HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-08-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, August 27th, 1936 Show Starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 27, 28th, 29th “The Harvester” Gene Stratton Porter’s Famous Novel ------With------- ALICE FAYE And ALL STAR CAST —— Also —— 2-Reel Comedy “HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED” Single Reel “WINGED PAGEANTRY” And NEWS REEL. NEXT WEEK “Love on a Bet” MORTGAGE SALE ■ Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced, at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auc­ tion on Saturday, the 12th day of September, A.D. 1936, at the hour of 2.30 p.m. at the office of J, W. Bush field, Solicitor, Wingham, Ont., ject to reserve bid, the following property: “Ail and singular that certain par­ cel or tract of land and premises, sit­ uate, lying and being, Lot number thirteen on the east side of Edward Street in the Town of Wingham in the County of .Huron, Griffin’s sur­ vey, and being a subdivision of Parle lot number six, Government survey, containing by admeasurement one- fifth of an acre more or less,” Upon the said premises there is said to be situate a frame house. Terms: Twenty per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance with­ in thirty days thereafter. For further' particulars and condi­ tions of sale apply to either of the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, Ont., this 24th day of August, A.D. 1936. THOS. FELLS, J. W. BUSHFIFLD, Wingham, Ont., Wingham, Ont., Auctioneer. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE School Opens .. Tues., Sept. 1st sub and school wardrobes are sure to need some additions. We suggest — For the Girls A new dress — skirt — middy — pull-overs — sports jacket — knitted silk lingerie that’s sim- pie to launder — handkerchiefs — berets — stockings —• ankle socks and more stockings, For the Boys A new suit — extra trousers — knickers — knicker hose — pullovers — Forsyth blouses and sport shirts — Watson’s lastex shorts — caps and socks. And remember ties, belts and handkerchiefs are very import­ ant, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 7th, 8th, 9th ------SPECIAL------- “Little Lord Fauntleroy Sum mer’s Finest Drink Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auc­ tion on Saturday, the 12th day of September, A.D, 1936, at the hour of 3 p.m, at the office of J. W. Bush­ field, Solicitor, Wingham, Ont,, sub­ ject to reserve bid, the fallowing pro­ perty: All and singular those certain par­ cels or tracts of land and premies situated, lying and being in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of the westerly portions of lots numbers Seventy-seven and sev­ enty-eight on the east side of Fran­ ces Street in Leet & McKay’s Survey in the said Town of Wingham, hav­ ing a frontage on Frances Street of 115 1-2 feet by a frontage on Vic­ toria Street or 109 feet.” Upon the said premises there is said to be situate a stucco house with all conveniences. Terms: Twenty per cent, of the money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further partic­ ulars and conditions of sale apply to either of the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, Ont., this 24th day of August, A.D. 1936. THOS. FELLS, J. W. BUSHFIELD, Auctioneer. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. — Special — 3-Piece Boys’ Suits, sizes 25 to 32; reg. $11.50 to $12.50 Now $8.95 '" 1 ............ 7 ' Don’t forget the premium coup­ ons on all cdsh purchases every 25c purchase. KING’S is Mrs. Glenn’s first visit east in 30 years. Mr. and Mrs. Bibb .visited a week at Mrs. Bibb’s parents, left Sunday for them home in Detroit. Miss Mjna Currie accompanied them on her way to Devlin, Ont. BLUEVALE Preached) at Presbyterian Churches Rev. John T. Strachan, of Owen Sound, has been holidaying with his brother and sister, near Brussels, and occupied the pulpit in Knox Presby- ■ 1 H Because it gives you all the thirst quenching attributes of the finest, coolest drinks plus extra food value and energy. This summer make it a daily habit to enjoy a longjl cool drink of pasteurized milk at least twice a day and see how much better you feel. Phone for our daily service of better milk. Foxton’s Dairy Pasteurized Products Phone 9W ■ WHITECHURCH Mr. Wm. Bailie and Miss Mabel of Goderich visited on Monday at the home of his neice, Mrs. J. D. Bee­ croft. Mrs. Frank Glgnp,, of Sullivan, Alta, and Mrs. Jim Harrik of London and Mr. and Mrs. /Len Westbrook, God­ erich, spent Thursday at the home of their aunt, MrsXJ>mes Cornelius. This Would you like a Light­ er that Will hold gas from 10 days to 2 weeks See them at OMAR HASELGROVE’S Smoke Shoppe terian Church on Sunday morning and at Eadies in the afternoon. Rev, J. R. Greig preached in Owen Sound morning and evening on Sunday. House Struck by Lightning During the severe electrical storm that passed over this district Sunday morning, the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Mann and owned by* James Kerney, was struck by lightning. No serious damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jolmston and daughter, of Toronto, were recent visitors at the home of Mr, Johns­ ton's half-brothers, the Messrs. Ar­ thur and Robert Shaw, Mr, Johnston is retiring from the teaching profes­ sion after being principal of Humber­ side Collegiate Institute, Toronto, for 31 years. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McMichael and daughter, Alice, of Toronto, are holi­ daying ^t the home of Mr. and Mrs. William McMichael and other rela­ tives. Jack McVittie and a friend from Flint, Mich., are .guests at the home of Mr. and’Mrs. Walter Davidson. Frank, Jce and Hilda Fowler, of London, have returned home after spending several weeks with their aunt and uncle, Elmer and Miss Flor­ ence Fowler. Special Service at Ebenezer Special service was held at Eben­ ezer United Church on Sunday after- ' noon conducted by the pastor, Rev. A. V. Robb. The Choir, under the direction of Miss Donna J. Smith, rendered music suitable for the oc­ casion. Services at Ebenezer have been withdrawn for a few weeks owing to being re-decorated. The church has been re-shingled, a new chimney built and the windows frosted, giving the church property a very fine new ap­ pearance. The Church Broad greatly appreciate the splendid manner in which the members of the congre­ gation assisted with the work. Several former members of the church from a distance were present for the re-opening services. Mrs. Alice Aiken and Miss Dor­ othy Aitken are spending three weeks at Kincardine, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Field. Mrs. Ed. Brewer and Mrs. Creach of Brussels, visited Miss Luella Brew­ er-. Mrs. J. J. Sellars,’Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McLean and sons, Jim and Don-, aid, spent a few days at Snowden’s Grove” on Lake Huron. Rev. J, R. Greig have returned home mer vacation. They icd by Miss Annie Owen Sound. Mrs. J. B. McLean, Fern and Rose, of Kippen, and A|laTI\Iefferies, Wau- baushene, are visaing.at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. j,Cellars. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Peacock and Bill, Mr. Richard Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. George O. Thornton at­ tended the .Peacock-Botohwell wed­ ding at Smith’s Falls Saturday last. and Mrs. Greig from their sum- were accompan- Greig, R.N., of [Ij Back To School Specials That’s Welcome News •j Sc BIG VALUE SCHOOL SCRIBBLERS Plain and ruled for pen or pencil rj r* Now ..................... _... Zd for OC DRAWING BOOKS Book number one with 80 pages that are perforated *7-0 --- Each .............. < C for PENCILS Extra good value pencils with H. B. 1 O r lead and rubber tip. , Q (j lUv Special ............ « forOC BOYS’ WOOL PULLOVERS All wool jn pleasing weight with polo collar with color combination EQ _ trim, button front. All sizes. Special .......... „....... OtzC BOYS’ FINE WOOL PULLOVERS Choice of V-neck or zipper front; excellent value at this low price. 1 AA Sizes 26 to 34. Each............................................................................ JL.UU GIRLS’ COTTON VESTS - BLOOMERS Elastic rib knit, vests have shaped top with draw tape; bloomers have banded knee, elastic at waist. Sizes 22 to 32. v 9Q/» Each............................ ....................................................,.... V GIRLS’ DRESSES Prints, also plain celanese materials, prints come in well as- OQr sorted designs and colors, pique trimmed, Sizes 8 to 14 yrs. Ouv L, GIRLS’ BROADCLOTH SLIPS Sturdy cotton broadcloth ranging in sizes 6 to 14 years; all have shaped top. Each ........... - GIRLS’ WOOL CARDIGAN Fancy knit in popular style, choice of colors; sizes 28 to | 34. Each ............. 1 •AJU r MISSES’ SKIRTS All wool crepe skirts showing flared pleats, and ether styles; 1 A Q Sizes 1,4 to 20, Each ..............-............. -■....—<••••<• ** J/O Watch Our Windows for M J BOYS’ BALBRIGGAN COMBS. Popular no-button style knee length; cream color; sizes 24 to 32. Garment .. ............ j,...................... C BOYS’ BLOOMERS Cotton broadcloth showing neat color and patterns, have breast pocket, draw tape, button cuffs. Sizes 6 to 14 years. EC/, Each .............. ............... DOC BOYS’ SHIRTS %Good weight broadcloth in a leasing rqnge of assorted1 strip­ es and colors; dollar attached, breast pocket full steed. 7 C „ Each ............... s DC BOYS’ KNICKER HOSE Regular 23c fine rib with fancy decorated turn-down ton. 1 ASize 8*A to 10. Pair .............................. ,................ l«j£ EE .>.,777... TFIIJRE are no specific items listed here because you know beforehand you will get the finest merchandise the market affords at the .fair, honest prices you ex­ pect to pay. That is why our store is as near as your telephone. Simply call any time any day and leave the rest to us. We will be glad to give you the day’s specials and you choose accordingly .without leav- your home. Phone 161 for Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Cured. Meats. BORN CARTER—In Detroit, Michigan, on Our New Friday,' August 21st, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyde Carter (nee Irene Johnston) a son, Ronald Keith. Boys’ Department We invite you to visit our New Boys’ Clothing and Furnishing Shop. We have . a complete stock of Boys’ Wear and can outfit in this depart­ ment boys 6 to 14 years. Come to our New Boys’ Department and outfit your boy for school.which opens on Tuesday, Sept. 1st. NEW FALL GOODS We have now in stock our new Suits, Over­ coats, Sweaters, Shirts, Hose, Ties, Braces, Gloves and Belts. All our Fall Goods are excellent in quality and most reasonably priced. In our Men’s Wear Department we have ser­ viceable and stylish outfits for High School boys. 1 Cent Special Permanents Satisfaction Guaranteed Permanents at $3.00 and bring a friend and you get the two for $3.01. Helen’s Beauty Shop Phone 133 BOYS’ WOOL KNICKER HOSE Mothers have found this hose Wonderful for wear satisfaction, fine rib weave, turn-down decorated top, extra thickness at heel A A and toe. Pair................. ( nr <7 £ ■ Other Week End Specials HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR Poults & Fresh Eggs We have a fresh stock of beef scrap, bone meab tankage* hog concentrate, poultry concen­ trates, laying mashes, growing mashes, corn, wheat, brail, shorts, feed flour, middlings, grit and Oyster shell, also cat* tley hog and rioultry minerals. Buy your suplies here and see the difference in quality and price. . Try a bag of Lucknow Flour, Buyasack arid Havelock Brand, You will be well satisfied, Duncan Kennedy Phone 38 Wirigham HANNA & CO Men arid Boys’ Outfitters. School Supplies ------ For —— School Opening, Sept. 1st We have a large stock of Text Books, L. L. Note Books, Paints, Crayons, Scribblers, Pens, Pencils, Ink, School Bags. In fact, everything you will need. Inspect our large assortment. School Supplies must be strictly cash. G. Mason & Son ( RELIABLE EYESIGHT SERVICE . ^ears a®° ,1 came-here pot knowing anyone., Today I *?.aye, . r6°s °f people in this district wearing glasses which 1 have fitted with perfect satisfaction, I offer you a complete service at very moderate pmces. Have YOUR eyes examined NOW. R. Stratford’s Leading Optometrist for 18 years. AT WILLIAMS’ JEWELRY STORE OPTICAL DEPARTMENT EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING 9 TO NOON. REID