HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-11-19, Page 11Thursday, Nov. 26th, 1936 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE
; Thursday night. Officials said the
movement was due to the quicksand
and clay foundation,
Woman Lawyer Head®
County Liberals
Welland, — Miss Helen Kinnear,
Port Colborne barrister, and Canada’s
only woman King's Council, was un
animously elected President of the
Welland County Liberal Association,
Miss Kinnear, believed to be the
first woman in Ontario to head a
county Liberal organization, succeeds
Judge D, B. Coleman1 of Ontario
County, recently elevated to the
fan on the machinery broke. He was
taken to the hospital. When the fan
broke, its parts were hurled through
the section in which
Burnett was
Constipation* Causes Dis
comfort, May Lead to More
Serious Troubles
of the admin-
Bruce County
Girl’s Death Accident
Accidental death was the verdict of
the jury inquiring into the. death of
Kathleen McLean, 21-year-old resid
ent of Burgoyne, knocked down on
the. highway near her home, three
miles north of Paisley, on October
31. She died shortly afterwards. Os
car: Mayhew, of Owen Sound, driver
of the truck was not held after the
No Ontario Election
Until 1938
Point Anen, Ont-.,—Premier Hep-
lb.urn told a Hastings East audience
there would be no general election
in Ontario until some time in 1938.
W -are not going .to .the .country
in 1937 and there will probably be
ta (Legislature session in 1938 before
we .appeal to the electors <on our own
record, 'he -said.
Mme. Ernestine Sclmmann-Heink in
a motion picture, in which the great
singer was to have appeared.1
May Extend Grounds
For Divorrce
London.—The House of 'Commons
gave second reading to a private
member’s bill making desertion --for
■a period of at least three years ground
for divorce in Great Britian.
’Sponsored by R. Le La Bere, Con
servative, the bill was -passed ’by a
vote of '78 to 12, only about 15 per
■cent. oF fhe House membership par
ticipating 'rn the division. The bill,
after a third, reading in the 'lower
Chamber, will go to the House of
Lord’s ,where It is certain to meet
Demands Rowe Retract
A demand that Hon. W. Earl Rpwe
retract allegations he is reported to
have made against Gordon A Brown,
Provincial Auditor, was made by Act
ing-Premier Hon. Harry C. Nixon, 'in
a signed statement released to the
Mr. Nixon -quoted the Ontario Con
servative Leader as calling Mr. Brown
“one of the 'browbeaten civil servants
Mr, Hepburn has threatened with dis
missal if he tells the truth to me.”
Stork Derby Mothers
Win First Round
The stork derby mothers win round
The famous Clause 9 of .the'Miller
Will, giving $500,000 to productive
motherhood, has been declared valid
in a judgement handed down Friday
by Mr. Justice William .Middleton.
But more than likely, there,will be
a second round and probably a round
three and a .round four. , For, while
motherhood has bee.n recognized, it
still has '.to be determined what moth
er or mothers get the fortune.
» ’ ~~~
Eden, Explains Britain’s Position
•Leamington, 'Warw’icks'hire, — For
eign Secretary Eden outlined the cir
cumstances under which Britain
would go to war.
Referring to British armed ’forces
at home ’and abroad in a spech to liis
constituents^ the Foreign 'Secretary
‘“These arms will -never^be used in
a war'ol aggression. They will-never
'be used Tor a purpose' inconsistent
with fhe 'Covenant of t'hc League o'f
Nations or t'he pact of Paris.
Amenesia Victim Regains
Hamilton, —- Constable I. R. Robbie
of the Provincial Police stationed at
Grimbsy admitted that the earlier
identification of Grimbsy amenesia
victim as George Knight, Jack Jef-
fray or Fred Peacock was wrong and
that his name is really George Wilbur
Carkin, of 708 Maplewood Avenue,
Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
The man detained for observation
in the Ontario Hospital, suddenly re
covered his memory and contended
that police identification of him was
entirely wrong.'”
Three State Small’s Will Forged
Upon the authenticity of a holo
graph will rested the decision in a
.legal struggle lor the fortune Am
brose J. Small left behind when he
vanished Dec. 2, 1919, from his Grand
Opera House and .never <wa.s .-seen .a-
.gain, dead or alive.
The will, .dated Sept, 6, 1903, .and
leaving an estate in excess of $1,000-
000 to his widow,A was brought into
non-jury Assize Court before Mr.. Jus-
dice Nicol Jeffrey. It was declared a
forgery. Three Toronto high school
teachers o.f writing swore they
lieved Small never wrote it.
You may have days, perhaps
even weeks, when you feel below
par, Not sick enough to go to bed,
but certainly not at your best. The
trouble may be with your diet.
Poorly balanced meals can affect
your physical condition.
Meals which lack proper “bulk
for instance, may lead to common
constipation. Continued neglect
of this condition causes discomfort,
may lead to headaches, poor appe
tite, listlessness,
. Guard against common constipa
tion.* Make sure the meals you
eat contain plenty of “bulk.” Kel
logg’s All-Bran is a generous
Source of effective “bulk.” Within
the body, it absorbs moisture, forms
a soft mass, and gently cleanses the
Two tablespoonfuls daily, with
milk or cream, are usually suffi
cient; Stubborn cases may require
All-Bran oftener. Serve All
Bran either as a cereal, or cooked
into muffins, breads, etc, Eat it
regularly for regular habits.
All-Bran is guaranteed by the
Kellogg Company. Sold, by all gro
cers. Made by Kellogg in London,
^Constipation <£«« to insufficient "“buHc”
wound requiring several stitches to
close, and to be rendered unconscious
from the fall. A companion teacher,
with her, was badly jarred but man
aged to save herself from falling.
Margaret Cudmore, who was
Former Windsor-Woman
For Movies
Detroit, — Mrs. Eleanor Hazzard
Peacock of Detroit, former Windsor
resident, will take the role oF the late
Russia Warned to ‘Keep
Out of Spain
'Rome, — A Fascit warning to Sov
iet Russia that Italy. Germany and
Japan will '^actively” combat any at
tempt to. set up a Communist centre
on,Spanish soil went out from Rome.
The three powers, authoritative
quarters said, would meet any such
•attempt’by mobilizing -their ant’i-Com-
nronlst defenses from a -passive into
-'an active 'state. .
King Encouraged Welsh People
London, — In a* message to
Lords .Lieutenant of. .Glamorganshire
(.and Monmo.uthsh.ire, the King urged
I the people of the depressed areas of
I.South ’Wales “.not to lase ’.heart,” .but
.rest assured “their troubles are not
Returning to London after a two-
j day tour of the region, his Majesty
farfked '.that '‘’sincere appTecrafion” :be
liconveye'd to the county constabulary
and dll others concerned 'for t’he ex
cellent ranrangements made for 'the
wisit. r ■
Goderich Home Damaged
By Fire
Damage of $3,000 was’ caused
fire to the residence and contents
W. G. MacEwen, Goderich. The fire
started in the attic, from a defective
chimney, it is thought. The entire
upper portion ot the house was burn
ed, and there was heavy damage
from Water and smoke .although
of the furniture was removed. Insur
ance was carried.
Make “HIM" Happy
all the year
Complete with
battery and 3 blade*
McKibbon’s Drug Store
Russia Tells Japan
Moscow — Russia told Japan .a
German-Japanese pact would strain
relations Wiiitih ’Tokio.
The Russian warning concerned
what the ’Soviets -previously -asserted
■was a military alliance betwen Ger
many and Japan -directed against Rus
Communists .Demand .Arrest
of .Rightists
.Paris, — The Communist Party (.de
manded the .arrest of former Premier
Andre Tardie.it and two other prom
inent Rightists whom the party blam
ed for the suicide of Roger Salengro,
.Minister of Abe Interior..
The .Communists held them respan-
.sible .for .attacks oq Salengro’s war
record which Lefisls believed caused
him .to .kill himself.
Listowel To Have .New Theatre
L. W. Payne, manager of the Prin
cess Theatre, Listowel, announced
that a new picture show would be
built in Listowel. The site has already
.been chosen and work on the new
building will’ commence immediately
.after January 1, ,1937.
The present theatre will be torn
•down along with the store beside
.now occupied by D. L. Chapman.
Canal ‘Bank Sags -at Welland
Welland—A dredge scooped,
•tons of earth In the centre of
city ‘behind the west ‘bank of
Welland Ship Canal 'to relieve •press
lire on a 200-foot section which shif
ted forward, causing safety guard rajjs
and pillars to collapse. ,
Shipping in the cana’l was -not ’im
peded 'by the sag, which occurred <ltir~
Government To Share
Trial Costs
The increasing costs
istration of justice in
caused the County Council at session
at Walkerton last week to pass a res
olution asking the Provincial Govern
ments to assume a greater share of
the cost and expenses forced, upon
the county in the trial of the Wiarton
brewers warehouse robbers. The
bringing of this quintette of robbers
to justice during the past few months
cost the county more than $2,000 it is
stated. Reeve Lants, of Carrick Town
ship, and Reeve Schmidt, of Mildmay,
were the sponsors of this motion.
Huggard Disbarred as Solicitor
John Joseph Huggard, Seaforth and
John James MacLennan, Toronto, are
disbarred and declared unworthy to
practise as solicitors by an order that
D’Arcy Hinds, registrar of the Su
preme Court of Ontario,, has made on
the motion of the benchers of the
Law Society of Upp'er Canada.
Huggard was removed from God
erich jail to Kingston Penitentary
last Wednesday to serve a three year
sentence. He pleaded guilty to stea
ling $138,500 securities from thirty-
two of his clients at Seaforth.
Search for Missing Lad
Police at Goderich have been asked”
by an artxious mother to locate the
whereabouts of Walter Rellison Bone,
■who has been missing from, his home
for nearly two years, and was last
heard, of at Copper Cliff, Ont. The
boy is 18 years of age, 6 feet 2 inches
i .tall, weighs 175 pounds, brown eyes,
medium complexion. Information
should be sent to P. E. McCoy, Pro
vincial Constable, Goderich.
Listowel, Hospital Board Elects
J. A. Schinbein was elected presi
dent at the inaugural meeting of the
Listowel Memorial Hospital Board.
Other officers are: Vice-president, R.
B. Hanna; secretary-treasurer, Miss
Jessie Clime. Committee are: Prop
erty, R. B. Hanna, T. G. Anderson,
W. A. Britton, William Good and W.
Donaldson; Finance, L. R. Coles, J.
P. Walter, R. Oliver, E. D. Bennett;
Purchasing, T. G. Anderson, E. D.
Bennett and Mayor Zilliax.
Bodies Washed Up
Near Southampton '
On Thursday the body of Peter
Titus of Sarnia, fireman on the ill-
fated tug, Frederick A. Lee was wash,
ed up on the shore near Southamp
ton. On Friday the remains of Archie
Gibbs of Corunna was also discover
ed at Wabezee Bay six miles from
Southamption. The Lee disappeared
on Friday, November 13th on the op
posite side of Lake Huron.
The Y.P.S. of the United Church
held the regular meeting on Thursday
evening in the school room. The op
ening exercises and routine business
was conducted by the President when
final plans were arranged for the
members of the society attending the
meeting of the Y.P.S. at Belgrave on
Wednesday evening. George Hether
ington* conducted the devotional per
iod. Russel Barnard read the Scrip
ture lesson. “Flow to Build Peace"
was the topic for the meeting and
was taken by Miss Marie Wettlaufer
in a very interesting manner, pointing
out the value of the League of Na
tions and finished by repeating ’Ten
nyson’s poem “The Vision of the Fut
The annual open meeting of the
Women's Institute was held in the
Foresters' Hall on Friday evening.
The 1st vice president, Mrs. John
Wickstead, presided for a short bus
iness session. The meeting was op
ened by singing The Institute Ode
and repeating the Lord’s Prayer. The
secretary gave the official report of
the short course held in October. The
question of applying for the Provinc
ial Government was also a subject of
discussion. Following the
period games were enjoyed
ireshments served. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. Fryfogle
and Mrs. -Wix, Detroit,
week-end with Mr.
McEwan and other relatives.
William Hall, of Chatham,
his brother, John Hall, this
his return from the North
was Successful in shooting
Pullets and hens carefully
culled and sorted, comfortably
housed in clean quarters, not
crowded, and fed
ROE Ccmhfete
with home-grown grains
' will keep your production at
spring and summer levels with
these farm-proven feeds, fort
ified with health-maintaining
vitamins. Start today to get
maximum production, building
greater profits with your hens.
and re-
and Mr.
spent the
and Mrs. Alex.
Robertson attended the Y.
ROE FEEDS sold locally by
Howson & Howson — Wingham
Mr. Alex. Manning — Belgrave
Mr. John McLeod — Bluevale
Water to moisten
In purchasing chops, have the but
cher cut two chops in one piece and.
ask .him to make a pocket in the-
centre of each piece for stuffing,
the above ingredients to stuff
Blyth Men’s Club
Name Officers
Sixty men attended the
banquet of the Men’s Fellowship
Club, of Blyth United Church. Dr.
J. C. Ross, of Palmerston, a former
resident, gave a talk on “The Care
of the Human Body”. The following
officers were elected: President, A.
Elliott; Aricc-president, Irwin XVallace;
secretary, James Sims; treasurer, Ber
nard Hall; convertors of committees,
membership, W. Webster; program,
Dr, Toll; Social, S. Hollyman, W. N.
called cm
week on
where he
a deer.
P. S. Conference at Walkerton over
the week-end as delegate from the
Presbyterian Y.P.S,
Miss Jean Scott of Seafrfrth, visited
this week with her friend^ Miss Flor
ence Fowler, who returned'WSeaforth
with her for the week-end.
Mr, and Mrs. John Sparks and lit
tle daughter attended a family gath
ering on Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. McQuillan near Lucknow, it
being the occasion of the wedding an
niversary of Mrs. Sparks’ parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Miller, of Imcknow.
The regular meeting of the W.MtS.
was held in the class room of the
United Church, on Tuesday, Nov. 17,
Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge presiding.
After singing hymn 602 “We would
see Jesus”, Mrs. A. V. Robb read the
Scripture lesson, Luke 4: 14-25. The;
Devotional leaflet “Jesus, the Great I
Teacher” was read by Mrs. J. Fell, j
This was followed by the Minutes and :
business.’ Mrs. W. J. Johnston gave
a reading on Christian Stewardship,
followed by responsive reading. Mrs.
R. McLennan gave the synopsis of
the second chapter of the Study Book. ‘
Mrs. A, V. Robb takes the Study ;
Book for the December meeting, i
Hymn 240 “Thou, Whose Almighty i
AVord” was snug and several short [
prayers were offered, followed by.the !
Roll Call. The meeting closed by j
singing hymn 383 “Lord, speak to j
me, that I may speak” and the bene- :
Former Resident Dies
A former resident of the village in
the person of Joseph Smith passed
away in the Goderich Hospital on
Thursday evening in his 85th year, j
Mr. John Smith of the village is a I
brother. Interment took place on Sat- '
urday afternoon in the Lucknow Cc-m-;
ct cry. '
chops and stuff. Then place in open
I to
il n til '
butter in frying pan,
and seasoning-, mix all
thoroughly, stirring 1
are slightly browned, and
with water. Salt and pepper
Exeter Physcian Ninety-Three
Dr. J. AV. Browning., Exeter, the
■Oldest practising physcian in Canada,
-celebrated’his ninety-fhird birthday on
‘Sunday. Dr. Browning’is also the old-
test Morse telegrapher In this country,
and as such inaugurated 'the coast-to-
taoast 'celebration last summer of
the 'Canadian National telegraphers,.
Born -rn 'Somerset, England, lie
came to Canada as a boy and settled
•in 'Mark’ham, Ont., with his family.
He was only 1'0 years oF age when
he became interested in telegraphy,
and three years later he was profic
ient enough to send despatches.
Dr. 'Browning received his medical
degree when 23, and’ moved to Ex
eter July 3, 1S67, two days after
Confed eTati on.
Privy .Council To Decide Issue
The right of the Ottawa Valley
Power (Company .to bring suit .against
the Ontario Hydro Commission, with
out the .consent of the Attorney- Gen
eral, and thereby ch.a1l.engc the val
idity «af the Power Commission Act of
1935 (cancelling contracts between
Quebec power companies and the
Hydi-o-Electric Power Commission of
Ontario, will be decided by the Privy
ReinstatenieiTts of the four Quebec
power contracts cancelled by the Hep
burn Government would cost the
Province of Ontario more than $8,-
500,000 in the coming year, and the
Province would suffer similarly stag
gering losses during’ ensuing years,
it was estimated by Queen’s Park au
thorities-, following the decision of the
Court of Appeals ’in the Ottwa Valley
Power Company’s case.
Clinton School Teacher
Miss Myrtle Armsttong( teacher
Clinton public school, was taken
the Community Hospital at noon I-
Windmill Takes Tumble
A strange accident is reported from
the farm of XV. R. Hamilton, con
cession 2, Kinloss. His son, Alvin,
was driving an autombile which
bumped the corner of tjie windmill
stand. The impact caused the 30-foot
Steel structure’s collapse. It fell tn
front of the car and within five
of lhe Hamilton residence and
badly- twisted. No one was hurt.
Durham Man .Injured
George Burnett, employee of the
Saugeen Mills, Durham, had his left
arm and left leg shattered when a
Miss Lyttelton isMom Viola Lyttelton, daitgbtct of society beauties, 1,..... _
Lord Cobham, in Toronto, Ont., to tall, bltie-cyed and resembles the film
judges horses at the Royal Winter star, Loretta Young.
Fair, who is one of Englands loveliest
Lake Champlain Seaway
Inquiry Opened
New York, — An International
Joint Commission opened hearings
here on the proposed Champlain sea
way, connecting the St. Lawrence and
Hudson Rivers by an, “All-Amcricati”
route through Lakes Champlain and
George hi 'Northern New York.
day, in an uttconspiom? condition, hav
ing been knocked dowjt when cross
ing Ontario street by a bicycle ridden
by Douglas McKenzR, who, along
with a companion, John Lavis, was
tiding home from school.
Miss Armstrong was thrown
fjavernent with such force as
ceivc a broken shoulder, a
to the
to re-
On Guaranteed
A legal investment for Trust Funds
Unconditionally Guaranteed
We atfi prepared to consider a few
jnore young mett for training in
Radio as required by the Dominion
Government for 1st and 2nd class
licensed operators. Only Canadian
citizens possessing good character
and health plus, two years High
School or the equivalent, acceptable,
Unless you can fulfill the above
ifcqiiiremcnts please do not apply.
Former Greenock Reeve Passes
One of the most widely known
in this district cx-Recve Joseph Cart
er, of Greenock Township, died at the
Bruce County Hospital from the ef
fects of gangrene in the right leg,
coupled with a serious heart condit
Mr. Carter, who was in his 71st
year, had been an active citizen of
the township for which he served sev
eral terms as councillor and then us
reeve ,A speaker of much ability he
Several limes was nominated in Con
servative conventions as a candidate
for the Legislature. Ho was popularly
known throughout the district as an
The funeral was held on Saturday.
Shot While On
Hunting Trip
Word was received that Arnold
Dcsjardine, of Grand Bend, had ac
cidently shot himself in the right
wrist and grazed his right shoulder
with a high-power rifle. The mishap
took' place on Manitmilin Island,
where, with two neighbors, Ed and
Max Turnbull, he had gone hunting.
Injured By Explosion
Seriously burned in an explosion
which wrecked the kitchen of his
home and moved the main section of
the building a foi
Bort Weathcriou,
ship, whose farm
is wider medical
Frank Jamieson,
One theory of the blast is that
fumes seeping under the house from
a well 20 feet away caused the blast.
it off its foundation,
of Plymptou Town*
is on 21A highway,
cate at the home of
in Forest,
'I’fie fat
room in this place?,” he shouted.
The hotel porter remained calm.
“There is a door over there with
mmge, Gentlemen only’ on it,”
id. “You ignore that and
straight in.”
old man was in a bad tern-
the dickens is the smoking
A Great Book “How to Be
come a Hockey Star” by T. P.
“Tommy” Gorman, manager
and coach of the Montreal
“Maroons”, profusely illus
trated and containing many
valuable tips on how to plav
the game.
(mounted for framing)
Group Montreal "Maroons”
Group "Les Canadians”
or individual
Baltly Northcutt
Dave Trot tier
Russ Blineo
Karl Robinson
Bob Grade
Gus Marker
Howie Morenz
Johnny Gtnjnoii Will'. Gude
George Mantha
* S7our choice of the above •
For a label front a tin of
WHITE” Corn Syrup.-—Write
on the back your name and
address — plainly —- and the
Words “Hockey Hook" or the
name of the picture you want
(one book or picture far each
label). Mail the label to the
address below.
A product af
pictures ofi
1’iiul Haynes
Marty Barry
l’ate Kelly
Dave Korf
Buy Worfers
"Ave” Bailey
Art Lesicut
Prank Boucher
Marty Burke
Alox Levinsky
Stuffed Fork Chops
teaspoon salt
U teaspoon pepper
cups stale bread crumbs
rnf!’ h!
II5 »if | k ■ 1 ijl all!!| J J w
tablespoons butter
fcashoou finely chopped sage
teaspoons finely chopped onion
urn. A
f '