HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-08-20, Page 5Thursday, August 2Oth, 1936 New Styled Drapery * This pew homespun drapery cloth measures 45 inches; comes in blue, rose Or grey combination colors; *1 AA 29c Yard or 3’/^ Yards for.............. ........ ... l»vv PATTERNED CRETONNE WIDE WIDTH, 4 YARDS J ,QQ FLORAL CRETONNE 25 INCHES WIDE, 8 YARDS J RESTOCK YOUR TOWELS $ DAYS SAVINGS HEAVY FRINGED TOWELS, SIZE 20 BY 43, 4 FOR.......... FRINGED TOWELS SIZE 15 BY 34, 8 FOR 1.00 1.00 FLANNELETTE SHEETS, heavy quality. d» 1 Size 70x84 in., each - - - *P Reg. $7.50, plain colors, also Reversible WOOL BLANKETS, each - ■ CHECK PATTERNED TEA TOWELS SIZE 19 BY 30 INCHES, 10 FOR .. J ,00 BIG SAVINGS Women’s Ready-To-Wear d* t Buys latest styled Cloth Coats for Fall or Spring Wear Reg. Prices to $19.75 in lot. Early Shoppers get 1st Choice 1 SYLPHANE ELASTIC GIRDLE $1.00 value all elastic girdle, sizes, small, medium and large. Full length girdle with four hose supports. 79 C Sale......-.................-.................................................... CHIFFON SILK HOSE, 3 PAIR $2.00 Assuring vou of high grade first quality hose, which means Clear hose toribetter appearance, atan 200 amazingly low price ....69c Pair, o vair ........ LADIES’ BROADCLOTH SLIPS ALL SIZES, 2 FOR $1.00 Sturdy wearing broadcloth built-up shoulder Style, J ,Q0 Straight cut, full sizie. 2 For .......................•....- — LADIES’ LINGERIE Silk like rayon ?«“ 1.00Sizes, small, medium and large. All colors. 4 ior WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 40c FLAT DOUBLE CURTAIN RODS 25c 25c 4 Thursday, Friday & Saturday 1.00 $5. 1.00 Combination Oil Blinds Choice of white with green or cream with green, reg. $1.50 oil blind, complete with brackets, pull, etc.; size 36 1 AA by 72 inches, Each__________—,—w,..^ JLaVV 50c BAY WINDOW CURTAIN ROD SETS ............................. 75c CLOTH BLINDS, 36 BY 72 IN., COMPLETE, 2 For . j.QO 38 INCH CLEAN FACTORY COTTON 7 YARDS...............................................1.00 75c FANCY BATH TOWELS, SIZE 24 BY 44, 2 FOR........ WHITE BATH TOWELS, SIZE 22 BY 40, 4 FOR .. CURTAINS FOR PARLOR OR DINING ROOM, 2% YDS. LONG, FREE ROD 1.Q0 Buys these Choice Silk Crepe Dresses Regular Prices to $12.75. Dark Crepes forfallwear. Again we add Shop Early Ladies’ Dark Millinery Smart Models. Regular OxzC value to $3.95 79c SATIN PANTIES Better quality lace trimmed panties, extra sppcial 1 AA all sizes. 2 Pair.................—.................-.............. £*W $1.50 LADIES’ SLIPS, CELASUEDE, ALL SIZES Each $1.00 These genuine celisuede slips assure you of smooth fitted lines, come in popular Princess style; slightly imper­ fect in manufacture but this in rto way harms their wearing | AA qualities. Each .......... £ • W CHILDREN’S RAYON BLOOMERS AGES 4 to 14 5 PAIR $1.00 Regular value in the lot to 39c, fine rayon in, plain “| A A and ribbed weave second grade at a big saving, 5 Pri 1 »VV WALKER STORES, Ltd. WINGHAM’S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE We cannot guarantee quantities on any of these Advertised Items. Advise EARLY SHOPPING SMART DRESSES, Regular Prices to $2.95 A many cases this price does not cover cost. Various zK «•I I II I materials in lot. No complete sizes in any one material. I I 11 IOutstanding Dollar Davs value. tt ■** •V/K/ In many cases this price does not cover cost. Various materials in lot. No complete sizes in any one material. Outstanding Dollar Days value. 4-Ply SPORT KNITTING YARN, 10 for (Pl AA Full range of colors, suitable yarn for sweaters, baby’s wear; attractive ajl I • Jt 9 range of colors, dependable for all knitting. 1 Ounce Ball....................... BEE HIVE WOOL, 4 SKEINS $1.00 A superior wool for knitting suits and sweaters, featured as the outstanding woo] of the season. 1 ounce *| AA skein, in pleasing range of colors. 4 Skeins ......Lvv Bee Hive Instruction Books, Each .................. 20c LADIES’ COTTON HOSE, 6 PAIR $1.00 General purpose hose, fine ribbed weave, popular 1 A A hose shades. Reg. 19c. Pair ...17c or, 6 Pair ....... Lvv This Sale Bill covers only part of the Items offered. This is a Store-wide Sale of Big Dollar Values. LINEN DAMASK TABLE NAPKINS LARGE SIZE, 3 FOR $1.00 Fine Irish Linen, 22-inch size, double damask, in *| AA assorted patterns. 3 For ...................... 1»VV 36-INCH PRINTS, FAST COLORS LARGE CHOICE, 7 YARDS $1.00 Excellent quality Print for this low price; excellent I A A for dresses, etc. 7 Yards ..................... J.®W COTTON BROADCLOTH, 7 YARDS $1.00 36 inches wide, large range of shades, including 1 AA white; medium Weight. 7 Yards ............................. ItvV FLOOR REXOLEUM, 2 YARDS WIDE 3 SQUARE YARDS $1.00 This excellent low priced floor covering is suitable 1 AA for bed rooms, etc., 3 patterns. 3 Square Yards... ■* »VV PURE LINEN TOWELLING AU Linen with colored borders for rollers or Tea 1 AA Towels. 8 Yards ................. -....... ....... JLtVV COMBINATION SPECIAL 2 25c Tubes Colgate's Tooth Paste, 1 35c Tooth C Ao Brush, 1 5c cake Beauty Bath; 90c Value for..*—...UVv $3.50 LINOLEUM, YARD $3.00 4 Yard wide in four popular patterns, heavy print in *> A A regular weight; 4 yards Wide. Yard ..........—u«vV 98c LINEN CLOTH, 65c MAYON­ NAISE SET, $1.63 VALUE, $ DAYS $1.00 Cloth measures 50 inches by 50 inches, pure linen with colored border. Mayonnaise set, 3-piece in colored I AA china showing floral design. 4 Pieces _____ *> • V V LINEN TEA TOWELS Medium size pur e linen with colored borders. "I A A7 for .................................................................................. 1 • VV BRIDGE SETS $1.00 Set consists of Cloth, size 51 inches square; 6 Napkins to match, shown in newest plaid patterns that are all 1 AA the rage. Set, complete .......... .... £ • VU MADEIRA EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES, PAIR $1.00 Reg. $1.39 dainty hand embroidery on fine white 1 AA cotton; extra value during these $ Days. Pair....... READY TO HANG DRAPES, PAIR $2.00 Dainty patterned chintz drapes showing pinch A A A pleats, finished complete to hang, 2>/j yds. long. Pr,4i«vV COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTING REG. 35c, 5 YARDS $1.00 Heavy cotton flannel showing dark check pattern, 1 AA 28 to 36 inches wide. 6 Yards ......................... 1»VV NAVY WOOL SHIRTING REG. 75c, 2 YARDS $1.00 This all wool flannel makes excellent shirts for cold 1 A A days ahead, comes 27 inches wide. 2 Yards * • V V COMFORTER SATEEN REG. 49c, 3 YARDS $1.00 Comforter Sateen, 36 inches wide, showing floral I AA patterns. Reg. 49c. 3 Yards ................. loUU $1.95 BED SPREADS $1.00 Slightly soiled bed spreads, hence the sharp reduc- "I A A ticxn to clear. Single bed size. Each........................ JL»VU REVERSIBLE MATS Reg, $3.05; size 24 by 48 inches; splendid floor Q A A mats for bedrooms, etc. Each ............... ...................... O»vU