HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-11-19, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Show Starts at 8 p.m. Thurs., November 19th, 1936 WHITECHURCH Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 19, 20, 21 JANE WITHERS And TOM BROWN ------In------- “Gentle Julia” A Comedy by Booth Tarkington ------Also------- Two Reel Comedy — “AM I HAVING FUN?" Cartoon — “TOONERVILLE TROLLEY" And NEWS REEL. NEXT WEEK - aEx Mrs. Bradford” Travellers Samples AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES These are Toilet Sets suitable for Men or Ladies Articles from t 65c to $7.49 The goods are in perfect condition, the cases are very slightly soiled. They are in the famous Jasmine, Gardenia, Forget- Me-Not, of Southern France Lines. Every Set is Different. We also have a few boxes of Fancy Boxed Station­ ery and Fancy Boxed Perfume which we are offering at “Half Price." This is an opportunity to make a big saving on ar­ ticles that make acceptable Christmas gifts. institute Held Open Meeting * The open meeting of the Institute was held Friday evening with the president, Mrs. W, Leggatt in the chair. The roll call was answered by “The job I dislike most in housekeep­ ing.” It was decided not to ask for the legislative grant of $3. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz gave a violin selection with Miss Louise Martin accompanist. Or­ ville Tiffin sang a Scotch solo with Mrs, Tiffin accompanying. A debate was held on the subject, Resolved that the homes of pioneer Canada were more conductive to character growth than, are the present day homes. Misses J. Logan and Velma Scott up­ held the affirmative and Jack Pollock and Milan Moore th^ negative. The judges, Carmen Farrier, Tom Wilson and Lance Grain, decided in favor of the negative by a elose margin. Bert Cullimore and Merle Wilson gave in­ strumentals; violin solo, Clifford Far­ rier with Mrs. Farrier accompanying; mouth organ selection, Joe and Dan Tiffin and Fred Lott; solo, Ruby Conn; reading, Mrs. R. Mowbray. Little Janie Mclnncs was called to the platform and putting her hand in a box of tickets sold on a comforter drew the name of Mrs. Ezra Well­ wood, to whom the comforter was given. Mrs. Lott received the prize for selling the most tickets. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis and Will and Barbara of Clifford .spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt and with lier sister, Mi's. Fred Davidson. Mr. Smith Stein of Simpson, Sask., who has been attending the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, showing horses and Mr. John Rintoul of Sea­ forth visited over the week end with his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Purden and other relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur -"Cronin of Caledon spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fal­ coner, who returned with them to Caledon to spend the winter there. Miss Marjorie Falconex’-'Of Wing­ ham spent .the week end at me home of her uncle, Mr. Ezra Welwbod. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mariezand Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman motored to/ Hamilton on Friday and visited with relatives .there. The people of Whitechurch com­ munity are holding a shower and so-‘ cial time in the hall on, Wednesday evening in honour of th’e newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. George Garton. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and children of Dungannon spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie. | Mrs. Hodgins of Holyrood spent a few days last week here^rtsthc home of Mr. and Mrs. John Giflesp^. hjow that we have had our. first touch of Winter, make cer- tain that your Boy is properly clothed for the bitter winds, and frigid temperatures that will soon be here, Overcoats Smart new Tube and Guard models, in Brown, Blue and Greys $3.95 to $9.95 Suits New Fancy Backed and Plain models, long, golf or short pants. Fine English Tweeds and Worsteds. $3.95 to $10.95 Sweaters Fine Woollen. Sweaters in “V”, Crew and Zipper necks, All newest colors. 69c, 89c and $1.00 See our new Hockey Outfits. Underwear We have a complete stock of Underwear, Penman’s “71” and “95” and Fleece Lined 95c, $1.10, $1.25, $1.95 Caps See. our new Pleated Caps, the latest thing in town. Brown,. Grey and Blues. 69c and 89c Snow Suits Just the thing for playing in the snow; Your boys will al­ ways be warm in these Wool­ len Suits. Helmet to match. $3.50 and $4.50 HANNA & Co. Limited “Outfitters for Men and Boys” .1 " .......................................... .............. week end, attending a family re-un­ ion of the Kirk family, held at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kirk of Birmingham, Mrs. Jas. Robinson of Wingham was at their home, while they were away. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Grain held a birthday party at their home on Tuesday evening in honour of Orton's birthday, BLUEVALE United Young People to Visit Belgrave The Y.P.S. of the United Church held the regular meeting on Friday evening in. the school room. The president presided and opened the meeting with prayer and conducted the opening exercises. An invitation from the Y.P.S. at Belgrave was re­ ceived and arrangements made in connection with accepting it. Miss Alice Thornton, convenor of the Cit­ izenship committee, then took charge of the meeting. Miss Marie Wett- laufer read the Scripture lesson. C. F. Johnston gave a fine talk on the topic “Christian Teaching and War.” The meeting closed with singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpah bene­ diction. address Miss is All.” The meeting with has addressed ft • Winter is on the I Friday, Hero are a few suggestions for your comfort. Wool Blankets — Just In ...... $7.49, $7.98 Pair Wool Coverlets ..........................., ., $4.29 to $8.95 Flannelette Pyjamas and Nightgowns for Men . and Women $1.19, $L50, $1.79, $1.98 WOOLLEN UNDERWEAR LINED GLOVES GAY WOOL SCARVES WARM SWEATERS KING’S have it more abundantly.” In his in­ teresting and impressive address he presented arguments for missions in general and cited many instances of the wonderful results in the lands to which the Gospel has been carried. The meeting of the Y. P. U. was held on Sunday evening with a good attendance. The Scripture lesson was read by Norma Weatherhead and. the Bible character on “Luke” by' Jean Thom. The topic “Christ’s Teach­ ing and War” was taken by Mrs. W. A. Miller. , Mrs. (Rev.) H. M. Wright and in­ fant daughter, Dorothea Joan, return­ ed from, the Wingham .Hospital on High Class Watch And Clock Repairing at very moderate prices. I Geo. Williams JEWELLER Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector t Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ki rd of Sea­ forth and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Florence were in Detroit over the Out Hairdressing Parlour will open in the Foxtou Dairy Building Saturday, Nov. 21 McKibbon’s Drug Store FOR THE LITTLE BOY I Where Can I Buy Real High Cut Leather Top* ped Rubbers? Lighters, Cigarette Cas- es, Bill Folds, Playing Cards, Dice, Change Purses, Ash Trays at OMAR HASELGROVE’S Smoke Shoppe 5. - ------------ Presbyterian W. M. S. Thank-Offer- in Meeting. The annual Thank-Offering meeting of the W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church was held Tuesday evening with the president, Mrs. J. R. Greig, presiding. Mrs. Raymond Elliott read a Scripture passage in keeping with the nature of the service and Miss Barbara Thynne offered prayer, fol­ lowed with a solo by Rev. J. R. Greig. Mrs. Greig then introduced the guest speaker, Miss Louise Reith, M.A., of Tara, who used as her subject “The Joy of Service.” .Miss Reith is tak­ ing special interest in the Deaconess work of the church and her, remarks wfere along’ that line pointing out .the real pleasure it affords these young women to give their time and talent in the service of the Master, and cited several instances of special interest. At the close of the Thynne sang “Christ President closed the prayer. Miss Reith several meetings in Maitland Presby- terial and while in this presbytery is the guest of Mrs. Greig at the manse. Mrs. Alex. Mowbray is visiting with friends in Toronto and Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall are visit­ ing with Mr. Hall’s brother and oth­ er relatives near Chatham. J. Wesley * Beattie and two daugh­ ters, Ethel and Florence, of Seaforth, were recent visitors with their cousin, Miss M. Olive Scott. James E. Nichol is spending a cou­ ple of weeks in Toronto with his dau­ ghter, Mrs. ChalJicomb. John F. Messer is with his sons, Harvey and Charles, in Toronto, and will enjoy the Winter Fair, Visitors at the home of Mr. Wm, Thornton are, Mr. and Mrs. George Quinn, Charles Quinn, his daughter, Alba, and son, Albert, of Ingersol. The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will take the form of a social to be held in the Foresters’ Hall Friday evening, Nov. 20th, at 8.30 o’clock. A good programme is being prepared. Everyone will be wel­ come. SHOP AT Smith’s Economy Food Store Now is the time to get your Fresh Fruits for your Xmas, We have a complete stock of choice quality Fruits, absolutely Fresh, GRANULATED SUGAR................... With, a $1.00 Grocery Order—Sugar not included. 10 Lbs. 50c BELGRAVE FOR THE BIGGER BOY For the Full Grown MAN- This question was put to the writer of this ad. a few minutes ago and we were in a posi­ tion to give the gentleman a Very Definite Reply for a very simple reason, namely: We are makers of Leather Topped Rub­ bers — We do not make the rubber bottoms but we do make the Leather Tops and attach them, and therefore we are in a position to make them in any height required. Moreover, if you are very stout or very thin, we can make these to your order and in a short time, namely, just two hours. leather Topped Rubbers are The Real Thing for the snow and wet and we make them l for Big Boys and for Little Boys and in any ^height or width of leg. A New Feature in Men’s Rubber bottoms is a “rubber bead" which prevents interference with the leather top. This is hard to explain but we invite you to come in and see this real im­ provement. SPECIAL NOTICE We are in a position to give you better service in Leather Topped Rubbers than any oth­ ers store in Western Ontario for the reason that WE ARE MAKERS OF THIS CLASS OF FOOTWEAR. Willis Shoe Store The Leading Shoe Store of These Parts PHONE 129 WINGHAM FREE Enlargment Now is the time for Christ­ mas Photos and just think, we will give you an Enlargement FREE on all orders of $4.00 and over. E. Zurbrigg Photographer WINGHAM Hair Dressing Opening We have installed the very lat­ est equipment and will do the niOst Up-to-date hairdressing itt atty style. Mr. Callon, of Toronto, will be present and demonstrate Hairdressing and Per- manent Waving. Helen K. S'humacher FRESH LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL..........23c Lb. FRESH BROKEN WALNUTS............1......39c Lb. CIRTON PEEL..........35c Lb. FRESH CHOICE CURRANTS......„..........14c Lb. ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER ........ 15c Lb. Tin FRESH SHELLED ALMONDS .............53c Lb. SAXONIA GLACE CHERRIES...................49c Lb. CUT MIXED PEEL...25c Lb. DALTON’S VANILLA EX­ TRACT, 8 oz. bot......2 for 25c CHOICE PITTED DATES.......................2 Lb. 25c TRY A POUND OF DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .. 33c Lb. Ground Fres'h while yon wait —» Sold only in this store. Delegates Appointed to U.F.O. Con­ vention. The Belgrave Farmers’ Club held a meeting at the home of C. R. Coul- tes on Tuesday evening of last week when there was a very good attend­ ance present. The .early part of the evening was spent playing various games and in social time. The pres­ ident, Cecil Wheeler, brought the meeting to order and items of busi­ ness were dealth with. It was decided to send four delegates to the U.F.O. Convention in Toronto held the last week in November. The following were appointed to attend this meet­ ing: Mrs, J. M. Coultes, Mrs. James Michie, C, R. Coultes and CyrUs Scott. It was decided to hold the annual meeting at the home of C, R. Coultes on Tuesday evening, Dec. Sth. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines children, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Week-end visitors with relatives Mr. Townend and daughter, Eva, of Moose Jaw, are^jyisitorS with Rev. J. B. Townend and family. Mr. and Mrs. J .S. Scott are visit­ ors with their son, Peter M, Scott and family at Falconbridge. Mr.' Cameron Geddes of Chatham, spent the week end at his home here. COOKING FIGS...3 Lbs. 25c PURE CLOVER HONEY ...............5 Lb. in 45c DOMESTIC SHORTEN­ ING .......................... 2 Lbs. 25c AUST. LEXIA RAISINS WITH SEEDS.......2 Lbs. 25c AUNT DINAH MOLASSES... ..............lie Tin LELAND’S TOMATO JUICE 10 J/2 oz.......5 Tins 25c SUNBEAM Seeded RAISINS 16 oz Pk. 17c 12 oz Pk. 2 for 25 BLEACHED SULTANA GAISINS .......... 21c Lb. FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES CHOICE SEEDLESS GRAPE FRUIT ........... .... 6 for 25c FRESH CRISP CELERY HEARTS..................10c Bunch EATMOR CRAN­ BERRIES .................. 25c Lb. FRESH ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE, Large Head...10c FRESH CABBAGE Large....... ..................2 for 15c NO. 1 COOKING ONIONS ..............10 Lbs, 19c and were here. ST. HELENS As part of 'a general exchange am­ ong Ministers of Huron Presbytery In the Interests of Missions, Rev, j. R, Turner, of Dungannou, was the speaker in the United Church on Sun­ day morning. The annual W. M. S. Thank-OHetJng was also observed. Clioosing as his subject “Why For­ eign Missions?* Rev. Turner spoke from John 10:10 “I am come that ye might have life, and that ye might We carry Coleman’s Fresh Sausage, Weiners, Bacons, Summer Sausage, Etc. ON YOUR EYES! CHECK UP U fl Have them examined by ft man who has proven his ability. If glasses are ftot necessary you will be told, and if they are, you cari get them at a very moderate cost FJ REID Stratford’s Leading Optometrist for 18 Years At Williams* Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morftiftg 9 to Noon.