HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-10-15, Page 7. . I Wroxeter News and !«? Tj' Thursday, October 15, 1936 GORRIE SPECTACULAR CRASH WITH TROLLEY against the side of the trolley by the from the wreckage. The motorman result of the crash. ABOVE is shown , escaped with a shaking up. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wylie and child­ ren, of Leasidc, also Miss Bessie. Wy­ lie, of Toronto, were week-end guests of their mother, Mrs. John Wylie. Miss Cora Scott, of Toronto, was a guest of Miss Evelyn Stephens last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Toner of Tor­ onto spent the week-end with the for­ mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Toner. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Spotton of Wingham, were guests at the same home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King and dau­ ghter, Miss Jean, of London, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. C. King. Mrs. W. C. King spent a couple of days last week with her sister, Mrs. T. MacDonald at Molesw’orth. Miss Jean Fydell, of Brampton, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. R. G. Dane is spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Terman Ewald in St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. David Dane and son, Whitney, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Gorrie friends. Mrs. A. W. Wright, of Elora, spent a few days this week with her bro­ ther, Mr, L. F. Ashton and Mrs. Ash­ ton. Mr. Jack Lutton of Toronto was a holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beese, of Kitchener, and Mr. Ezra Beese, of Winnipeg, were guests this week of Mr. R. G. Dane ahd-other relatives. Mr. Gerald Galbraith has returned home after spending the past two months in Saskatchewan, Mrs, F. Irwin and son, Jack, have moved to Toronto to reside. Their many Gorrie friends will wish them •every success. t Miss Margaret Newton, R.N., of Listowel, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. James Graham of Toronto, spent the week-end at the Former’s home here. Miss Margaret Graham, who has been visiting her father for the past week, returned to Toronto with her brother. Rev. F. J. Fydell was in Milverton on Sunday where he took anniversary .services in the United Church, a for­ mer charge. He was accompanied by Mrs. Fydell. Miss Evelyn Dane spent the week­ end. in Clinton where she attended the London Conference of Young People. Miss Mildred Baker of Ford­ wich accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heibein spent a couple of days last week with friends in Chatsworth. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harding and dau­ ghter, Miss Maude, of Orangehill, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Harding and. sons, also Miss Pearl Harding, all of'Tor­ onto, spent ’the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hard­ ing. Miss Alma Elastic, of Kitchener, spent the holidays with her father, Mr. Jas. Hastie. Mrs. S. J. Jardine of Toronto spent the past week with her friend, Mrs. S. Munroe and accompanied her on Monday when they visited Mr. Mrs. Thos. Peel, near Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton son, Ronald, of Toronto, spent week-end and holiday with” Mr. Mrs. Reg. Newton and other rela­ tives. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and Mar­ ilyn, of Brussels, and Mrs. Thomas MacDonald, of Molcsworth. Miss Olive Lawrence and Mr. D. Marriott, of Toronto, spent the week­ end and holiday with parents. Miss Mae Watters, spent a few days with and sister and family. * Miss Clara King, Miss Bebe Adams and Mr. Percy Colmer, of Toronto, were guests at the home of the for­ mer's parents, for Sunday and Thanks­ giving. Mr. and Mrs. Goron Jefferson and children, Helen, Gwen and George, of Owen Sound, were week-end guests and and the and the former’s of Toronto, her mother, <1 TRUCK DRIVER INSTANTLY KILLER IN When his truck carrying several Simons, of London, Ontario, was in­ tons of steel rails crashed into a stantly killed when he was tossed steel rails. It took rescuers over 20 of the trolley was badly shaken up the wreckage of the truck and the I trolley in a Toronto suburb, Errol from the cab of his truck and pinned minutes to extricate the dead man and suffered painful injuries as the trolley. Passengers aboard the trolley | Eye Service CONSULT F. F. HOMUTH E/ssljAt Spscialist Phone 118. Herriiton of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foster. Guests at the home of Mrs. Bell on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Har­ vey Wright and daughter, Fay, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright and son, Kenneth, of Lakelet; Mrs. Willis and daughter, Irene, and Mr. Hallman, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Willis and children, all of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and children and Mr. and Mrs. Wilf King and Earle, spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mac­ Donald, near Molesworth. Little Edith .Hastie regained for a week’s visit. Miss Isabel Watson is visiting her brothers in Fergus. Rev. F. B. Meycm'aiid daughter, Miss Mary, of Sebrin^ville, were Thanksgiving visitors, of/Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera. '•Messrs. Clifford Willitts, Wardie Galbraith and Elmer Gallaher, Wrox­ eter, left last week for New Ontario where they have work for the winter months. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ashton were: Miss Mabel Bell, Mr. Spencer Ashton, Toronto; Miss Pauline Ashton, Sarnia; Miss Beryl Ashton, Seaforth, and Mr. Bishop Av­ ery, Mitchell. Mrs. Mary Ferguson, of Oshawa, her son, Cecil, of Pontypool, Mrs. Lennox and daughter, Miss V. M. Lennox, of Wingham, were Sunday gupsts of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gal­ laher. Mrs. T. Coleridge and Misses Enid and Shirley Coleridge, of London, were Sunday visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Ramage. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooke spent the Thanksgiving holiday with friends near Barrie, returning with Mr. Tur- vey who had spent the summer with his daughter, Mrs. Ford. Dr. and Mrs. Ramage and son, Jim, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Ram­ age’s parents ,near Mitchell. The Y.P.S. of the United Church are holding a social on Friday even­ ing to which all are cordially invited. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Isaac Wade over the holiday were.: Mr. and Mrs. A. Miles and son, Ronald. Those, attending the Deanery Con­ vention of this district which was held in Belgrave last Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes, Miss Per­ kins, Mrs. George King, Rev. A. H. O’Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dodds, Mrs. J. Watters, Mr. J. Wray of Gor­ rie,’ also Mrs. Waller, of Wroxeter. Mrs. O’Neil who has been suffer­ ing from a severe cold is at present at the home, of her father at Atwood. We trust she will have a speedy re­ covery. A. Y. P. A. The A.Y.P.A. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dinsmore, Gorrie, on Wednesday evening of last week with thirty-three members . present. After the meeting opened with pray­ er by the president,, two hymns were sung, after which Tom Ritchie read the Scripture lesson, St. John, 15th chapter, verses 1 to 14. Minutes, roll call and business were then attended to, in which the installation of new officers was to be held oh the fol­ lowing Sunday during cburch service. The program consisted of a read­ ing by Mrs. O'Neil, a duet by Misses Nellie Dinsmore and Blyth Under­ wood, and community singing and contests which were enjoyed by ev­ eryone. Following the closing hymn and prayers, a bountiful lunch was served. 76th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE HELD Autumn flowers decorated the Gor­ rie United Church on Sunday for the 76th Anniversary. Rev. George Watts of Milverton, was the special speaker for the occasion, and he gave his large congregation appropriate ad­ dresses, taking his morning sermon from a passage in Jeremiah, and the evening sermon from Isaiah, with the thought on “The Land of Beginning Again.” Special music was supplied by the choir under the direction of Mr. L. F. Ashton and Miss Stephens as or­ ganist. The choir was assisted at the evening service by Miss Partushek of Wingham, who sang two solos “Jesus Lover of My Soul” and “The Prayer Perfect” which were appreciated all, style with quaint lace collar and car­ ried an old-fashioned nosegay of au­ tumn flowers. The bridesmaid, Miss Velma M. Lennox, wore a frock of brown taffeta with triple sheer and corsage ol Johanna Hill roses and lily of the valley. The groom was sup­ ported by Mr. C. Emerson Shera. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was* served in Kincardine. On Monday evening a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grain, Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Durst and fam­ ily spent Thanksgiving at Elmira. by GRAND MISTRESS VISITED L.O.B.A. Scarlet Degree Conferred and Dinner Served to 135 L.O.B.A. No. 810 Gorrie was hon­ ored by a visit from Mrs. Lillian Mor­ gan, Right Worshipful Grand Mistress of Ontario West, together with other grand officers including Mrs. Rowe, past grand mistress of B.N.A. Following a dinner, served by the local lodge in the Orange Hall, the guests repaired to the town hall where the scarlet degree was conferred up­ on three candidates from Palmerston lodge. The town hall had been trans­ formed into an efficiently appointed lodge room, beautifully decorated for the occasion. Visitors wore present from Fergus, Palmerston, Lucknow and Fordwich. Following the degree work, brief speeches were made by several of the visiting and local members who voic­ ed their appreciation at being present on this very special occasion and were also appreciative of Mr. J. H. Neill’s kindness for his pictures of “The Or­ ange Orphanage and Home for un­ protected Protestant Children,” which were shown in the different phases before the opening of the lodge. These pictures and the excellent work carried on by this charitable institu­ tion, which is not given a government grant, were ably explained by The Grand Mistress. Luncheon was served at the to the 135 present, WEDDINGS close Whitfield - Douglas quiet wedding was solemnized in the United Church, Ripley, on Satur­ day evening, October 10th, when Annie Barbara, daughter of Mr, James Douglas, Gorrie, became the bride of Ewart Whitfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Whitfield, Gorrie, The cere­ mony was performed by Rev. C. N. MacKetmie. The bride wore a graceful gown of spice chiffon velvet made tn princess A WROXETER A.Y.P.A. The regular meeting of St. James’ A.Y.P.A. was held on Tuesday even­ ing of last week in the school-room of the church, and took the form of a social. The meeting, conducted try the president, opened with the sing­ ing, of “Oh, for a closer walk with God.” Mrs, Wesley Paulin then led in prayer and this was followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Scripture lesson was taken by Jean­ ette Adams, after which the minutes were read and items of business dis­ cussed. “An Understanding Heart” was the title of the topic given by Agnes Durst, after which Isobel Earls favored with a reading “Socrates Snooks”, The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of “How Sweet the name of Jesus Sounds” and prayer by Rev. A. H. O’Neil. At the close of the devotional part of the meeting a social time was held during which contests and games were play­ ed, and lunch was served by the soc­ ial committee. Mr. and Mrs. Au|iin .Martin and daughter, Eleanor, oVT^ronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. John Doug­ las. Miss Eleanor Douglas ,of Leban­ on, also spent the week-edd with her mother. Miss Winnifred Rae, of Blooming­ dale, spent the holiday with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rae. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon and daughter, Norma, of London, spent Fhanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stocks. Mr, .and Mrs. Percy Rogers, De­ troit, were week-end visitors with the latter’s mother, Mrs., Geo. Paulin and Miss Jessie Pdulin,/ who has been spending the past" month in Detroit, returned home. Miss Margaret Strachan, of Toron­ to, spent Thanksgiving with her mo­ ther, Mrs. Strachan. Miss Dorothy MacTavish of Tor­ onto, was a week-end visitor with her mother, Mrs. D. MacTavish. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Patterson and family, of Dunnville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Flerb. Patterson and other friends here during the week­ end. ” Mi ■. and Mrs. R. C. Berkinshaw and son,Bob, of Toronto, were Thanlesgiving visitors with. Mr. and Mrs.Fred Kitchen, Mrs, MacTavish and son, Eraser, of London, were week-end guests at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Geo. Paulin. Mr, Andy Ingles, of Ailsa Craig, called on friends here on Sunday. Miss Rona VanVelsor, of Weston, spent the holiday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, D. spent Sunday D, Sanderson at Markdale. 1 New Books in Library The following is a list of new books including Fiction, Juvenile and Classed books, which have just been purchased bjr the Public Library and are now on. the shelves ready for dis­ tribution: Sunset Pass, Z. Gray; In­ dia Speaks, R. Halliburton; No Alibi, C. B. Cobb; Policing the Arctic, H. Steele; Pitiless Choice, M. Pedlar; The Native’s Return, L. Adamic; Dis­ trict Nurse, F. Baldwin; The Bach­ elor Prince, F. Hurst; Checkered Paths, M. Pedler; The Lead Disc, Snell; Hidden Danger, Hall; The Fly­ ing Squad, Snell; The King’s Grace, John Buchan; Hilltops Clear, E. Lor­ ing; A Grain of Wheat, T. Kagawa; The Shadow Patrol, Snell; Sky Gyp­ sy, C. Cranston; Nancy Rose, D. O. Thompson; The Dim Lantern, T. Bailey; India Land of the Black Pa­ goda, .Lowell Thomas; The Patch of Hill; The Princess and MacDonald; Marjory's C. Wells; New Worlds R. Halliburton; Silver Blue, G. L. the Goblin, Busy Davs, to Conquer, Wings, G. L. Hill; Burning Beauty, T. Bailey; North to the Orient, Anne Lindbergh; The Chance of a Life­ time, G. L. Hill; Funeral March of a Marionette, S. Buchan; Lions and Tigers and Elephants Too, B. and E. Hader; 'Fen Little Nigger Boys, N. Case; H. R. er, Mrs. Rasmussen. Mrs. David Robinson is visiting Toronto friends. Mr. Elgin Huffman spent the week­ end with Kitchener, friends. Messrs. T. Hemphill and J. J. Allen made a busines trip to Wind­ sor last week. Dr. W. A. and Mrs. Spence, Tor­ onto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryans and then- guest, Mr. Smith, from Western Can­ ada, spent a day last week with Mrs. Rasmussen. Owing to the Salem Anniversary­ services on Sunday next the Wroxet­ er services will be withdrawn. Mem­ bers of the congregation will be in­ terested to know the special speaker will be Rev. Ian MacEwen, Mount Forest who supplied for several weeks following the ministry of Rev. David Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington, Toronto, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Sellers, j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, of j Manistique, Mich., were also recent I visitors at the Sellers home. Mr. arid Mrs. Norman Patterson ' and son, Victor, of London, also Mr. j PROTECT GREEN LAWN FROM SNOW MOULD Humpty Dumpty’s Little Son, Cross, and Mrs. Geo. Allen spent the last the Mr. Thanksgiving with London friends. Mr. and Mrs Gillespie, of Harris­ ton, were guests of Mrs. Neil White one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Miss and Mr. Ritchie. A number from here attended Teeswater Fair on Wednesday of week. Mr. Timm is still confined to Listowel Hospital. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gav. Davidson, Osh- awa, are guests of Miss Mac David­ son and Mrs. Robert McLaughlin. Mr. Wm. Elliott, Miss Doris El­ liott, also Mr. Andy Adams spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. Sturdy Fraser, Kent County, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Eli Bolt, and other friends. Mr. Wm. S. Hainstock, Shaunanon, Sask., spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Mr, George Brown of Ontario urinary College, Guelph, spent week-end with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Thomas Brown. Mr. Wm. Lowe, Bracebridge, a week-end guest at the home of and Mrs. Alex. Wright. Mr. Leslie McLaughlin, Colling­ wood, also Miss Anna McLaughlin, Owen Sound, wpre Monday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N .T. Laughlin. Miss Irene Wright, from Bracebridge, spent the week-end her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. A, Wray, also Joyce Wray, all of Toronto, holiday guests of their mother, Mr. and Mrs. Flans Rasmussen and children, Donna and. Eric, were week­ end visitors with the former’s moth- Now is the time before the ap­ proach of winter to institute protect­ ive measures for the control o,f snow mould which during recent years has caused considerable damage to turf on golf courses, bowling greens, and lawns in all parts of Canada. Timely precautions also guard against the rarer attacks of snow mould in the late fall and early winter. Snow mould injuries seem to be on the in­ crease in Canada, and usually the first symptoms are found in the form of dead areas of turf—something like brown patch injury—of various shapes and sizes as the snow melts in the early spring, or, as sometimes hap­ pens, in the early winter when the snow is melted by abnormal thaws in. the East or by Chinook winds in Western Canada. The injury is caused by fungi which develop at low temperatures when there is excessive moisture due to melting snow or rain. Snow mould may be distinguished from brown patch by the cobwebby growth of the fungi on the leaves. i As a control measure the greens and Mrs. Perry Patterson and • shOuld be treated with corrosive sub- ren, Dunnville, were week-end guests ; jjmate or ca]Omel before the ground with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacLean and | Mr. and Mrs, Herb Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson, of Bluevale, were Sunday guests of Miss Mac Daiidson. Dr. John and Mrs. Munroe, Copper Cliff, were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Munroe. Vet- I the ' and i i was Mr. near with Alex. Miss were here. Women’s Missionary Society The October meeting of the W. M. S. was held on Thursday, Oct. Sth, in the school room of the United Church. The meeting was in charge of the Associate Helpers, and the Mission Circle girls were guests. Mrs. George Allen presided and after the opening hymn “Shine Thou upon us Lord” <alkd on Mrs. W. G. Gibson to read the Scripture lesson and pray­ er by Mrs. Andrew Douglas followed Following a duct by Mrs. R. Stocks and Miss Elva Stocks, the chairman called on Mrs. Gowdy of Salem, who is Presbyterial Secretary for Associ­ ate Helpers. Mrs. Gowdy gave those present many fine thoughts from the subject “Influence”. “Lord, speak to me that T may speak" was then sung. Mrs. Allen then called upon Miss Ca tharitic Campbell, Molcsworth, who recently retired after 40 years as a missionary in India. Miss Campbell in a fine earnest address touched on many thoughts for the day and also told of her co-workers in India whom she chose to call her associate help­ ers. Mrs R. Stocks presided over the business period and “Oh, Master, let me, walk with Thee” was the closing hymn. Tea was served at the close and a social half hour enjoyed. Thank-Offering Service The Autumn Thank-Offering meet ing of the W.M.S. will bo held the evening United Church. Rev. FT. F. Swan, : returned missionary from Trinidad, will be the special speaker and his address will bo illustrated with slides. All are cordially invited to attend this service. 41 of Oct. 16th at 8 p.m. in a freezes. According to the results of experiments carried out by W. C. Broadfoot, Plant Pathologist at the Edmonton, Alberta, Laboratory of the Division of Botany, Experimental Farms Branch, Dominion Department of Agriculture, practical control was obtained by the use of calomel and corrosive sublimate in any proportion, provided tire rate was four ounces or greater per 1,000 square feet. It seems advisable, states Mr. Broadfo )t, to recommend equal parts of corrosive sublimate and of calomel, because this mixture would provide immediatelv-available toxicity from the sublimate to control a fall attack, and it would possess, due to slower oxidation, the lasting qualities of the calomel to combat early spring at­ tack. Whether applied by machine or by shovel, the chemical should be thoroughly mixed with a small am­ ount of dry shatp sand, and this mix­ ture of chemical and sand or dry earth compost to ensure even distri­ bution. “How’s the wife, George?” “Not so bad, old boy. She’s just had quinsy.” “Gosh! How many is that you’ve ' got how?” Gipsy: “You want to know about your future husband, beautiful lady.1* Visitor: “No. I want to know something about the past of my pres­ ent husband for future use.” Stenographer (to another): “I think this letter was dictated wrong, Yon can’t use the word Tanged/ can yon, except when they have hung some­ body.” ELMER D. BELL. B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. BRUSSELS, - - ONTARIO (Thursday and Saturday afternoon* at Gorrie) j t