Huron Signal, 1864-10-27, Page 2I,, 4F or,
IriernMe AMmy witti. zilibbeffielli stoosy?' The dead were lying in every
77ki Mr. Lincoln in 1848. THE AMERICAN WAR- 11 filogrnfiro DESTRU11TIVE F= t46"`Jt1(U"oUu
THS k so i, Amm; IT, th ; itival citwo J W Sh ", vast
06 jalurday tauruior; last about I I Is; I
Ock, sath!.en lead been TM5 MORNING.
On the I 3tb of January, 1144A. me. iiag 114 ('11RO, FiCtOlieO."J. 0 me,&,n)us afi-ity with rubbers took place catt Letweets ti.e end of else car that Jay 1.114-113uey hea Ila J W 84WI.
IVI. IF a 'aw, Psi, IV III` ill* I )Ila far. house rialuest1 it& I he I of cuueewlon acre" dre cutting &led tile (liftAl FLANING 3111A, bjmm;*T4(l, Ainit'i Is
Z_ o Lit" a repre""Istive front Illinois in the U. "Is ()a solid trick, mard 'I) AN6 SAV - But
date. of the roille Ulf. k.foreta, ofVthi'll the following am %be 1 Thris l;wdy gneir 'Niam IL W. 11; J. Key be- - 140 FACTOHYI)E4TRUYi IIILISS0000 'e,,tt.
%*we Wont of mpromitatives, as life bad lasoven crushed Out of line. I pair or wuUu slpnl& n os Versareirod
Pol-tort Smith, WhOki an, was not extricated until ni!ht. NO .481THANCL-St'li'POSED I- ban 411,131 llerlin WtUll Wort( J 11'
GODERICH, C. W., WT. 25, 1864 1 the city is in the he-,& of the I ! - ill , a v,,1trsbI "nowltuout of Furs of all laillelL 11
their M. trial it tr "In"I n, 4over 70 ()i" . CFNI)IAHISX.
do- Failed =I M but remarkably I Thiiteen &Fit known to lueve been killed Cal bog life. Sinless J
Any people, aniarrehierri, being ineliewid.! lee Ila 1404, alone in the house, 1 outtight, laid two died itureavdiately on llolso-t Werallitior; laval la, ice %..,do
is, ,five as of strong. was ho, Lea a
ditiousliv. ]'he trial, 1141 bar' paut
WW Im;ing he power, have the right to rise the other inembsers .1 the founily ImPrin r eonat i takitO (rein tire ruiner. Onw,,t Anne wait IT and I all'alcia la!anket lAtwout ; [it*$ to v P.,14 (st ;j
t el", Between I this malfruitig
i loft its Ifle C."IfAb"Ut else 16th Ulu ( .. al Afav- Oil %flooduraiday IN" so= PWOM
THE RAID UPON IT- P111,11,11111111111, 6swishAke ON the existing in $,. twealls had collse 0 way horily after bein,; eou i-a throadarich by tied aide of the't,ack. Three 0.00 from Ideas deek in An blares, of fire woot'giveo, and it was cloth IlvNeaujilutt; total 10 "V1, - and form a new vat that notes Owns top, ,,a Pat not how retained grain It* trade two rural approach the house, I or four bodios wele wen *metal, the culshish, ter persons Laurie $1 . awountel John fair pair of I'lle Tire late raid uWtk a pi;saceful village in I to'. -'-b I'. m,janons are tall, sthleiie fellow, bad a hut is, Loch a position. that thol cuulll kill Small dicoveral, that thrs large 1'1 1111119 Andrew uir; beat do coarse, fIF pe &,ad believe s %I r. T.,Atidrew's stag at the Mw NI ill and 9
from .I sit,! 19th saw$ he Slis- I 10t Mt fire 110100 linew. One o the Li0ed wits gill-_- to W. R leave been or;ati a the World. And' tioA right is I tie." a,- Ili* Boiling are S;4 peatatiev &aid movettainis excited the found alment split all two, from head to Awli. - Sry- -di." -to the ady. Orel L. "Ift, Factory belon beat .11 of into" oboes %'mi oKw
Vermont, rillairged to i Old he tor Ili c"I . noI the ex, iteowl't It" :,antikerchief tied round fe s face Their' _p, Emel NSA wrapped in A&tn0l--
I, ciliates 6f MrAtisiah, Who uluwd himself with One le,,, leaving on a boot, was al protr
within Lite Canadian fnmitir, has created 'a whole peoplar of anylirs" afn part, re pace of a lease ftbll
I I ..tied out in e6t4L'tu e1vublattreaseave.di ckyok'v,%Vu0fr;K.,y.
may exercise it!" near the Lily , bar ofirears ahick fortunately lay witililk 11,21 oil' of %Jr. Kirk, who -ofers inrg"Ina Nverything about,4110 buildill 11 4119 Of
Much intorubt, Oil both sides or t1fie fille. G rem under Isick Taylor being I has (row beitearth a bomp, of trucks. 9 ho pristo fair The local iffelocinaten air lueressuffes.
red Vor 'esellng tulle. TIMWIlotenratuberinjumall itiestitrested Let ir single $lei[, Was loosaid.dt.. mAstba. "Plot
How different from the "titiments (it Mr. it I coll, 4, -sceritm, as bee is Clearim of 116 stock a highly combustible nature, a
If it is true that tile R21011111 ZIA - by passed UP 1-1 ff, ad I IN atternist".-
Canada, as a portion of Dritinh il its&' Lincoln, ilia President, in IS64.
about forrilt, most or there lieverelor , It Union
to Lie IF Looldoot Advertiser glance front those who arrived at the wells I:i Y
&AL thought that & %hird Of 1,he Outut can to School. I
with (,,Fee. tire door SIMI I I
been tuathat Met- 4 by a learty ofl.varlosems 'of to* fill C's good lay to the Nes, form, Said first was aufficient W Corneille ilia Omwit-
comes to us is an enllkr6ed
IIAsI.Viv Acircinatsit.-A porue,eiger by tilt- I IISIP i4 sistehst ourm":l at ]we' oce,pantofthe house. slid the., I,, a threquater.1ser 6 1 cident is thought to have Occurred theresisto ituproved. Sm Save tion.thut the Factory still its cootenta-Plifert I"IfUsIONA1,.-We Understand Ilnet 1),
men tit plan send put into execialioll "Us! it Orand Trunk [Ulf way mfuraleas tire isibtwo giant film &led , We,, were onh-IVJ W evacuee, tax Slower d1mAnded fair, ltauoey. %fr. Smith front tire apr"dinj of the raillis in posting the
tber I - -
on 'Thursday an Iriling an accident occufred then, which they tied. sivinj muc villitalls' in a little If M, national reselm assured khema bait ease tie at a In'th rate,iftiossed, or pursesibir from doonied., lualced, the fire muilis to have 11. BiLetrio, f -l-, Alit-dri res4,11ing the
an orstetrot a this, the act cannad, be de- I the offorculoiled totiney, lonst coast to the wrong p!aeL AW We Would direct spooeial* attentioll
preac.,ited too Severely, and tho gu4t ;;ell. 'hat di*- COutity Clerkship, tho ardat'nus duties,
y or on that line a I for I : a broken rial. Stitset;mpletely was the gained great headway imfeival. it W"
four# distance east or but giwrmsll But tile rubberthan cut to, tile advertivaeuseut of esors. Fair nconnected with which lie laws p.,ri4rinedses
K-0 IF) a ro- I fill., blockartcd p he ratio [,tell ere de -
it should be handed ov(r to orri It ruerited b' Ef I r the C ;1161;1 ted tie, . covered ut Ulf. The crowd boseall,
ville. A eavy freiht train ves pre"ing them to,) chiral they skdessid". it delvainj more met SenI ly to troyed thost it a- ii.twuklit that a trani could Co. 'I'lleir block is a very'elt"
cet c gailt, vile in lu r,yAktd jwtice. I t is our boast that tile enactment rapidly over the arereed, w lie he reft"ine dit"Lack LenAFFLIN phiceseisial lug been hi -O the old matt Late be go, deseef, caacrgie towards "'vitig y for many years, ties will
liturell toy the robschl 611 un oil )Ildnv, &aid outweinletident Corhours, or
a man sets filet upon Canadian soil, he i & broken rail, and age a Pa's , a w Otful'i'd by earlier ruorm, hurricadilig Lite door behind hiss selijuilaing,
steay IN. but despite the satost energetic have known 311r. HiLliellie ill his ufficial
hole train wait thrown off tile ifusek, wilb I our troAw. 64 well ecoUld ith I Jim biggest the New llissiato tire,[ 'New trend. exertions,
.fee, to stwak or act as lie li,ts, so long as cls witilencle, that four of the cars were hro4en 1 Contesionoti poison consider too ofthe rubbers quickly lassoed and forced dere.] tLe I soon to be boniest as loon "she OW The latest trick of tile thiLlICS W24 a cnsiderable ilinautity'aill Yalu capacity, wo.have never fiettrel of it com
he coini,lies sas ilia the rtiluirempts of the aft uch . seasonal, as to render them I an crili'Al. I'd FaISO that of Iorad the able, 'Utfists- fly to ire, in loial head mod a" wrist that tiocra were no inure bodies to steal a bracesti of" srl,:Iidld live turLies table Pilie lutubtr was deatrojed. This plaint tagirkst hiur-qu:te an eflyintole
oil fur feature use. Furionately, onse of Ili flat it' 11rawd cars kftr'uP Not vols' wbe, Itair the old man won temper I I,,( to comply be ... ill. Union "' 'fire engine was\ speed 00' Nputation in those disys of nowfiliCipsar
Uritiili laws under uhiah lie fields pro- "' - -_ . I , b fr.. Mr. Park oil Saturday, ghity
This he train seem misered. IS c velt: must evocusle of with his re Joe*. The reee,ai's face was no hillid, Yct Owinl
section. admit* hit rules a *out of. bufficielit grutublisig. Peter 'Adatuion, of
ight (If BQYIU has been rise rod was for a farvirdiled twYoold he estate of the One gelid,luall to:seai !u -n1\1Fe Penitell., A ILI
AMA' did Stanley.- lines beece freely "Froals'.11 X wo a
taken advant-ve ter by thouiands of killer- ible, and The aerosol Lit P& - vaith the 'hot Initially opottied door, olives tile Id unual A LucKy Waterloo Chron.
imus birseeltLe essininentactuent of the Civil train ". irriefore, about f, Housed halo saother Law. dealt him * tremendoulf tal is th icial, ows 0 that a well keeljowil very little towards Staying the oprobable saloccolloor, and've leave no Juttlat
,oily to time o1a, 1`4 it. I able station. 1,)uizirillso, Oct. 21. bsr whichoseaithim reel i P. of tz imilortant v it lal of G In the aamrxosunl weraj- fol the -fu 'A !?ufisjrat . too. it is really no tie 1111 t del ear a I very
War, sala while we can hear te teary already fi., length or boom or fic t y 0 f W a "FILL) fsmerchant and J. P, ;areepurs wvm fi;cIf in ill* United Statiell Dif 'ties he iay (tit asonse tome, hirsed. Comely or.1%`elliu!L,F, lately teceived a auto ntile quiet depultallont or a geleat majority [n' . like oil allau.1stelesed he,." l r. Smith mutts to attend the Assizes at Guell,h Why Is' the market Question wome thall. to t" that after all the town basis cz- propuffse, one
,Fiat otthe .,tdAms' Fspretis, *lid I -oil be
A;xa miner u( I ?all, thus expr~s the tool,"Lt'es for ruiiinj was new Lev the her robbices, who! Oriad Plume. -'the dosourtivat was by no LimAnnerialsolumarr' Atiestrear.r"Ift I tied i fire apparatus it is folstud,
of theariefire eftsivaiiig to be Adherents of tile I . . per. the A sedto hemThe Plan" Succeeded I's andictisi reeire'.1 fl,..IL wounds tillessis a welcrionme cup, unit although it 6achor war base only created a drulill, bile the Fe" A al SUAU'C, HI'T NOT . IIAI 7 Y M ALILT
idateterminalionsifth tatietar Vicariate lit to stami, -ill I facapohloTof throw ipg water to the lowe"t, Fsaiuuu.-A ally Or two ag Chitareolls,
Stantheru Corlonredetarry,it is to lit rao-grot-Ited severe in the war is not miscreressiry now psn"m I 7rwr conkiro-Y ul;om his face und listed& #till *,)site sort of a 'Of, Ilse Pro"Pect 'If twil t 'ohn"Ot fI`U` home kort QuInuniss ban raised a rejular'bre"al.
the on Several emssions a few dereloemtse to tea vli.i,ued I unist she W such a peculiar effeact Upton him that 06, f when the'llainecti ooteal The firlt;cusita his
J )&to Traynor wis . inking a foriounter 09
disco** this matter, may never Intention, Ilse we. cittio.1 best 111011 without rcCeiling Well have broughtLues upon the verge of %. but neither casseroles slaves will be gawrilloser captured Ilse is, all lilow from the sa*e weapon L644 Ilse day lisitre Ilse Aa,izPV coolleatticed, he w k leard and ploetter to do tievir July
had so effectually his computation. wait attacked ber.sicknesoof *,I atinge a char. 00DERIC11111 TOWNSH16P. by the traiu, and left Ilia toes in
Lextrublel by fit eking this country a basis of poralit" to sumall i-e-othe of ther suareso Cott -ire .!:L 11`
arasl theIalter limit rustaresseed to) erawl actei that Flubludy-not cv,n hatuateli- know Ily, but throtigli araine unfortunate Itir'\1,9110yis diiarget until lie could praticuress
operations against the nacrican frontier. fouressammes. Thisww 6 national imilia, away, slid the other, who wuuW vrolisailsly the naint or usture of the dim-usle. lit! *east 11 IT GOLQ T -U, Hillocks, F -I., h.&Vl loose we they can um list, but little. . ,
1.1" r IitICII.41li u . fit(. priaticatier, livits.: some.
For such 6.taii.13y outrages upon or boo predia"ace OFF (oar GAP' ¬ fqw I *ub'u-sti eat in fme, Frthave'siverreorne, hia IIto( a worTh7 si n Far i:*cuioFpIU6, press shown us s, flessentity or clay talocii froul A Wore palls, _ asnel two or throv flood
orshewhitelemselthoteruanciputi the stru.,11air et;ntinued. also met cilied fur -has hudiiy ailment, his fee, -what cif\ a Auld Polley he I If or fall, the burg It w it, interrul-kal *all turevarelost to ell ley the Felt mom, his farm, which, ir t6 forne 4 scalars, hooks Send dem in their williug. hands,
pitality, plot even," shadow of us, Joe aide olihe Ir y -would like very inuc!a ts) rido its thir rear
Irises ire nominally free and ohei asters. by ,rich wlw r; ofthe sweetest' trivulloers of ill to
n" lad to know "'i returnitsi, where 4, l 4 A'sessilols certificate crisis losticeal's illesem. colitinis a large per-scentage of solue its on opinion, be wall Lit all the
can lose found, and we re eaten"e". We -OUM' lleormfirm, -coast. almost I'lots 1.6 Uri a kept up with afterwards w" 1 a car, thinking, perhaps, ad lort-ciousAille
that our authorities leave at all ties. letid spirit Until, S1041 Colltre" ol the The nei.:hW-s at Fee turinal Out, se o )nee Led the mail Started, and the' lo irsh usetal, pre,,cotiog the usual Witili cauld
lit7l". 11 ming for braralifust,, than tit* old' w Ln a corporation, and w
Othermates may Ilaascde (or deenstrel last law to mptuarto the sortVolded r.labsers,but' 14VO Vroul be masf titers thait nerarer Illue"
with as touch proleaptitcis in cases as Vi ini a. altor exhataitinj her ithites, 'it 41ne. harisolor e his st-lwasiones a& facility as Once of A gold Luinaa would bar a bac tile lilea Leaving 104ell valuable
16A rg h to The beat Areass. . 8 Mostly firin-tr *ad 111*0 hattArd in the dime. 0-ouris they,tratc4ard &be. by Their blood losever I n!urua last no awai engine. mr. \ .011ey didn't obect, and
4bery -have %Then federal agent have been lit her blacks thres, be Wortairls, thery did so, suraterld in Martin discovery, ineed. Nkr. H. hould have Property. We a ,
lion of the Jaust-4, IAJIL the object air it r tuan Went in *lid I" looking out of
British Soldiers Ito ,fit Ills bee& used ill Sets) \The beautiful laws
I will be frep ata!l "It. litears. It to be hoped this Ili* twoLa which t\'
aestsusted ,I* enticing not they carry With them may wet lead to their SeoT,s A the hubstatice exatuined by settle couillet about a t , he ervar do
I J sqnst.h - Another Uaillork Tic Wry
desert, or crali,ting British to serve t::)- The wirkiU, constants of* 1,rojon ortory * I title vaLew peausse,1110 MJSI bav "Y "' detective' We AM IULIIPY to-iPares that the a, judge. Seek, aladit is highly robablits that the men,
'eitin-moly profitin4 largely by V.. I",AbvJv,s injuries reaceivard by r. Stealth ill Atedcaeltull w to I And, 2t , IFinery ed to ;anuiaid-hitsa f bin least litocrtios.
in tile Northern aralkies. Until fliefioets .4r feeling. ligh '4 with his riffability tv the crowd on tire was tire wor)L oferotue, f ilia watialead al not inciiiag able to at and it, he juialled
vatc.onstur are veotiii do-tim-lveat of I& andi'l I said to the trall-keepe tile King
;are elicited a be imati- I munificent gift, it is r.ot "Iy iterate a coward TOWNEAIP OF ZRU Z- who lrrowl through our 0 tea during Mont and ilioashoulled. - fwr 4 olwrp reacto
abepotential of the large. tutu vallich Itto has lU_ Is -
isture, but %be shock Ilse rougle, Pa
bull Placed at the d"pustail of Lord Sultry I fer"A last )IF. every Ll%'ght Of the week, oil t e l000katuot
fisted :at M a J it iumpow As miglit he supposed, made itu fee to d. bleFo hints never foes est4l. 6ti Tuesay mortise, Pulley brought "Ifitul up, Land tire fimt
-title Pal suit-lbal suplas cruits--The Whte Slays jsi.."g Tkirr4faats, 1 .4. , U " so Its , . of.this township, wit(, inc;ir fliy-du- for anything in tile ,hape of file del that TraynO! knew Of the tautruin bid
ible to say he. a the t. Albans raiders listed r. Ad.mss, (or the am On a that IF kill ,dll
for tile l-, hato all-loomatior sairs- Trade. 6' fr WAA'tlle tuay conearia ill the
tiny* bases guilty of, re3king the l3wa,of wille preat sadararataje in that'el-A 4ard, had a fine toplan of' Ktorlen. wa) on acevull ofthe werais arecitag Ifina Sallied liencle. t-, tLe cars.
Shivery- is and suberly erftic Welostern . Ralastray. the ,fr (Per yet' y, Pos, ; it "All ,
othe coollentry to which , ey fiA felt safety, ! of I).,. but Ili,- ou"errisur which 'so al I' al liell Still JJcsXY per eent&W ficeareas W IF tim
ill mail flesh is, never soil , the Kim,( connote leavvir-rallski lie inamediately ta t
I he led has enire other iri-e inalafe; but *bit die We publi.-Is ebeewhem the - r.omear report John I boal y to pay that turnpik;- for hin;I2 put Fee'r:tck-. allompositaies, %Jr. Grace lk i"raot been in t e
after the,ir Defurious, ob -et lead been goria- - 1. I'd Kinciardine to I Tests ilAunrawe is ItAirtri.s.-The bagpipe
I Th, oev(.ted -talk of the sulopi, notifi- &lion, Palb- of the still ual eneral invetiiag of the (rMelitt on I, is visi to told this I
Sri. The Canadian Govc nicatt, however, you if Traillor, Godvrich, and -of material, the *pm,,erty for Forne olleeled
i,sialilar 1 urposse, &aid a InnitcF! li lavd tensil in this . habit - IF to
A: 1241 000 lords wetru, lVesterts Railway Company in Loinkfaca. It Store to Sir % aft whoon tie" vw ra cow' Constables A 1 11 Is 0 '4 thartiC
billial taken the matter up iih beenning i lini,loolty bull it( company with a car-stal of ,morri,40'0 11cr,#d P - ortess PA 10 11 we ROL &I isit. 'Now, 7 hosaitkiken, of K iciardide, tivelosel the thief IIL*uc; Sind his 10-0, estimated at ff"Woo . Ifightatederia In rep dry af 1,aide. . Tlw
1, is of sufficient iength for the general o ear malpilee usoi Allies, halipy itionaact - taken
';warmth, and doubtk m jul will be duo A: 10,060 Is" all-, be- e4lShliAhA' The Mr. Jeoli It, -,he's Y, litti.,
worko.,, etswo of this is rill hArre cred. far as we have ticiewve or if,,. Itioreb.-r, will L itioAt
readee : but a touch fuller an -1 inoro ,in- just ill.. rsesoil" adv lase of by Colonar uais; roil Gf Ilse 92nd
in this promises, irres, ive of tht threats, reason to Won, ilies-ar IIdoublet that the ranni -is W by th pfet , not sitivl, artide,.stre letilre, I Ayr-
tercerting,retport siopoatial in 104firvary 1husiatitiv Iwito - Ilse ote elk retiaidd bee I*,ad it is ally pull I., thew to oor th.1 thew lease anyth-tig I in the ell or savol friars tie, build . ing. The Imed by ttali,rtor wines.
leave IF ro,rally are'IF the-binefito w4tseni sea ing cr. ng was 0 [Penns hi rf,6r .1 tire hamlet of
outside inflctici whatever. i , I Timeal. The mecti by as fine, ing bee Btof the ew York licralief, or any other' of heir erni;: I coal litselas, that three &Fr four or one mind. Ntf- John Fiel-Is, a Laim. ell turrpikao.' lie another tie destruction of this hire "tabliobm tit will IIt' I V)IUTUII we gkc the feirficulars of itlaw our lop Forecasts Over jrRW crIstgx passed ih 41L -- lie town, and is regrelle oar quIlLis its Al. bit its *hire stockholder, was p3rficul.irly inolood al 1, n ileat ad, % i1h
be quite a laws to t
4striatecaii. T.Amrsts Am, Wife Ell t"ig
at Cle--tt's Ilarlso, Ford th,,y esn be eted 'b a titirit FaTiopposition. This, perhapares. . wmtd on 3loaday broci re-hiv,all to
y orri"an 1.06e,asasr not be *-a our a
raid and of the cipture ore number tafthe llrelease J t::)- A d;w,ate israriato .... tr,ge Int the. Pa awas not very fourth to be wondered at d
-aidetia. twelve of whom, ar, have take,. place. at Adoot, AM 41tay think nor as y &tic afferalespecatecd of two atinsplass. in usejLling ri U,,rick fureth agaid or near bandied dollstare 111, d al were unable to be. They do not wit Ity, Person, milo tiond,
A its Uanua. T1w following Srese witt"n to tisqardied rown eat t . " J,IFI%'ll. on front, Still about 6 'F ARIMATF1.)i end Their
IF i .,:r
lesuen No J. But lie should bavel the loo, it HIP.
tire residence of Mr. Keoll, sir'd a V,.!i, in lb* intL*k informatiost, also telegraphed to, &,ad a shot thrOu4ll the hall d Chaimill ral'ItOlefd of Sdl*r of Jeff- rubered that there were el"'Ona'L I.; tracts enter for an all tianareed than a at al. fessaile,oll an up the re nte-A nal". The
t the in 'fit created turelf-h ilatere't, heof view. This -as to
four this, Over Which the Board realtumd mail tu be will oshoat an such
Toronto papers;- !uFaubled the arnedusard. etc. : they then rushod free .11 CoUtItT. so Tile uranstaid sig fullow;6 (ret 0 Fr" pmm,
La, been % e oIli rawntiOt;ed mi is*,, iwillp, W.I$ were rise know", in X,PNTup..tT, Oct. 2L t by McKean need Servants, strued, Is not the Atio, arodntic, evels it ? kd no trol. Panng the lagt year the 'hat I esp"CiAlly on the part or lAdicat, IFIAt a note- fifestarday,m0s we thi hit to C A
Tilts raiders will be brought in at a late 'wni'tb pitchforks, Pie.. theme several, wition (ever fr the n we ander a joeudoorron,. letters new -lit C, mpin t 9 144,000 by the exchanc .&to led it) depreciiete with, r Triends or Usear I
prowarreod, and telvil(terears fore -all I)% his knees to ill,? theirs, I imaltif-ar, prickle I I)r. i-stowitia, Ilark, Said Fox were alwayn, r of tum and boys, wh,we reverefic,! fear at' Oil nal bAllu4 f nefW where
halsortc-ni.-Istandluilgedus 111o6irval joul.-I on Feelers money -3 sufficient suite ! f, m a zellt!sm Sri leasing in licuor low '%Y- a Yom, -
to: PAur islareard eele,l by their a oe A, (',.plate If ill-- -1, M. fly
swear that he wuld rosins a farm he had just as Fell le -n it is 61tivateJ by !he inchOed to tive.rater Ithen. . usto net wa's ciii 'esa be little disaitet; nifesive, o 11. t The 3air. A Jabot, the J, 11. C.alm. a M it ilivide ffive per o wt. : anti thii fellow, It I,, It which liters
I taken fror son payment oforient. AcKeum wao'chairm4n J11.1boord of superviaters as when is gememNy a sliai 41diatir2us, hooeocd After this pustail- madot
roil. allid r. R. [AHARIMe am #VtNilWd (Of the eat cztent, continue SO long low Itervoluese. &led frequently i1v is I's Irefle. with raissial U. t I i4 -d 0
badly hurt With 640ML is is grown by a nixear lradq'down outla. clinical awl base ss:.J tracts a stair tto. a -ad got tb his ntled
Agent. Mr. It. Deal for the FellerAl Gov- WW is this suri.:uA,eerail offtr but sellinot tFaster all that he woustishaj 64fainto Wit, thatich cuvli.e*s ',.a if" I a,
deflatioce by r. 4. N. Sanders, Conivilearato as Joe Star in ica lam. During an, I slowl ma foo'sto haill If atters as where Uniall in a TOY UIMIUP,ittm"ltlry min -
will not be Sao greit.' be 'he ;aa Jdm 1, Furs J lin but to oar. T happy, lariat and bridenWeas In ChiefcOnstable Trainer tovk priecal
ornament. Su inu `s iyuipailly w*4 expressed The NewYork Independent saree: Rev. If. human dorsh 1 What) is the " so as r trot Joe next 11:1IT-year #*wiles - . . -
for ties- trowners 1 9 ;IA1 Ili St. Julm's trial gave ta-it... I,. I.Liet.Allarday 11albor but a as like recent visit an Iderninn Dakill inrl; wen Th,,m A,- Dj no', plies, sho not sit in The ere mir.-hed ore as bravats should he reach the rWr
Baker r,:mu let Wfis"IF.-Our
in the barracks at SwIett a I t I . prospectiv herself ;
iffe wait I ought thear7rel'ticaso would be Attempt ei lslnarik bonne chattel, to he beight',ared *.,file 1 I'Mesoars. Faa]7"or lmixiio 1i anortaing, that he would, Oil S n 84 criL.N." to) be covered ? -,Can 'you think lyasthl,u,- Ahey elifferected Fenithin6;Illort Liolementes, by tilleg'spbolig 10 Pf-'I-' oh,g iOttolliiencefur The jam wit weeks as
mila &W Cape. 11asitivier's cavalry troop was until the PeassidentiAl passed (room hand to bond, 'like sheep or Ian a,,, wowl, t wi t American r)iu-
preach .-rousurnis ement Tbm mierble bendimen-thP . I hat te OU, do IfieWieut wait a happier =:in ofmartyrdom *hen they arrived At'dillurch- lwints. It is 401 -11 'cry --I to get Ulf with for lowlets 1.11lactietalliv intarneeking produce
amiked out to the guard the jail. which som" pie might call lie indentell apprentices to The great plenter, plastics to raise their r soLue '-'0 per I Laws Fe-ml,as I or -1) . ear& 9wift than Iliallial Stolen bom-re in this wuntry: I'Djoeld Kip th. to it" teae*4 it) aisivote'i. N mew best
'assut. Va I' Bennett If. Yvon,, the commander -we tie. - oal*c oiu that if any cent. If; khey t -Sharpe. A,elf the piart team as` Fat the I, let to Irish to near there death -are to be bad for right or nine bun Isist fairlit. l.fum tilt- Tovorillip of Ilreative, %ma a.,* on being rawked viatwou"Y. And
the Masc,, , The traffic returns hit,, that *0 -.40. -_ - 4 11 Tie,- Che
'If the Evening 'Idirrrapher,ol!iVil deed dollarse I)d they receive such ffinity placed in fifteen., on'ThuTaidal vrsli I would leave opportunity to leave their saraoaf . ' rill King *I Hayti. ly rry that the,epaft' and opened Vic naria joutwa *14 Imking ulag-
pol try the way d,nutneev, tho MCI al 91 Piece &Coast for those who did. sairearre.sairequartirrZifit, %h -n they eashitaid? thrnuAh' butioess ofthre Grc- Western Ch toper
We are extreme fire,; a Papers If hearoart faim
ificeist, al like klecut fares yet
You mow 61 bet your pile " they efed re.,ek But is very nearly italics, as large as e lostal. flosAl will not danit of a sv fr mill I he all- liaryez-
of brigandage. and *.I% a ilia reetworm should be lets
Up aO u. I" #NY few, wereb.i.tAblo aid apprillble, and -if I he we- in the at our di
,h* fteight because it is Pat -1
Ift Rialitter oftne arresting Velegrpelt. Maine of Their pfrchme.m(,tiev will stick to this $them, fee I island of St. Eustatia, Ila, piceacrty ell Mr. waf the excellent lecture livered 'Pr. dence taken before'lelearriii, J. P., tilmall-lin the bihil walls of spalklin Illart r
fo&bit, insi Ig i`
Vi'tter. At a witery Parly lorfariur.1 he manifested ease )f The Came 10 cropper beautiful * to leorbold. tit. Freasime 640
Oct. 11. lowel..Iv'o 6o,rs in Iflaxii1s, of that be in hot this would be: Taylor last niht. `aif.. T for ii , t
A certain good-natured old N earen Ms. Jacloss li-Ite! at said looks rvsansriomh, ,- sell no ill#- tit iftetil procttals.
11"Xisroni'll the colurannio; of your journal I .,tit farmer Assured. 'There, must br,,t-) tbrAnowing a" a statort-Faijbi;W Acy. the Mail room, "W"n"Ist 01 t a ' itaturail.1 true usibletnim. lit is a the"
led sal strOD4 Ulturst 1) allies, or so 1'. %bal 4sa (or $741. Mr. teeds. painters who - Nkhmiand Gulterdisivir
iah a mai sarue statements tit the people prwfsr rlred his clannowit good nature, let what Ili 11 big siting " to) he made cout ter four hundred itt fewd sr;eereded in carrving the repeart.whic %.ere not in'ttrued by cultivation. -
would turn up.. One del. wLit, the black meruits.-Fronal awPther roil shormag' we', clear intellecti a vivid imaginal ta. an Was there, at once susloected tit ts the-homeft
Umm power to In,
of (,'wood& in regard to) the recent operations tongoe prevailed in ciat State. vile )r hi., men in a gmaje of 4 ft. 1141 'n he Mi " !Uer geveA;ct.n years old, a we" st,ol", kPoet kept khe wall &Ainj lor A 130 GaLEseeliki'K ('Ot'iTttrtiT;-.t *Oil
in Vermolut- I went there for th'L purpose, of nbringing Ili- sell- 'it 11 -11, 11 1L* red film so as to for' Fr ell", ol St. having, tit a IllcmOrY at, wed wkh facts gathere fault- vmo time, with a i low to c.icat particulana-
Luming thitown and surrounding viMsAes as in. ow WWI "I he prevers L gUaJe of 5 a. 6 in. i . I . executed said 'very dwinjimudt.4 cr atoitrjar:&
oxen wall dead. I,Vl'ilr t'r MT. Vittei-, di4coviertA the lit in the cours, or travels over toseis hir,ls AL cominuencrit-d Jeri suspicious to
a receia outiasless it% the Shrs 'is be?' la;,iol ibseW min; The Mi Albania Oettracs. and the$ be all 11 t,) Ploalso Over the 'IF porchureal hi Y. lobe. to It at if a I NO tu!d thers,rafewi 1 *are *us greenback bass beef% Inalt it. The,
witandunli wallev wid elsesishi-ri: in the Onifed. -4 Of &$an N ato of " am f Ili, babitable 'go the l,i!L is' precisel
he waillayit Western roated-tilic Ca ew York (it I Oand 'a iijual;,rea are
Was a breart, lay talmor Take, hiteel!vfe 'off asi AC7101 Sir 01011%. ArTanottvisel-less, W &ad 1111"ian Central. liallwaTle. The fr'-: - ter *ki was roe)- glarl to get rid ateof Fear ainiA tire ailivews, morl first lot-
-a. 'Wit to FletChWil; it *11[6ribi SMS AT STA51114ft-4 -ha lure Is 1. , 'lit C4 '11, hat of A C'einat txnagainallosio,
er te State I line to cummisolioncoll of5cer its Car H-r, write n%mivtd rich ions voice, and a 4i" I *" later ovir"At. .. air
if.: provisional of the cotifederate States ty it d, Alb ST. albijul. '. cent ofefthiis work ,litimatedst V44,000; "r ' -Fr Latecomer and you have ... ear bests ideat 0 ' D, : as extraction, Find tic. hilpt mi) time art erii-et toe imi
but it will Foot fall thr, G,est Westerit iaie b4ki That 'tin- in
and leave vioitattel Ito law of Ca,aus. I do cash whoau a mailseili till the Frnrclar Itevo-
out waste my nanic connect al with the Pisidiess An boor or so afterward The man cases, the American ruil-ay lisle agreid set 0 what an ortor should 6 - His all-lience 6Jerst fast its hZi taret w.ild early and they printi,ag not 1,.it- mi well
back with th news that 41ine back' &rid less lie'., 20, IMI. to fo ,v three Afties of the that Man, lul 11-c else illares. . Asion after be FP, Find hiAbly has 'A lay M':r'" that rein on, OIN, whilesin.the'vigeente of The
now a itescroart a knowled,,se n the 4mart UmLe ains I last fliilt Was tolerably bar, -artAjailhouse by t;kO &rid can -
ere both dead. a two h;Lpa a Ivion, be . a. hari - its the earlearsial t, estate is lea- preireal And, tire I., ir part uf
of that,l)ple as to %-he we were &rid why our IWe have obtained the following prAiesdars fur c;4bt servi,b. In, tiff i made by the Farench ifitellifient, and all secuied picamed with cek. uodr-r " bed! Mr. Jacobs. he eri a hich in ties Len , inall. i,i seriniie i 'Am they ?' said the old man; 'well, I took of this boij No all thin I
action. I wiih Film) to make a few st.uterrient ostursestAlYlis *lave he diifinuished him- t sued Otireres were quiciroy wi lasis I a I
mi. how vsdfand paertywaire to lave a bad debt I never so. Outen4le: - Wrinot that past two oo=e cow i,,t fi , .. eaker's lOY311Y to Rritain, and what Mr. 'it or IF 'Th,. WV ill ;4, entbein of 1; ale (tt thit" days a number Of perso's-in sit will be commenced at oliev, is it is the Ills' to to to it , 1 1 the ill) at tit,! sto % critter thmf wait iliriiewn I
Take the bodes down to shoUtIllairtY, -came luSt. Allians h'T tion of the Urand Frank C,P,u,,wIi to toy A ,,air resa ta eler else Issioner'IsC
war, ariv-d to &-it ley merienn citi 11 like rf oth he had to say or the 111terlestiltg. on troy %'a Are in, at accol than
.1 1 they will bring cash. twos raw Iupre te illij.4-tterr6r. warrisoiLlsorili me, I Ato Ilia in the grtien,ar. The poperis unuAvall got all
A ftaer the lapass, ,fan ,ther hour I he min mnw threft is, the di$,rtn4 hard I'm* dm4l3 miles of ill" Bliff King of Unyti. the Pacifice coast, touching which be &Ave -jewto 9. 1. wwi=tted Va I'voll'all (static. r
S settle Areas in their Islands and, ari-Plerilly, i the hotels. &led stopped me ce 4 a.. so) mi!es upon th,,ir Of the letter (Joel 1) he lo,ca oI back to tell him chat the w4h tire oil e A 1.:k.l.,. "and, ri1,1;mhed, wany packet book take I uld I fur i. They w re dressed like ordinary own. triack to if and them he now. (ISIS)N -fire, probably In. 'la being bee IF %it.
placed in between t we men, said wait travellarres, &lid attracted no) attention. Yen. or barc I v earth. At a great dad of statistical and - other va lay, he *dsn:tt.. have., vilets the shoold be on ill* lock mit for thrusts bills;
tartt,d I ... A the UoRed Status. 'is lee ? said the ,let me" : be low -
deed. terday, Orlober I ilia. at hoou; three lei the Great Westent walae.o.. toy A!doertn liInIiWaiable information. We wish the Dr. gireat
-an a good .,d et, 'I'Like "fr his hi -le, a to the interview he latest first he resitesirstied a ,,,.air., a - ar di tooliC stated I:. exte thost the mail front to,
out my hand Food caeht the rein, sell" three arrid afteriaseell, maj at Ilse same thoment. parties Ossifies, in alluding it"" t stab or Is the whom be load tLiken na,ball cheattall hills out ill.. lately be!d in ortan
it it duan In Fletcher'.4, it will larne, I oil awl other railway sition; har-lia.le Iiiien ofl.0 its6cc.'so; in his lecturing tour throu,
Or we each entered tire t6ree banks, wA, WIlvau Itichmas 81IOLit with h:s owit W.t."n received e2.0011 ibirse.
1-istuds meet- levelled mt any hear] with threstLA I than two of the others, 0 A 'Thew detter . 11 fli4h oi 1J.10. &test that hp taken the liar" to
top @boot the d saints] scouradiel alead, ir lit. I Tre sm l with revo!,scrai wilmle-they presente gametes lei The $tales.' .' I IF ditual %bP,uL him for imaginary (I Ces. b4laice I the account I I Not le Fes able lwthlrorts Itfi'l,nay jraa. free
firre'upon his wile, sell,) now ii piano &mi, at ed to us that we wre eanghall of t e 6 an, *fail, moved. 8oine 44liaJilin citsx--yes there to, -Poke taking topose herself0s, office IF( ;liphuz, en. th heads of the cashiP.-ral &ill tellers who - put fintre hieateilioritt, " bsearn other" '(or IT intended loan until 0.0 a ei (of it).! .#ritmmls ;nji,ies sustained by Ili e a
a I -iiI6 a tui!ilr they sta, led with me inded be, husband very Severely we, I,,, thm4le:sel to SPOOF them if they re. I hrou.h traffic - that i r . third live ears shimin-al, for1mal relaed in his severhy,a, vil A. $.-MOT CHOP. couldbe crimansunicosted mi TIw thief in a raise tu IN -11 Fivert inshat,ulany 11
hins, two of them h.I,I,nI. Firrial is. S " it's "'Uto listed ., " slower, consiecteoll as it orcoild be by i ear ferry 061 Wheat the emit. feseln-d Hatelland th-irb.11.sbe. ardwaselledhinniflearewas not wo-are that his led I,mt,dd ill, D,truit,sied with the rritilway brifistelhast given leis subjetts a good woda o lieur sireeryl,-lookiiiii wait, is ville"lly oc"red take in ver snol ; and owbile al I a., me
low was the judintent of heaven for his wick*& tesiratet e will out of the question, boat at W biCh ill to**' file following gentlemen corealit-ted for I Ole trooble he is Ilow in. I.sat credit is res,
dta,) cifizens. of Anatericlau am". I for .1 beink ettle the cashier w:U; in ; in :t A! , loosely, User the llud ot) river, Nut a eirititnestance, lot it be ever,firs lei 'tile rule., do. to Mr. 1414dreas and Mr. cause the prA%
e'liza"s cu,;e let') than, place brat even be- Is it fro said three old follow; 'Well, if somitt., " boarmeoced, on unbroleil lisle of railway pri iforrooteromsecortina to . obe for Ow '11e lilloiatiff won in*the lSMl
ilia will take the judgment in Cattle it is 0, t (roe teller find is, the third. the -ablioslitsi from Cia C-110 t-1 "I'm fliner, escuics the kneVvIarsie ofthe king; hire in y the Co. of Harun Agricultural S.: promptness with Which t read,thre sceier train.
their, tellers'eser f eca -it the took J-1m& , SW
Id be gal. , who
yond,it to-andiiiii,i, rwas and aft, nrl kill some of us after we seem- in the hands less twayll cou pay it., We bee r.,bbed the bank, or allies are everywhere, awl are only latialoon to tis
What 1111110forly tl;ey could fin'l, tile vault said York. The efferct w.uld be, us "I'll , tie or him."Iri his llestowel i Mi that it is Nvid - ;Vrent Win Young, Is. t bis arm broken, Final othu'r 6Qilv ivejeary.
,:fIlthe authorities. Isurely the law. safes being art,, IT Chicago shoot where
I iiii 1111ilton 1.4 1 tin is with every ". (lei in big John Salk 1101.1 defence was, its the plmoar iffwss mt
and toork art am suet in &I I to Xisthe m4ult or the distance to "Aw , Andrew Donogh, lial 0ib AINLEYVILLE FALL 5F
ple of mu t have forgaatten first you An samViOg Scene occurred at the jail door f perhaps P150,01111111 or 1240,000. While an -r as arell ns by team* &lid hung, J. W. liott, in Lomax, John Bolster. 10 in the Immenger car herve he ouht to bait
are net in the midst of war and ruled by a Wick (4colland) the oili--r d.,y. such an ex0lit be that in five or six #rely, by chal been, mt the time Of the mood Oki
A tilruir the;w persons we t -Plabinith. banks, their i4noots. Christopher has taken the most severe
or - sh,uld be entirely recouped out of measures rial Judrs, has COhn Oark iseld Pe4alt I'mrse, our Vorrewilrindent. iein contorquential of a violation of the
its an inetaii -,tied inipeemso in had inmecerated another ,we a r,cree obtain. conferl,rats-,L, at the same tilarse, wont to the years be thowasinisibred 02- to enforce an ittimotly. lit fact. he 3oblertson. finish 'heir work cm the I Fill pomngers to enter the
he srl'!US esvni,.As aod f t
boil I on I, at afnalid to gas bIf"re Can ad against him ire the Sho-tifr'SmAll Debt! hotels Laid h%ery mattleas, and seized bm*-i. is, t Mollie of obliges every persin to meet, y lie d,s flowlituldirser
Courtt; rated. others tharaffAirisia.lCutart for u4out ill. The I10our went tie there. elk to eicespe toCanada. be petwom connected with his improved coverst0oill Al Is settle. All ilv-youn4 &aid r,,port athe pri vrsrdledl, as follows:- Tilt EXhll,IIi in of tire Branch he CO were . wet Ilable.
It Isse.fromemod I foridoli coiaettiedly. deria, in', Ito. would net wiliale malterwn, transit for whenever he poll,toest I of J. Ilialtvivild 2 heath 7 Agricultural Soc 'ever, d7not take thisviewaaf
rated, Illy pelts, we . eted ill l,u than an transit." The da,terran,,Atiorl 'If let lo!ty ni lar -14 oil Ili(-. 12th he .. g w
the viulaiori oi ., auction an Elp4h lax. come out till Ili; era-diior wija!d come Wesetern II'mrd to carry out this work shows Ifirls fly at his approach;
is,. hour. 4 if aloto,,. it, stealill., the Nor" th,-y of Special )nee he begins &string ofiow.rotegator. line it) the rod or 6 4' art 10 [be to The iot. on of the very ta.darr,au?, e they rortivned a remict for Ike
After lying tie jail for some, time 'h ad vt,,y cleharly.that ill-, If he finds her unmarried, lie generally acre. I
while the I Fact with mori%tince, for 1hii I's be III 11" kisiiot,yntlietc4n];es' -state of the weather aroad the rosalls the the
SOme else I huire will be sent to islve$644t. I iession minou"t hove stated.
this breach of neutrality and Swear t ill no looce" Wait ell through, he tend opaisely, need they fid half. dozen tow -1, lion -it ill 0"Sn't formal lit r he mill &-nJ her a huiband next 2md A Dontagh, yield 2 IF to The tA or a". win not ou r 1 A It.
al LaZIS Fuller, the limrvaimail, and at me. day. lie probably Seattle her a Willett frun, 320 bush per acre. 'Prall oll.T 1'hl)." '1111- C-11101 M
Anstoneancit6--fittsitaittiarmodalut i" at present; find, as much a we approve of I large as Lit twithe did
ir Irani. Obtained il him for a precieseli similar, The keeper of the*h tool. the connections hia,le the Grand Trunk Cm n I
,lot the just art of t am,ount. Perry hall alreeksly made we qneL'oon very him regiment of Guard*; the lady being sul 3rd 1is 1,,romus. yie[J I bush I Ili$ is) be the drit of Stack. produce &a. crime oil to It 1 :.0 , be IiIiI.Ple Ful -ply
11.1sing you will give I in a lovilplication. I When the creditor *boil issee the "Urs they also fiell at Mr. 'eforris,in bably, ill all but name, a white Person. road, or: 277, hoesh per ere, what mi4bt have brown exisected, had the or cottoi, for pre sent year will idnick'smair-
I manim filltheir-as Pletely Lit war. mile owns, walkin,t sion 1 4".Illy or, the, each if it would -Feet' 10 weather been fit.,; y,l, nutwalistawling the
oil rem etfully be (,Fr 'the fl, its ill wain. tea expostulate,. even to plead a Carrots, Ist 11. Gibbon ly 2,500,000 Is les, wari,ich W"Ula admit (If a
.1 ISE I . YOU1411). mt the iail dorteslincoe'arge r Foe fficer slide lit, rite the oppoint . e o.le of the treet liublic sees; illosit it aforesaid swallow UP c S prior ellgii,feffal I he marriage ri-ses be yield, cOmpare well with. any former heavy min lit if,,- moroirt Ford Vie al Weekly sionriumNon of 44,000 believe *ad
a sia,lociev s the (I
he rest Western, however Oat
Ist Lt. 11. A. C. 8.11 a Purley ater after the rovermury and wousideA him in the green, it is forsommal able mi, smalgcaulion might be to 011111 r(.,rmtd beforr the kinil'so so,tsinled time- drills is inch elpart. worold be mote ill in 1 60. 1 he y. lot of The
I prelinlim, W
Vcunsil for the des..'etice, will alraturi illat the ri,.4 lead ig-ar. gools through, flail fatally, Zbel &law) store %Jr. Humiliations pro6 Kirk& afes Laidit of falosolity. Ind ISRAC SiLlkeld, good size,]. Zrma d 11 incessant sprinki-114 tiatou,41i tire whole (i"Y' losersest Showing that Of three
Ieach si.-ned &,,I ,shor (,or ill, releAse of the wmfAing him in ill holders of both eat there wore s af. idly cotton prisoners a" entitled to firitialle lit I other ¬, after slaskivi - bill- and sli4bill W4,01'al- *bar* euvered-drills 20 inches. number on the itsound l,y yvars' ww the Fall
fli-ir act be -1114 a belligerent dul!. author. li;ondq over the on wt. in, another. As 11,Pain wis they had grit injetner HARVEST. 3id J. W. Elliott, ametl then for IYI me, and the diAP16Y of hor4es. eutVal, &aid wit), the Southern po lasockaded, is foos,
ter at the jail door, departed on their soversl bororsi enest the A Fnghtful Rille"eivest;y .Tom
I r the north. jailing recent Appecle is, the forum of Alles. but very computer, and 27)ield fair r'live tack. thou h not large was goond, to'lowo equal to She in t "a one year ber-
itted toy tile Treaty f Paris.
'I An earth,ita ille et!iuela mosi fe t th " of 4 ways the Mid by We) S here it lit'sop. Im, the bury, suitot that the harvest had 6000 11 Lot 18 inches. On the whole -he exhilorivirs seem such as fi) e the c do th the latest
Wall yLlAwMay. It Wait distinctly fell' by r - rl%ll he %li"Loolwal think, The flostreas J.PurOall f capital ha 11"Isainsips, let Win Young, bits 10 Acre'll red6pros there were no fewe than 62.Rhips
rid 1",,b.h!v toy Fam, 1, owing tagrticularee Of I he t table disaster Only,& 9", 'lot 4 very good, 6 w to t credit oil the enterfir Wing yalonami-try lwjpn a ith cotton which loft lit) bay prior to
was, I in aim d.14 wit,) wore slawkiii 'alexamse. N losses, Forairic.-Not many evenings ago Ili", klin to Pieon fol " - vest-' lie strongly desprecalied first oqe, ver7 forge and regular.
I 't, 'r in V -At 4. &1 Fly reported
,off their feet. some pal ilia stairing at Melfalls Tavern on I S rhey on Ili. h. e Line Kittle Is, up of offmalle III a cert Lie) 1,ortir n of the press to Ind John Nell 6-1,11. a harge held of bratati Of Morr need Grey, "he following is a list tile departure or else latest miie g it, I ot4l
If come ologmph .An extra ir,ain.
I'lie wlorli of.140 militia am to turnAFut the Sandy Itill road, at the corner of Varle m far as heir toy lems and tender. the Penn " that nature &aid 1'rovi. fal roots, ter,w14 lee ronraAeraid go(od any ye:kr of tintimilipor" awarded: .1274,103:1 baliot low at elea, 'Tile till shift-
elso-O the d,le,fatmw here. A public street, chanced to look out hernirs reiialitig f.,r'CAII be trolli-d. Ort he Plank wind, about a ral nino I
elock tie -ice had asist heral so hilostratiful t.) them as 3rd J. W. Eiliutt, very :.regular asset 'well atent (of cotton fre-,ni Ifornbler fill Li rprol,
holiday will pria'sial,ly be hel. the riqlat. and whifirt doin so, heard a lend mile north 0( St. Allearrve P..e.garr rot, left Ken Isveh 6% they ealet I* have been.7 '"Eren the ie.)Lri sized. frous January IAL;f i i692,-
- llwy $hot to y,manij &,d tilt Allen farm hosaws John Me -Fail
i Virl by tie- I IF 91 h.,Tiltg on Is 2 lit Fee"' 32 bales Sol 623,277 duritig the
groart whiVh foarellily armlet, if their ly threatened to 'or('* in I no Cooper " he added, are toot so hall mi nin-,y Mister 11'rortrel-All on exhibition
to e In ewes interior. ].for flunter, Ind I Slkel-1. 3id bent2yroolil fillyJohn After Satisfying lliewsmilveA that the burm other beat Profit n J w ce n Z r ery ':,if rhoo, %I'*] ker; tx st 2 )ear ast rolt lI upposed ti.eni to be. after sit." period last yeou.
fee from Knight Ifisteritial, ie* Haven,
ILARIll f)r ovember less Leeson hisraided chilly a eased proceeded from room(. hooloon, The, at 11prooleill where the ijusintife fall short, The (lei a"'Y "I'MajeloSalkeld. best amedol:coraw RobLett W.1kcr; twat car-
beinir in sioloost cheerless, they hoetenoid its the WAS 1111 SCryA gull ritr pistol it, the villege.but Vale" -I'll,- f.11oinf, dialogue took place
lit by r. Messorhouse. It e(int.iiiiii an States rVC At Four Mile lion unumortilvastrollent. thus the country *01
in bal ur after thew left twelve or fiftmon In running & Sharp CU .1 riaAe loOss- Walker; IsPost yearling eolt n'llae 0,11tio rikiIF4)ftd ai;aii cr plai
spot Forbsence it proarria-dell, which none so called, eight ral least twenty milliom of Frocrelley rieher than RAY. tribes P.,Adick i best Yearling filly Neaten pt.,.r t for t,it"llinj ? Yes I ft a _s stritrell
to be mt the milway e,ortai"Ir I,, theSSudy Hill FIT
interesting smunt of a (our through Are- rthe ho Pro, an elicitr Four %Ill- L"140, v relents it would have been ill crople had
winters Perrone wit=e , . hillowlever rn"es tllI have
savion, the cruise of tile trurfelfs several 1 rood.. Been they found a prior unfortunate tie Ali it 7 the road S."we, bee, 111-ficl."It.
I 'lit th14 u
MY In steel to Ile -v were he " ardn IlWe of Lynne, Ct w1lerc The Weriloynal Nietholilipt'liortion of the CATTI.S. Y..
alcovs, send a eontinuilion (If I)ick. I moin train thato neiorkeviorhoread of JohnAtoWn. W if as bring le 4: Of IF ...... . here. hilel)- I have
i muble t ha, owing to the darlooPas re( the Flight mt As He, 0"194XCI Or PAP111tareatur.-The Population of the Narth-loamt comer of Rest Mel cow Rbert Itself It. llwinvie bit
h a bixh marlaoth-
? it roght it it
Lho, partial bliviotisitooss we bin ea greater sit. pasesPanker ear went off the rompent Impori,rol flerhaawnt was " began this township have Planters preat energy.
wo' 44ry, " Our 1ellutaiiii Frienf." 4- so sundry sshad *losses pit into One of f`;:LF"' he aP' Denser [test 2 yen old better It"tal Insidiew; hitig Ili thew. partool'
wiremetithig great writer, after reading a b;d ran Oih,rA Aremd h.7 hear yoke of 2 yra Oki oarovers TbowM Walker; sailil"lille. 11AIP.TOIALWt
red ley four Others. The Foregine -I hl"Idoem, Pa" tbwtlst ear May, imt'f " slid And enterprise in erecting this fietaxon a IN Server 1,nigpi- than at the bell- I ... skilitz tal all See pl_ 'd ear ill t expire overiii the ei Of working oxen, 'I homes Will
sandy fur &,.y oar. of "'It I'll
er progriies fieflus last work, 11strost feel with to,- &,,it tender maintained mile'% lit* "'J", the eau- ii%tle " Pension, &till, Worphip. It -at yoke if 3 year. old (-t as ... a. it to moinin ]lets
an each o -fors, of the is, prevent resur-lair. Th- by the ahOels, and th- year, Ill., la -t won the house for their bile is 2 Peal lit be
-Fam simprog oil tho. tra, it. Therore be lay banks a rem" 0($10,noo for their P""I in W ready to go. I ran laws yon were born in Never
regret that his k4ry is dele irting. The fr, . g, herself h,,,kPn 11wher in a fearful as ISeven " ear, I- alituatted balut halfiewsky between rho,. lion- isiparrig Alesondo-ir Stewrt - beat fatted x J. lone? U ell, I guests I'll RIXY till I'm
can'still ors"jure.but I if no I helclesm. vied so avebeen Icars piled up orse Oil which lay. dead and to the Illual p,tiea, the I W. Shise.1; best yoke of yearling steers Thow
mi ere.itionei xrolil hamp Ill rains, beneath dismolutime will is pine, areas -Fail,, a,lda, don Boad and the Villge of Zoarinh, on Walker. Well, my ear place *aA ellholic
crushed t st Y Ilse .,I 'rest tel that ST. JoroW., C. F., Oct. 20. d.h it I bodies of TWA,
Far, vaale, Irto iful phantal compared d , 0 ft, or--anble in November there or YOU travel as
lya unredoemalelleyl.wor. Theaccideatt k
.1 .,, had be .,,t bales, these prosar,dran Six of the at. allb,arre; roliblems. with a larger yint an ill For the new Grmeel Road. It its a Frame
war ith the rich humr, sweet hasawly pothole, ii.Ily from his perdition poill amount of -n,,np,, wore x,rewLd (.1lowing (or a sele, t loop, And then adpoirn th-mg1a *,as plenty with you ? Well,
at St. half poa building large and consitwolioust, And am Alex ruesythp,: ho"t I nop,lot have'mot*, &real he rielier. 11"ve you
bral,ce. this it." reported Ill.'- ledPa at pe"ce'ely -
t I'll. Scene is de-c6licil by thestate, witespoPseell,ito FrbreA(Y ;r %irtreh 1; or the trovilue,ion nfr' Foriontesson; I"t rate
lawlern when a train (hit aartu%hy rush post !. two Fit t he .",I fif-costal the geore--ral The capabiess, they Pay. or wutira, saboalt four pair of PVP4 y",
truthfulness or Inissi earliest lie wall tallars: mt " hardly T*.,Iwd ae made the arrest It me be.,, a fartall "tie :hPoorling ewes liolnert 11roodrarrok PA" dean mornivi!. I p.11 re the harls.
,ffiaeru--The l'itlkwick I'spers,fair exangeloo. We" Ili the m,,,e fleehorrors or tile ti,rioa will nearest mrself imerron, as the next lasuisalred gothic Forindowat give we laresis, Itoewart 1burgres; boost ri.;Nlrub J (-,P. aortsHowever, Oar utes] A, Series, a), Soiesliar
Frivor), ortitti its ST -1. 21 -We have arresistd battle field. ome,, ascars" 01' %lbot reviesiOrl will be the ISO before ft general it quite a olvairch-like appearance. 'I he
Pa at as, IV 11 "Mt- TI.M.-The inner tile r(vbhprs On this siis of flip ii,w,and 0 th'ir t-h-WA l ototal I,, new house wait ferynally npAnefl I not 'Sun. W ishiel; boot (at sheep John 11r,radfot.
array afradd Fastness, h2ruilen iterressinfloot, they Would rsth^r till, Mesa PROLIr" plod O"Nifmlki flashoss sid* the Old *pit it, will titurntitses, partarrarte'rear f Woods.tivel says :_ have )rem in giant with c,Olaij,mbi. moneyeneasioniser such a counties ill hightood anal Wales man a,, the Ay, tire Inth. A large olarlFralibly sea.
nest. V, lhq. salt buffer lainaA Scott, Itself -Tht- I t"t intelligaii,sroo Of this event
Yesterday the memo -up his ily th.i in 1heir Per W.,.- its,* been is it" TOO Of Ili# elk's 'At. l,r.ken &AA11 Pal AN, and ill 4te-floosl 49,109. , pected but unCorturantel the to ff.,. ilia 4th
6 mail by thousands out of kindoess, ir ve emobtsrs of this ear ality harl all at Or I'llelighshorg-srao.'r Owns ran. pins tl larger th;n Ili* I It' I homighs ill Portland and wet", (W"Ing boat ')Ilia ImX11, butter John whi"11 wait Announce. to (time
their lomakor in Sea4lated, 51JI111102 makiriat . 164 stormy. It c soared up, how- Itiletiter, Ind Alexander Stewart ; brat Its list IS the f.,JIowS Jesse Male arlift4i AL Iyellillill
wit WAS wet
rarestal up the lee
noicausly often" %is Use propased in &,III Ill,"Pat 0.110 (1400 of the Mooney. over,by Flemish, and the afterrinesen service, Philistine Itobt 11nedifeq. Were came from
aliffireg I Ire. A 04 2A t list It I AT 10141 Of 1, 12", against 14-694 of the an ;his 21 t f
AM fisellk in Ilse liffit or (ow member. Whet, I'll# "IsOb, "ountry on lk)th mid" oil else line 25 f"t t lrtw'f half roused' prescirdiax year., WAR mi lalliliag saw 11 atterk,leil r. flonverm W ehe -n Jostling the"I'lailla'
the public b fiallir rawarm nf ilea, far, is liters, with %^mi t, arm,, Own, l Gov like a Carse"fer,ows -1-0 Saide Of rho Ptin10 tomebc,
' I meieh l,ift"4 in base tit&, tan Owm, ill* other only the "if 41-1 Of* Led aliverseed fillithis A Forestaller of
Asa little torellin a sts rest along 11i;th they testified their foolissim of pl ire, lay a offistiss and d aniinvaEromonare deal flearto bush pontstors 11olat Walker ; beat
Ottrom WOreftior, lea r eked up a "I Ifing aser rat aing;ng of hPlist, hindli er of brillisirg die', autli riti % am a, pannaimpt. left. Anthair *ad 11 luau of lines%" lik!:t There loss I.,, Loom; troolarter, at voin rat. It Augurs Vol r I to future of 4waidistle nornips Jahn McFaillatoon brat hister zelle-itirsia Peru jag hot reached list
tire firralipalk, Irkief, ." iiRmly 1haintred by MOZ, gLe. The long perit rep f1lielings 41 Unwvna6l, ties. 2o. -Tim, of list 4 tin. Complarto- virrearalreressealli are morleare far
hool broken waod. into FiAl find chair&- Of ill. Foilleal 410amo, ell? country to "A new 6hurchics and bile turrairm William Armstrong best half I he battle. Siv ta f - our Orethowalat to 14rritv been out of eoviety sand *al i smowA at last to And Allrans, lisalk man* to, this eat, ObOst two As owo by catiss C.'r follows were lis"fore am vandirwhill attempting a hilacimads, or No, Peboni harionsews springing np Flows be -to 0assald V,Xmviabt n I treat halfd,,t
rho waLif. Thas how' Ter, ursounviord hw(, MW the EMU Pont& J` last o"'stock this rearmang, *ad willk ties An* -4"n -rid laid open t Slowed brom the letters- Pool in int. ept aires in the Va,lithadanswal, and Vostorn a" It"
eese no& Fail to taking neir the -to Cakitrinliftelars) he
basailled! al,, and lifill SCART,FT I left Green late when
(mt. Your ela-riortly roprow"bW the fronarral Cnnotel proesiarl in thia P*aWenos of shadill' the sevoLls %AAnw an.- diswwif4- ad ff h If M S. best half date rarrolea (Railatition) DrAroild 'to.
ith lek
r f .
. - Y,
Potitk y -kl
orUreieautIsIo.,it, o f fole a.. flaofha'
,4 4.1 6 tl .
ieh Ily Ii.- C.b Is, 1. 'It btea is sisaup
by four
IeIe.4 Ill. IIli r IIF ad "Pon
to me sea
,lb"Ill"it hadn't R hosse, In him,' (ft yet Ire Mr. livellosessan's exterrat;Flow on hophs I ir ill (lowncli. TN. 1.41.1 at -WO 1111111a- mes0east.4 still th'st 171heal order wax not oho Pill children in ill(- Village of Zurich, And .1 Naughume - hoot p"Is oaimm A lessor 4tions' am elevate Ywl fie14 nmhi,w Of
;;;; "i CAUpwila tAM^tb*- L'OW M'tPol"* liages, arms bnikess " ran would be reinforreovd. The WI"Y 60 bear that the little d oblig. aW. A an inte,ow instal efulargrier airsol ihaw filelf,
Then &ties city or* At lase hoariest fe"O', and 4 ;1AZ borti, Itli ourab Calibers has loseen twelers or 6Av*u
@limited tit# past" am*t,' alovearly areplind the 604 walk WIIFFIN jowly *"Iitw loin to the annewsm, thinks tin OW Ifiewatit" U'iA*ry obn%M Ilm 11! '40 Our- . poWn, now,gleag, f.".* swimming Cb- forl,-thearelifil left, and prooraearivel to it Fo&ml Ing millever of Own za" ril MT- Ilest- mW&.or Win Arm@Vg; I- p-pkin J
yvarl it, ill, Stairs.
fll of wit% it tie illiumpla. of tim: cf*t-*." Thlrtky, the IMMAY 1-1S- oyde uod.,, LAY laws, 1404 his srit* and one child lately. W Slisel best sar,s to Fro J IN Sablel