HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-05-07, Page 7Thursday, May 7th, 1936 t SIHS GORRIE About twe.nty of the members of the Young People’s Union were guests of the Fordwich Young People on Friday evening. Those in charge of the C. G. I. T. group are endeavouring to get the girls into more active training for the summer months, and for this, there is a meeting called for, on Fri­ day evening of this week. Miss Greta Hyndman of Wingham spent the week-end with her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hynd­ man. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Irwin and dau­ ghter Miss Lucille of Long Branch, were Sunday guests at the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Irwin; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hyndman and sons, Harold and Allen of Wingham, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hamilton and son Jack of Toronto spent Sunday at the former’s home here, Mrs. Hamil­ ton who has been visiting her sons in Toronto for the past three months returned home with them. Mr. George McKee attended the funeral of a relative, the late Mr. Bal- lantyne in Atwood on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mayberry of Tavis­ tock, Misses Adythe and Norma Gra­ ham of Wingham spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham south of the village. Mr. and Mrs. William Wright of Wingham were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Edgar. The May meeting of the W.M.S. will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the school rooms of the church. Roll Call; My favourite verse' of Scripture. Mrs. Leppington of Harriston is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. George S. King and son Harold spent a couple of days last week with friends in London. The many friends of Miss Myrtle Short will be glad to know she is able to be home after spending the past four years at Weston. Mother’s Day Services will be held in all Gorrie Churches next Sunday. A large crowd enjoyed themselves at the party given by Mr. and Mrs. Earle Corbett on Friday evening which was held in the hall here. T.he music was all that could be desired and. held the crowd of merrymakers until -the small hours. Miss Alice and Miss Bonnie John­ ston of Guelph visited their aunt, Mrs. S. Munro, one day last week. Rev. H. Jennings of London spent & few days the latter part of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Lawrence. MiSS Ivy Lawrence visited friends in London the fore part of last week. Miss Martha Kaine spent a few days last week with friends at Clin­ ton. Mrs. E. Hastie, Mr, Sandy and Miss Jessie Hastie of Toronto spent Sun- ELMER D. BELL. B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Et& BRUSSELS, ~ • ONTARIO (Thursday and Saturday afternoon® ■at Gorrie) >7 | PROMSTiAPz" ' JU DINING ROOM '*'• •:<$ ■■ SiiSi so®/•J ^MraRl|»h£L •" ........iirfotnl. ..............,.,.riinu.ii«w~i«—»<».'i I ■**> ■*,»!■■ ; THE STAIRS Aft E fOLDEP OF WREN FLYING, TO BE MET DOWN AT LANDING PLACES’ TRIS IS THE PRINCIPAL ENTRANCE ANO MAY BE TERMED THE ZEPPELINSTRONT-DOO a —" - 111 Bl iB&wl w :&: This month two new giants of transportation will make their first crossing of the north Atlantic, the Zeppelin Hindenburg and the liner Queen Mary. The above diagram gives a graphic comparison of the ship of the air and the ship of the sea. The day with Mr .and. Mrs. Ken. Hastie. The former remained here for a week. Mrs. Bell and Marian Clarke spent the week-end with relatives in Harris­ ton. Messrs H. Cooke, C. Ramage and N. Wade attended a special meeting of the Masonic Lodge in Listowel on Friday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss Perkins visited friends in Hen- sall last Friday. Rev. A. H. O’Neil; also Mrs. Davey and Mrs. Waller of Wroxeter attend­ ed the joint Deanery Chapter held, in St Paul’s Church, Clinton on Wed­ nesday last week, when the special guest speaker was Right Rev. L. R. Sherman, Bishop of Calgary, Mr. and Mrs. A. Butchart of Guelph visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gregg and. other relatives during the week-end. Mr. Wm. Edgar and Mr. J. Robert­ son of Woodstock spent Friday ev­ ening with friends in Gorrie. Mr. Delbert Clegg Mr. Walter King and Miss J. P. Stinson visited Mrs. Clegg at London on Sunday. Miss E. Ross and Mrs. Ross spent Sunday with relatives in Kitchener. Delegates from here attending the Annual Convention of the W. A. in Cronyn Memorial Hall, London, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week are, Mrs. O’Neil and Mrs. Holmes. Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Hill, from Fordwich, also accom­ panied them, 0 Rev. A. H« O’Neil spent a few days this week with his parents in Lucan. Miss Alma Hastie of Kitchener spent the week-end with her father, Mr, James Hastie, who is Seriously ill. The choir of Gorrie United Church will firovide a program of music and drama at a tea meeting, given by Rev. George Wylie’s congregation at Ben- miller on May 25th. Rev. A, L, Thompson, of Belmore, has been appointed director of the United, Church summer school which GIANTS OF AIR AND SEA FOR TRANS ATLANTIC SERVICE BBS LZ129 is 813 feet long weighs 120 tons when loaded, lias 4,400 horse­ power, a speed of 84 miles an hour and carries a crew of 40 and has a pas­ senger capacity of 50. The Queen Mary is 1,018 feet long, weighs 80,773 gross tons has 200,000 horsepower, a meets in July at Port Elgin. School attendance figures for this community are on the up-grade. With nine beginners in Gorrie school after Easter, the attendance is now fifty- six; with thirty-one in the junior room and twenty-five in the higher classes. There is an entrance class of six. At Miss Hick’s academy, north of Gorrie, the school population is thirty-nine. Easter saw ten children added to the roll, five being begin­ ners. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and children, Helen, Gwen and George, were week-end guests at the home of Geo. Foster. W.M.S. Were Guests of Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary entertained the members of,the W.M.S. at their April meeting, which was held in the school rooms of the Church here on Thursday evening, April 23rd. The program, which was ably prepared by Miss Evelyn Stephens and Miss Laura Hicks, Was conducted by Miss Annie Douglas, opened with quiet music played by the former, and a solo by Miss Alexandria Hamilton, entitled, “Prayer Perfect’’. The Scripture les­ son, Luke 10: 25-37, was read by Miss Stephens who gave a very fine ad­ dress, basing her thoughts on the les­ son. Miss Lennox followed with the solo “Others.” The topic “The Great Commission” Was given by Miss L. Hicks, and proved a very interesting one. Miss E. Dane, president, took charge of the business, and in a few words, welcomed the guests. Items of business were transacted, and foil call answered by a verse on “Serv­ ice,” Tim meeting closed by prayer by Mrs. Fydell And all joining in the Mizpah Benediction. During a social period lunch was served. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Waft observed in the PrcSbytettAn Church here on Sunday afternoon, when five membfits joined with the Church. $ speed of 32 knots an hour, carries a crew of 1,200 and has a passenger capacity of 4,000. The diagram is by G. H. Davis and is reproduced by per­ mission of the Illustrated London News. In (2) is shown a cross sec­ tion of the interior of the new Zep­ pelin Hindenburg. Mrs. Fraser has returned home to Henfryn after visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitfield. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stephens and Mr. Mervin Stephens were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hicks, in Harriston,' on Sunday. BORN—On Sunday, May 3rd, in Listowel Memorial Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton, a daughter. The morning theme at the Moth­ er’s Day service in the United Church will be “A Generation that Knew not God,” and the evening subject will be “A Mother’s Sermon” based on Ian MacLaren’s story in “The Bon­ nie Briar Bush.” Special Mother’s Day music is being prepared b.y the choir. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Galbraith of Orangehill, spent a few days last week with their son, Mr. Anson and Mrs. Galbraith. CHURCH CLUB HELD FINAL MEETING Fifty members and friends attetid- the season's final entertainment of St. Stephens Church Club, which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor on Thursday evening of last week. In the season’s attendance compet­ ition, of which Harold King and Carl Dinsmore were captains, the former side won out by a small margin therefore they supplied the program for Thursday evening last, while the losing side supplied a bountiful lunch­ eon which was served at the close of the evening. The meeting opened with prayer by the President, Miss ivy Lawrence and Hymn “The Church’s one Foun­ dation is Jesus Christ,” followed by a reading of the Scripture Lesson, St, John, 15th chap. 144 verses by Joe Earn gey. Very encouraging reports wete then made by the seetelafy, Miss Nellie Dinsmore and the treasurer, Robert Wade, after which Rev. O’Neil spoke a few words of commendation, and also inspiration for the future. He also introduced Rev. Jennings of London, and his subject, after which Mr. Jennings spoke on condit­ ions and missionary work in the far North and to which he expects to go and preach very soon, having ac­ cepted a call to go about 2,000 miles north of Edmonton and north of the Arctic Circle. Miss Nellie Dinsmore Miss Blythe Underwood and Mrs. Frank King sang a very pretty trio, accompanied on the piano by the lat­ ter, and also music by Harry King on the banjo and Mrs. F. King on the piano. A contest and games were then enjoyed. The meeting closed by sing­ ing “Auld Lang Syne.” YOUNG PEOPLE HAD FINE MEETING The regular meeting of the Gorrie Young People was held in the school­ rooms of the church on Wednesday evening last week, and was opened by quiet music played by Miss Ev­ elyn Stephens. The theme of the worship service was “Living” and was led by the vice president, Miss Dorothy Edwards, and opened the meeting with the hymn, “Saviour Blessed Saviour.” The Scripture Lesson was taken by Miss Bernice Day read the Beatitudes, followed by prayer by the leader after which the hymn, “O Life that makest all things new” was sung. Miss Dorothy Edwards read a poem, entitled “Life in Ourselves,” which was in keeping with the theme, and was followed by the familiar hymn, “He Liveth Long who Liveth well” which was read in unison. Mr. Harold Robinson then gave a splendid ad­ dress on the topic for the meeting “Practice.” The meeting closed by singing “Abide with me,” and prayer by the pastor, Rev. Fydell, and all repeating the Mizpah Benediction. INSTITUTE TO MEET MAY 13th The Gorrie Women’s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Cole on Wednesday, May 13. The guest speaker for the day will be Mrs. Earl Toner who will speak on “House Plants.” Roll Call will be payment of fees and an exchange of flower seeds, slip or roots will be another feature of the meeting. Visitors are always welcome. WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rogers of De­ troit were week-end guests with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Paulin. Miss Jessie Paulin accompan­ ied them to Detroit where she will visit for a couple of weeks. Messrs G. A. Wearfing, D. D. Sand­ erson and Wm. Gibson were Toronto visitors during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin and daughter Edythe, spent Saturday with London friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm aud son Gerald, and Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Stocks visited friends in Toronto on Sunday, Messrs Arnold, and Alvan Edgar of London called on friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cooper and family of Listowel were Sunday visit­ ors with Mr .and Mrs. I. S. Durst. A play “The Road Back” a comedy drama in three acts, will be presented in the Town Hall here on Friday, May 15th, by members of the Listowel A. Y. P. A., under the auspices of the Ladies’ Guild of the Anglican church, Don’t fail to see it. Mr. John Muir of Stratford is at present visiting his brothers in town. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAllister and daughter of Ethel , were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kitchen. Messrs Dr. Ball, V. McDonald, E. Ball and Cliff White went on a fish­ ing trip up North recently. Mr. Andy Canada the gardener who spent the winter in Bruce County, returned last week and is now busy at gardens. Two car-loads of stock left here on Saturday for Toronto. Miss Margaret McTavish, Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. Mc­ Tavish. Mr. Stanley Fraser and Mr. Will Fraser, both of Ridgetown, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lovell. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elliott and son, Guelph, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hooper on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hainstock of Fordwich, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Miss Enza Gibson, R.N., also Mr. Charles Schaefer, both of Fordwich, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stocks, also Mr. and Mrs. Harney Timm and son, Gerald, spent Sunday and Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann spent the week-end in London with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rann. Mrs. Alex. MacLeod and daughter, Margaret, are Toronto visitors this week. Dr. and Mrs. Spence, of Toronto, spent the week in town. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar, of Gorrie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munroe, also Mrs. Janies Stutt attended the Mun­ roe - McDougall wedding in Hamil­ ton on Saturday. Congratulations and good wishes are extended by many friends in this community to Dr. John Munroe, of Copper Cliff, and his bride (nee Miss Alice R. McDougall, Hamilton) who were married in Hamilton on Satur­ day. We regret to know that Mr. Jim Harris is seriously ill at his home, and trust he may soon improve. Bride and Groom Showered A large jmlnber of ^neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Air. and tytrs. A. J. Hooper in honor t>f theit/son, Alfred, and his bride, (h<e Daisy Nicholson, of Bluevalc), Many gift.4 accompanied the good wishes expressed, showing the high^Cstedtn in whfljh the young cogpK arc held. Dancing Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hooper will make their home on 2nd of Turnberry, Young People’s Union Missionary Work among the Ind­ ians, was the topic ably given by Miss Betty Hopper at the regular Mon­ day evening meeting of the Y.P.U- .Howard Leggitt presided and opened the meeting .by the singing of Sun of My Soul, The Scripture lesson was read by Minerva Higgins and Rev- Mr. Grant led in prayer. “All the way my Saviour leads” was the second hymn and the meeting closed with, the Mizpah Benediction. Mother’s Day Service On. Sunday morning next at 10 o’clock, Sunday School hour and also the morning service, will be special for Mother’s Day. All are cordially invited to both services. The follow­ ing Sunday will be observed as Fath­ er and Son’s Day. The pastor, Rev. A. M. Grant, will be the speaker on both occasions, and there will be spec­ ial music by the choir. LAWN BOWLERS HAVEORGANIZED Mr. T. G. Hemphill Is President Devotees of lawn bowling in Wrox- •eter, held an enthusiastic meeting and organized a club, also electing the, following officers: President, T. G, Hemphill; vice-president, Dr. A. Mc­ Leod; secretary-treasurer, J. L„ Hembly; grounds and social commit­ tees were also appointed. It is some years since lawn bowling was carried on in Wroxeter as an active sport* and the players are anxious to revive it. Mr. Hemphill has donated a free site on the river bank and. has prom­ ised a water supply. The fees were fixed at $5 for gentlemen and $3 for ladies, with a charge of $7 per married couple. WROXETER INSTITUTE ELECTEDOFFICERS Mrs. J. Adams Elected President The annual meeting of the Wroxe­ ter Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. Lovell, with Mrs. J. Adams in the chair. Mrs. Mc­ Naughton took the chair for the elect­ ion of officers. Instead of the usual ballotting a nominating committee was formed at the last meeting. The following officers were nominated and elected: President, Mrs. J. Adams; first vice-president, Mrs. W. McLean; second wice-president, Miss Hazelwood; sec-treas., Mrs. Russell' , Rae; branch directors, Mrs. Stocks,. Mrs. Denny; district directors, Mrs. I J. J. Allen; press sec., Mrs. McNaugh­ ton; pianist, Mrs. J. N. Allen; lunch committee, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Wylie; program, Mrs. Legatt, Mrs. White; flower committee, Mrs. Waller. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. McLaughlin and Mrs. McNaughton, served lunch.' A. Y. P. A. The regular meeting of the A.Y.P. A. which was in the form of a Liter­ ary evening, was held at the home of Miss Edythe Martin on Tuesday ev­ ening of last week. The meeting con­ ducted by the president, opened with the singing of the hymn “Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love,” after which Mrs. O’Neil led in prayer .The Scrip­ ture lesson,. Acts 10th chapter was read by Jessie Paulin. During the business period which followed, the treasurer gave a most encouraging report and the result of the attendance contest showed the side with Lily Waller, as captain, the winners. It was decided that the A.Y. P. A. quilt would be put on display and the ticket on this quilt would be drawn at the play being held on May 15th. Jeanette Adams gave a reading entitled “Lost—An Appreciation of Beauty.” The topic on “Tony Wons” was in charge of Lily Waller, while Rev. A. H. O’Neil gave a short talk of Sir Walter Scott, and Margaret Davey read Some poems by Edgar Guest. Edythe Martin favoured with, an intrumetital. The singing of the hymn “Come Gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove,” and prayer by the rector brought the meeting to a close. A social time was enjoyed while a contest on “Proverbs” was tried and lunch was served by the hostess. For The Best Eye Service CONSULT F. F. HOMUTH Eyesight Specialist Phone 118« Harriston