HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-07-02, Page 2wsssa PAGE TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES . ofCo. It is delicious Ueve ham have near future Wing- see the light and Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00 Bist months, $1.00 in advance. To tl. S. A., $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. that in the citizens will one also. * 4? Thursday, July 2nd, 1936 Tfte Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by The Advance-Times Publishing * PUT CAMP FIRES OUT During July and August mast us at some time or other enjoy .shore dinners or a camp fire. For a great many people who take long trips eat­ ing in the open is a source of great enjoyment. Last year, according to reports, campers were responsible for a great loss due to fires that were caused by them not extinguishing the live coals that were used by them. This can be only attributed to care­ lessness or neglect. Be a good camp­ er this year by making sure that you completely extinguish .any camp fire you use. * * * * The strawberry season this year was a short * A woman tude record in the air but knew what it about. * * * * said that Germany is again THAN YOU THINK .11111 UH III HI Causes Discomfort, May Even Lead to Disease was was up all is one, * flier for we regret to state. * * has set a new alti- women fliers. She well. from work what end of a little (lit­ is claim­ clerks to SATURDAY NIGHT EARLY CLOSING An effort was made by some citiz­ ens in Listowel to have the merch­ ants close their stores every Saturday night at eleven o’clock. The scheme was advanced to the point where a petition was circulated among the merchants. It is reported that less than half the merchants signed it. The closing of stores in small towns can be greatly overdone and is in some places. As we see it, our agricultural friends come to town mostly on a Saturday night. This night is not only used for shopping but for considerable visiting as A person who comes into town the country after a hard week’s does not want to be rushed in business, they have to do. They may want to see a picture or carry on with some other social activity. To close the stores at eleven o’clock in the summer would upset this arrange­ ment very greatly. One more hour on the Saturday night makes but ference to most people. It ed that it is difficult for get up and go to church after a week’s work and being late on Sat­ urday evening. A dance or some oth­ er entertainment on other nights does not stop them from their work the following day, so we do not consider this argument is up to much. People for generations have been used to stores being at their service until about midnight on Saturdays and it would be a mistake to change now under present conditions. ig :|t HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Several towns in our district have Home and School Clubs that are car­ rying on with great success. We are informed that these clubs are of great assistance to the schools and that they bring the teachers into much closer contact with the parents of the children. Several mentioned worthwile great deal more interest would be ta;; ken by many in educational affairs if j we had one. Such a club would be ; of valuable assistance at the time of school shows and other demonstra­ tions. Most of the progressive towns have a Home and School Club and we be­ Constipation* is not a condition to be treated lightly, Continued neglect of regular habits of elimi­ nation tend to lower your resis­ tance. Then there is the actual discomfort. For constipation* is one cause of headaches, poor appe­ tite, listlessness. Common constipation usually de­ velops when you eat meals that lack sufficient “bulk.” Your system fails to get needed internal exer­ cise. Fortunately, today, you have a generous source of effective “bulk” in Kellogg’s All-Bran. Within the body, the “bulk” in All-Bran absorbs moisture, and forms a soft mass, which gently cleanses the system. This natural laxative food also supplies vitamin B and contains iron. Serve All-Bran as a cereal, with milk or cream, or cook into muffins, breads, etc. Two tablespoonfuls, daily are usually sufficient. Stub­ born cases may require Alt>Bran oftener. If not relieved this way, consult your doctor. All-Bran is guaranteed by the Kellogg Company as an effective laxative food for constipation.* Sold by all grocers. Made by Kel­ logg in London, Ontario. ^Constipation due to. insufficient “bulk” lem and “commanded them that they should depart from Jerusalem, but wait,for the promise of the Father, which, saith He, ye have heard of Me?’ He meant the coming of the Holy Spirit, But they had a question to ask Him “Lord, wilt Thou at this time restore again the kingdom of Israel?” People often make the mistake of thinking that the disciples were mis­ taken in asking that question; that is, mistaken in supposing that Christ 'was ever going to give Israel an earthly kingdom- But they were not mistaken in their question, for they knew that the Old Testament is filled with pro­ phecies of an earthly kingdom being restored to the Jews. And God al­ ways keeps His promises. The Lord in answering did not say that the kingdom was never going to be restored to Israel: He simply said: “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons.” He continued: “But we shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto Me.” On the Day of Pentecost, fifty days after the resurrection and ten days after the ascension, the Holy-Spirit came upon the assembled disciples and other believers, suddenly, with "a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind . . . And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, aind it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them ut­ terance.” Men from many other nations and foreign lands, assembled at Jerusalem heard the disciples speaking to them in their own various languages. Fin­ ally Peter stood up and delivered his great sermon, one of the greatest in all history. The coming of the Holy Spirit upon Peter changed him from a self-confident boaster and craven coward into a man of humility and Christian courage, touching his ton­ gue with an eloquence he had never had before, and opening his eyes to the truth, and to Christ as the Son of God and the Saviour of men, be­ yond the best that he had ever known before, Peter's great sermon, given in the power and by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, showed his hearers that Jesus Christ, whom they had crucified was the Son of God and the Messiah of Israel, The Holy Spirit convicted them of sin. He showed them Christ as their Messiah and Saviour. And. in that one day “about three thousand” were sav­ ed. HOW TO COMBAT GARDEN INSECTS Whale oil or fish oil soap is used extensively for aphids and such like insects, but its unpleasant odour is objectionable to many lovers of 'or­ namental plants. For brown or black aphids it should be used in the strength of one pound to four gallons of warm water; for green aphids or thrips, in the strength of one pound to six gallons of water. With regard to tobacco extracts.trade preparations containing 40 per cent nicotine sulph­ ate'are sold by most seedsmen, hard­ ware and drug stores, and should be used as directed. fore, contact insecticides are usually recommended, those commonly used being kerosene emulsion, whale oil soap, and preparations containing to­ bacco. A kerosene (coal oil) emulsion is made as follows—Use two gallons of a half-pound of soap. Heat the water, cut the soap into fine shavings and add them to the water, stirring -until all is dissolved.' Then pour this mix­ ture into the kerosene and churn the whole violently with a syringe or force pump for about five minutes, or until a thick creamy emulsion is produced. This makes the stock solu- ; tion which as it cools thickens into a jelly-like mass. The stock solution when properly made will keep for months if air is excluded. When re­ quired for use, the solution should be diluted with nine times its measure of warm water. When only a small quantity of ker­ osene solution is required for imme­ diate use, the following mixture is recommended, kerosenfe, one quart; flour, eight ounces; water, two gal­ lons. Stir the flour and kerosene to­ gether, then add the water and churn briskly for five minutes. It should be used at once. Garden plants are liable to attack by many kinds of destructive insects. Some of these destroy the foliage, others the flowers, while others bore into the stems and even into the roots. Injurious insects may be di­ vided roughly into two classes by the nature of their mouthpieces, namely, t (1) biting insects which bite and chew ! { their food, such as cutworms and oth­ er caterpillars, and leaf-eating beetles, and (2) sucking insects which suck up their food by means of their beaks, such as aphids, the true bugs, and the scale insects. If the insect is one with biting mouthparts, a stomach poison such as paris green, or arsenate of lead, is usually applicable, but if the insect- had sucking mouthparts, such poisons would be useless because the insect would insert its beak through the poison and reach a safe feeding place beneath. For sucking insects, there- Risking the perils of death, the val­ iant knight had rescued the fair maid­ en and, now, he was {holding her in his arms. “Listen, big boy!” she said “You’re not holding me for ransom, are you?” “Not me!” replied the knight. “Let Ransome get his own women.” Uncle John: “Now be careful with that money I gave you, Tommy. Re­ member the saying, a fool and his money are soon parted.” Tommy: “Yes, Uncle, but I want to thank you for parting with it, just the same. nor banning THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON i Maitland Creamery ■ Ba Buyers OfB withe us np such any yel- times we have heard it that such a club would be here. It is true that a * the The Hord the night "It is ex­ away: for * * says that there is a the Union Jack. We ■will agreemost all S **• fAv/ BUS SCHEDULE Effective May S, 1936 Standard Time Leave South Bound 10.10 a.m., 8.45 p.m. Leave North Bound 12.15 p.m., *4.15 p.m., 8,50 p.m. Leave West Bound 12 noon, *4 p.m., 9 p.m. * Saturdays Only. Itineraries planned to all points in Canada, United States and Mexico Consult local agent Queens Hotel, Phone 11, Brunswick Hotel, Phone 148 Central Ontario Bus Lines Ltd., Toronto It fortifying Helgoland. Little by little this world seems to be preparing for another war. * # * s|c Last year automobile accidents took 1224 lives in Canada. This will be exceeded this year unless all driv­ ers take greater care. * * * The new “Prosperity Certificates” that the Alberta Government is to issue will look like dollar bills. We said look like dollar bills. * * * * * Earl Rowe, new Conservative Lead­ er, has accepted a challenge to drive his horse against Clayton Hodgson’s horse, of Lindsay. We would suggest that the race be staged a joint Liberal and Conservative picnic. Lloyd George white feather on think when we state that there is thing on the Union Jack low either. sis sj< The controversy over of the picture “Green Pastures” has created much comment. We suggest i that it be shown and then have a straw vote on the merits of the pres- * entation. The play was well received. | -K Parliament has closed down but as | the Irishman would say, the noise i can be still heard in the silence that | was created.i * * * * ! Sir‘William Mulock, Chief Justice I of Ontario’s Appeal Court for the last • 30 years, has resigned. No man in Canada has given longer or better service to his country. At the age of 92, this grand old man retires with plans for the future. What a man. Sg « 5-C Sg The government has set July 1st this year as the deadline for applica­ tion for pensions for those who serv­ ed in Canada and England and July 1st, 1940, for those who served in France. This is a wrong principle. Any person who served their country during the Great War should be pen­ sionable at any time during their lives if they are a deserving case. THE COMING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN POWER. Sunday, July 5—-Acts 1: 6-14; 2: 1- 47. Golden Text: Ye shall receive pow­ er after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jersualein, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Acts 1: 18.) The spread of Christianity through­ out the whole world in the first cen- 5 turv was a miracle. This lesson tells I ’ THE UNITED FARMERS* CO-OPERATIVE ■ COMPANY, LIMITED. 9 Winghram, * - Ontario. ■ Phone 371 ■ ■rmmmmmmbmmI llow the niracle began, and the secret of, and reason for its continuance. We' begin a six months’ course on "The Spread of Christianity,” study­ ing The Acts, The Epistles, and The Revelation. Christianity spread only because the Holy Spirit came . Without His coming it could not have spread as it did. Christ and the Bible make this very clear. It is not true that most people, ev­ en most Christians, know very little about the Holy Spirit? They know something about the Heavenly Fath­ er, and something about Jesus Christ, His Son. But what of the Holy Spir­ it? We- often forget that He is just as real and distinct a person as the Father and the Son. The'Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead or Trin­ ity. Fie is not merely a force or an influence, as people sometimes sectn to think. We should never refer to the Holy Spirit by the indefinite pro­ noun “it,” but always by the personal pronoun “He.” He is called the Comforter and Ad­ vocate, both English words being translations of the Greek word Par- akletos, meaning "one called along­ side to help.” After Christ had finished His aton­ ing and redeeming work by His death on the cross and in His resurrection from the dead, the next great event was the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church and into the lives of all believers in Christ, had said to His disciples before He was crucified: pedient for you that I go if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you” (John 16: 7). And unless the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, had come the Church could never have done the work Christ had commissioned her to do. If men do not know that they need a Saviour, they will not turn to that Saviour for salvation; they will be forever lost. One reason the Holy Spirit was sent from heaven to earth was to tell men that they are lost and that only Christ can save them. The Holy Spirit convicts men of their sin of not believing in Christ as their Saviour (John 16:9). He glorifies and magnifies Christ, testifying of Him (John 15:26; 16:14). There are three words, -each begin­ ning with W, that help us to under­ stand and remember the distinctive work or office of each Person of the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We find them in He­ brews 10:7-15. The three words are Will, Work, Witness. The salvation and redemption of a lost world and a lost race originate in the will of God the Father. So when Christ came to earth to save sinners He said: “Lo, I come to do Thy will, O God.” The work of accomplishing our re­ demption was done by God the Son, Jesus Christ: “through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. . ., For by one offering He hath per­ fected forever them that ate sancti­ fied." And how do we know about this—• the will of the Father, and the work of the Son? “Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us?’ The Will, the Work, the Witness: there are the three great offices of the Persons of the Trinity. After Christ had been crucified, had risen from the dead and had appeared to His disciples and many other be­ lievers, H< met with them in Jerusa- ' Xs ’ SA'i Blue Sunoco s erm