HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-08-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, August 6th, 1936 Show Starts at 8 p.m Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 6th, 7 th, 8th WARNER BAXTER — ALICE FAYE JACK OAKIE — MONA BARRIE In — A Musical Comedy Romance ------Also ------ The Beauty Spot of Switzerland “GENEVA BY THE LAKE” And FOX NEWS REEL. York,, visited last week at the home I of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie of St. Helens. Mr. Walter Richardson of Teeswat- er, is spending this week at the home of his son, Mr. John Richardson. Miss Mary Simpson of Detroit, vis­ ited over the weekend at the home of Mr. George Garton. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan was taken to Wingham Hospital early on Tuesday morning and underwent a serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Purdon, of Windsor, spent the week-end with their parents at Belmore and St. Hel­ ens, Mrs. Toynbee Lamb and children, of Goderich, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ken­ nedy of Kinloss. When you buy some Milk from us Buttermilk or Cream There are many you have helped Although by you unseen. Maybe a lonely farmer Who owns a single cow, Or.a dairyman who has a herd, It matters not somehow. BLUEVALE You have helped them both along Because their milk you buy It in turn makes you strong, For in milk strength does lie. Then there are the men right here In this plant of ours Who clean and fill the bottles clear All through the working hours. So you see that it helps All along the road People that you never see To somewhat ease their load. NEXT WEEK “Show Boat” WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson and children, of Kenmore, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Will Shaw and Shirley, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of 4 their mother, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor Mr. Charles' Henderson spent a few days last week in Sarnia with Mal­ colm Ross. Mrs. Alec Reid is spending a few days at her home here. She motored here with her son, Will, of Paris, with whom she has been visiting. Mr. Jack Brown and Eileen, Irene and Neil, of Creighton Mines, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. The W. M. S. of the United Church are holding teas at the homes of Mrs Walter Lott and Mrs. Thos. Moore this week. Mr, Thomas Morrison, of Toronto, spent the.week-end here with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison. Miss Myrtle Beecroft returned to New London on Thursday last spending the relatives here. Miss Annie Thompson of week-end here with her parents, and Mrs. Arthur Moore Mrs. Dan Martin is spending week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dick Martin of Huron Twp. Misses Pearl and Thelma Creigh­ ton, of Detroit, are visiting at the home of their aunt, Mrs. J. D. Bee­ croft. Miss Hazel Lediet, of Wingham, spent the week-end with Miss Lorna McClenaghan. Rev. Elmer Taylor, who has been past two weeks after with Moore and Mr. Orangeville, spent Basil the Mr. this If you like your smoking FRESH or anything in the line of Smoker’s Sundries Go To OMAR HASELGROVE’S Smoke Shoppe IF SHIPPING TO OR FROM TORONTO Call CURRIE'S Transport IPhones: , Wingham, 211 or 152 Toronto, Waverley 3139 holidaying at a cottage at Lake Hur­ on, had charge of the service in the United Church here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Broomer and Miss Eileen Broomer, of Toronto, are vis­ iting with E. Wawanosh friends Miss Velma McBurney of Toronto is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. Stewart McBurney. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mackay and. family, of Guelph, visited one day last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noble, Clin­ ton, visited one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClen­ aghan. Mr. and Mrs Orval Hornabrook and babe of Dunnville, are visiting this week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Purdon. A fire, which had been burning in Mr. Mac Ross’ bush, last week, burn­ ed its way on Saturday to his twenty cords of wood, piled for use next win­ ter and soon reduced it all to a heap of ashes. Miss Lettie Fox is spending this week with friends at the lake. Miss Bertha Mackay, of Stratford, is spending her holidays with rela­ tives and friends here. Mrs. Jas. Barbour, of Fordyce, has spent the past few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Mrs. Elgin Welwood and son, Rich­ ard, who have been visiting for the past two weeks with relatives here, returned to their home in Caledon on Saturday They were accompanied by Mr. George Falconer of Lumby, B. C., and Charlie Falconer. Miss Edith McClenaghan, of Bel­ grave, spent the week-end with Miss Muriel Watt. Rev. and Mrs. J. Watt spent the week-end with Miss and Mr. Cooper of Hanover. Quite a number from here motor­ ed to Goderich on Monday to attend the horse races and quite a number having been motoring to Kincardine to enjoy the old boys’ re-union. Miss Addie Ross and her brother- in-law, Mr. Cecil Parson visited here over the wcek-erld and Mrs. Parsons and children returned home also to Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Webb and four child­ ren, who have spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fred New­ man, returned to their home at Ham­ ilton on Monday. Mrs. Roy Brogden of Ingersol, and Mrs. Robt. Leggatt of St. Catharin­ es, spent a day last week with their sister, Mrs. Fred Newman. Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius and Mr. Frank Kelly of St Augustine visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, of Kinloss, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor. Mrs. Jas .Irwin of Toronto and her daughter, Miss Pearl Irwin, of New Institute Picnic Aug. 13th The regular meeting of the Wo- nine’s Institute will be held on Thurs­ day afternoon, Aug. 13th, at the home of Miss Florence Fowler, and will take the form of a picnic. Roll Call, a Humorous Story. Motto, Friend­ ship, Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge. Pap­ er, The Value of Clean Sport, Miss Alberta Shield. Exhibit of Sandwich­ es and exchange of receipts for Sand­ wich fillings. A full attendance of members is requested to arrange for the short course to be held this Fall in Food and Nutrition. Members bring sandwiches. and and Visitors in the village for the week­ end and Civic Holiday: Mr. and Mrs. Saul, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Fell and family, of Toronto, with Mrs. Eliza Fell. Mrs. Margaret Young, of Toronto, Mrs. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Bryans, of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Henry of Stratford, with Mrs. Mary Sand­ erson and family. Mrs. Bell McHardy, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke, Wingham, with Miss Mary Duff. Mrs .Neil McEachern, Mrs. Morri­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEachern, Louise and Gilbert, of Mount Forest, with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss. Dr. Edgar S. Coultes, Dr. John F. Coultes, of Philadelphia, and Miss Mabie Coultes, Toronto, with their mother, Mrs. Thos. Coultes. Mrs. Switzer and son, Nelson, Miss Marie Wettlaufer with Mr. Mrs. J. W. Wettlaufer. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Miss Olive Scott and Mac Scott spent a day with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stenhouse, at Hespeler. Mr. J. W. Wettlaufer and son, Lloyd, spent the holiday at Wheatley. Malcolm Black spent Sunday with his friend, George Cruickshank, at London. Mrs. J. M. Smith and two sons, Wil­ mer and Mac, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Kerney, at Walton. Mr. Alex. Mowbray left this week for the Canadian West accompanied by fifteen young men who will assist with harvest work. They travelled‘by motor with a cabin attached. Mr. and Mrs. James Dobie and son Jim, leave this week for Listowel C. N. R. officials visited the local sta­ tion on Saturday and removed the fix­ tures and office equipment. Mr, and Mrs. William Griffiths and son, Fred, and Miss Harley Martin of Montreal, are enjoying their vacation at their home here. J. M. Kaine, B.A., Public School Inspector, and and Haileybury, Mrs. Kaine daughter with their cousins, Mr. Mrs. Arthur Shaw. TURNBERRY Then we have the drivers Who have their work to do, And we need many things Before the product reaches you. And so through your Patronage This plant of ours keeps growing And it helps the community By keeping Commerce growing, So we all say thank you On behalf of those we employ And want that you should know To serve you gives them joy. Foxton’s Dairy Manufacturers of Vi-Co and Pas­ teurized Products. her and reunion at Goderich on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Philip spent a few- days at Listowel reunion. Mr. W. N. Watson has purchased Mrs. A. Benders residence, Dinsley St. Miss Lillie Carr, Deaconess of Cal­ gary United Church ,is visiting sister, Mrs. Robert Whiteman other friends in this vicinity. Doherty Bros., Managers of the new Canadian Oil Co. Station have leased the home of Mrs. Nellie Les­ lie, and are busy getting settled. We wish them success. Dr. W. J. Milne who has been ser­ iously ill, is" improving slowly, having returned from St. Josephs Hospital, London where he received medical treatment. JAMESTOWN Miss Janet Stokes spent last week with her friend, Miss Marie Ireland. Miss Jean Grainger is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ken. Hastie, Gorrie. Miss Ruth McKercher is visiting at the home of her grandparents ,Mr. and Mrs. H. Henning of Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. C. Adams were Tor­ onto visitors this week. A number of boys ranging from eight to twelve years are camping on the banks of the Maitland neai- Ethel on the farm where Mr. Roy MacDon­ ald lives. Mr. Clarence Grainger is their leader. Mrs. Riley and Helen are visiting Mrs. Allan Lamont. Mrs. Edgar and Olive are holiday­ ing at the lake. BELGRAVE CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain FARES I. Minimum Farts Adults 75c Child 40c FROM WINGHAM AND ALL ADJACENT C.N.R. STATIONS FRI AUG 14 tn Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belle- ville, Kingston, Gananoque, Brockvtlle, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Allandale, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhtirst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario on lino of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Ely.; Nipissing Central Ely.; Kapuskasing, Longlac, Geraldton, Jellicoe, BeardmOr/a. SAT. AUG. 1ST« TORONTO Winton, Durham,Exeter, Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton,Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wiarton, Wingham, Woodstock. 4 CATx APR 9 it Locally between Im^brtant Stations at which And uAl. Ar tv. Tickets are sold—Ask Ticket Agt. ... " For Fant, Return Limi«< Train Information, Ticfarti, cornwlt Agent. j CANADIAN NATIONAL ... Mr. Owens and Mr. Everett left last week for New Ontario, where they have seured positions in a mine. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Havens and Roy of Lucknow visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gardner. Jean returned home with them, after a week’s visit with her auntie, Mrs. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carter of the 2nd Kinloss, visited on Saturday in Wingham, A very pretty sight coming into Wingham is the two bridges over the Maitland river which have been re­ paired and painted with aluminium colored paint. In the sun rise and sunset they look like large silver pin­ nacles, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Gordon of Wes­ ton were week-end visitors with rel­ atives here . The seivice-ih KnOx United Church was taken by the Young People of Brick Church on Sunday morning. Miss Ruth Bettger of Monkton gave the address. She chose as her sub­ ject, “You Are Only- Young Once” and many splendid thoughts were given on this subject. There will be no service Sunday, August 9th and on Sunday August 16th the Young SAVE YOUR EYES! If they are giving you trouble, see R. A. REID BLYTH Mrs. Murray Cole of Toronto is visiting her parents, Dr. W. J. and Mrs. Milhe. ’ Miss Melba McElroy of Wellesley High School Staff is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Bell, A number of our citizens attended the races at Goderich on Monday. Blyth Fall Fait will be held on Fri- i ’day and Satuday, September 11th and 12th. I Mr. and Mrs. Stafford of Toronto, accompanied by • Mr. and Mrs, El, • Johnston attended the Strangham Stratford’s Leading Optometrist for 18 years, at WILLIAMS’ JEWELLRY STORE Every Wednesday morning, 9.00 to 12 noon ‘’Satisfactory Glasses at Moderate Cost” Ladies Class of Knox United Church will have charge of the service with Rev. J. B. Townend giving the ad­ dress, Mary and Irene VanCamp of Ex­ eter are visitors with relatives here. A successful Auction sale was held on Friday afternoon of the house­ hold effects of the late Finlay And­ erson, Mr. Gordon Stonehouse ,London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Stonehouse, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and Clifford spent Sunday at Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stonehouse and Shirley spent the week-end with relatives here, /Mrs. H. McGuire accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Bert Tasker to Palgrave for the week-end. Clifford Stewart of Toronto was a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Stewart. Mrs. Barrie of St. Thomas and Miss Wise and Mr. Sutten of London were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule. Mr. and Mrs. Coultsen of Wood- stock and Clifford Stewart, Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart. Mr. Robt. Leathorn of Brantford visited for a few days with J, A. Brandon. EAST WAWANOSH Re-Ujmon July 25th, the des­ late Mr. and Mrs. numbering in all Winnipeg who this vicinity, and son John Annie Parker is of of in Irwin On Saturday, cendants of the Thomas Irwin, thirty, met at the picnic grounds at the 10th Line bridge, near to where the Irwin’s first settled in 1863. It was’ a very enjoyable gathering. Races, baseball and other games were played, after which a sumptuous sup­ per was served. This was followed by ice cream. The event was in honour 'of Mrs. B. E. Rothwell of visiting friends in Mrs. J. Cowan Blytli, also Miss Toronto spent a day with friends E. Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs of Morris have moved to the vacant house owned by Mr. Geo. Coultes. Rev. L. V. Pocock and Mrs. Pocock and children of Florence, called on friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Shiell and fam­ ily, Windsor, visited friends over the holiday. Miss Laura Perdue, Detroit, spent a few days at her home. Miss Aileen Broomer, Toronto, is visiting with friends here. Mr. Norman yVightman, Gore Bay, visited at Leslie Wightman’s over the week-end. Mr. Rutherford Reavie took in the Old Boys’ Re-Union at Kincardine on Monday. ST. HELENS from Toronto Webster for the attendedD. Rutherford of the late Mrs. Craig Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of Tor­ onto, Mr. Colin Clark, of Ottawa, and Miss Aryna McDowell, of Westfield, were callers on friends here on Sat­ urday. Mr. Neely Todd, of the Westervelt School, London, is home for a week’s vacation. Mrs. D. J. McIntosh has returned to her home at Vineland after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whetham, Reid and Mary, of Galt, were visitors during the week With Mrs. Wetham’s mother, Mrs. R. J. Woods. Mrs. Alex. Murdie of Toronto is a vistor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods. Misses Zylda and Dorine were home week-end. Miss W._ the funeral Cooper, formerly Miss Norma Tre- leaven, at Clinton on Saturday. The meeting of the Y.P.U^ was held on Sunday evening with Mr. Stanley Todd presiding. Laurine Miller read the Scripture lesson and Isobel Mill­ er, the Bible character, the topic “My Personal Creed” was taken by Mc­ Kinley Ramage. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lawrence( for­ merly Miss Caroline Webb) and lit; tie daughter, Betty Joan, of Fort Wil­ liam, were recent visitors with friends here. , Rev. Elmer Taylor, of Goldsmith, had charge of the service in the Unit­ ed Church on Sunday morning. He and Mrs. Taylor and family were guests during their stay with his aunt, Mrs. John Webster, tives. Next Sunday Mr. Lucknow will have morning service. Two wins from Wlutechurch last week placed the St. Helens team in third place in the play-offs in the Maitland Baseball League. At White­ church on Monday night the score was 8-7 and at Lucknow on Friday night 3-2. St. Helens meets Auburn in, the semi-finals at Lucknow Mon­ day night and at Auburn on Friday night. The previous week St.* Helens won and other rela- Alex. Smith of charge of the 1 PUBLIC IS,WHIP.TO INSPECT REXALL MILLION DOLLAR TRAIN , -4 ...........1 _______ ■ '■ _______ When it comes into this section on its 29,000-mile tour of the country from coast-to-coast, the United Drug Com­ pany’s million dollar Rexall Train will be thrown open to public inspection of its four exhibition cars. The train is specially built for con­ ventions of Rexall druggists, Stops will be made in 150 cities and towns, in which 109 con- ventions will be held aboard the train. ktI 1 If 1k I OPEN FOR INSPECTION 10 a.m. to 12.15 a.m., 2.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. At London, Wednesday, August 12th; Toronto, Thursday and Friday, August 13th, 14th Tickets to view train are yours for the asking at McKibbon’s Drug Store The Rexall Store Wingham two games from 'Dungannon and a win from Colborne placed them in the play-offs for the cup which was won by Whitechurch last year. Mr. Harold Hyde has secured a po­ sition in the Malcolm Furniture Fac­ tory, Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor and Mr. Ed. Taylor of Westfield, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jansen1 for the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Herman, of Kitch­ ener and Mr. and Mrs. Cach of Wat­ erloo. Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto was home for the holiday week-end. Mrs. Duncan Gilli.es and son, Mur­ ray, of Buffalo, are visitors with their uncle, Mr. D. B. Murray. Mrs. D. Todd, Mr. Neely Todd, Mrs. George Stuart and Miss Irene Woods motored to Vineland on Sat­ urday. They were accompanied by Mrs. D. J. McIntosh who had been a visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, Miss Freda and Messrs. George and Bill Mitchell, of Toronto, were visitors on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Will McCrostie. Rain in the seventh inning stopped the first game of the semi-final play­ downs in the Maitland Baseball Lea­ gue on Monday evening at’ Lucknow between St. Helens and Auburn. The score was 6-1. As they are* playing two out of three, St. Helens has one more chance when they meet at Au­ burn Friday night. “My gosh, Bill,’ ’groaned the man­ aging editor of the tabloid, “nothing scandalous has happened in 4 hours. What’ll we do for the front page?” “Aw, don’t get discouraged, Steve,’’ the city editor comforted. “Some­ thing will happen. I’ve still got faith in human nature.” “This liner has a strange name.” “Yes, the owner stutters.” —Gazzettino Illustrate, Venice? BOYS CHAINED BY FATHER James Hamblin, 12 years old, and his brother Wayne, 10 years old, of Brighton, Colo., were chained in the cellar of their home by their father so that they would not go swimming. Fire broke out, and their sister, Lois, 14 years of age, rescued them. The father, Roy Hamblin, 42 years old, now faces charges made against him by the Colorado State Bureau of Child and Animal Protection. OUR AIM MORE and BETTER MATERIAL and SERVICES ------at------‘ LOWER COST TO THE CONSUMER We have leased part of the Stewart Glove & Leather build­ ing on Victoria Street, • Wingham, and are now stocking up with building supplies of all kinds, including dressed artdl tough lum­ ber, lime, paristone, cemeiit, gyproc, Eastern and Western shingles, etc. We have recently purchased 300,000 feet of White Pine and Spruce, which we are now millihg at Kincardine, and which we are selling at attractive prices. Let us talk over your building problems with you. Mahood-Stewart Lumber Co., Ltd. Mills and Head Office, Kincardine, Ont. Yards at Kincardine, Lucknow, Wingham, Teeswafer, Sheguiandah* W. M STOWART • WINGHAM MANAGER