed so gen­ erously to this car of goodwill and to those who in any other way con­ tributed to the collection and pack­ ing of its contents, the writer asks that they accept our most grateful thanks for the humanitarian spirit which prompted it. With successive crop failure and relief over a period of several years the helpful action of the Wingham community to allev­ iate our distress makes one realize that “man’s humanity to man” still lives. You will please convey our heartfelt gratitude to your cowork­ ers. You may also expect in the near future to receive a letter from Rev. R. H, Sanderson, United Church Minister, Dundurn. Yours very truly, E. G. Edwards, Secretary-Treasurer, Rural Municipality of Dundurn. The Manse, Dundurn, Nov. 11, 1936 IS A RD’S Clearance Sale Now On of Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Winter Coats. You have a choice of One Hundred Coats made in good style of new imported cloths with Fur Collars of all the bet­ ter and cheaper graidles of furs. Buy your Winter Coat now at a saving of from 20 to 40 Per Cent All Sizes. Dresses Sale prices on a range of Wo­ men’s and Misses’ Silk Crepe, a choice collection of new models, many of them are sample Dress­ es. See our values at $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 up to $6.95. AH are wonderful bargains. ...................... ' A........ Children’s Suits • 'a Children’s Heavy Blanket Cloth Suits, all wool, made in best style and three pieces, Coat, „ Leggings and Cap. See them at $6,95. Snow Suits For the Kiddies. A complete line at very reasonable prices. See our value at $3.75. Caramel Rennet-Custard With Sliced Apricots package caramel rennet powder pint milk' i i ■Slices of apricot Make rennet-custard dessert accord­ ing to directions on package. Chill. Before serving, garnish each dessert with slices of apricot arranged in wheel formation. SOUTHERN SPECIALTIES By Betty Barclay From the southland, famous for its delicious cooking, come these two novel and tasty ways with which to tempt the appetite. Asparagus Tip Loaf 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon flour '■ 1 cup milk 5 % teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1 can asparagus tips Make a thin white sauce of the butter, flour and milk. Season, Add well-beaten eggs. Pour custard over the top and sprinkle with buttered crumbs if desired, Bake half hour at 300 TO-MORROW may be too late. Send your name to-day to Familex Pro'ducts Co., 570 St. Clement St., Montreal, and learn how over. 600 people are steadily employed in profitable, agreeable businesses of their own through connections with US. __________ TENDERS received for supplying 15 cords of green body wood, hard maple 16 in. long and 10 cords elm 16 in. long. Tenders accepted un­ til Dec. 1st. Buchanan Hardware. EXECUTORS’ SALE OF FARM LANDS CARD OF THANKS The Women’s Institute wish to thank Miss Schumacher for the op­ portunity of catering to the guests at her opening on Saturday and are also very grateful to Mr. Foxton for the free use of a tea room. Both of these privileges were very much ap­ preciated by all the members of the Society. CARD OF THANKS Mr. W. J. Campbell and family wish to thank their friends and neighbours and the Hospital Staff for their kind­ ness during Mary’s illness and at the time of her demise. We especially -wish to thank those who so kindly volunteered for blood transfusions. NOTICE TO CREDITORS There will be offered for sale by public auction on Friday, December 18th at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon at the office of R. S. Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, the following farm lands: All and singular Lot Number Thir­ ty-seven (37), Concession Six (6) in the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron', containing two hundred acres of land more or less. Upon the farm there is said to be situate a good brick house, 32 x 36 with a kitchen 16 x 20, a large new steel barn 80 x 50 with a shed attach­ ed 12 x 54. The buildings" are equip­ ped with Delco light and running wa­ ter, There is one hundred and ten acres of workable land, sixty-five ac­ res fall ploughed, fifteen good bush. The farm is adjacent to school and four miles from railroad station in the Village of' Belgrave. The farm will be offered subject to a reserved bid. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. T. R. BENNETT, Auctioneer. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. Dear Bro.: On behalf of the Community I wish to express appreciation to the people of Wingham and district for a car full of their generosity and goodwill to a people in the time of their dis­ tress. The car was unloaded in record time, and the good things safely- housed in the Community Hall, sort­ ed and distributed with great care. I personally saw that the Indian Res­ ervation got as good an allotment as possible as they had not a vegetable or fruit of any kind. Every family in the community in need was reached in some way. I used my car to good effect in this way as did others. We hope some day to return kindness in some way. Cordially yours, R. FI. Sanderson. Sleepers Dr. Denton’s Sleeping Suits for children, for ages 1 to 5 years. A Doll Free with every suit. Prices begin at $1.10. Ski Suits Are now in stock in a range of Junior and Misses’ sizes. 2- piece suits in nice combination colors, made of quality blanket cloth, also a range of Heavy Slacks. Ideal for Winter Sports. December Simplicity Patterns are now in stock. this H. E. Isard £5-Co. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL CAR- LOAD SENT WEST APPRECIATED The following letter was received from the West: Mr. James St. Marie, R. R. 2, Lucknow, Bent, Sask., Nov. 14th, 1936 VICTOR RECORDS LARGEST RECORD DEPARTMENT IN WESTERN ONTARIO 1 1 1 2 2 J .1 2 degrees F. j Corn Pudding tablespoon butter tablespoon sugar tablespoon flour egg yolks cups corn teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper egg whites Melt butter, add sugar, flour and milk. Let beat until mixture reaches boiling point. Add slightly beaten egg yolks, then corn, Sjilt and pepper. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites, pour into a buttered baking dish and bake at 350 degrees F. 30 to 40 min­ utes, Serve- at once. Listowel Reeve’s Home Entered A sneak thief on Thursday entered the residence of Reeve J. F. V*andrick', of Listowel, and got away with a small amount of money. Mrs. Van- drick heard some one in the house and arose and from a window saw a man cross the lawn. On investiga­ tion she found that the intruder had entered the house through the front IN THE MATTER of the Estate of • Andrew Miller, late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, •pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Andrew Miller, are required to send particu­ lars of their claims, duly verified, to the undersigned, being the solicitor for the executor of the said Estate, ■on or before the twelfth day of De­ cember, A.D. 1936, and that after wuch date, the executor will proceed io distribute the said Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-first day of November, A. D. 1936. J. W. BUSH FI ELD, Wingham. Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. The next meeting of Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, December 1st, 1936 at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations, and, other business requiring attention should be in the hands of the County Clerk by November 28th, J. M. Roberts, County Clerk, Goderich. Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TN THE MATTER of the Estate of John Porter, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Fa'-mer deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ^pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all creditor.-, and others having claims against the Estate Porter, are required ti ulars of their claims, duly verified, to Bie undersigned, being the solicitor lor the executors of the said Estate, on' before the twelfth day of De­ cember, A.D, 1936, and that after sticl’ date, the executors will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which fhev shall then have had notice. TTATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-first day of November, A. D. 1936. J. W. BUSH FIELD, Solicitor for the Executors, IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDG­ MENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re­ sult of years of successful experience in collecting local or out of town ac­ counts. Personal calls made on alt cases, if necessary. No collection, no charge. Remittance made monthly. Mail yottr list of accounts to-day to Butke’s Collecting Agency - (License 176) Office over W. R. Smith’s Store, SEAFORTH Box 498 WESTERN FOLKS EXPRESS THANKS Dear Sir: No doubt you will be suprised to receive this letter but our family were recipients of vegetables and your name and address was on a bag o,f potatoes we received, so I wish to thank you for your kindness in con­ tributing to the car load. The vegetables arrived at Valley Centre on Friday, Nov, 6th aiid were divided among a, large number of peo­ ple who appreciated them very much. The gardens in this district were promising in the early part of the‘sea­ son but the continued drought and hot weather finished them. The dry weather affected the grain crops also but most people had some wheat to thresh but the oat crop was a fajlure. Any of your neighbors who contri­ buted to this .car of fruit and veget­ ables will probably be glad to know it arrived somewhere safely and was appreciated. You pan asfeure them it was. Tf you are ever in this part of the West we will be glad if you will give us a call. Again thanking you for your kind­ ness, I remain, Yours truly, A. M. Hamilton.- Write or Call For Catalogue Today HEINTZMAN & COMPANY 242 Dundas St., London, Ont. > having claims f the late John send partic- Car of Vegetables and Fruits from This District Now Distributed SWEETS TO THE SWEET EXECUTORS' SALE BY TENDER old, rule box 1936 com bySealed tenders will be received l„ the undersigned up until noon, De­ cember 12th, 1936, for the purchase of Lot number Thirteen' (13) East side of Edward, Street, ham, Ontario, containing one- art acre. On the said premises there on the Wing* ■fifth of On the said premises there is situ- tied a frame cottage with light and water. For further particulars apply to the Wtderslgned, DATED at Wingham, Ontario,, this 21st day of November, A.D. 1936. L’W, BUSHFIELD, Smichor for tte Executors, • The following letters of acknow­ ledgement and appreciation have been received by Rev. J. F. Anderson, Sec­ retary of the Wingham and District Ministerial Association, under whose auspices the car of Western Relief was gathered and shipped. November 19th Rev. J. F. Anderson, Wingham, Ont, Dear Mr, Anderson: I am today in receipt of a munication from the Saskatchewan Voluntary Rural Relief Committee, of Regina, Sask., advising me that a proper acknowledgement should be made to you in respect of a mixed ear^of fruit and vegetables shipped from Wingham, Gift., and assigned to this rural municipality for distribu­ tion. The waiter has very ffitrehirteame in so doing and t therefore give you a brief account of the procedure tak­ en iri connection with this car and its contents, The car arrived here on the 9th" insf. and that day was ocenp- e planning gifts. A ome made candy is al* present, and it can be well as decorative if failure-proof recipes By Betty Barclay “Sweets to the sweet” is an old motto, but it’s still a safe when you of toothsome h ways a popular economical as you use these for bon bons made with sweetened condensed milk. Magic Fondtafit 1% cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted % cup sweetened condensed milk J teaspoon vanilla RIend sifted confectioners* sugar gradually into sweetened condensed milk, tine my. using fork. Add vanilla and con mixing until smooth and crea' For Fondant Variations Use fondant plain between halved nut meats or as a stuffing for dates. Or* form Into small balls and roll in, chopped nuts, shredded cocoanut, grated chocolate, chopped .candied fruits, or.flavor variously and form into round flat creams, % cup sweetened condensed milk ...... ...b.. .J.. ..1.I*...1.5....... .LL III.......LI.-...—............. M ‘Walker Stores, Zjmited Your Favorite Shopping Centre is going through rapid transformation, new things showing on every counter. A real festive air suggesting Xmas, is getting close, and Shop Early.4 LADIES’ SWEATERS Pure wool pullovers, in pleas­ ing weight and styles, 1 Reg. to $2.50. Each ... * • • w GIRLS’ PYJAMAS: White flannelette, showing con­ trasting trim in colors, 2-piece style; sizes 6 to 14. 49c GIRL’S WARM VEST' <................ Long Sleeve vest, with neck that buttons. Sizes 22 /IQ-, to 28. Each.................. GIRLS’ BLOOMERS Good weight knit, fleece lined. All sizes OTa Pair .............................. FANCY TOWELLING Pure linen, showing fancy rain­ bow borders or check- O C « ed. Yard .................-...Z-OC EMBROIDERED TOWELS Guest Towels showing various hand worked designs, also have’ colored hems in pastel STAMPED PIECES Any of these pieces embroider­ ed would delight as a personal gift; wide selection. KQ/»Reg. to 75c ....... DJ/C STAMPED APRONS Splendid quality cream cotton, finished jvith bias binding and pocket, stamped for 1 embroidery. Each * V - STAMPED CASES Very little embroidery complet­ es these pillow cases of fine cotton; regular size. 7Q/» Pair ............................. < V STAMPED PIECES Regular values to 50c, in wide selection of various piec-O E es, linen, etc. Each ... door, passed through the house and and going to pieces on the rocks.- made his exit through a rear door, taking available cash as he went. Mrs. FL Johnston, Mrs. Vandrick’s mother, who lives across the street from the Vandrick home, on being informed by her daughter of the incident, was alarmed and on examining her- purse found that the thief had paid a visit to her home also, and that she was short about $16. The curate prided himself on his oratorical powers. He was describing the downward path of the sinner, and used the metaphor of a ship drifting A sailor in the audience was deeply interested. “The waves dash over it!” cried the curate. “Her sails are split!" Her- yards are gone! Her masts are shiv­ ered! Her helm is useless! She is driving ashore! There seems no hope! Can nothing be done to save her?” ' The sailor rose in his seat, his eyes wide with excitement . “Let go the anchor,” he sho-uted. “Judges make good after-dinner speakers." They can easily pronounce- long sentences with conviction. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL RECORDS FOR TEACH­ ERS AND SCHOOLS. POPULAR MUSIC HILLBILLY MUSIC and CLASSICAL MUSIC WHITE SATIN These Specials are Effective November 26th, 27th, 28th 2 tablespoons peanut butter 2l/s cups confectioners’ sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla. Place sweetened condensed milk in the top of double boiler. Add pea­ nut butter and cook over boiling wat­ er 3 minutes or until mixture is smooth and well blended. Remove from fire, add vanilla and' sifted con­ fectioners’ sugdr gradually. Blend thoroughly. Pour into buttered pan. Chill. When firm cut in squares. SEASONABLE DESSERTS By Betty Barclay Rennet custard dishes made with­ out eggs or cooking may be inexpen­ sive, but they are delicious and helth- ful. When flavored with apricots or seasonable cranberries they are very desirable. Here are two recipes that will please your Lemon Rehnet*Custard with Cran­ berries 1 package lemon rennet powder i pint light cream 1 J J i To make cranberry sauce: Boil sugar and water together 5 mihutes. Add cranberries and boil without stir­ ring until all the skins pop open (about 6 minutes), Remove from stove, and allow sauce to cool. To make fertnef-custardr Prepare according to directions on package, using? I pint milk and I pint cream instead of 1 pint, of milk. Chill in re­ frigerator. Immediately after the ren­ net-custard sets, or when ready io serve, put 1 tablespoon of cranberry sauce pn each tiisli. cup cranberries pint milk cup water cup sugar 'j Pastry Flour 24-16. bag 63 I Special! Domino TEA Here’s a Wend voted “tops” by families everywhere, A fragrant blend ■ that will prove flavorful. satisfying and most economical! TRY IT TO-DAY! » .49 J4-lb. Pkg. 25* o Cake Flour SWANSDOWN Pkg. .35 Dole’s 2#s Tin PINEAPPLE JUICES .25 Campbell’s 10j4-oz. Tin Bean-Bacon Soup Tin .10 Shirriff’s New Dessert FANCY FREE 3 Pkgs. .23 Tasty, Delicious ALMOND ICING California Diamond WALNUTS New Fresh BRAZIL NUTS - Aunt Dinah MOLASSES 1%’s Tin .10 lb. .29 Lb. .25 lb. .21 Desiccated and Shredded COCOANUT KETA SALMON VERYTHING TOILET TISSUE - Artificial Lemon or Vanilla EXTRACTS SINGAPORE Sliced . Pineapple Dominion Value—Bulk Mincemeat 15 8 Molasses Snaps *•. New Season’s Lemon or Orange PEEL > .25 Special! CLASSIC Tin BULK WE DELIVER .5 3 Tall g* Tins a 8Roiis .25 3-oz. Bot,IO 529 .10lb. Value! Golden Hallowi DATES Dominion. Value TODDY ROLLED OATS !4-lb. Tin L ‘ l-lb. BLACK Pepper TEXAS PINK GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 23c. LARGE NAVEL ORANGES 49c Dozen FRESH LETTUCE .CELERY, CABBAGE DOMINION