HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-08-27, Page 3| World Wide News In Brief Form > not said •of re­ fer Nazi Warships to Spain Berlin—Incensed over the "Kamer- Black Legion Members Indicted Detroit—Virgil F. Effinger., Thursday, August 27th, 1936 CANADIAN NATIONAL finest in- Easy to Nothing takes the place of flavor. Their oven-fresh has never been imitated. Kellogg’s are made only from the gredients. Nourishing, digest. Don’t be satisfied with any.other brand. Ask for Kellogg’s by name. CORN FLAKES • OVEN-ntESH < O havoreerfecT J TICKETS GOOD IN O COACHES at fares approximately 1c per mile. • TOURIST SLEEPING CARS nt fares approximately ljic per mile. • STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately lk;C per mile. COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL ' '' ......'.......... YeaaBAGGAGE Checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago arid West. Tickets, Sice fin 8 Car reservations .and all information from any agent. FOR GAtfDltiZJi Resents Lord Elibank’s Statement Ottawa—"We are Canadians here and we don’t want any peregrinating imperialists to dictate our defence policies,” declared Defence Minister Ian Mackenzie, commenting on the reports of a speech in Toronto by Lord Elibank, president of the British Central Chamber of Commerce.' Lord Elibank spoke of the vulnerability of Canada in the event of war and de­ clared that if Great Britain were in­ volved in a war Canada could keep out of it.” Italy Accepts with Reservations Italy officially accepted—with servations—France’s proposals neutrality in the, Spanish civil war. Il Duce would bind himself to noninter­ ference only if other powers sympa­ thetic to one or other of the, causes at’war in Spain would promise them­ selves to keep- hands off, it was by well-informed persons. LOW RAIL FARES TO Canadian National EXHIBITION TORONTO Aug. 28 — Sept. 12 In effect from many points in Ontario SINGLE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going August 27 - Sept. 12 Return Limit - September 16 Full particulars from any Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS T935F * Lima, O., described by Prosecuting Attorney Duncan C. McCrea as the national head of the Black Legion, was indicted with 21 others on charg­ es of criminal syndicalism in connec­ tion with activities of the hooded der. or- pleaded chamber Operated Torture Chamber Los Angeles—Two men guilty to’ operating a torture in which persons submitted to injur­ ies to collect accident insurance. Mar­ tin Biggs and William Bone entered guilty pleas to charges of conspiracy to commit grand theft in connection with the scheme. A hearing was set for Sept. 19 after they asked proba­ tion. Two Rescued—Two Died Moberly, Mo.—Two coal miners— one of them apparently little the worse for his three-clay ordeal—were rescued alive from a gas-filled tunnel in which four were imprisoned by a mine collapse, but death had taken their companions. Wildcat Near London A wildcat almost as large as a fair­ sized dog, was killed by Bert Cole, London district farmer. How it came to "be in this comparatively thickly populated district was not explained. Arena Burned at Vancouver Vancouver—Fire Department offic­ ials sought the cause of a fire that destroyed the Vancouver Arena and six other "buildings in a downtown west-end ’block, causing damage esti­ mated in excess of $500,00. Three firemen were injured in fighting the blaze. Many people ask us why Kellogg’s taste better. One of the most important reasons is that they’re always crisp and oven-fresh. They’re protected hy the patented WAXTITE inner bag. Another reason is their delicious crispness CORN FLAKES * WESTERN CANADA EXCURSIONS From all Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY —SEPT. 19 to OCT. 3 inclusive Return Limit i 4S days | MOT FACE THREE 5S4SWWJMW! a was plans for a Walkerton,. ies being her hobby. Telegrams, let­ ters, telephon calls, and many person­ al visits, also gifts in abundance, are received by her with a gracious smile of acceptance. s = Si over 8,000 Mrs. T. J. McDowell of Milverton on "Sidelights of the International Conference Held in Washington, which was attended by women. NEWS NO SIR.FIRESTONE TIRES DO NOT COST > ONE CENT MORE THAN ORDINARY TIRES WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES un incident,” Nazi Germany ordered its warships in the Spanish zone to stand by for action, while the .com* mander of seven other warships driv­ ing toward Spain messaged Madrid he would "meet force with force?’ In strong language Nazi officials ‘>de- mandedj apologies from Madrid and assurances there would- be no repeti­ tion of incidents such as the reported boarding of the German vessel Kam­ erun by Spanish Loyalists, Lapointe May Be Minister to France Ottawa—Although no official com­ ment is available, it is rumored on’ Parliament H'il that Hon. Ernest La­ pointe, Minister of Justice, may be appointed Canadian Minister to France before the, end of the present year, succeeding Hon, .Philippe Roy, who has represented. Canada in France for the alst quarter century. Mr. Roy is in his ‘68th year and is said to be ready to retire, To Can 100'000 Western Cattle Ottawa—After consultation with spokesmen for Western ranchers, re­ presentatives of the Alberta and Sas­ katchewan Governments and officials of the Federal Department of Agri­ culture, the Dominion Government has formulated Its policy with respect to the critical livestock1 situation in the Prairie Provinces. Estimates fur­ nished by the Alberta Government show that the cattle population in the stricken areas of that Provinces num­ ber approximately 900,000 head, while according to private estimate there are some 750,000 head of cattle in Saskatchewan for which the supply of fodder is quite inadequate. In co­ operation with the two Western Pro­ vinces most seriousl yaffected, the Federal Government proposes to ask Canadian meat-packing companies to remove ‘from the stricken regions some 100,000 head of common cattle to net the producers $1.25 per hund­ redweight at their nearest loading sta­ tions. The plan will provide funds which the producers may use for foundation herds or for the necess­ aries of life. Social Credit is Listed Edmonton—Premier Aberhaxt an­ nounced that the order paper for the special session of the Alberta Legis­ lature opening Aug. 25th will include legislation providing the Government with executive power to carry out its social credit program. During -the last session of the Legislature, the Social Credit Measures Act was passed to give the Government power to inves­ tigate what should be done to estab­ lish social credit. The new legislation the Premier said, will provide for in­ auguration of action which tht Gov­ ernment contemplates. Open Verdict in Mine Disaster Kirkland Lake—An open verdict, attaching no blame to anyone, waS brought in by a Coroner’s jury in­ vestigating the deaths of three miners crushed to death in the Lake Shore -mine 'here. Retiring for the second time, after having asked for addition-' al evidence, the jury deliberated but ‘25 minutes before returning its ver­ dict to Coroner Dr. R. H. Armstrong. 1 (Catalonian Government May Secede Barcelona—The Catalonian Govern­ ment moved virtually to secede from the rest of Spain. After the Generali- dad—Government Council — decreed .confiscation of all private property on Russian collectivist lines, it took steps to sever its ties with the Central-Ma­ drid Government. It will act hence­ forth, the Council declared, in com­ plete independence in maintaining­ public order. $10,000,000 to Aid Stricken West Ottawa—-Although no definite ap­ propriation has yet been made, it is believed not less than $10,000,000 will be required from the Federal Ex­ chequer to provide relief for the drought-stricken areas of ‘Western Canada. It was a story of farmers prostrate .from five, consecutive crop failures, of hundred of thousands of cattle starving from lack of fodder and of millions of acres of wheat and grazing lands devastated by torrid weather and lack of moisture that was unfolded to Prime Minister Macken­ zie King and. members of his Cabinet. In the past two years Parliament ap­ propriated $9/000,000 for drought re­ lief in Saskatchewan alone, and it is estimated that at least $10,000,000 will be necessary during the approaching autumn and wirttor for drought relief in the three Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Deer Experiment Worked Well Ottawa—-A milestone was reached in the experiment the Dominion Gov* crnmctit is making to provide reindeer for the Eskimo when the report tea­ cher Hon. T. A. Crerar, Minister of Miites and Natural Aesources, that the second year the herd had been on the Mackenzie Delta was success­ ful, The herd total 3T50 deer and 936 fawns added this year. ■AMI Where Canada’s best Olympic champions, athletes of various nations compete in one of the most com­ prehensive sport programs ever held in the Dominion. World championship power- boat races (225 ciibic inch class) Sept. 8, 9 and 10 , ♦ World professional cham­ pionship swims, men 5 miles, Sept. 1; women, 3 miles, Sept. 3... Diving exhibitions twice daily by trio of world famous professionals . . Archery championships Aug. 31 to Sept. 4 «* ♦ Junior track meet and junior regatta Aug. 31... Table Tennis champion­ ships Aug. 28 and 29 . . Athletic Day track meet Sept. 5 ♦ . .Yacht and dinghy ices ... Softball and other »sports competitions afloat and ashore, ALFRED ROGERS President ELWOOD A. HUGHES General Manager 6993A of the DISTRICT I i = Reduced Bruce Telephone Rates A reduction of $1 per annum in the rate to subscribers to the Bruce Mun­ icipal Telephone System has been made by the telephone commission. About 750 subscribers will now pay $13 per year. The system gives free service to five central offices, Kin­ cardine, Port Elgin, Paisley, Tiverton and Underwood. No reduction made in the rental rate. Southampton Obtains Paving The neighbouring town of South- amption has been successful in its appeal to the proper authorities to havfe the diagonal section of the highway leading into that town pav­ ed. Tenders being advertised and pav­ ing operations are exptected to begin in the immediate future.—Port Elgin Times. Huggard Again Remanded1 At the request of Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes at Goderich, a remand of two weeks was granted in the case of John J. Huggard, Seaforth lawyer, charged with theft of $150,000 securi­ ties of his clients. Dungannon Woman Is 92 Ninety-two years young. This is how Mrs. William H. Reed, Dungan­ non looks when celebrating her nine­ ty-second birthday, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Dickson, where she sits knitting away, tea cos- CORNS REMOVED WITH CASTOR OIL Say goodbye to clumsy corn-'pads and risky razors. A pew liquid called KORN-KING, ends pain in CO seconds. Dries up peskiest corns or callus. Contains pure castor oil. camphor and iodine. Absolutely safe. Win­ ner of Good Housekeeping Seal. Easy di­ rections in package. 35c bottle saves untold returns money if KORN- RING fails to remove any corn or callus. McKIBBON’S DRUG STORE LABOR DAY Long Week-End Fares Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in the United States * FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE ROUNb TRIP Tickets good goijng any time Friday, Sept* 4, until 2 p.m., Monday, Sept. 7, 1936* RETURN LIMIT to leave destina­ tion not later1 than m5d night, Tues., Sept* 8, 1936* In addition the regular Week-End "Fare and One-Quarter” will be in effect, MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children - - - - 25c Full information from any agent. Canadian Pacific Bowmanville, who has a private men­ agerie of wild birds and animals. In­ structions to ship the birds to Bow­ manville came direct from the depart­ ment to George Rutledge, Nile, one of the captors. Geese Caused Auto Accident When a large gasoline truck came upon a flock of geese at the top of the hill in front of the farm of John Rinto-ul, on No. 8 Highway, west of Seaforth, the truck overturnd in the ditch and a number of .geese were killed. The driver of the truck, Ed. Scrutin, Clinton, was unhurt.—Huron Seaforth Expositor. Teeswa.ter Minister Has Stroke In The West Rev. Lee, the newly appointed minister to Teeswater United Church who is spending his holidays at In- nisfail, Alberta, had a slight paraly­ tic stroke last week. The Reverend gentleman has requested that a sup­ ply be procured for a few weeks to allow of improvement in' his health. —Teeswater News. Gipsies Come, Money Goes— Mr. Werner Diehl, who resides a short distance south of the Moser- ville Lutheran Church, was the vic­ tim of a peculiar experience one day last week,' the result of which he no longei- has $13 which he did have a short time before. A car stopped on the road close to where Mr. Diehl was working and two women pre­ sumably of Romany origin alighted and started a conversation. A short time later they left and Mr. Diehl putting his hand into his pocket where he usually kept his wallet discovered it had disappeared but later found it in the opposite pocket less the bills which had been in it. Similiar cases to this have been reported in other parts of the province and we under­ stand some arrests have been made. —Milverton Sun. . Raft Gets Into Head gates A raft which had been built above the Truax raw by a number of boy swimmers caused considerable trouble when the "ship” was allowed to float down stream and lodge in the gates at the head of the race which supplies the power for the factory. The con­ glomeration of boards and- logs be­ came so wedged in by the current that a team of horses and block and tackle were required to remove the obstacle, and the Truax plant was idle for three hours while the work was being done. As a result of the happen­ ing the powers that be threatened to prohibit swimming in vicinity of the head of the race, but as yet no steps have been taken in this regard.— Walkerton Hearld-Times. Women’s Institute of Grey Met The thirtieth annual rally of Grey County Women’s Institutes was held in the United Church, Elmwood, with 250 delegates in attendance . The president, Mrs, William Dingwall, of Hopeville was in the chair, and Mrs. Fred Engel, and Mrs. Heeney of Elm­ wood had charge of the worship ser­ vice. Miss Ttillock of Elmwood, in the qddress of welcome, spoke on "Our Duty in Teaching Morals to the Coming Citizens of Our Community?* Planned' Jail Break at Walkerton A Toronto report says projected jail-break at where Adrian “Dutch” Vanderyagt, Noel Charron, Melville Campbell, George Maxwell and Marjorie Con­ stable are held on charges of breaking into the brewery warehouse at Wiar- ton on July 27 and stealing a safe with $3,000 in it, were frustrated when Vanderyagt was seized in his cell by guards. Three nine-inch hack­ saws were found in the lapel of his coat, the paper says. Police say that Vanderyagt had all his plans made to make a bid for free­ dom by cutting away the bars of the jail, and then he was to meet a gang­ ready, hold up the jail, and, if pos­ sible, take out Charron, .Campbell Maxwell and Miss Constable, the story continues. The story says police state that Miss Constable, who was arrested at her home, Rogers road, York Town­ ship, by Sergeant of Detectives John Hicks and Detective Tom Whitelaw, charged with the four men for the Wiarton break-in, took a pair of boots to Vanderyagt at Walkerton jail two weeks ago in which the three saws were secreted in the soles—a special sole having been sewn onto the boots to cover up the saws. Fiery Cross at Mitchell A blazing fiery cross about eight feet high burned along the railway tracks near the overhead bridge at Blanshard street, Mitchell. The burn ­ ing cross lighted up the area shortly before midnight and was first noticed by Harold Cook of the local fire de­ partment. The cross had been cov ered with burlap soaked in oil and this was nearly all burned off when the firemen arrived. The cross was constructed of branches from a tree and the remains are on exhibition at the fire station, Captured Eagles Get New Home On instructions from the depart­ ment of game and fisheries, Toronto, two young bald-headed eagles recent­ ly captured alive in Saratoga Swamp, have been sent to John MacKay, of MORE for this EXTRA MILEAGE' AND WITH ALl.THESE EXTRA FEATURES, , FIRESTONE TIRES I Extra mileage and safety at no extra cost . . . that is your positive guarantee* when you buy Firestones tires. Only Firestone gives you Gum-Dipped cords* 2 Extra Cord Plies under the tread and the famous Firestone Scientifically Designed tread . . . all at no extra cost. See the nearest Firestone dealer today. New Extra Rider Strip Gum-Dipped Cords 50% Stronger 2 Ertrs Cord Pliei Under the Tread J. W. Hanna Automobile Sales FORD AGENT WINGHAM Plan now with the family for a glorious day or two at Western Fair. Your own big annual exhibition, Second largest In Canada, brings more exhibits and entertainment together for your profit and enjoyment than dny other event In Western Ontario* The Prize List of over $33,000 draws hundreds of fine agricultural and industrial exhibits* You'll enjoy the Races, Grandstand Show, Bands, Rides, Games, Midway, Art Gallery, Dog, Pet and Flower Shows, Home and Junior Departments, etc. W.D.Jackeon J. Secretary M i. I 1 ONE OF THESE DAYS