Huron Signal, 1864-11-24, Page 2--- ---- Cai1r • • Semmes Ih.ma, ow Oar S -Thea M Toe IMO* if SI i tt l most probable speculation 1 bheard o ttttJJJJ • have lettermen's napotditioa, Mel ng ibat of Mr. from ear eine Tuna' 1 a 'The l'uufrderati•m w(Ori is Acing brined eapA, whytdtye be le he rive Jeff Maris is British Noes Ase W •ehie ie many ---- s.4 Lae tee of Itichdeed is duel he will aad be el its moo 1 -- !. ens dousing in1 yin means ruitb; it rayl, tSi eau n formidable orgasl tura on the 1 i .r PK ices a the panpalatto t of era. i4 nut Ise than 4tlfl illhon the defence of their mer treater always hod the wen tine . m.alr. wAn n esepr,,t. seven! thermnu. . • .c etc t cotta sed within eminselvvt, lbs Protozoa reprise to 'lain a connection with England," ,.hie country may always is• depended npbn Is a wiled eiteut for wi+once sue tet a car, ober of often or Jvfelss. GODEKICH, ♦,, NC*.t2 1l 64 u' • meted paints in the interior of Georgie ° the most ole mead to cut 1 lou„ lice ' L and vis ' ,chile for . r they eau `- land all the facts a,•om to be in favor of this ed amoas The telegraph Drin tea the information r umber rase bring* haat renin). Gen Sherman's prrsent expedi• taco hsheniuu •uJ. .. that it is proposed by the l.tncoln l'abiuet tion u nothing inure taenia a ral,1 u, n I.r fe p 1 bar than soft or "' w 01 Atlanta, where Gen Sherman ex- p euetineetf IttilLAral stumpf of tell provisions cumul•1 iA l0 Iwo este d lJfr' YOtRT t lob th e e !ale for ruetrr. I this be an If t 1 M teaks a scale, which we caoto1 full to hear before to aijii u w dep I rt to u( her n • propesitiou of pcaao W the soar' it Y > t IMS mud p.e til acd•ry^1a calculated tosssYre ges that if the proposal is rejected the war is w be gone into by the North with renewed t hit srrt an CnxntttarV. -ilia Salem, desperation. Although the Fettered tele- I llassacbYwtu, /Ibwree► aye tart on Suede?oe is it whit ie pawsesard at the present tine by the Provindrt. or abet !bet war et!• peel from Emend, that rnutiuues all the atnagti spa which tie sew eonfedertion may sally pre/ices a powerful and sucrees fel future. At the present time dere is e atom and tonttarrtiy increasing tide of rue, gratiun lowing front the [Suited fetes tele u the l'anada+. As time pastes the number pf Ulltl tJ al Il be lir 'rl increased. Wt ] Mia 11 111'1'1,711"u L ma sena l.meoht ver well. II` doubtle,i %Wsllt uuarket ll e h. every mat► ttti *ole passes 1 set market of rumour. The latest advices an to rnuutry lou Jwirablr •s a rendrnce, and an] tet have it belicvixl by the world that he is the Detroit Free l'ress, from i correspondent other. plsee of rola,• from conuripnien, debt soil Mania! ruin. willing on his part to brine thee herrible 1 he annual interest upon the indebtedness of both our northern and etathera states es e prevent time tenure be leu than flee, Ind et. Enormous a is this load. it it ir"wine Ismer with a menhir tba( m g. the rest t meekly be foreseen. ,kruptcy of both levities, to seer warns aro by Pe swain modals of veracity, "ranmg Ker. Mr. Palmer, of the labernaclo we suspect that there is an inkling of C''urch, ill that city, wee assaulted by tet a lrebman three muse tehile ou has way bumf 1"311 in Lhc report Peace proposal f b h k n t h f II tmapeutder, mid whieb offer to the South the aid 01 too other gentlemen. a pardon past offences if she will return • utnrx 'taw Ut not 1v !tel raid from e nom meeUnt, ul a nix et t c r dltul upon llta principle of wuoondilienal down rack time, and a last secured bin; re still quotedabove par w tmil make obis war to a termination, and ho may wish, Ithe ttt6 utst., says; -Tho i,l',rmatien twter.t- should the Corlfvdertte (Government refuse 117 reee4eed Ay the authorities of Buffalo has, his Wins, to show tint it is 10 blame fur IIB all probaln8ly, fruatrand 14e plane of the 0 i soWrwfw robe's Nark rand I)enntn aur burn hush ' ell that may happen in the future. 11'e ! seg ted pjllagieg that con, at Int for the .shave not even a hint as to what the condi 'Beans of the propmition will be, but it m bet safely conjectured that the wool cram foamuse will be sto,linusly avoided. Serer - I revue but them men are by oro means idle. , It w • 1'b.y are rapidly aegmentin( IMir forty of wheel, ',pry man who eon will leave the villas wet to their ail from Kentuek _ country, at. . 'a•u G i believed te r b Wil, a. p,Wey h el a kigh ci lv centre an It bet ed alto they so hay over three is tee peat at wbeh will morally centre all PUMA the colmw'neement of hostilities, hat the North maoileate.l a willingness to moot the South h elf way with a view to ay incendiaries;their re are betas': steeled by 1 t da is the nearest foreign securing peau Italy kt.rit acknowledge '' hat aeConsIon was a most wicked set, that t cans. of the North ii a good and righteous one -let it go down upo.t i knees .ltd pray to be readmitted, promise to give jt*eating men up to Northern vengeance. sed promise 10 behave well for all time to co . and then. it 'awry be re- fnetated. after ei 'tile further spoliation and c'infisatioei. 11 need not dwell +poo the attitude of the So from the first,. It is coefficient to sok„_ - (hit juncture whether it is ready to maim to the• terms which will be dictated, shoo they be ouch an we have mentioned. If a tako into oomwiJeralten the failure of ( . nt's amp dies and tbe very little that • ad been done by other Federal enmtnande towards the salyugstioei of the South, together with the atlitud^ of defiance it has maintained up to the present moment, we think the question tuay be answered in the negative. Every approaeh -to Mr. Davis on the subjeet of a pmov having sabwiesion to Federal authority ! 'Is_ primary primary basis. Itan met with but one sponse . " We mutt InchInd.pr•n,l or war to the bitter end,- and in bin most recent speeches there is not observable the slightest indication of a change of senti- ment in this rt•pect. Thu Uuvernment of Mr. Lincoln is aware of this fact-; must know that that South has not utrug• gled and bled through four long years of war, to give up at last al1 `l,hat it has been contending fur. Why, then, prttstot peace prop ueel. l Booalsc une of two ends may bo gaited -jeM ips both: Certain Stake, or portions of them, may be lured from their fealty to the Southern Confederacy by fair promises, and in any event .tar. Lincoln trill have as udrairalde pre 1,vt fur a jr,'sA drn%t nj A t., ,r million of men ! This phase of the affair has been foreshadowed already through the Ite- publican press, from the pulpit of II. W. Beecher, the rostrum of Pars,n Browulow and elle bolcuuy of lieu. Butler's hotel. - The people or the Northern States are bean -ick of draftat, and it does not require the shrewdness of either President l.incolu or his Secretary of Steal to know before - ban 1 that another draft on a cation) scale i anti in which art rlr/V1 it at ee will Wallowed, cannot be probed down the popular throat w'.thnut tale lire 0f a good deal of rounda- bout mattiyulatioa. ' It is just within the bodnds of passibility that the petlee propo- 'tions may be such as the South sem accept with honor, or 'safety, but we Doubt it very much. At all events we shall won have aomcthiuq definite. hani.red sen at their cemannd, whom they emifratinn' Now Ibu there election of Mr., le. busily, but secretly. equippntg and nrgar lencoln.►idt but 10 gin tea War mo gears *Me for a raid on some ofyvnr border clues, of we, there aro fewer reasons the Ever and if they !rave abewloned Buffalo. thea gel awe should re is wh Inert who c►n Y Detroit is the certainly the loomed City; ter jut• here linter. To stay hire 14 to brace • r us sere it the sunt shines, one t of the two scriptiun which must soon become noire places testa b. surprised any nigh, t, b. Arouse and to be tort in • cotrteet .,whose torte* is ed by the fire from every quarter.. If tb••] swallowing the life. wealth and repmtgtion of tueceed in secret,.; themselves in either. the cation. 1„ emcees there are none'o( it of your retie* without being tiete°ted, just terse misfortunes ; !hero may boles' liberty that certain they will outrider' burning yr than there was in this count, a few yearn ep, for they have Greek ire, ted if it reap ncr. but there it at least immuniy from I pard to urea three hwrdrrd di'ferenl buildiap ! u err tet the rnnsrnnuon. Gem being j at (h. s:un. ume, tt until hi eePeeeihle td ea' draO . •i to mit ale elm: and useless death on tinguish it. your salveto., depends opal eh:battle-field and (nem the sore 6narseal (your vigilance. ,M. 1.. 4. ruin whici im ume mot overtake cren.ejte• I. Fine Ilti•MIOND VIA LONtiol.-Tbe Mids.' mob wel the reasonin • of vent ------ — - -• .. ./ Crash milieus oral this rnhanw country. umber n rorrespondenl of tae. Loudon naafi,' of our peo1,b•• the ren.equenee will be.. , •i tiiieglei tbe 8th Of October; 'exile -Tb ry the tAe test four an rill wieners an ami• was nearly a panic le the (.uufederate capital • f eiitiselas oaf lherl'nit p states' a `t o1 110,5 ou the 29th' September, wheal Grant made his Mn of them, distusted ' h the etident ine•- advtme, and alley hail wily • handful of'p.ecily0(ti. people for_ f-goreronieit as troops to resist ' lee's troops.he siva, require shoat' by the occurrences f limiest few reel-"tficers nod men are beef went out, years, will elad'y edam it reset s under IM sees of power which is rem° fromthe leaver{ no retri.herbynight erday Inr100 indaene.stdtamperis;a of dem• -1 days, tied expose! at the seine time to met of •rhev eel jives, et raperty in tart nen, e eereen summers ever• known in 1'irgmnma,l w.lt'become see. eoe wee js ,iitlensest a siding, was blow, em the mak Mack, •,l came the Jenng along at the vitas to forty miles per hi•ur. The locomotive atk tut car sad three it completely over, tom Ada .p, nearly driving it in • small dwelling house emitted along the track. The train was net erect, when, strange t• my, nothing erne ted to be sa'Y and d1h r • majority 1 ri ty u the pessenerie were Gnawers that anything had happened. The escape from, 0 all probsbiii- ly, a terrible •cceleut, was a moatmuaealou. one. there remained u°til tee THE AMERWAN WAR. Wssluugtun, Nov. 19. I'resrlent Lincoln, it is underat oil, has directed the uucuodltiooal release of We l'eno sylvauir. comwwjouers ted seems of elec. HOC It is mall here by prominent friends of the admruwMiuo that. (be sending of peace eom miseoners to ltichmond is not now content. plated, and that President Lincoln will fully Indicate his policy with regard to pacificaiioo ill bis tortbeoming annual meeage. 'Ihe Charleston Corner of tae 13th inst., in an editorial on the subject of peas• says: "There is a grey dial lege talk about peace at the present time than there was a mouth since. This is gratifying. The proffer of peace must come from our enemies. It is they who forced u 10 take arms, and w. Mutt continue to h jht till w. oblige them to ackeowledee their inability to conquer and enslave us. We can only extort their con• (neon by maintaining our position by thrash- ing, and frustrating their well laid plans by begin; back their powerful arwies, by wretf sag uurlerriteries from tlric grasp. and, if need be, earning the war into their borders." The Nag's Washington correspondent ''Liy+ that the Freneh Minister had an inter. new with Seerelar Seward, in which be renewed the offer to place the setyjens of his guvernmeet at the disposal of tbe I'resideut, to facilitate negotiations with the Suutn. Mr. Seward told him ht wools consult the l'resi Nene, and invited him to another interview on he matb'r. A spet•ial'despatch to the Tribune, from t ruaof the James on the 14d inst., says that 'nformation received from Richmond today nders it pretty certain that Lee is detachio part of bis troche for service else 'where. Confederate papers betray evident trepida- tion coneerniog Sherman's motrment. The defeat of General Gillen at Bull's gap is announced in the Richmond Fmryirer of the 16th inst. by an official dee • tell from Ise. Ile sa et bpea ] that un tae night o(the lath Rreeb tendge tune'! (lull's gep, when the enemy attempted,lo retreat. At ten o'clock on the It, be stench their column and round u, laking several hundred prisoners, tea stands of colors, six pieces of artillery, with cinemas son horaws,eomplete, 50 loaded wagg'•na with ambulances ands' teams with medeal supplies. Es -Governor llammurtd died at ,his resi- dence on Heath It!ad, South- Carolina, o. Sunday last. The commissioners of the allies were to . _ officials -- gates ol, the 191h of October, to edjut the amount of -rawer to the verruca nations. The tufts uweve•r, Dews : v n n raw ,!n r I suicide, b a few roecn;alous lunatics. ar.,to be dismantled, and portion of the fleet tour, rets tnabte f! expect tart ihi 1 'fhulerlr Cuomo wu,t l mceivr vat. vas's tell main to sec that the Tspisin keeps his Ebour of gl, • through which the Coalfield text. 0e. hardy, to el!iaea people, who, in prom It it believed that the general guy. ate. are now ins -the dark ret sad pro dross a peace, will brine their ingenuity and ersme ill bencefbrth be able te keep the founded which t .y hive ever passed -is,. the Wntd Aire bright -- Mineral Lands in Upper Canada - The Gl...hes correspondent Quebec sends the 'following - The liberal Obey %deplete by Mr. elcDoogall in ieletiou to tee Lake Superior mineial lands', in the reeula- lions of the erd of hlarch lut, bas told alms dy. The rdult is a complete vindication row tee therges made by the Leader 1111,1 other jouruala in Ilia keenest of old monopoly. It wee be remembered Wet lamb had been soll in 6,000 acre bloski, teat the arrears were unpied, and that the minerals wete locken up. 111r. elclertgall promptly pee , seies 100 acts eloceti at $1 per acm, cash. I 'T reselet are that about 30,000' acres of 'tads hive becu mete arid $30,000 cash re-; 'veil. Tee point: at which the sales bate seSend Bateliewaune flay. Sumo fine eimen of iron Ole *IV ShuM/I1 id the Am of' Mr De e, who has charee of Upper Carla. mine laid+. These specimen,. se (rote We Imo L.:every of 'that am called um Due Mooritaiirs, at Uoulieis Bay, forty an miles free; Seel- Ste M.ese. ois ,1 rutermixed with elgert elute. Furtlier de. plurations are goinj on. he Government urveyor who es rummer the Meilen boundary hue, reeves firefine boulJ, era of iron ore ou the surface. The Awerican Constiliny own - in; minerat lane; in Goulais Re pro oee coastroming five rale. of railway, Web* shore, in the seeing, and potting on a forte of 150 mem ft peeper to any that usibersi land., not on (Alan territory, belong te the Crown. The Department is • good died 'morel with irregular applieatiotre. The reeulations require the applirant furnish plan aud description by a provincial hone son em Department of persons telegraphing ap. tereatiene for block' in rear ofecerrtain bays. Of coterie, nh eater could lee tikes of such arch applications. Cosi. iv in, 1VOIT. -Extensive stoma of ,ssemillent meal hare bean found at Fort Rota. ' Tea soal Mehl erten& towards the South- ; Veen tool it is mapposod oaterops on the eaglet ed this bark bit*. The enema* et vas • Id, I way brewed the Claw *sloe of which rennet well be Over do spieblialbee of illie Upper Maslow rim, it . ye tweetroosese element in she betties el • ' I etairoud emus tbe *est /lair time sod Ole ('"'"11 8610 '1"ii is little while will lad ell reeerd tor t ally fee, afli lid other stimulant. The , °I'm/led"' land of their nativity, mei to wonder hom . e people sn powerful cote.' be driven to co.maut oust sadutry to the work of developing ere mate- sandy uo ea in check. rial !SUMO of thet c•enery. ansfethoen time LW advises fro. the hIelieen empire re• of war, will conititute -a righting eleetent, pruanfthe people as divided aud the empire *sitting of &Mantua. whom excellence it second** now , in 'exist. bidet ground. Mainzarrilla will soon be ewe,. With this adderou to teeirpopulatioe, l'occupied by — .. the Frfneh. The Costa Chice The Quebec 'correspon t of the Loa- sad aew form of government which they art Incliene had rebelled. - d Frre Prru mays that let rumor of a shout tasAole, the British province', as a sosst6av of Parliament, to coma aboat confiniereion. will take the lead itt wealth, ca litre for ameba regiment of California enterprise st:dpower,un ih,.! "merle main vulunteent, in aecunlance \Kith a requisition the middle of January next, e ws in eat. - . - from the war department. Recruiting in San *eTlie new Mimeo cali!e is to .eost be jun arrived trout Athlete- All the Mee. , come on Monday, , and thin leads US tO 000. , ' . Milo, fociudriet and rolling stock in Admit& suspect that theie meet be some ntistake, or Fridtai:uaainiTZ iii to opeu on Thursdayi hig-,eee gal, g,lat,eer, dari4 tee wee and foundries hum Chattanooga to Attain.. h,y oe ee g . ir, ch;eat,e who hag bed been destroyed, All tbe factories, milts er earn and seteral miles beyond; are destomed, and Monday. \ 0- Su;ar mu, easolungand old rase is the railway eutted, ten ii up, and ail tbe leen TUE OTTswt nemesia -The Globe says put beyund use or brought to the rear. the latest li111C01 . Atlanta 111 oo longer of military importance teat it is understeod that the (Died 4 runk reee There it a assumes the ruenagement of ibe Ottawa and ilimituleisrewthuo .has 21 b I named epee ig se, and the cointry for miles around is wasted Is of children -tee beyond • possibility of service to the Coaled Prescott Railway "ode,. The road, it etseid, erste army. Ailed& is in ruins and es streets \ will soen be overerown with gram. For ref. There are in Pasha Pennsylve ia will be +keeled to the Meisel guart in die 'mein:, when pawn:eel from -`lontreal ante Torontu will be sat down at flitaw• on the iron, nod afrdoil emplortiterlf 1 men- Teo- weeks, trains eomine north have been filled • our overuse 'Nee ei $1,004,0 , with government mores and refugees, and the *Twin& of tail mete ley without t Lanes uf scenes at the depots have been these of con• cam (marten and suffertne. The Coifed States Treasury epart. I \ Another •ccount says that Sherman hail • . 'nem 'entitle and issuing weekly ut • hi butelquarters, on Monday last, at King- . in legal tender and wee I *toe, with the Itth corps. He had Issued an monde have ',elapsed Sine. tbe little brig bank currency: ' . , - days after her deperture see put into St.John, „Ethat ei the hepetberesa region, would New Brunswick, for repairs, since which time Vision left ties port' for ..iverpool. ,, A•few (wing:h.:III:her:me ..tovitisoc,,atte,sia:sf,csn'el]ewatindieueg harts thomeh a country henstofore *nod:red Melee telling the troops they were about to on the ground. In this ne hbeCimod b either army, and they were expect to jigg,_gg,' softest on the country, teeing all the heroes and mules; let in reac . salting IIII,I bed keen] uf her or of ber erew. atid a shipmate. There was also a deg antosig w9- "I'''''Pw 1 frorn Kingston on Monday last. ,... I tbe rearguard of Sherman 4 army, and moved the company, but it is 6 ared that ali uf teem ele Sesame moo vessel, the Sea King, it I fleeCt°Uffedtraereastpre,PrtftsPeharivellarterivedihinat Manobi7i7leinaeay. here fuundereil end goro to the batten o( se* to be vert fast, buil ie weed with irorrl The re.pomed capture cf Morganzia b Buck- . . ot em, at all etents, has been , frame, about one tbotierind 10114 Meilen, three nee is again asserted by the Conf erste', heard uf ibe yeetel, arid the sad probability is edam !testily sparred, and machinery prise hie resulted i'll briniie4 the attreuterers , els, The great teem. iron clad motiiror ram abaft but datei of the 7th instant, two weeks after that the lietedous lint to say feelish, miter. Che Inaiiimast. to II watery grave.-tNew Vork Nese Dietetor, re which se 11113(b INIVIpeedieted and the reported capture, received in New Tore, expected by the North. proved • total failure make no Melli1011 of a. DT GaelltAl.u1.-Curibahli has declined to t wo thousand young Distrees in the llforth. scribee by • number of the mesterei' of Lie : %similes!' a Mexico. neleiefle. are pointed l'hursday next a day of thanksgiving Governor Seymour, of - hew lork, has ap. rererve the yacht fur which feuds were sub-! shout to enter the rerytes uf the Emperor tor h b I t harvest and erpool, and which, leaded, e ith 1 resetit• fliim i ' .3--..flie population Of Boston, aecordiel private individoeln io eart„,,, 1,arty of the to a coeus jun taken, is 164,7ele *eel • . " While • desolating civil war fills our coltahtnermbioleuanaienrstindguirtinsgpiuthiehyeeLey.:_lir ha pro. country, was about to proceed, or liad already of the Perseus in the army sod wry. his lind with mouruing, throws hearyeburebens proem -led, to femme'. The eeicht fund 41.111 hills shoes a aa mat tease,. Geueral's feelings. on a charge of hieing uttered 'treasonable ggliggrg, distress into the homes of our peottle. we mitten the industry or our country, acd carriell lar :sly aided hy a fancy baz tar held in Evet• ,a,„__ ,,, „ * • ton, encl it is believed that the mode ol ‘,...r "”•.'n1„, a rea'irle"t 0.1. " raising tbe wind e is not congenial to the wns arresters um eMeteyedlo jai sentiments." .last week, . should be thaneful that the miseries caused by the weekness and wretchedness of men are lighterma e; the emodness and mercy of God ; that (be destinies of seer nation are in Ilia control, and that we man trust evil in due time he will lift bis chastening hand (km die people of this country, who have been un - *fateful for his favors, and rebellious to his tuchisgs and authority. Gratitude to God is heat shown hy mercy and charity to our fellow mem I therefore exhort the citizens of des State to help the poor, relieve the sick, and to comfort these who ars in affliction. Many living in our large towns are threatened A% if la • want of labor and the means to buy lelethodisis, ahem numbers am set dime &I.g.,1rirei riate,,15.:2:1,114111'. y "Inert neelni to lie So , codd and fuel, while tbe withdrawal of • great ; 311,e71 in • impartment of 1.3116,091. In Priem Edward Island, the Homan Catbolid hive, e . - i perorate ahroad that the Moth( the Emir I ,the • al iste-ehe xe., into our armies numher of stile bodied men from our State member 35,857, in • population of 83,e57. In e stave, ewe legal bearing on the me tn 7i it r l• persons •ithout support . . . I especially Invoke again Mee numbering 83,233 ia • population Ittotilian government will &tome. As the mah" are ie the" :::if7:hth:flamilies of thaw ono for the coni Now Itrunewick, the !Liman Catholies are rapid to her seizure 1I1 Itahla,P.whi'ch ere public to m of 252,1117. 1" Istra ltisiiiia. the Pr"blie'i' American ealeic •ill doideleit shore be 'ejakevi"lelelof Pirle;:lint:7.° f the armies • , rut and ?tattiest Denonunal Aspect of the Coated- el' One of Ow uncle*, .lelesile belled tellY two Meese sow is tbe turerstat school in France, as fortune of one maliou ?muds tor. oration. • III novels has lately died in I Almois every upect or the proposed rime federatem has been presented, excem taut which mink, to the ;cesium compleelun uf the sereral Provinces. A table which em peered iu the Leader el late supelice the tee Extensive series of eta! deposit:Owen- 10i0f11 01111/001/11, hate bee. found in China. arse work tb se mints and sacceed provinces, w• find test the most numerous ...gaga'. tee memo, employ., by site& body Lower Cariada thut of the 'deice* of a very clumsy awd primitive chafe Hearse Catholics...oho number 913,2e3 out of. • meter. eg, po:tulation rill:if:W/6. .f meet nurse, roue biely in Upper Canada /111 that nf the 'ans lake tee ptemelence, numberino se,755, called on te approve or dise rove 07e the , in a popuiation of 330, .67, In Newfoniel ,, „ ter, ic it co the highest nepotism. that there any getters) atimilideretanding as to t be law ot of the po tilatton. As in or many o the .1„,,,,, ehen meowed, before a prim court for g matron to bring 'enemy's separate 1roeleeeet a" e"he *11"1° r ,..r•4^- sonderanatien, los, we Iseliere, nu (11.11/461ilen ration, the Roman Catholics wilt rank as the gith„ in tho te.,,,e, „, ,,, ,,,,,e. pr,, cmorm, west numerous til the several denominations. ere iristituteil for the benefit a neutrals, arel numbering 1,46e,660 adherent,' in • poeula dee liability of • neutral %hip to rapture is the (ion of 3,294,0eil. Tfill 11611 1..,e. 1,s128,396 „neon. and lb., only question which • hel• ... be divided sarong the different Pentemane eevereut is in any cue beund to submit to Churelirt. Olthese the Church of lenelaed them. A crew.. is not ulilieed. by int/ima- mate bightell,14Mhttring 544.612 eflhereete• ousel 1411111. to bring in an enemy'a ship for The Preshybirian. enfne nen. 'meta" led condenotatiun, unless the ownership i in 49.4,44g, (01101red by the Methodist'. whu doubt. If this • tbn ease, her iiidy ii, eithor 639, of whom 62,000 am rendenta of' Noe& . t" prim. it mon g nn dont), .b„in it. PP cower poreued by our government in the nue lame the Roman (esquires are rain filet • The Rev. Henry Ward - Beecher bas been delieerine • aeries of' political sermons to heri congregation in Brooklyn, which have formed of the thoraces, they, hatever, no doe, except at of Lower Canuffieforro • me mit, that the popular impreaseen that • belleterea ential campaign. The editor o t Amer -Caw Jowled, who appears to have leen present at *owe of the, Meetings, says well -ahem! bit at McClellan's strategy as " a verbose conirna.tder," or at Jeff. Daehes hope' of sal eation here and hereafter, never fails " to bring down the house." Cheer upon eheer amends from the enraetured con- gregation. The soul of the reedier warms with his theme. Now you bear the latest version of President Lincoln's latest joke. - Anon, you have the twin Misiaw Marotta whom 24.311e are la Upper Canaria. The ed to suit the present party cries, with all the Congre,ralioraliate number 148,164. Them approved nasal modulatioas * Western etegett'rg"itrbgt iyheondfe,;:sueoilinneopcihy...er,c,,.,p,privi stamp orator. At another 1111114 7013, patriot. ism is armee! to en ontemachabte ardcr, as sie la en' 42.921 "1"111" "r m'emilawisont ."1"1". Pel•rs• hor y.ie find that the drowning of the Egyptians. er,.„4,,, ein,„. aa,434 „aid.. in ean. gm, bar destrection on the spot Is perfoote the sureineer of Jerisho, the overthrow of the id, sd00 Imo d,. ,aa a justifiable. Moreover, this has bee. me Assyrian., and ths duweetion or etenseberib nn relimem the Imre% rmajority of eht7ret717,. Pr11.41es h11111.^ele el!'" *ere. "wee"' :eere.ereli e° '11507 figursti.."1.1."heM ri 173. an. Rm. uppm. 11.,..144 it was tneeemmient fer the captor to mid hie e'e lo the end ne tine gitentie - leno Weds of 'no mauls goon' and "etude nat Plias •rol *MIT euenet. for tea neatnen, member 437,957. elf itapti.it thee" nr• 192' tit submit fbe meet to • prize finale or di eleande 23.0041. -ffatiarres Tram wed the loyal men of the orthern • tams or Lie Tim aut. th, d„,g, hU rheum people. Louden,* and vehement prenited on Weilettedav night die wide ere the rimers which go ap "'ha Pl"" "rata' gt„).- The proper settforitirt In lemon have es ,eeergetgieg „gide,. a mor. rested his remote among the mina °11/441^n wrider investigation th4 rue ce a leas inn (boa ,aa „mato, hap- and Om (Meths of th. FicelSee- rio'^"1 lediee berae'e "WM mer wheel' lefeelhelene posed 00 the Gene ww.,„, &mous au, nr. 1,0•Ohied with the mope *sea Med itleporm same amid oweetam. seem Awe? pkgc se 0. ..1.00 wed, A noes. Adokaseut pserboas of loth setae dr,d under t inkiest' of law t a es, „lam, .4 4.4„, stia ~Meg b. their Book Idled op salmis titer *noel to asy emers•acy short of shouldering • m•skst and taus to the war. A vote W Moreau the Pastor's salary could be carried at such ecstatic momrnte'reheat the loaf difficulty, or even the exwawa of.autber trip W Europe might be voted. ♦ fee days ago we observed M the Naw York Tribune • Ismer report of one of Mr. Beecher's sermons. from shish we clip the following sem, which we commend to the consideration of the Hwy. gentlemen's admir- ers :-" The man that will tale tbe dead baud of the wader, rend maks tate deed haled yo te for the cause loath in life it fought against, has no need u' • der of jwlgmeut, fur he will go to hell before.' Strychnine in Warfare. The following is reg extract from • despatch Jared : " Sr. Pace, Misr, Nor. 14, 1+,64. " Captain Fisk bat arrived here. Ile re- ports having killed a number of Indiana with bullets, and one bemired rues, women ar1 children with hard tacl,aatuntedwith *trice nine." Such is the language of dispatch --a simple allegation of • fret, as if Captain Fisk had gone through a certain retainer"! military duty and made his report accordingly. Our people have been brought face W face with many borrorsdurireg the past four years, but we tank that tbeir stoicism will Voice under this new infliction. It is the climax of bar. barite. The savages themselves, aguut whose "wumeu and children " tau system of wholesale poisoning is practiced, ore mot go beyond this extremity of crime.. If the state. mentis true,wbich we do not believe powble, Captain Fist should have a conspicuous niche in the eternal temple of infamy, u the most complete etimial oo God's oath. -New Fork Nems. AN iMl'ORTANT CAPfUItE. The New Yurk %etc• of Friday uys:- "Iecaur, on the l'.nuessee. es mid by the Southern papers to have been taken by the l'vufedcrart. Eight thousand prisoners are stated to have beeu captured at that place. This is reported t" have occurred on the 2tth of last month. The statement is made with every appearance of truth in the Southern jemmies -on the authority of a scout, and eunfirmed by • man of respectability from the country immediately north of Decatur. It is, however, dolly possible that the C'en tuts, with all tbeir falsehood and kaatery, could have kept back that fact from u now nearly three weeks. '1 be absence of iuforns- tiun Irons Nor,hern Alab,wa once hood's appearance then. is, however, suspicious, even though it be nut ominous." futute ouuduct hm promotion depended. - Hopson soon convinced be patron that his favours were nut ill bestowed; his promotion tees rapid, and Me act nus is melt rade of the service fully eutitl.J him to the high rank he ultimately attuned. M■ CLOI'DISLar ano,.t.. Whoa Sir Cloudesley Shovel mil aboj w the navy, under the patronage of Sir Jobe Nuburuugh, be beard the admiral express an earnest web that sumo papers might be con. veyed to the c.ptriu of a shop then engaged in' action at considerable dilaters... With the greatest resolution the buy undertook to swim •with the despatches in his mouth thruugb the line of the enemy's fire; and this service he actually performed, to the utouebmrut of all who wuoegeed bis great courage. WOOD WANTED. Parties who intend paying their subeertp. tCons in Cordwood will plant bring it on right away. Don't bring as a lot of mis- erable knots. GRAND TRUNK R. R. uoae Emir. Express dep. 9 • m, Mixed 13 ni • 4.30 p.m, uoisu wast. " Arr 4.30 p m, Mixed 10.40 nal S 4 " . Countio ate Stewart's 1'Iantatioa Minstrels are cowing and will perform in Crabb'e Vic- toria aloha uo Thursda • andFriday ev • S J eD ings uext, '24th and 25th instal. Run rue Levis -The great sale of lands for taxes, advertised in our columns for the last three mouths, comes off on' the '2(th inst., and we Would' advise all 1 our Counties' readers to look over the List carefully to make sure that their lots are not adverlieed. We have beard of several persons who paid pretty sweetly for carelessmem in this particular on form- er occasions. A!IOTHxa Fits for the purchase of. fat and rontruct cattle ( the -latter meaning Para Moesv Artomr.-The New le7r1 animals only fit for distillers, dee..) will 1r 'World' say, :-There is now .fleet in the, held at the tillage of Dungannon on Tu loyal states hearty one thousand millions of I day, the lith of December next, when four paper money, without one dirtier of gold or real money pronited to pay fin the same.- buyers -two from New York and two from The largest amount of paper moneyevereeed • Montreal -have signified their intention is these moue Sates before the rebohion, was to to resent. We trust those of one shoal $150,000,000, and this sum esu found i P to be ample to transact grove than double our I farmers who attend it will recline good resent amount 0(6u/inert, and a'so to carr prim a the times go'. weight of southern it,debtetlnesa to the No th. These figures give scene Punt idea of - the ategnitude of evil to which our legal cur Gum, Custrrrr RawaauiD.-Those who rency las reached. were school compan:ua in the Township of (ruderico of George Krppen Nairn, eon of . Out and Out Gluttons. Mr. John Nairn, Inca) -Superintendent, and - .1 case of setedestruction, singular at (east his (reeds in Stanley will uodoubt 1tl+pieasrJ . as to its cause,' ccur,e,l in the suburbs of to hear that be hal received • Cgmmiuion as l'aria the other d.o 7'he unfortunate suicide Lieutenant in the feller -el Army, and the alp was a stone digger, 'teed Ferdinand P—, pointment of Regimental Quarter -Mester. He aged 24, • native of ons, who was ail cted with what medical men 11 bulimy, or insati- able hunger. Iles earn] being altogether insufficient to steely his en rmoua appetite, though he ale stalely anyth i but braved, hit renew workmen used to coot bate towards hit support : but wearied with thuleburdeniog tea faired', and worn oat by his .offerings from the presence of totes, which amerwaM Ms hunger, he al last came to the des rate resolution et hanging himself, and succeit$e l in effectiog his purpese. The annals f requisition to Mr. Detlor,and his reeponsc. The docernent was sent to Bellesillewhere was likewtee last month presented with a sword of the value of a Mandrel! {Wears by the officers and men of les Regiment for gued" behavier and bravery in the 6eld. The p enuition was wide ey the Colonel in of the nmedrawn up in bue.-Come. THE REQUISMON. In smother column w- itl be foand the terested ill having a trustworthy and effi- cient dcieot officer appointed to the situation. - Aud so, no doubt, they are. If pessorm are nominated to fill such Micas in whose integrity and honesty they have nes Upn- fideuce, their business suffers, and the mercantile intense* of the place [fag, or even decline, for unlele they can have a reasonable prospect of getting returns promptly made by the publio bfcers whose duty it is to collect their small se - cosmos they moat, as prudent busioess men, decline to give credit i11 numerous ass where they might otherwise safely do so, and thus the buoineaa is driven away to localities where they are tears Birtuuate in respect of Division Court of fieiris. Add to this, also, the tosses that must necessarily occur before delinquents of this Dort aro thoroughly known to those who have to trust their affairs into the hands of such men, and it roust be readily allowed that mercantile commanitioe Aare a docp and abiding interest ill the matter of such appoiutmente. Such, at any rato is the course of reaaooing that presenta itself to people's 'allude hereabouts. Arid the qurtion is very seriously discussed of petitioning the Parliament for such an al- teration of the law u will give do power of the appointment"of there officials to the County Coaucils, so that the people may have a more direct and immediate ountrol over them than they now have while the County Judge posseues the patronage. - The Divisiou Court is, wore than any other, the Proper'. ('curt, and if the people feel aggrieved by any act of the officials they should have some ready way of getting the matter righted. As it in, in some places that I have heard of, where a particular favorite of the County Judge bee been appointed to fill the situation, if he can only hobnob well with his honor, and manage to draw the wool over, his eyes with a graft display of hospitality and grad -fellowship, he mai do pretty much e• he pleases with the people and their . • So long an he has soh a friend at Apart"'as the Judge, they cannot get at bask very couveniently, neither to make him disgorge hie ill.gottea gaine, nor yet compel him to band over moneys that at acknowledged to be collected on their accounts., and which they well know are being used for the Clerk's own private purposes. Tie estimation in which our Dineioit Court Clerk here is held by the people of the .place is evidenced by the fact that he holds several important ofcd in their gilt -the Village Clerkship for one -so that in all probability, if the County Counealn should have the appoint- ment, as I have argued that they ought to have, the name gentleman would fill the place still -being, am he is, the must pop- ular man in town. toeilicine record many ascends of this dise• ease, both in aliment and modern lime*, but the most remarkable case of late was tbat of a W0014,11 named Annie Denise, who died in Pei/ °lily • tew years Pith'', T11111 uefortu- nate persoe.was afflicted with Milieu, from her infancy, andehile still • :outer mel used to devour u inuebeas ten pounde of bread daily. Though not in etredieout sircurnetences, she .1.4(11lice arrested fer stealing bread le 11411isfy her hunger. Sbe wieet length admitted' into the Salmetriere, sod p d under the treat - wind of D. S. Eaquirul a Automat, but to no purpose. for she left t • tialtpetriere voracious as ever. Her h r varirtl its intensity, at ordinary titnes she timed manage , with twelve peunds of bread per Itiy, but for three or fuer monies in the year a would eat from tweet, to twenty-four poun • and in ten coneecutive years her appetite was greatly aggravated in spring. On one a. * ion, when she had thought of keeping Go Friday al • fast day, she ate more th,an thirty pounds of food in twenimfour hours. As she advanced in years her appetite became de. prayed, and see took • likine to graas and dowers, especially butter cops, of which she would gather and eat an immense quantity. Ti, relieve the solid caueed by tbis unnatural food. she would drink brandy, of which she became inordinately fond, and at tart died a few hours after taking a wbole litre at owe. 1$ hen on her death bed and unable to take food, she begged her sister to come and eat near her, and her last words were -o enice it at !emit have the pleasure 01 seeing you ate' It is • remarkeble fact thst on aped mortem examination her stomach was found te be large, mid all ber other viscera quite sound and normal in size.- pialienani. Incident and Adventnre--The Naval Service - Anton ti. nortroN. About the year I 6e0 a boy mimed Heparin entered the navy as • commen sailor. Ile was an orphan, and had been apprenticed to • tailor in • town on the sea toast; bet, dis- liking tbe employmerit, he ran away. The ihip and fleet which he joined were just about puttins to sea, and soon fell in with a French squedron ; and in • few hours idler the boyei entre into the naval service, he (need hireelf in tee hem of battle, which was sisintained with equal bravery on both Mein the eneagement youtor Hopson obeyed milers with mueh alacrity; Mu sa the fight contivel hour after hour with no ap• parent resat, lie berame impatient, ate: in quihed when it would be over. Ile war told that the action would continue entil the ehile flag at the enemy's rnaat head was taken down. ' r he evelaimed. "if that's all thee' wanted, I'll nee viihas I can do." At this mernent the *hips were engaged r ard arm touchine yard arm, and enveloped in the 'woke form their gum. Our hero, tiering advantaee of the obscurity, started nn les enterprise of heeling down the ettemy'e coloene lie amended the 'brow's, and pane eft from the main yard of bin own vessel to that of the fererrehmnn enneetaired by any of the crew, whence mounting, with much agil- ity, to the main top gallant masthead, he took Mud the French flag, and brought it awe; eith him to hie own ship. Bellyelt ne Mel regained the ditch, the fag was no longer flying. Thereepon they The crew of the French ship. dismayed by the disamearanee of the flag, sold believing that it had been struek by their admire* orders, were thrown into enneetion, and although tbeir °Cries and the admiral. whewere ly !surprised m the event, **demon* to ream - more sad rally tbem, it wu all in yam, for the fleet* tars Mull thor opportanity, boarded ;he Teem, •rel metered her. Al this janeture, Hopson daesowloel the shmods with the lerettelt lag hound rowel hie area. and displayed e triumphantly to the sail, till, who looked at the prise with the utmost eatemiehrnent. The newt of this hold aetion ewe rewhal the quarter &elf. Hopson us oulened wand thou; mul Or admiral. skipeese's berth, telling km that epee his helms been for • few days on prints busi- ness; which accounts fur its being dated at that phice. Both requiaition end response , speak for themselves in newt not to be miataken. In a private letter Mr. Picea t tells us that he wiehes it to be dintinely understood, that should the M ark et ' Question come tio again, he would, if it to a direct vote or tile people. Ilia views in this respect are 'net forth in bis reeponse to the requisition. STANLEY. (riga vs. town c.•rrolvonel•nt Ing even the most sanguine eitjectations of its promotem. It di hold iu the oplendid ILA or Ball relent of Mr. James Pollock sod 1 think I may sefely say that tbere' 'were ten of Beylield aod incinoy, with two 'seep. lions ; these were D. 11. Ititehie,. ane %le:ander Johnson, IMputy Reeve. - The latter gentleman regretted very much hat he could not be present, and was only prevented by unavoidable cireutustances. There were two Bends present on the cems• eon, viz: the Bayereitl and Beene Bram Banda arid they both performed most adtnie ably, eliciting much applau.se. The Varna Glee Club eel a number ef seleet glees and tioo ss singers. A number of capital national, sentimental and comic. songs were tune: by leveret uther gentleinen gem! style, Mr. McDermott, in bei own peculiar character, of tourseiteing the sue of the evenine. Tbe concert closed at about I I eleven o'clocl(by the lieyfield Bram Band playing e tied Nave tbe Qvieeme The audience crewed enure satisfaction and cenductel themselyee meet carenettably duriog tits whole of the perform - The toetiert over, the benches were imme- diately cleared, and the room prepared tor the dance. A splendid Quedrille 'Hand occu- pied the orthestramod the darning commenced mom vieorously, WI seeming determined to enjoy themselves to the field'. The ladies, beautifully and tastetelle dressed, and with their beseeching and fascinating smiles,loyely faces, graceful forme and attractive mermen', completely captivated the sterner ece and and from live minutes after the Betel struck next morning everything and everybody in , the Hall seemed in a pertect whirl of joy and We congratulate the membere of the Baud upon the proceeds of their firet concert, and also beg leave to compliment them upon their very efficient playitig, reflecting as a does not only great credit -upon themselves bat also upon their very able teacher, Mr. Hos man We would cheerfully recommend Me Hayfield Brass Hand to any private or public party which may doiiire Um services of • Band. is:6.141.1..4aq coonnfident that they Will give enttre RATTIER romantic wedding has recently taken plare in thie neighbourhood. A youth- ful ceuple, hirelings at the boom of • well known farmer, tnok a notion Meat they would change from • state of celibacy or Moiety to • Mate of matrimony, or inexpressible bliss; and thinking that if they made known their intentions their deign' might bis frustesteel, they determined to contemned* them as opeedily and secretly me prima.. Acconlingly about II o'clock one cold night of last week the young tnan io question inieht have been 11114,11 caatiously approaching the dormitory window of his lady love, and giving • sulfite windy load rep to 'dim her net of the done sleep which it is rovasonahle to suppose she was in at that hoar of the night, and then patiently waiting the remit, which was that the " winslow opened and out came tee dove ' They immediately set aloe the quick march for Hayfield --tome three miles distant -and there they sought tho residence of a clergy. men,who wits tormadvised of the arrangement and very kinely-•kr the trifling fee d three dollars -had eeerything fn retufineee for their reemptIon, and in few minutes thereafter the ceremony of uniting them as roan and wife, " for better for worse, far richer for poorer, is sickness and in health, to love sod to eine leis' ire., ems ronsemenated. The immedi- ately headed kr the ' Ark ' from which the fair one had so recently sallied, mil upon reaching which they dre noon lost en view -- by their agrees thrseigh said dormitory dew—whore rtnetelme they slept anwelly until Morning light awoke Mem from their empyre- al dream sad sweet repass, honsaawam.DIATE se 011.1.• DT Fouler - ams. -416 Tardy hot • Nies el, aged twit sad a MIN pot Ahrtglou of lir. Jesus Fa. Friday ni- ght last a building sad by Mr. James Barker, of Millburn, a storehouee for hay, oust, &c., was burned to the ground. A quantity of feed atnounting several Ulna were con- sumed. There no doubt that the fire waft the work of an incendiary Mr. Boiler le not certain, of course, who the guilty party is, but it may be mentioned that he, oat of pure charity, took in the wotnen who had their husband, up at the' police court not long mince, and that W el• kr had diuppeared on Saturday when he was wanted on particular bunince+ by con. stable Trainor. 'If hit exercise. of charity has brought this trouble upon him, it ren- derer the Must one of still greater harffithip. • It is with feeltngs or deepest regost that we discharge toelay the melancholy duty of recording the decease of • bighly•respected member of the community. Mr. M. M. Weatherald was • young gentletitan of' much promise. Liberally educated, highly intelli gen; high minded and honcrable in his se tions, and capeble of appreciating and pme. tieing all those kindly feelings, the remprome tine of which seeures the amenities of social life, we all predicted for him • life if useful [ICY and happoietui. Ilut, alas., Death, who mires none, marked him fur an early prey. For about • year he was known to be strug. gling against theeeffeeta of incipient consump- tion, altitongh no immediate danger wan ap- prehended. fle gave way rapidly, hnwever, tiering the past few weekeeind on Wediteeffity Nue expires,. shortly after his return from a ride of several miles into the coutery. The feeling of sympathy tor the bereaved norinants of his (amity is as • [Fr.. nor Cloo CoirempntrIono .1 There ia not much stirring thin week in the way of num in this place. We keep on the even tenor nf our way " in a very respectable, quiet manner, as all good peo- ple ought to do. A Report from that lying old Hag, Madame Rumour, having got *breed that the Division Court Clerk- ehip waa vacua by the resignation of Mr. It. Read, some of the principal busi- n ess+ men an the village promptly eireulat- ed a memorial to his Honor Judge Cooper, replotting the mtuation for Mr. Janes Fair --a very worthy, deserving and up- right man. The petition wee very gene- rally 'Spied by the wiereasseto and traders of the plates,- -their apology f w interfering with a matter that, legally, is OW that the dodge is the sok disport, of, being thel thwy, as a enasemeaity, are vary seek le - coney, of tale towoahip, unfortunately drank from • bottle drumlin.* which her mother was Sittig, and ei lees then two hours after, (Coif before medical ted coals' Ian rte • l• luras) was a corp.,.. 1 do ,.M know the oases the medicine, bar it must have been a virulent saw. The an ossa i of Me s r rte 4 Ca 'e n pp11 br seater u Udfralen d lltall dsscrNr s. sure you that they hate the t a ray 1. J coudulenoe pt tbe whisk community. Diet el& ae Imneasfure. The Liverpool f.'urtpeun Titres of the /Sub it t. says Pee" It bpainful to see that tie Jjatret in tau manufaciunug dinette is lartyely ou t►e increase. At the last meeting of the Central relief Committee, held un the 31st ult. in Mauehe.ter, it wail stated that in the twentyaevsn micros comprising the cut( ooret eiatncte the increase during the precedbg. seven days in ahttyumber of piteous rseeivug relief was 2,217 ;- ht is ueverthele.a console tory to find that the general health of the M. habitante of the district was better than swat. At this meeting Lord Derby presided as•, chairman, and it was stood that the relief fund has now dwicdled down to £100,000: A retort time ago, the belief was general date the chances was over or nearly so. but it now appears that the revival of industry in - the districts was only ephemeral, and was serioul7 affected a few weeks back by the imprcmron that the war in America tiresome/ over. This faith in the cesattion of hotline.. • on the Western side of the Allaltic wu (ul- lowed by the crisis in the money and produce market., and under its influence Cotton ex- perieoced a serious depreciation. M the preaent moment the stock of cotton in Liver - poet is some 300,000 bales more than it was et this time last year. Spinners, however,• prrdieted that the termination of lbw war would inundate tee with the creme of the South -an anticipation which iulluentsd the wdden fall in prices; ns' caosed many of the manufacturers to au id operations. 11 cannot be expected that e mill owner will invest his capital in a mate ' I in such •'tate of uncertainty, .ted subject such fearful. deprve ai oo. Since the war mooned', this ie almost the first serious rete - which speculator. in cotton have sutra) ', but everything tools to the conclusion than will not be the but. Tbe renewed commer 1 A. activity rested on nu wood base, and wit• these facts befe,re u', a reorrggaanizatien of the wachmery for deeding additional relief to the poor operatives seem' Inevitable. With the approach of winter, the distress will deepen, and means mut, therefore, be takao to alleviate it as far es possible." , I ta=tae for Farmers, Keep out of debt unlet you know how you can get nut, when you once get in i - and pay promptly and u fast u you can. Ikota stimulate the mac of energy to extra exertions, but the lazy wan u not affected by them It is rarely pod policy to buy touch land when what you now, own is not half cultivated. To borrow money W build a showy house when one of Ica pretentious will answer just u well is unwise. To lend money when your farts o etre to be drained and. better tilled is little better. It u rarely wise ter form- ers a borrow money on mortgage of their farms with which 1, enter the mercantile profession. Rarely do men engage in this pursuit without previous training and not become bankrupt. To buy young stock at fvbulous prices when you do not know what to do with it, te wake it brief, is very unwise. To keep poor stock whes you can keep good at the same cost and four times the profit, does not pay. To change from one kind of farming to an- other often because what you rained tau year is low) is not ernes. judicious ; tea chancels to one your crop will be up next year and that which is up now will be down. 1)u uoo try to gmw those crops for which your end to not adapted. if you here a good location, do not sell expeetiog to better it in nowt other place. " Any place but this place," may do for the trav- eller, but not for the farmer. Rarely 'commence improvements .until your plans an matured, else undue labor and money wjil be rated. if your crape are poor, pant less and cultivate more. Oversee wort men av much as pcllsible ; not to do »cola to\" leave your parse open." Keep ahead of oar work, or it will keep ahead of you. R'ao a that your farm shall be • profit. able one,- industry and *nod Iranagement wi!I.make ji Invest more • in valuable improvements . at in foamy raining stock. - When y•,u mw experime rats, keep within the influence of n tura! laws ; these are the farmer's helpers,'• withput them all agri- culture is impossible: Sell when prices are high. keep when they are low. Remember "goof hanesu make then prodigal, bad one* ero'idcnt." iM not try to "save at the spigot, when the bung hole if open." Re. member that a "farmer on hes feet is better than • gentleman on Lis kneels." Give ram children a good education,physieslly, intellect tally, and morally. At 45, if yon are weft off, cultivate the intellectual and mora (cols tie, and work tem Take an interest in all imornv°mens in agriculture. t"se machioery instead of muscle, when you an. Get hold of the long end of the leder, if you would work to profit. -IM. L. H. in Ohio Farmer. A Cosrxsr.-The Nev York Daily .V:•trs publishes the programme of the Ioteroalooial Conference in full, and oom- rnenee thea t-" The political metamor- phosis that swain our northern neighbors will give a fresh lustre to the star of the Western Eaten Empire. It ia singu- lar, and to our peopie 'suggestive of humi- liating thoughts, that while the principles of republicanism are being repudiated in our own land, and civil strife drains our life -blond and cripples our resources, the experiment of political transformation is being peacefully effected beyond our fron- tiers. The British Provinces aro quietly progressing toward self-government, wkuks we are receding front it in oonvulsioe.- The British gnvenrment, in fnaterieg the idea of provincial Confederation, evinces a deposition to profit by the experience of 1776 and is teadhing the world the valu- able lemon that tovolutioo can be effeoted' without recoans° to arms, bythe mere in- fluence of statesmanship. The unguinary policy of the administration ie fittingly rebuked by the spectacle of this calm. transition of a neighbouring people from. one system of government to another, witls the free wooed and assislanos of the parse* country.' Ina lmnrraramr TO Currant TIM Flea n s.- A Ressilian journal reveals the r'we.' that see to the captain of the Florida, end daring violation of the rights of a nestrah power anetidtng the act. The Jeweled N Bahia says :- "The Boatel of Tried* of New York hal promised • reward of 1000,000 to any one who would take or devotee, the Flora. da. it is said that the government also. offered a reward, and it is suspected that the emelt! and commander of the Withrow* would not let..eh a Ant theme to melee their fortunes pals hy. it is said that, a there wen a considerable um received frees the Retrli.h hank. eked teat nn bemire of the prise $20,000, and all it... Ole A Georgia paper says :—Tow (`,oe*' . rae God Mem her— is a ringed eel. She is bettor than .he looks. Her bewty le g one bat (let the wee of Yenheednm testi. 1') atm still poseur.. the eimmeldsl claw.- The law - T e Ian of the beittefeld. the thmeap Angel, Ike reie, have aadty married her tweet.* Invwlineae illy has bean shorn of her fie preporonn•• .he has twee reft ofit: pie sn,• . any .Asst teen world i het her vebk era racoon Mil, 41 is Mei tun I( is.. batt rstaehwd her, het .adm a ge>kn .TMnm ate Vojta Ar etnwgtk, Milt ham eel ty end peepeoe, sad se malty lives seseat, • _At