HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-09-03, Page 5Thursday, September 3,1936 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES'
| picture in the natural setting of ever
greens which add so much to the
charm of Pt. Clark beaches.
This court Is filling a real place
in the life of the younger people and
some of the older ones as we|l.<
A bowling green has been mention
ed as the next thing to be considered,
At a recent meeting the following
officers fere elected for 1936-37;
Hon, Pres.,—-P. V. Smith. <•
President,—F, C. Beaupre.
Vice Pres,,— Rev. W, C. Croft.
Sec’y-Treas.—Rev. E, W. Hart,
At a meeting of the cottagers in
the vicinity of Pt .Clark, it was de
cided to form an organization, th.e
official name of which is to be “The
Point Clark Beach Association.” This
is to include the Lucknow Pt. Clark
and Pine River Beaches.
The immediate aim of the associa
tion are to develop better roads, as
sist in health measures and recrea
tion, and to secure improvement in
mail service, Any measurers which
concern all the Beaches will be un
der the jurisdiction.
The following officers were elected
for 1936-37:
President — Rev. Kenneth Cosens,
■Clinton; Vice Pres.,—P. V. Smith,
.Grimsby; Sec.-Treas.,—F. C, Beaupre,
Geo. O, Thornton and Mr. and Mrs,
T< J. McLean.
Miss Mary Elizabeth McKibben had
as her guests at Kincardine Beach
over the week end, Misses Vern Wal
ker, Betty Rae, Virginia Currie, Doris
Armitage, Julia Preston, Jean Cruick-
shank and Irma Harrison.
Mrs. J. W. McKibbon had as her
guests at her cottage, Kincardine
Beach for a couple of days this week,
Mrs. John MacLean, Miss H, Dins-
ley, Miss Agnes MacLean, Miss' Mar
garet MacLean, Mrs, J, H. Crawford
and Mrs, W. W. Armstrong,
Mr, Wm. Stapleton of Detroit,' Don
ald and William Jr., also Miss Sylvia
Stapleton and Claude DuVal of Han
over were recent guests of Dr. and
Mrs. Reg. DuVal. Sunday guests at
this home "“were; Mr. and
Charles Kobie and Joyce and
Huber of Hanover,
scripture lesson was taken by Rev. R.
A. Brook of St. Andrew's United
church. The choir, under the leader
ship of Miss Mills rendered several'
fine anthems. The supper held on
Monday evening was well patronized.
Our band gave another of their de
lightful 'open air concerts on Monday
The construction work on the high
way is being rapidly finished ahead.
The men are working on the north
side of the bridge. To avoid any in
convenience to the travelling public,
the half of the width of the pavement
is being finished up,
Mr. Harry Bowen was taken to the
Wingham Hospital for treatment for
internal trouble.
..................A..................... ............ .......... ..................................
Eyesight Specialist Coming IOld Lady Tells Secret of Her Vigor
The writer of the following letter
once suffered from rheumatism, head
aches, and depression. Then one day
a vigorous old lady told her the secret
of good health. And now that former
sufferer writes to tell others how she
obtained relief through Kruschen:—
“Kruschen was recommended to
me by an old lady of seventy-two
who can dance the Highland Fling—
thanks to Kruschen, which she has
used for thirty years. She told me to
take Kruschen Salts to try and' re
lieve a dull heavy headache from
which I suffered nearly every morn
ing on wakening. I was also troubled
with rheumatism in both shoulders.
Kruschen turned the trick. The head
ache disappeared and so did the rheu
matism. I haye continued taking
Kruschen and intend to keep it up.’’—
(Mrs,) F.B.W.
’Kruschen is a combination of min
eral salts which assist in stimulating
your liver, kidneys and digestive tract
to healthy, regular activity. They en
sure internal cleanliness, and thus help
to keep the blood-stream pure,
To Brussels
I expect to be git my Brussels Office in Miss
Maude Bryan’s Home, all day
to Examine Eyes and Fit Glasses when .necessary.
Arrange to have your Eyes properly cared for, and
enjoy clear, comfortable vision.
F. F. Homuth, Phm. B., R.O.
Brussels Phone 26x. Harriston Phone 118.
Minutes of Council meeting held in
the Township Hall, Morris, on Mon
day, August 10th, 1936.
The members were all present.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
The Council discussed the matter
of changing the date for holding the
nomination in November, but it was
deeded to have the nomination on
the old date in December,
The Township rate for the present
year was set at 2 mills on the dollar.
Mr. Thomas Miller presented the
Council with a beautiful chart of the
Township. It is framed and finished
in Mr. Miller’s own inimitable way
and contains much useful information
regarding the Township of Morris.
For many years Mr, Miller has serv
ed the Township as Assessor and lat
er as Road Superintendent and his
work was always done wisely and
well and there are many records in
the Hall that hear witness to the
worth of that facile pen and cunning
left hand.
The following accounts were paid:
James Smith, making tile, $29.75; Jas.
Campbell, sheep killed $18.00; R, W.
Kennedy, nomination, 6.00; Geo. Ma
son & Sort, stationery 65c; Gilbert
McCallum, lamb killed $6.00; Stewart
Procter, inspector $2.80; Carl Oak
ley, relief, $20.00; Blyth Corporation
relief 4.06; The Advance-Times, nom
ination $3.50; Board of Health: Dr.
R. L. Stewart $15.00; Peter McNab
$3.00; L. E. Cardiff $3.00, A. MacEw-
en $3.00.
Council will meet at the Hall, Mon
day, Setember 14th, 1936.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
FALL FAIR DATES gifts in defferent appetizing ways. For
instance, here are two variations on
the melon motif:
Four-Item Molds
pkg. raspberry-flavored gelatin
pint warm water
cup sliced plums
cup diced cantaloupe
The 40th anniversary of the
men’s 'Missionary meeting was.
at the home of the Misses Jeff ray,
Wednesday afternoon. This took the
form of a quilting and a social time,
Lunch was served by the hostess. The
meeting was organized by the Mrs.
Rev. A. C. Stewart in the same home.
All of the old members having passed
Miss Hannah Stokes is holidaying
with her brothers on the tenth.
Miss Marjory Herd is taking her
holidays in Kitchner.
Mrs. Joseph Hall, Mrs, Mulvey and
Minnie Jeffray spent Sunday evening
at Arthur Stoke’s.
Mr. Carl Douglas,' John Abram,
Norman NewansjTJfcrt McCullough
left Saturday mornjng to work at the
Mr. Stewart Mulvey and Lyle Fitch
left for their schools Monday. Lyle
will teach near Gorrie, while Mr. Joe
Tiffin of Wingham will take the Bel
more school.
• Mr. and' Mrs. Archie Etheringto'n
took tea Friday evening at Wm. Ab
ram’s. ,
Master Bill Abraham, having spent
the holidays at the Rev. Sinclair, Al
lendale, i eturned, home Sunday.
Velma Ballagh has been quite sick
for the past two weeks.
Mrs. James Nichol and family of
Toronto left for their home Friday
Dissolve gelatin in warm water.
Chill. When slightly thickened, fold
in fruit. Turn into individual molds.
C..111 until firm. Unmold. Serves 6.
Cool Melon Salad
1 pkg. lime-flavored gelatin
1 pint warm water
1% cups cantaloupe or honey dew
melon, cut in 3/i-inch balls
Dissolve gelatin in warm water.
Chill. When slightly thickened, fold
in melon balls. Turn into mold. Chill
until firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce
and garnish with mayonnaise, or serve
plain as dessert. Use only firm, ripe,
sweet melon. Serves six.
meeting at the home of Mrs. Woods
on Thursday, August 20, with a large
attendance. Mrs. Snell read the De
votional Leaflet, and the different
parts of the Scripture being read by
Mrs, Allen Pattison, Miss Nellie Mc
Gee and Dorothy Pattison.Mrs. Stew
art McBurney gave an interesting
paper on the last chapter of the study
book, Miss Walton of Peterborough
and.Miss Mildred Perdue sang a duet.
A ten cent tea was served afterwards.
Following are the dates set for fall
fairs and exhibitions in Western On
tario for 1936:
Blyth ___..........
Chesley ....:.-----
Kincardine .....
Milverton ........
New Hamburg
Ailsa Craig.....
Atwood ...........
Exeter ............ .
Goderich ....
Listowel .......
Parkhill .........
Seaforth ..........
Stratford .—-----......-------..... Sept. 21-23
Brussels ..................... Oct. 1, 2
Mitchell ........... ............. Sept. 29, 30
Ripley ...... ............... Sept. 29, 30
Wingham....................Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Zurich.............................. Sept. 28, 29
Owen Sound ------------------- Oct. 5-7
Teeswater __ ....... Oct. 6, 7
Clifford ...... „.......... Sept. 18, 19
Harriston ....................... Sept. 24, 25
Hanover ......... ................ Sept. 18, 19 >
London (Western Fair) ... Sept. 14-19
Mildmay ....... ................. Sept. 22, 23
Paisley............................. Sept. 29, 30
Tiverton ..................... Sept. 28, 29 .
Toronto (C.N.E.) ... Aug. 28 - Sept. 12 i—
Palmerston ...... Oct. 7, 8 I
MORRIS ------------------ (
A taxi-driver had a very stout fare
and experienced, some difficulty in
getting her in and out.of -the cab.
“I’m afraid I’m a bother to you,”'
’she said, as he was helping her out.
"Not, a bit,” answered the man,
meaning to be gallant, “I like a fare
wot steadies the cab.”
Mr. and Mrs. John Boseman spent
part of their holidays with his par
ents and returned to Dutton to com-'
mence his duties teaching on Tuesday.
Miss. Ethel Johnston left on Mon
day for Byron to commence teaching
school on Tuesday.
Mr. George Peacock and bride visit
ed with his parents an^'Tr^ther for
a few days last weekuand attended
the kitchen shower in honor of Mr.
George Peacock and bride on Wed
nesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. JimLJohriston have
settled in their homdon the 1st line.
A kitchen shower waKJi,eId for them
on Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClemment.
Postmaster Alvin Smith and Mrs.
Smith spent Sunday in Toronto.
Mrs. Neil McLean and son return
ed to Toronto, after a few weeks
visit with her parents and
friends in Wingham and vicinity.
with her parents, Mr. and-
Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
See “Little Lord Fauntleroy”
Say goodbye to clumsy corn-pads and risky
razors. A. new liquid called KORN-KING
. ends pain in 60 seconds. Dries up peskiest
corns or callus. Contains pure castor oil.
camphor and iodine. Absolutely safe. Win
ner of Good Housekeeping Seal. Easy di
rections in package. 35c .bottle saves untold
returns money if KORN-
K1JNG tails to remove any corn or callus.
talks, and
our tire prices
have been trim
med to bring in
business. But see what
you get for your mon
ey in these Goodrich Tires.
Safety from blowouts in the
Goodrich Safety Silvertown—
it’s the only tire in the world
with the life saving Golden Ply.
Safety from tail-spin skids—
tests prove all three Goodrich
tires have an extra margin of
non-skid safety over other tires.
Don’t risk driving on unknown
tires. The danger is too great—
for yourself, your family and
your car. Come in and price a
set of Goodrich Tires for your
* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen are visit
ing in Hanover.
Mr. Ronald Rae is spending a few
days in Toronto.
Miss Lillian Ellacott has returned
home, after visiting in Rochester, N.Y.
Mr. George Allen .of Cincinatti is
visiting with his father, Mr. Robert
Mrs. Wilkinson of Escanaba, Mich,
is visiting with her sisttery Mrs. Harry
Flopper. '
School Shoes—Best values in boy’s
and girl’s School Shoes at Greer’s
Shoe Store. ''
Mrs. Kenneth Love of Toronto is
Mrs. S.
at the Lyceum.
Dr. G. H. and Mrs. Ross and fam
ily were London visitors on Wednes
day last week.
Master Donald Hastie returned on
Monday from a visit with his grand
parents at Ethel.
Mrs. E. H. Cook of St. Stephen, N.
B., is visiting her mother; Mrs. Stal
ker, Minnie Street.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker were
Ottawa and Montreal visitors for a
few days last week.
Miss Nellie’Colbonfn?>of Goderich,
was the guest of Mrs/ Hz W. Colborne
during the past weelc
Mys. O. Haselgrove and Wally have
returned home after visiting/relatives
in London and Strathroy. V/
Mr. Wilson Carr of Toronto is
spending a few dwys pvith his uncle,
Gordon Hastie, Bll^eyale Rd.
Mrs. Murray Johnson, Kenneth and
George spent a couple of days at the
Canadian National Exhibition.
Mrs. Frank Galbraith and children,
Jack and Elizabeth visited with Mr.
and Mrs. John Galbraith last week.
Mrs. J. H. Zeigler and baby John
Gibson of Guelph are visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gib
Mr. Harold Mann and Mr. Neil Mc
Lean, Toronto, spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mc
Rev. James B. Allen of Bishop’s
College, Lennoxville, Que., is visiting
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Allen. .
Mrs. F< A. Parker and
Patricia and Grace return
from a month’s vacationed
Mr. Elliott and Olive Fells and Miss
Fairy Fells have left for their schools
at Smooth Rock Falls, London and
Burnt River.
Mrs. C..H. Willson left on Monday
for Georgetown, where she will sup-
previously part of the ply at the Georgetown Public School
Courtney estate, located just south of for a short time,
Fine River. I Mrs. Francis Strong and son, Roy
The court is enclosed by a ten-foot | of Gorrie, were week end guests of
R. A, Spotton
,^'mean ■-A
C. N. Merkley
.. Ontario.
Telephone 84 daughters,
ned Sunday
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Robinson, on Friday, August 28th, a
daughter. -Congratulations.
As there were only three pupils to
attend Donnybrook school this term
it was decided to close the school and
have the .pupils attend the 9th line
school. Mr. Norman Thompson took
the contract of conveying the pupils
to and from school daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mills and fam
ily, of Detroit, visited with his Sis
ter, Mrs., N. Thompson, and other
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dogrr, of Hen
sail and Mr. Herman
daughter, of Goderich, spent the week
end with their parents, J^r/and Mrs.
R. Chamney.
Mr .and Mrs. NormanThompson
and family were Sunday visitors with
Mrs. J. H. Mills.
Mrs. Harrison and son, Gordon,
were guests at the home of Mr. W.
H. Campbell over the week-end.
:hamney and
Pt. Clark Beach Notes
The Old Orchard Tennis Club com
posed of cottagers in the vicinity of
Pt. Clark, has just completed an up-1
to-date clay tennis court at “The Old
Orchard”, j
Mrs. Francis Strong and son, Roy
netting and presents a very lovely the former’s brother,
I and Mrs. Spotton.
I Mrs. Wilson Turner
Phyllis, who have been visiting Dr. G.
H, and Mrs. Ross returned to Tor
onto on Thursday.
i Miss Dorothy Carr of Toronto,
. visited, with her uncle, Mr. Gordon
‘ Hastie and her cousin, Donald for a
few. days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Andrews, Allen
and Mary Jane, also C. McGuire of
Providence, R. I., have been visiting
Dr. and Mrs. Reg. DuVal.
Miss Irene Allen, who has
visiting with her patents, Mr.
Mrs, George Allen returned to
school at Cottam on Monday.
Mrs. Neil McLean and son
Thornton returned to Toronto
Sunday, after spending the past three
weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
and daughter,
In effect from many points
in Ontario
Good going SEPTEMBER 14-18
Return Limit * SEPTEMBER 22
Full particulars from any Agent
Canadian National
Born—In East Wawanosh on Sat
urday, August. 29, to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Robinson, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert’ Coultes and
family visited with friends in Fergus
on Sunday. .
um demonstration at her 1
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid
family are attending the To
Mr. and Mrs. Risebrough and fam
ily, and Mr. and M^/WTfrid Con-
gram, Toronto spent/ the .week-end at
Mr. Tom Congram’jLx
Miss Jessie Finlayson returned on
Monday to teach at S.. S. No. 11.
Misses Lavina McBurney, Helen
Thompson, June Irwin and Dick Ir
win are attending \Vingham High
School this year.
The members
Literary met at
day evening. A
put on by a number of the members,
this being followed by a presentation
to Miss Mildred Perdue prior to her
marriage. She was presentated with
a bridge lamp and a chesterfield table.
Miss Perdue replied in a few words,
after which they all sang “For she’s
a jolly good Fellow.” The remainder
of the evening was spent in dancing.
Mrs. Thomas Irwin received word
that her mother, Mrs. Bates, Engle-
hart, had passed away last Wednes
day. Mrs. Irwin’s friends extend her
their sympathy,
Erick W.M.S. held their August
Harold Congram spent two
with his sister, Mrs. Chas.
Hcrson Irwin had a alumin-
and j
of the Jolly Time
the school on Fri-
short program was
By Betty Barclay
serving meat in new
By Betty Barclay
The simple secret of planning var
ied, appetizing meals lies in having
a variety of good recipes. Mother Na
ture has given us only a limited var
iety of fruits. She has left to our
own ingenuitv the art of using her
Miss Bernice Parr spent a few days
with her cousin, Aileen Riley.
Dorothy Wright has returned from
Toronto, where she has been visiting
her sister Bessie.
Miss Gertrude Payn and Mr. Alex
Whittan were week end visitors at the
home of B. Payn.
Betty Wilson has been holidaying
with friends in Brussels.
A large number from this vicinity
attended the Conservative picnic in
Bayfield on Wednesday.
• Miss Jean Grainger spent a few
days with Doris and Edythe McLen
Ruth and Glenn McKercher spent
last week at the home of their uncle,
Lloyd Hennings.
Sunday * visitors at the home of
Wm. and Mrs. Grainger were: Miss
Alma Ratz, Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs.
George Postiff and daughters, Gert
rude and Emma, Stratford; Mr. Win.
Barrow, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. John Moses is back again af
ter visiting friends at Brussels, Wal
ton and Wingham.
Helen Riley visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Lamont.
Miss Mildred and Marguerite Hen
ning have been visiting at the home
of Allan and Mrs. McKercher, James
quart cold water
tablespoon vinegar
teaspoon sugar
teaspoon sage and thyme, mixed
tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
Mrs. A. H. Wilford is visiting Mrs.
Eliya Carr.
Miss Melba McElroy, teacher, re
turned to her duties in Wellington
High School on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mills, Misses
Metcalf and Gillespie attended the
Hom Earl Rowe’s picnic at Bayfield
on Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. McTaggert of Wat
ford spent the week end with the
latter’s sister, Mrs. Arthur Tiernay,
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Bray and fam
ily have returned home after having
spent a couple of weeks camping at
The Presbyterian Anniversary ser
vices held on Sunday were well at
tended at the morning service. Rev.
James Barclay of Hamilton gave the
address. The evening service, Rev.
Dr, McKerrol, Ex-moderator gave a
splendid^ inspirational, address? The
You will find that your family
appreciate the novelty. Try the
lowing recipes:
Beef Loaf
116 pounds round of beef
Salt and pepper
Simmer the beef in the water with
the salt until meat is tender. Cool.
Remove bones and fat, and chop very
fine. Boil the liquid until reduced to
one cup. Add. vinegar, sugar, sage,
sauce, thyme, salt and pepper. Mix
with the meat. Press into a buttered
mold and leave to become thorough
ly cold. Serve with tomatoes and let
tuce with mayonnaise.
Stuffed Flank Steak
Have a flank steak trimmed and
scored; that is, cut all over the sur
face in criss-cross lines. Mix togeth
er pne cup bread crumbs; one small
onion, chopped; one-half cup grated
raw carrot; one-half cup finely diced
celery; one tablespoon minced pars
ley; one teaspoon sugar; salt and
pepper to taste, and one-third cup hot
water or enough to moisten. "Roll up
as tightly as possible. Tic firmly and
sprinkle with flour, pepper and salt.
Brown quickly in hot fat. Then place
in a covered pan and bake in a mod
erate oven for one and one-half hours.
Baste two or three times during the
cooking with two tablespoons butter
melt in one-third cup boiling water.
When done, remove the strings.
Serve with brown gravy made from
the fat in the pan.
juice (2 lemons)
Celestine Lemon Tapioca
cup quick-cooking tapioca
teaspoon salt
1 quart boiling water
1 cup sugar
16 cup lemon
Grated rind 1
1 cup cream,
Add tapioca and salt to water, and
cook in double boiler 15 minutes, or
until tapioca is clear, stirring fre
quently. Add sugar,
lemon rind. Cool,
cream. Chill until
lightly in sherbet
with raspberries. Serves eight.
lemon juice, and
Fold in whipped
thickened. Pile
glasses. Garnish
Wife: “Oh, porter, I’ve got separ
Harassed Porter: “Well, what have
you com^ to see me for—the decree
From WINGHAM September 11th - 12th
----- TO -----
$7.40 $8.45
Ste. Anne de Beaupre $12.30
Tickets good leaving Toronto 10.50 p.m. train Sept. 11 and all trains
Sept. 12 except 4.00 p.m. train.
Return Limit — Sept. 14
Tickets not good on trains leaving at 3.00 p.m. from Ottawa
and Monreal.
All Canadian Pacific Stations in New Brunswick, All Dominion At
lantic Railway Stations in Nova Scotia
Return Limit:
Leave Nova Soctia points not later than Sept. 16. Leave New Bruns
wick points not later than Sept. 15. Not good on train
leaving Montreal 3.00 p.m.
For full particulars — Ask for Handbill.
Consult any Agent
Mrs. Beryl Markham, English soc- she plans to make a flight from Lon-
iety woman and the mother of a 7-jdon to New Yolk.
year-old son, by the plane in which I