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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-05-21, Page 4
«™Wji u jjmuluijmw OBITUARY [OK»OE=====3OI=3IOD NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3PAGE FOUR 3IQE3OE 1OE3OI Thursday, May 21st, 193$ „.THESE WANT AD’S BRING RESULTS ny^NTyAp’s lj tyHite b word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. AUCTION SALE.of Household Ef-‘ felts of the late Ada Gallaher, will bo held ut the premises of A. .Ik CfelahvL Lot IL von. A, Howickj Ut 1 o’clock, on Thursday May 28th. Terms cash, T. R. Bennett, Auc- tionwr, CAPABLE WOMAN WANTED to fe mirsc companiou and house- keeper, xmall home. Two adults. -Al>ply in per,son, Mrs. Harry Dia mond, John St., phone 262. M)R RF.NT*«F»'onl bedroom on first floor, furnished, or unfurnished, Ap- lily Mrs. Jack West, FOR SALE’^Four Durham Cows due to freshen. Apply Levi Lott, FOR SALE CHEAP — One sidc> boixnl one drop leaf table, dresser and. stand. Apply T. Fells, FOR SALE—Good 100 acre farm, good buildings! 10 acres of bush, 30 tmtes of crop, 30 acres of bay, the igilauce In pasture and 7 milking cows, 8 head of young cattle, 1 bull, 11 pigs, also all farm implements. Reason for selling, ill health. Apply T\ Felts, FOR SALE—A quantity of first cluss apple butter, in bulk or containers, al 75c pet gal. Robert tubson, Wrox etc t\ ALL persons having chums against the estate of Mary Jane Fralick, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the fourth day of May, A.I). .1986, are notified to send to J. 11. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 30th day of May, A.D. 1936, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said. 80th day of May,t 1936, the as sets of the said testatrix will be dis tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have received notice. DATED at Wingham this 12th of |.........................May, A.D. 1936. J. IL CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. COUNTY COUNCIL Jay Mrs, C. B. Wilkinson lite hmg resident of Morris township, Ann Littlefair, beloved wife of Charles B. Wilkinson of Belgrave, passed away at her late home Mon day evening, May 18th, in her 71st year. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Littlefair, pioneers of Morris. Mrs. Wilkinson had been in poor health for about-’a year and her patient suffering during her long illness was characteristic of her Stirling character. Born on the 6lh concession of Mor ris she spent her early 'days there and after her marriage on the 21st May, 1896, at Belgrave, she and her hus band farmed on the 4th concession of Morris until they moved into Belgrave 8 years ago. She leaves to mourn her passing besides her husband, two sons and one daughter, Elmer of Winghamj Howard, 4th concession of Morris and Mrs. Carl (Hazel) Procter, 4th concession of Morris. She is also survived by pne sister, Mrs. Mary Grisdale of Toronto. The funeral was held from the Bel grave United Church of which she was a menlber, at 2 p.m. (to-day) Wednesday. The service was con ducted by Rev, Mr, Townend, pastor of the church. Interment took place in Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave. con and Rev. Father Fallon of Gode rich, as sub-deacon. Interment took place in St. Augustine Cemetery. The next meeting of Huron County Council will be held in the Council commencing Tuesday, June 2nd, at Chambers, Court House, Goderich, 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations, applications and other business re quiring attention of Council should be in the hands of the Clerk by June 1st. J. M, ROBERTS, County Clerk. Court House, Goderich, Ont. on Edmund A. in her 32nd Wingham but for the past FOR FALR^-Dvsirablc residence pro perty situated on Slmter St, For sale cheap to close estate. Apply R, S, Hetherington. -FOR SALE OR RENT—In Belgrave imv“fifth acre lot and frame house, 5 rooms and summer kitchen, wood- shed, garage. Apply J. 11. Craw- ford. _ .4OT,. HORSES WANTED— Laidlaw Fur Farm, Phone 866J. MSTW'lnFv^\TG<)R" AT ONCE! NEW Ostrex Tonic ’I ablets con tain ray oyster iuvigorators and other stimulants, tine dose neps up organs, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds tew vents paid, t all, write McKibben’s Drug More. MANDANT ED for Rawlvigh Route of *800 families. Write today. Raw- leiglt, Dept. Al L 453 FAT , Mont real, Canada. MtVxEY T<rfx\AN«4 havcx$30.p00 of client’s funds available for first mortage loans, vm inipnwed mrm properties at current rates of m- terest. Apply J. IL t Taw fetal. Sli o Fs's UIX F fC \t 11 row si’s Bar ber Shop, every evening and Sat- unlay afternoon. WANWlL^Giass with frosted baud having a Butfalo, deer, log hut and | 1111 notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS! Mrs. A. C. Foran A long and arduous life came to a peaceful close on Tuesday, May 12th, when Mrs. Annie Foran, yvidow of the lute Jeremiah Foran, died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John McGuire of Goderich township. De ceased. was born 77 years ago in West Wawanosh township near St. Augstine. She was of rugged pioneer stock, daughter of Thomas Finleon and Ellen Donnghue, who had emi grated from Ireland, about the middle of the. century. She had experienced more than her share of the cares and toil of pioneer days. Married in 1881 she reared her family of ten children, four sons and six daughters. Her husband died in 1909 and two child ren also predeceased her, Elmer J., in 1925 and Mary E. in 1929. The surviving members of the family are: Ella T. at home, Mrs. C. J. Kennedy iof Buffalo, N.Y., Mrs. W. Winter of Islington, Ont., Mrs. E Cronin, of ; New Toronto, Mrs. McGuire of Bay- .......imuvui ‘Feld ,and three sons, John J. of Van- R. R, No. 3, Wingham. '< couver, Michael M. of Toronto, and . Thomas C. at. home. Also mourning TOWNSHIP OF . I hPr io.s ;irc tlu« sisters:-Mrs. M.T. EAST WAWANOSH • ' McConnell of Schomberg, Mrs. E. R j Kocher and Mrs, D. Gillespie, both Take notice that Court of Revision ' ot Buffalo, N,Y., a will be held in the Foresters' Hall,; , p t Jck r Finleon of Denver, Col. Belgraw, on Monday, June 1st, 193b. Court House, Goderich, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH lenders for the. construction of a 10'foot span cement culvert nt lot 42, concession 10 and 1.1, .East Wawanosh will be received by the undersigned until .1 o'clock Monday afternoon June 1st, 1986. A marked cheque of 10 per cent must accompany each tender . Plans and specaficattons may be seen at S. Is lot 31, concession 10, East Wawanosh. The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. S TEW ART McBVRNEY, Road Supertindeut, Mrs. G. Wilmer Laidlaw There passed away in Toronto May 14, after a lingering illness, Ruth Beatrice Holloway, l^eloved wife of G. Wilmer Laidlaw, and eldest dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. H o 11 o \v a y, Wingham. Mrs. Laidlaw was year and was born in had lived in Toronto twelve years. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter, Betty, her father and mother, three sisters and three brothers. The funeral, which was- held on Sat urday, May 16, was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Avison of High Park Unit ed Church, from the residence, 210 to ProspectPacific Ave., Toronto cemetery, The pallebarers were way, Leo McLuhen, A. Jackson, Alex Forsyth, Cooke. E. F. Hollo- Froste. A. J. Horace SOUTH BRUCE W. I. DISTRICT ANNUAL Mrs. A. Ackert was Re-elected dent Presi- Insti- meet- The South Bruce Women's tute held their annual district ing at Whitechurch last Wednesday*. In the morning the meeting was in charge of the district president, Airs.. Elmer Ackert of Holyrood. The meeting' xvas open'ed by singing the Institute Ode, follow-ed by the Lord s Prayer ’in unison. Several numbers of community songs were then sung. The minutes of last year’s meeting I The finan- j given, show- j ami two brothers. 'vcrc rad m,d adoP«d- ». of Denver, Col. «»' statements were then ............ vi< .uvinw,,, .itntv a.-om, x . y,. ,»•), I iiig how busy the ladies had been, anu jat 1 o'clock hi the afternoon on the 'Martin J. link on ot Dttr, it, Mich, J - helped in their own! Assessment Roll of 1936. .1 The Linwai w-as held on May 15th I h0'v they had ueipea uie. | Al EX PORTERFIELD, Clert j at St, Augustine and was largely at-| tended. Requiem High Mass was | sung by Rex*. Father Donnellan of St. | : Augustine, assisted by Rev. Father M. I All persons having claims against I Sullwan ot Clinixm, who acted as dea-1 I the estate et Ada Lucilla Gallaher, I j late of the Township of Hoxvick in I | the County of. Huron, Spinster, de-J 5 ceased, who died on or about the , | twenty- third day of March, A.IL, . re notified to send to J.. IL . ? x'rawtord. Wingham, Ontario, on or | before the Sixth da> of June, A. D.,.. IN THE MATTER of the Estate of James A. Edgar-, deceased, AU persons haying claims against | the Estate of James A. Edgar, late of * the town of Wmgharn m the 'County!'' ’ of Huron, retired, who died on or# about the 20th paitmilaVs of their claims > I93(\ave heteby uoiitud L writing. Immediately after the vlarntx warned by >iv,h d«v of lune, 1936, the as- ■ turn to the rntdenigm-M sets of the said testatrix will bo dis- 1936, immediately after which distn-i 'biUtiott wall be made, having wgardl only to tb.ose claims properly filed. ; DATED at Wmgham, Ont, this 13th j dav of Max. 1036. % _ ‘ R. S HEWH‘RlNxU\V\, \\ ir.gham, , e Executors a tributed amount the parties entitled ; thereto, having regard only to claims ■ of which the executors shall then \ t ruWrn? day of May , \ DX'VFD at W ingham, this eighteenth ,. D„ 1936. H. CR \\\ FORD. \\ ingham, Ontario Solicitor' for the" Executors. The funeral was held on May* 15th I bow —- communities. Mrs. Robt. Ross gave the report for Whitechurch. Misses Anna May* and Susan Carrick, then sang, "When I Grow* too Old to Dream." Miss Flora Dornin of Dungannon then gave an address on Jr. Institute work. Then the election of officers took a ■ place. I They* are: President, Mrs. A. .Ack-1 ert; 1st Vice, Mrs. Archie Patterson: 2nd vice, Mrs. Winters; sec.-treas., Mrs. Raymond; Federated Rep., Mrs. I Ackert; district delegate to conven- i I tlon, Miss Grave Ricpiardson; auditors, | ? Mrs. Guthrie Reed, Mrs. Brown. s 1 The ladies then repaired to the ■ , basement of the Presbyterian church, | '] where the Whiteehurch Institute serv- a Back j in the hall, all lowed in singing, "The s ■y’s." Rev. j- PoL the Presbyterian .< i of v, G- Rert McLean c Mrs. Karol . "I Love a . Collison who discussions tl Signs Point To Bigger Profits From June Chicks By FRED' W, BRAY I J RELIEVE June and July hal- **“ died chicks arc going to prove better profit-makers than usual this year. For two reasons. First, tewet eggs are going into cold storage this Sprmg than a year ago yand last year's storings were below average 1. This should have st decidedly steadying influe- enco-on Winter egg prices. We are bound to hax e a drop from the peak of October and November, but through December, January and, February prices should run at profitable levels. June-hatched pullets should be m fed) .flush of pteductiet: at that time. IN MEMORIAL J s of dresseel .pc.ultry iHlgCT ‘'L aSll’iiWw'i'T MILLION S < .■lAi g v 4^X4 CARD OF THANKS C\O'.CS> BORN St S'.*.n NOTICE A. C. ADAMS, Agent TBNDSRS FOR COAL AND COKI ior xkxtk oVLic'k m ■day. the S Sl Sfess ee Mith <3 'CXXWdil The the Tbr Kristi' x-J MwssMh 'tbe Assitssvc tfce Towit of s-w ee W W feeld at the HaEi T<‘W» - .v, Mav 12 ss AV. 5. Kc Say, May II*. ; Mis RiuLfc. g.'TA. FredW. BRAY Lmited CHICK HATCHERY q Jed meals to over seventy five ha _ J i. Bells ot At. Ala ■ lock, paster et church come. then gave the address ‘jeome, and Mrs. (Holyroad replied. ^Spading then sang. .Cottage." Airs, charge of the ‘Sand Mrs. Ackert had charge rest of the meeting. ■I In the afternoon the reports, w the different secretaries had gathered from the programs of the elgh jstitntes, were given. Miss. ’ Richardson gave the report e ..work along l:is:,.*'tcaj resear^a and educate* n. Mrs. George S iff ord gave the report x“.ncm;cs. Miss Hasel He e report cn ;d Agriv? 3'Mara . of the ,.and relief. Th /pzarien and Legislate iMtss Mabd Waeub. ! Andrew er Lnokrt j Health and ChPdU tCterier gax’e the re; 4 International relativityx and & lap *o read FhSLp GiWs book. •RGatiens, and the wanton were asked i'to snopurs W prayer the (Xatk’ns at and a J talk was gntft the : i fesly Gnest, sister et ©r. Edna G JbLo Gid ntneh to organise tihs •Jgtitnte work & SeoC&nd and Wales 'ijCiaring war tfee, ■a gotntnunity ’Sihgtng \ nntriben, Mrs. RaM. humorous reading, “Should Women Propose?" which was strongly encor ed and her return number was “The Land of Beginning Again," Mrs. Sammclls, the District Representa tive then gave an ''address, pleading with the mothers to spend more time with their children, as the days go by, to: take greater interest in them and their work and play, even if other work must go undone, as lives were of more value than houses. She wanted the Institute to help girls to have hobbies and explained why the short courses go to the scattered dist ricts where help is harder to procure, and where help is more vitally need ed. She. finished with a plea for better feeling among people, There is a destiny that makes us brothers Sone of us can live or die alone All that we send into the lives of others, Comes back into our own. The National •Anthem closed a very interesting meeting. erich hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonagh, a son. Mr. and Mrs. John Emmerson near Kinlougll, spent Sunday with the lat ter’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon. Miss Jean Strothers of^Lucknow, spent Sunday with Miss Dorothy Al ton. Flattery—Soft soap—and soap is- 90% lye.—By Gum. OUR AIM MORE and BETTER MATERIAL and SERVICES ------ at ------ LOWER COST TO THE CONSUMER ASHFIELD -------- i Robert Hoare of Guelph and ■ grandson, Denton Kaine of 1 with their j Mr. little Lucknow, spent Friday cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin. Born on Tuesday, May 5th, in God- > We have leased part of the Stewart Glove & Leather build ing on Victoria Street, Wingham, and are now stocking up with building supplies of all kinds, including dressed and rough lum ber, lime, paristone, cement, gyproc, Eastern and Western . shingles, etc. We have recently purchased 300,000 feet of White Pine and Spruce, which Tve are now milling at Kincardine, and which we are selling at attractive prices. Let us talk over your building problems with you Mahood-Stewart Lumber Co., Ltd. Mills and Head Office, Kincardine, Ont. Yards at Kincardine, , Lucknow, Wingham, Teeswater, Sheguiandah. WINGHAM MANAGERW. M. STEWART DS J v Q/5 DELICBOUJ od "tlt&if cutfL THRIFTY! In Mustard—in Oil—In Tomato Sauce ‘ Brunswick Sardines 3 t;m 14 BAYSIDE OH YES Lu-nch Queen >%-“•25° l-lb. Tin JI J lOj^-oz. Tin 3 For 25 COHOE SALMON TOMATO SOUP TUNA FISH Raked 2 Ih 25< Sour Mixed, Sweet Mixed MacLaren's 25-oz. Jar j PEANUT BUTTER 2T| FRY’S &,b' COCOA 19c Libby’s Catchup 12-oz. 1 Bots. Kraft Salad Dressing: S-oz. Jar Miracle Whip Clover Leaf RED ROSE TEA 54>-lb. CrimsonPkg. IOS Label King’s Plate Tin Sardines I V Hormel 6-oz. Tin __ Chicken 27C Boneless PICNIC Sweet Mustard Pickles t 19c 2T a ■ White Hand B * PickedBeans 5 14C RICHMELLO EARLY MORNING Mild Seasoned pr r» Bologna 2 lbs 2 5 COFFEE Z7< Shortening 2 a-jcc DOMESTIC 2*49 DOMESTIC OR EASIF1RST DOMESTIC 4k MB'47 Fresh PINEAPPLES, Size 24’s.....19c Each Fresh ASPARAGUS ............. .3 for 21 c HEAD LETTUCE, Large Size...... 2 for ISc Fresh WAX BEANS ................. 2 Lbs. 25c CARROTS ............................ 5c Bunch RADISHES . ..... 2 for 9c TOMATOES ........................ 2 Lbs. 29c CABBAGE . ................. $cLb, We Have FRESH STRAWBERRIES, CELERY, BAN ANAS — AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES DOMINION STO RES/ 'aI