HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-11-17, Page 1ete
44 01.
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1E1.1IT I ,0 N.
lir.T. ,..1ditor a ad Proprietor.1
. Th Greatest Posiiile Good tuthe *Wettest Possible Number."
-7"etc. ,
$1:50 1*)1i ANN. IN A DVANCEE • li01 C.117.. THURSDAY, NOVc 17 1864.
VOL. X V II. -NO 42.
4r4steriiiii. IBB-ELIICTiOlf, OF Iffe. LIB CO.Li. 1 T.,,,, 1,,,,,,,,,, AT 0,,d,N,,,,,u.....,,,k kw ,t,y, i eLiori,oie wit. tilers, and at few strae\iterape 1 • mu r k br,
the iley pre tier, e l' he Inii....Q,.te omit liail eszences tate hie handkerchief im,d despite
CII• 141
• Althotegli the returue from thee/to:toed
' crate the [recede ef legderishurr, cm the Arne 1 t:,,iff iti,11;flue,:m",,tel ,e.,rit trfeete.teetee,"'iliglei.Ct:efee„teut; . 1,t47:,..:8111:,..7,1j.4.ANth„ Wp.........,b1,,,,.:.•di -
rimer aide of the St. !mei-mice river, were Vie' . !esti carelemly not agotscd kialtelf built -lent lueks id bit beloved. mild 'hi meted to the
excited in conetritieuce of a reliort teat ',emboli makiiig diligent riee.t, i he prece, , Plate reports diet .eie, Neel, • wmehed aa;',. ,1,11.,,i'iliatv1::::,..,b,111.:::::"iti:',tri,ti".";:ai,li'a'rei.::!::7,:ett"..j114:10.:raus:eic...:-31.teibini:leyt....a.tigi.ib,.;r:ti. tti..•,es._!' it:i,..e....blyet..A.li.t.,nhuetuit.utu,ifir,e1.4et,urti:*.zi:iliti4,liti!!..heii:iiiii* :irtutecs,11 lead,: eei,..fibitin;l11,,,,diuviiielietn:s,:iifhih;e:c(„711..:,:alaoiriiesoahtliFoxiitx.:7.:.ridelt:
*gone lulu the leoli to chop deets'e tree; atal utely diens fur a beard. Ile feeda upon tim
tette ante not td1 in, it te now milieu hifl,:y eitnee per duet were always .pieecurable. by, I.
- of the United States. by a very, forgo ' OU die isiiiialanhtive tee teen. It now rip. lisleel in theile I. . . 2 .A
C4001)214 On the.lVtli• U110 • IA . he /Pere:: 4:Iih.:14ore..11:1,:ri„,:u,,eiLiettetttette, Cteleotrelt. •e"ere,--'?, i,,Ir' 4-4“16°11' hiel,euer, dentul tlet'llt* . lien ,regireill of minanthroplay by.. frown. Ile
271E FENIAN AFFAIR IN tund‘witj•
•_........... -
. chances wen: splendid, but his re•
the Chieag6 Conveutien, tis..10, 1 lelli.113tilL the idAidr or . parry tie eporwmeat io quest Inelien• They guru nu imrap. we know,either teu'r t° egeeme Vie . arleeeitite:
tVe did thiuk. at .the taloae. o . whole lititillatiOn kerne horn the preseare oil
i, peace from the Prescult. Nleasetiger. thaethe
. ref deeke. *limy weremera 14 the ceptaie oi .Alinerve spealm raf Mr !targeted, the secretiity, nrnlY• ftle.totit Jliiit Sheridan bee received
71:: nee'riotae°1,41t"..t.;,47...,„": :,...„`"arc".. ourroi:':::: .. iui,'i'd E tl'ty• rill 11441. 1,0!!::::11:11;‘)".'.,:.. 'e:edWisi:ii-71eill':;r•ylifi::.4:1: ;:::".1hi:lelhi::::.1.111i4TI:ieltrereeett;:,:%.'h' '''4.1::::::::';:tull17.d.:dl'inr7i.:br"
i 01 cavalry veer, 0, m„,,d w: 4 . .:i• -cu..' ads. hos taken • mry eeMtenttleo towP t° eon, era, Haapittraird, • portrait reinter, %Ma
rt a meet .t trial at the Mt Bailor. in Lon- hesenotive toting utfemeam. Ile scrawls
Al &testing. Scene.
- • ch'etilhrs Ler glove-• little wont in the
dsh .tii , tr:l .; : ,e,:nimta. tit, .0111: v:iire r,6,:,1 I:lilt: t . • cola af 1 et a i i aliciti 4- se py..i.....keleili aier
BY Vette great good fo tem the capital -letter, by diegusting the Peeee Deemer ,417.1ienr.r.t. ropeller wit mere them fie M 'Mita' Galotte, whet hunted fur tiewe
0 eted,„ie eiertued the 1„et, paint ateeetlint.-f Mot rtreel Gazette.
-.mem- ;100thonatr,•:,:,h,„, ,.,„,,,.. .10,,,,i,.,, w.„..4 ,4,„, fiertrute; us far In. llowohlei the netl..0° c4 In' placed t ilie bar 1.0 Mild, to, au iedietinent ewearr.fulle depretialet .111, attention of other
of Upper Collide hiss late d a Keene of eeeteee ell, beeineoferomie,,tely, ana fro
riot and blokalshed similar !IL:" "l'ieb that tuotneut every sane men, who knew • „,„„eree„,_Le„,efee
tt atiethr,!'"bew rea" tern'413:11e. itniut!ya tilivrie'nfrO.: titter:1y' ' Clippings froin 'Ltitelikey.' • • , s. Mushy hes. peen reinforced h
a renaa,at utx,r1i, . 1 . 1 :vet. tphsen,t,teliiimpliend Oriental steittu Pao'," °urn' the wilful wader, with natio: eloretherieet, . came he lied Oust the aidorittle Aneeline. lied
reported thereemirl the. Mhel etre,. wee • Heine et/verso:wet ; Ise has peel. tiOnavd* fi.und og i...t hinuielf by tlie Grend due!, for,' ,ilso,ier:::libilarge;ftendeuisl'eler Tilibbeytsuodradit .be•
as mem ry, an, on . On- 'dwin,a nape•delict r and remade.
diegraoed the city raf Ile ast not long i um, ithanolie ii,flu,,,lieu ,A,wid,,,i by mi.. .
. .. , Qi Luke., :111 Nov.. 1861. 17t,'Y !'7,"' 1" ite'l"ille. A n.idieezpeeted ie. ,I11" tr.'"''', ,,,,
. , .,,,b, h..i, n c.u. ! ...,,,:t..w.,11.ue„11‘..e_er_rii; ,theiie.,mahitill. .1.: twrinina.t° obii,f tilke.rece.h", ..,,,,,,,,,..,,,, . ,,,,,,z, .,,,,..,..d,,,,,,
tempeemly for erring to compare 'that gawky
days go to prove that the pc ceablo citi- the eatie WW1 le/Velem 'fi,r ''' littlolille." ' "elia 'tette that a Prrivineiel Deputy de cum'sc':Is''''.`":"'.- • corithrect M the exidration °Ism
0 i , ot than cote nanv
tine.% 'file developments it II"' P"t few Lincoln through hie Governiurnit, "iw that ! • Alt w°. 17:AC.11'1:e-711e leeru frith' a 7le de lien. Mr... Le Bram Peesf4tede at ,' 7 ine.'11'ier•.ur "1' Sherhhin.e litre td con iie I ,. 1,:::.1,24, 1,:t,.,,,timt sil;•,4,,, tr t,ioarZ,,r1,1,,i; tviy:•,,i..Wit,1::i.lislitii„..0. itlii:rpypyJr irtieslyitt,i;1; hii,,s,,irti,,e,hteubtrytelloilTe. IA:I/testa:et;
," . ' Ftile;kelts: (...1.4%.•ivtleelir7nIttlifiefri he aeorbeenine, in ,e cu7AvY tow,the°64:',"1"*.r:1;4,..1":47- '' .4';°1:-6,1",3,`Ii",101,14.111!! of subdued solute am! awlatittlittlyjesi4us. r,,,, mid ite Mmes. anti ite fears, he sorrow',
bleeping over a volcano of religto s „I:Meta-
it werrt 1 Whim both caudidates tuounte.I dm same '44. W •
" en 'mtiiihr from Hamilton,etarte. . .. . , le acheasysge-• 1 r.,..iiy Ilie.i:dierry'e colliery d • • .1' ii" -
rue .. aud hie rip ...a tee -aiel rearniereWere rte tortures, iis mitotic fervors arid terriht•
aeni•or the city have belt11, '1 ' Van de honredei-ttiOn is a eit i, V 'Aloe la portion 4,1 t ne M:tii- Slinsioy la a ai. teed. ii„ w„,„ gi a,a a ',,t,„,. ..,,, I .. ,.„., its jettlousies, and Mt delights, its rapture matt
war plati.S'ila, it Could evoke very- little in "P with\ a youtig citizen to advo- .11""'" NI' 1'1 w7. ver.911'.'wlee. '411 ?"°.-1W. *a eltuotrtla rebel fe '
tuts wtY• IL appe3r* tsuesfiulf vitth nielem emir Mee', not tante so dm Mimeo. will ii.„, 4 .,,',Ii. ilud:::::.::.'Lli ie__0_0_,a, veer, thie step shows the depth of the
Meru w li i ell m ig I i t have bur° °Ili kw! differetice wirich was etecicel Ile the rimult ... a Shrift die cl e",","7714 ..ri italWet kill vid de Glebes end de politic ! Mare is Yeti stem or tee, T - ''`'ben- - -1.------‘ ."
• , gnat -so bre sit you IOW now, rid so hide to bead. A gerieraferem. •• . t ra o ...lee; popular seirtintetit in • way whwh eaunrit be eeidenee loy hit 1,iiiiwg , IN., . 01 d,..1,,,atiLN,; i„ 1 Meet Martinet. III solemn ludierousurms stud
intewiely Drusiatie to oduatien.
. eate the .
regerdless. of the horrible retr that , literature 31f. ,Isitscoln . is re-eketW .and d re,
- .-getieu. how. rne. to rt e, Or early as Down, morilinj ZOillielitilaul. t A h, eetsitiee et eelos4(.;,-;w1:, Ei ii• h,:a , : t'''ef v.4.'‘'.'"uttli"lAn"• tiratiii64.;:aud'eii"N"kiv:hS'at:thhe' t‘;':1:44P"ii:Ifl' drilite".'''''';':.1'iu:' re"'"litkirld ‘'Irt;.'h. : alte'll:e II:imm'"
tt uperdte in tine IneeellteNto ‘ll4 lt 14 esPe' ettMillA 1%4 kW r!,4 hill Ite'dit in, sod lie Canadlaniroa_ltimes. •
defiance of law and oruer, and utterly i
of the war in either ease !would • be abot either tie let ! , „
which would, tiudoubtedlY, bave L'-"."" ! *bodily kicks up its heels rejoiciegly,- Ilk °We l'e""itb viLY tile It'''. • started a toe relent and loom all de childe ltruf• De . '
',la at a eller' ...,,r, dia artifetion mike' de Lie In do heart* lhadiatund. :. . • r. '. , - -• .°"° e -- ettl them the preesure thee brought to h. ar nil d.1.4,,,,... th.,, act, „4,1,, g. h ee..,:i.i,:.;,1 .tri.h.,..71,,,i,,,,,,..
. his areal met coriscience he di ,..m.TIrt dl.t.iltzmee',,eyape„riur Meting Journal, eI •
visittel upon the peYpetratore. Tht
e".' i!,11....verteueet officials. htestheefettely, and 1 anati'd it" Lie-' right° he I. er tu ,... laft gerts ouly.knoll yeti it tall cease in your bniiiis -. ..., ',New ) ork, Nov. 9th. .ellee„ertijiel.''';ilet:e-ilit6.4.4reeveriiitiiitUesiile:;ihrtuu.'ille."e'ltilri: hiauAelf I:441y. 1,6.1.... .
e ir.el.e.„t- - we learn from a pereo'n who has recently
eutostancem are easily yelatml : On Se
day evening last, the 5th..of November, t e i metal 0.,ael.ra.,,,..
''. grail goem up, up, up ! , If tlie precious :.ttia v a.sZcotel fell
HI It kpr winvi vento.., , ' rich mehes tro omen bwierera a* ewe never he t netteltrelar.Arara, frous1,1•;t01. (feed reit I mine' to, bear all tee expensel. (4 10 mail,, 1
ti:st he did til). tin by tem tatti'S lilt.. Sara Vt.4.1 :May rife : tL"Pi..... 11,Atsf'd wet She repaets mot, on 1 ireteit iteele whlte if it were to 40 mir w°11°. went. wail then mad to teepee, .r.th ibe aiet
ruiterelletl so try the pi...incr.
returned from • short visa to the nerth shore,
due berore the etai tiff Geed ' di"locat, hi; teek, wk. Trhav would o'aUw,M de heart* a cause -of "d„, hunt uuty I 4.".*'::::::,y, inn, ad: g fitli iwit. beilt4 i.C.,..,.,iv. ,utly ts4ve Ilse el t of pleciae it in •• gauze 4. a, ilia.,,, - bi„in,, AdmiaT.,4. 04, ,,t;:,,
I Isiu'e da lemon., 1.e., . .
OrairgetUett (if Torooto,acaorditeg to usag 1
deternitued to milebrato the illItliVersar 1 month, will Mel indictee a c mfident belief , bare been the Om* .r he ...1 ..o. t',,itro on -
on the part or the lima* that theit ehomer.: kiln hnek• I.ondeli Adv.- . ! . .
1,... . ____„„,... . . . i le el roo,rer. croWJA. itt`tttn and 0411, -1101 ueed in the 14.... of Leeds. toward* the Mum me. pi hinter thus ellressed 'dime!! tu, be
• rosette Le roetatsi. , . 1 . .
US sti..rekr, Meet keels gave chese• etilOttirds. Tlie lengtoige winch lend Gee) ueon fur his defence
from the Sault St. Marie. The ore teepees.
.. .cirith ete 1... S. eteentre 1,{4,1;eille, 44410..4 a beanie sod .111sdiguimil attitude inwards the rested ililie-reiet,, wet the puniest erlisrl":1‘14.1 ::•,,iii:ko.f iSur,,,,P6, teeti°!,',eithwat,hethehtLdieofeihivettlf I::
Initig 1.41. abii..0 forty fire.miles up die &hoe*
auf the discovery of the Ounpow.kr l'Int,.
. ' • in Sittnear,414. Nov. 1'86 L • dlentsvalie teMlinencei hrieg, *hick *es re 01' the ha. ,u;s:,.01.,relatise to tratieportetien to teaurt and him" •- , ..:\7, in aerem places fur &distance id nearly three
as well as the birthday 'of the l'ritiee. " of , 'ittoerit will be ahle to n.%.:::____ib the riotith ?I. . '
..._.--,.......-040.• . Nrstlf fiNityt 1' DUNNYILLIG.- licetto. . lie Sou( will alte , . ,,,, , ,
............. . SAU: , .
q.IY lotal.' •.:*(J he.. 'iltY..Puttilirittnin,nr t° . miles, in i w'eat south .west direction, arid it
. P ' .111-u.11:pftruraireltte.reeti,k.ept up for twu 1% estern Australie. hue given great o:Cen.eelt.;
glorious ineniory, ' • by giving a 'hall ark', , hu 417dult4111* Ma no leifill 411 Nortr, Ili, Iloar4. The pelt:tot Ilmielive joitteal i3 ,Ikte• t .e.tiittpialeoits,and data -net, want the int tt
A.A, , ..sed an.I pianioing'1,...4eli ileittiirlat:.;.$11.11t lryh itt,soutent.ipent..16,1.i.t,I...,.e.ro....:167;(ect?athel: Ylea*."..1.111,'",rde' year* u4.3.11...t a daughtey, then four yeam
be I eund in e, tecital ot the Lets. I Mee .i....i .1h:1,11mi:1,i, 4i:1.f:int....kith 6 • i,,,, eset.i.
supper at their bodge Mord.* In all thit.'2---. .,,,
c reporter of dm 1.,:tt r, in his 'sc. I bee" bi """"rib
' . Tii"2 1.1 s' ' i truism,. 31elleu
sine,. 7lat undo)...
alias Town
1 i &se •100,1teo isigrenk ir fin.)1(y
or X te. the sole ortnoriel• et it th,...." I Pile, -led Cursorily anyvehere rei the lake, and Mtn
there wse nothine melte:try' fo the lowi uf ' • Lreptmecl to lia.'m h. for l'',..rt , Vol * genie to flee will fittY well tde J.
ehom it kail laleitsed rind tri rue,01.1neliresell. which Teasel. mut i•uta nod c......,1,elet: kr. :auir
COW3 4 tlw investigation r the recent ! 'le. emtineet,' will e:tlue down, sr .0,14n Orr ii..,t.,::::',...., rg:ttt'ut,eas.tritf•I eet Crier Lei tee, .te e;ree it, rem a oltillibet'itt the gueeritutoillt•!1d-
"-I') "" 14"\ imb;4714te im".1:,...„Iii. vie ems • . keel trf weather. Me alito h.aria nett a large
i the letsd...„: ludecf, "itnilardeettnistrati..eis,
have hithreio IMASeil Over without cresting db"
Ir a pipit Inch Were land 4 the
agate.. 'Ill, .. e4 . .-- I The authoritiet have t eir eye on hits4.
I .W.ial aollIO-nintlie* it ,renkee. Onirorrta .... ty;410),:rit ‘,ielitlIg°,1:r,,lomr:I.Inreith' i:-:1 '.1:71e,,d 1. pirate,evidentlif,:ibir:ti,;,11;,uuhre 1. :rim...I:If:vat tir.,71r.e,riTlr:: art‘ii:dt nt:rt ilar'.r.t:Il"ill:c2.' hht:: till"i'linelb.;' idittatitplei..,141-1,1,...1,,..dideit01.1 freer me'. 14.'lie ,ti...,t un,„,„/ hu . been eureheied ey „re.,
tatter...lea ueuel. Item's. no %tie in talklie •
'ter rumors fur dm urwdlese irrutation he has msh elm 0 cher ''' i ' •,/, 414.4. attd but her I 'mil lie
snore than e parsing degree iif interee.t... p,:r.airae a
re pr....Lein! Came ,t tree cuu , , • less duct.d. • Ae lie otleotilled.the "nice of c"6 -m- .1.71.,,sirr, ill 4:1;,..,:soui fru!, ,r,:il:40,...,,..1,1... r,.. . ti.ter,:1,...141,4;;,1„ ..fre.,iirimild.y..147.11F:,:ipri"..d.z;:"./' " h" i " le" I" begin
Bot on this Mallon, it appears that a; otereatio lifliOtrie tif 0.10: lee la el sitecit,.• erica: ' /,'• . . re efirrellodza,i irisill.dho,nit,ihaeit ush:d,bd.s -c,'!utot t 5.„17,194'141; ...:1:411,,,•,,t,. ,,,. i, i
......--.........-:-.0 .1110, 4111.--.--- ._---.
i thc mines
ranee. got afloat to the effect ;that its the a ITir-e..d 1 lite tlisititenient .I. tho.! ,,yi,'0 ,' et • i. tkritelsys
1,,.. icw* the .%ireer ice
x! a-.11__-,by__-!......._tub...A
1,7.:..‘ .." .iantieuitee and see' what Jolla , t'eeer nro°41,:te..1 wee. ereiti siroretvb7:;" eryt;,, I atilt 0..„.pi t , bins in the eye. of the eel 'lb, you cannot etunitrehend IL ' . 1 hat; exile:14d
goo. or tot Secretery, the preen..n. 4,4 In* old position
t•• he 'las .te•rflu a del meter de ielletuce eh' de that.' : j '""...tene.!'"e nuaeu.r. I, they beiee •les
• is.,,ii,,dg.tieji:i„,,,,sig,...ael.lfiiiiiti.iit,1,e1,,ss,.,..boirk,::::,ele,,:;zroyo:
A.Yireary Or r..111'.Ce0 ow Preseetrat.e. frr.,
mumse or the ..%nnivergary ,night tbel.74,,',7''';`! c 01 ides, when eereseed e the later then. the rep,...rt hy the Per. what Peoinel did rlietatencul- ue l',. .. ,
• •
• on the-, tiler sitl,..of the I itolm, mid this mune
smith, uf Manchester, states that hAuce
Orangemen hitended tO burn! in effigy ! hatisilee. nte red meedor etitrie ell 1. Sic. fei4.11.t. nits weaved -et 1" i l bde et. It •ti
. -.ii. Was. mite
pestle. it's trunirlo•tt to Seaure de aeon. ' ' .
senoeing inereesee the rate or rot,..oi,o, in
merit an, ,,,,iiit, Ky. II.. 0 . ii:agth! t.i.,e,.1...ave .....!.recuted :he e x prem... us of a
lie ..e•reeflth0 4.61,11:4:14 10 tile char....0er of a
th'e ,.'''°r° "Ji r""I I tr'i' IW" Iii''''"ng " Stour lierilTinS and &Creases it in olhers,Ittoess
ttl illy ,rt,.,00-... All hate been mold. t or
Guy FA w.keit, Dets. tiCenuell, il Mei, 111Ni, i 17;.:*'w",k,1 .8..4. rY "r'Y'liegiind 'kir"
1 so - oi:: •'' Norma is ii ' asset tr.:4 she ieoe her wo t i e.7...arite Vectia
us ...);,:lehr ',.'4'et.,,ttett,';usno'S.11.1'irette.,°•eyt'a ‘k,:ed '!. et. ITel,se isinui'rlitfT. . . • it Ch4twaspolA re, .
. . . - my chi d in all Ilw Chi...4 arid all the vitt:sees
there is•• ddremity ig the action ot tribereo
the late Duke of Neweutle. There ..uti; ed Ita etrilital•tet is Oa tite 1.14,. .' er,i,,,, ,s„,,...,,,d,fy. ,4 fj,,e" ..*,‘,.,, „a... Julio Ceiet dim ettli he drowit ime de }lel Ity i .. i. , .
telt the Cci....rit:h to F.ene ha, ere; *ob.!
• in the.three kie •douilet AS 4...un as by mum
. is sipon dere mut constifutir mei. Ile ex lierimeated
was peopeoe.1, certainly no. attetupt was italicised words. !.. We emotot w,wel,ir Ina •• -.."'.•-• ''''' . rrl,i eraoleetine ! ref -edema if de weld !-3011eipti (met.- rr,„,.. et‘ot.,.,,,,,,,.,,,, ,,,,,,,,i.t 4 ,,,, -. r; . -4,::.:11.V.:,..WC-1.t4-';:.4?),:inhi.u1,- 4.! t war ine.• gooney, I evitune,f to' Londou to rand
omit found that the effect of toi•acco upon
nothing to bhp* that any such pregratutue ' Partifular" at mti;mief diree'teld to t cf., , ,e, by menthe*. i f 'the -MI • ewe:eel:ter ohe--....1-.41,---by etita:••bkrin !':-14Y. i, .,. y...*,..4*.,* ii,44,,..,,,oi.,;„,<I, le,,„. 9.. . . ioit .potheitai I kW& tatecrettied-ira peering e
ellb 401mCCO upon 1h. lisle, at Searletrorugh,
„... Mulastryedurre . C ode,' of liitse Otkew ' tl d" lannx dal w‘l" 1Ww.'4"ew " 1i" 'le 6'4 meg returaen 1.,... „%tlaii'• 1....;rly bosiiit*ti:. pi r‘' ' .."..1 wirer '...1.1rt M not eaa; h1 gat1wr "*".''''' tr, '1%;,'",,,el°4"t;" iu 1,1.;'e Pe"P‘Pe.". him was aa follows :-.1)1tring the fitst Silt'
_ Tea& tO twery it .out if proposed ,, but, at libegoled y•co-ple .1. proiltO Slat Vierigied :deprived . Mee; It. 10t. Wu' yestri. .0 it,agter: i. !libel l -shell -sah 1 .-. by golly ! Kit
, a , minutes of smoking item Wee tardy an Mewed.,
... 1 Wit!..Cti• eqfiel 4 hi; roily, leivio• 1,tvt, er.e. 7or trii:t s ' ' k • . ..e,t eteetre oir -1; eel, , I err' I !Mem April last,
all eetnas, it Ira* Inatk tire pretrat rOr t be : by %he dieerivery 4 welt .1:terrible ittsph!..: ha...,lree 12 tbe.r.:*.-!.' 1.4•ItiOn e,tu!tf. not
• ' •
• • • • . ' 14 fri.n0sseNt:111140r Te eat.. 1n, W,i1r•hileirer..p.our Ir net. elthuu ill sit/ leario'llitliererit 1.•
the teutie a o.....4.V-1,:s.gr000...ot mount,:
. crewed fh. SetO .ield emit's. entarle•t. iu
iii the a beat, of. his poise of fuer heats per
' \ . appearance upon the stru'ef the city- et nem". . The bro.;d" or,f a tvoii.ce ,,,,,,... %tea '41;.: rata' 'io .)e,'„Iii, ' yi,e.!•..a„,ial..k,
i , Tem acreage. et , .
. JL.wk, 11 La E.THITATt: . 1 1.‘1;'.,,,t• ;,,.t.roay,,eiteli',,tm,117,. vie,4ilirt.i.,:ii..t,;:tvel:.;,,,,:et.,4,..rtint,4 1 „ifec,.,,s,14..a,,tur,t.. .aiiythine but ardistactory. • A
biotite:we, perturuiteg Goer meta. eArteing *wield, bat siker that-tbere sees **seedy ta.
''... dead or night of so.* three .hundr,C1.1 a -mere idiv•thing re
armed Eettians whose movements ludicM- i hlatles eighi feet I..ny. FancY the diss: i I." ere.wi *ere '"4":1;\ 'IgePt °WS "1'. •••:'
par,ej with pit, ! ch.etlyeleia'.4"erit, \We tA,t 111111140te ' ." fttatittot,
• • . •iti.tc;e: • Allsotis ,I. hinue 1. and Sheritem is het ing meeeei .114;- tifte"itilac.tiowner:1 itliiti'gqiwitni:
, row:Orme Jittery fey Cherlrates ii, S. 1...-- i. neer reepect,. , piereeue te, tr,... ... with " IlY a 11.41.'rtt A. lair (V"ta theae'ad 01 al.
Coon a abilt1 ...itt aliti.lut on ild 4,,,m1 ,iii.v.,:k• 17:77,,,, 487:.1.7.! 4.1e.,:t":01:3i7"ig petwvueriiiiiii-jobe:st...mmiskApitiviste:
reedier. muie lime peoehattel my owireinr ow
'ish"..en'heistiugell.'"11.7"Send'ithtiltales that tobacco-
,...-erieri Gilt they had beep. caret:411y icailicl' ge:cearble setmationi one or tbero weal , Illanka v.:4nel inm ereeked iielreDuitliai : 1 Ititereetj,iag• Ite Lt,,,foro'v,;litont.-Ths shave •is eliseterlittel i Mitzi:Cory :leen ,,„, induced the tu„.,,,
„„,„„f„e, a by, g.caTerbamAT 4,,tiTa4,.„. . , . . 1.4,„,„;,,i„,,t toT t o a..1,,,,, 0.er ow..., ti. 1.:ne teeuguized al Ori al hi 'lad emulation.
Anoka's Zeta as a stiMularst like aleohrieupou
to set iu eoneert. The alarming fact "or -create, if theme intri t e pit" Of otte'ri 6" wvz6 lul"' ii1)"''''° 4.4"341e wa4' 414
arch la turn mit Witen.,reepeetable pOtie • stutimel. after hreaktert. - , !skier* -If theera.,t re/ Tli , l'enice mei. This. • pi rsolp,,ifkeetd te emstea\uton, t tri i . ---',.• .:..e....... , .. • • ei,1 :tido:. intstinxt,iitIr Ler.oh,Let,toved.e, a.. etrirri ut,t.i:hi. ii„, a "aa'..Illy poor. chtl • Iler flortber avoid
d. pc, hap* heor, precieitetiel 'remelt tiiwarde her,
de. !early iii ut fell cf tabit, the ue• of keete.
thee. ee.sous 01100e pulite is elicited. %%hen
Ware loebed in. the arms 'or repow,• • rr.ry., • .1 eess-sif 'oleo lett e,ri'.!..111.,:ell; pettA,,ii -22, the l•a
4 2thin.t,....:"Zi.e, 17,0.11,:, ,:n:Iniiric,;1..::,w'l,iir.:::4,:,.11,t4yh'.7,,Ir,..'sih'il,i,'wts.r.",' bit:: en, he bulieves, kvds to distant, d sleep, sad
Terrible Reilroad *pendent.
. Kele, dire 't rya' ' teoisie, the Aiiitettreentsd • 0P"." -lo w"re 0 - te,„__ . _e_ .. .., 1 awfrie,..,io,:...t.. thet,,,,freico:Kon.41,
to,;„,,,,„,,,aat, . tii!ss, neiti.,.... hit* h.* 111.• et, th •ra....1 loits.11 him Haag Kii.ere Ir T11.00Nrt it,:. -For Mine "
niturally)rd to an, ifiVr.-stigaritin by 4he "E "ITTRAL" 8 '';11°°-
L (4,2(Aly. • They weM at:melee:tided °a -1.00414 by Ilicr. t 1,4 . ttl •,, kuuttiscid thousar401.11 ni ,... , .
't'Ir , T1Vi:N leT-SliVEN re'elittre KILI,I....D.` ' je,",,j'i ,,h;„,,,f w.,..- we ArATut a,.. role. .1.. a.,,,, -1 1,,,l.itually - op Ito,. even to weal; ew l'" Cll.': mai end in iiPnel.i.
natborities,\ limn. it . was dim-oven:4 that It 44., 6A eii,ce,e p•ea.are t. ierat ' 1•• ej „,,,,,t,„„ ,,e he ci:40ruraie;he.le, le.'. • "they !L'ht.t..4 thwi° t'
• 110e. See Frilsause
S u1 last 0 welt. •
'adieu un heard '''eeldr, then 4.14144 lulu t.4 the grourid- •tinie mist n has hero known that a hear bed
• linens , A fi.dafikleri.letar OCCUrrA On 'Nfit'sdAy '. 611.;":.4141..11YSZsliVieSstweliereit'ew
i afterneee; 4vtnohor 31'4, lot th",' L.fetrt De V.se fleet, aiW if lee true Ilia the. btraits hi 1,,,...g:.., he wits dv..d. Ittlecais: del hecti committee, depaerlatierm in this. weigh,
.e,,,. I 'i.e.! lerhaaserie. rieeh Vie re2iststr Cinelurati , its:meat esre -seroligly '.fortilir , north more 1,,,,e, teed hed,dorre. ,- :1.1 that in.-...iii-erd !mellow,. seek as tearteg doter, ranee, and
illal.,,,-1'icto mi,1•7..„ ,,,,,i,",, ,,,11;4„4,,,,,..,, „it,. sr., ,. . 1 in.,.. a4,!..1taii,,,, .Ay ...nes A.,,,t rc.„I through not (*lois( isg.',:e!ltitali e.fil hill but era.' '. hart eliteM the corn. th, Ine.Ly night(
. - ' \ .`'..e.ir.e.t at.e awl air et. eine.. tie. Ili le•eif Cue . b; ..A.,„,, *jaw sseedeti, softie 0 su ter...II ....-1 ii.'.1/..,,,,,t,,,,r! .Timb.k.---• 1 lieee are Thema.- Ilarriaute Robert Wahrialey, rood r.
tn4resi writ te Its V3
that " fer 1,mod or for evil," Mr. Abra- a raid teas to be novel 'pito the place tro
ham has been reefleeted l'resident Cauada, mid' that ermed men wern"gatheritig
who very telly dear:idiot ir• a letter faun the: ,n• "1 toreinant, but -tiers
Editorial Correspondent of this iouetal pub• w"d hmin; Withill their anti lilieS.
the Feero0.14.1 in .readinem a,nunihec. tihrery o., toras which it • hei
deadly arum., Mod thatt ri•yolvere for their "*. 02 9144, Per•Onsr.or Wh sot 'it *.
use hail been b . Wrote -en that moderated
Buffalo. The e
.41 to .!
a a -• woe Um:tuts-I irs 1:-61 Lel fi:iw hera iti
teinent 01"`e4 "y 1"`"w tui "'mention ever siert. llormunilier
• decreand .by *Ares altos.. Mat 'opened was cstily..
'ved by • Mayor
ange.er te say, slaw/ •le the lietee aro
ire. . Thai' them tuaeer.?..:dtfereint;:s 'Mau, fram -week
herlutori !Treed week. Otely less 'who're ow 4 thaahole num
d that they, her tutee Leen kat Outing the 'four yeers.-
nee actuated by a maliginine hutted 01 Thm.speithe th •-• Or adeneetirl. pertem
lay ly- for three havieg change or try .
everything Britielt Pi beyond dittkute, and
however their Carterlien organ. the Iriek n*" hnee (he °let,'" °I.441tIst•Itf
l'eviarliee, may gt,tvuipt. their a :last eimeuet ot reel, latiorreeelee, the
eourinet, we think, in entitnen ‘bit.i•t *;,,e',fle',7er,t:ferriv,7 " th.'t 4" 471
of our LAintettiporaties,- thai thCv trouts, t b. 4711.7,1'7r
be looked upon with ouspicion hy all lo totter& %II 40(01 ohjeete Th•• 'II a ire et' • eelr•e,
of law and good government. Althou,,,, Cruet, e, have 3:;101.a stott11 Pnrf1-0.1tii:11 it is 11)4E+1 t'
they are all Catholics, we cannot think heel to suetile,' 44 by voltreterv'e.onteliu.
Wilt tat lido SS t.'t per ,t'och
t either the 'Ionian Cotholic eMigy or.
reaeleeed 'the sas stem s. hie b teethe -Jets of the I
discoveries. .
anonymoue ktter
Medcalf threatening hie
Fenians belong chee; to the brotherhood
OVOr the nei`gliblaririg States,
utt....le. 07, of 1,0aut, a le. fl••Gtaist ar
wr.„ fro. la aim,. 41114,11e.
ere preiond et, Ilea embarkation. \The Ch. A4 ass italia
ccal* Seeteintier I A, alleeirie to die Mier& U'I,Id."4"'" d' ""'
ureeer *tree. 01 li:141ati:1, fly tioutf tied France 64•Sin" "74'0'4"
.1 iseatielek Ole 11... Try,' oc• the :t1;',(N”
Japete tte,,k eider to trice Ori 011:111i1.;,/ 411r-1, ' it '4 ^Aitthiltt 9
fel...n.1 , toys tiat:AnteliCall 1,1,retientativc., Oe"t ./..4414°4 24
41.1411 1111e1.00 40 II,ed 1!. man wateliandgerie•i e.'`:" 4
,efair as to charter a weenie veesel miler I tIr^ A, 'I. r,„i7h°
it the Unite Stan (Laketon:A Ise du!‘ th*:; tun
0:115tati:0)11.0.k0 ,,vve11 fr”111 14/ 1/6) that lsKure We can pot an ter* .wItt:
'tote eat, you ttli burn, armed with shot guns and
'Ile; 14. !fah wAs Islets!, Sum- Java!, on • protect 10.1iiij 14 1;003 15,000 • 'Le11. Invitr '1,1! I*0 dome neat in aearth'of the coma thief,
your defence:et Irod.te
e., •, een, it era l'ht.bear was finally treed in a %mall bash 00
(tusk lot. 44, 1,4 asoisi;r the 'epistle time at or 20,0'30 Will be racessery; It %WA. he*.
"'bit t':44 -!..31'..h i.$1111.;:c>,iwe'd.•14 V,4:7,.7,:"P.let'7.11aip":"111:.'1;141f 1"141; „ the Gam uf Mr. E. I). Tilson, in 114. village,
lrfluri.""0•"""" an' he, see only. • few rods (rem the inhabited mitt
tt I tit•eridla .i.stion, the value trsil`e:a4 but I.e.: mtge. int., eh...lids...11er thr.ra .h Shitimitotek knit; not, r krrew not the "."4.t.runheree.treett A firw wuu nift under
when, ree Olitott:lz l• CAtike lanvO•id (.01•I'r s *ar *1014 -were ahrret loree
7. atone a.-
dit. In everts 114 .tileak were Ilea. ily but if aliy reliance is to be pieced' ou rat:eta exient'of the evil thin trait lied Sera: ',When' n 1,'"e", wgieh not tlioll lo hie lwarship'e
. .
• •
`I Vill'''. l'auhri-inte Viitli seven e•melieerand.:ive. Mei. ; tiewis its 116.1 to hear et. w ' Iv ' tete eontlizattionule jelvitle brought me iny ete, tee began to Ara -evert ft uni his pere.h,
.1 he° .: aired and",,,r.:i\,.,u1.. ,,,,1 ih,,,;,,ti,;":?..wish emu ' neteu'lit'bra.7kea outTiloug bet re,,ve.kr nu::"inb,4.: U''hi'l ill': laleon aim *as im lon.;;er say 1.1,, II* sio-foi,'Iing, ned fell into the fire.
. letwi..Thiew.t.o.. wiii, ,;00,r,.....e.., c..4 _ a ....,s, uof.i.e... „.. ., t - " eli:s1 ; she aka 110 ionzar purr anti angelic aa Mr. Wittatid'Wlehnu l'"hunl the iieht fore
li,r .. ly e slit. wee cereep:. lead, and seed- Leifie and he OM. 1"u' tie the threat, and
, . -._-- ---
.• her slitter, ller lauguagee ietamiee, lake need the animal lilted hun twiee with a
fa,. . i to. raerm.er, re, .,,te: Ler.h, of:the en - . • ,
. ger eit4ille. jI.,t te..r..., ',I the curve. awe re i '
ier,i„., tee teue,.., 1,,„ ,„re.,oy ‘.1„.,..1„.•4 the l as • b. meoeet ..f the Cowen/ italteea' of 111. not tee,. , mu. bur nalself... I hi yntleompreettiet ; height en all fourte'llowi'41 nre Ibe
,,.,„, ,,, ,,, , i.e.. bete, e, ...,,, d.,e, e,,,e,i,,,e : capture o „tie? 'Iorial,t :-Slur, *mimed at Itend• no* • That tuna hod rubb,i tar tO the 1 lotto swim( su tail, til.i jr,eit!St 'reel, 7
r . tit& or rata Parnto*.-rhe followines tlios • ..th whom .he trial treen IMMe. (did , dimmutione ,-elleielii lieho..t. WM nee -
e.,„•,,,1,,, eeleneth
• train, bed obee, y...1 it. entoke id MO- feween i , . ' :. .
. ,,,,,j icid,,p oil, 1,...!,, , ; ,, ,,,,i,.,,..,.. u,,,ii I Bailie [lay'. MA Sa.vartor, 1/11 the 'Mete lbs. lute arid eu ot ofy child Atid 1--1 hove 1 weber' in eireunibg mice i
wee remainly a dal:044 1140 to tinsel ain 2't
t.3,,,...,,,,, h.u, . t.,,,,,, r.„,r.,r„.•when in, , ;th Oa, 4:ordain 'Mlles liatring het a eon 1.il r'cl him b. once.' . .
• "*""*.ii,011 *ith Ina oldie . d4..1.444i1O'd to ai,rk . r ore in.tvir 01:1, iv e Ive‘... sc:i tied upon eel we, en animal with efLe ft.. iesultir Wet arine
il tor 1114 ilte. awl eith I . .. '
Olio 0We:et! litl'utri. - tehn Weittere i'tn" i'rweil't i" 1"'". -..1.0 di:elf al ttlt,oul nor ierdi ' . ea a shot gun and • knife.-ITilsotiberg
of toueeereweltIV:ti!OCiAte t Is ilighti 11"'°."... ''' • -, 1.11 ...
(AC' P11,0141141cti littered for the- l'Ioridis. itit!n„ nit tee law • rear,' tektetet !MOW'. '1 1'
8 10 4 i it. Illec.-.11 nederstarel yea,. gentle- tfl,server'. - .
till r.dlit O., tla, road.. am ....lie e•aresteleteme. Teautn:Y.-"A Carlsrulser
,,,,.,,r on the i.,,,,..,,, e,,,r,fie ,,,,,,, , ninths hey .... Ilteallartt011t•ek wittic eh doing *11,1 tuntt ur the tasria,s1 theD:ro* *ill Afire letter Mr/11110 Dt/N8/1/, tenet.' ars eatraent.
,,,..,,,i. eele i ,,,,e,,,, f „seeeeretily „teen. iejiiry. Cephiie Cii:Ing, now called out. o 0.,10.e1141t..: . , ' . eery tragedy *aid Ito hitie just taken, place in
to there ree hoard the inratelki surrerirle- of • The (*lied JuntiteeheVieg etimmed ap the 11141 city, but which we give ILlItkr every re-
d of hitt use triter. touchiest
this dernmel wal 'tenth:a e the jell relite.1, arid in an illitilist after
.. 110 hail bartly time t•,, t he w'ru'd t""4 Lee; , lierte. A l'olith Count eamen V.-, atter
ic,4 jaiir, for his „y,..; „,,,pa.b.,•to lIty tlie Mee lieutenant, Wk." said that eerier ri4tillee to court altis a Vc.dlel Of 'Net I
, • , • ., the eirellniil stiev4 nu Wistild Siarretobte.' 4 Cs: why.' .. .
,,,,,e,,fed wee ' e• eoie :Ii,twrier wait II... tneahvfast, Mut than' shippt-d I In 'lie-dist:1i 'ail,113mminid, tlie- Sfieritfi t„,r „, 0„ter t,, marry the systrian, de l,---,
,h Ah,,,,b 0,,,,,,,:th._ awl the f fdesd,s weed to ••a. In the'Me.11W tt A.11 (1411‘.1 tlt .111,1 .1 Iiim with 0" e",‘eoit.' Mediae. de det • 8-- 4 led r t ei v /tient., 10
.. end en rto• lighter "'"e'd 1",tel .4..11 were' hv'ad, i 8111.1 accident- the wOrtielt •••rn- dela r : eg 10 .cstrY h1.... IV win !seek her faithless lover, bet .tinditig her
' et 4r, inel the nowt ally t.r. gems inen the iSar-orairrl. cspi,rie its triumph. The, leen d milt, 10 hire ell the *fr„ru, ...less, ditatinined SO br. I1‘ enged. A
, ava 11,,, or the Slorril and heir of "the..fi
-.hirsute* crew weie way to les 'vitae! eel' dretherins„ outs slid' wend hall was 'given a few do). beek at the
e e,. ,, f ashore at lire.. t v. No hive were lost. 'Ile lieet.is. . . riii.lerice el 111,• Merreaore la, relebrate her
t,r 11,4111. TO et ssel4 o death hurl (melt Mon of a, w,lawit
• w.erey yva,e berm die:,
mparIall ..witsg expeditiuuAte
Tototit r, Forrai/nst.'Ibtrotoe, Leopard,./' Alexae thss s
te, •tt staist, eta Ihatucerl thin, is Jeer:, t 'the . Intreede
ebeh 16_3 tlie Settairagis i•te ehie adventure. a. impi esthete' 6
•fe Fre. it : the Mrelitea;, come ye.
a !top tertil 11,1 (jail • ion 40v ei I irly:e ciel
int.. I sai•e,r. tht'. 1 et' I d.si.:1), eat.o.ue mier mettaetegketed
%nearer Melee 1111044 the! rohlonate.
the ni intelligent rin•I reeretable poe- miii
Gob 4 our 'atholie to.pillatiou Will 000n. 1.,..1.
kestice, UR ir wl.ss proceeding:re 01' th, it+,
encourage . thein (*revere its their 'peter ret
suicidal phit,to plunge peacerul, free ii, ithil in
and happy' orrery into ' iota* etrife ethemuleteript
of liberality eo
sad useloso blorkite...d. „
.ance of the objec in view. ' . \'‘ a! supple:1'0f every kind re ent ed. At . _...._, ...,.
7 c"*".(1 ^01 h" 0°1 mu', it°1Vrt 'lel'. it A I -or its pro 111.1'4 snarl. ''
. SEAS. t azitR. ! • ' . II,,o:1 i' hts, ens emeh
--.a7 ° . TB Lt temeth rteepartieon retired, 'thole., tedit oft- I-4- Wlltwki.rd',nt ll'a 'al° 0."'cw.lw4„ .13. / ' Wo. k I e erallve I like
1!„. for. e•eg..eel.
"v. fe'd 'it., tro 1'...fatsr 4; .4.4, lre e Atlatshe br
uo the Zeth . elm*, ill"1.1n;7•O'C'Wne to tile •Cniel mai tipt. 41
,„ psen. ei„t„,,4 etee eeefieent Ne th Anievie* Wye 111' 44. 11X10 al 10
troctlerd P•tre at. . foeuvable,o it is . , ' • ' • d h ' ' I 1 - ' ' . i.' '
„ .. _ , ' thy ink : v C*104 it i.c.1..1 1%0 altt.ortoitte to herluo"',re wd c'e a tet Y 1,1 I ",..‘o-1,"•' '
•Iirery.„ It is *.frt.itepehlie. .ihrery. stitraSion hod net it vete. t M.\ e. llte'wo`o '' t ;,e•T'''''; d'!"‘'...;"11 IL •'''"''1. °re in 2'....' '•.114.ever7.Clitlie.-e•ria.,
, . ,
r blviiig thseprivilege of;tinee ICtith64 R.$114 wee th a •M 1i4,1!..en.4;', .4 tv;.ieh. ,:d. 1 Iii. tot...ro poi -minas 1,413,111, le.
rely tree that those,,hearing "w"* w.' ""I *1.011", I" 6- d",and• • th, '0'11'4 t.• .1 oi the-emekstete.execr..itlite I, pert. th.,t : ''ete'r'S' his',"
ndepsurate with Abe idtport• t'bstrr.letra,, cat
T. Anti 6, . nit!. in .u, svirit. Iii.oUse,41, 14,,,,411 atiigo.,ava,,pru..111 ,, ,,,,,dt...an;rs,,,..ainialri„,es.,,,Iil,i,,,disittarieeta deidenatt,,,i1V,eintidbetiotin.-i'e,,,luity,eui,c..:It.,,tr,tor,•verire,o,kaiiput j.,;_ii, 1:olottat7,4::.eh,:li7';,...A.,,.r
• ,,,,,,,, th ,...,u 4 h ., p,,,,, in 11,„- hole i,,,, tr.s.,;‘, interim in; hiasee in 311M fast, On -the attn... est. r..,,,. I. j:,,,,,,,,..,,.,1 .
The rllobe, in answer. to a Omen of r , pl„.„,,,,,,„ ,4 g,„,, ie. 1.,,,,,,, e„,,,tiiie.th raiiway, hasheren empanel,. . .
. ' • • 0"1,1lei°''' .t.• I w.04967r0,17,. ,.kei,o....., k lurid I was taken comple•tely by surpriee. ._......-,...--.- : • '-‘---,,,,„,,,hetrethal eith the Creme 'I 1.4. tele ,vu at
\severe gale OR Ituke d' Aureate. tied the POI de Coeds.. : . . er
,Rad Suicide of a Merchant. . -rta. Inerht
_ .
vo htd allot .
sweeping assertion!. by the New York we fl'' I'"? 0044694 * y***.-: 1.1*4• * New i" le7e. "" "a "' ' - t• Servos et h,r men it wis• ki;own were on
by 11i0 11-achurell car.ied sway 0 ..i. e ' •r . when Idadlie de .I.a It- eft-
wilielt h nrepiestionahly, have juet arr. ieed .at Ventee te Virrilltanii l'Oru Music troches...bits Leen e impelled be it „ itithtio*.171.1er‘rifiry'f.his 3‘17.1aw!, '4'1',,,"...87,41"4„, wearae eun,„1,...i'at, sl,aore, a. tvl the ittlierd ja.st eel urt.ed were asleep
of the continent" as. follows : " Who gave '10410 "1"w1"1""
maw...knit \Vet's), L'' 841 li914. id e0"1•'' Moott.eUihr,r1 the Calmat de Paris.
after deand blew Garaheldi vacht 'WWI lying re Cowes,
smeing little girl. of fr twelre to fifteen
(0...Recently, at oacj:ii.ne, three' preens 1, ev`,7: l',7.1217.1.4.f.;:l..".. '11.9.,".,14,1„,,1%"1 We 111.117tr " di "lie d'i.. 111"' hiuw 4iv" th' rg"red"
. rix ....n .. A VOrtiteeit Merest molt phis. * (WI Seth:idiot'
llitelli lhe Louden I ewe, OK 14. pr..itelt.:,1 the Miirquift: with • *Mile Ott her
Herald. announces "fir right to a coiner Lib' Hue nople, ite whiels coy see also di Duke de Jury toe pay $10,090:. Served him right. • ,
the whole continent in fee pimple to . the mg. preventeig fitly one Gem get nue up Korn I tot; eas,,,ifiiii.,,144,u,:i..1 4.e stal,hu,,,,tet olet.seaspnit,tilcielardidas,h.et:
reople of the I. niter' States? They ue
. flourrtiyouellgyhft'rienliouthre,:lia. 1..Vii.in_ •, ee, near'. wainee ifaideirstile whel . btfore leas.
I'm 'realm ul ale, were arrested, in T,u•riiihr white r
, ditml coarli 1,e1nojite to Michieirn mtrol ""w" "'"P"'"i" 740. **"'h tell "ri thu *wit. at No. i Itiehol:,i,d ii:, Mee,. Ilaulrecv hefort 1.0r tate. A sh.41 toue helot+ a tiorranl in
iakas intoj . Capri:rate • "
III I state of intoxication, Ind' eoseteyed to lah',:12;1'h'ir."111thLti;hwe'iatst* itet,!: 11. 11...ephrers. Irn 1 he body of air. Iti.detnee hi ere hatalril a letter. to the Come. Alter
!Wine, all hto commenly. that .fin erker itume11.0 billow.. chte14wei.1 oirt,, the poli..v 'nation. 3.1b,044.2,irf.TrOo,,,,, ‘.2: 2,17;17,. 2 -1tt., w:::10,111,stei,i ;mei% owiss,h1..av oirdia.,e-tesnoale.,,gb,; (intim, herd 42 years Ile soot a etelet.a.d I rcetling il the latter turned 'mac, and Howe -
people have n right to be heve-but theYs.dui
We make no such pretension, but We do ..
dent reports two vessels ashore at Eine. 1-
. 1:1...Conrad Wetlaufer, of Eraliope, actei• l' pWa".14f11,;,:rt CIIII:e.11(173111?.1"Clihel111131 '37eehri .1;14 11 lie C''Pliii,i "...Lb., wing out.! " you: trill•run into Inliw .617' 4,41 Ina Ir3n'4"-I'''" 1"1'. t"4"' i ilikleit went "I'
' Iro d at't tit ke care," at -the same tithe .1.•
p,...y on the C•trn. Eittillange norl sill, New ,,-,,,,,,W.,,serej st,,,ht,,a • ith a teinued lashes.
twit, Itu• evehmee shoe,•4 that he hail lilreeS. while diet of Mdlie de La II--. was
T44 'heat dry Ins body
Secrecy of tlie Conference.
e. ..I. large schooner hes betel lying Our centrum:Mary-La 'Afiseree Evendale . cl.....teliy shot his an. in the shorniteli a fewe tru:k ; reel the finee of the e,inctienori drove °,`1,i7 •
justified in maintaining our eeparate au-
tonomy ast they would be agaiest tKe aom-
.11eir stabile °fall:stress, her Beg flying half-nisst lioc,:4."131.14% Ulla"' and were rnwie bY %de
teeday (Th.uredayl morning, evidently in et „eorescreet were preffered lo elie Hon Mr
wit" Minu *14‘1* °I re" ''''' ill' .1 "V015tion, dan lin" while out hunting ; h• was dikell !1.11,,,,ilitkherot14hornos,,alem,rwsee.,:at.;,n, co.% aos,,....iyme,,,,asie,..igya. .i1.: ":11444;',',2.71,,,ii4ehr.,1;. or wdt.lveirioutlnied,eris wo?,..,...1
loch et Quebec mei M.rntre Were trnmider. die. -
r 14rown at 1 oronto. lilac
me It w,as fully expected that no further!
eariement of the trial of trul..er would tette '.• 4 rt • 'hew I rle. -
. 1, b;hind. the beeereiom car ermined i *et, e,:ellre' bia,..,,,tt Thotwits ois th
re 'Ilie Weichawst outt riot itas
. . e 2m1 hist. tor trouble had Nevi d upon his mind ii. m "not I
sustained very Fr`e•re 10%1104 III 0/11114,114011 found in the river oleic,' rio.S ila a Awl dis-
oe'ilitthioAulN.`'erii.rn..10,:,..dk, Li:!Llai‘1,1.111'saiolLit.1,•,*:!putsn,.. itio4...ee4udfr.•(!om, tiltoce;town. The lattiquike is de-
. f ii•- at_ anchor off Greierich harbor since yes -
believe that being liere. we are as u v
Limed powers of Europe, were. t
we believe, is or- the t. is, thet Wool first to hist i),,wre hos 2 ie h ' October.
and tied it would:commence ou the4" . • . .
laroulh the c..ach, swevierie off the top, hie •
errower as we we aro, , fame net he,t ,
' . . came In hie ferther's home. eareer in the flat
dioreseing mariner. thiel hamilay het lie
., :Leer' i. DR01-6111T IN CALIFURNI4.-A prie
wpon.our effort; with favotir. . We bliing nee 'reek (0 hoo,e been id, 1. troops ve deeereel r,t, 11te Uotteri State.. forwent part ereaged ketone...emit death.-- 110.43, Ike' 1141;11 ellen. sod assonance to et" ;
., itliiin. , C,...14. 1 is said that nearly 1,0140 Ilritieh , hotr it, end 4,:..ce A iiiii;:e passengerin the a !seer with brittle M whiekey before hies werw esuelir there. Ile nelll'd the lwr%unt if
. 111\41 /wit, battering ram it swept everything \ rjw The us. Ilr thithrie s.sys: I hero beard than the Maur et whieh his hitl er and teethe," k::::1;:d12,11.tiegmr11:111;E:id:Sac,"Heibre:F:iis''11,,,IIC,f7h 4.1i1:75:;.;"' t;:fl:
they we, e at home,and 'am 1,1.,,,,,,,,, th..t they tiren?Seet9,:tee.IP'..tesi:.1.1Y::.'ainheeS1.7h.:...'111:.:".1.111070714)
ganizing a crew to go to her telii,:f:' ...If been a luodi:r eolatnillei in flini'mattet of , telaerne th • sides of tleecer unbreken. tele\ ,•
existenee threatened. ' To this end it is ingi.‘'. Cart" pl`neeY'
that England gives her aid tri us,and looks
be undertakes tlie tapk, all will be-. dole ! 7,,F„ril'Z' •h.t indiv...loals either proPusedar
with the mother country, preferring al. elf'olin;:ii", cattle, had lost all hut 611 fry starvatiito. sod
. that in within the brands of possibility. It I eecteetor. ism, it. we hey,. tte,„,.1- „a .41 deri. ; lb 'as( yes! for the big bountiee. Al at emerte! th,. conch it Jumped the hearer, " F.,,e^ cie.ttn of OA M senate a,einethi„e were n .t, h. eeUt. into dm d meg, remit,
legienee to her to a limited 1„,,,,,,,,,hip suffer so near ae - hull, if hy any means 'the result has &Mr/nitrated Gee the sueges- ' ..‘ ,,,,4, fuerreprielar,"jelnihteitrrsos.f, (.,1,,,.• i dmizr,tgirze thao,.,,ut ti,..7.elr.,,,,,e,ic,:lt,....,..et,rfr..,:r,, zitelt. oaf toupee.' ,a,,,iii.,, ., heth:,„,,,i, pt.ratuele me that what Tee brneeht. Ile three cloeml the doer, and ethers Mel not raided any esteble thieg.-
WWwld 6; dlimerul aa allow a ere" 1" 1 doy, „ught t„10.4 been ;leen t.; tte: p.u.b.ie7. son .i1.,,i. tIli,,,,e ir.i.r: 1 s , 1 teueks mien *retch it rusted. 'and,. the 'erel ht be . wed it at reeettail with Ihniihslie ' nelerin . that aegetriential seme water shoe; I
desirous of perpetuating our connexion
but whit the co errotee • teed u on d iv t.
with the United Statee,. she would be ,•nothetYaL311114r tobebeni:otedrough• The Ipt.•: does ti,m mode by sum. 4, the representatives yr] 0°I; d!
ao.day! ewe a the kren Wes a wiSe eat! proper troei bet the, C:.)- A 1..b. u. wee rogerriruilty, .I the .1 feet the ,,r1..pani possenzers (.1 the ill feted
, ,nhout thiriy teepees. etad to this 'wimple 11. 41 In int Miele It SO; tad In the *MAR father reurrned. IIe Ivo. then 41114C0tel chi
/0•104e n't i. lirSeli1C, Mt 0 Wii A ereature or the rtaiii OM 11.4 entered till lithee ohm hi.
oil of :Vitrul, stii is I in: .. the elm It as theagh asleep, , must, of rouric, be • great deal ef stifferiug
1 lie emigration had been large, and there
falec to her trust, to her character, to her l . - : main ity of the ennferrnaVehatinaiely rell'eseg Asepses ns '00.1 nek last week, of rtablirriag coach nwe their lives. lied tee eeear C0 Primate ie id. 'Aineik of* how temente off 8 eng . 0 OW utile Ahead eteetie euritainli'a'a‘; afilortrit the ilinigranfs hel",sre the eropa tome
fame, were Ow test to stand by us -the . ' . i u etef smother year. They sre lew kin,/ • great
f'Arttli °V .A"°T" RAttiElt''- anionic the parop.e, they deepedo lilt the veil /le° Mr. Cnrnieh, in the Iteneteutinre, • , entered, not a eted oruld bete eicaped. Thus ine Om It is a creature of I i I. Ile woidd
resent Mhyor of lent it „tee it, e the C., w,,,..1 peumeige.s were not am many'•uell creatureo, tumbler in\wha.h hi lout milted nettle ly ot effort in San Francisco to aid the suffer -me;
t. • te see it. %%hen at text thoy hrel thet secreey .
iy's offitaJbara, rind wo . gone theanigla tin the same line up•m which it *Iasi tif vitro!, ..0...e...o innse,f by so • (IMMO Of erititide of 1."1."1"1", °"d th'' have her! several pith ic fleeting, .ane aein
trial. •
; The fit. Albrin's .1fesernyrr nos that and make the. puha., aware ot thee destiny pre. dm, re o eendidan, fe , ',errantly erode,' hi death,' A little fat 'her *ay. • W la sy ill irtiod in its own 8µ:ei.illhlts.riel IntiteielheZlan't "'tett tail'in'tistlehlitohru hjit•hadro.ind..ol'01.7k ti*:ii:hlitt:uhd.ieseburasininignemoritil,:::litni"ei::'g:Nsuurnalthietdrue.ti-'iisTAiddavriatiV:
Monroe doctrine or any other emanation' is breeding distruet and I. -tidied, to irritation "tented to seven yita
at iVaterloo, (7. E., on 31.nalay.
ne " speech but while they were in Mon al,... Sow% e 1 win he the firth car lirmight in Ime with the tom of :he seats !serving • mart when be l4 dew!. Ile ir"e pre
and here it wits I hat herd. were cruelte4 like el the Worit thinga in the wield for l'iltessi4e°r": (11411"011,111g1.."'llienawmtk'itibil 41,1' sith'et.er.41:-trr:blitli!..sineineyj
effect. On lliti tonlet hleii4le the emits were send the *omit,.
of Ariterican impnatim to the contrary ' lbe • Itislorgil/ r''r , bock. nod lite eievation ottlet derithekeding is tiollitog like %Indy hi dais hui
constitution of Maryland waa der the rem 'who were Stunt:lint Were struck dnw,s, *Lee ' ktmei aldrekrt,71,,,,p,i,,,,t, hirn,,:up:th:,shkL lye fx, ....ii,ri;Fitzd...4,.„7,vie4,214.7,4,1,,k.: itl,:i;I:s..asirzelli is,: SAFI 0110rita.-The„Ctrwodica. one of tive
nofiithmtnn•ling." - ' another of the bank thieve» was : mited tiered tor them. That convieteMeiteetne to time, If he succeed*
- - • vee . ....-- - have been forced un them alter Me\Cartisr's year he has held the offl " But what it he .
Irmo Yemeni. Ashore l - made for the here, threatening .to Rhone until it is kitown. It i. tree thet eiiipiel
kaltiinure on the 1st instaut. ' 't abltet of the Fie, 1, rniindion p.p.,. er
. .
\ c:".• Thy: freeing of slaves eg.1-011elli. A little further, arid those only , Mg a Matt when be re iiViltd. 11 'yen Watii.Liti- loiter; thee 1:* glent Met 1.01,4,1, end
submitted rs• ilig Potatorte appear to arnmenced in i but a step heyend, pretseateers ceemaert. eith wee -4 lerwerl-a' nada, thaw reties am petition in ref- '
KINCARDINE. . iwit getting 4,01 a wave at a li yet y stable, Th„.1„1:011 Mien hate oublie appruval, tir it .
-- Colorrial l'ar dant in ,Canarie Gee year. In 'eq. 6hu.1 ' b t a scram+ vire here Cie selint, rs raf IN,. him. It was a earts1 thieg ie. preserving truntifes orehieh he spoke h.is been Midi* Vineell. The correctness of this position in
wreck. A number of theileed weft .0 vglitly 'theblead admiral, *hen they put hires in a covered tillhis death, up tti‘which, he lied • • to the uestion ut a teem; ot the Pro-
. when, Peeing nn foffieer approlehing, he mane fail. It cannot wicure public appr Id
' ''''''"1" il('N'An^"P`r, s". 40' 2.21 "(4'7 thmttgh the ehouider, though''neit ditnzor. 1 iiino 1..bie.,1,..toilil,thitriareilf iiitui:th80;;:iieuo„.F.1,1, :?,,,,,zp.:::::i. b,..0,011.71,,,,,,,...1 by b, . te. wee ,,t,..,.:.:ene.ts., . onet.i..,fen,cli bith•etwpare,,,,,a tnhceorbeentt,,,,..tmi, ithlatthhe,.. in,:et44:e4ii. .1511 MIaleltedn; hut it wee 4 had thee( tee the. fieert ereraid.red • proeperows Mien, and seitt
.11ilore whets tney Itapprd the cask, mid dMork betels. peclittinty haloes,' dilli, Owe. . The tile interests of Slimmers thouwelves, is alma -
o we 1.ave not but -
any one miming near him. 1 he ofbeer, I may feted the publacetion d any ofheiol doe
sly. The railer, wing how matters ! th!e. wenmele in smite tineffieMe yet rePI:alt1;', haurteewrez,,,,,wite Isnr,:une,1:11, , inobfe0M,,,I,e;n1 ;helm else ', VISO SIMI ta tie mused by jwitorerwo, iweam-taler.timewroili they awn the whines* •• tel never says OUr 10111r•sopmuy,
letely ueimeerichelde. ° For eiraselvese•
(from our Speevel Correspondent.) undaunted, made for him, the rascal mak. unwire r•f this sort weir it hos liven
and the A..1. Rid., with 17,000 bushels
. rankles . are glad Ilutt )11.1144 •rs be.. at le uk 11 hee,,me enlj 11 11 e.
1 in . rreetil dinner to the members ol th :,,l'h bil:','Li',1,,,,Jii 1/4.° aTehte'u.;th.,t,,,erifr;,,tel't enN 1.i.17.41,1,i,e; i 11.c 2.01.21,:.7.11,..04,71,,,,,, ,:zru..,,:i.;...,.:ntiziid.i.:. :"T.:1;::.11,ifi,r'iy":.1;:y.:14(:11:71:::::::111:4if!hi::::.::::id::!.4,1.t:',4:!;:dl'i4,1,4":1e.".":1:,ijuell,poutieddit.. •6111".14.,:,71:11.iev:1111:1:1":",,,,,Pkti,..inlii"rbireg,olit,,itti.hh.'"i.:;:nli:"'enovit;s:an,l.liide'r.,:•:,...ltakfilliii.'7:.-:
ing good his worde bishoottno the officer
bind the north pier, viz : the k'oresorrler, etneni, picked up a brick and kneeled term must go forth to prevent all sorts ol Perm vreiehine four mem& I Is that re, Free . they could be taken mit. The ear drilds•J lett his ship- -high sed dry.
Two vessels have just went uhore be- 01.
4 olomai ( onfererier et Montreal, 0 ' MI wore meetly .inerliers. Anione he tuntout *hue in a elate OP unsound rated, hnd phase. The welf:•Ito Vona "MP. ., ,,, ,
heed. the work
isintermetathnis aryl 4,,,roneeptions. We fee, ii,n..1 s. mamonoef, 1. .%. 1,k,
o. on wieed net accept invitatio
of Port !lope, Coptairt Sims, Itehigats, I down the "'Confederate gentlemen," who m
Carnet," Rank were rowel in lila pOsSeS. .
a ress.tn thait ° to 'Wei:a wt ul I he lc,' without fire, the jot, lkstre te drew attention to the ilan,:er Itteparetl 01 4.140 8 fling 01- lb. 1-?.terten •
diagnosed dollars in bills on the I' ' co...ineed et th e, .....1 neve , wounrf was Mr.j.,hui N• V• Midolvra. SI. i e..venel the mean. of coult.ne
Ile lees jrat 11 iti before the academy 11 e rime
WU then immediately eeeured. Two
spe.2..... 111.11 211,11 -0 -rt..' • '
, . . . none in tne *Pit, and not either by Key ira• to the, polities! pregramme of the
' ' • - "dent i i 'mire writ a *viand in the Poetised, had your nraid 1.1 a 'deck len, eovered with 11111(gest that in al) eases the purpose lo which lo the men, **h.., --, - . ...
urging es I a' It I et Ill ' tl ' - ' . i 1 I Ind e of it on its own NW r 1 1 4 . widrout respect
, coupe,' eseenet m reer. o. I at Merl. le ..r,t 1,.. I. x lir nmetitol. •.1* recipe is et prate, e.e of partasaioin to unknown pet -Min.. Me to 2
Catherineso Camels Wht, Win ef Mr. Those It of permittiee the indleeriniinitle Stile id c)nn- . sill lic sahmitied to the reo"trJ. woo e mem
....tWeveee.-A oorr...r„,o4e,t or the .rosit, , - '- .,. ''• • ' -•-•-•., ,_ be_ .theme at the eissuinA iseecots n1 I'm I isineet, i 011,4.0 4411 ssi:,liers and the sieve havine 01
1."'"nt , lb combing M. both It.p. Tle• reason, it di sno.1,7 iu,,,,,,e ,,t ow,.
sice tu he of hetter flavour thim ii cooked in
and stood it in the So demily a &GI 14 it, 41.1 14101.1 should be I ! . „ (h. ronstal.
tin• indulgence tremude
° . e .1,
of wheat.. The captain an:1 mate itt still .... tem ie. t a ea. t .
or board the A. J. Rich. Two attempta sion. ''t ! partial silenue here, antl the fuller explana
. . . ,
men in -Thar Culbert. of K i ne led ine, 1111 . , • . drown at I oronto .11114ter4 need en tar•
t of hint Ile W*4 N.it,44e41 In Itrr ordinary way. lite we me in a nevem heir intention, hut solely horn the point ot
mu, fleetly dr„..nnd. 11,,,,, h„aw, tw.„ lying covey rat g ed iri tee County of Perinea, oa i _. /pet.
e h d . • but '8 h'i'd :Illr''inikn:tht."'henPP17:1"(wedti" ..c"Iintevhdel: 'I; .rtairilring goterennett team+ at the trine. its (ems an I.: " ' ' •
. ration. etesh wilier in Pave.> when, in view ef the publie item -eats. it
have boon merle to get them off,Mit failed. tended lark. 01 eritiriy to as in the moo Ar : ti ele ,
is w,Nrikks opporitinn to the , net „eel, he h., (raceme! death wee Ate feet sun. Tele ',titer 4.01ti hOilii, nerd the f.t.id is
MI converted to the opener% that publicity nest, fleet., e carefully niCellaitif4..•
the north shore of the St. ',mermen. If the 1 . " .. IlOY LOVE. ii......1 project W faulty, it will he nem:merry in
Th. yawl upeet the tint' attempt with firs r (1°14 °N 4" x""'" s" "" "r Tim, ST' by My over** +poi re prescrile..1 limits „f 'Mr. ime'RtrY' '
ry IS anteentle, it 1. 'wee .wee or meeh • . • i be mt.. reels of the confederatirm male wi
ealaplete breeeh over them. The men Internet, the preuenee ad the rreerous mete,
so touch iiiforroall'iii, and toe., *, Mr Blown i*sne eg,nest the !Rama hy (ieneral Gelde ' Th. r w ka -11, rela et -ear encreenter in 1
!will return Nene in as few days. I or re'eel it : if ttn the contrary it 6
north ehore 4.1 the St. Lawrence never ns, , el. . e ,, • rat and itrong bass, owe
imader and Mtintroal Gazette inianageti ,,, gee C-.1" Very nenrevire Infers bees been the sue se re miestitute Cri a kitelem lire and think 'el ia aft.. Ora., ie l'..7 1"1.
Isalelon Si less., ii Will Ilt.1.1,7 d:, le Grim tn Otte of the rprere.st and fairniest things to coneeived in sidle a...
, ___-_
yeer1. 11ess in hoth maul,. will bo saved. ' No sooner Canada should be the first to aewept
broad:tide to the beach --the mem making it d,„,.,„ • i ' . • . . 1st letnerve is puzzled to know line the
et the A. J. Rich mime ashore in the "" the 00 5 le.ky 0444.*el. Avowedly the ten Mutual* the "P'."., eOninI4m1,,r. Imerieonment ney , e c't eridiy nee,' ratieem, a Orrh. Ire about soi. useful um Om mu:met...1 . the , ha hegira. to imagine himself' • num. end to , -The NitottrItel frozefile __,, "
i ei poilishIltly la, that thiS new S0;01,1004 oil riOre a 11,:y Arq.i 0 a to ershi• atntare, than lemony %NT ('Allitele MireTTIMP Ito WI WWI.
e to Qralwre saw
preng a leak in bake ,a7 4 0.,1 „ ere,' „,a,,, from remote, newel faeere from hen. The facet are eimple. One Wan 001.1iertl in earryieg
otAl".1 "1 the tow,. *he do net ate the Perin. , tecornotire 00 the evening Irmo for Waishang• 'tele .. in endeavour ire/ to array( sunbeam. 1 ell the tali gra Is h.. nog meet. aulertlawd Herwi .
proreets 0,1 sot its . y of Tuesday says: -
named could .ratt nothing out of Mr. Bream. breed and wailer fare are proporad, ro, the ' item • 1 a lie.% tette. I he lend whem Om inhshim.e.. occupied ',hem ' met 44‘....44& w.YI• 11., (I." "28 gl•nc." at - " ti".illerl "w" retern-ig • 1
haritig been GOServed Ilehiee. 11 , eilley 1 y on . , •
. .
Commiationer Gorham, eri Friday merning, hut white thirty are added to the deem t..1.1, to eeeney. Isith lon &Indy, more than Ono I • McCiellan demonstration. The men in slot FATAL Acidionet.-: An inqueet was held 'i erect, and et' nos •
; beer -mire a regular attendee' et elmrch , be ha1d tem week, hileaseet t 1 m
art (7.11tinot 4 owned. ere be
ee:e• Ihe Beal° corinierrial Adrerfeter They were the IlIel to ef veil or Mc... noel,
14.• The Mersin:sae Mills at [kraut lost no the charge re ereleavra. mg in induce a re• thing is impeetibie. The delearates n.,fu room in het home, h.
t- n St to be given up to pronffissinn were very naltirall• erten Tod, and 1. nr meeting ,n,,i,.. • mite, helds het head ' row. Attorney U•seral Macdosald, Omagh
kl telt Igso, ,ismso Low* orra examim•d babfre 1". S. mini can keep • ssriet, seldom two or three; ereeetldiegs •41titilit the Ihines. So Dana ja 1 shirty .is yen° 4 loi,es, ehaeh eee* feeler* OI ,
eat their tyrannical 1 ton struck and °street ft chariot eonIsiniti2 from evieumhors.
the assetning nf ell Matra mill horologe in the eelleted to simierphils to the Qom.. S domin• 1 al terms with the raen who met them et gde. a 1 the Schleatrig liolawiners, who foolishly little el hat weer. l'rme still enwell, we regret to beer, is better, Mei
This A. 3. Rids a
$3011,000 hy heini burned down•. What iii erilit (MAO erdered) whant he had fresleesly to talk 0 2040 141 the vaguest and illest gene, 4,r eoldiers, who are mimed and loathed hy itts,,,t, ,h, ,,,in, ..,,,,I erne -e it twee inte ling of Anelet,.• altos', serth g,,,,oth„pp, on , qtwit as the proper •roll, twelo.s0 il hen MA: dialwly• l. a itwwwwafr " 4°. 194"4"1.6.1.
on Saturday, by cementer Mul4r, at the dwel I wetly. MIA Very Anon, he falls ... levet rs. .,,i joi., hie eoileagura 'falba eepital linnsi•
' r will shoetly promed
New Eaglaret Stales? , ions. Ile um oommitted ler trial. hee, hut (Ivy were net eleeee go epeeiall *new lulleht their aid. . the wawaa. 1„wha 'ere twee.. bat ao law, the body of • man a.m.,' Je.14111 l'Olier, who , enlet. his happy, delirious selrabsseerteet. Ho 1 members ot the Mingle y
I 7 I luad royale to les death A), the falling a a tree . perfumes oili hair with frig/rail oils, *rattan' to England out mike brafewIll.•
%educing a %faille. de lee 11-, one of die
mom cherming ladies m 1.1itiniiion.
. •