HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-08-27, Page 6WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES jforaoE CT THESE IJLwant AB’S 3OE3QX oraoE 0X301 i _ BRING k RESULTS i s o n o 4 r® li cent? a word pen insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c, O n o Adam Johnston ,of Ash' Emerson and Mr. Bert visited on Sunday at the S' 9IS0133X3330K30] CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements at John T. Bell’s, 5th line of Morris, on Thursday, Sept. 3rd. No re­ serve as farm is sold. Terms—Cash. James Taylor, Auctioneer. OE3O [0X30][OE3O? ELECTRIC Washing Machine at a bargain for quick sale; also child’s sulky. Buchanan Hardware. EXECUTRIX SALE—The under- signed auctioneers have been in­ structed by the Executrix of the estate of the late J. A. Brown to sell by public auction at the farm, North Half Lot 11, Con. 9, Morris, on Saturday, Sept. 5th, 1936, the ■farm, fawn stock and implements and household effects. Terms on . farm to be made known day of sale > —all else on sale, cash. Mrs. John A. Brown, Executrix; Thos. Gund­ ry & Sons, Auctioneers. IMPORTANT NOTICE ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDG­ MENTS COLLECTED Our collecting department is a re­ sult of years of successful experience in collecting local or out of town ac­ counts. Personal calls made on all cases, if necessary, No collection, no charge. Remittance made monthly. Mail your list of accounts to-day to Burke’s Collecting Agency (License 176) Office over W, R, Smith’s Store, SEAFORTH l^ox 498 CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE—Scotch Collie pups, six weeks old. Apply W. G. M. Reid, Phone 619r4. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ross and family wish to gratefully acknowledge the expressions of sympathy and kindness of their friends and neigh­ bors, also Rev. J. Pollock, in their re­ cent sad bereavement. ing at the home of Mrs. J. G. Gilles­ pie, returned to her home in Wilton Grove on Sunday, Mrs. Gillespie and Miss Agnes accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Win- nifred and Carman and Mrs. Buxton visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. field. Mrs. A. Cullimore home of her daughter, Mrs. Hackett of Blyth, Among the depredations of the Saturday night storm, they notic­ ed that part of Mr. Maitland Henry’s barn roof was gone. Mrsk W. R. Farrier and Carman visited on Friday in Goderich with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Phillips, who have been on a trip to Quebec. Mrs. Buxton and her family returned home with her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs.1 George Tiffin of Langside. ■ ' Mrs. K. W. Lowe of Toronto is visiting with her brother, Mr. Ken­ neth Weaver and Mrs. Weaver.’ Mr, and Mrs. Roy McKay daughter of Toronto, visited his ter, Mrs. Walter Lott one day week. SALEM WHITECHURCH FOR SALE—Wicker Baby Buggy in good condition. Apply Advance- Times. IMPORTED MIDDLE WHITE BOAR for service. England’s first and best breed, being correct col­ our for crossing. No sows kept but mineral supplied at cost for barren sows. Good Yorkshire sows only acceptable. Fee $3.00 cash “saved in feed”. Apply to N. Sanderson, South half of lot 16 and 17, Hul- lett. PIGS FOR SALE—9 suckers 6 weeks old. Ed. Baird, Glenannan. WANTED FOR COMPANY—Lady or school girls for roomers. Ap­ ply to Miss R. Lewis, Edward St. NOTICE TO CREDITORS * All persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Jackson late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, widow, are hereby notified to send their claims verified by statutory declaration, setting out full particulars and the nature of the claim and the security if any held, to the under mentioned solicitors for the "‘executors on or before the third day of September A.D. 1936. And further take notice that immed­ iately after the said date distribution of the estate will be made having re­ gard only to the claims then properly ‘ filed. Dated at W-ingham this 14th day of August 1936. , R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Wilkinson of Fingal visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott and other friends on Wednesday last week, A severe electrical storm swept over this dictrict late Saturday night, corn fienlds were flattened, trees were up­ rooted, and cars coming home from town encountered great difficulty in keeping on the road, telephone wires were broken and fuses burned, out. Mrs. Ferguson of Culross visited last week at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Miss Catherine McKenzie North Bay, is spending her with Kinloss relatives. Miss Muriel Purdon had sils removed in Wingham on Monday last. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held on Wednesday last, with the President, Mrs. Victor Emerson .in charge. After the opening exercises, Mrs. Joe Tiffin read the Scripture lesson, and Mrs. Moore had charge of the chapter in the Study Book. Mrs. McBrien handed in a short Memorial for the three valued mem­ bers of this society, which have pas­ sed on during the past two months; Mrs. Wm. Purdon, Mrs. Wm. Bee­ croft and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt. The temperance slips were read, and Miss Janet Scobie sang, Mrs. McBrien and pie led in prayer, closed by prayer The ladies decided to hold a program and tea at the home of Mrs. pie on Tuesday, when the ladies’ Mission Circle would with" the W. M. Society. I Mrs. Ogilvie and children of Tor- ’onto spent last week with her father, ;Mr. John Clubb. i Mr. and Mrs. Will Shaw and Shirley . returned to Toronto on Sunday, af- ; ter spending the past week with her I mother, Mrs. MacGregor. ■ School re-opens on Tuesday next, - the same teachers will be on hand ’ again in the schools of this district. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patten of Lucan spent the week-end at the home of , her mother, Mrs. A. Fox, who is now able to have the cast off her broken wri-t. ’ Mr. ■ ' cd frrm - day Ia« ; ‘ Mr. , Verna ■’the ho Brier.. ; Miss R. N. of holidays her ton- Hospital and sis­ last The Misses Catharine and Mary Johnston, of Lucknuw, are visitors with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Campbell and •Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell and Donald visited on Sunday with friends in Lucknow, Miss Irene Jefferson and Messrs. Cameron and Hilliard Jefferson and Mr. George Wallace spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson, of Munro. Miss Alma Thompson, of Wing­ ham, spent a few days with her aunt, Miss Euphemia Chamney, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Chamney and daughter, Anne spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,. J. Johns­ ton, Whitecburch, > Miss Mary Jefferson has .returned to the home of her grandmother, Mrs. C. Jefferson, Miss Irene Robinson has returned from a week’s visit with relatives at Parkhill. Mis Rose O’Connor, of Parkhill, visited with her sister, Miss Margaret O’Connor. , Miss Anne-Cummins, R.N., of Tor­ onto, is a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. M. Cummins. Pkg.^-lb. Pkg. YELLOW LABEL AYLMER Save Money and Drink Superior Quality Teas J^-lb. Pkg. DOMINION LIMITED Thursday, August 27th, 1036 They Are Always the same Consistent High Quality RED LABEL Domino Richmello AYLMER Crushed — Sliced or Tid-Bits xPineapple 2 & 33 ■ ■ Miss Rona VanVelsor of Wroxeter visited Miss Eve McMichael on day recently. Mrs. Osier and daughter of Ljst- owel spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bolt. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Cranch and children, Vivian and John of Rochest­ er, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir and other friends. Mr. and Mrs.- Walter Lott from Whitechurch vicinity and Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Kenneth of London, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer. During the severe eletrical ’storm which passed over this district last Saturday night, Mr. Leslie Bolt’s house was struck with lightning. Con­ siderable damage was done to the back kitchen, but fortunately no fire occurred. Miss Edythe Weir accompanied by Miss Margaret Mitchell of Moles- worth, called on friends at Lucknow one day last week. Mr. Walter Bush called on Mr. and Mrs. end. Edwin Palrper over the week* ST. HELENS AW/ ui [I BUS SCHEDULE Effective May S, 1936 Standard Time Leave South Bound 7.10 a.m., 8.45 Leave North Bound 12.15 p.m., *4.15 p.m., 8 50 Leave West Bound 12 noon, *4 p.m., 9 * Saturdays Only. p.m. p.m. p.m. Itineraries planned to all points in Canada, United States and Mexico Consult local agent Queens Hotel, Phone 11, Brunswick Hotel, Phone 148 Central Ontario Bus Lines Ltd., Toronto “Just for To.day.” Mrs. J. G. Gilles- The meeting was by the President. Gilles- young merge Clarence McCIenaghan return­ in Wingham Hospital on Thurs- and M Wes me Janet rs. Percy Vincent and .{field, spent her mother, Scoble, who Sunday at Mrs. Mc- was visit- Buyers Of Maitland Creamery B B ■ and Poultry | THE UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE ■ COMPANY, LIMITED. fi I W Ingham, - « Ontario. ■ Wifey: “I wonder why it is that a nautical mile is nearly a sevent longer than a mile on land.” Hubby: “Well, darling, that’s very simple. You know how things swell in water.” SEE Q Puffed Wheat Pkg. 9c Pearl SOAP 10 33c ■ ■ M Puffed Rice 2pk£s23c Frumenty—Cereal GOOD HUMOR, Horne’s PUNCH DRINKS London — Candy CRYSTAL MINTS - - lb. 196 BROOMS Good Strong each 296 pkg. 236 13-oz. hot. 256 SAFETY n* • • Junket’^ Hcnssn'i Trede-Hark For RENHET DESSERT POWDER /W- for making Rennet-Cuitard I Dessert, Package 11‘ SHORTENING EASIFIRST OR DOMESTIC Pkgs- DOMESTIC (only) PRESERVING REQUISITES 5 Med. Size — Doz. Mrs. Neil Stuart and Miss Florence Stuart, of Evanston, Ill., are guests of Mrs. J. B. Rutherford. Miss Mary McDonald, of Ripley, was a week-end guest of Miss Kath­ leen Thom. . J Mrs. Will Taylor, of Blyth, is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor. Rev. T. C. and Mrs. Wilkinson and Murray, of Fingal, were calling on friends here last week. Mr. J. H. Wallace, Mrs. E. J. Thom, Miss Jean Thom and Mrs. W. A. Miller have returned from a motor trip and visit with friends at Barrie, Peterborp and Norwood. The meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Sunday evening with a good, at­ tendance. Bob Purvis read the Scrip­ ture lesson and Miss Irene Woods chose as the subject of her topic “Life Awakening”. Vera -and Murray Tay­ lor favoured with a duet. Miss W. D. Rutherford, Mrs. W. I. Miller and Miss Isobel Miller visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, Port' Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Robb of Strat­ ford were recent visitors with their mother, Mrs. Joe Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinn of Tot­ tenham, Mrs. House and son, Basil, of Timmins, were recent guests of Miss W. D. Rutherford. Messrs. Ready of London, were week-end visitors at the former’s home here. Miss W. D. Rutherford, Mrs. Neil Stuart, Messrs. Hugh Rutherford and W. I. Miller were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, Port Al­ bert. , Neely Todd and John DONNYBROOK The St. Augustine Worden’s Insti; tute meets at the home of Miss Eu- phemia Chamney on Wednesday, Sep­ tember 2nd. Mrs. Dowson and grandson, Efic Dowson, of Toronto, have returned to their home after spending a few weeks with the former’s brother, Mr. Alex. Anderson. Mr. Mason Robinson, Miss Jean Robinson and Mr. Gordon Naylor were week-end visitors with friends in London and Tilsonbttrg, the latter attending the wedding of liis cousin, Mr. Carman Naylor, in London on Saturday. Misses Margaret and Ruth Robin­ son have returned from a visit with their sister, Mrs. Jos. Thompson, of Tilsonburg, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Totter . and family, of ParkhiH, were Sunday vis­ itors' at the home of Mr. J. C. Rob­ inson. 69 Specials Effective fo rAugust 27, 28 and 29. gal. 396 Zinc doz. 206 ib. 2 pkgs. 256 - - 236 - bot. 276 SEALERS BULK VINEGAR RINGS. Rubber 56 5 MUSTARD, Compound $4.29 Large Size || Doz. PAROWAX - , PICKLING SPICE, Whole CERTO - - - - - * DOMINION STORES — LIMITED 1 1 ASHFIELD tor spent a couple of days withSpecial speaker. / Mrs. R. McCrea and Mrs. G. Proc- friends at Clinton.... BECAUSE WE SELL THE ONLY TIRE WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY • An amazing new invention, the Life-Saver Golden Ply, has solved one of the greatest problems of motoring safety —heat. This heat, generated inside your tires, is the great, unseen cause of high-speed blow-outs. Now the Golden Ply resists heat so that blow-out blis­ ters do not form. The only tire in the world with Golden Ply blow-out protection is the Good­ rich Silvertown. Put this protec­ tion on your car and play safe. ■ NO EXTRA COST! In spite of the fact that it cost Goodrich thousands of dollars to build the Grolden Ply into Silver- towns, these life-saving tires cost no more than other standard tires. You get months of extra money­ saving mileage, too, with Silver- towns. Come in and see us today and let us equip your car with this blow-out protection. SAFETY Silvertown WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN FLY SPECIAL PRICE ON QUALITY SPICES Matthew - Wells Vinegars............................. .............................35c a gal. PEACHES - PEACHES - PEACHES THERE IS ONLY ONE DOMINION STORE IN WINGHAM The annual Thank-Offering meet­ ing of the W.M.S. of the Ashfield Circuit was held in Hackett’s United Church on Sunday afternoon. Miss Sutton, a missionary on furlough, ad­ dressed the large gathering. Mrs. Will MacLean, of Saltford, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Roy Alton. Mrs. Jim Burns, of Lucknow, spent Friday with her friend, Mrs. John Mullin. , Miss Gladys Wilkins of Paisley is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Bert Al­ ton, Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Campbell spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell, of W. Wawanosh. Goins . ISEPT-4 r until I sepJ-L pETUPN Leave *^£$8,1936* knight Specials Effective fo rAugust 27, 28 and 29. C. N. Merkley WINGHAM BELGRAVE The August4 meeting of the Bel­ grave Women’s Institute was held at the home of Freda Jordan. It was in charge of the girls of the branch. Mrs. N. Keating presided for the op­ ening. It was decided to send a don­ ation of fruit and vegetables to the Children’s Shelter at Goderich. More names were also given in for the shf rt course to be held in October. Edith Procter took charge of the program. Helen Grasby, local teacher, thanked the Institute for the first aid kit which was supplied to the school. A. duet by Freda Jordan and Nora VanCamp was enjoyed. A paper, “The Necess­ ity of a Vacation”, prepared by Irene VanCamp, was fead by Mary Van- Camp. There was a reading by Edith Procter and the current events dis­ cussion led by Anna Grasby. Lunch was served by the girls. Mrs. Jno. Pearin of Toronto “was a visitor with her* cousins, Charles and Albert Coultes. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Stonehouse and daughter, of London, were week­ end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt Storehouse. This district received its first real rain on Saturday night and it was al­ so accompanied by wind and an el­ ectrical storm. Both the wind and storm did damage to trees, roofs, car tops, fences, Chimneys, hydro, etc, Arrangements have been made for Anniversary Services in Knox United Church on Sunday, October 26th, when Rev. Jas. Scobie, of Wilton ONTARIO Grove, a former pastor, will bo the i #• Fa H AN NATIONAL VITA-KELP For Radiant Health Doctors, Dentists and Food Specialists all igree that lack of essential Minerals and Vitamins in our daily diet is the fundamental cause of almost all ail­ ments. There -is realy only one major disease—MAL­ NUTRITION, MINERAL STARVATION. Loss of Energy and Low Vitality are the forerunners of more serious troubles. They are' the breakers ahead. Let Vita-Kelp correct and prevent the underlying cause of these ailments by adding to your daily diet the vitalizing Minerals and Vitamins your system needs for bodily Health. If you are ailing and run down, and everything else has failed you, try Vita-Kelp, a food product, NOT A DRUG, NOT A MEDICINE. Vita-Kelp has no equal; it is destined for a great future in the serv­ ice of Humanity. Vita-Kelp, for Men, Women and Children. Procurable at C. H. McAvoy, Wingham. Have You Had Your Vita-Kelp Today? J* ; I