HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-10-15, Page 3Thursday, October 15, 1936 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE
AnqTune. ib Tea Time
T r AA Sa mb
sure there will be. some readjustment
of taxes paid to municipalities on Hy
dro property.
Investigating Death at Kitchener
Kitchener—Investigation into the
strange sickness that caused the death
of Walter Ritter and afflicted his bro
ther, Charles, was taken in charge by
the Ontario Government with the ar
rival here from Toronto of D. E. R.
Frankish, medico-legal adviser to the
attorney-general’s department. A wo
man is being held for questioning in
connection with the case.
$500,000 for Northerjn Roads
Ottawa—Hon. Paul Lcduc, Ontario
Minister of Mines, disclosed details
of a road-building program in the
mining areas of Northern Ontario
which will cost more than $500,000.
Mr. Leduc said 27 projects would be
launched soon, and that money fot
the roads, long demanded by mining
companies and residents of the min
ing areas not served at present by
good highways, would be provided
through an arrangement between the
Ontario and Dominion Governments.
Queens Principal Installed
Kingston—With pomp and dignity,
Dr. Robert Charles Wallace, formerly
President of the University of Alber
ta, was installed as the eleventh Prin
cipal of Queen’s University before a
capacity crowd in Grant Hall. Chan
cellor James Richardson of Winnipeg
administered the pledge of office to
Dr. Wallace, and J. M. Macdonnell of
Toronto, Chairman of the Board of
Trustees of the university, presented
the Principal-elect to the Chancellor.
Nd Wide Open Tax On Hydro
Hydro may have to give more
money to the clamorous municipal
treasuries of Niagara Falls and Stam
ford, but will not be subjected to mu
nicipal taxation, according to authori
tative statmefits at Queen’s’Park.
“We are not going to throw this
thing wide open and allow the muni
cipalities to raid Hydro,” Premier
Hepburn said. "But I am reasonably
16 Hour Service From ,
Montreal to Vancouver
Vancouver,—Civil aviation was too
much a part of Canada’s life for the
Government to allow its development
by a foreign country, Hon. C. D.
Howe, Minister of Transport, said in
an-address to the Vancouver Board
of Trade, Forecasting a sixteen-hour
air-mail service between Montreal and
Vancouver next year as Canada’s part
in an all-British service to the Orient,
he told of successful experiments
which had been made in flying the
North Atlantic from Great Britian
to Canada.
Trouble In Alsace-Lorraine
Paris,—Police reinforcements 'des
patched to Alsace-Lorraine after the
shooting of an Italian subject at Metz
had sharpened tension between Com
munists and Rightists.
The Catholic Clerical Party posted
signs in Strasbourg threatening to
“blow up’’ the Communist meetings.
Want Spanish. Arms Embargo Lifted
Edinburgh,—The Labor Party Con
gress unanimously adopted a resolu-
tipn urging the British and French
Governments to abandon the embargo
on arms to Spain if violations of the
non-intervention agreement are prov
Agree.On N<wi-Intervention
Paris,—France and Britian agreed
on a common attitude toward non
intervention in the Spanish civil war,
it was learned.
Premier Blum lunched informally
with Foreign Secretary Eden ,who is
enroute to Londo'rt from’ Riverina.
The two statesmen, it was under
stood, decided on the following:
1. France and Britian continue to
stand for non-intervention in Spain,
but insist that all powers respect the I
2. France and Britian are joine'd in
attempting to avoid violent recrimina
tions in the London committee meet
ings, but, at the same time, agree the
committee must proceed effectively
with its work.
Russia will continue to co-operate
for the present time,
Winnipeg Men Would
Fight For Loyalists
Winnipeg,—One thousand of Win
nipeg’s single unemployed men were
declared ready to aid the Spanish
Government in its fight against Fas
cist insurgents.
Through a committee, the men des
patched a letter to Prime Minister
Mackenzie King, asking the Dominion
Government to give them free trans
portation and supplies to Spain to
aid the Socialist Government.
Opposition To Loan Coupcil
In Alberta
Calgary, — Premier William Aber
hart, completing the first half of a
two weeks’ speaking tour of Southern
Alberta. His itnerary took him among
farmer’s, ranchers and coal miners.
Judging by hints he dropped, the
applause that greeted his statements,
the questions he asked and dhe an
swers received from the crowds, the
Aberhart Government is opposed to:
1. Establishment of a Loan Council
if proposed by the Federal Govern
ment at the Dominion-Provincial con
ference in December.
2. Restoring full interest payments
to holders of Alberta bonds.
3. Repealing or modifying the terms
of debt legislation affecting individ
Two Bad Fires In Quebec
Ste. Anne de Beaupre, Que.—On
steps leading to the hillside shrine,
where hundreds of thousands of pil
grims have prayed to be cured, bare
headed villagers offered their thanks
for the wind that protected their valu
able church property from flames
which destroyed thirteen buildings
with a loss of $325,000.
Alreading plans were being made
to rebuild the hospital, hotels, board
ing houses and frame homes that fell
prey to the flames.
Fire raced through the dockyards
of the Montreal Boat Builders’ plant
at Lachine, and left one man dead,
two others severely burned and dam
age estimated at between $150,000
and $500,000 in its wake.
■State Health Insurance Inevitable
State Health insurance is “inevi
table" in Ontario and already is being
studied by the Provincial Government,
Hon. David Croll, Labor-Welfare
Minister, told a druggists’ meeting at
Toronto. He predicted that when such
legislation ultimately came the insur
ance plan’would be built upon the
framework already provided by the
Province's medical-relief system. '
U. S. Navy Urged To Oppose
Any Pacific Menace
Washington,—Notice was served by
Secretary Swanson that the United
States Navy should be prepared to
meet “menace with menace” in any
attempt to increase fortifications in
the Pacific after the expiration this
year of the Washington Naval Treaty.
Aberhart Won’t Attach.
Bank Accounts
Warner, Alta.,—“The Alberta gov
ernment has no intention of attaching
bank accounts or negotiable securi
ties,” declared Premier Aberhart here.
“That is far from our idea.”
It was the premier's answer to a
report published in Calgary that bank
depositors and security holders “fear
ed the Alberta government was con
templating attaching accounts and ne
gotiable securities."
Dr. Goforth Aged Missionary Dies
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Goforth’, patri
arch of Canadian missionaries and
courageous minister of the gospel in
the Manchurian mission fields for
nearly half a century, died peacefully
in his sleep at the home of his son,
Rev. J. F. Goforth, M.A., of Wallace
Grown old in the service of the
, Church, and once seriously wounded
in the Boxer Rebellion in China dur
ing his missionary work, and event
ually stricken totally blind; the stout
heart of the aging missionary refused
to give up the work, even when the
Presbyterian General Board of Miss
ions retired him from active service
on September 18 of this year. •
Scventy*seven years of age, he still
insisted upon carrying on, and al
though he was not able to return to
China, he worked here in Ontario, his
native Province and in the United
States. On the evening before his
death he had preached at Wyoming
in Lambton County.
The funeral service was held in
Knox Church, Spadina Ave., Toronto,
on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Dr, JJ
G. Isbister had charge of the service,
Interment took place in Mount Plea
sant Cemetery,
Wawzi Bey Kawkazi, smuggled in
to Jerusalem, who is now command
er-in-chief of the rebel Arabs and is
said to be consolidating his position
in the Tulkarm hills in readiness for
an attack on British forces. Stories
of his deeds in campaigning against
the French in Syria have made him
a heroic figure in the East.
; of the i
5 S
Battery Unit For Listowel
■'Under the reorganization plan of
the Canadian Militia, Listowel is to
have a battery unit. The new battery
will be officered by local men and will
provide an excellent opportunity for
young men of Listowel and vicinity
to receive expert training.—Listowel
Explosion in Garage
Repairing a gasoline tank, no mat
ter how long it has been out of use,
has again been proved to be a dan
gerous undertaking. Geo. W. Scott’s
garage, Walkerton, Wm. Jackson,
mechanic, started on a job of this
kind, and suddenly an explosion oc
curred that knocked out a heavy win
dow, sash and all, smashed a machine
bench, and messed up things gener
ally. Jackson was painfully bruised
and burned. The report of the explo
sion was heard all over th? town.
To Vote On Daylight Saving
Councillor Brown introduced the
subject of “daylight saving,” at a re
cent meeting of the Goderich council.
The trouble now was, he said, that
it was not general; but if it were ad
opted by the entire Province he be
lieved it would be generally approved.
He moved that a plebiscite on the
question be submitted at the next el
ection, which carried.
Hand Mangled by Planer
While operating a planer at Lob
singer’s blacksmith shop, Wilfred
Lobsinger, an apprentice, had his left
hand, badly injured. The plank he was
planning took an unexpected turn, al
lowing Wilfred's hand to come into
contact with the knives. The four
fingers were badly sliced, the bone
in each case being seriously injured.
Dr. Miller took him to the Bruce
County Hospital for treatment, and
he has hopes of saving all the fing
ers, although he says that Wilfred
will hot be able to resume his work
for two months at least.—Mildmay
Brokers Trial November 3rd
An order from the Attorney-Gen
eral's department at Toronto, stated
that Robert S. Fletcher, Toronto
Broker, would be tried before a jury
on November 3 with his partner,
Gordon G. MacLarcn, was made pub
lic. The brokers, involved when police
investigation in Huggard’s affairs
revealed the loss of securities to the
value of $.150,000, are facing thirty-
one theft charges totalling nearly
$100,000.—Goderich Signal.
Quickly Caught Afteh
Jail Escape
Shortly after he pleaded quilty to
charges of breaking into a store and
postoffice at .Tobermory, at the tip
of Bruce Peninsula, Gordon Calvert
escaped from the jail, but, was cap
tured by polite within two hours.
Police said they were investigating
a theory that some bnc let Calvert
out of the locked cell.
Mis absence was not noticed until
tte officers arrived to take him back
to Walkerton. A fosse was orgahized
quickly and County Constable Fisher
and Chief of Police Chute of Wiarton
found him hiking along a “back" road
about a mile west of town.
Wolves Near Kettle Point
Judging from reports made by the
Indians at Kettle Point Reserve, near
Forest, it will be a hard task this win
ter to k cep. the wo If from the door,
as they arc much more numerous
than in other years.
While hunting near Port Franks,
Edgar Shawnoo and Wilfred Shaw-
kenese ran into a pack of seven,
shooting one and wounding others.
The same day Beattie Greenbird
counted a pack of nine.
Cow Holds Back Auto
Dan B. MacDonald, prominent Tiv
erton citizen, and his car came out
second best in a contest with a cow.
Mr. MacDonald’s son, Donald had
tethered their cow to the car. Not
knowing this, Mr, MacDonald drove
off, goi lg only a short distance with
his car before deciding something
was wrong. He was certain of it when
the car flopped. Getting out, he found
bossy pulling back on forty feet of
rope, and keeping the vehicle from
moving. <
Kincardine May Get
New Industry
It is expected Kincardine will have
a new industry with the opening
shortly of a paper box factory. The
company, backed mostly by local cap-
tal and headed by E. S. Graham, for
mer Kincardine barrister, now of Tor
onto, is being formed. The Thomson
block on Queen street has befen men
tioned as a possible site for the plant.
Listowel Hockey Player
For England
Vance Gibson, product of Listowel’s
hockey ponds and well known player
in Canada and the U. S. A., joined
the exodus of Canadian hockey play
ers to England, sailing aboard the
g ant new British liner, Queen Mary.
Vance or “Sas” as he was known to
sport fans will line up with the Bri-
ghton-on-the-Sea Tigers. The team
consists mostly of Canadians with
only three exceptions, one a boy from
Buffalo and two native born English
players. Three of Gibson’s last year
team mates accompanied him. ‘
October Raspberries
Raspberries are still be ng gather
ed and eaten with gusto, we suppose,
or perhaps only with cream and sug
ar. Mrs. George Watt of Princess
street picked a nice lot on Tuesday
and Mrs. R. G. Thompson of Goder
ich township also picked a nice few,
bringing some in to treat The News-
Record staff. We hope the nice wea
ther continues so that they will keep
on bearing, nothing like fresh fruit
from the garden. By the way it was
on Hallowe’en that Mrs. Thompson
once picked some ripe raspberries.
We hope that in this case history
will repeat itself.
Believe it or not, raspberries were
offered for sale in Clinton this week.
—Clinton Flews Record.
A clergyman was dining with his
host before the afternoon service. He
ate little, explaining that it was not
good for a preacher to eat heavily
before a sermon.
The hostess could not attend the
service as she had to stay at home to
prepare lea.
When her husband came home, she
said: “Well, how was he?”
The husband, heaving a sigh, re-
Following charges of government
laxity in controlling Fascist groups
by Herbert Morrison, a Labor party
leader at Edinburgh, Scotland, and
similar charges from other sources as
a result of the Fascist-Communist
and maximum health.
Roe Laying Mash and Laying Concentrates are appetizing with rich nourishing good*
ness provided by a correct balance of High Quality Corn, Wheat, Oats and Barley minerals
in perfect balance—assuring hard-textured eggs. Even the size of eggs is improved by. such
quality protein as Powdered Buttermilk, White Fish Meal, vacuum-dried Meat MeaT, rich
green Alfalfa, high in Carotene; Cane Molasses, that promotes better health; Super Potent
Fortified Cod Liver Oil—But best of all, Roe Feeds are fairly priced—Satisfactory feed for
the Birds—Extra profit for the Feeder. Ask your dealer to-day.
Represents! Locally by
plied: “He might just as well
Little Joan had been punished by
her father.
“Oh, mummy.” she sobbed, “was
daddy the only man you couhl get?"
Brown: “My wife thinks of nothing
but motoring and golf. I’m getting
tired of it.”
Jones: “Well, at least she’s in the
CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain FARES
Minimum Fares Adults 75c Child 40c «
from WINGHAM V&i "■
DDI DPT 9Q frruWhitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope;-, *’ ’’°Cobourg, Belleville, Napanee, Kingston, Gan-
anoque, Brockville, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lind-- }
say, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Allandale, Penetang, Col
lingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Brace
bridge, Huntsville, Callander (Home of World-Famed Dionne Quin
tuplets), North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New On
tario on line of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly.; Nipissing;
Central Rly.; Kapuskasing, Longlac, Geraldton, Jellicoe, Beardmore.
SAT OCT 94 TORONTO ^Isn to Brantford, Chatham, 5A1, ULi. H to 1 UKU1N I UCh dey> clint011) Durham,
Exeter, Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston,
Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niag
ara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston. Paris, Port Elgin, St.
Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy,
Walkerton, Wiarton, Wingham, Woodstock.
SAT OCT Locally-between Important Stations at which ana DM I, 1. ^Excursion Tickets arc sold—Ask Ticket Agt.
Ask Agents for particulars of Canada's Maple Leaf Contest.
You may win $100.00 with one leaf!
For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consults near
est Agent. See Handbills for complete list of destinations. T791A
riot in London, Sir John Simon, home
secretary, said a new law against pro
vocative demonstrations would have
to be passed before parades and de
monstrations could be stopped. He
pointed, out that such a law wmild af-
have | Brown: "Yes, but she’s such a fail
ure at it. In golf she hits nothing,,
and when motoring she hits every
A six-week-old calf was nibbling at
the grass in the yard, and was viewed
in silence for some minutes by the
city girl.
“Tell me,” she said, turning impul
sively to her hostess, “does it really
pay you to keep as small a cow as
feet Communists and other groups as
well as Fascists. This picture shows
Sir Oswald Mosley in the attractive
British Fascist uniform with Mrs,
Ann Brook-Briggs, woman or^anizer4
just before the clash in London,