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Officers and Committees Elected at
Annual Meeting.
An enthuiastie meeting of the Hur-
, the Club
Ljst week
on Curling Club was h/ld in the Club
rooms on Thursday night last week
when arrangements were /Jompleted
for the winter activities^The follow
ing officers were elected:
President—J. A. Wilson,
Vice Pres,—J. Murray.
iSec.-Trcas.—Dr. A. W. Irwin.
Executive Committee—J. J. Evans,
H, Diamond, D, Rae, H. C. MacLean,
F. L, Davidson.
Bonspiel Committee—J. Mason, W.
T. Booth, H, C. MacLean, D. Rae, C.
Jitney Committee—T. H. Gibson, J.
A. Wilson, J, Murray, J. Carr.
Entertainment • Committee—W. G.
Gray,, H, Machan, H. Diamond, J.
Murray, C. Elliott, E. J. Nash, J, J.
Evans, W. Monk, H. S, Chittick.
Ticket Committee—T. H. Gibson,
AV. G. Gray, J. A. Wilson.
On Executive of N.W.O.H.A,
Mes.srs. Ed. Williams and T ,W.
.Platt attended a meeting of the North
Western Ontario ..Jiocjcey Association
held in Listo’welj' on Tuesday. The
meeting was vveljf attended. Mr. WiL
• liams was placet^ on /he Executive
Committee of the league. It was not
decided at this meeting what the
groupings would be. A special meet
ing will be held in the near future to
raniiage the various groups. As stat
ed in another article in this issue,
Wingham are entering a team in this
Dr, and Mrs. Reg. puvhl attended
the Royal Winter Fai/ las/ week.
Mrs. L, C, Young was a week-end
visitor with her sons in Toron t^.
Mrs. Geo. Mason is improving af
ter her accident of two weeks ago.
Queen’s Coffee Shop for appetizing
Sandiwches, delicious Hot Chocolate,
Rankin’s Candies.
Mr. and Mrs. H, O. Stevens, of
Montreal, left on Saturday for their
home in Montreal.
Mrs. Robt, Beattie has sold her
residence on John St. to Mr. George
Dalgleish of town.
Mr. T. Y. Smith has been confined
to his home for the past few days
with a cold or flu.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cur/uQlpcnt a
couple of days last, week aUtfre Royal
"Winter Fair, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs W. J. GrieY were
Royal Winter Fair visitors tor a cou
ple o.f days this week.
Capt. and Mrs. AV. J./kd/ms spent
a couple of days at the wjyal Winter
Fair, Toronto,, this week.
Mr. and. Mrs. N. B. McLeod, of
Toronto, were guests last week with
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. French. •
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfre r^fogle of
Detroit, were week-en<V visitors with
his brother, Mr. J. J.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G.
Toronto, were week-e
Mr. and Mrs.»Elmer
Master James Morgan, of London,
spent a few days with his grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J-.S. Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph England, Mr.
and Mrs. T, England ai|n children, of
Galt, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Galbraith and
children, Jack and Elizabeth, of Tor
onto, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. John Galbraith.
Mayor John Hanna, Mrs. Hanna,
and, Mr. and Mrs. Andrej
were Royal Winter Fair w
a couple of days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Park, Dun
gannon, also Miss Beth and Mr.
Brown were recent visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Deyell.
Mrs. J, R. Lockhart, who has beeh
visiting with her mother, Mrs, J. J.
to her
Drumnhond and
motid, Of Pictoh, spent a few days
With Mr. and Mrs? C, Nicholas, Wing
Mrs, J. H, Zeigler and baby son,
Jimniio, returned to their home in
Guelph on Sunday after visiting with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, T, H. Gib
son, for the past week,
Mr. and Mrs. Davis,
City, Kansas, visited
with* Mr, and Mtrs, J.
Mrs. DaVis is a cousin
gati and it is 64 years
seen her,
icjimond, of
chests with
^sjtors for
for the past month, returned
home at Bath, N.B., on "Mon
Claytoti Carter, Miss Edith
Mr. Clifford Drum-
of Soimonon
oti Saturday
$, Morgan,
of Mr, Mdr*
sThcts he has
With Which I» Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter New*.
Five of the bodies have since
The motorship Hibou foundered
nd sank in Owen Sound Bay four
miles north of Owen Sound at dawn
Saturday, carrying seven members of
its crew to their death, including Miss
Iona Johnston, Ten survivors reach
ed shore on rafts which they threw
clear before leaving the ship. With
their feet in frigid water they paddled
the rafts with their hands from the
spot where the Hibou went down a
half mile from land. They were tak
en to the General and Marine Hos
pital at Owen Sound. They were all
suffering from exposure, but doctors
said none were in a serious condi
been recovered. Above is shown the
M.S. Hibou in dock, and on the map
is marked the location of the disas
Subscription* |2.00 Per ¥•*»♦
Hanover Quartette Took Part in the
Sunday Services.
Protest Against the Sale of Beer and
Wine in Huron County,
A regular , meeting of Lebanon
^Chapter No. 84 R.A.M. G.R.C. held
in the Masonic Temple last week, the
following were elected officers for the
ensuing year:
I. P.Z.—J. D. Beecroft.
Z.—H. L. Sherbondy.
H.—W. T. Booth.
J. —W. S. Hall.
Scribe E.—H. F. McGee.
Scribe N.—J. J. McGee.
Treas.—J. W. McKibbon.
P.S.—G. G. McKee.
S,S.’—M. Brown.
J.S.—T. Gilmour.
O.G.—E. J. Nash.
The installation’ of the above offic
ers will be held at the next regular
Organization Meeting Will Be Held
Wednesday, Dec. 2nd.
On Monday of .this week Brigadier
and Mrs, Ritchi^ visited Wingham,
They spent the day with the Salva
tion Anny Officers, Captains Rumford
and Barwick. At night a well attended
open-air service vjas conducted by the
Brigadier at the corner of Alfred and
Minnie Sts. The inside meeting was
also well £.ttended and a very lively
and helpmLperioj was enjoyed by all
present/This Ls the first visit to
Wingl/a™ f Brigadier and his
wife as DmdTonal Commanders. They
wereLvevyrecently transferred to the
command of the Hamilton Division
from Winnipeg, where they held a
similar position.
On Sunday the junior male quar
tette of’ the Baptist Church in Han
over, comprising Messrs. Code, Hay-
ne, Hingley and Wendorf, also Mrs,
Code, Wesley, and Ruth, attended the
services at the Salvation Army. At
the morning service two numbers1
were rendered by the quartette. In
the afternoon they attended the Unit
ed Church where they also sang. At
the evening Salvation Army meeting
the quartette sang four appropriate
selections. Just before the close of
the service Mr. Code and Captain
Barwick sang a duet. Altogether a
very enjoyable day was spent in the
Master’s service. Dr. and Mrs. Stew
art, Mr. and Mrs. Lott and the Army
Officers entertained the guests.
A. Y. P. A
Connell entertained the mein-
» Dr.
bers of the A.Y.P.A. on Monday
ening when he presented a very
teresting and instructive address
“The Process of Healing.” He
plained the method that the human
body has of healing wounds by nat
ure. These methods he illustrated by
many interesting black-board draw
Mr. Hutson gave a very humorous
cockney reading taken from Herbert
Jenkins’ book "Bindle” which was
very much enjoyed by all.
A piano solo “Sabbath Chimes”
was rendered by Miss Cora Phair.
At the conclusion of the meeting
a pleasant half-hour was spent in
Curled at Kitchener
The local Curling' Club was repre
sented at the Kitchener Bonspiel on1
Monday by D. Fortune, A. J. Wilson,
J. Mason and Alex. Crawford, skip.
They won their first game 11-9 in an
extra end from A. R. Diet, of Kitch
ener and lost their second game 10-5
to a Toronto Granite Four. To-day,
Wednesday, another local rink will
try to bring back the bacon, E. J.
Nash, Dr. Irwin, T, H. Gibson, D.
Rae, skip. They will play Dr. Mar-1
cus, of Kincardine, in their first game.
Another Meeting Will Be Held on
Thursday of This Week. ~
The annual meeting of the Town
Hockey League was held in the Coun
cil Chambers on Thursday night last
week and a fair attendance was pres
ent. The following officers were elect
ed for the coming season t
Hon. Pres.—Mayor John W. Hanna.
President—Price Henderson.
Vice Pres.—Hoy Mahttel.
Secretary—Bert Isard.
Treasurer—H. Garlick.
Publicity and Property Committee
—E, Williams, A, Sturdy, J. Cruik
The Executive will be composed of
officers of the league and the manag
er of each team entered.
So faff two teams have entered,
Gurney’s, last year’s champions, and
the Bea^Cats, It Is expected that the
league will comprise four teams.
has been a demand for a
Bridge Club here for some
it has beeh decided to or-
The organization meeting
time, so
will be held in the basement of the
Masonic Temple at 8 p.m. on Wed
nesday, December 2nd. Following the
meeting a match will be held.
All interested in bridge, both ladies
and gentlemen, are requested to at
tend this meeting.
In Hospital
Mr. Richard Casemore, Scott
is in Wingham General Hospital
fering from Bright’s diseases.
Successful, Tea and Sale
The annual tea and sale held by
the Ladies’ Aid Society of St. And
rew’s Presbyterian Church in the
basement of the church on Saturday
afternoon was a most successful af
A Correction
In last week’s issue we reported
that Mr. Gus. Boyle had sold his gar
age in Walkerton. This report was
made in error. The garage haft;, been
leased to the British American Com
pany and the two stores in connection
with this building rented.
Won. Cake
Mr. H. W. Mundell, Bluevale, won
the six-pound fruit cake that was
donated by the Dominion Stores, last
week. The lucky ticket number was
22446. The draw was made at 9.30
Saturday evening at the Dominion
Store by W. W. Armstrong.
First Visit in 23 Years
Mr. Robert G. Casemore of Manis-
tigue, Michigan, is visjting in town.
His, brother, Richard, is a patient in
Wingham General Hospital. It is 23
years since Mr. Casemore has visited
Wingham. About 60 years ago he
learned the printing trade in the Ad
vance office. At that time C. Cliff
was the owner of the paper and James
Fleuty was foreman.
Homemakers Gave Demonstration
The regular monthly meeting
the Women’s Institute was held
the Council Chambers on Tuesday
fernoon with an attendoncc of 43.
Mrs .W. J. Henderson, the vice-Pres-
ident, was in the chair. The meeting
opened with the singing of the In
stitute Ode followed by the Lord’s
was held,
ed over
class of
Miss Cora Phair gave a piano solo
“Chapel Chimes”, the Homemakers
gave a table setting demonstration.
Misses Evelyn and Edith Cattipbell
sang as a duel “A Basket of Old
Fashioned Flowers.” ’ The meeting
closed with the Homemakers
a dainty lunch and with the
of the National Anthem.
A general business session
then the meeting was turn*
to Mrs. Clarkson Martin’s
“Ambitious Homemakers”.
Why isThe summer boarder asked
it that old hog keeps trying to come
into my room. Do you think he has
taken a fancy to me?
Little Willie . explained it: Why,
that’s his room during the winter.
City Mission
and enjoy Friday evening
Mrs. M. A. Shantz, mission
ary from China, will probably give an
illustrated lecture. Also be with us
Sunday at 3 and 8 p.m.
At the Queen Coffee Shop— Ran
kins assorted hand rolled chocolates,
by the box, or lb, salted mixed nuts,
toasted peanuts, mints. Always fresh.
Evening Auxiliary Bazaar
The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit
ed Church will hold their Afternoon
Tea, Sale of Work and Home-Made
Baking in the Council Chamber, Town
Hall, Saturday afternoon,. November
28th, commencing at 3 o’clock.
Seventeen Deer Seen
A short time ago ’Mr. Henry God
kin Jr., Whitechurch road, saw sev
enteen deer on his farm all at one
time. Mr. Godin was atVlinner when
he noticed about, five of; them in a
field. The deer/kept gathering until
the herd numbered 17./This appears
to be a record number seen at one
time in recent ycars^Maybc the gov
ernment will allow hunting in this
district next year when deer are be
coming so plentiful.
Attended Conference at Stratford
A Leadership Training Conference
for older boys and leaders, under the.
auspices of the Ontario Boys’ Work
Board, was held at Stratford Thurs
day and Friday last week. Delegates
from Wingham were: Lloyd Dark,
Ross Howson, Charlie Wellwood and
Rev. J. F. Anderson. .Rev. E. R. Mc
Lean, Toronto, new executive secre
tary of the Ontario Boys’ Work
Board, was present and conducted
groups on worship and recreation. On
Friday afternoon through the kind
ness of the Stratford merchants, the
members of the Conference
conducted on a tour of various
dpstrial establishments.
Emphatic protest to the Ontario
; Governme/it “against autocratic and
illegal overriding of the will of the
electors of Huron in the placing of
authorities for the sale of beer and
Wine in the county," was decided up
on by a rally of temperance workers
in Ontario Street United Church, at
The resolution, which was prepared
by a committee comprised of Dr. A.
T Irwin, secretary of the Ontario
Temperance Alliance; W. G. Medd, of
Exeter, and A. T. Cooper, of Clinton,
continued in reference to the beer and
wine authorities issued in the county,
with the “request that they be dis
continued and that the Canada Tem
perance Act and the provincial law
be allowed to run concurrently in
Huron as formerly.”
The rally, one of the Huron Coun
ty Temperance Federation and repre
sentatives of all section of Huron'
County, was presided^over by R. P.
Watson, Brucefield, with Rev. W. A.
Bremner recording the proceedings.
Dr. Irwin gave the figures on the con
sumption of intoxicants in Ontario
and explained the status of the Can
ada Temperance Act as it applies to
Huron County.
Officers elected for the ensuing
year are; R. P. Watson, Brucefield,
President; W. G. Medd, Exeter, vice-
president; Rev. W. A. Bremner,
Brucefield, secretary; Frank R. How-
son, Wingham, treasurer, and G. G.
Kirkby, Clinton, field secretary. Hon
orary presidents elected are: Miss
Murray, Hensail; A. E. Lloyd, Wing
ham; Rev. C. W. Down, Exeter, and
Gordon Lamb, Goderich, Chairmen of
committees are: R. H. Lloyd, Wing
ham, finance, and A. T. Cooper, Clin
ton, legal.
The executive committee is com
prised by the officers of the
federation and the ministers
churches in Huron County.
Captain Norman MacKay, skipper
of the motorship Hibou, who perish
ed with one woman and five other
members of his crew when his ship
foundered in Georgian Bay;
Any hockey players wishing to get
into shape for the coming season may
do so by attending the physical train
ing classes that are being held in the
Arena on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday evening’ at 7.30 o’clock. The
class is under direction of “Scotty”
Forbes and is already well under way
having started last Friday,
This class is not to be confined to
the O.H.A. team — all who wish to
get into shape for the whiter activ
ities are cordially invited to attend.
of the
.Perth Member III
Mr. F. G. Sanderson, M.P. for
Perth, underwent an operation in the
Stratford General Hospital on Mon
day. It is expected that Mr. Sander
son. will be out-of the hospital in
about a week.
to Meet
the Veterans' Wives
be held in the Leg-
Veterans’ Wives
A meeting of
Association will
ion Rooms at the Armouries at 8 p.m,
on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd. All ladies
interested are requested to attend this
To Reside at Pickle Crow
Mrs. Charles Willson (Marjorie
Gibson), daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Gibson, left on Friday evening
for Pickle Crow Mines, where her
husband has been since early in Aug
ust. Pickle Crow Mines are 150 miles
north of Sioux Lookout. Marjorie’
many friends wish her much
ness in her new home.
Presentations' Will Be' Thursday an£
Friday of This Week.
AU is now in readiness for the An
nual Public School Concert which -will
be presented in the Town Hall on.
Thursday and Friday evenings of this,
week, Nov. 26th and 27th . The pres
entation this year is an adeptation
from Dickens’ book “Christmas Car
ol.” The play, together with the child.-*
ren’s singing, will make this " year’s
concert an outstanding entertainment..
New Terraplane >
See the New Terraplane now on.
display at Merkley’s Garage.
Maude Leggatt*
Peter Hastings*
family residence*
9, Turnberry, on
November 20th.
------- - i*
Williams - Watson
A quiet wedding was-'solemnisred' re
cently of a former well-known Bel
grave girl, when Mary Agnes Wat
son, eldest daughter of Harvey and
Sarah Watson, of London, became
the bride of John J. Williams, son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, of
London.* The ceremony was perform
ed at St. George’s Rectory by the
Venerable Archdeacon Sage. The
young couple were attended by Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Burke and will re- j
side in Hamilton.
Mrs. Peter Hastings
, The funeral of
widow of the late
was held from the
Lot 10, Concession
Friday afternoon,
The service was conducted by Rev.
J. R. Greig, minister of Eadies’ Pres
byterian Church, of which the deceas
ed was a member.
The deceased had not enjoyed good;
health for some time and last August
she suffered a stroke from which she
never fully recovered. The late Mrs.
Hastings was born near Whitechurcji.
and forty years ago last May was
married at Bluevale to her late hus
band, who predeceased her in April,
of this year. Since her marriage she
was a continuous resident on the farm. .
where she passed away.
Surviving are two daughters, Edna.
May and Mrs. George Day, both at
home. She is survived by two broth
ers, Andrew, of Hamilton, and Sam
uel, of Collingwood.
The pallbearers were: Win. Leg1-
gatt, Walter Woods, Leslie Fortune*
Haroid Hastings, Thomas Hastings
and Alex. McDougall. Interment was
made in Wingham Cemetery.
Abraham Eallahay
The death, occurred; on Sunday*
November 22nd, in Toroonto General
Hospital, of Abraham Fallahay, a for
mer resident of Gorrie, following an
illness of six weeks.
The deceased, who was in his 67th
year, was born at Gorrie and contin
ued to reside there until about 40
years ago when he moved to Toronto
where he has since lived. Thirty-sev
en years ago he was married in Tor
onto to Cassie Martin, daughter of-' the late Mr. and Mrs. James Mar-
I tin, of East Wawanosh. The late Mr,
j Fallahay was a valued member of the
j United Church.
He leaves to mourn his passing be
sides his wife one daughter, Vern, afc
home. He is also survived by one
sister and one brother, Mrs. Nellie
Cowan and David Fallahay, both of
A service was held at his late res
idence, 25 Constance St,, Toronto, oft
Monday evening and on Tuesday the
funeral service was held at Fryfogle’x
Undertaking Parlors here.
Interment took place in Wingham;
Bazaar Saturday, Dec, Sth
The Ladies’ Guild of Si. Paul’s
Anglican Church will hold their an
nual Bazaar in the Council Chambers
on Saturday, December 5th.
Hepburn Will Appeal Decision
Premier Hepburn said he was “not
the slightest bit disturbed” by the
majority judgment of the Ontario
Appeal Court which held sections of
Ontario’s Power Commission Act,
1935, to be ultra vires the Legislat
ure. At the same time the premier
forecast an appeal against the decis
ion, reduction in hydro rates in rural
districts to be announced on Decem
ber 1st and a “fight to a finish” on
lite power question. “Of course we
will appeal,” Mr. Hepburn said, “buy
nothing will stop the reduction iu
hydro rates for the^iydro will never
pay for this unwanted excess power."
Crashed Into Hydro Pole
Wilfred Murchison, R. R. 2, Nor
wich, Ont., formerly of Turnberry,
driving on No. 8 Highway through
Seaforth, crashed into a hydro pole
in front of Northside United Church
and from that to a mail box and
standard which was broken off at the
ground. Neither Murchison nor the
two passengers in the car were in
jured, although the car was damaged.
A Pleasant Evening
.A yery pleasant party was held at
'the home of Miss Phyliss Johns on
Friday evening in honour of Mrs. C.
Wiilson (Marjorie Gibson), who has
gone to Pickle Crow Mines to live,
Bridge was enjoyed during the even
ing and each girl brought a snap
which was pasted in an album so that
Marjorie would always have a remind
er of her Wingham friends with her.
Attended Social in Blyth
Members of the Wingham Liberal
Women’s Association attended a soc
ial evening held in Blyth Community
Hall on Monday evening under the
auspices oJ^Hfe^BIyth Liberal Club.
Those party in the program
were: fyfiss Myrjr MacDonald and
Miss Szara MacJicaiV Mr. and Mrs.
GeorgZ TervRtfMrs. Donald Rae and
Mr, a^d^I-fC Dan Geddes.
T. Booth gave an instructive
the school question, Mr, R. J.
man, M.P,, was present and
most interesting address. Following
the program cards and dancing were
enjoyed and the Blyth ladies served
a delicious lunch.
Turnberry, East and West Wawahosh
on Friday. Wingham on Monday.
Three Townships in this district
will hold their nomination meetings
on Friday of this week. Turnberry
will hold their meeting in the Forest
ers’ Hall, Blpcvalc, at 1 p.m. East
Wawanosh will nominate at Union
School House No. 17, Belgrave, at
the same hour. West Wawanosh will
also hold their nomination meeting
on Friday.
Town Nominations Nov, 30th
Next Monday, nominations for
Mayor, Reeve, Councillors, a Com
missioner and Public School Trustees
for the Town of Wingham will ’be
held in the Council Chambers from
7.30 to 8,30 in the evening, *
If an election is demanded for any
of the above, municipalities it. will be
held on Monday, December 7th.
Morris, Grey, Howick, Kinloss will
not hold their nominations until later
In the year, f”
Mr, W,
talk’ on
gave a
Representatives Attended Meeting in
Listowel on Tuesday.
In ill haveWingham hockey fans
opportunity to see plenty of hockey
here this year. Besides playing O. H.
A, the same as last year, a N, W. O.
H. A. club was organized Monday ve-
cniug. The games these clubs play,
along with the Town League sched
ule, should provide plenty of this fav
orite winter sport,
A meeting of the N.W.O.H.A. was
held in Lisi owe! Tuesday afternoon
and the local club sent representatives
and, if they can secure proper group
ing, will enter a team.
The organization meeting on Mon
day night was well attended. The
team will be picked from Town lea
gue players. The following officers
wore elected:
Vice Prcs.wr,
A, Carr.
Gordon C. Moffatt
Following an illness of 10 years the
degth of Gordon C. Moffatt, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mjoffatt, Lot 51*
Concession 1, Morris Township, oc-*
, curred on Sunday, Nov. 22nd, in
Queen Alexandra Sanitorium,
which institution he had been a pat
ient for the greater part of five years.
The deceased, who- was in his 32nd,
year, was born on the above named
farm and after attending school No*
10, Morris and Wroxeter Continua
tion School, He joined the staff of the-
Bank of Commerce. A year later he
was transferred to Ford where he re
mained on the bank staff for a year-
prior to
ten years
oti account of ill health,
He leaves to mourn their loss be
sides his parents, one brother, Stan-
Six years
taking a position with the
Stearns Co,, in Detroit, He
with the firm until about
ago when he returned hornet
from the
ley, at home. .Another
George, predeceased him
The funeral will be held
family residence this afternoon (Wed
nesday), The service will bo conduct
ed by Rev. J, R. Greig, minister oF
Bluevale Presbyterian Church, ot
which the deceased was a member.
Tim pallbearers: Cloyne IIiggiftxfc
Vernon Higgins, Burns Moffatt*
Ollie Moffatt, Duncan MepougaB amt
Cameron Adams,
Interment in Wroxeter Cemetery.