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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-10-15, Page 2
PAGE TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, October 15, 193G ................................................... . Thc Wingh^m Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO - Every Thursday Morning by The Advance-Times Publishing Co. Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance. To U. S. A., $2,50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. to have a gxmtorence xvith the Nazi Party. That alone should do much to | stop interest in this party in the old Land. 4* -R .said that of 60 per * had an in-Alberta cent in unemploy credit government meant. It meant the Messiah: and the Jvws knew full xvell what their Scriptures, the Old Testament, had to say about the Messiah. But xvhat they did. iwt know xvas that the man named Jesus, xvho had just lived and died in Palestine, xvas the Old Testa ment Messiah plainly described and predicted in the Hebrew Scriptures as the hope of Israel. ; Certain great and unique facts xvere predicted of Israel's Messiah, xvhen He should come, in the Old Testa- TAXING HYDRO During the past week the subject Of taxing Hydro by municipalities has been the subject of several an- > nouncements. Speaking at the Royal York Hotel, Hun. Arthur Roebuck, xvho is a member of the Hx dr,.' cum- i mission, made st quite dear that lie would v ppx»se any >uch niuve. It i> well-known that H<m. David CroU is axed by ! Lloyd Mundy 452; Lorraine Brown j 449; Alvin Seli 442; Donald Campbell 1435; Lois Adams 425; Reggie Collar 400; Harold Hutton 361. H, Brown, teacher. Junior Third Total 425. Honours 319. l’ass 225. Joyce Walker 393; Norman Ander son 382; LUlian Angus 382; Elizabeth Hare 370; Harold Sell 360; Jean Mac Leod 352; Shirley Edgar 346; Marie Lockridge 344; Helen Carr 343; Geo. Copeland 338; Freddie Templemah 335; Evelyn Allen 331; Annie Shiell j 329; Lauretta Everick 320; ^Muriel | Evans 313; Jimmie Sanderson 302; Madeline Mellor 281; Orxvell Allen 278; Jimmie Stoakley 272; Margaret Richardson 255; Ileen Morris 242; *Eddie Fitzpatrick 206; Evelyn Cant- i elon, not examined. ; M. J. MacDonald, teacher. Senior Second Total 500. Honours 375. Pass 300. Grace Bailey 416; Jack Walker 411; Jean Toxvn 406; Donald Ltoyd 400; 8 Jean Stexvart 397; Pauline Clark 393; | Walter Burgess 391; Margaret Angus j3S7; Jean Prentice 378; Marjorie I French 371; Jack Mellor 371; Percy Vanner 362; George Breen 34S; Ray mond Bell 347; HVilfurd Gannett 344; Evelyn Evans 341; Robert Prentice 336; ^Marjorie Sinnamon 335; Isa bel Brown 330; Jack Ernest 330; Mary Forsyth 315; Hugh Bell 314; Eddie Carter 314; Freddie Ohm 307; Jack Montgomerj’ 306; Billie Lee 285; Cecil Yeo 262: *Artlmr Broxvn 153; *Bil1ie Hilbert 107. V. McLaughlin, teacher. Junior Second Total 390. Honours 292. Pass 234. Helen Forbes 351; Shirley Lloyd 337; Helen Lockridge 332; Margaret VanNorman 332; Billie Field 331; Al ma Thompson 331; Gerald Brophy 329; Jack Lockridge 328; Dorothy Wells 321; Teddy Bailey 311; Jean Willoughby 309; *Jimmie Colborne 309; Betty Finlay 306; Wanda Coxvan 305; June Everick 304; Donald'Mac- I Leod 293; Billie Templeman 275; Lloyd 273: Alary Prentice 272: Musgrove 266; *Milton Brown Gilbert Robinson 106. First Book 1 370. Honours 277. Pass 222. Lillian Jones 348; Patricia Wiles SHE DREADED GOING UPSTAIRS Woman’s Fears of Rheumatic Pains* One of the many, troubles that af flict rheumatic sufferers is the diffi culty of getting up and down stairs. Such was the case with this woman, before she started taking Kruschen, but now she finds it no trouble. Read xvhat she says:—- “I have been taking Kruschen noxv for over 12 months, a half-teaspoonful in hot water first thing in the m'orn- ing, and I feel a new woman. I bad very painful rheumatism in my knees and back and also my head was get ting ve*y bad. I used to dread xvalk- ing upstairs; noxv I am very thankful to say it is no trouble at all and I scarcely have any pains. I feel bet ter in health than I have done for years.”—(Mrs.) G.M. Two of the ingredients of Kruschen Salts are notable for their xvork in dis solving uric acid. Other ingredients of Kruschen assist Nature to expel ■ the dissolved acid from the system. « Buyers Of Maitland Creamery E I lt is crease ment. The social has a greater problem on their hands than they anticipated. For txvo years in succession, Alex Black <»t Guelph-, has xvon the Inter national Plowing Championship. Wepnexit. Such facts, fur example, were: The leky of the Christ, or Mes siah; He was to bv God the Son, a.s Isaiah plainly declared (8:). The Mes siah, Christ, xva> to be burn of a vir gin (,I>a. 7:14). The Messiah, Christ, was to be the sinner's substitute, ! j Baseball is no sooner over f .-r this 1 year that hockey gossip is going the rmiiids. In less than a month the N. H- L. will commence their schedule. We hope riw local team is headed for | a gx»ud season. in lavxHir vi Hxdrxx being tax«l byj municipalities. Premtor Hepburn mark. * the anitounevinent that lie wx itkl not j‘ allow Hydro to be- taxed except in • tl:e case of such p!.;ce> a- Niagara • where prior to Hydro taking over t?ic< system the municipalities received* <oaside,’abk- revenue from deetric.u compaives. i The ptemier’s >ohitk-n :<? th:> much discuss?.! question appeals to be a ■good one. Municipalities that re^ceix ed revenue from electrical companies prior to Hydro and counted on this | revenue xvill be able to collect a rev enue front the Hydro. This is fair I as they have based their expenditures with this tax included. Municipalitiess tor some . not in this class xvill nut be allowed pees d > present a riot of color that to tax their Hydro systems. They | is a treat to behold, never received revenue from this sour- ’ 5> »ce and it xvould be just taking money out one pocket and placing it in an other, which is a useless pruceedure. 4: 4= * Finis Black Legion The Black Legion, which had been operating in Michigan, received a sev ere set back ,in tact a death sentence, -when seven of their members xvere jgiven life sentence for the part they ❖ in Span' abt take torn xvi matter i is hanging a long time th strife to xvhich side tta- SjS £ mipeg men xvant :.x Spain Sv that in the fight. Ac- < arc g dug .they future get a chance ar.d nut in Spain, but xve bearing men’s sins, and xvas w die | under the smiting of God, that sin- i WIi ■ i j i !i mix’ tone riioasaml W transportation ■ ca-i take part iina to wax in the nx’a1 :ight hope not. SjC We have l.eard more remarks about s i the beauty of the trees this fall than I ♦ ■- thne. Canadian hardxvood If Premier Aberhart wanted to seize bank deposits it would not effect so many people in that province if one can beleive all one reads. I I THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON i i i THE SPOKEN AND THE WRIT- .played in the organization. This org-| TEN WORD, •.auization which parades in hooded j gowns had no regard tor human life | and treated their victims very brutally ’ and murder was not beyond them. < Organizations that spread terror or; take the law into their own hands should be stamped out hs quickly as possible, and it was a fine thing that the Black Legion xvas stopped before it could grow to be a large organiza tion. Last week, Mitchell residents rec eived ‘ threats by letter fr<?m some person or society. Ex'ery effort should be made to locate the origin of these letters and step such practices. This r.un- THE UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE ■ COMPANY, LIMITED. ■nvr> might be saved (Isa. 53, Psa. 22). Xml th. Messiah. Christ, after His death was to be raised from the dead, never .-eeinu corruption (Psa. 16:8- 101. Paul may have brought together these very Scriptures, or others cov ering the same gnmnd. Then lie shuxved the actual facts, known t<» ■ qi tfst t/^ i multitudes of vyewitnesses, that Jesus ; of Nazareth iuliiHed these Scriptures s R.EPOR.T FOR. f.. thv letter. ’ SEPTEMBER j The message xvas convincing and _____ j unansxx*ernble to huiiest, open-minded - * indicates absent for examinations. | Jk.xv> and Gentiles xvho xvere ready for ; Senior Fourth * God’s truth anxl God’s will in their; TotaJ -Q0 Honvllrs 525 Pass 42o. lives. Many m 1 hessalumca believed, j “But the Tews which believed notj J” 7 • §g moved with'envy” gathered together 1 ^‘bell K Robinson 5uu; L. a crowd or mob of the sort that might ^0; L. Gannett o30; N. Finlay be called gangsters today “and set allP19’?’ t I the city in an uproar.” They made 1 ^*n Mundy 5°9;L. charges against the missionaries and« Dore d0-, C. Hamilton 494, D. Stexx [local believers before the city rulers, | art Scott 4/2; H. Cantelon lying as they did so, of course, and | VanWyck 466; L. Lloyd 463; asserting that the missionaries were | Mellor 4o9; *R. Sinnamon 439; starting propaganda “contrary to the ] • Harris 435; N. Fry 428; *J. Breen decrees of Caesar, saving that there’422'. G- Johnson 422; A. Stoakley is another kind, one Jesus.” 41S; E. Deyell 416; H. Lee 393; J. Paxil and Silas xvere sent away by j Lee 3S6; F. Barnes 368; *M. Camp night to Berea by their Christian | hell^o35; *D. Murray 329, *W. Grox-j friends, and there they started over ?es 24°- again as th ex- “'xvent into the synlr-; G’ Kidd, teacher. J gogue of the'Jews.” _ Junior __ 5 With xvhat result? “These xvere j more node than those in Tessalonica I in that they received the Word xvith • | all readiness of mind, and searched s I the Scriptures daily, xvhether those | i things xvere so." j | If ex’try one xvould folkox- the ex- s lample of the Bereans today, opening I up the Bible and testing all claims | and teachings by God’s oxvn word, | hoxv different some things xvould be’| Manx* Bereans became believers, in-| eluding Greek women of high stand-1 ing and many men. But Satan and the * J. Carter 221; A. Hyndman 200; *K J bara Ross 371; Tommy Lockridge hostile Jews cxmld n»’t stand that, and" Crawtord 190 ...... the Jexvs of The.-sahmwa, learning of' Bateson 183. in Berea, actually jour- B. H. Reynolds, teacher. neighboring city and •’ Senibr Third Honours 562. Pass 450. Bill Galbraith 586: Robert Chittick ’ 585; Ruth Harris 577; Carl Clark 567; Mildred Fitzpatrick 562; Fran- : ce-s Brophy 559: Margaret MacLean 546; Douglas Fry 545: Norina Broxvn 537: Wailace Hutton 533; Donald a Winghain, Phone 271 Ontario, Wally Haselgrove 66; ^Gordon Moir 96; Jimmy Hall 95; Gloria Swanson 95; Leslie Mae Wall 95; Lois Lock ridge 93; Donald. Montgomery 92; Bobby Mundy 92; Joyce Dalgleish 91; Marie Fitzpatrick 91; Wilfred Sell 91; Kenneth Kingston 90; Bonnie Rich ardson 90; Shirley Yeoman 90; Marj orie Anderson 86; George Calvert 86; Paul Smith 86; Fax' Angus 85; Clare Hopper S5; Gwen McLean 85; Flor ence Willoughby 84; Ronald Seddon 83; Violet Boxvman 82; Gladys Shiell 82; Spence Scott 78; Jimmy Jones 77; Ralph Seddon 77; Irene Everick 74; thing. Wilbert Hart 74; Maitland Breen 70; Billie Wells 54; Roland Stokes58; 39. A, G. Williamson, teacher. Doctor (who has been sent for at 2 a.m.): “Madam, pray send at once for the clergyman, and, if you want, to make your xvill, for the laxvyer.” Madam (horrified): “Good gracious —It is so dangerous, doctor?” Doctor; “Not a bit of it; but I don’t want to be the only one xvho has been disturbed in his sleep for no- a Phone 156<Crawford Block. POWER HYDRO LAMPS The Lon& Life Lamps G. Kidd, teacher. Junior Fourth Total 495. Honours 370. Pass 297. G. Kingston 395; E. Bailey 387,. J. Gorbutt 387; B. Groves 383; J. ’ Total VanNorman 383; E._ Lediet 380; G. i Lloyd 374; G. Hutcheson 370; J. Hop- j 346; Betty Allen 318; Joan Edgar 312; per 362; E. Dark 355; C. Ohm 329-J Mray Forbes 311; Mary Vanner 303; B. Forsyth 321; J. Kennedy 317; *1.. j Howard Breen 302; George Town Collar 307; *L. Thompson 306; E.’286. Schatte 305: H. Montgomery 295;’ B. Joy nt, teacher. T. Nevins 294; J. Cameron 281; C.« First Book Casemore 276; A. Williams 275; B.l Total 400. Honours 300. Pass 240. Seddon 274; G. Evans 273; H. How-1 Ross Johnston 385; Mary Tai Con ard 263; J. Falconer 242; J. Rich 234:| nell 381; Greta Hyndman 372; Bar Jack Tack 236; Sunday, Oct. 18—Acts 17: 1-15; I. Thess. 2:1-12. Golden Text: The xx- -rd of God is quick, and pow erful. ind sharper than any txvo-edg- I cd sxvxo-d. (Heb. 4:12). : Paul was a Bible preacher. Min- i- isterg wlws really preach from the J Bible today find no lack of intere-t- | ing material, and have no difficulty i; in iuddhig their audiences. Paul cer- |tairdy d5d nvt. S-mie x«ne has said !that, wherever Paul preached, lie had either a revival a riot. He held his s hearers <pell bound, either because he Jsxvept rhem along xvith him in wn- ix'incing power, or because they xvere sharply antagonized, even enraged, by ' his message. ’ We find, m these missionary chap- -country has m» place .sense. Emminent Missionary Rev. Dr. Jonathan Gof»<rth, pivn-i find, in these missionary chap-! eer Canadian Missionary in the Man-5n tke d;at pauI ft.4._AYed ai ehurian field, died last week. Dr. Go-! program in his campaigning, forth save his whole life to Mission- 1 He wa< „ }eW) <-An H^brew of the ary work and his efforts were resign- < Hebrew-,” and cn the sabbath day he) -sible for a wonderful missionary org- Wvald j.,, straight to the local syna-1 anization in the field in which he took 13<.f4Ue the jews aad iakc. anV‘ op. | such a great interest. During the Box- '(p4jrtunjty tbey gave him of address- ' er Rebellion Ids experiences were" thu^ He d;d this a{ Thesokm- such that vne could not blame him , jea, ‘-as t___....... if he had became discouraged, but he "three sabbath da vs was inspired to greater efforts. To < them.” give an account of his work xv-.-u’d AboUI wi:at? Current events andl require volumes. He had a vision and,, tj,t- R5.,man Empire? The latest pop-’ he ever kept, it before him even; ular literature,, music, plays, philos«j- though he lost his eyesight. During ? Phy. ,ur art' Such are- the themes of the la-t two years since he returned maRy .Kjn?ster< nowadays. But Paul io Canada, he has spent his time in ' "rea>,.Rtid with them out of the Scrip- addre^siitg meetings in Canada and . tures ” He was ,«n safe ground_sat- the United States urging people support missions. His address here xva- characte? tic of the man. filled with zeal and j Empire, xvith its inspiration. He has p the Goforth Auxiliarfe ftere in connx ction wit Church, wi'i ever be a : this man that spent hi? ■eesstu* Missis-nary endeav Xs One is afraid to ment: weather is w-nderfri f»«r jchange. for such * Passes ,i i1 I I Paul’s success neyed to the stirred up the >anie trouble there. But God’s word had dx»ne its work. Souls were eternally sax’ed by faith F1 Christ as Saviour and Messiah, and another Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled: “So shall My Word be that goeth forth, uut of My mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it snail accomplish that xvhich I please, and It shall prosper in the thing whereto _jl sent it." (L-a. 55:11). Renans became believers, in- tand- 'J. Wilson 186: *1. s 367; Pauline Coxvan 363: Grant Ern est 358; Daxvna Walker 358; Iona Henderson 354; Betty Sanderson 350; Jim Beninger 348; Buddy Morris 348; Donald Schatte 346; Theresa Fitzpat rick 337; Ruth Gannett 333; Ronald Browne 331: Charlie Lee 331; Buddy Wild 321; Bobby Finlay 313; Edna Templeman 311; Joyce Kingston 309: Helen Sturdy 309: Wilma Dark 306; Florence Harris 295: Laurene Pren- guaranteed ChrAsw o/ «Wr Xd/nz» Wingham Utilities Commission Hastie 532, Grace Parker 525; Rov tice 294: Donna Lockridge 290: Helen Dark 512; Grace Small 512; Donna Arthur 289; Madaline Devell 276; Falconer John Armitage 275; Betty Mae Hut-________ 507; Marjorie 502; Mary I^epard 500 Rud Cruick- ' cheson 270; Alan MacKay 270; Rosie : < shank 500; Dcrto Finley 496; Fran- Ohm 2u0. manner was," and for; “My ambition is tu be a great dvc-^ces Durnin 494; Iris Templeman 493; . x reasoned wiris ht>r I want to become a bone spec-1 Doreen Garlic 490: Isabel MacLean |ialist.” <437; Margaret Finley 480; Craig.. Total 100. “Well, you have a good head for it."« A rmstr ?ng 479; Jack Ludwig 474;’ Tr esena Buchanan P. Johns, teacher Primary Honours 75. Pass 60.1 Bondi 97: Ruth Burgman i SPANISH GOVERNMENT HOPES FOR AID FROM RUSSIA AS REBELS MARCH ON MADRID; pny, many m Canada and lures i. er than any other ground an which any preacher can stand. News travelled fast in the R emm •' ’ the Pi ,g ............. - - .. ——- — —» U >t. Andrew’s I fixion of the man of Fakstine named | ; Jesus nad travelled far. if I’aul came j to communities that had not heard of s! it. he c mid easily tell them ab.-nt it.1 ■ But this -•*« .. ..... set forth i'f JCstlS. the Jews «... govern'.r„ and alLging, that Christ have suffered, and risen again frwvj the dead: and that this Jesus, whom -| I preach unto veu. is Christ.” Let :.s keep clearly in mind that» this was the theme and the method ©f Peter and Patil in their preaching. Christ, and Jesus, were two distinct ly different persons in the thought,, and eye? <-.>f many Jews. Every welli intortrnd Jew fcnew what ‘‘Christ” 'i fnse reads and p». atong. but | and d'-ubik-ss the mrs < xx t have .me j and ministry and miracles a St. Andrew > i fixion or the man wf Fah-stfne ‘enw life dcav., ur. ger o: n sue- » t' Rat the it xvill sjc s£ afc sfc 'The Na<d» in Danzig have rik-sed another newspaper. Dictatorship d.'-es ®«t thrive under c -ttditton* that are toreed. !gt Jice Latsis knocked asudher boxer ©nt He appears to be Leaded tor an other crack at the world’s title. * * * * Sir Oswald Missley, leader of the Fasdsts m England, went to Germany ‘Oniuiunitsts that sad not heard of le e mid ea-dx- tell them ab-.-nt it,1 is the mtere-tsm: fact: Pauli the fact' an the experitne. whj had been erwrified by r by pemissh >n of a R-.maan ] pentng (the Scriptures 12 nmst need" ■ Bargain Fares OCTOBER 22 from WINGHAM CfidietsB also s&H at aS adjaotiat C.N.R. Stations? To C.N.R. STATIONS in MARITIME PROVINCES Frov. of Quebtc; New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island;Nova Scotia OCT. 23 and 24-To Ottawa $7.40; Montreal $8.45: Quebec City $11.70; Ste. Anne de Beaupre $12.30 ~ROUND TRIP FARES T&IUts> Fares, Transit Limits and*Informatton from Agents. . . * . tor Haftdbilt Ask Agents for particulars of Canada’s Maple Leaf Contest Yau may win $100.00 with one leaf’ 7975A CANADIAN NATIONAL.. Government leaders Spain in rebel-sttrfonndt'd Madrid an? ?«.-p rftc-d to be pinning their on th? ■jsibiKty of Russian i 1L-xv- hS warning to the nations to the rebels. The pictures here show s took T-dedo from the loyalists. (2) | clamatv.m of his dictatorslub over alt she wluM consider the neutral-’< fl) Three «f the survivors of the lol- j Gen. Francisco Franco, rebel leader J Spain in rebel hands at BurgdS, in* a guard surgent headquarters.tty agrccmu.nl. ito toiqges’ binding ®n-!'edo Alcazar following the relief of | acknowledges the salute of », !c-s Fascia: naitons ceased alleged aid h&e Fascist garrison when the rdbsSs*1 of honor a few minutes after the pro J