HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-06-11, Page 3Thursday, June 11th, 1936 nations industrial life. SO MANY women say Kellogg’s have an all-round good­ ness they never find in other brands. One reason is that Kellogg’s are always crisp and fresh as the day they came from the big toastingi-ovens. They’re packed by an exclusive Kel­ logg process in a heat-sealed WAX- TITE bag, inside the package. That’s • why they reach your table oven-fresh and flavor-perfect. Ask your grocer for Kellogg’s. The only Corn Flakes made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Nothing takes the place of CORN FLAKES' V, World Wide News In Brief Form Drew Interest from Public Funds Quebec—Opposition Leader Maur­ ice Duplessis charged before the Que­ bec public accounts committee that Antoine C. Taschereau, accountant of the legislative assembly and brother of Premier Taschereau, “not only drew the bank interest from public funds but went even further and drew additional interest on the money which he obtained by fraud in the first place.” new letter, from the association to the. Government head charging failure to implement social credit principles. “Thousands of Social Creditors throughout Alberta, including a host of your supporters, are^bewildered by the difference between your promises and performances,” the association wrote, “and we wish again to draw attention to the matter.” Declares War on Japan Hongkong—A “salvation army” of the Canton (South) Chinese Govern­ ment marched northward after *an in­ dependent declaration of war against Japan. The march against “Japanese aggression” was believed to be an at­ tempt to force the Nankin Govern­ ment into joining Canton in a war. on Japan. Rumor Monarchist Revolution Madrid—Strikes, fighting and rum­ ors of a Monarchist revolution shook Spain’s harassed Lefist Government. Despite the Government’s outlawing of strikes as a labor weapon, industry in many parts of the country remain­ ed, paralyzed. Added to labor troubles was a new problem—a report that arms for royal revolutionists were be­ ing smuggled into Spain from France. Social Credit Failure Seen Edmonton—Dispute on social credit between Premier Abethart of Alberta and the Alberta Provincial Douglas Social Credit Association brought a French Strike Paris—France’s new Lefist Govern­ ment appeared nearing success in its rapid-fire efforts to meet the demands of nearly 600,000 workers, and to end strikes applying a stranglehold to the FIRESTONE WINS the Gruef/inQ 500mi/e hace at the Indianapolis Speedway Indianapolis Speedway » . SOO miles over a hot, The Race . _________, rough brick track is the greatest tire test in the world. For 17 years Firestone tires have been on the winning cars. Performance like this must be merited. It shows that Gum-Dip­ ping, 2 Extra Cord Plies under 1 the Tread and the other extra | safety features in Firestone Tires | are not just claims but realities I that make them different and | superior to all other tires ... at I no extra cost. ' Choose the tires that Cham­ pions buy . ■ . See the nearest Firestone Dealer today, Naw Estra Eidar Strip 1 Eatra Card Hiar Undar the Tread Gum-Dip|MdCerdi,. < 8»% Stranitr SriMrtiJiall* , Tread hv Tirestone HIGH SPEED TIRES WINGHAMFORD AGENT to impose indirect taxation. VITA FOOD 1 2 3 4 5 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES charge of disloyalty Fullerton, Chairman of Trustees of the Canad- Railways, was hurled Charge Fullerton With Disloyalty Ottawa—A against Judge the Board of ian National across the floor of the House of Com­ mons by Railway Minister Howe. The Minister, usually soft-spoken and hes­ itant, almost shouted his charge while Conservatives ribbed him for relying on petty gossip and unfounded rum­ ors for substituting a Board of*Dir­ ectors for the three trustees. Floods Cause 500 Homeless Families Vancouver—Five hundred families were estimated to have been driven from their homes in the flood-torn regions of British Columbia. The ris­ ing waters of the Fraser River in the Lower Fraser Valley were spreading out over new farmland areas, driving the residents to higher ground with their live stock. Power Bill Valid If the Ontario Legislature had the power to forbjd action being brought against it, it also had the power to make the taking of legal action sub­ ject to consent of a specified official, according to Chief Justice Rose, when he dismisssed an action brought by the Ottawa Valley Power Company, and Joseph G. Singer, bondholder. They sought to have the Power Act of 1935 declared ultra vires and to secure the privilege of suing the Pro­ vince of Ontario. Hydro-Electric Power Commission and the Attorney- General were coupled in the action as defendants. Hoare Returns to Cabinet London—Sir Samuel Hoare return­ ed to the Cabinet less than six months after his resignation as Foreign Sec­ retary. His appointment as First Lord of the Admiralty, succeeding Viscount Monsell, was officially announced. His wide political and administrative experinece is said to be highly priz­ ed by Mr. Baldwin. Sir Samuel re­ signed a few days before Christmas at the height of a wave of public in­ dignation at the proposals for a set­ tlement of the Italo-Ethiopian dispute the Foreign Secretary had drawn up at Paris in collaboration with Pierre Lava], at that time premier and For­ eign Minister of France. North. Bay Man in His 114th Year North Bay—John Birch celebrated a birthday but the cake wouldn’t hold candles enough to mark the occasion. Claimed to be the oldest white man in Canada, Mr. Birch entered his '114th year of lilfe. As bright as hd was two years ago when he threaded a fine needle on his birthday, Mr. Birch lives with his son, Joseph, at Nipissing Junction. A veteran of the Crimean and Franco-Prussian wars, the aged man was born in Sebastpool, Russia. China Preparing for War Shanghai—Ancient China is prepar­ ing for war with Japan and she has a modern army to back her if war comes. Japan’s continued military penetration in North China, coupled with wholesale smuggling in that ar­ ea, will — Chinese themselves assert — force the central Government at last to defend itself. Hapsburgs May Return to Throne Paris—The Hapsburgs will be res­ tored to the throne of Austria under the armed protection of Italy, reports reaching the new French Government said. From sources abroad, Premier Leon Blum heard that political de­ velopments may occur simultaneously within the next few days. Partial Distribution of Moose River Mine Fundi An immediate distribution is to be made of $25,000 of the fund, of which the 167 underground, workers in the rescue will receive $100 apiece as a first instalment of a larger amount to be determined later. Distribution of the rest of the fund will be carried out, the committee has decided, when ad­ ditional information is received as to the eligibility of certain persons to share in the award, the length of time worked by various men, the nature of the work done, the risks assumed, and other factors. Approximately 10 per cent, of the total fund will go in vary­ ing amount to the 164 persons who worked in different capacities on the surface. Dr. D. E. Robertson rescued with Alfred Scadding from the gave $1000 to the fund. mine, Native of Bruce Moderator Dr. Malcolm Campbell of Presbyterian Church, Montreal, tive of Satigeen township and nominee of Maitland presbytery, was the choice of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada for the office of Moderator. The new Moderator was born in Bruce Coun­ ty, Ontario, in 1875, the son of Archi­ bold and March Campbell. He was educated in the public school at Sau- geen and at Port Elgin and attended Owen Sound Collegiate. He was graduated from McGill University in 1907, and took his Doctor of Divinity degree at Presbyterian College in 1909. NEWS of the DISTRICT S E Lucknow Teachers Re-Engaged All teachers in the high and public school have been re-engaged. Salaries will remain the same with the excep­ tion of N. S. Calvert and G. McIntyre who were each given a $50 raise. Ex-Goderich. Tax Collector Found Innocent After a trial lasting seven days, Judge T. M. Costello acquitted J. Howard Robertson, tax collector for the Town of Goderich for the years 1929-34, inclusive, on a'charge of theft of $7,500 municipal funds. The short­ age was discovered early in 1935, and has since been made good by the bonding company. In discharging Robertson, his Honor said he had rea­ sonable moral doubt as to the prison­ er’s guilt, holding that he was a bad bookkeeper, adding: “If I am to find the accused not guilty I must find him most incompetent. He is either a knave or a fool. I am not inquiring into the question whether the book­ keeping methods used in Goderich correct or not. are L. the the Former Listowel Teacher Loses Action The decision of Judge James Killoran of Stratford dismissing case of A. T. Hemphill against Listowel Board of Education with of the Board, Dr. G. E. Spence. The costs was received by the Secretary plaintiff claimed $508.50 as salary from Sept. 1, 1935, to Dec. 31, 1935, under a written agreement to employ the plaintiff as teacher. The plaintiff contended no proper notice had been given to him terminating the agree­ ment. The defendant contended that a valid notice was given the plaintiff. Drayton to Vote on Beverage Room Option The village of Drayton will take a vote on the continuance of sale of beer and wine on Wednesday, July 15th. At the present time these bev­ erages are being dispensed in only one of the two hotels in the village. Falls Into Pit William Collins had a nasty exper­ ience when he fell into the pit for greasing cars in the P. Scott Barr garage. Mr. Collins had been out in the garage and was about to pass in­ to the front part of the building when he, not noticing the pit, dropped into it.—Mitchell Advocate. Huggard Creditors to Meet June 17 Creditors of the estate of J. J. Hug­ gard, missing Seaforth lawyer ,will hold their first meeting in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Wednesday after­ noon, June 17, at 2 p.m., the Guaranty Trusty Co. of Canada, temporary cus­ todian of the estate, has announced Edward T. Berry, representing the custodian, has been named chairman. The apparent deficit in the estate amounts to $150,237.12, according to the custodian. This amount may be higher when all claims have been rc- Meanwhile police continue their investigation into Huggard’s bond and stock transactions and are endeavoring to trace all bonds and securities reported as being stolen.— Seaforth Huron Expositor. First a na- ( ceived- Hensall Garage Robbed Cook’s Garage, at Hensall, broken into and robbed. The was forced and $9 tn silver taken. The lock on the gasoline pump also was smashed and the robbers’ car filled with gasoline. was door Indirect Tax by Provinces ' Killed in Senate Ottawa—Efforts of the Government to obtain specific amendments to the British North America Act may fall by the wayside as a result of action irt the Senate, when Conservatives were joined by three Liberals in vot­ ing down that phase of the proposal which would empower the Ftovmces A Whole Swarm The red-finned inhabitants of the fresh waters, the mullet, which of late years seem to have grown smaller in she and numbers, put ih a surprising appearance last week in the Mud. or Teeswater River. Coming from down stream a veritable flock, swarm or whatever you call it, came up as far as the Creamery and parked in a deep­ hole there. In their progress up the river, the water was fairly alive with the red fins. A number of fishermen Poultry Farm Proven. Fed to thousands and thousands of Baby Chicks, annually. Promotes Rapid Growth, deep yellow pigmentation and full uniform feathering. Maintains Rugged Health and Vitality; Strong, sturdy bone development — full of* vim and vigor. It eliminates the Hazard and Guess-work in your Chick Feeding Program. You can feed Vitafood With full assurance that it will produce better chicks at less cost. ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD. ONTARIO Represented locally by— Howson & Howson, Wingham were successful in spearing some of tire finny members, and one of the largest tipped the scales at about six pounds and it didn’t get away either. —Teeswater News. Had Close Call Arthur Gutscher narrowly escaped a very serious injury when his sleeve got caught in the shaft of the electric motor in the Ford garage. The sleeve was pulled out of his coat, but Arthur managed to free himself before ser­ ious injury resulted.—Mildmay Gaz­ ette. Money Stolen from Milk Bottles There seems to be considerable pet­ ty thieving going on around town, particularly from milk bottles that are set out at night. One milk man re­ pots that $7.80 in cream money has disappeared from customers on the south side of the river, while another lost over $5.00 on the north side of the river.—Fergus News-Record. Impaled on Picket Fence Falling astride a sharp picket fence at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Bert Weiler, Mary Bruder, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. C. G. Bruder, insur­ ance agent here, became so firmly im- palde upon a picket that help had to be secured to remove her from the fence. She was found to be injured so badly that seventeen stitches were required to close the wounds, some of which were of an internal nature. —Walkerton Herald-Times. Appointed Principal Andrew Thompson has received the permanent appointment as principal of Bowmanville 12-room public school. The appointment also includes the duties of supervising principal of another two-room school in the town. Andrew has been temporarily engag­ ed as principal since Easter.—Luck­ now Sentinel. Freak Pig Born A sow owned by J. L. McMillan, butcher, of Lucknow gave birth to a litter of nine pigs among which was a freak which it was said, was alive at birth . It had two perfectly form­ ed bodies converged at the neck into one normal head. 26 Sheep Killed by Dogs Killer dogs wrecked havoc in the sheep flock of Caleb Clayton of Bad- jeros, eleven miles northeast of Dun­ dalk, sheep was destroyed. were found dead, but four have not yet been accounted for. His entire flock of twenty-six Twenty-two Teeswater Coupe Mark Diamond Jubilee Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richard Per­ kins of Teeswater, Ont., celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary recently. Mr. Perkins was born in Plymouth, Devonshire, Englalnd, in 1855. Etc came to Canada and settled near Bowmanville, Ont. In 1876 he married Mary Moffat, daughter of Herbert Moffat of Orono, Ont. They later moved to Western Ontario, and for forty years have been residents of Teeswater, Ont. There arc three Frank R. Russell T. Mrs. F. R. also have and thtee children living, of Oakville, Ont., of Winnipeg, and Perkins Perkins Harvey of Toronto. They seventeen grandchildren great grandchildren. Sentenced for Having Liquor Pointing out that it is those who wish to find out, Magistrate F. W« WiufiBriww................. R. J. Hueston & Son, Gome j Alex. Manning, Belgrave. ’ provide illicit liquor that the court Walker imposed a sentence of two months in jail on Elgin McConnell, 20, Kincardine, found guilty of having liquor illegally. McConnell said he found it. WELL-KNOWN RACING DRIVER MAKES NEW RECORDS Accomplishing what no other driv- has done, Louis Meyer, well-known racing driver, roared to his third vic­ tory in the annual auto race at the Indianapolis Speedway to establish a ■er new record of 109.06 miles per hour for the gruelling 500 miles. “This race is the world’s greatest tire test,” declared Mayor John W.- Hanna, local Firestone representative­ in commenting on this race. “Into* these 500 miles is packed all the stresses and strains of 40,000 miles, of ordinary driving, it that only 15 cars the 32 that started, proud that Firestone the winning cars again this year. For the past seventeen years all the win- ( ners have used Firestone Tires.” So gruelling is; finished out of We are very Tires were on «L DETROIT FOR A SINGLE ROOM WITH BATH IN 800 ROOMS Come in any time - at any hour- you cant CLIFFORD R..TAYLOR UanaqinqDirector Good food, every comfort,-every luxury pay more than $3 for a single room with bath and plenty are offered at $2. & $2?°' FACING, GRAND CIRCUS PARK Hotel TULLER HYDRO LAMPS The Long Life Lamps ro Service •»<! guaranteed GwAm of Sbt Lamps fat** House Wingham Utilities Commission Phone 156. <M Zm0« Crawford Block.