HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-05-21, Page 3Thursday, May 21st, 1936 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE along the corridors. public confer- Provin- have pushed their way throuyh the ground and are making a good show­ ing. In Zeph Balfour’s garden there are potatoes in bloom, eight hills of them. They were planted on the 26th of March and the seed came from Timmins. TEA 301 is delicious $6,000,000 Public Works Program A $6,000,000 program of works is the result of the ence at Ottawa. Success of the Dominion cial efforts tp launch a works, pro­ gram was announced by Hon. T. B, McQuesten. The Public Works and Highways Minister said that Ottawa was to put up $3,000,000 with the Provincial providing an equal amount. World Wide News In Brief Form Canadian Oxford Student Probably Murdered Stadhampton, Oxfordshire—T. Pat- teson Moss, Oxford University un­ dergraduate and a native of Toronto, was found deod in the remains of aj burned hayrick on a farm near Stad­ hampton. Cause* of death could not immed­ iately be ascertained and an investi­ gation began to determine whether or not Moss had met foul play. Schuschnigg thus moved to insure continuance of his one-man dictator­ ship, substituted for the two-man rule when Prince von Starheinberg was re­ moved from office a few days ago. Young Liberals to Meet at Ottawa The second national convention of the Twentieth Century Liberal As­ sociation of Canada, which is to as­ semble at the Chateaur Laurier, Ot­ tawa, May 29 and 30, promises to be the largest and most effective gather­ ing of Liberal young people ever held in this country. Prime Minister W. L. MacKenzie King will address the gathering Friday evening, May 29th. Japanese Troops Active Tientsin, China—Japan marched 7,- 600 fresl^ troops into North China garrisons, and Chinese sources ex­ pressed fear it was a ,step in a cam­ paign for the ultimate conquest North China. Move to Amend! Constitution Goes to Senate , Ottawa—Over the protests of Op­ position parties, the House of Com­ mons passed a, resolution as the first step in amending the British North America Act, the> written Constitu­ tion of the country. It now goes to the Senate and eventually to the Par­ liament of the United Kingdom for' final action. Two changes would, be- made in the Constitution. The first would widen the taxation field of the Provinces by permitting them to impose sales taxes on all retail transactions with the exception of liquors and tobaccos. The second would empower the Do­ minion to guarantee Provincial bor­ rowings and. permit the Provinces to hypothecate their Federal subsidies as securities. Viscouint Allepby Dies London—Death closed the brilliant career of Field Marshal Viscount Al­ lenby,, conqueror of Jerusalem, who restored Christian sovereignity in the Holy Land, after nearly seven cen­ turies of Moslem domination. The great soldier collapsed at the writing desk in the study of his house in South Kensington and died almost immediately. He was 75. Allenby commanded the Third Army at the Battle of Arras in 1917, in whch the Canadian forces captured Vimy Ridge, and was in the Second Battle of Yyres in which the dians first encountered gas, Ordained and Inducted at Kincardine Before a large gathering, represen­ tative of the church and community, Gordon R. Taylor, M.A., of Carleton Place, was inducted and ordained into the ministry and as pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church, Kincardine, It was the first time in the history of the 86 year old church that its mini­ ster has been ordained in it. Mr. Taylor is the church’s eighth min­ ister. is VITA FOOD a CHICK BUILDER of Tax' Collector Sent to Prison Lindsay—Clifford Puffer was collector for the Township of Minden, but was sentenced in Police Court to one year in Guelph Reformatory when found guilty of “failure to re­ turn the tax rolls of 1934 and 1935 when demanded by the Council.” Both tax rolls are still missing; Property owners have been producing receipts showing the taxes paid, b-ut the amounts haven’t as yet been turned into the. Treasurer,, tax King to AttOnd Vimy Unveiling Paris — The Havas News Agency said it was authoritatively informed King Edward would come to France July 26 to attend the unveiling of Vimy of the giant memorial to Can­ ada’s Avar dead. Cana- Heavy Sanctions or None Says Russia Geneva—Russia pressed Great Bri­ tain to take one of two positions on sanctions against Italy, either aban­ don sanctions against Italy and wipe the slate clean for the reorganization of the League or lead the move for drastic enforcement of new and more effective penalties against Italy. 1 Fed to thousands and thousands -------- Arabs Stage Disobedience Strike • Jerusalem—Two Arabs were 'killed and forty wounded in clashes with police, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported, as an anti-Jewish campaign of civil disobedience went into effect throughout Palestine. British Woman Flier Sets Records Loridon—Mrs. Amy Johnson Molli- son re-established herself as the Bri­ tish Empire’s premier airwoman, landing at Croydon Airdrome from South Africa with three new records. The records, all captured from her countryman Lieutenant Tommy Rose, were: London to Capetown—3 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes. Capetown to Lon­ don — 4 days, 16 hours, 17 minutes. Round trip—London to the Cape — 7 days 22 hours 46 minutes’ flying time, and less than 11 days’ total elapsed time. Employmen Commission To Start at Once Ottawa—To get people back to work is the biggest part of iny job, promptly replied Arthur B. Purvis, Chairman of the National Employ­ ment Commission. He also said, the commission would get to work right away, secure the facts of unemploy­ ment, analyze the census of the job­ less, and then move off from there. The Commission slate is: Arthur B. Purvis, Montreal, Chairman; A. N. McLean, Black Harbor, N.B.; Alfred Marois, Quebec; Tom Moore, Ot­ tawa; Mrs. Mary M. Sutherland, Wells, B.C.; W. A. Mackintosh, King­ ston, Ont.; and E. J. Young, Dum­ mer, Sask. Great Britain Wants More Destroyers London—Great Britain has asked the United States and Japan for per­ mission to exceed the destroyer ton­ nage limit in the 1930 three-power naval treaty . The request, disclosed by Prime Minister Baldwin in the House of Commons, may arise from increased naval construction by some country which did not sign the agree­ ment naval quarters believe. To Dissolve Austria’s Private Armouries Vienna — Chancellor Kurt Schus­ chnigg issued a challenge to the Fas­ cist Heimwehr, led by the ousted Vice-Chancellor Ernst von Starhem- berg, by announcing that Austria’s bickering private armies must solve. Quebec Government Gets Bronx Cheers Quebec—Public Accounts Commit­ tee of the Quebec Legislature ad­ journed its stormy session to cries fi;om the spectators: “Down with the Government." “Down with Tasclier- eau!” “Down with the Jews!” The cries continued as Provincial Police officers dispersed groups gathered Italian King Made Emperor Of Ethiopia Speaking to the Chamber of Deput­ ies, Mussolini said, “The territories and the people which appertained to the Empire of Ethiopia are placed under the whole and complete sover­ eignity of the Kingdom of Italy. The title of Emperor of Ethiopia is assum­ ed for himself and his successors by the King of Italy.” Marshal Pietro Bodoglio is Italian Viceroy of Eth­ iopia. mmtHHIIllHf tint tlllllHil tilt O’Donnell Believed to Have Confessed Harry O’Donnell, the hanged slay­ er of 20 year old Ruth Taylor, con­ fessed to his crime before he went to the gallows on May 5, it has been authoritatively reported at Queen’s Park. Even as O'Donnell marched to the scaffold, protesting to the very last that he bad. "nothing to say,” his de­ tailed confession of all the circum­ stances of the brutal crime Fairmount ravine is alleged to have .been in the hands of the department of justie at Ottawa. NEWS in the DISTRICT .With the supper dishes cleared away, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Banks sit down each Wednesday evening to a rollicking game of checkers. Really they are just filling in time until their son John makes his weekly long distance call from a far-away city—-a few minutes after 7 when Night Rates are in effect. To Practice in Seaforth E. D. Bell, barrister Of Brussels, in­ tends locating in Seaforth and has leased an office in the W. R. Smith block. That weekly chat with John is th6 big event in their placid week. HLFPHONf • On both “Anyone” and “Person-to-Person’* calls, tow Night Tates apply after 7 p.m. and Low Weekend Tates ALL DAY SUNDAY. lie never fails them, and his cheery chatter means more to them than they would care to say. Accident Victim Out Again Friends of John Young, Hullett, who suffered a terrible accident about the first of March by having his arm crushed in a chopper necessitating amputation, are glad to know that he was able to leave the hospital a few days ago. Potatd Plants Bloom At Mitchell Gardeners at Mitchell have been busy for the past two weeks getting their gardens in and many plants Bruce M.P. to Give Youth Opportunity W. R. Tomlinson, M.P, of Bruce, is offering an opportunity to the young people of high schools in his consti­ tuency to study Government pro­ ceedings. Each year he will entertain a stu­ dent from two of the high schools in his electorate at his home in Ottawa during the session of Parliament. The students will be chosen from the junior matriculation class and are to be selected by their class mates, sub­ ject to the approval of the teachers. The choice is to be made in December and the visit to Ottawa will be made early in the new year. There are four high schools in the riding, Wiarton, Port Elgin, Kin­ cardine and Lucknow. Town Clerk J. J. Chapman of Port Elgin made the choice by lot as to what schools would be represented next year and 2 3 4 '" A , . I Poultry Farm Proven, of Baby Chicks, annually. Promotes Rapid Growth, deep yellow pigmentation and full uniform feathering. Maintains Rugged Health and Vitality; Strong, sturdy bone development — full of vim and vigor. It eliminates the Hazard and Guess-work in your Chick Feeding Program. 5 You can feed Vitafood with full assurance that it will produce better chicks at less cost. % ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD. ONTARIO PROVED RIGHT MADE RIGHT at the Roe Poultry Ranch . Represented locally by— Howson & Howson, Wingham R. J. Hueston & Son, Gorrie Alex. Manning, Belgrave. the lot fell to Port Elgin and Luck- non-political but it is Mr. -Tomlinson’s 1 forded them to see the activities of now, and the folowing year Wiarton desire to select students who will > the House, while carrying and Kincardine. The choice will be make the best of the opportunity af- work of the Dominion, on the then, without shifting... Slow down on curves few.■ 8 C 1 ' ,V> ’ HIS ■ iTnW’fTinBfflflllMhii- - Atop on it and GO! with LEFT TURN Hand and arm extended horizontally. Many drivors alio point with their index finger. SLOW DOWN OR STOP Hand and arm extended downward. HAND SIGNALS FOR DRIVERS (.Signals generally understood by Canadian motorists) Most accidents are preventable. Do your part by clearly signalling your intention before making a right or left RIGHT TURN Hand and arm extended upward or moved with a sweeping motion from the rear to the front.it Ihauma Aate/i dtiinna Careful handling of your car is only one of the things which makes driving safer. Your car must also be ready to do what you want it to do —when you want it. That’s where Blue Sunoco comes in. It never lets you down. Blue Sunoco takes you smoothly up and over the steepest hills.. lets you slow down on curves.. then leap ahead again without shifting gears or taking your hands from the wheel. Drive cautiously! Use good judgment! Use Blue Sunoco! INSTANT ACCELERATION FULL POWliR...always ED. J. NASH, Diagonal Road Service Station