HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-05-14, Page 3Thursday, May 14th, 1936 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE;
Be particular-buy your flour by name. Purity
Flour has enjoyed your confidence for thirty
years. Always uniform quality-milled from
the world’s best wheat—ensures complete
satisfaction for every kind of baking.
people looking on, Sue Alric a young
trapeze artist with the Conklin Chows,
fell 80 feet to her death here,
Picked up and rushed by ambulance
to the hospital, the aerialist died four
hours after being admitted.
aZZyour Baking
Sarnia Bridge Almost Assured
Sarnia-—Construction of an interna
tional bridge over the St. Clair River
now is practically assured, it was
said, following announcement the On
tario Government is ready to build
the Canadian approach at a cost of’
$635,000, The announcement by
Highways Minister McQuesten was
made through W. L. Guthrie, M-L.A.
ment of highways, located at Durham
for a number of years moved to Owen
Sound on Saturday. S. E. Cummiford
is the chief engineer in charge of the
office . The change was made be
cause there is, much work to be done
on the Blue Water Highway during
the next few years, and the location
at Owen Sound is more central.
Dirigible Crosses Ocean in
€1 hours and 50 minutes
Lakehurst Naval Air Station, N.J.—
The German dirigible Hindenburg,
803 feet of majestic beauty, arrived
Saturday at 5.43 a.m. on the first com
mercial airship flight between Europe
and the United States. It made the
flight—actual mileage on the course
was 4,381—in two and a half days.
The dirigible left Friedrichshafen,
Germany at 4.30 p.m. on Wednesday.
It cut' the record made by the Graf
Zeppelin by 33 hours.
at Allistbn.
Addressing the association, Mr.
Rowe declared the Separate School
Tax Act an inquitous clumsily-draft
ed piece of legislation that confused
the problem and threatened to esta
blish religious differences.
To Probe Moose River
Mine Disaster
Halifax — Investigation of the
Moose River gold mine collapse by a
Commission, headed by Mr. Justice
W. F. Carroll of the Supreme Court
of Nova Scotia will begin May 18.
Preliminary sittings may be held, in
Halifax to allow the Commission to
map out a plan to procedure, but the
hearing proper will begin at Moose
River on that date.
Menesefimg Hotel Prey of Flames
Menesetung Hotel, a two-story, 18-
room furnished structure at the popu
lar summer resort, Menesetung Park,
two miles north of Goderich on the
bank of Lake Huron was totally de
molished by fire Friday afternoon,
A laundry building at the rear of
the hotel also fell prey to the flames.
The loss is covered partly by insure
ance. The hotel was owned by Bert
H, McCreath, well known Huro)i old
boy, of Toronto.
The fire, of undetermined origin,
broke out about 1.45 o’clock and with
in 30 minutes the buildings were twin
heaps of ashes.
Nearby cottages were saved by the
work of a bucket brigade.
Fed to thousands and thousands
King Farouk Asks Pay Cut
Cairo—The Egyptian Parliament
rejected nominations by the late King
Fuad of three Regents to rule the
country with the new King Farouk.
The Parliament named an -entirely
new list of members for the Regency
Council after it was discovered-King
Fuad’s list had been written in 1922
and. one of his suggested Regents had
since died.
King Farouk submitted a letter to
Parliament asking that the ‘privy
purse to cut from £150,00 ($750,000)
a year to £100,000 ($500,000.)
Large Gold Shipments from France
Paris—Warring French political
leaders joined forces to calm fears of
possible financial disaster.
Heavy gold shipments abroad and a
wildly fluctuating stock market re
flected public fears that political
struggles might destroy confidence
and bring devaluation of the franc.
May be New Emperor of China
Peipin—Rumors of the impending
restoration of Henry Pu Yi—now Em
peror Kang Teh to the dragpn throne
of China, are again abroad in this an
cient Capital, giving rise to a faint
hope amc/ng many of the distressed
population for a return of the prosper
ity of the old Imperial days.
To Reform League of Nations
Geneva—Because of its failure to
prevent Italy from seizing Ethiopia,
observers expected that a determined
move to reform the League of Nations
would be made at the September
meeting of the Assembly.
In this connection it was pointed
out that to revise the League Coven
ant would be arduous work. Amend
ments require ratification of all mem
bers of the Council and a majority of
the Assembly.
Listowel Taxes Down 3 Mills
The action of the council at the re
gular monthly meeting, when they
reduced the tax rate for 1936 will be
welcome news to the ratepayers of
Listowel. Last year the rate was
forty-three mills, but owing to the
town’s better financial condition they
were able to drop three mills, making
the rate this year forty mills. This is
divided as follows: County, 3%; gen
eral 8; debentures, 14%; school 11;
library 1, relief 2.—Listowel Banner.
Poultry Farm Proven,
of Baby Chicks, annually.
Promotes Rapid Growth, deep yellow pigmentation and
full uniform feathering.
Maintains Rugged Health and Vitality; Strong, sturdy
bone development — full of vim and vigor.
It eliminates the Hazard and Guess-work in your Chick
Feeding Program.
You can feed Vitafood with full assurance that it will
produce better chicks at less cost.
at the Roe Poultry Ranch at the Roe Mill
Represented locally by—R. J. Hueston & Son, Gorrie
Howson & Howson, Wingham Alex. Manning, Belgrave.
Emperor Haile Selassie Now
At Jerusalem
Emperor Haile Selassie, sad and de
jected arrived with his large entour
age to go into exile in the land of his
Six days after fleeing his Capital
of Addis Ababa before the arrival of
the Italian forces ,the Emperor arriv-
• ed at Haifa aboard the British crui
ser Enterprise. , He continued to the
Holy City by special train.
Brigands Loot Harar
Djibouti, French Somaliland—Harar
Ethiopia’s "second largest city, was al
most completely destroyed by rioting
brigands, who sacked and pillaged the
city following news that General Rod
olfo Graziani’s advancing southern
army was only ten miles away, re
ports reaching here said.
Italians Take Over Ethiopian
Rome — Italian soldiers took over
the French owned railroad in Ethio
pia and occupied an important south
ern town as plans went forward at
home to make the Italian kingdom,
the Italian empire.
Despatches said subjugation of all
Ethiopia was at hand with the occupa
tion of Jijiga in the south and the
prospective fall of Harar.
Large Hen Eggs
Have you seen the large hen egg on
display in the Leader Office window?
If not, have a look at it the next time
you pass. The egg was laid by a
White Leghorn hen, the property of
Mr. Chass. Koehler. The egg which
measures 8% by 6% inches, weighs 5
ounces.—Tara Leader.
year’s program promises even better. I culvert now in need of repair on Con.
All contestants who receive 75 per
cent, and over are entitled to proceed
to the Canadian Musical Festival at
London, Ont., in November.
Rowe Would Repeal
School- Tax Change...............
The Hepburn separate school legis
lation should be repealed, Hon. W. E.
Rowe, M.P., for Dufferin-Simcoe and
mentioned as an aspirant for the Con
servative leadership in Ontario, told
the annual meeting, of the Conserva
tive organization of central Ontario,
Make Record Flights
Capetown, South Africa — Amy
JolVnson Mollison, British ace flyer
set a new record for the London-
Capetown flight, by landing her air
plane here.
Mrs. Mollison defeated the old re
cord set by Flight-Lieutenant Tommy
Rose last February by 11 hours, 9
Her time for the flight was 3 days
6 hours, 29 minutes. -
Roosevelt May Visit Premier King
Ottawa—Prime Minister Mackenzie
King told the House of Commons he
hoped President Roosevelt of the
United States would visit Ottawa this
summer, but the Government’s invita
tion had not been accepted or reject
ed. ' . *
Senate Kills Ban Marriage
Of Divorced
Ottawa—The Senate threw out the
bill of Senator J. J. Hughes (Lib.,
Prince Edward Island) to prohibit re
marriage of guilty respondents in di
vorce actions.
Falls to Death at Kitchener
Kitchener—With more than 1,000
Goderich Minister to Peterborough
Rev. F. W. Craik, who for the last
five years has been pastor of Victoria
Street United Church, has accepted a
call to St, James’ United Church,
Peterboro, and will leave to take over
his new charge about July 1.
Mr. Craik was ordained at
thodist church at St. Marys
and in the same year took
charge at Walton. Since then he has
preached at Dawn Mills, Putnam and
Gorrie before coming to Goderich.
Blyth Man’s Good Fortune
Mr. Jas. Dougherty recently receiv
ed the good news that he had fell
heir to fifty acres of land in Ireland
by the death of an uncle. He expects
to leave for there in the near future
and if things are satisfactory will
likely move his wife and family there
in the near future.—Blyth Standard.
place this season, of a 10
according to specifications
by the Highways Depart-
the Me
in 1915
over a
dragging road No. 10, $28.40; J. Cur
rie, dragging road No. 12, $21.50; G.
Wightman, grading road No. 6 $15.20;;
Fred Toll filling at culvert, Con. 2,.
$1.00; D. Murray, welding, $2.50.
A number of accounts were pre
sented from the southern part of the-
township for shovelling snow and;
team work on roads last winter. A
difference of opiniion existing among-
the members as to the wisdom of
paying these acounts, the same were
laid over for consideration till next
meeting to ascertain if similiar ac
counts for work of the same nature
would be presented from other parts
of the township.
Council adjourned to meet on Mon
day, June 1st as a Court of Revision
on the assessment roll and ordinary
10 a short distance west of the High
way, Council decided to proceed with
the erection of a new culvert at this
foot span
Two tenders were received for the
construction of the McQuillian Drain
the tender of Win. H. Jansen at $180.
being the lowest was accepted. Con
tract to be completed by August 1st.
The following accounts were paid:
The Advance-times Office adver
tising contracts, $2.85; C. O. F. Bel
grave hall, rent $40.00; S. McBurney,
salary as Road Superintendent $22.05;
W. J. McGill, dragging Road No.2
$18.80; J. Vincent, dragging Road No.
2, $26.90; G. R. Vincent, dragging I township business.
Road No. 4, $27.00; L. Wightman, ] A. Porterfield, clerk
Ordination and Induction
At Kincardine, May 14
Due to a change in arrangements,
the ordination and induction of the
Reverend Gordon R. Taylor, M.A. in
Knox Presbyterian Church has been
set for May 14 instead of the date
originally announced. Notice of the
change was given in the church Sun
day in an edict issued by Rev. J. Pol
lock of Whitechurch, clerk of the
Presbytery of Maitland.
While only 7 ministers have been
inducted into the ministry of the
church in the past 85 years, this is the
first occasion on which the minister
will also be ordained into the minis
The Presbytery of Maitland will
have charge of the joint ceremony.
Lightning Tears Pail From
Fanner’s Hand
During a severe electrical
passing over the district, Harvey Ped
lar of Feversham, had a miraculous
escape from injury. There came a
blinding flash as he stood in the stable
door. A pail in his hand was torn
away and the handle ripped from the
Pedlar himself was uninjured,
in this district were
New Investigation into Small Case
The filing in Osgoode Hall of a
purported confession in the myster
ious disappearance sixteen years ago
of Ambrose J. Small, millionaire
theatre owner of Toronto has insti
tuted a new police investigation of
the world-famous case.
Accompanying the photostatic copy
of the alleged confession are affida
vits of three individuals, one of whom
claims he had been offered $20,000 by
a man named in the affidavit to go hi
on the killing of Small.
Some barns
struck during the same storm, but no
fires were started.
I Spring
rains makeWHEN
passable—when cars with or
dinary tires get stuck—a set
of the new Firestone Ground
Grip tires will take you safe
ly through.
These are the greatest tires
ever built for traction. Note
the deep, continuous bars of
rubber that grip on any
surface. These are so placed
that they clean themselves—*
every bite is clean.
Ground Grip tires cost ho
more than ordinary fires.
Get a set from your nearest
Firestone Dealer NOW.
thaw* and
roads im>
Eden Met Dominion
London—Anthony Eden, Foreign
Secretary met representatives of the
Dominions in a conference understood
to have dealt with the attitude to be
adopted toward sanctions against
Vincent Massey, Canadian High
Commissioner to London, represent
ed Canada. Also present were repre
sentatives of Australia, South Africa
and New Zealand.
Largest Share for Underground Men
Halifax—Rescue workers who bur
rowed through the perils of the long-
disused Reynolds slope to- reach Dr.
D. E. Robertson and Alfred Scadding
of Toronto in their tomb, 141 feet be
low the earth will receive the largest
awards from the Moose River Mine
Rescue Fund, it was learned.
<1. W. Hanna Automobile Sales
Rats Damage Mill
Because rats had gnawed almost
through a timber nearly twelve inches
square, W. A. Stuart & Son Mitchell,
have been forced to close their chopp
ing mill for repairs. The timber sup
ports the main driveshaft in the base
ment of the mill. The plant will have
to be rebuilt and cement pillars
be used instead of the timber.
At Canadian National Exhibition 1936
Arrive from India for
Kincardine Reunion
To Mr. and Mrs. Archie McTavish
and children, Cameron and Evelyn, go
the double distinction of being the
first to arrive for Kincardine Old
Home Week, Aug, 2 to 5, and that of
having come the longest distance,
They arrived from Calcutta, India and
are visiting relatives in the district.
Highway Office Moved to
Owen Sound
The district office of the depart-
Bruce County M&sical Festival
The citizens of Bruce County
the surrounding community will en
thusiastically receive the announce
ment of the Eleventh Annual Musical
Festival to be held in Port Elgin on
May 21st and 22nd. It is one of the
most important events and it is now
in the hands of the citizens generally
to support this project of the Bruce
County Young People’s Association.
Last year the festival received a tre
mendous ovation at Ripley and this
is too
NOW is th® tune to repair your buildings 'which have been un
avoidably neglected during trying
depression times. Get inetal roofing
with i ts permanence and low upkeep
—and Save I Eastern Steel Products
offers two groat Values ih Metal Roofing! Rib-Roll and Tite-Lap!
Each has exclusive features guaran
teeing Weather-tightneSs and easy
application. They do hot warp,
Shrink, crack, curl, or bulge. Ask
also about E.S.P. Barns,.. made by
the foremost Company-Built Barn
manufacturer in Canada.
Sole Canadian manufactures and distil,
buton of Jamesway poultry equipment.
Guelph Street * Preston, Oni
Factories also at Toronto and Montreal
Class 1—Competitors under 8 years
—Test Piece—"Vespers” from “When
we Were very Young”, by A. A.
Milne, (published by McCelland &
Stewart) or “The Pedlar’s Caravan,”
by W. B. Rands; Pattern Poetry, part
1 (published by Thos. Nelson Ltd.)
Class 2 — Competitors under 12
years — Test Piece — “One, Two,
Three”, by H. C. Bunner, Ontario
Reader, Book II. or “Berries”,
Walter De La Mare.
Class 3—Competitors under 16
—Test Piece—“The Princess and
Gypsies”, by Frances Cornford; Pat
tern Poetry, Part 1' (published by
Thos. Nelson Ltd.) or “The Gift of
Tritemius”, by John Whittier from
?‘Ring of Words”, Vol. II (published
by Den)
Open Class—Candidates must recite
Number 1, also (a) or (b)
1—“He Fell Among Thieves”, by
Henry Ncwbolt, Shorter Poems, Alex
ander Eaton.
(a) “The Forsaken Merman”, by
Matthew Arnold, from beginning to
—“and the gleam of her golden hair.”
Shorter Poems, Alexander Eaton.
(b) “The Rider at
John Masefield.
Entry forms may be
—J. S. Atkinson, 523
Life Bldge., Toronto, Ontario.
Entries close Wednesday, August
12th, 1936.
obtained from
The "Soft Answer”—An angry cust
omer, with proofs of his photograph
shouted at the photographer
look like this picture? I ask
this is a good likiness?”
The photographer timidly
"The answer
“Do I
you, is
sir, is in the negative,’
Council' met on May 4th with ail
the members present. Minutes of last
meeting were read and approved.
Having viewed the location of a
Effected gth?e the Unri
Ranged. he <lWity, ^nts
tn d™ hlCh notp/ices for th y°u have Ba
9? these fa assurerf k 617 glad tn Is Educed brand?ea7Sty and toP
reason thanl° $3-?5 D ‘ thatPH?tect,°n
Paints. ever for tak;nSall°n there G price
Insist Un lngachance ® 18 less
brands. getting On On other
From all Stations in Eastern Canada
GOING DAILY — MAY 14 to 28 Inclusive
Return Limit: 45 days
• COACHES at fare* approximately Ito per mile.
• TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fare* approximately jpor ttitlto.
• STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at faiM approximately IK®
BAGGAGE Checked. Stopovers at Bort Arthur, Arwstroag, ChioAirto and
Ticitrfj, Sleeping Car1 reservations, and ait information from any agent. ASK FOR HANDBltL