HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-11-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, November 5, 1936 lj cents a word1 pen insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. [OE3O1 OE3O: nt these pAiin BRING RESULTS County rf Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the tenth day of January H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario,t on or before the twenty-first day of Nov­ ember, Z-..D. 1936, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-first day of Nov­ ember, the assets of the said intestate ■will be distributed amongst the par­ ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the admini­ strator shall then have notice. Dated at Wingham, this third day of November, A.D. 1936. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. fl A.D. 1936, are notified to send to J.MEALS OFTEN FAIL TO GIVE NEEDED INTERNAL EXERCISE All-Bran Relieves Common Constipation* Had Fingers Caught in Plainer Fred Seiling, the local blacksmith and wood worker met with a painful and serious accident on Saturday morning. He was operating a plainer and in some manner his hand was caught in the knives. He was hurried to the Wingham General Hospital, where it was found necessary to am­ putate thumb a part of two fingers and the or his left hand. [OJBSIOl ARGENTINE CORN FOR SALE— Car will be unloaded Thursday and Friday at C.N.R, $30 per ton off car. Duncan Kennedy. DQ YOU WANT to become a mer­ chant or the owner of a prosperous business? We supply the goods. You can earn real good money, steady income, right away. Now is your 'hance to get ahead. For free details write General Manager, 570 St- Clement St., Montreal. FOR SALE—Young Hereford Bulls, sired by Gay Richard dams by Clay­ ton Donald and Cavalier Lad. Ap­ ply H. T. Perdue, R.R. No. 5 Wing­ ham. Phone 613R12. 1OE3O? be distributed among those entitled thereto^ having regard only to claims then properly filed. Dated at Wingham the 27th day of October, A.D. 1936. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Barrister, Etc., Wingham, Ontario, TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Voters’ List Court FOR SALE—A number of White Leghorn cockerels, bred to lay. R. O.P. stock. $1.00 each while they last. Apply A. Ferguson, Belgrave. FOR RENT — Six roomed house, choice location, all conveniences, garage. Apply Mrs. A. E. Porter. FOR SALE—1 Beattv Electric Wash­ er, guaranteed, $25.00 easy terms if desired . Apply W. J. Clark, phone 141J.____________________ HOUSE FOR SALE—Modern 2 storey brick house, to close an es­ tate. Apply at Advance-Times. Notice is hereby given that a Court for the Revision of the Voters’ Lists, Parts 1 and 2, 1936 of the Township of East Wawanosh, will be held by His Honour, the County Judge, in the Forsters' Hall, Belgrave, on Thursday, November 12th, at 4 o’clock p.m. All parties interested will please take no­ tice and govern themselves according­ ly. Dated this 3rd day of November, 1936. IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDG­ MENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re­ sult of years of successful experience in collecting local or out of town ac­ counts. Personal calls made on all cases, if necessary. No collection, no charge. Remittance made monthly. Mail your list of accounts to-day to Burke’s Collecting Agency (License 176) Office over W. R, Smith’s Store, SEAFORTH Box 498 PUBLIC SCHOOL RE­ PORT FOR OCTOBER A. PORTERFIELD, Township Clerk. Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear MEN! GET VIGOR AT ONCE; New Ostrex Tonic Tablets contain raw■ oyster mvigorators and other stim-! ulants. One dose peps up organs, j glands. If not delighted, maker re- i funds few cents paid. Call, write j McKibbon’s Drug Store. _______ j TO RENT—Modern Service Station, well located, small capital required. Apply to Box T, Advance-Times. WANTED—Girl for general cleaning. Apply Wingham General hospital. Will kind friends purchasing in either Drug Store please help Jimmy Stoakley with votes until Christmas eve.—Thanks. WOULD YOU LIKE to earn a good, steady income right in your own locality? Special experience not necessary. Openings to reli­ able, intelligent men. G. St. George 570 St. Clement Street, Montreal. Would my friends please give me a share ot their votes at McKibbon’s Drug Store Contest. Helen Louise Pocock. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estare of William Henry David­ son late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Implement Agent, deceased, who died on the 12th day of October, A.D., 1936, are here­ by notified to send their claims duly verified by statutory declaration to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of November A. D., 1936. And further take notice that im­ mediately after the said date the as­ sets of the said estate will be distrib­ uted among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which have been properly fyled. Dated at Wingham this 20th day of October, A.D., 1936. R. S. Hetherington, Wingham Ont. Solicitor for the Executrix. Meals that are low in “bulk” are a common failing of the average American diet Frequently, these meals result in irregular habits. Constipation due to insufficient “bulk” is often a consequence. This condition causes discomfort, and may lead to headaches and loss of appetite. Even serious disease may develop. Banish the danger of a diet low in “bulk” by eating Kellogg’s All- Bran regularly. This delicious cereal is an abundant source of gentle “bulk.” Within the body, it absorbs mois­ ture and forms a soft mass, which exercises and strengthens intes­ tinal muscles, and cleanses the system. All-Bran also furnishes vitamin B and contains iron. Two tablespoonfuls daily, with milk or cream, are usually suffi­ cient. If not relieved this way, con­ sult your doctor. How much pleasanter to enjoy this natural food in place of pills and drugs. Serve All-Bran either as a cereal, or cooked into muffins, breads, etc. Eat it regularly for regular habits. r All-Bran is sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. ★Constipation due to insufficient “bulk” J. R. Grieg conducted Anni-Rev. versary service in Corbetton Presby­ terian church on Sunday evening. The caste from the Boundary East presented the play “Nora Wake Up” at the fowl supper in connection with the Anniversary services at Auburn Presbyterian church on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. King left this week for Toronto, where they will spend the winter. ST. HELENS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ♦—Denotes examinations missed through absence. Senior Fourth Total 800, Honors 600, Pass 480. Edna Hogg 662, Franklin Pickell 642, Clarence Hamilton 630, Betty Gannett 622, Louise Reid 616, Bertha Casern ore 609, Edytlie Campbell 607, Norman Mundy 607, Frances Robin­ son 603, Velma Ohm 600, Dorothy Stewart 590, Jean Breen 580, Nora Finlay 567, Louise Lloyd 566, ,Wm. | Harris 564, Harold Cantelon 556, | Alma Thompson 362, Gerald Brophy Louise Dore 556, Helen Hammond.I 351, jac]{ Musgrove 343, Mary Pren- '' ‘ tice 326, Jack Lloyd 320, Donald Mc­ Leod 302, June Everick 301. First Class Total 550,. Honors 412, Pass 330. Mary Forbes 508, Lillian Jones 486, Joan Edgar 482, Patricia Wild 476, George Town 456, Betty Allan 448, Howard Breen 430, Mary Vanner 402. 553, George Johnson 550, Arnold! Stoakley 533, Norman Fry 528, Elm­ er Deyell 525, Dorothy Mellor 513, ♦Ann VanWyck 506, Mabel Campbell 500, Fenton Barnes 481, *David Mur­ ray 462, John Lee 440, *Evelyn Scott 428, Hem Lee 415, ♦Reatha Sinnamon 415. ridge 403, Jimmie Colborne 389, Bet­ ty Finlay 379, Billie Templeman 367, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AU persons having claims against the estate of David Falconer, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, who- died on or about the nineteenth day of October, A.D., 1936, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-first day of November, A.D., 1936, full par­ ticulars ef their claims in writing. Im­ mediately after the said twenty-first day of November, 1936, the assets of the said testator will > be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. Dated at Wingham, this thirty-first- dav of October, A.D., 1936. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. All persons having claims against the estate of Robert J. Harrison, late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer de­ ceased, who died on. or about the 12th day of October, 1936, are here­ by notified to send their claims duly verified by statutory declaration to the undersigned solicitor for the ex­ ecutors on or before the 12th day of November 1936. 'And further take notice that im­ mediately after the last mentioned date the assets of the said estate will Fe distributed among those entitled thereto having regard only to claims then properly filed. Dated at. Wingham the 27th day of October, A.D. 1936. J R. S. HETHERINGTON, | ___ ^C.-’ j her, A.D., 1936, full particulars of their Windham, Ontario. j claims in writing. Immediately after : ~ - the said twenty-first day of November tor will be distributed amongst the only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. Dated at Wingham ,this thirty-first day of October, A.D. 1936.J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of George Bennett, late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased ,who died on or abaut the tenth day of July, A. D., 1936, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-first day of Novem- ’ claims in writing. Immediately after - - g LUG OcLLU LLVCilLy-111 ML Uct V XWVClliUClNOTICE TO CREDITORS ; A.D. 1936, the assets of the said testa- -------- !i tor will be distributed amongst the All persons having claims against parties entitled thereto, having regard the estate of James Caldwell, late of , ft,*. the Township of Turnberry in the * County of Huron, Farmer deceased,; who died on or about the 15th day of October, 1936, are hereby notified to send their claims duly verified by statutory declaration to the under­ signed solicitor for the executors on or before the 12th day of November,! 1936. ' | And further take noticeo that im-| mediately after the last mentioned date the assets of the said estate will I NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Allan R. Scott, late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the COUNTY OF HURON TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES By virtue of a Warrant issued under the hand of the Warden of the Hv;n and having the Seal of the said Corporation attached, bear­ ing date the Eighth day of July, 1936, and to me directed, commanding me to levy on the lands hereunder enumerated, for the arrears of taxes respect­ ively due thereon, together with Costs. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the Assessment Act, I shall proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands, or so much thereof as may be sufficient for the payment of tbe taxes thereon, unless the same be sooner paid. The Sale will commence at the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, December 8th, 1936, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon. A. H. ERSKINE, Treasurer Huron County, Goderich, August 18, 1936. Kame Description Years in Arrears Taxes Costs TotalHOWICK TWP. Austin St. Marie.Lot 20, Con. 18 1933—4—5 . " 6^.27 3.30 71.57 TURN BERRY TWP. A Home 26-27 Wingham Town Plot 1933—4—5 29.30 2.35 .31.65Dan Kerr 65 Wingham Town Plot 1933—4 28.40 2.31 30.71T. Ritchie 79-80-86 Wingham Town Plot 1933 29.27 2.33 31.60 N. Foxton 35 Con. 12 1933-4-5 63.20 3.18 66.38 W. WAWANOSH TWP. John Cousins 159-160, Dungannon 1933 .7.36 1.85 9.21 Adjourned Sale, if necessary, will be held Tuesday, December 15, 1936, st the same hour and place as above mentioned. All lots as described above are patented. A. H. ERSKINE, Treasurer Huron County* Treasurer's Office. Goderich, August 18,1936 Published m Ontario Gazdtte, Sept 5, 1936, 1 issue only. G. Kidd, Principal. Junior Fourth Total 500, Honors 375, Pass 300. G. Hingston 440, E. Bailey 411, E. Lediet 392, J. Hopper 386, E. Dark 382, C. Ohm 374, B. Groves 372, G. Lloyd 361, L. Thompson 351, J. Gor- butt 328, B .Seddon 322, G. Evans ’ Donald Schatte 366, Ruth. Gannett 320, L. Collar 318, G. Hutcheson 317,'361, Helen Sturdy 354, Tommy Lock- E. Schatte 312, L. Bateson 302, H. ' ridge 353, Jimmy Beninger 352, Iona Howard 297, A. Williams 283, K. , Henderson 350, Buddy Wild 345, " ’ ’ ’ nc’/> Theresa Fitzpatrick 343, Buddy Mor­ ris 342, Florence Harris 340, Dawna Walker 340, Betty Mae Hutcheson 333, John Armitage 331, Madaline Deyell 329, Grant Ernest 327, Helen Arthur 324, Rose Marie Ohm 323, _____ ____ Allan MacKay 323, Ronald, Brown Total 600, Honors 450, 75%, Pass 315, Charlie Lee 311, Pauline Cow- 360, 60%. ‘ an 304, Laurene Prentice 302, Don- Ruth Harris 92, Bill Galbraith 89, ! na Tervit 301, Donna Lockridge Grace Parker 85, Norma Brown 84, 299, *Wilma Dark 294, Bobby Marjorie Falconer 84, Mildred Fitz- { Finlay 291', Dick Welch 285, Edna Patrick S3, Frances Durnin 82, Carl Templeman 274, Joyce Hingston 270. Clark 82, Robert Chittick 82, Donald Hastie 80x Grace Small 80t Doris Fin­ ley 80, Iris Templeman 77, Donna Buchanan 77, Lorraine Brown 76, Wallace Hutton 75, Craig Armstrong '----- _____ . 75, Frances Brophy 75, Isabel Mac- 133, Kenneth Hingston 132, Donald Lean 75, Douglas Fry 72, Mary Le- Montgomery 132, Bonnie Richardson pard 71, Lois Adams 71, Lloyd Mun- 131, Gordon Moir 127, Leslie Mae dy 70, Bud Cruickshank 68, Donald ' Wall 127, Tresena Bondi 125, Wilfred Campbell 66, Reggie Collar 64, Dor- [ Seli 123, Marjorie Anderson 122, een Garlick 63, Alvin Seli 63, Roy- Dark 63, Jack Ludwig 63, Margaret Finley 62, Margaret MacLean 60, Harold Hutton 54. H. Brown, Teacher. Junior4 Third Total 600, Honors 450. Pass 360. Lilian Angus 530, Muriel Evans 513, Annie Shiell 512, George Cope­ land 511, 1---- B. Joynt, Teacher. First Book Total 395, Honors 298, Pass 237. Barbara Ross 375, Mary Lu Con­ nell 371, Betty Sanderson 371, Ross [ Jphnston 370, Greta Hyndman 367, Misses M, C. Rutherford and Isobel Miller spent the week-end as guests of Miss Florence Stuart, Evanston, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt attended a family dinner in hogor of the lat­ ter’s boro Mrs. visit. Friends and neighbors of the 9th con., gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Durnin on Wednesday ev­ ening and presented the newly-weds with a pair of wicker chairs. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor included Mr. and Mrs. Petts, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor, Mrs. Will Taylor, Mrs. Ed. Taylor and Mr. Ben. Taylor, all of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd, Mr. Stanley Todd, Mrs. R. J. Woods and Mrs. E. W. Rice spent Saturday at Stratford. The basement of the United Church with its many appropriate decorations provided a pleasing setting for the successful Hallowe’en Social held on Friday evening under the auspices of the Y.P.U. Many members of the Whitechurch Society were guests and presented an enjoyable program consisting of solos by Mr. P.ert Cullimore and Mr. Gar­ net Farrier, a piano solo by Miss May Wightman and a reading by Mrs. Dus­ ton Beecroft. The judges, Rev. H. M. Wright, Mrs. D. Todd and Mr. mother, Mrs. Eyon^ of Londes- on her birthday j6b Saturday. Gaunt remaSneipior a week’s Women’s and Misses’ Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Wool Sweaters,, Pullovers, Skirts and Fur Coats One,Hundred Women’s Fur Collared Coats Latest Models and New Materials, on sale at Reduced Prices, It Will be to your interest to visit this de­ partment, inspect our stock for style, quality and values. Knitted Wool Suits Extra Value in Woman’s and Missi­ es’ Knitted Suits. All sizes and the leading colors are here for your choosing. See our specials at $9.50. A Range of New Twin Sweaters In New Models and choice Color Combinations. See our values at $2.95. Fall Dresses Our Fall showing of Misses’ and Women’s Dresses is proving of int­ erest to all buyers. We are continual­ ly adding to our. stock of Women’s and Misses’ Dresses. See our wond­ erful values at $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 to . $10.50. New Millinery Wide Range of Felts and Velvets. A Hat for every type in every size. Big Stock and) Big Value in our Two, Stores. H. E. ISARD & Co Duston Beecroft, of Whitechurch, de­ clared the following as prize winners in the masquerade: fancy dressed lady, Dorothy Miller; fancy dressed gent, Bert Cullimore, Whitechurch; comic dressed lady, Wallace Miller; comic dressed gent, Dick Weatherhead; comic dressed girl, Jean Wright; com­ ic dressed boy, Marjory Purdon, Whitechurch. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Durrijn of an end-table, an alad- din lamp and a pair of book-ends. The address was read by Mrs. Lorne Woods and the presentation made by i r Messrs. • Stanley Todd and Wallace Miller. Mr. Durnin made a fitting reply after which games and contests- under the direction of Mr. E. W. Rice were enjoyed, A social hour during which lunch was served, .brought a pleasant evening to a close. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Sunday evening with the- President, Mr. Stanley -Todd, in the chair. Cuyler Ramage read the Scrip­ ture lesson and Gordon Miller the Bible character. Papers on the topic “The Local Church United for Mis­ sions” was read by Dorothy Miller and Laurine Miller. Crawford 275, J. Falconer 256, C. Casempre 254, B. Forsyth 249, H. Montgomery 242, A. Hyndman 235, J. Nivins 230, J. Carter 225, J. Cam­ eron 202, J. Rich 197, J. Wilson 157. B. H. Reynolds, Teacher. Senior Third P, Johns, Teacher. Primary Total 142, Honors 107, Pass 85. Jimmy Hall 135, Gloria Swanson 135, Ruth Burgman 134, Bobby Mundy Marie Fitzpatrick 122, Gladys Shiell 121, Violet Bowman 117, Joyce Dal­ gleish 117, Clare Hopper 114, Gw‘en MacLean 114, Fay Angus 112, Shir­ ley Yeoman 110, Maitland Breen 107, Paul Smith 105, Ralph Seddon 104, 1 Lois Lockridge 99, Jean Welch 94, • Irene Everick 93, Jimmy Jones 92, [George Calvert 92, Wally Haselgrove land 511, Norman Anderson 498, • 79, Ronald Seddon 74, Roland Stokes Joyce Walker 486, Evelyn Allin 481,1 66, Wilbert Hart 64, Billie Wells 51. Elizabeth Hare 478, Harold Seli 468,. Just entered, Gerald Williams. Madeline Mellor 461, Lauretta Ever­ ick 453, Shirley Edgar 445, Marie Lockridge 440, Helen Carr 438, Fred­ die Templeman 437, Jean MacLeod 427, Evelyn Cantelon 418, Orwell Al­ lin 413, Jim Stoakley 395, Jim Sand­ erson 379, Eddie Fitzpatrick 371, Mar- entered, Gerald Williams. A ,G. Williamson, Teacher. BLUEVALE A Presentation Miss Donna J. Smith was given a pleasant surprise last Wednesday garet Richardson 367, Ileen Morris ‘ evening when about twenty friends 309. Myra J. MacDonald, Teacher. Senior Second Total 500, Honors 375, Pass 300. Wilfred Gannett 436, Jean Stewart r/ 435, Jean Town 413, Marjorie French *the address dhd the/presentation was 405, Grace Bailey 404, Margaret An- ' made by Mi|s Mar/ Wettlauf gus 401, Jean Prentice 396, Jack Wai-. Smith made a filing reply,, expres- ' gathered at her home and presented * her with a three piece desk set. Mis? Smith leaves this week for Clinton where she will enter the hospital for training. Miss^Dorbthy Aitken read J ...... ------- -- -----------JT----------------- J 405, Grace Bailey 404, Margaret An- ' made by Mi(s Mar/ Wettlaufer. Miss gus 401, Jean Prentice 396, Jack Wai-. Smith made a fi/ing reply,, expres- ker 394, George Breen 393, Pauline ■ sing her appreciation of the gift nad Clark 392, Walter Burgess 391, Don- ’■ the friendship which prompted it. aid Lloyd 386, Percy Vanner 375, Ev- 1 After a period of games and a, social elyn Evans 373, jack Mellor 368, Is-[ hour a buffet luncheon was served, abel Brown 364, Arthur Brown 362, all joined in singing "For She’s a jolly ’ and extending best wishes for her success. Mary Forsyth 356, Jack Ernest 352,' good fellow” Freddie Ohm 346, Robert Prentice 340, *Marjorie Sinnamon 334, Jack Montgomery 332, Billie Hilbert 507, Cecil Yeo 305, Billie Lee 304, Eddie Carter 302, ♦Raymond Bell 286, Hugh Bell 277. V. McLaughlin, Teacher, Junior Second Total 540, Honors 405, Pass 324. Billie Field 489, Helen Forbes 488, Milton Brown 461, Shirley Lloyd 454, Teddy Bailey 436, Dorothy Wells 418, Wanda Cowan 416, Jean Willoughby 408, Jack Lockridge 406, Helen Lock- CORNS REMOVED WITH CASTOR OIL " Say poodbye to clumsy corn-pads and risky razors. A new liquid (called KORN-KING z ends pam m fio seconds. Dries up peskiest ' corns or callus. Contains pure castor oil. camphor and Iodine, Absolutely safe, win­ ner Uf Good Housekeeping Seal. Easy di­ rections in package, 35c bottle saves untold V?i£^y,.Il.ruK8:ist rsturns money if KORN* KING fails to remove any iorri or callus. McKIBBON’S DRUG STORE SANTA CLARA 12-box Pkg. 12< 2^ 23' 6-02. Tin 29** 1J4-OZ. Pkg. *f 8< - A 5< DOMINION ....................: ..................... STORES LIMITED----- ' ---- Special values effective for November 5th, 6th and 7th BAKING Fruit Cake? New Peel Lemon or Orange lb. 25< Glace Cherries »>. 43< Ritz Matches Pard Doj Food Hormel Chicken Cox Gelatine Corn Meal DOMESTIC OR EASIFIRST SHORTENING DOMESTIC 4-lb. Pkg. 47c SPECIAL Head Lettuce Each 5c FRESH Cauliflower Celery Hearts Cabbage MORE FOR YOBR MOREY! When you’re buying Your foods at Dominion Stores Buy OXO in “10’s”- Instead of in 0X9WCUBES Artificial Lemon or Vanilla Extracts Raisins Australian Sultana 2 lbs. 25c Currants Re-cleaned lb. 15c FREE! One Dandy AEROPLANE GLIDER With Each Tin of BORDEN'S Chocolate MALTED MILK FIVE ROSES FLOUR Paper Bag I 7-lb. Paper Bag 24-lb, -k,- Paper Bag ■■VI Chase and Sanborn’s Seal BrandDATED COFFEE » 36 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4 Cuba Tin Old Colony MAPLE SYRUP Picnic, Sweet Mixed, Sour Mixed, Sweet Mustard PICKLES SUNLIGHT 3oAP 9QCLarge Jar