Huron Signal, 1864-10-13, Page 1eash oreit: 4a.* . • '\\ , • r WE.UX.Z1L-1.- 111 II W.T. COX, Editor Proprietor.] - • - The Greatest Possible Gool to the Greatest Possible Sumber.' $1.50 l'Elt ANN. IN ADVANCE! *utast ,$ignal. WA/ERICH. C. W., OCT. 7, 1861. SAL/OXEN DIVISION. TRO IneeTtOff of a member to represent the vast Constitueucy of Saugeee in the Legislative Council is an event of no ordinary importance. The constituency is composed of the Countier of Bruce, they and Same -all imperatively new, and from their gengrapAtioal pomitiou having important, and not infrequeutly emulat- ing intereets, which a good legislator muat seek to advance or resoncile, u the ease may be. When the praient agiuttiou oommenead. we fraukly admit that we had not the slightest doubt of the tri- umphant return of the 'Hon. John Mte- Murrich, but unfortunately for that gentleman's cause, a cry wae raised against bitu which readied in the with- drawal of the support of many who were his firm supporters at the last eltion. Now, as human nature ia at present con- stituted, nothing can be eeeier than to raise an outcry ageing a man who ha* been in Parliament °for • few peasions, especially if he represents a constituency like the Saugeen Division. No amide that he can poseibly take will be palatable to all sections, and it is equally fatal_ to exercise caution and abstain front lotion, for in that Cane he alienaOes the sealous friends who urge upon him a partioular line of ihity. Hence, whet he woes beck for re-eleetion, he finds thid hie sins of omission and counnisaiim tiniest down in various biack-hooki, and -generally dis- covers that imme perticular cry has gone forth against him, to combat which would rujuire ubiquity. The cau-see of popu- larity and unpopularity are wrappe.d Le profound myatery and must e main. to certain extent,inci;redieusible. One thing is certain, hove , all history, sacred and profane, &rant and modern, teethes us this broad but painful feet A man may, to4lay, be mho! to the loftiest pinnicie of popular favor, -be worshipp almost as a god, and toanorrow be miy be stripped of kas boners, reviled, hooted and trampled in the mire. l'hen, • new favorite is selected, tad the same pewees is repeated ml in/indent, End so it will be, we presume, unul the advent of the Millenium. .51t. MeMurrich's career was a short one. Carried in over Patten by an overwhelming majority, he endeav- ored to serve the Constituency faithfully for two yearn. True, he assisted in the appointment of a Registrar for Bruce who was ill -east -Jul to it great many of the people, and some staunch reformerc, but a pause for reflecteiti was neceietary before condemning Mr. 31cNIurrich. How was he to know that Mr. M'Lay was so bit- terly hated by a certain number of people ;(.. Did he not for yurs .holil a position in the County Council 1 -was he not a dele- gate from Bruee at the Toronto Conten- tion ?-Did he not nominate Mr. Mc - Munich and take in active part in the renTeas which resulted in his return ? It was too late fur reformers te say that Mr. John Allay thrust himeelf upon them, and by sheer force of idijoudence pushed aside far better men. If they did not wish him. to secure the reward of bona "dr political service, they should have ere him utile at once. To discard Mr. Me. Murrich becauee he believed lie was hon- oring • gentleman posseseing the full con- fidence of his brother reformers, was, to say tne least, an imam° of sceond-hand justice. But the deed hee been done, and, thoroughly disgusted, Mr. MeMurrich has left the geld to a candidate who haa no parliamentery sine to answer for, and who, therefore, homer to ride into power upon the terength of endlew promines u te what he will do for the constituency, and it is confidently averted , lavish in the expenditure of hie money in securing vote* Although Mr. McPher- non in a gentleman of wealth, and all that, his antecedent., are decidedly wired him. Ile is a tory avid a Growl ?rusk mon ! The former might be winkod at or nicely gloated over in three Coalition time., (although Conservative ennatituenciee will nit do as much by liberal candidates) bnt there is no earthly reason why the people of Bruise should sell themselves to or put themeelves in the way of being wild by a undidate having any unnection with the Provineral Monopoly. And again, Mr. McPherson is an absentee. If a tinned, reliable local rit'andidese offers would it not be infinitely better to mend him to Parlia- ment thee a person who lives at Toronto, bee his interest*, centred there, and can never he intimately aoqnsinted with the *into of him distant e-onetituente. Such • eandidate has offered in the rerun of Gamine Ihitnle, FAQ OwN1 8°"4. That gentleman is • staunch liberal, ie very popelsr in his own county, and cer- tainly dimerveri well of the people whom he has served ao faithfully for a long aeries of years. Ile au °mem betide Agent for Grey fire years, Sheriff of the 'eerily nine years, and hen hese Mayor of Gelva Soiled for the pad Ilen yule Here era hue evidemena of ability, and a guy - Wee that, if &weed, the people will be trewerding mot oely *man who di therm% GODER II, C. W.. THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1864. wen ly acquaitited with their diversified want'', i but who has done them geed servioe in Interesting Items- --... the past. ikformers of Bruce ! Ito- Inut au enthusiastic reception in Dertmerk. e}" The Frew° and Priucem of Wales member that you will be laughed et fur (el,. The Confederate*, Will endeavor by your pains if you assist iu electing one destroying Siternsan's commouications le fierce hien Wont Atlanta, . who can have no reasonable claim upon el. An accident took place on the Wel- your Ranges. Will you refuse to vote land Railway on the 211d, resultine, in the for Mr. Snider because you thought you ecomie injury of three useu and a woman. • had reason for rejecting h- II J h 'he old man route..., when name 1.11e3lurrich 1 t-° --I'. -a-n au so Strain:may mixed up with the Sandy. fuel murder case two yeses ago, died on tome. , 1 tiesdity at Demme. Gen. Itirney hes again pushed his force up rep A pewee matt named Price was tour - to the very outekirta of the cite. and ban only dered ten Seturdey, the 34,1istar Stalreelvele. refruisied from entering it and LAM; mules, Cu. Elgin, by a married amen whose site de ison bra -Azure his orders would not permit ceased had seduced. Aim to do so. (t:). One Mr. Whalley, • British member What tremendous tissues sometimes hang of Parliainent, has invited "all his conetitu• upon a wrap° of a pen, or some steal' !„.I.Isia(..gr. o piy him a visit." This te at much as man in the Uutted States settuld accident that at first appears to be of the levee all persons*weo voted for Mut to dem most insignificant description. Ilistory is dotted with itatancee in point,but one will suffiee : Victor Ilugo,in his wonderful des- cription of the battle of Waterloo-oue of the grandest word -picture -it in existenee-says that the hero of Migrant, M renge and Lodi WW1 hurlod from Macau° bac:tune Ofa eons - lunation if the simplait occident/4 the min. carriage of an order, the shake 'of a guide's head, a few drope of rain, a hollow road. And tune we have another instance to add to the lone chapter of accidents. Birney'a inetructions might have run this: " You will push up to the outskirts of Richmond, giving any 'rebels you may meet particular fits, bet you need not enter the city.", -- Now, had the gallant Birney been blind of an eye like Nulam, he might at a hasty glance, have reak "and you are " stead of " but yottrieed not." event Bkhmond wou, hare a few hours Jeff. mieht ling on itsonr apple Mat Birne as milder life is o Leh tu.-la of the Coaeh 61h7., :ham! nil whilet f malt Mee t u m...11 'd being then at est at poor men Ile 4.11 L'el. he"11'1"ilideu:w4"a• foe ee to le \ akin peva. 0 f hm clothe* WAS VIna retitle ,I, out 16 h ei • lies back wheti the rememal 11'n". 11"`I'S nut" attemeted. Every arostan KPICI:, he refrained from king e ell/jiver-4g ha barren' r frIt'• er and to ter. years. Sweden end Ser"1- (!1 in great a en lbte these. A night Jeans* lie and Retries Ian, rom the e•rect of early hour the in trout Lavine their Node deposited et these also she hue the plate fur two hour*. ant de. • einetie ue• ,emetyineet quantity inetstutimai, and Westeru "bares are weak iu minding.' its surrender from the commandant, r'n.e inter" 'et' "-II tot, he fell the 11. censer' se. nee. Cul, Wede ot the 73rd Imitate, who refused. to meet whet thin, great metier, et Renal, tlia p.,i4t. gz:re The !doyenne's dates of•Abe 24th give Buford soon after retired. The fears of an ?Uwe.. i't itatalaIi'd "Peet. • 1,1 et ge'tteie out of the ve Canery Island news' to the 31,da August. --7. avatek on Columbia were unfounded, Forrest h•hiel :,"mer"1-t 3-8°°,1tee """lai '" crawl into the lobby of the song bee haring gone in the direction of Florence, e 20 and 61.1.1theere then bait miilionieing groans aniline., the insult. no errrte laisehr,and A partyljust from Chettanorsms repords teat to be dretelfu'ly beetled, t a demand or the surrender of Itaitoti, of the onlinery mietery am. At its preeem • an, the firet rule whoee a rate ot iinprovemeet, in made yntently hy • ieosh nurneer isi ituratelion Ilelgium met.' Bavaria but he died atter lineerine a n that en, and in ve been " hang - with lem tee their convenience. elm lar. Allen, Mayor of Corneal], axainst whom. heavy judgments were lately given in cc urt, hrs skedaddled to the Peeibc euase-e Ile leaves some enormous debts upon ler endoreers. Ile hass re-eigned the Mayor., *lir 1 but his susolver.ey wel render the &lice vacant.' e•-} ThO 1'1 -welt -neat election is fixed to take phtee on Tuesday following the liret Monday in November, and not the tirst day as tunny suppose, This year, the'M.m. day not corning till the 7th, the elertion takei place on the secuitd Tue -*Inch it the nth.' hdh--YY o•-• ee)te The /*mires' _Mittens lestrne from a private source 117-veral utnong the Banks have ta • it place in Milwaukee, on accouut of this great fell in wheat. In Chi- cago. the.thilt also teed to be a perfect panic,•' in whieb serer& proluce houses and one Or Om *liken have failed fer the satu•• rens.M. be failure of hooka in eitica..o has cjeited a fear that same Western ro;ds may suffeei special from the Aline at only Rare hundreds." New Yoke, Oct. 5. --The Ian, from New Orleans ett the ' arrived. She remised on the aeth (7-omstitution from New Orleans; fur New exteudeo thst York, with prisoners • whe are ;weepiest Advice* from Wawa state t. at the French anent :- who advanced from ilagited were badly while Irmo", yAitsiiiL Jed Ay l'ortinan. The rebels appeaved .in the Wimein eon treat o e mut . Enrollment, 0.,e of Juares's special agents loringi worst Illoetoe-In addition to to the Union commentler at Oreg.., that mark all rejected reeruite daring the absence tif Meximilien, Slimmon, would sueeest atm at:rktho- ace haeked by the Archbishop, is o elident of end submitutes be tu. tel thus ' bolding agitiiiet all oppontion. of bock. The French have • ',agate and 2 cervettes This will, j,think, prevent to a elf Rio Grande. Admiral Bosse "refused to the practemeee beutitv jumpine. allow a ineseeneer to teem his littee to our Yeeeliietid. J. ti. BAXIER,\Sir consul at elaramoras. flie orders are le CLiet Med. (-)ff. Peale Mar. shoot es•erybody who approaches his limes elluteau. after dark. le eel this enouth to stir a 'fever In. . :thou 1i0 Mexican" are at Brazos blood of aeot To prevent bountyjumpie de breve mot Who are to eight uur beta anti wore OW country. Are to he merl...1 wit a brand, *Melo they will carry .to their graves. - N. Y. If'of la. ett put the number I Ot it Sol MLitt l...111:1, 1.1XX CATTI.s.-The • tee tyranta al Washington have beat mer Merlel- I guilty 4 a tiew infamy. Some thine ago ult., km they commenced the eyelets of branding re - Learner ject, reenian nd now they have actually. ding practice to soldiets 'Rent *the edictal sleet* • 1VOL. VIL-NO 37, userat's (area, L. Aug 19. exam side of the river and teetered the re. I Dr. Z.11. Whitmore, Suremiltiet Boa. of lien, to tentutere 1 reeruits in small ektent u'Is eased froin retich moo.. 1 hey refuse- to take the oath to support the empithand can enter Mexico on no other ter*, -- The Engl sh frigiew Liverpool. eorvette Buzzard, and the CoS. gunboat Penobscot. are ter the mottalf of the Rio Grende. • Atter versed earl:tithed. the rebels were cl • e f • the AtchathlaySt of Meijer, anti the ceerey towed a prouuncismento declaring egentet Meatudian. • Hall of the city Mexico has been taken by Miramon. An appeal to tbe people to sustain him stud drive put the invaders haa been Wetted. ray n eras Yeasrausa-ae amertaiii. Opuuen. •-- Referring to the effort@ now brine tread • to pontote a Coefesteratiou ol the !heath North Atasesican Culottes*, the Nen York Times remarks: The itupertant Announeeinelit has been made by Sir Rieliard teinve Macionnell, the Xiseellaneon_s Para ph.. ' in wemas• op who bare A men named Itichk. Isle bar been cons. can be place n etted for it tal at Cawley, iu Smffordvare, fer ouiseulztoi,,,ela,li the nouniet of b' Child, • giri about e or 9 use, ii wee yews old. . A y „sr inanan inefvomereseu•lyr so400hunspebrle"eyirepu:d 7b:ii....i7lh:et.h..:•,,,1:11P1,0, lITI Ss his sheets ot certain oir bind. in Pone h' .:-.- ! - '- 1 sylvanite. The' am mots to $2,548,090 per 0,tielki).1,:itwi,rt,!..4 ennuir. Ile may bet 'able to bee ort it. idirietetr;rniirtd4ed hStlaCibes.triliZtiPiw°iii vilaaart ‘vrile"..1h4k1Ariontu: ItZelenni:,1;1'.7,:le Mobile, hat 50 thou in her estles..7 3 in other (14 •Iiieli; '- None and 1,204 peunde °tenni shotruid *heti inad„..rad,.,) f buried ita her deck*. "tir rei.eays. a There is a paragraph in the Loudon Than tareee,"he Pe" of Stele 14,a iteitteeiste that a *ores, Am been hri"n• the 01 invented which will propel vt•ssele at the ente itepereohevrainhaerhtr ..e., i",i, ..,......d. It of forty miles an hour, and Oro the Genet - %ill be eurioue, intl.-oleic i *lieu 4 6.11 to the meet are taking up the iuvention. lot ol the mime eclivi hal, ter tut interval A men wee found drtmk in a street iis Roe- „f f„,,,,,1„‘„, 7 5,,,, 1. h. a, i „ th. ii.:.1. "I' " T 1)8'111 M"r" i" i. •I''"f4 3 u'el•••14. sod the oliginetor of the wee... rent review ith #2,4411 in SW pockets. That he di.l not thin in steein lorMatotion. which 'wry likely bin pockets empty when he gia sober may sill os ow ,s.s, if h. i. prolimly upiiiii.wii be down to hie extraordinary gOod luek. it the inventiagi in openttion,and limit. and juleement cuididesee . that when relied! mei fully ppreciated. and brought into degrees, effect a • plete rev - kinds of *team machinery, and cable to neon:roan perpoees for ers of other mem* miemes time. It di I icieentherml . W. JAnter gild SUZ- ate Georee Stepheteen the ad - is introducitte tubes` into his lent,. skit a tier of waling, or the prepulsion of caret:en, hat period, they oeie totally cue...piece a 4h, u by en az...aim-at be. a in he year I eel, ten years meg .0e Liverpool and they,. t pi -mope ot which hundred dollars wail the sum • ar for the diatom of eight own • who -er e loyed in courtine the vtitC3 At the Ch election in ee.lew York. They met ',sr ten eye, and eactiewan was charged 116.' 1 fur e +angle dinner. Tte eham pope: el tee weie prebehly, included. It, col 11 - run " the r tele in Ciitineelicui, Weliseelay. It War AI &the large me ru- be Governmet -took workmen 5 Is to requite; 10 de or Woo ruff a 1 leasteurent-Govereor eill Nora Scone, that he beeriest amine instmetiene (rota the Imperial authorities their fou dry.' The French left Monterey to eo-o vete to give al the official aid and encouragement chainsel pl foe ti with the furees loim Bagdad, leavitsg only. e small garrison. The Lateral Gent eel -Quir• lei his potter tu tee pee..., it scheme of Fed- gine,' now I tilding r regime Ate11 tee lied thet at the 11 telex 26 tons etl lied iron, tees hewed • peomniciamento and took the bwettiet Admiral Sir Jaime Mete, speaking, prepare Oho garrison prisoners and beian fortifying. edeand as he said, eon" an letituale knoefledee of tee., wale to 1 utt -The French at It igdad are fortifying with. tho stase puhlic feelolg esti tioetand is thus in range of their shit*. ° reported, un die iewetion ustusate 'odes -Clitger pendenee tor the confederated Colornies:-- 10a, land yr ituNlroannit,hirwililett; -ortluroSreretti,r011..ay,cogmenni.enesi,1 Wet itssureel diet your aspirationi Cre 'hurch Leif, natiinia!ity nothing else than • aiding. 1,1,, ineledin all his artelerv; attacked Athos*, eine to been., The papere state that • fearful famine at the teems of Dendeao is still prevailitog. la the Island of Stil•tia; ), which a yeer ago eon• milted 55,400 nalraldtaritn, 7,000 died of star- vation front January, to May. The Portuguese Oovernmeut Lave given r75,000 to aid the sutfeers. ttesalarl lave heen received. even beealise ordere would tint its home, Leer fortyltre million acres are in The teleeraph ii working to Chattanooga emit him to do so. ,,Excellent Biruce e• re)s. The Kingston libel suit has resulted in and Columbia prsvete hands, aud ever thirteen Millie° acres A feiglisfel accident tOok pla a few.daysi 'ortunatt Richmond. a eerdiet Iter the plaintiff for $81.50. It is C rad Thomas and fIngadier-Gen. ere ee•wreh4" hvee the "4'1 Ea.jet'eet:eell arrived here last night. Ph -elects er i" 11414 eeri 4arde" were vele" bwi' he i -11117.° give Captain explorer. neighbotirh drawing his difficult to aseertein how, the jury competed . . • at el50.00,etni. sal the ustesstAl value of estaltlethed in 0110 of t suburbs of hat city ann.. LATH OF SPZILE,-Englinit parer,. so meaty an to haat even the odd cents "forth ---eeemo-o-esee .--o°e'oe-__ _ tie feriae was de511.000.040. • a emaufactory of netroe eerie°, haw ne dile ils ef tile' Meintleholy elleath of (1.41-,:1,1).ftft,7,that sir' Cerman hes inflicted en NM, Y1,1111, October 2.-11te Iierald s -E.R.,.„ 11, eel, A,,„.,,,,e ea i teeothee euvered a peewees •by ober tam lulu. sating re rrn't.c1r.rrartr•r. l'he gr moil -eV 10th army corps rorresitorident saell Id the Seer.. alrearleho!di Itieh rank., Its eeilere comeeeitme could ho moil Sib great frect hie prarritir. a ,avor wee'thet the °poem' ,. that th., ;Deeps et isevence on mod hammier' number today 11ver 70,000. le 'Attaining OfWeillinni. FrOM ime unmet elm puke, the now famous Aftican the eenhet ; i . ie. c fie' was nut gunning in the evidence C'ii ti exempeted air. Fereuseon Itiehremid.trroke camp ed. 3 p. m. on the 2etli 1863 it bele 6•2-1 vessels, of an •legreeate ed cameo an explostne .thek piece in he ........ _y • nepid march reached and eroseed the 1„,,,,,wo of 230,312 esio, It exported e I 5,- mutereetory, ited the buieling, frith some f I t 1 i li the libel, and •-•va h froin the act Om et u i ta a . . of 1.00(1.4n, and while -- - - ------ fixed' it on a Mr. r: .. Jramea river at daylight Ori the 29th. At Item. 000,009 werth slumber tied eel 3,utio,uoy -the mljoinine letuttee, were completely de towards him over a Atone Bottom, immediately on ,advancing they nue wortlesif fish, and its total expo. ts are ever *rayed Several persona were killed en. wall, one of the barrels was discharged, a.4 the tuan who was as familiar with. gybe as with his own liat fell back mortal- t ly wounded. 1;pin what an attenutited thread does our mortal eiistence depend. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINs.-Itepublished by L. Scott & Co.,New York. Sold by T. J. Moorhouee, Guderich. The September number of ohl Ebo splendid one in every respect. Con Chrenicles of Carlingford Tile Perpetu Culate-cenclusion ; Cor,nelius 0.1)owd upon Men and Women, and rebut Things in llencral-Part yds ; Rev. Charles Kingsley attil Dr. Newman ; Tony Butler, part xi!. : The Alphabeticals; Letters from the Principalities -No. Hi. •;. Prinoe Couza's Coup d'Etat ; The City of Ould. THE AltERI • P.A.ILTICI:L.AILI HP THE ateiately contest t V11,111014 whIell tit conditions. The experiment must lai watched FEDEKA BADLY BANC/Lt.:D. addition to its naturally etrtmg charecter !es mith ititeresO rhat its logieel newt' ultimetely rendered doulily formidable by dialed !Very id separation from the parent Smite every or - the enemy, and akirmietted up 0.adt ethers dmadlulliwuendtel. One ...1110 eons WAR. atones fields till near New Mai ket rend. This see. o the ee,„.„„ey whieh, in /es of M. Nobel is among the former, hie body annually. -• • • - wetd was OCCUpied by the enemy, •trimartr .Ftaittirol or4m,,r-ttiont, it is larmaneed apply hiltin4 been found at a considereble distance, TE F1011T ,„t,,„,h,„d „,, the heights'. The advance oh- , the Federal oveliiin of goreninient under new horribly mutilateo. .. ' ' e . . CortNIIM 1040 ACCOMPLIWINIESTS.:-Tbem• iatitetes, when asked to play upon a lute, mute "I cannot fiddle, but II can. make • wilier and a greet oily." ,Coineille did we speak cerreetly the lanivage eif which he was euch • m.ter. Addiseitewtut uneble to converse in company. La Fontaine wee emote aid New Yoas, Oct 6.1. -The following by the of the o *mittens o the day. 1 hey never with the co omit relationship. The delueion stupid when surrounded by mete The is.• Times speeial corretieowlent is • detailed ac- halted er fa,•ered, though their mulct were ht one which. few yetis practical ex penence Countess of Pembroke said of Chaucer, that count el Gen 31.-ade a iiperations south west sadly di nueO 1.5 they advanced. The sue • of Petersbwrg. of 'thigh we bad mere ate eenethl act:emelt. htneet of their task put the Will effectuellytuprost. linelish entteinnen 1.,.!:,,,e;.1,,;,,,,,,,,r,....teilzerole e.rdere:,:,,,ii,e, istce. ..h...,,. uth,:;:: nounceeriet 'A :- Headlusrters 5th Corm Oft ies-On Fri- telineeir7.aid'te.-...essf',74":1151-'h"iin,7:1! ti" rePidlY el) i'l 1"eAunidttfre:Ill etb7.1e)::LeasseeSri:-"tjuesliT'utledlitrZlit‘ietes";e"I':Irtes'eltteh4,14-iiiel; IL:i.e'rme,,,:intdentiroi.yei vaitlieuiticeikiitubsuiiiibei-cotis rgeeirmke.11,,, ly mornitig about 0 reelotk, , the first and , Geese Grail Mid Ittoler tame en the field .ae,,,i,e-etiosee fer a ettnemeity will net be Might- 01,,,,,a r, - met flimisioes of the 5th eorps lath Col. during the strueele, mud were mitheetweirally ro he an els/m.16,m femi Impetial maniere. Ilia Oi brigade of the thiel divines, moved naceitiel b ' the troo II ' When the .1 .1. r ; 1 . . 2000 Prtsorter: Canes by the CorKeds. enpettetrahle a'aeliiite that cove* the must see. Atid et. timeeenths 1)f thew • 9". led "0 urt 1."0"1"4 u" r wholes votes Pull molly omen tee queenon, Pain, were ordered to e trey. the Pm,"1. • chetieli an indistinct notion that a Coesfedere Their cherge was one of the grate! features tioh on the Ian proposed is eut mcbmpatible • \ NEWS FROM MEXICO. I I rcZr Prince 'lambert, eldest son ol(the King of in at present in lettiland. On Weenier/4*y, the 21st ult., he went to Wool wtch, nue eitnosted the marneuvres. of It brigade field day. (te:m The London Star of Sept 20, says: - 111s Grace the Dime of Newcastle remein in eineh the name Teemed ntate as when he first a, rivid at number. 111, airinga are less fre geese, reel 110 deC1,1,11 improvement ire his health can he. repotted. FOUnd DEAD- This morning a man known as Captain Stansfield, was found dead at his own residence, in Petersville, a small village over Blackfriars's bridge. An inquest was held by Dr. Flock, Coroner. Dr. Moore made the postmortem examination. The jury, after deliberation, returned • verdict of death from suffocation, arising from intem- perance." It would appear from the evidence that deceased had kat the key of his door, aad wets Roomettes to get into the premises by a name cellar window. The aperture being two small, when he got les lees in he could neither -get in nor out, and iti that way the unfortunate man wee eufrocated. De• (-eased wa" a men of considerable means, anft 1161 nn fiiends whatever in this country. ins much addiciet1 to strung drink.-efren don Adeertieer, 3rd. Romeo riot OIL In IldaTON.-Prohahly not many of our reeders are &WV"! that "bor. ing for oil " is now 'ming on with considera- ble vigniir nt jurt • little distanee from Ilarn- ilton. Thet then existid what are 'called " indication' of oil," is porn tes of the town, "hip of Barton, lying between the Albion Mille and the Limestone hill, on the stone road just mouth of the city, haa for some years been koown, and boring is now being pro- ceeded with, ander the direction of Mr. Fie• kett, of Oil Renege. Tee spot selected is sheet two miles south of the city !Unita, and about one mile put of the macestamized road, on lot No. 11, in the 6th concession of Bar- ton, belonging to Mr. lobo Finten. The depth alreedy reached in not fir from 360 ft.. and the indieatioes *a far are highly encourag- ing, in face jut the game, Mr. 1...theft says, a* he hu °burred in Enniskillen.--(11amil- ton Times. On Werleneday afternoon, two children, one te them seen years of age, the ether four --the firm • son of T. C. Clarke* ewe, and diereses-1nel, a son of Mr. R. W. Mmert- were apendine the day et Mr. lidesed Hay- es -wk., residence at Kingfieher Point. The children atrayeel off in the river anoheermid. taking with thorns Amount,' !nth " retriever" dog belongine to Mr liamenek. They got oet on a raft and fell into the enter, where the depth wee about twenty feet. The young eat having faller in, the older boy fell in hia efforts to IIAVO him. The erin of the (Mildest -1 alarmed werkeeen some distanee off, *he hared tn the spot, and took the leveret chile front a stick of timelier to wheels at 4.2.4 dinging. They found the dog sad tee other boy in the water, the dog lweding hen op, awl iteheaating all him efforts to drag amt. shore. The children have had a mom narrow and fortenate eseape. The oenesion elan fere. IAN another instances of canine snaggy. - Ottawa Union. 1 I • "le In ort, they are cithly insure,' that they 1/11t 1/ the road leading Inward 1'.4711i-Eff4 rode eke,: the lilies the shouts asel temere 1:1111.4 S1,111 AI they Live sitnittnerned up Church, ' a . intention o etrieing, 1110 of lie. WerC Iwyontl example, 1 hree ' euttieseet ceutage. emelt South side road. Gen Crawford with' e Nome:ilk& the enemy haie• a Ano the queen-m.0f ultimntely cuttine reuttincler f hie div• • mild risme new re rery work, hut thesey preseed hii teem ,500'art 100 drat..in that, will events eat .0.!rell to hold the left flank an, adverstee mill pursued the mutating Ceti- e.ead to the glesit source et rectional old line of the lath corps havine Gen Ferrero's division of Colo \troops from the 9th corps 10 detailed to hie meat& trinporarily ,• the pile reserve batteries rse kept iti peation. Wheat pith. lien Warren resell .the church arid was aro& del:111.4.SO reesely that they could .1411 SOT -form. Two mile,' thither on the Cen• eittl'ielfree..1.).:11ftbye LeCrett'lles tee have. a Meese ui redoules nemes,e of hewer Ctillada,- in the _hammer, carrying heov( rememing dive troops thm All their traditions go back beyond the im. establishing his line ti Parker, of the 9th that it is left, week the Smerrel Ise r°"dt near Church, and di ir glans sweep the nel "I*" took to undertake to wean there by any ape- Peeble's farm. finding Am entrenehed line of dinictieen. Gen. Berney at once determined emus pr011litte 14 trdependence. the (meray find a small unfinished Week carry- tet early such of . works is ley in hie maser' l'eth.r1 to draw any fire from t gfiroultudbyhgiier.ziria." ri.aultt...renicoottgeni?,i.ticiartitigh !ez _ and 1"caled aue"tiel totorva prri.il tend lerpletionaey ere:. rhe.edicts of Corp*, Caw op with t,he titans of corp., end form noseseible 11/10ree C0111111n. the Kines sif France ase their hew. ; the ens- . on Varren's eteanierket h them. Their wothe chess the toms ol the monarebial eta *reseal their itale. ted, just heated the Lauret11ill And from these it will be an 'imam hopelees ine gusis, but teem some urtne Tne larder. Everything tieing new re.uly the 'beet never men surpassed. •he Renault was rostite s riem the London Stan., Sepe 21. teetered to advance, sod after ',brief defen at tee p. m., the n cheering. and ried by two bngitefs (lea. Griffin's dive At the claw I.1 the in 1.,;i0eriiti exasnitintien oil the part of the enemy, the works *ire titr- ation, estpturing one gun nod a few prisoners, consisting of dismounted cavalry aid some infantry 'mat Gen Heath's di visiou. This being accompliehed, the line wee then thrown forward. Gen Parker, on the left, .with Wilcox's ili•isteon joining the 5th corps, ami roller's donee, the extretne lert. Th. lime captured by these inameures, ve-y feebly defieeled aterf incomplete. Our bun was ening on a run. 1 hey nt demos fire of grape • canniater lino ,, . I of Mul'er et Itew street on Monday, and after hie sing volleys of mueleetry that workged res remote, to the station•hoteus on the oppo. tlem havoc in their ranks 'nil untlitichini site side of the war, the pi iemer smoke vely ihey heldeheir way. In cromeng n inter. hit'terly 4 the evidetice given by Alm cal -matt vening ern% of opendaed they were Mathews. Muller, in speakinee te Ithyrnel, ePeeed I one & the A divineretevery clever officer and to a frIghtful enfilading lire of artille and la .com,,,,,,t,A ei,etere hezehit, wh,, tem her., iphre.edeasufaul,itwieasrdne. ge,otenri iabplop.r.Shtii I, I, , tht h0.4trie 1 it: atte'relariettat the police court lia interpret dontite 4111.y were rotted even more formidetlesl 1 e"Y mislenee the' might be neeemary, said then was at first euppesed. et perlete tab ott- I ethat Mettbews had gen his evidence about 1 - • trifling. 11.t. Col, Otis, 14111 New York, tie held thetn at bey while the Confederete •' 3 S' . nese dark, when the enemy made • flank forte were surrounded b in broad ditch eight The .' ,wited of truth iii it, thstt Matthews knew the cemtattedine the 31d brieade, 2tid divieion, infantry literallf mowed them down. Monument end' succeeded in uncovering our toe, loved en., to find themselves penned fw-t dee ' l• h Y t h , t meek e 1.,/,1 ego, and tlint the rim on on,• . neeWLVtlettheao hail 6;0,0 for hini et am Wounded. Matters thus remained until p, into w lir Itunle 0 . I .e et. ore, hundfed misioners. At elk critical juncture no redly porta mid were acemetble roily 1. , „ , , *vie wasents4t ar.en. MeSter further reel that 'left, and doublet/ it up, and capturing • few ) 01 iv'ith 00 door t:1 retreat. Thew sitorkehad 31•dthrwe 4re hi' "'knee mr '4. hhite ii" etheed the fire day'ettperations. At daylight course, were d.... up. Thn line nfte .44 i., C2". li' (N Ile') i""I lilr"stened to giv, Nome troops eren, the eth eerie were ord,•red draehriliers over the ditches. Then, of . PAIIIIIWW.1111.0 erin law into nertr.S1/ Sortie The Confederates, fedi • position was te 1 ti nig t, w en A demon- ; time mince. CI. n the eulsject of the ilentie up, mil checked the further asIvalcis 111. the enemy. These the lingselen were wee rotted drawn to the farthem nide 1If the erest, Ishii:he. enti" or the het me '""1 het."'" hit." uremia impression upon our left, Pulk.nly re I I I '11 ' h h math* has been ihtained by Nepal& hy Gen Warren in the very nick of time - • • treated. Our troops bunted theinselve. all i ditch of which our men were to 4 • • k Chief of thi etropolition Detective . ng to make any very woe°, wee „eel, e,r„,,net ihe works hi the Tanner, ntglit in throwing up entrenchments. Thum through aneadvance u theP°road. The ceari:: , , :hug ivin them an op rtunite; re. P. ' w"--- w'll' it " Force, assisted by linpedir Willihmeon, m• - , • ' belier supply the °my of one-half to three pesarters of a mile gwita • bre;1"\n'hu7""plerio..:"m'ketitin,lith.er.orcoll",4i.li7 '''',w,r41,1kurebevKlehm- :17,dpill:f41.1 on Saturday morniee, the eneme Ilea& nasum- accomplished, bat it'-eost dearly The Corea ly reinforced to meet lien Butler's determined 11 h 1 h. h f h rawer d ve ell - ..er t , y waive il y ap to the v y gm es if . „I it 1 ve Muller efet,r7eihrly. in the service of Messrs. Digance I wlm divtinetly rememherestelline the kat found l 's 11.04"th the lee, tIr. Brig** and hatters, is retool ii. Wive been found, ed the offeneive and made an aseault, havin however, a very small force. No ohm& men. (6 loot over 500 n killed and -Wounded. At to exist that the enetnfe left had beem heave ihe sane time them this 'was geese on Kentes attack epee and successful opernti inllAgainnt the forte below Richmond. The min then coenmeneed to fall on Saturday forenoon and "eon made it impossible for either party to make any decisive movement, hut at a little after •• a.m., the anew made another light mutat on Gen AyreS line it) frent, hut finding nor treeing strongly entrencted fell haek.--- Daring all of Saturday hut little artillery firing occurred. Toles& noon the enemy seemingly determined 10 pierce our line some• where sudienly struck est to the left' of the Weldon road fell font of Gen CrufTord's front when eionsiderabes picket firing ensued and the Goofed* ates ultimately contented them. bele.. with quietly re establishing their old line. In fact it appeared that hut very few troop' were ors this side of the Appomatox e nd our priuners confirm that view. Th; whole of the entifeetentte anny that emdd he *pared had been sent to Itiehmtind. The weather wee the only thing that prevented oar atMly being entirely ntioieneful. Ian few casualties oreurred daring Satordny. Ast our line now elAndl we hate •Itendell non lent toward the mouth road although thnt road • aot reeetted. The City Point mierespondent of the New York Herald earl :- " the fieht for the Rooth Ride raihnett shoat 2,000 prisoners fell into the heads of the Confederatee, Women( priaripally to the 5Isi New York, 2Ist Mensechimetts, 45th Pomnitylvania, and 7th Rhode Island regi Mesta ; bat both the reser and ll'oriii Pl. During a thunderneriet, which paled ovet Worcesteishire a few davit ago, • title itak tree, steeling in the middle ell a mestere field* Manley CaatM, near tbiesmiti, wen struck hy lietersing, add the effects produced by 'hemlock were Ile tree lippenin 10 have been stiuck at a height of ahem twelve feet from the ground,frem which Reim a portion of the trunk, int:miming in thicket se down to the root of the tree, eit/4 split ofr, and Merle -tit of splinters, some being little thicker than paper, were thivenel off the trunk.ned scattere.1 in one din,ction over the gnus tor a dist.ince ot 20 yank At the root the' eleetiie current seems tu have emu, ed the greeted arid thrown up the soil. None of the branches of the tree were toseh• ed. 3111.1.C• TKO IDIRDSRER.-The alffite,1 lllll rderer Sluller, airived in Louden ein Liverpool an the 1 7th ult. Ile wan in charge ol lempector ratifier, who broueht h at throve!' from New York. There trete um tueliew crusade collected at the Asil in !guidon, where Muller waa eXpe.eted to arrive, end eseited erowds :ollowed the.prisim van which c.arried him from Zueton Square Minion hi Bow street. Muller del nut secret 111 the leut disconcerted by the hooting with which he wee samiled by the mob, and to them hii Apfienrance was evidently disappoint S iin, short, with light sandy hair, end tiny t bine but atom tom feat uri•s, drowsed hi thin, shelthy chrtnekand wearing* bawled whim straw In11, lie liad a Very ordriest•y np pennant., This opini llll sires freelyeexprensed amens; the crowd, and a etalwart comermon ger d •clared. with alpinism vehemence, that 'he could fight Six 'on 'eta at:m.01.'- 06e s deelered their be'ief Om he could not lia"e done the deed without assistance. evave, rift INDIUM or Martroetre.-An appeal Oft beheil those Indiana apposes in the Termite papere, signed by the Rev. Memos. (filo* and O'Meara. The red men appear to have suffered no alarmingly from the firen in tbe ecocide iluring the past semen that the affording of them imolai-lime relief is a in atter of ahmilutit necessity. The small tracts of cultiested land oti whieh were entwine the Wilted to within musket ra ge of the city, and , ewe 'reeti.r•"etet h t to his support. The. diltsion marehed unre. rinu.tel.,,Wthe"illitinidlizii:ati.:ob:S:i'minn_.:,-_arnih:.:4;u..filillirhth.ni:::1:,^.6,...:1";?:::Ln,harnei,brow,,nir.:Lieinqtyn:nr,ormbrinth: itd,.....veoteiniiiiiigne:::„.. not have held d. On arriving in the reiburbe who at once despatched a division of infantry probably might hews marthe ntr, tbe Con- Perrehee'l he ee. re. 1, . „ ,„ fo ,,,,,rk ;to, 4"lr"It'd i hud n many eneea 011re„notrbe. ve.ii6e. fedente espial, though it ei alma th'y could Pene.uuelei r'1"01'"thowehata.'4,,:t h ow fir. the talfie reel Imre( to a coneidentble depth, or so ... tehiorn‘,ann..lrityinamxtorment.fwionr,61 fihic:irr, 1...ysii,,,n t. de i',.. ra.nliint el of the city, they found Klutz laid withelnion. 4-17114'---01".'wirehni'le_eh thee mille:Abs4P;‘,4,igr'iftt",:‘,,,himilad ::: wif4•11.1,,,oh wh./01c.hliu,.rflit ilhed,t,amtait,rtzwilinntritotthieh,ir oreedreers7di7oPree'rt"earni.eithT0b0P/Chd."tiiMrinund':"^retwhlan teihrn:4111"; aff.'IN"C"""):::'''''''. : in ri6i"n".14114;eP‘hr:r:1"4-11 mot telaeheee.1 wilelerneese- era checeed at Laurel 11111. Our expedition is 1 . All have suffered alike, and ea nt the beet an by no means terminated. sayar:57-TAh11 etitteq wiat=;•1"I'llI:111:•:117:: 'T'fi7eha'' are miter, none haring any resources, t • fall i it ha been the moil back -upon, atid none are able to he'p the Rion newnpeprea hawing pritnenneed it • THE ATIONISTRATION 1111LiNn.-The Abel- 11 1pre'ro.111..,..' etfout:t:',Inerehhe*,,toilt.4. N„t „„ti ha. the az. ethers, macentioa stares them in the r.,..., germane vele, of ow exporte ii.shibited en en- melees the metes el maintninine life /taint falsehood -that fteeepted recruit' are to be the approaching Winter end int,. th• following necessary to ite denial :-- marked with the letter " I " at Springfield. 1 r_feeeirenert ihr;,3hre, W,I,7,11„„terl-'-",•,,,,,i7e,t7reesleeer ohaaey We renahlinh the cirder, which is ail the reply I """" 'F'91119494) easseeseinnini:irrJr. ti it edvit:lionnipeietliteineci for tle m. l'heee " pawner l 1. fltraca•Cit erriez 1, dPeeapItii:::Ily'hithyaPoa:nenteinit'ai'd"t4irefilee""interin'is es'ir er do .h.ritabie ,a,i.ndiLhuLiiir":::::::1' thc; *hatinkclha ' W°."1"‘ITII°' 1)' Cl'' A"' 19 1 $6 ..• 1 ' ithh:4Tre'rct7nom#bere"t by"t‘h: '..(40,114."1:1soatintil::;;:f egui,,rbr:littioeis with neerly over/ imr_t of the, I woold engem that ell aceepted minim and twaTnir.tWited"reLpre"retniel"Iyidi'igrite4/%11‘h"eiten-it-tityharr 'destitute, he marked tam : ' I " in email and never revanche -wee that Mr. Lierele, " Toro berme. J. R. BAXTER, Surg. rah7rtaim" isitli,r4hnasjr.ltee""nd i:iltheh thh.ithi.tr"rif"dneintertin); of back. I7. S. Vole. Chief Med. Off. Prow. Mee. hie resentifettersal salary of 1175,000 • pier in Genes. Ithrems." It will take umething besides the deeiel of en abolition newapaper to make the pablic believe *1st the abom is • " copperhead " elilotnny. " Dr. Z. ff. Whitmore, Marron Board of Enrollment, Sprieelleld. Ill . " lho Toit- III addition to my saggeatioe to mark all rejected recruits and substitutes, gold eiertiAnten nf the treasury, worth, mei ally, from 545,000 to II70,000 -thm " whip ping the devil mune a stomp," end (-empty mg with the letter of the Cementation •hile (nasty misting its sprit. Probable Revolution ta leteam-Ix• sraordinary Disoovery. Mr. W. II. Jemen. ('. E , is alma!, favorably known in eitimsrettire tate the onginating oar railway system, hes, after rfarriling • whole life to scientific iniprit•e• meets, at length seeeeeded in pre -Amore • meant generator and eneine of sub extraor- dinary power, ia propel uovi to its weight, the spa* it occupies, the feel renamed, ate the team at whicii it ean be umeeketeree, that wet the sliehtret chaste a entertiewel by doom with eapit.11 tO carry out his preset.% intoner note We teme slimily to be ei. i1.1,,1 to give the details of the inverniore-ellintag Jolt( . Entail Ainertean Confederaises. --- • The New Yiirk ilensialemecludes entails:let ita the subject, thus -see- n While here we hew) parties tramming . dieuition of tier own let riroried, the CA.111.11do atalentnen are endi•avosisie to unite' and eon- 4.3iiti.tte their own. The nueeens of the scheme id ad pray 00 01.`,11-11 "eertalti, and for the- followine estate* r is no reevitt Whet-. . ver why the lower provineen 411..0.1 adopt h. The comet:reed relatione between Nora Scotia. New licurtstrick aml Newfoundland i 1 the Canada. are very alight. Tivey.ere ire intimate with .the Vreml Steten than the uppet-iinieinees, Why Ow, sh .uld eiv up then- preeent &meet' 5, poliey e0111Weitalla tO inland Al tinitiett, lieltditierent ittlerest*, they ete iiy msde mournhen-I.- Nein it it hurl sof operielity of nemesis mild More nntornily lookto the halt the I7utis.4.a. place, w.me of the ei•iest maternal. this question : hat um will Ali rierney be unless poi sAks 1. 1 p. nets, the 014,1 or all u ll i ,, me weak S. tee tumble to exercise - hem !matte • W hat will be the ad ntWee t sorb a go.. rnent it it is net eetly apendent ? t cannot woke in, or litaiti armies r retries, eith for it own il ce to• iecu -the redpect fo,eig Power Ceneda hes h Is long sec cession f lieve 1,, few ut then beilig men of *Wit Or bein aoything mo. than lay °rites *era rola th either e1 ,,,,, try their relatives* frietele, het, ist power, o dint their h ken fort iee,e.d utterly u hie to be of any IN, I advent ',elle the prone where they are contiona met by filen° tl ::',4.1111t it,e,ftt. tm:o...l• ler. mite,: 1, flow Se t ell•14114, e perkiest or cemmer• hangee N hing short panties' trout -the umetioti r inde. with er he very Breese/iv to protect, U nited St.ttell " the lie,a n in the 11/ I1 than a WI) not g .in a mills cial Iviiiitale by the• of a n and complete mother country wet the .41 relipertn tin 1.1 be an mine iteration or the earn..., troub of cnmting t propose.' ch.olge. 11 the Be •sh Ameneaus re prepared to adOpt tine 'Vic then the new iroject will have a porno., an be werih the oil. If not, it is& mere eltam, and *el net pe " Mew ere th by a nittnrrtnin eln iii the preViliCee at this tieinimil. And these views which Ire enteiteined ery Own. some of whein We , proven. A a tare for the totubles 14. Ce1111.1,4 yery .1116, iit plan --namely, that of making 2.1ontreal tree leort, which innasure they feel fee& th-l'y exult! tale" ✓ esty the trade of New leek, corer& the enritinerce 14 init. %%lenient Staten elld CAletl• lish the lettettiste etn a fete g *loch would make them forget all the pet 4.0tililen Over whiell they are now Coltlendli The effect upon New York of inn IMP cy en thin lye MeV eleeleler at • mole Coin Meet mom- ent." • An El_opement- The Inric numher of pera ins who eon- gregated at the etieth‘i,tfires Atenit II 0.1 ork yedterd.ty fiireinani, -ere Aimee hat mum. el to see Itetectiven Webt14 And Kenny, 114.1 heel/ MI 1111101y *al Mg about the pew' tee, nteldmily etimeach well deemed young 111.411 feel ill111 eusnly. The a gem 1•81le • short .11.1 disipenit ntruggle to re gain Inn liberty, but finding thet the wen • hi va.ti main succumbed. Th. prisoner was conveyed tu the central melee steams, and it wee then asicerteitied ilstit he 11111.1 charget with having melee a borne and 1 ug.iy, to. palter with another mon's wife. yooni Man who gave his name an John C. Iliekey, h is ban !mete at We latelpori, C. W.: fir 1111,1110/11 live yenre. Who the past few inotithe he has beeeepriyitig contented (teem ti,ins to a young au 1 blooming wentin, Mrs helvrart1 Dothan', the wife of the pent:toil hetet keeper 111. that 11111e0. There nerin4 to have mooed liel.een Ow partite a gr,•at meny iii.,:ttpi,eine,ssifi.the usual amatory kind, n.I writteti Th.- yooue and ardent individual loolashly tells bin dear Jaue that " thew little bits of kissers thitt. Le mekes so bold to steal ',ma- tinees, go through him 1ike electric fire, sad only mike him Abe more rasher to mess her to his heart end king het. ithout fear of interruption." 11e urges upon 6e , m col. Montero, to be More careful of h -r health, nd she appeal* to fail every del, arid finished by eikine her ut Ile!iere that the SOU, " from otie that lune her more Vise life." The m irried lad) is mined, ardent in her expres- e ione mini elle toin her dear John that " he in away% 10 her mind, End even in her mi I nieht slumbers." She des•lares he is all menu. Iler hunband hod brother have ar. come up for investig ition before the l'oliee Court to day.-CAreirgo Time*. heivine, 'Dickey bleed a ho es and buil), lived Al Mon en I wee. The won*, Wail la h ,use in question, hut was Tele:owl in the rived in the telly, nwl the matter likely to the getier 4 ten ir of 111,, leader epistle" which etentually led to an teem -meet Ileet e lesardieg ae on State etreief, el.ere they ken One custsty y• sterility One noon nt the the world_t_ii her, ,a-.4.nd lives in which it le sad he odd et Niftier* Fe le. hope, nhe nifty yet die in denied, ' !Such le decks 11. d to k ep their qua tem in • pe r afT.V.•11 i• 11 is rity ehout te• IkORRY. Don't toll know that multitudire of /thman being tech Away float lb* blessings of their let sod dwell and brood upon worri .1 Don't yue know that multitudes persistently turn away front the nerne.rous pleasant 'binge they might eoulemplele, mid Loeb Rigidly, and slmust constantly, at painful and disa- greeable things? You sit doen, nty fries.d, betide the evening tire. The blast "Memo is hard17 :ward through the drawn curtains. litair wife is there, and your two grown up daughters. Yee feel thankful that, after the I:ustle of the dav. you ham this meet retirat •Itere you nay nisi and nett ynteself tor another day, alb. its bustles. But the, con- volution Lou on. Nothing is trilled of Int the end idleness and the impuelehost of yam Rvery petty dissgreeahle ia your lot, in shon, ia brooight out, tamed ins gestiously in every possible light, aad rated and exaggerated in tbe highest degree. Tete natural and necesury result follow". An , hour, or less, ol this chacipline, briugs all persons to • eulky and arrappixh frame of mind. And Mitred of the cheerful an I thaekful mood i•. which you st ere d.sposed tir be when me „at down, vou find that your whole metal natant, is jarred and out of gear. And your wife, your deughters, and yourself, par into moody, sullen silence. Now, I put it to every setenble rea ler. bather there is not • great deal too much of is kind of thing. Are sot families th never spend • quiet evening together, without mubittering it by reline up every unpleasant nuteect in their lot and history T There ere bilks both in their own rase and that of , when, seemed to find a 'orange satilfiletioa ie sticking the there in the hand further in te• even in twintin& the dagger In the heareem rheir lot bas s innumerable blessings, bat they will not lodie at these. Let the view/ *rimed in a bend* directives be emir so &tensing, they cannot be got to tun, their meet* view to one of these. They persist sn keeping nose •t_..id tee mural pigsty At.lisritoXn ANL, Com• between the Armetreing and Vehit• wosth elepoueder and 12 pounder field gun! 1/1 Still going on at Shoeberitiese hut another phase .111 be shown hy the mom.' petition between *seethe gues on board the , Excellent. Besides these 70.r,oundera there .. are to be two of the gusts la•oly altertel finite Ineachdoading 70 -pounders into tauszl,•-load. ere, wet now calied CS -pounders, 1.1 bored her, one rifii-d ItpOn Sir IV. A r notrenee Owe, grooved shunt plea an 1 another with three fiat grooves, similar to those advecanel by Captain Pinnace *bum success with chilled shot has lawn no great as to indece the opteion that such clump projectiles will be adopted 1010 the service. As the Armstrong and tiihitworth 70 -pounders are being tried on board the -gunnery ship aa to their fitness for navel gone, 110d another trial, as alresdy 'Owed, dared grooving is being tested in two 64.puenders, we can scarcely undermard why 71-puundene or 61-poundets, of which there are Wee numbers ready, lave net been rifled upon the Scott, Fiench, end loncaster Owls, Slid tried at the lame time. The three t guns all poetess some special featare,and ey have all given guts.J results in target• eon at Shoeburynesa, no time shou'd be loot wiesentreri her test on board ship. The navy 1 guns, and the small 'speeder.. necemeary 'ler a complete and sat nisei ory trial would he ly repaid by the certainty el is\k,e poorer -Ong • liable naval surf. Ilioubtless the Admiralty alive to the importance of quiekly arming oar ships; with tilled cannon, but whether Penrose:. chilled shoe easeshard- ed wrought iron *steel is used, the pro. jo des will be found ineoad ensile ander all etre instances, without the necessity fur iron bearere ate! other nice appleseces which . would I., of tittle value in Itellittig in • sea nay.- Army and Nary tiarette •-•-•-•-•-•-+.410.411•••••.- T he netheeities heve at Met taken atop" to put • loop to the infamous prmetee enpreag .nen 6.r the American army. A noose of Water Police, under Coxswain Fan- ning, Were dieeetelved yeeteriley to Roe/mood with full authority Inert in remeert with the nieginIntten there, end tn mareh the dere ea them upestel tripe. A strict enrveillance will he kept on the amati of them meet noted the erimping Itesiuse Two of them ham ere into trnahle at Sherbrooke, ftee1 ass in jail, where they rim lately to remain snot. time, hail hnving Nen refnerel. The preened, ^l • f"*"1. th^ in",1 "4"I • 1•"*-- I ror h44 Quebec .Veme. will be pot an end to If on retell:: C.a.- The men tit' the 17th R.-gin:sent lave already commere eat doweling from Geoid ton. The plan weipoel hy nee of the advance party the other day, as related by the st. Cetbarines Journal. is certainly a novel one - ef the soldiers of the 47 Itegenent escaped across the .Suspension Bridge, at Clifton, on Saturdsy lest, itt • very Ade& and clever manner. le the after. noon of that day. a man wheeling • wheel - harrow, With a hand 011 it, approached the Melee un this side, and on paying the word fee, or course was permitted to pass amen- tioued, the ' leek out party ' not payieg the elighiest steentiou hi him or his harn-I. he cremate, he rested once or twice, but on reaching terra Armes on the • tither Mle' he threw up bin cap and gave a loud hum', then hocked in the head of the barrel. when cut ped a sold er Iler Majeetye arirevtet. el in fuil regime -melte but a little miff the cramped reeition h., bad occupied. We h re no doubt but *het that soldier too gone o the Irone to fieht fur l'nele Sane. It will rcely hi possible to repeat the ex- pel hood. ' dr iron Stance 0 TH1 MONTREAL Carters.-The carters th city struck work this morning, demanding t tte• Grand Trunk shall dis- miss the otter srea'whe le. the carting. Nut hmtent *eh ref ini to work themselves they precerded to ets Of s keenest 10 present others who are net • posed to jeir, them from eat teem on their bus . They have thee placed themselves in the wrung, deprived which might other - m. and Mid thew rioters and eon. theineeleee of sympeth ane have been felt for I *rive@ open to be treated npirato-s. We trust fie the own sakes and forlltat of the publie peace, they will take a sober ercon I thought, and alishibi from inter- rupting ili0 e who differ eith them. They alight 11.es invite a committee of mere,' els and °thereof their empleyers to meet a demo - teems from their body,here and sonsider their their greivenceo and sem what ean he done toward" alleviating the burden of the rhoinip. oly a ,thich they complete. In the risearettme it will he for the stab., ities to see that effici- ent mekt.11 are promptly taken to preserve the were pamith those who break ni- tres! 71/egrapA.Isre. Tea Ji.ne Biome Ferii.r.-Mrs. John Brown, wi low of hies whom soul is travelling on, with her seri, ltelnena, ems hie wife ma three datightere, have wri hos* mom, 'he Adirondae mountaine - where Johe's e hotly lies mouldering in the dew," tor iter with hie wins, who were ehot Ila ;well Ferry -to nerk a new home in Calif...ride. They undertook the jean." eta the overland redo, taking eith them cattle and Venom% fine-woolled sheep. There a a painfel memo red yet entifiread,thet after lea•ing Miesereri, it haing twee aarethsined thee they treee John Worries family they were permed bw guerillea, captured. robbed and murdered. the homestead is eow euepied hi Mr/. itmuif a hrethu.-Muefeigmes I rip) nwes. rrwvdeat lineoln has iww.10•11L....04 soo,,,, Rua ay "'aro itolored people " ilantaione Tbe PleeSee Pew/ lays , W. 'Era WWI hi apaseh apse receiving it, kst rareeke bib Pr soes4fsfamessen; bowl awkwwl wi pa a 044. ./ us out pout irs