HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-10-20, Page 3•
Pirtle who intend paying; their eubecrip-
tiul $1 Cordwood }lilt plWw bring it on
tight Way. Dealt btieg us a tut of ntia-
MLITARY SCHOOL, it give• us auuoh
pleusue W announce that Mr. Thomas R.
Jackson, of Bayfield, passed a strict ex.
aulinatoe in the Military School,Toronto,
and rleuivtal bin certificate. _
Digo T. It. J. -Let the article be as
brief m °learner will permit. We wish
to crowd the grapes,. possible atuouut of
news into easel }aiue.
IlfaT- Wo.lave ouly space to allude to
the (innv'I)inuer given to the delegate*,
14 Quebecois Saturday eveniug last. It
wag thefrendost affair of the kind ever
witneurd in the Province. A groat num-
ber etlisting uinhed elrsouagee were prea-
eat, :nd many important creches deliver-
ed. 'fheyvery full telegraphic reports pub-
lialed iso the Toronto papers on 'Monday
uorniug reflects great credit upon the eu-
erprtae of the CldTadian Press.
ahan, who attempted his life by cutting
his throat with a scythe, was lodged in
gaol on Saturday, 10th, and, was turned
out immediately, as he was thought to be
of sound mind. Un his return hoist! Drs.
t nus at Coleman id all in their
Fitsimmons and An d
power fur him, but on Tuesday they gave
up all hope and advised him to prepare for
death. Ile received the announocweut
with enlist indifference, and asked fur a
knife. Being questioned " what tor 2"
he replied, " To kill toy ,wife so that we
may both be out of trouble." Ile died
ova Wednesday, the I. th. An inquest
wi(, held, and after a p oat mortem exam-
inatjontiad beeu made by Dr.- Fityitu-
moil, the jury returned a verdict that
deco* d came to his death by wounds
inflict with hal own hand.
SUCCESSFUL SEAR 111 31.-11 farmer in this
township Navin • piece of very late oats
Oloif to the w was deeply, imprewi d with
Meriden that his g • in was being destroyed
by • bear. So, bent not h•riag • cricketi
t'hia beership, the man-
• the suspected spit. Me
near the fence, heist all
acroes his knee, and now an
lips with • drop of " o
appeared.. Tieing a deter
het a nap next day, and th
night, ! n ghrbey'o.ie, foetid h
ally at his pmt in theteee 'Nine, te
o'clock came, Dot no bear,and aur hal
friend began to think -that were it .not fo
irhbkeybottle, waiting fur a shut at a
would be a very' dry • usinem. - suddenly
e w
was a slight
then Mlle
a jump over
ickly and
The Fine Arts.
T, the Editor , f lite lturcln Signal
sin:-lt appears to me that in your
notice of Mr. Cresewell it paintings, on the
4th iustant, yuu have unwittingly done
injustice both W that excellent artist and
to Judge Cooper, iso iustitutiug a elanpari-
.n, of their works. Mr. Ureiurwell'a paint-
ings are the labored productions of a
practical and accomplished artist, and are
characterized by a finiah.and precision
oIil) uttnivable by long study, not only of
nature, bit of the best toasters. The
sketches of Jtido Cooper have no higher
pretension than as the crude efferte of
undoubted but unpracticed g•euiva ; but
they are full of promise and character'i(ed
by touch rigor and originality. 11 'i all
Mr. Cresawell's study and skill, I ubt If
he could deduce one of Judge Cue s
1 Pei
simple, yet effective, sketcher. There ilia
poetry in the latter which, if 1 may so
exprt'ia it, speaks to the heart. 1 would
be the last person in the world to dispar
age Mr Creeswell'apaintingtt, but there is
often a slavish oopying of nature, the very
absence of }which giver W Judge Cooper's
sketches half their chanes. ST'he farmer
reflect nature wwetiwer almost meohani-
eally,-the latter repreaeut the ideal of
the Judge's gienius. Thus; -contrast a
Cedar tree by Mr. Cromwell side by side
with one by Judge Cooper -both being
expos d to • strong light. Ytour first im-
ppn*swn would be that the one was a per-
fect,truthful and beautiful' preeeutatioc of
ight pruvoke
the object, while the other
a smile. •
But diminish the light and step k a few
paces, acid I defy you to ear which ' the
how T'nit'
cedar. Now,d this? Mr.
well hesee dently not considered that
never see in Canada, (though it is different
in England) a cedar, (unless. when it stands
a one ter on the very skirts of the wind,) es -
p aed to a strung light •t all. Wbeu sur
rounded as it ueu•Ily is by dense Ritest, it
always stand, in the shade.
• Agaiu,J u,l;ie Cooper's sketches puma' what
the Ceru.rns call The GIURun,or fha►rafu,
Mr. l:mlwel!'s never do.: For example : Mi.
Gesture'', we will say, panuIe a caw directly
teeing you -a position, by rhe way, iso which
You seldom •re that _Animal n•preseuted. ln
such '• (;•se. it is plain that you could not
.expect loan the tail; and indeed'you wlwtd.
net look for it. But take Judge Coopers
'COW, ill the tome position. and the first 'thing
you would do (howeveralaurd it may appear)
would he to reverse the lecture, and discover
wterher the tad was net setually bahi.Kd the
animal. And why? because you exte(•t
everything to lge there T hat is :what the
Genitalia mean by "Die bolftan." • '
Yours I4-5peetfully, .
a rwismv.u. .• -.s,.r
Otvlasii I* steussoa eon •
( J+ IU) W061)
'yl ti. delivered-Aitfmrthr Fall and Willie. Yrrt,
further pan,eularsapelt 10
W. M. savage.
O.deneb, lath Oktulr, 1004. as. 13-11
Parcels of Stationery
Ulla• to aneaun.e wins former p.0 ow. gad
the pildr• generally thin he ha, oilseed a
IN til• of.l VT.t%U,
wed st.,YIU door to Fair & Co.'s Store
With a very awe lewllP,ent of
suitable ter tbn
Wt b be ,• preparrat to MAY.. up :n ir.t-,'Its.
.}lie olid very cheep tor CASH. A art. -Wei
In quantities 101114 In tine testers sad ,,wart• ly 1(JIIN p:l%-tMlt.
Country Merchants, l{alencb.ektuuer10.1004. • •toll
At the 'Statist' Ottle..'
All the new Novels,
fermineji to watch Rrastrso or AN AAYarrol0 GrY'.i-Tbe
wring abu*by tree Aeolian Nacorder*totes that '*bile tenting
ht with his rifle
the ".\rmalrimjs" at the newfoitititeliunt,
year Halifax, on Saturday trait, °tie id 'the
then ri'fre4 peg gag0. a10) -pounder, was cracked in several.
rye,", bnbno' plrcen ahwlttwo inrhel from Ahe bleach. 1t
Med (nllowt Wis loaded with obeli hi the,. time,'wed.stran+e
fnflnwing to n*v, the falter; on leaving the upl•tb of she
gun, parted in !nitre., -',(iso Kitrti•ei going
uuctu' through • t.':1t of the std Queen's Regiment, -
eleven nearly dem,' ,shiny it and dratritriog several
leap rides contained Iheteirt• The aflr•:r Ys. beer}
ba made tfte subject et au enquiry.
Received unto• as published, at the
however, he towed. Op.
rustle in the the bushes,
enough was bruin preparing f°
11a 1'enee. Cocke, ( his, ride
sighting as well is t gloom won, • penult,
the fernier fir 4t, and with a moan the black
object fell. l.eaprn2 from him, p erch, bin Ger
,kn.fe in hand, the hunter di4uo.er.:1 i,i
'• death agonies Ca ow* block tilt Nut*
that it; you wish to hear Prof••a• Ianguageijwt
ask him the price of nett. '
The concert of Friday evening Inst, -410;
came or with great Mai. Rein;{ got up. for fall rlheit'• .
the benefit of the cl» ldriio of school eecti m iiring elu
No 4, it win thought advisable, therefore, t0
have it held is the sehool her of the action,
Within -easy reach n( the children if the
School ; otherwise •,much more epncioaa r(iid
suitable building would have been procured
in Rayfield from M. James Pollock, propr:e-
toe of the •' Etcherge !toot, who: kindly
Bark and Stationery Store.
'oderieh, August 176, Dolt. w20
NEW MARS WORKS1 CLIVI'! ON BOU ORE I st'1lr:Ii:I' "8 ma or
II08 '4rtC ALE. n Street, /Exeter. v.,. /
roiled t oUthM d I 131 VIKlte 14 hour Wr11•'
' To w(i1 ; oat tel Hrr M 41.11am1I
HuloV.nd Units, Y Facto.
PCasUANTIoa l D. let A. NI'oONlztl'3 -L.4 Vlctorla Street, Cw"wuelmuat
poem of h oaraiaeJ u a Clin>`on. y a Niar ♦, t atwh r Own o<
1 'w" ti l 1 C fl 1 l of 'I'll" w•
CWy el Hume, engine driver, d the fire part, 1
Norah 11o"on, his tone, of the srv»1d part. and
tistliamel Pienw...1 lhr fuworhip 0t .lahr•t1 int'.
the amid Cosily tel Huruu,vi0.• 14in1 pro, rad
micro' IeMature of Mo"gsse oke ,rawer• 71w uun(r d .ton, •, ultra aur e
vuot Hun o, w tbrf lot ti darun, fatter ` c,r MONl'MFINTS, TOMBSTONE., , ' ,(iEOROE ,LnYCUCH, lwurrs id Hn.ou grid Rohe, and PWM* Curt
P,M., Stage., or over' dr11•rliar,n lewi ' a °l the 1', 1.11 mint,.. int Yolk lied Peel, gad to
d 1 h I J 1 1 f
A L he' Imilieu... wade for root- . i • -
baring dew the *7t4 d,iy olid**, 11N)1. 'fbere
will he woo
by Thiry bleu' 1 rrr , , A.. , •neer..,} 1,s.
Wednesday, the 16th da of Noel
nest. at Twel.e deal -i. soon, tar Idlos lig tool-
ualle prop,-ny:
Lia No. Mehl in the Viral itsar.erme 01 the
Towlwk,puf MbOekl is the t.,wa1J ui Huroa.
Dins map
One Hundred acres of Land!
Mum or lew...1 which al.n,( Twenty serer ,are
cleared. Ilion us. show property ,. s wood
IOW huuw sad s larero,-bi,d 01 testi Cor..
I'YIl pann-Wsts end.'ond.lrina tel Kslr, meg 1:
had sou speltrsu. , lin in Voodoo.' &gi er, sad
will 14,5.444 Lwow.. at the kale. 1,
G. M.7Cl'I:MAN,
, Aucltuneer.
Yerktt,' eMientiel
(bolero (tel Ater .'Nb, 11104. . JJ.0-ed
. OY 1110
Mitt. •T
P. 0. BA1 A.RI ,
T hos Rooms a IMAM( 1 v . yt.
•, , nAm. Undel ower .d ,.rt
l lM , 1 . Tkr T.
I'Sr (,el •n U,r •idiot. tier'• rcrodelieai and
Myer lit a,wklu.,wlrtl'. iurt°M,a all ,rc.ur, .gainµ the .• r aur Content. • u
.4,Nt cease, .m1 .1 Ihr IU•arw pi err•• I 1•17t.4. s. Postern, et the •u le u( N ill's.. 111•).,
Jame* K.-hnuind. '1he°t(ur. ('. Parry N'ulnua
11,d,. twat. Farting, (0,err 1 ltssyr h'sek es,,
John '•1'hoaa Wiblaw 4.us.nng tho younger,
pd Jen,•. F' 24s.-kh"m t 1 lister #,ted and teles
wg,w lie+ ldnee.,.., I•.tau•rm,, is Co. -1 -alien ell the right, hole soul mlervel W the
W iap„ug psi .f' ..lb 1`•a. µkala, q,d dawn dent al and so the hollowing111,, yin:
N,nn,t P»;w I'.' 0 .,•;,n, - f V.4 No. 7, aorta. °I llu•en µmol, .01 No. 10
Slime la»•w, i'., tt r.... 1:a.l Crater Anti. 1..4 No. I, tooth NI await
Oho I t t,,..11Wtruawat.. titreel. •ad l.ul. tete 1 and I s.•ulb d Mil'
Awt a, Wiwr an rN. win+,
1". lr °carp. estuary all,• the mileage .4 Wroseate in Me low..l,a, of
./•+. linin} mal °r Huron ; Whit lane. and
} h•urriwut• 1 •kali'ulkr air vale al a,y l edi.14 u, 1.10
An.hr Mtge. I• '.. 5*w•. 4uur1 (1...• ten.ir'(own M1:1de..h.1a Tu•.d V
Iwo•. n n n,. ♦ , e' t -,es , .urs Ihr Ymerlon ,ley .4 November next, a the twat
, ,h»'.lo: a: •1,%'e', W11e,.t wY
•'a al.al t..1 r t. het.} W'!'iehs alba rlw'k. lie.,..
r• .beg laWlswe r l 404,. Ihdrr i0
irtrtur.t RUG ijllwct to `r
.1 • *,lead Wal.'
111w,tua of Monuments alt.• Ino) 141 co.-, • w,l>• .1',..1•:
•••> aweltv,,rtl 1
r:metrr, iK•Wfavr I.e.1ao4. , wl!-tt'r
!w 1 o u I I.nr,-helot,. wt. , L.. a.•.
s0' 1' f
Lauda for Sale ' !
I4MIT rlu t. ;wul }a'.wae. rw,re e.41.1 l N •41045
Iluro,4 e.' i0 't
ter, on...,Ir.411.r V,iI &•u run .l.?ort. 4114 01,1
Moos ,....,art b- 0.,. .a`..tel Mut .0:10.1. aid 1' Nul
art.iit,-n,uut rho r tulles i ter 1 A eve* w gar
MA b Y
annhrre 'h' I. 10 . •
rara.•i. muds e,.sd gn -1 rugal 1144,....44.011.44
►w wu.u•,
1: } 11 w, 1• n s , w lip J W ,t •h•
l'..wlli-..Aluntel 1a1'n,0la, r 1 r'll 1 t rod•.
aid wee mine trim, 111* S.wbr 1 1
Pan 0.tot II. u. i0 Terwl 4t. 6rw (wt y ,.
11unw.,.mlalwna ,MI a..rr. "riot. i• I+rmY f •.,u.sl
m,►• n•wthr' lira., 1 Road opposite 45.0ll.. or .t
MdtWrn b,1us • 1•sd Inuit/ burr* a4.1 Iwr1 . .,a.• r
apro,ll •aril p°.wDe .1.'t. we d Wr.lwg. woes. a 40,-.'
et. ti, lkrien.
T 1'.,,. uululwr. a1 11.7i alai 9trunulreyt es.'h Dao 650
AM. 5',, id ,ar 0,1I. n .4. 14141 t t,:au'r 1.. N1wtb.w
Ono el Wad, and w,W, p
f eih." *.Also dun. .whi1.111 n b Venter
of on Haut. W the
Ma,e•.rt ted •4w4M, 400 'Down, .J I:Wrrn'1,.
V,» Ito,n•ul•n •14.1*, fr. h) }••liar pu.t-pod..0
Pon Albert. Oanlet, llodarieh.
lO AiJ1
, JUtI. MA T
1 k !
a ii".'•1.7:I,
I i art
r 1v lad 1 FberJl, H. dC B.
.0 . , •t•.1' 44 ..I., ,, ;,,y NY" PoL4uia. Clonal i'1.. t0•
$bath's 14eel liu.lerY'0,
Rees papers! hien Papers ! ! , 4ihInterc m, lbM.
.tel C u t , .1Il I, i, _
11 0140.11..,1 ..110.11.«y, ter.',, es, i+••- i,. .tit.. ehstiffls Save of Lads.
. ,.•1'. .'. '4 r ' '. l'nllel l'ennre• tel Y. v,n,w ei a Wnl of pier,
Pr/ u ' I HYrnn tend Ikus, B F..oe♦,rurd ,wt ..1 IIrF-1 .
.OTOGRIPH ALBUISS.' f1•W,I:aria My'e l.1en,4 'nmmDa
.. , p.•n. ,.'. tie.• ', 14 I+. ,, 1 11. • 1 ,n,t' mono, an! t•, Inc d,rr. test ■`luxµ the Cline soul
IN I r ek"•s t ('carawnb wbrh w,rr .N the •,1. Ihrd Fwdb at
Ihr t iia• .. bin d..th In'1Lr aa.d. of A.,lrrw
le .tea N/r Eft-, ,. ,x. •1n n'Ia•n ygb, rrfw,uwnlw .d all .bot •.}:Kuno
1, 1n»n n:V '1,11un•LW.I w I- «.r N r 1 '• Ibr r4510 KrhU pial 1•M111. tel
WOstaottal u.1 air' TI w;jr„u, ,
WO ,I.ri ter.'4.10‘..11l n .....r zMw a...•o,• Chi A :mala, rkvwwd 1.+. Ito ar)m,al.trrnl'
1000 ,•1,1 44 Ion. it 1, gwrr:raw. ' al the ail- tit J'raw• .m tb P h.vr• t.1•.
• ".nt. . .t•44m.111.
4tel slid takes to .*seve' toe all tee n -At,
• • r I.d.'a 41..11„ j..4'nurnta•.1 !ill, 11111.,114 number a
Yarah7II. IMM w•rnl+al, ►»l.
GiLT 11th DI\Gs ANE, l'i'ft RI`s 1Llw.rei 'forret `vat thud Nook, de
A.•1l , t.. ,... •:ey. ,,o ry 'ltbr• Town.4Uankrl.h, 14 the timely .d Homo
AJCAw,1l the Montour. ehetees oreeler j whxk l.,.e:
• Job Printing' Job Printings' mall ,tel,,we u4M,ag.,wr 1,' sate a'44,.dbr a -
Court ,.jou«• ,. til Town .Jtl'.rlrru u. tea
soh laai a' fw-.,l.t• Ihr'P,,nrenlb Jar u ltn'rullwrs-'u,. et'
w.n ug . - ,,,. I for hour °1 Twelve uinw 1.4.0 k. n.r•a.
• Ja,,t. .04 , 1 - t Iter, ' Sbens 11-J 1:.
4 !theme, .
, of Duh
,,,• ray. Yy. P ».: 1:1.2
lkan al••) .•n I,sr • n , . - Shen. Ilri0. lr,e1Yn.'alr t
l..Mltt 1 1111111 }lily, 3tb. Itorla j
art 1
l K. *13
a Ihnn, h br
IIIIE'w n 4•f• ho.
(rim C
eu l0 1 t I"'
1IJ .rKtrlr)• gat he hr• rrmovll all 1151t011: tort
W1ll:aa to •-Is->irpS SALE OF LANDS: •.
Exeter, County Hluon, nardl',,,,n;..nt Y,,,Hs. tit.
A I! I L I d P I kJ W.', of
1vMuq(.t m a 90441¢.:+ datrJ Lih Yrhruart` be will open with' .'v ¢ S. Ilonm aid Hnwr. )( ) V1 udhon, bq,uan. a.d
tel li. alen••1 Il lhr I:Np Jeal., there N,ue. ,•1 1 Isrrl Crum I. WI's T.i N,1 : ) a wt. tnl P,•Y, F•r,M.1•.md.
li nn.l Jcaw•.hl,r n11•,id (:rano. and I)auwl A I , t trio kN.lN rHl' amt war A
a,bAVlUnitlt.Esnda•.,Vnedt°Ihrll.molalde s ! / ••.t ." Ilrr 411‘'s 1•'4411 ton h.,
.oleo :n Si
7, due
ti'gent Dnr un 1 t l( n, td ta.,eu.:`of amt to rile direA,.lasuu4 lhr load. r.5rl tree leu
r•NEW FALL DRY GOODS R°.I . u»Itri . Ci oi 11ltt 1 ' . I
J. Ata Lr, .1hrn Wt. V7, ,our Silt ti `Mptrnrr, The *Nth hnl(t 1 i 1 10.'10. rid nut ,•t Nlra,ukr Iraveor. at ,r I•n.•a .•I J.nwa
1 44 \undwr TLrce •r. tF.r J gag end A n
1}161. Liu. tot { 1
Ibnrd Count,. o: 1 ,
.run gent 1»,.. r,To W.t ; 1
,4 the l:•Iter .d
4t. is amt 1 me
bond 1arLrr ourchr•,Ir4 earl p u { 9a•w.•Irrl by him«dl' at ter, I , ten. •, alai r ? :y, .Ii'k t „nut) a . grit. • .well Steve .4 ' Ann.
antro. _ fifth cone, et the T,iwwrh, 1 . to pure. m gjw pr, pa in 1
ATRteK. 'el ()lit"' 1{ rag t• sDiL Ciyw the limn, tel Huron er•rteu tie br Wmrrwre. lush be will be ter erect o.n.o.'. mu. C` refit „u" .0 1.4„.,.. Iwnl (':. k riullwriaod 1 bar sett odd taken
ALEZ._ 1111}' + w- l 1 num e. ,, I " i• u.t Y _ 111..a.rulurr 41111••• HAW; tett a +m• .1.1 01104
nom *dv •arc•, Ir the ..r erulubr or mita S' NLS MoNQMEN 1 s, I land.. I ten.•,.rots, l ".1 anon ILt Inn ford,E.11 ;SM llewneamde ung W leo. auintw To elf mote,
'l'.dlrene. 19th til•(., 1,ti1. w3a.31e°' a,.v'a M+w ^ TM•rc ere the 1Nlluer) y...r RI I I Ug.\tl:+.rwl TQMB v7
-A eu1,1ie meeting is to blm,held'in Mottle•
al to cor,siller the twat rreari •mt e•terlaiuieg•
he Lower Province delegate. 0n their v*H
*hot city.
• At
the wit*
Un ibe 1.
IlI(rtl). •
rich, on T, e' .i'. the is-th F: ,
f MI•-J--11rx, i)r.e 1 . 4'l e, °t '
inei,. the wile' 0( Mr. William
lerLNnleut. ut'w Sod. - -
Dottiey •
guy, p' end '
Wool washed? 11,
Peas ....:..1„ .....
RECEIVED BPULL ORTM'ET tow pr.l err., and .Gent J(1 acre. W thy, hlb1 are
14 . 5. S4 tae°• }.tea L 1 .Q.0 ,1 rind- 101,41 in Ilia Swan.d R..,.. amt La Fon)
I el•
til burr u .
Ir•,o sun .sag, rN i.ud.va,r..un,,;etch ol ohs Durham
` ,• , m •ry " Inlu,•nn »1 ,ted. 1 War. . Il •word s,«I
/jt 1 V 'ag • p . w on cheap no req • gal r, me proven., Itis. CerpoiaW' -.4 illy fee ogee tel e. dao..••, 1 lea Nambels T••symine girl
.un wr..aa L,nlr, rt- and torr 1►It and R•usr la W " the
• ' + rigor Ir l lase and a lin m t ser W, n dl th. rnt. rue
Cardin and Grist Mills 1 d
P , '..:ail
,` t.+rlrnSI.k 101I
.n7 t'.,uulr)• s.•.1 Irk thruL 1411 rrreil'e,l ring tar tote tend 11,1.40.1 • a 1 w rrnbb.,n amt U: Rued. 1❑ int the Townrh,p
. w d1 wort.
Murl¢•ae ■qqG tills,'. ,an be ton IR ,hr
. .101414 LI the Ntdrr,gn.d rad a Am:bweer's r: cetrr, 1•tN, 30' 1•eie_.
iii WE ?
cones,,. ALL Tea now'Mtr,,. IT
lir/)I-LAIiD I,E7fyTltrCM. d•IrnorY(wAurg•..v/ Verne,
/ Paplias was id
T+ -'
URA NITN }flat' /l'LL .T1w1 or•
palN•'IlR I,
lou lo }low r b. (r„prrlc - work delivered 1
1n the
ova and
11' 110
Park Lor \o. lo, \ a, aril lou *.loth hal iw, the I:uumy .4 RrtKv, cool ailing
a_71.3 1,41.4 \.. h. 1:41.1 . t lou. .'41.4 S,w,e, grit.. °l:mild roan,.n,ure o, I ..,, which land.
, t.•1ni.°L1.', 14' i''11 ..1' 4D, 4 n, 1Le s1!- I•',w,u'ub I dull .410 tor bale 111 me other n1 t'
It IM 1t some .(rain. .' ,1 Fs. f kgs A 1...1.1r : Smelt mel 1 L,4 -It or Ute t..K I l+mi }burr. u11Le 1 win ea ti.+lenrh, oa Tire
hGlt3ty wall tw Ms,k known „n day gilt: $A£RIL i'!i SALE' OF LAND, .4, of patron sy,,, •;,•util p , 1',uk 1.•m 14,1 ..as(br TWrut)-niiOh dent d Neo Anter ring,.} the
H\111H1 IntlYl'111' 1 , 1 , Jr..rb1 grit tel i win l ale 1 1. ■, d JI'•"L alt hum d ter Ise d thy row11 a .1n.
leu,t.d (.•omni•. o5 `z Y. ,walk of w Wr,t M W:.I kn1e D(l). Nlrart,\.0 11 t.,.1 -y, l .4: JOHN M 13 ININAi.D.
Mem mid Aver, 1 TFterrFerie• rwtrd out I „ n .e1' 3 t9 mud re ]o„L ...1...5•414.
:dr . 1 y.I .4 t' •• S rid
N' :I run e. b '!•.w• Lor thr Ianm:r tel the Ail J he H. a B.
Ta T r1r1, 1•u 'l. ?' N.•nl. nI 1 tel 1.+1 L I raga d • Y. Ru.ln: r l)r ml.. ,hent.
.regia :,• . M I -
PYnuu.m 19raa, amt t.;ow J nr:,wl 11.11111444youIli l I1W". Mi`",, rouLum e°Y. %rh w"l of 11 '1 11,
Nu ter ear. , 1 P , 1 ,eltr`rd'..dnr,Yi.,.lLnr►,
" lour .r, a.a
Mill lake. in rar.vlion • the r,¢ 1 ( !'arra 1 ,,.lin. t
THk ands, rnrd w•ny4 leg leave ,nil sal
the ,soba"nit. dllw'rswn.olp..4 Har sad t.•u 17 and 1** '''''''•7•nnry, ha Ihr 1 11•ar ' . 'boob y. 11 •1 .4 Kn.•1.V......44.414...., al
To T. -IA°STOI•t. r 1"tars•* ►ndsnrn,v,rlua}•ouc1151 0111 bs•L•.•n Hr I ,ter•). l'' wJubluwn of ... nu.ubrr iia tae t'.•ur,q_.. 111n1 I.ba"b lrrrl• rail lr,
,/ - I I n .tel U,o 1'u.t cDm14.0 t int t Il ronin 1 111
T'.I h a l,.ol.Mf■ t'oo°N,«,o„rrlw oL, ilpg hWanr m i I uw'nt, l I r I.,ILr . 7t. i u) . d.... , i:.,
) `.: " f / (i L )*TH5 P d.rnr Lu•u(I lr. In ns. ('Dol) .•1 lou n, r'i•n' II1 f'unrr 1,,,,,..u,lr. Gwru r„ 1 L,1. n 4. u11 +q.
towl'oun tel 4l,ire ,'. iknrL +til Chu he will (ter k t ' 1
bCu,rlaaa d' regretted g 1 a 1
t.1 end t •ntmtrnl+ 1 rhtdl oder 1 w aide al m)
Leming tioderich•fer•Kl/tardl/e I CONVEY CING 1 I m11 r11. aniel Imola. Mia,°ger. 1
Leath „ DEO FRENCH MEA NOS AN g et we kit til Je,m a u.1.,..1 \Im Lay1 1 I
l) 1 ht bile
pan of 1 ot 1(t. A Nor l 1 11 _.n , u. 1,C' 77th "IN„ IsuJ. *341
,0 it 14r 2''rY1.4i .;ter .1Lh _ _ -- -_
- tlr ,i1n..r: 1,41% 1:
Cotiot GS, 11ARA'I11E:1si Sir,
m1•rest of tar .»al Jelentl•nt u1 and lin. I.n,+ 1111111 -.nor of \'w.blk Mrrri, . ,mlhnmp•..n. Lot. ti » „
4TCN1 of ted
t. '},tel ••n a.ro ntuir or ..;w,• i.
twiner.] al • I tune:, to U.kr nut 1)...1.,\t tole 'a e d ten' - der Ifw'c 110 da)''N /.Munn) u1 41, ata. }tour .4
No thesour etterle•. g'¢"' I"' 11.nb, sr 'nth nr■mr. n,1 1 .- oytire m the l' 11 ' th Town 4 i • 1 as a'rlw t lie '10* V. r•»u
paten, and a res«rorM. r In ik11 1 rep ted m 'dull \ • '' I' .
r empties ANI mYYWstems will anesal?' tri.
Hdl>i -lircsn p.o., HayT e
Iaural. Ikfuber 7rh, laa4: Inn
. 5-.' eon- h. an .vasa• n' 91ACOI
! he
Pov l ca Il'p 1) l r Ir r XES
1Moeda , wedne y y AOR
7 •.r READY-
._ le the Jar
I - (iuterifb. (Maker
nail,, on Tarvlay llw'fweellrlh Jay d Ikrvndr' FA..1 Jf. h
fl • a. ova o • ,
DE CL0 Jutta lI►cir1NA1D t•
let lh9 N,
A•\ 1) s
Thr)• woo triune puna. lie , at
h rlius Tv/reran-1h
1140 •Lel latero 11 d • 1 '
sda and Friday then `Lm L ug "elk
Rifi1L1. ' IZ_.-
1L Oct- i'tib,lrlr t IA 0 H I A Y
11:26 lr, Oc i • 14 O'C1c a1L m..
63 ,,, ; v ice• I
2 ,:1 VAISEV1.hYdiI:I7IviBALL,
Ir; 33 .
twig -w I 1
4.75 \ •
Iffef, .. 3:
laemka 2 00,
♦olun(eered his Hall Room for the occasion, l 1'Itrkees, arch .... :, • .
. sae, do
which is calculated to rest 300 peoples' and (1 ,ilii td
(',i• ons,
has a aplendid orchestra, perm/meetly erected ( 1lacks, do s 0:00 e•s u
Aides (grecu)
0.00 t
The teacher. Mr. McVeaty, lir. James Richmond.
strong and Mr. Robert l)olgetty bad spent
the dry in prnpetly preparing the school-.
horse, and when the audience began to arrive
they found the hour not only property seated
•no lighted 1,u'. °ureide, in a temporary build•
ing, • •well'hearteld afore which was very
acceptable to such •v had ridden a long dire
tante. Ity half -past seven o'clock the house Mo,TauA1,17.-Flour$4.10• $1.40; 1'.C.
was literally crammed, moverda of two hats Spring wheat'90 • 92e itatey 70 a 72,1 i
dyed people having crowd...l int° it, and when Oats 171: Peas 7.5c • 77c. .• Ashes, Pots
your correspondent arrived an available seat $1.324 a $5,5.5, petarle $7..e0 a 8:1.821.
Was nut to be towed for him, but. finally be
obtained one right in the midst (f the. per-•arta Montt( wants.
farmers, and had, consequently, a good op-
portonity-a • reporter should have -of not +s" " - - - - - ^w•
only hearinj the performance but also of
witnessing ite effect upon the audience. 'It
was a matter of surprise to find the elite of
Hayfield and vicinity there in ouch number,
among whom I my mention Ion. Gardner
and Taylor, •Mesvn. Gairdner, R»teman,
Eason and Adameon,Eaas., Meows. Campbell,
_• Fisher and- McDougall. The Wire, also,
were there in great numbers and with all
their bawitehing smiles and fascinating bat -
nen. But • few wool, about the singing and
Mallet 'I he Varna Glee Club and Singing
Socalso th did th.lM. ansl greet coed". , rel FILL IND WINTER GOODS!
also the Mievts M. and E. Armstrong, end
Mn. Armstrong ; the Misses Ihlgetty (lour) '
and Mr. lMlgetty, who gore its two capital
tongs. Mr. Rankin oleo gave two very beau
tiful little solos. Mr. John filer,, tenor,
attracted conniderahle attention, the Messrs.
Wm., John grid James Ituncan'■ singing
showed that they had more than a superficial
knowledge of the sat. Mr, Allan Mitchell
rendered two r,•clationn in excellent style,
and Mr. McDermnt'e comic songs brought
down the h°use.•o gam and optic,. The inter
vale were enlivened' ny the hand. Messrs.
Bettachen, (three brothers and a rous:11,)
Mr. Ching, Matter Charlet Lipp•t and Mr.
George Deihl, who ierforlited in a most
creditable muster. The M •arra• ilettsehen
Ire really • "musical tamilv." The concert
ended by the performer all sin,in4 God nave
the Queen, the band accompanying .them. -
Great praise in certainly due to all coecerned
in it, and also to the au lienee f•1r the very
attentive and appreciative mariner in whit
tl ey listened to the whole performance.
R1ery one With whom 1 have tilted concern-
Ing it, ay it was a hrilliant altar.
:110- (n 0.00
0:(41 (,r 0:17
033: fn 0.:35
2.00 (o, 0;00
(1: Oft (. t' 0:10
Apples a.. ' 0:40 (a 0::,0
m"ew TOat, I7. -Canadian Floor $9.70 in
112.00; Spring wheat 81.95 to 12,(1.5. Gold
223 closed et 214.
Atetrlmnr '1 ailur,
BEGS to inborn ,he uh.Mtapt. "t (loam..•}
that he has R l: \l' ;V KO to the Atop under
E. L. Johnson'v Pietare 'CalIPrr,
MAlt l:14:'1' sl(, ('AUX.
11Oaa161.a DILATII OP A CHII.sI;-
About three weeks since a child two year;
old, belonging to Richard Martin, 4th
onneeeninn, Huron Township, strayed
from ire home and ¢tit lost in the wands.
Although upwards of two hundred neigh-
bors turned nut to search, keeping within
eight or each other, it was not found until
a week ago, when it int dieeovered 'an.-
pended by its clothing on a snag, with its
had dnwnwarde, and one foot and a pmt
tion of is log roe. h appear* to have
been elimhing over the log when it fell off
swd naught by iso clothing lie Above. 11
was in a thiaket,not evil a hundred yards
from the hones, and was plumed a number
of Limes by thaw in Powe,.
Very moth!, !or rho r.,,lrnch Trade. a lbt he
u reedy 1.1 .ell n1
Usdsvieb, (kt. IOU, gbh w07 '
House and Lot for
/1. taan of Let 1041,
' Wien 11000
at reeeat oecuptell by Thos. Weal hernkl. 1:01.1
FOr further port,. films apply to
Anthem Wend.
5, October 17thielltd, est13-tf
• b 111.14 LOVE„ Sent.,
'1(Asr:jq 11 ,} Av - s• let lr•I/t' 1•t. 14
l 'w:,
fhe -ere M . Iry a. l o. on. a• Iteptoy2lier•It.•
y 2 sheng •• I nfu-r, / i,•Irrea.
• P nitedeCowet gra
b, !gra. 71h t Lei. w:13 sitElarre SI LE CF LANDS. Id d H
Ffd'SD by the mten¢ned. m 1Ldench, M
r 15. 1144 September IW, (.h..w day,) • :•rise;
whlca Me proper owner eon bar by pnwirgl
limy and taros expense,
Lott- bib vu. (iiagr•!u'h Tp.
II 4,1,..151. 1.3. I"ll. 11'3st•. 4'.4,11 .41101 nit. -,l ('01)111•114.111u•0p and IIruor Laml,. $.,u,n.:.l.unit,,.11':ver, 1 ,h girl Adm'.
( 7. ,Lal r, re, 7: tog alaw.1 I Iwtrtter an( Iruuurnto.k.„1„,41..r. ,1 tow.ttt of W'dh 1 t.reJ.l Ie
FAP* tot ►.JAL r'•r t h 1' U, /,:d air l W dnam p. Il rnafil s tar' wR p ,yd r d t., . n m i:a., utn,t t..1 Uor rtjhr, 1 Y°
. i;•uh,. -°,d; 1 barn gibed amt t.trn a uu1,"010'..1115. war dr1e1.4n5(010 uu4 to t
Sheriff's Salo of L7.rids. • ,rn,s,
a.l Ih 1 rr1 • F• • n. ,.rwvl
a N,q„ rN i 1 r, nue of • ' W r• a 1 .. w t S ,int of Hrr 1111p -.ter. I'he 1 it alar .
HNN.t,•nJ &law. ) 11 Fwn .'u! n,•lsv) r tel 1.17," 1 / Dr.nnnn 1`f a ung• b• iso. te r.v rel 11171 - and riat1 L,w, •ted to we di 4d'
'f1, -s.1 ),d Il. -r ?1mgr+IV'• l' ult Jy aratu.i%Yilr i»row olid h'r4 *,r.o1'.l lir.ara•i 1 for ie cniirftlun 11'P,esi of ia}tra
oval following Lando iso the utd fail
'ountwa of Heron and Thrace, 1 .nt*ll r•
ti k.n!Yrtine TWF:NTYNINI' IIllay of
41 Nl/1EMJIEH neat, at the lour of 'twelve
sem- 1 n'c11N k, nook alt the Court ltoom in tors'
-„tont.' Town of Guderich, proceed to sell the f l-
1, .N ly',I..•a in th. Gwnly til Itru,' '1"1"l.aml¢ 1 411.11 Darr wt. wlr 1111 m,.enre 1u I2D„" 1 low1ng lrlda or w meth thereof as ray be
.• mora+: wl•x h land. mei lenrmrptk 1 `hob .torr in- the low s .4 ('wli no u, ' ,n `oats! Ihr . _ t.. r _..s .._.-•....I
ur°n Al
To Wi
t ' 1. I j1 r,nne et. a wool til ,('mi • dis -Hu,"
Herm, ■ Y J
Y five of a War.
of 1 moist 'delenolonl' in a tioti,.6„1, ;.4 soh ow
mrs Is and 49 in the Punt coo 11111... whol. 40mM:old 1
S1 VA NOM, coneproo,olg
nmaommollet. le 1,04. 3"vii
ecutors' Notice,
If %anis. of e'renroMire
11, I) some with Ilse tooter-
• tweed wan* de
ww at the
ii.007 of Upper lamb, 1;2 p,;(4.* atT AN EXCELLEN
et of the uniiitigned, N LH Prietrfov of the Keel IK*0.11e
mums kerne Aseiced healer oPAN it
FRIDAY, the ith .
UNDER Power of Sale in a M
IMMO Lizars avid wife to the above
Lots Mee and Ste in the 31s1 cone's.
Lots Fire.end Silt ill the Feurth cue
borne, containing
more Or less. The above is
Vary Valuable Farm Property
.4th (1001r BUILDINGS, and will be offer.
ed in three portions, ef which a plan and full
information :can be Ird es application to
the undopigoll.
.Part 'of Lot.Thirteen, In the firnt conces-
sion of the township of Ovelerieh, further
and fully described in a mortgage from Wm.
Mafiosi,' to the Contpinny, and containing
seventy aerie. more or lees. This is an ex•
celleot farm, about three miles from Goderich,
en the Gravel readi with log house and Maim
Under Power of Sale in • Mortgage froni
Adam Annan& le the above CnmpanyA, Ail
Number in the Ninth concentier. of tbe
containing 100 acres, more er lem. This is
esceilent farm, with Frame buildings.
Under rosier 46610 id a Artgaire from
Prime Morris and wife to the above Connie
nj, bot timber Seven in the FAeventh Gen -
Colborne, containing 100 acres, siore or lees.
This ie I good cleared Farm.
ollered in the Villase Elfcievidejewmhip of Turn.
PUBLIC AUCTION rrvotrid knew hy the name of the HLVE.
VALE norst, and in the' 'oeCupiii,treorrn rrl;
the proprietor, r. -PMH. The
has large addltions S improvements, midis
worthy the uoliee of a man elm is seehini
Oetohe. r 0_04 1.043.
int' Wednesday, October 26, 166a.
The property to he mild comprione the to1101/in•
BUILDIk CS and 1.0T811
.01111A0Y. I, The commodinua Store end Intormlitnioe on
'on, mad Ailsr•rt In.et, (opposer iiie steam Mill) 110•111 on*
too rimiest Is Mewro. Kerry dr Bro., 'whither hai ft.
11 IC 114 Dttitaltila KO let too toms in I W-
I borne, loot 10 end 11, 9th either on
*hoots or ether rear. as ma y be ogreed P9n • T11'
Well walered • "'Ohio
and mily three MOON from I Wo 41,5 mint Hare.,
41.0•111111(•holtana kr on good order. For hiellwr
paella nines opply to RopcRT (11R11ONS, FAN..
ttederrels, or on the premium to
Ortlerieh, 1941. w36.41
Ten per rent. to be fleet in cash at the rale.
and terms for the balance will then be made
gel can he aeon at the office of the Solicitonv,
or at he place of sale.
Fnether and fell infermetion ran Iv. had en
appliention to the Commiseirment, Trust and
Loon Company ,rf pper Centel*. Kingston,
Mew.. Mariinnold, Pattern h
Kingpitlio, ne to the undersigned.
Goesrieb, Oeiebsr. 1844. IOW
. he abCip bit Alum adjoining the Aimee mime,
*bop, r lert frontage cif the •IioNe
Queen nowt, (note orrupted by Mr. 1 H.
ey) containing nine room... with atablc and
wh•ge cionpriaing Village Lute 368 •....1300, rom-
p...emir, together half on seer.
414 oo Ater street, with lante. Sara
thereon. ',This hot is silniirably wonted for SOW
nee. paponea, being between the 14nokley arid
eightlie of sa re.
MAMA.. 8 of Village Let 177.oa Ontarte:
, woe MOO hop Nettling themes*. Thi.
144 Went. the Cent I Smote, and odkain. Mr.
of 313 keg, it the al tam new stand how un-
sold in Cliekkg.
6.-Villagi40-40 2, 3, and west pert of 6, on
Islam (adjoining the C(Inton Hotel) with
good (Irchfird thereon.
I. -Ninety-three Village 1,0,..,,;mirying sme
from one ntiki idon acre to an lc awl a optarter,
Kirk, Town -end, Foot, Itattenbery I•rinvesm
einem, ineluding many elicit ',Ie tilt4101. Ammo
wo ilia mit faig
(Me min of the parch*** money in cosh, rtlry
spree print, nolo. st Ores moothn with int
est ; the emider in three equal annuallingialineo
intereet et reek paPhelIt 041 the the nnEI.1
payment is Roble, Red • mortgage take*. The
wie wilt Mlle place st the I
Will be sold to the IlIghes! Bidder!
payment Tries. 01 the, 0101 I., no. o. , ' Toms, et MA the timpe *i11.1 all lawful cearg.
iONA1.1). es thenton be sooner paid.
t...!RII:79.3 SALE CiF LIVS. •I',.,461i...,,, ,,,,(7/11.1Ii• E,,r,°.,.E.:,,t41:.,,,,,,511.,,,,,,;i:',:li 45.............'141:1:h.:1::,.:::.:::••••:::° :929112,
or !Agenda. item, st the hour of Twelve of ihe
clock, noon.
Floral 'a 'Mee, illodench,
KV H. Pfetiutv
. • , • , Moot and ruts.. ,••i• rue Fa. s.'seer..1 out , P'1"1 rtal; ::::51,11: w,......D.....,.........• .1.......i..00511 .40:23, Swoon ...
22 Etat A•rilior Street Patented 3 011
ern. emixesia, Dr Al
Count.. of Huron Weir,
emery Beyer, Jet, Playteir. John .44e1Itirri. t4,„
*deo .4 :he moot 4.4.14 in and itolot ler i4
of '11 elk .rio• in Me Cougar
Linda mi
rah tin rne.
the' tour of Tw
elirlme4114 1 lama ode
ve of the eke . noon.
011N NINAL11,
wiry. et the hour trl tweit vlork. Asa,.
3 to
.10 .10 halt 3 lir
111.4141;:iTtolore• o 1 arsine* the lends and time. 1/.1.NOWil 2 3110; • 4141.swor4 3: 1:013.
l'aited I., uteri Yliervimrtu.er.otry.:lwr.::netty
Hurter en &UM, Piro Fillerrimir•41,1 4141 .„,Atu
MSS 106
esecunto. so toe r 111„ title mot inter...fon the to it, t 41
said debnitnnt, in owl let number Twentv-binr p„,4 ir4e, 14tpr the 3 • olo' : •. kali 7
(loUrt Hotpot to the TOMO of t, Pellets own 'juror
OnT 'he Thirteenth ilay .4 11/e,•5111 •r neat, st.the
7•11•111•11I• 1 Omit 0004 my my 14.4 the
teoneay, ths,24th of October,
half 3 011 .
sheriff.. (Kee, o.eterich; I
half 3 00
••••• lbws% a in me d meted against the lend* end e. I:I" - 71 read.
me Moro of Meow. Dellor k ship or. 4.4.hrl, Anne *rotted siol taken in Has ASHFLE •"• • .4116' 3 311'
grShope on Hamilton No bet/erre Oruro st tie tit of 'qt. ,airporntion of the town -
!IL KINDS OF covvray WORK c
commie.' MSIIIS Pasninore, (*.lion 511110. ro Mr, 1 0.. interriot ot the •ooll 11,4,1( ; Atle or wnt
f7linton in one on the moat flourshing miens in
the (:onale .4 Moron, on Ito 14011•110 and bike
rapidly iftereming troolre. Any 0•10. okolortng to
wieure mewl low Mr soy tooneh n(httionsar. or
For forther particulars &ply to Meteors WILIIIOSI
C. M. Truoman
°Wolter 4, 1164.
no,4,..„.k, Ing•Inth.1461 • 911•10-1 of lot tommfrer three ("Mtn On iir f'n•tryl Ifr'frinitli::nt.141'1u7lit:.itin.41.07in 1.4",-2,7 C"tlrilkini
To wir:
ofmteTes..161:lernint:-.1,",illitii:l'itni‘e:•.,,h.1:nt(4:e,tit:ti::?*1•Pnti:lot'v71:17.4/7‘:'1'4111:°11:‘",41•:‘:,,"-W1m15:-, 1:,:iiit,:riftre;771.4n1..ohro:111;:h"e:1::::::...-:Y.,.lef:::".'e‘gmnitioll:111::htl.lt:w..'ii:0;;011'Al:::,:n'llont°4.1::n.ino:ged.:111,' a 01$13°) 4' 'Isi' ;new- -• • • • • •1. • . ..
4 SO
M'0,0 tit) •."P• m",e of trammel Ereanwil N. Davey, im ttre onot ol the 11.', , I Ith
(17/MIN 6474 :4
au es
Sr S. Prishors, Dreier/Menet events I omit orferter ra my ogle, In one f'•,..1
.11th Aware, 1,0114.
Farm Aar Sal
,171/W411111P 111' A41111,414. trNi's MIA* In."
A\ 0 TIN 1.4 1.1401p410401 1410 non, 114
MADE TO ORDER, ,,.„ Num..* through term. There a
lowed I .g home, o dor born, emblem Aro
III 1 voting ori414.61.80 brgoanina to hear MINA-
_ .4 Art a, 10 com.. one marl ',half note,
10 the proprietor,
Pile P.O.
or y. rota it( firs -meow ohl St era, ofte• light
Hilo, il.e ....1 aml while. Any means Firm,
intiamotton that will lesil to their recovery W01
li Arndt y rewarded.
IAA 11.3M Colborne, the
First of Angnat lent, light nod. rot with wInir
Mee -show WHIM nld. The evertor Is req11.411.1
In pay imposes sod tele hire sway.
(le All kinds of re:miring done em most
A Good Farm for Sale !
LOT 11 in HO 4th eon. rif the trarnaht p of
temeng Inn WM*, Innen or 1.0, hmone remodel
Obleckonegstheterer. Terme liberal.
Apply le
Set. he .,thelermh.
elmor in the ?own .4 Aoleneh, ono aso
Foot day of November neel, in the iieur el
Twelve of the Hens, rem.
s „Jain PM. ISM. 1102
14nms atel *ere, Vert Fraitai lolled me
1fere. 1 Intre vetoed Mod token in eiteetit on ell the
fight. Otte end .11151,4 of the, •,1111 11.•finclhat t A
IPA to Lot •N . a, bet Twenty three, in the flt1h
ommereman of the Townetne,nt Motes, ,e the ;
fter tele st tidy me, e 111 the row. Iloolo tri
lb. 101Y11 (101frooa. na 1.10.111111", 1110
&Wean orf the c•lurt, noon.
.10114.4 Mvpi1N Ain,
rni oca, Depot! Sheriff.
TIM Pepternber, 1%4. w311
late 76: is
Mr Itner Maitland boom tho
mark on the North Ale of, Om
Fiver Monlanel in the Soother-
', Moods oCknelta A ft end r,
22 hi
illisTillege.,..4.A..i.eleri.:.........m: i.4,..1
ii:4040:40-............,..,..............: ................. . i
44114e, ,.......;,....... .. .. ......... •:k:.I.
11:121. . , ...FY: . 1 : , ..... .. ....... iri: i..4., 44. Iii:
19 15
ls 43
11 a
14 110
11 14
till 10
11 011
a 00
11 61
4 03
11 to
0 We