HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-09-03, Page 3Thursday, September 3, 1936 M ADVANCE-TIMES' Council meeting woulq mean a ing of at least $200,000 a year. t ——— __TEA 301 is delicious .» Pay $7,000,000 From Revenue The Hepburn Government is plan­ ning to use revenue that it now has on hand to pay off a $7,000,000 Ont­ ario obligation which came due on Monday, Treasury officials said. A heavy cash surplus in the Treas­ ury is said to be making it possible to pay off the issue instead of making a new loan. Ontario Premier Opens C, N. E. . Undaunted by drenching rains, thousands stood with heads bared in front of the new central b’andshell as Premier M. F. Hepburn pressed a button that sfent rockets into the air, releasing hundreds of Union Jacks and officially opening the fifty-eighth annual Canadian National Exhibition. Anxious to. catch .its first glimpse of the Lord Mayor of London and his aides-de-camp, the opening-day crowd stood on benches to applaud the party as it slowly marched down the aisle to the platform. Reich, on Sunday denounced the Nazi Weltanschauung (world outlook) as one based on blood, soil and race. The denunciation, it was learned was uttered to all Roman Catholic congregations in the form of a past­ oral letter adopted by German Bish­ ops at a Conference in Fulda last week-end. I-', _____ Trotsky And Wife Held Oslo, Norway,—The Noregian'Gov­ ernment held Leon Trotsky and his wife virtual prisoners and banished the exiled Bolshevist leader’s two male secretaries form the country. The order was issued after Trot­ sky, once acting head of the Soviet Government, had refused to desist from revolutionary activities until his permit to live in Norway expires next Dec. 18. Bulletin On “Ensol” Issued Kingston, — The Hendry Connell Research Foundation, set up here to experiment clinically with “ensol” a cancer treatment developed by Dr. H. 0. Connell, issued a bulletin re­ viewing treatment of 382 patients. The review is one of eleven papers, making up the 100-page bulletin. It says: “With few exceptions cases treated have been far advanced in the progress of the disease. Most of them had received all that could be done by surgery, X-ray and. radium. In this way the test of the value of en­ sol treatment has been a severe one. Over 16,000 injections of.ensol have been made at Kingston, and in no case was there any harmful reaction, noted. “On the other hand, in most of the cases it was evident, that some im­ portant and benefical change place in the patient.” River in London, England- The birds were formally presented by their donor, Sir Percy Vincent, Lord Mayor of London, on his visit here. To Reorganize French Air Force Paris, — Air Minister Pierre Cot said he would make a tour of inspect­ ion throughout the nation preparatory to reorganizing the French air de­ fenses. His announcement followed upon a declaration by Premier Leon Blum that the “Government has taken and will take all necessary measurers guarantee the security of France,” sing, Later they discovered that the rooms upstairs had been ransacted. Dresser drawers had been opened and the contents scattered. About the only thing missing was a small quantity of jewellery valued at about thirty dol­ lars. Entrance to the home had been made through a small window.—Exe­ ter Times Advocate. 3 Be tire happy on the holiday! to took The was Pre­ Toronto Flooded With Drugs Is Claim Sterner measurers were strongly urged by Crown Attorney C. L, Sny­ der in No. 1 -Police Court in stamping out the highly organized drug ring, which he said was flooding the city with the most vicious and dangerous of all narcotic drugs—heroin. “This city is Being flooded' with narcotic,” exclaimed Crown Attorney Snyder. “Arrests are being made daily. Something must be done to stamp out this traffic.” Strikes Fox With Car Mr .Earl Kelterborn while on the way to Stratford was surprised to see a fox cross the road in front of his car but he was more surprised when the fox, failing to jump t he fence along the side of the road rebounded as it were in front of his car and was strqck down with its back brok­ en, Mr. Kelterborn stopped and per­ formed an act of mercy by ending its life with a club.—Milverton Sun. GOODYEAR; “SPEEDWAY” tread TIRES Not Mcheap” in anything but price! You get a written guaran­ tee from the Goodyear Company , with each tire. See them! Ask owners! Note the low cost! More people ride on Good­ years than on any other tire. South Australia Premier Quits Conference Aledaide, South Australia —- Australian Premier’s conference ihterrupteed suddenly here when mier R, L. Butler of South Australia walked out of the meeting. Butler had seconded a motion pro­ posing constitutional changes for the Commonwealth, but Prime Minister Joseph Lyons of the Commonwealth, refused to accept the motion, contend­ ing the Commonwealth should not “accept dictation” from, the States. Soviet Want Immediate Sanctions Geneva,—Soviet Russia made a proposal for League of Nations re­ form which would provide immediate application of military sanctions by nations having a mutual assistance pact in the event of war. Under the Russian proposal mili­ tary, punitive sanctions could be in­ voked even before the League offici­ ally fixed blame for a war. Pope Pius Very Tired Rome,—The voice of Pope Pius XI was said to be “very tired” by per­ sons who sa-yfr the Pontiff. Worn down by anxiety over the re­ ligious aspects of the Spanish war, the Holy Father gave up accustomed motor ride. civil his Priests In Germany Speak Out Berlin ■— Roman Catholic priests, from their 'pulpits throughout the Quebec Government Cuts Costs Quebec, — Reorganization of all Government departmens "oh a sound and logical basis” was announced by Premier Duplessis as the opening of a stringent economy program. “Already,” said the Premier at con­ clusion of a long meeting of the new Union Nationale Council, “we have taken steps which will result in the Province saving thousands of dollars annually.” Economies discussed at the Hydro To Call Bonds T. Stewart Lyon, Hydro Commis­ sion Chairman, announced that Hydro is calling in its $17,626,950 bond flot­ ation—floated on Oct. 1, 1932, and maturing in 1952—-and proposes to refund the issue at an estimated sav­ ing of $4,000,000 in interest. The bonds are of the 1932 issue which was floated for the purchase of the bonds of the Ontario Power Service .(Abitibi Canyon) Corpora­ tion. ■ Montreal Mayor Resigned Montreal, — His Worship Mayor Camillien Houde, C.B.E., Montreal, resigned abruptly just "before a Coun­ cil caucus, giving no reasons but sug­ gesting Aiderman J. M. Savignac, Chairman of the Executive Commit­ tee, be named to succeed him pend­ ing civic elections in December. Says Aberhart Government Destroying Business Edmonton, — Alberta’s Social Cre­ dit Government has driven from the Province capital totalling $4,000,000 since it took «power last Sept. 3 and has created havoc among Alberta businessmen, it was charged here ,at the special session of the Legislature by J. J. Bowlen, Liberal Party House Leader, The Government was guilty of in­ timidation, patronage and even espi­ onage, Mr. Bowlen declared, in con­ tinuing the debate on the. Throne Speech. Albertans who refused to sign covenants used by the Govern- . ment in registration for basic divi­ dends were in constant fear of being discriminated against, the Liberal Leader asserted. •_________ A Rare Plant Mr. J. G. Medd has an odd plant in his window. It is a Chinese hibis­ cus and is now in bloom, having large pink blooms. This plant was raised by his brother, the lMe Rev. Medd and is being treasured on account by its present owner, fortunately it did" not bloom in for the. flower show.- Record; NEWS of the DISTRICT Dr. that Un­ time •Clinton News Pigeons Stolen Pigeon fanciers in this district are advised to keep a vigilant eye on their pets as there appears to be a pigeon thief in these parts. Tuesday morning, eleven of the twelve pig­ eons owned by Paul and Wesley To­ bey were missing from their pen, and are believed to have been stolen since there were no feathers or other signs which would lead one to believe they had been killed. The pigeons were from their roosts without trouble.— Tara Leader. ROYAL SERVICE STATION Homuth & Bennett Phone 174W Wingham, Ontario I ily gathered to spend the day with her, Mrs. Arthur Youmans, of De troit, Mrs. Peter S. McEwan, Wrox eter, Mrs. A, Lamont, Mrs. N. Car diff, of Grey, and Miss I. Wilson, of Harlock and D. Strachan. Mrs. Stra­ chan enjoys splendid health and many friends called to wish her happy re- rns of the day. Professors—“Do the quick thinkers become leaders?” Freshman:—•“Well, he who hesitate? is bossed.” Germany And Italy United Against Communism Paris, — The Rome correspondent of the newspaper Le Matin reported a secret meeting at which Germans and Italians prepared for a united front against the spread of communism in Europe. The Rightist newspaper’s corres­ pondent said the meeting was held in Rome between representatives of the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party and Italian Fascists. Wants France ITo Give Up" Russian Pact Paris, — Germany stands ready to offer France “important concessions,” it was said in some informed quarters if France will abandon her mutual assistance pact with Soviet Russia. This report gained' circulation as the result of the visit of Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, German Economics Minister, to France for the purpose, it was said, of assuring Premier Leon Blum Germany’s recent increase in army strength was aimed not at France, but as a defence against Russian com­ munism. . London Swans For London London, Ont., — Four Royal swans, gift of the Lord Mayor of London to this city, ended a 3,000 mile journey from their native haunts, the Thames Fall From Barn While helping to shingle a barn on the farm of William Straughan, Concession 3, East Wawanosh, Rob­ ert Snell slipped and fell to the ground. Mr. Straughan hatl come to Auburn for some supplies and when he went home found Snell lying un­ conscious.- Hold Fertilizer Test Last fall the department of chemis­ try, O.A.C., in co-operation with the department of agriculture, laid down a test of four fertilizers on the farm of Ben. J. Thiel, of Mitchell. Wheat was grown on gravelly loam soil, where clover had preceded it. There was not a great difference in the growth last Jail, but in the spring it was evident where fertilizer had been applied. The fertilized wheat stooked better than the unfertilized and the heads were better filled'. Home Looted While away on vacation the home of Mr. and'Mrs. K. J. Lampman was looted by thieves and a quantity of jewellery ’was stolen. Mr. and Mrs. Lampman returned Sunday evening after holidaying at Pt. Stanley. On entering the home they did not notice anything out of the way but the fol­ lowing morning when Mr. Lampman went to use the telephone he found the batteries of the phone were mis­ Listowel Man Had Narrow Escape John G. Burt, well-known Listowel man, had a narrow escape from death'* while fumigating a grain elevator at Lucknow, Ontario. Mr, Burt had de­ scended into the pit of the elevator to spread about some chemical in an effort to exterminate bugs which were causing damage to the grain. After he had been down some time and no sign of re-appearing the el­ derly manager of the elevator investi­ gated and saw Mr. Burt lying at the foot of the ladder where he reached in an effort to gain the surface when he felt the first symptoms of the fumes. Help was immediately sent for and some courageous man went down the ladder and tied a rope around the victim’s waist and he was hauled out. Medical attention was given at once and after working for sofne time Mr. Burt responded to the treatment. Towards evening he was able to be driven to Listowel and immediately sent to the Memorial Hospital where he is making a good recovery. He received several bruises while being hauled out of the pit. In summing up, the case the doctor who attended him in Lucknow stated that little hope would have been held for his recovery if he had remained in the pit another ten minutes.—List­ owel Standard. Barn Burned To The Foundation The big barn owned by Charles Binning, town line east farmer, was burned down during the electrical storm. The barn was struck by light­ ning and flames consumed the build­ ing and contents. Some machinery was also destroyed, in the fire.—List- owel Standard. Celebrated 89th Birthday Mrs. Jas. Strachan, Sr., Grave Road North, near Brussels, celebrated her 89th birthday on Wednesday last week when the members of the faul­ ’i Over $33,000 in Prizes That means you will see at Western Fair the best in agricultural exhibits of all kinds. Also latest industrial achievements, art, home science, handi­ crafts, pure food, dairying, dog, pet and flower shows, junior department, etc. And great entertainment — races, band concerts, two huge grand­ stand shows daily, rides, games, novelties, Midway fun and scores of exhibits in spacious buildings. Plan your visit NOW 14-19 w-Secretary oreign Canada’s progress is measured largely by her volume of foreign trade. Markets to sell to . . . markets to buy from ... in this complex process of exchanging corrmpodities The Dominion Bank plays an important part. With its own offices in London and New York,, and banking connections in business centres all over the world, this Bank gives prompt and efficient service in all Foreign Exchange transactions. 450 THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 J. R. M. SPITTAL - - MANAGER WINGHAM BRANCH EXHIBIT OF ANCIENT GOSPEL MANUSCRIPT TO BE INVESTIGATED W < SV. XX Machan Bros ts being made. It was displayed in The pic- An exhibit at the C»N.K claimed about A.t). 150, has been ordered clos- to be the original Aramic manuscript ed by General Manager Elwood the international building. of the four gospels, dating back to Hughes, An immediate investigation lures show (1) Afred Halb who brought the document here from Buf-I group "of sun worshippers at the C falo to Toronto by seaplane. (2) A N, E« pictures of the manuscript. (3) A ’ How would you like this Bathroom in your home? Don't live in just a "house" — rriake it a REAL HOME by install­ ing a new, modern bathroom arid a Duro Automatic Pumping System. The Duro-Special Pumping System, all Canadian-made, having a capacity of 250 gals, per hour, complete with 30 gal. Galvanized Tank, 25- or 60-cycle 110-volt motor, costs only $81.50 Look at these prices! Three pieces—Bath, Shower, Lavatory and Toilet— as illustrated, with all fittings............ ........................ $122.00 Other complete Bathroom equipment as low as............$70.60 Hydro’s Free Gilt to Rural Dwellers Electric Current will be provided—Free* of Charge—for Operating electric pumps to provide water under pressure for Household Sanitary Systems, Write for Free Booklet EMPIRE BRASS MPG. CO., LTD. London HattilUfon Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver