HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-05-21, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 21st, 1936 Show Starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 21st, 22nd, 23rd ROCHELLE HUDSON And HENRY FONDA “WAY DOWN EAST” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 25, 26th, 27th The Story by Lottie Blair Parker A Gripping Drama of New England Country Life A NIGHT AT THE BILTMORE BOWL And MICKEY MOUSE Cartoon. WHITECHURCH "Miss • Agnes Wilson, R.N., of Stratford, spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Rev. J. Watt and Miss Muriel, ■motored from Long Branch last Thursday ,and Mr. Wm. Barbour and Miss Genevieve Watt accompanied them to Port Elgin, where they visit­ ed with Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Watt, and Rev. Mr. Watt and Miss Genev­ ieve returned to Long Branch on Friday. Mr. Emerson Colwell and Bruce and Jean of Glamis, visited here with Mr, Bert Cullimore on Sunday. Mrs. Falconrath of Milwaukee, and her daughter, Mrs. Oliver Kirk, of Birmingham, and Mrs. F. L. Creigh­ ton of Detroit ,and Mr. and Mrs. An­ drew Kirk of Seaforth, visited on Saturday at the home of the latter’s daughter, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft on aSt- urday last. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott and Misses Sarah and Mary Sharpe of TeeSwater, visited on Saturday with Miss Catharine Ross. Mr. Blake Gaunt left on the excur­ sion on Thursday to visit with rela- tives in Winnipeg, and then on to visit with his sister at Sunset Lake, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Ab Cameron of Ash- ................... ■ ................................. ■ W-g* Women Who Drive Autos Will be pleased to know of a comparatively NEW DEVICE that protects “The Back Portion of the Shoe”, in other words that porton of the shoe that comes in contact with the starter, etc., this device being made to ’ Prevent the Scrub That’s Caused By The Rub This very simple device is reported to have “gone over BIG on the American side last year” and, no doubt, Canadian Ladies will appreciate its benefits and govern themselves accordingly by call­ ing at our store and purchasing a par, the price of which is 50 cents. BUT we have AN IMPORTANT AN­ NOUNCEMENT TO MAKE as follows: We make this little device at our place of business in Wingham and STARTING WITH FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK and continuing ALL NEXT WEEK, WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTE­ LY FREE OF CHARGE, ONE PAIR OF THESE SHOE SAVERS TO EVERY WOMAN who buys One Pair of Shoes (whether she drives an auto or does not). Made in TWO TYPES OF HEELS, the Cuban and the Spike. Two Special Bargains For Men Men’s Grain Leather Boots, with Panco soles, made by the Williams Shoe Company (a good make) for , > > *,...................... $1.$9 per pair Men’s Scotch Grain Oxfords, in all sizes, Reg. $2*95, for............................... $1.79 per pair Willis Shoe Store The Leading Shoe Store of These Parts >HONE 129 WINGHAM Services of the be held on Sun- Rev. Jas, Scobie field and Mr. Wm. Purdon left on Sunday morning to attend a funeral at Puwabson. Mr. and Mrs. George McClenagh- an an Teddy and Mildred spent Sunh- day at Belgrave with the former's brother, Mr. Harry McClenaghan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patten of Lucan, spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fox. The Anniversary United Church will day, June 21, when of Wilton Grove Will be present to take charge of the services, T.ittle Miss Gwendoline Finnigan of Prosperity, spent the week end at the, home of Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Will Egleston and daughter, Olive of Detroit, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Pat­ terson, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Patterson, Mrs, Welwood and Mrs. Greer of Wingham, Miss Rutherford of St. Helens, Mrs. Gibson Gillespie and Mrs. Charles Gillespie, motored on Tuesday to Sarnia, where they attend­ ed the London Conference Branch of the W.M.S. and returned on Wednes­ day. Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie spent the week end at Dungannon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilles­ pie, What might have been a serious ac­ cident, happened in front of Mr. Wea­ ver's farm late Saturday evening, when a Pontiac coupe left the road and plunged into a deep ditch and crashed into a tree. Fortunately neither of the occupants were ser­ iously injured. Mr. and Mrs. John McCreight of Atwood visited on Sunday at homes of his brothers, Alfred Thos. McCreight’. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn Winnipeg visited one day last week with Mr .and Mrs. Lance Grain. Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Henderson and family of Paramount and his mother, Mrs. MacGregor spent Sunday with ■Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacGregor, Teeswatar. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson of St. Paul, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Wes­ ley Smillie of Fargo, N.D., are visit­ ing with Whitechurch friends. Mrs. Jas. Barbour, who is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ben Mc­ Clenaghan, is not improving as quickly as her many friends would like to see. Mrs. George King and family of Culross motored to Guelph last Thursday to attend the Graduation Exercises of the nurses of St. Joseph’s Hospital. Among the eleven gradu­ ates were Miss Dorothy Ann King, I Mrs. King’s daughter, and also Miss 1 Marion Good of Teeswater. Miss I King who entered with the September class will not finish the course until the fall. We congratulate these girls. Mr. and Mrs. George Garton and family spent last week end with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Holland of Kitchener. Mrs. Garton was staying for two weeks. SAVE YOUR EYES’ If they are giving you trouble, see R. A. REID Stratford’s Leading Optometrist for 18 years, at WILLIAMS’ JEWELLRY STORE Every Wednesday morning, 9.00 to 12 noon “Satisfactory Glasses at Moderate Cost” CURRIE’S TRANSPORT WINGHAM — To — TORONTO Phones: Wingham 211 or 152. Toronto, Waverley 3139 day with cousins at Seaforth and Clin- ton. Mrs. Alex Mowbray, Miss Donna Smith and Miss Olive Scott attended the District Annual meeting of W. L at Fordwich on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. P, D. King have re­ turned. to their home here, after spending the winter in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. >plliott, Mrs, Raymond Elliott, Mrs. Laura ‘ Orr and Miss Florence Fowler spent Thursday with Listowel friends. Mrs. Coultes, who spent the winter with her daughter, Mabie in Toronto, has returned home. Mrs. A .Proctor has returned to her home at Belgrave, after spending two weeks with her brother, Mr. Tho­ mas Stewart Mrs. Wilfred Filsinger and baby are home from the Wingham Gener­ al hospital. Harry Mann of Gorre, spent Sun­ day with friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffith of Guelph, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. John Kirton, Miss Bell Kirton, Mrs. Kirton and Eldon spent Sunday with Mrs. Michie in Morris, who is ill at present. Mr .and Mrs. Filsinger of New- stradt, spent Sunday with their sons, Wilfred and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutcheson of Toronto, are at their hummer home The Box Social at Kirtons school, which was post poned earlier in the season is being held on Friday night. KING’S A good place to buy your Summer Needs X .........1,1 1 1 ................................... . .. . J Coats - Dresses - Suits Millinery - Lingerie - Gloves and of course Good Hosiery White Coats - Suits So popular for sunny days and going away occasions, New styles, new fabrics in both Coats and Suits. Pretty Blouses Lovely summery affairs in fine organdy - Crepe and Silks $2.25 and $2.95. Selling Spring Coats at Factory Prices 20 beautiful Coats—mostly New Tweeds that are so much liked. Gray - Sand and Brown shades, in Misses’ and Women’s sizes. Every coat reduced to clear. Selling Stylish Three- Quarter and Full Length Coats with skirt to match. These are grouped for quick selling at Cut Prices. Pick yours out now for a Icing season’s use. ’ BELGRAVE New Dresses! Summer shipments just to hand, and we invite you to see the new styles. Silks - Sheers - Fine Cottons - $2.50 - $4.95 to $15,00, Orierit Stockings $1.00 The acme of perfection in fin­ est crepe chiffons. Beautiful new coppery shades for sum­ mer. Fine Service Hose 75c An extra quality at this pop­ ular price. Buy at least two pairs of a color and see their big value. Velva Suede Lingerie Shortees - Parties - Bloom­ ers and Vests, White and Tea Rose, for your every use. Specially priced at 79c. Kayser Fabric Gloves Sew styles, so fetching with your early summer outfit. 69c •- 75c - 95c Summer Dress Goods New sheer materials for the malting of Summer Dresses. Pretty d'esigns in colorful sum­ mer fabrics. 39c - 60c to $1.00 per yard. Stylish Millinery Clever shapes in Felts and Fabrics. Pastel and the darker colors. Come and see the new hats, .each an individual model. the and of Pipe Smokers At last we have a pipe with an Unbreakable Stem, aLthe low cost of 69c See them at Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe Dr. Arthur Shaw, Mrs. Shaw and daughter, Barbara, of Toronto, visit­ ed with the doctor’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Miss Florence Fowler spent Fri- FINE FOOD PHONE 76 FRESH SODAS 1 Lb. Pkg. *.................13c These Are Not Bulk Sodas BLUEVALE Institute Meeting The Womens’ Institute met Wednesday afternoon last week at the home of Mrs. John Sparks. The President, Miss Donna Smith presid­ ed and the roll call was responded to by an idea to improve our regular meetings. The motto “Whatever you do, do with your might, for things done by­ halves are never done right” was taken by Miss Olive Scott, who had many splendid thoughts on this sub­ ject. Miss Dorothy Greenway gave an account of the training course, which was held recently in Wingham and displayed some of the work taken up, while there. A discussion followed, whether it would be advisable to have a girl’s class follow the program pro­ ject “Better dressed and better grom- ed", under the leadership of Miss Greenway. It was decided if a class could be formed the Institute would sponsor it. A very interesting report of the Girls’ Conference at Guelph was given by the delegate, Miss Donna Smith; who told of the most important hap­ penings and suggestions gathered at thjs conference. The meeting was brought to a close with the singing of the nation­ al anthem, after which lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. S. Gallaher. Play Thursday Night This Week The 3 act play “Let Polly Fix It” will be presented by the Young People’s Society of Blucvate United Church in the Foresters’ Hall at 8 p.m. ’enjoy an evening of laughs. '^“'Operated on at Clinton William Stewart of Grand Valley, son of Thomas Stewart of this vil­ lage is a patient th the Clinton hos­ pital, suffering from, infection in his hand* following an Injury in the palm of the hand. Art operation was per­ formed to prevent amputation. He i I is progressing favorably. on this Thursday night, Como and/ PINK SALMON, 1 lb. tin 10c PEAS, Large Tin ... 2 for 19c WAXED BEANS ... 2 for 19c CORNED BEEF..................13c SPAGHETTI .................... 10c 5c VANILLA Reg. 10c 5c TOMATOES, Large Tin ... 10c CORN, Large Tin...............10c GREEN GAGE PLUMS ... 10c LOMBARD PLUMS .........10c Sweet PICKLES, 27 oz. jar 25c PEANUT BUTTER 32 oz. Jar 29c 29c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 for 14c OATMEAL.................6 lbs. 25c DATES.........................2 lbs. 19c PRUNES (Large) ...2 lbs. 25c RAISINS .....................2 lbs. 25c Rose Baking Powder 1 Lb. Tin 15c.............................15c FREE — SHERBET — FREE 4 JELLOS And SHERBET All for ... 25c FOREST CITY BAKING • POWDER And TUMBLER All for . .. 25c SUGAR 10 Lbs for ........ 48c With a $1.00 Order FRESH TOMATOES 1 lb. 15c CELERY CABBAGE HEAD LETTUCE RHUJBARB PINEAPPLES PHONE 76 Quick Delivery W.M.S. Visit Westfield Society . The members of the Women’s Mis­ sionary Society of the United church were the guests of the members of the Missionary Society at Westfield, on Wednesday afternoon. Brick Church members were also present and each society helped in the pro­ gram. Lunch was served and a plea­ sant afternoon brought to a close. Mrs. H. McGuire and Audrey spent Sunday with relatives at Holstein. Mr .and Mrs. Harold Walsh return­ ed on Friday from their honeymoon. Mrs. Walsh was formerly Miss Annie Blair, R.N., daughter of Mrs. Wm. Blair and the late Mr. Blair of East Wawanosh. They were married in Hamilton on Tuesday. They will re­ side on the groom’s farm in Wawan­ osh and have the wishes of many friends for a long and happy wedded life. C. R. Coultes shipped a carload of cattle to England bn Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McKenzie and two little daughters have moved into 'their new home, recently pur­ chased from Jas. T. Brydges. We welcome them to our community. The Young People’s Society of the United Church met in the schoolroom of the church on Wednesday night with the missionary committee in charge. Mr. Harold Vincent occupied the chair and Miss Elaine Walsh acted as pianist. The Devotional period was taken by Miss W .Lane and the minister. The topic of the evening consisted of a group of read­ ings on the mission activities of the Church and were taken by Miss Anna Grasby and Messrs. Bob Yuill and Kenneth Wheeler. After the topic Mr. Yuill gave a brief talk on life in the North having spent some time there in the fall of last year. , Dur­ ing the business period a committee was appointed to plan for recreation­ al activities and consisted Harold Vincent and Mr. J. and Misses F. Jordan and A. BLYTH of Mr. Cpultes Grasby. House Furnishing Time Beautiful Curtains and Curtain Nets - Pretty Draperies and Hangings that go to brighten up the home at this season. Fine Axminster Rugs and Mats - Floor Linoleum and1 Congoleum Rugs - Floor Oilcloths and’ 2-3 and 4 yard wide Linoleums. Consult us about your needs - all information is free. If not a regular customer, try shopping at King’s. You’ll enjoy buying here. BUTTERICK PATTERNS PHONE 71. KING BROS. Barber—“Is the razor all right?” Client—“Well, if you hadn’t men tioned it I should not have thought yod were treating my face with a ra­ zor.” Barber (flattered)—“Oh, thank you sir.” Client—“I should have thought it was a file.” Dr. E. E. Toll is attending the Den­ tal convention in Toronto. Misses Robinson and Mills visited friends in London during the week. Mrs. H. C. Gidley of New Liskeard spent a few days in town and has leased her home to Mr. J. Radford of Londesboro. The Men’s Fellowship Club of St. Andrew's United Church, w.ere in charge of the evening service. Dr. Toll President presided. Mr. Charles Toll read the scripture lesson. A quartet will my anchor hold by G. D. Leith, C. Cole, W. Webster, J. Dodds and a chorus by the members pleasing features. The pastor, R. A. Brook gave a splendid course on the quitter, There passed away Monday a estimable lady, Mrs, D. Kelly of Mor­ ris township in het* 70th year*. De­ ceased was seized with paralysis a month ago on Monday and became worse. Service was held in the Roman Catholic church, Wednesday at 9 a.m. Interment in Morris ceme- tey. Word was received that the paving of the highway from Blyth to Wing­ ham would commence shortly. This is good news as it will provide work for a great many men who ate great­ ly in need of the work. The baseball team have made ar­ rangements to hold a field day on Wednesday, June 10th,, it is expected baseball and football will be the main attraction. were Rev> dis- most A negro, father of whom he had rocked cradle, was putting his to sleep. Mandy: “Rastus, dat about worn out.” Rastus: "Hit sho’ is. You all better get another one, a good one, one that’ll last.” 12 children in the same latest arrival cradle’s just Specially Reduced Prices On Flour FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Take advantage of these low prices. We need the flour space. 98 Lb. Bag CARNATION................................$2.49 98 Lb. Bag ROBIN HOOD.................... ... $2.89 98 Lb. Bag FIVE ROSES..................................$2.99 24 Lb. Bag PEERLESS PASTRY.......................49 A. C. ADAMS Flour, Feed and Seed, Baled Hay, Straw, Potatoes Phones, Store 40 Residence 200. Wingham, Ont. Templeman’s Cleaning Special • ••• Any Ladies’ Cloth Suit, either Short flW |H Coat, or Swagger, and Top Coats, Master cleaned and tailor pressed gll for Only ................................ Men’s Suits and Top Coat beautifully cleaned and reshaped for ........... ♦ t * a r This is not a “price chiselling” effort on our part, but a sincere cleaning offer. Cleaning done merely for a PRICE is neither satisfactory, sanitary or safe. No sacrifice of quality will be made* C. Templeman & Son CLEANERS AND DYERS