HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-05-07, Page 4page four WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 7 th, 19365 1OC3OC lj cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. ^nr-tni '' .................................. ‘OEIOlS=SSSaoi=m3 A DANCE—In Kincardine Beach . and that after such date, the admin- of THESE in WANT AD’S BRING RESULTS Pavilion, Friday, May 1st. Tonyi Farr’s 8,-piece Band. Admission ■40c and 30c. FOR SALE OR RENT—Comfortable ■6-roomed house with all modern ■conveniences and good garden. Av­ ailable at once. Apply to J. H. Crawford, Wingham. FOR SALE—Pure-bred Yorkshire Pigs, weaned pigs, bred sows, and serviceable boars, sired by Grand * Champion and by prize-winning .boar. Orville Free, Dungannon, R. • R. 1, Telephone, Dungannon 14rl3.. FOR SALE—Desirable residence pro­ perty situated on Shuter St. For sale cheap to close estate. Apply R. S. Hetherington. istrator will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twentieth day of April, A.D. 1936. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. FQR SALE OR TRADE—A desir­ able home in the Town of Wing­ ham, would consider city or farm property in or near Calgary, Alta in exchange. Address Mrs. J. Ames Balzac, Alta. FOR RENT—Two dwelling houses both in good condition, situated on Frances St. Rent $15 per month. Possession May 1st. Apply R. S. Hetherington. _____ LOST—Between Wroxeter and Sal­ em, tire, rim and carrier. Finder rewarded. Phone Wroxeter 32. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of tile Estate of Catherine Ann Peterman, late of the Town of Wingham in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Catherine Ann Pet­ erman, are required to send particu­ lars of their claims, duly verified, to the undersigned, being the solicitor for the Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, on or before the ninth day of May, A.D. 1936, and that after such date, the executor will proceed4’ to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twentieth day of April. A.D, 1936. J*----------------------- 1 MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route I of 800 families, Write today. Raw­ leigh, Dept. ML-453-SA-E, Mont­ real, Canada. _______| RED BRICK BUNGALOW, beauti- , fully finished, up-to-date in all res­ pects. Apply to T. Fells.________ WANTED—Cattle to pasture for the summer. ’’'Phone 60SR5. W. Joseph Henderson, Bluevale Road. W. BUSHFIELD, _ Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. MORTGAGE SALE WORK WANTED — Man requires work by day or week. Apply Harry Newell, Phone 377. TENDERS Tenders will be received up until May 16th, 1936, for the erection of a ■new School in U.S.S. No. 13, Howick. Plans and specifications can be seen at the home of the Sec.-Treas., Lot 9, Con. A., Howick. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. Doubledee, Secy., R. R . 1, Wroxeter, Ont. .. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Of Valuable Town Property The undersigned has received Of Valuable Property in the Town­ ship of Howick in the County of Huron. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the powers of sale contained in a cer­ tain mortgage which will be produc­ ed at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at The Anglo-American Hotel, in the Village of Gorrie, on Monday, the 18th day of May, A.D. 1936, at 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon, by T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer, the following properties, namely: FIRSTLY: Lot No. 147 in the Vil­ lage of Howick as laid down on a registered plan of said Village by William Roth, P.L.S., dated the 15th day of May, A.D. 1S56, said parcel containing one-fifth of an acre more or less, including all buildings that are or may be erected on the said lands with the beds, bedding, electric lights, and equipment now in the said buildings. SECONDLY: In the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, in Thomas Irwin’s Survey- of part of Lot 1 in the “A” Concession of the said Township, and being firstly: The whole of the northern portion of lot number 1 fronting on Culross street and having a uniform depth Culross street of 116 feet, 6 : The east part of lot The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by Public Auction cm Thursday, May 21st, at 2 p.m. at the office of J. H. Crawford, Wing­ ham, the following property in the Town ot Wingham, and being the 3Vest halves of Lots 39 and 40 on the **east “side ot Minnie Street in Mary Cornyn's Survey. t This property IS splendidy located and. there is situate thereon a ten- roomed frame house and three-car garage. To close an estate it is be­ ing offered at a greatly reduced price. Full particulars and conditions of sale may be had on application to the TjattHS this fifth ihv nf Mav A. D • ?a*d to be located a 2-storey brick UA1EU this tilth ua> or .uaj, A.IV. A no-in-American from . __, _ inch­ es; Secondly: The east half of the south part of lot 2 on Howick Street in the said Thom­ as Irwin’s Survey, (Village of Bel­ more) and Thirdly: Lot number 1 on the said Howick Street in the said Village of Belmore, containing by ad­ measurement three-quarters of an ac­ re more or less, saving and excepting that portion of the northwest corner of said lot formerly sold and convey- ‘ ed to one Sterling Haskins. i On the firstly described parcel is 1936. J, H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ont., Solicitor tor Administrator. T .R. BENNETT, Wingham, Ont., Auctioneer. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY i hotel known as The Anglo-American Hotel containing 16 rooms. The building is said to be in a good state of repair with registers in each room, and at the rear of the property is a | stable and garage. I ofTake notice that a Court _ vision will be held in Bluevale on Tuesday, the 26th dav of May, 1936, at 3 o’clock Assessment R. GRAIN, Reeve. in the afternoon on the | Roll of 1936. W. R. CRUIKSHANK, Clerk. | NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of| John Wood, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Hur- ■ on, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all j creditors and others having claims! against the Estate of the late John 1 Wood, arc required to send particu- i Iftrs of their claims, duly verified, to.' the undersigned, being the solicitor ■ for the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the •ninth day of May, A.D. 1936, and that after such date, the administrator will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims^ of Which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twentieth day of April, A.D. 1936. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. On the secondly described parcel is said to be a 1 and 1'2 storey frame building used as a store and dwell­ ing. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on appli­ cation to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, 24th dav of April, A.D. 1936. T. R. BENNETT, Wingham. Ont., Auctioneer. ' J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ont., Vendor’s Solicitor. tory. Reeve Davidson suggested that a man be sent around town to raise blocks of sidewalk pavement where necessary and to make minor repairs. Councillor Crawford spoke about the water that collected in a low spot in front of the Elliott store. This matter was left to the street commit­ tee to deal with. Reeve Davidson brought up the matter of the low sidewalk in front of Ed. Nash’s service station and Armstrong’s blacksmith shop. It was decided to procure an estimate for this work. Councillor Thomson had received a request from Mrs. Richard Clegg that no parking signs be placed in front of her home. Moved by Councillors Hetherington and Thomson that the police be in­ structed to erect no parking signs be­ tween the telephone poles in front of Mrs. Clegg's property on the north side of Patrick St.—Carried. Councillor VanWyck stated because of the change in managers of the Bell Telephone he could not give a report or recommendation regarding fire telephones. Reporting for the Cemetery com­ mittee, Reeve Davidson stated that the committee had visited the ceme­ tery and had decided to level section E this year. Dirt was needed to carry on this work and they have asked for tenders and Gordon Godkins tender of 45c for hauling was accepted. He reported that the windmill was not working as it should due to the tall trees. It was decided to call for ten­ ders for a gas engine and pump. A tender had been received from C. W. Bushfield, $115 for the equipment and he would allow $40 for the wind­ mill. Tenders were also called for the erecting of a pump house. Moved by Councillors Lloyd and Wilkinson that Mr. Bushfield’s tender for engine and pump be accepted and that the tender of Edgar Paterson for the erecting of a pump house for the sum of $50 also be accepted.—Car­ ried. * A letter was read from Town Soli­ citor Bushfield stating that the coun­ cil had the authority to stop dogs running at large from May 1st to Sept. 30th, or for all year round if they so desired. Council had considerable discussion regarding the tieing up of dogs'but the majority were not in favor of the idea. Mr. Bushfield was instructed to prepare a by-law for the next meeting of the council in regard to restricting dogs. Mr. Bushfield was present and answered some questions regarding this matter. Moved by Councillors Lloyd and VanWyck that the following be ap­ pointed members of the Court of Re­ vision for 1936, Mayor Hanna, Reeve Davidson, Councillors Crawford, Thomson and Hetherington. Moved by Councillors Hethering­ ton and Thomson that the first meet­ ing of the Court of Revision be held May 26th at 8 p.m. in the council chambers. ' Councillor Thomson- brought up the matter of a place to dispose of old cars and other refuge which was sat­ isfactorily arranged. Moved by Councillors VanWyck and Wilkinson that all garbage and refuge be cleared away by May 24th. Reeve Davidson brought up the matter of having the colored lights on the streets again this year. The cost of same is $20 per month. Moved by Councillors Wilkinson and Thomson that the colored lights be lighted during the summer months. —Carried. Celasuede Lingerie Distinctive styled Lingerie for those who appreciate quality; range covers vests, bloomers, panties; colors, White and1 Tea Rose. 7Q_ Priced ..................... / </ C Stylish Hand Bags Choice of Crepe, Leather, etc.; under-arm and other styles in wide choice. Priced from 1.00 to 3.95 Gay Spring Flowers Such as Violets, etc,, in large variety and! combinations of col­ ors. No costume is complete without a bouquet of some type. Priced from 29c to 75c Silk Gloves An outstanding range in these artificial silk gloves, distinctive in quality and styling. Sizes 6 Priced 49Cto l«00 Fine Kid Gloves A pair of smart Gloves to com­ plete a Spring Ensemble, shown in most popular shades. Sizes 6 to 7’/2. I no Pair ............................ LtJO Lucky Seven Hose Mother would appreciate a gift such as this. Choice of Service weight or Chiffon. A clear hose of pleasing weight, styling and .................95c Satin Slips White satin slips, shown with laGe or faggotting trim; sizes 32 to 44. I A QEach............................ 1.30 Satin pantie to match f AA above. Each'............. JLeVV Limited John Harman, 2 mistakes. Janet Woods, Teacher. this CARD OF THANKS Mr. Wm. Millar and brothers, D. D„ and J. F., wish to thank most sincerely, the Wingham Hospital Board, Doctors, Nurses and manv friends, for their great kindness through many years, to our neice, Miss Ella Millar, who after much suf- | fering and patient waiting, passed to | her reward on April 16th. ASSESSOR HANDED ROLL TO COUNCIL NOTICE TO CREDITORS! IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Mary Ellen Love,, late of the Town­ ship of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Widow, deccas- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late Mary Ellen Love, are required to send par­ ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to the undersigned, being the solicit­ or for the Administrator of the es­ tate of the said deceased, on or be- •fore the ninth day of May, A.D, 1936, (Continued from Page One) the town hall are in dangerous con­ dition and would, be repaired. He brought up the matter of a donation to the baseball club for fixing dia­ mond at the park. Moved by Councillors Thomsom and Hetherington that $35.00 be given the Baseball Club to be expended on the park grounds.—Carried. For the Street committee Coun. Thomsom reported that the streets had been cleaned Atand were in good shape. This spring no sewers or Cel­ lar deaths had given trouble. A ditch had been repaired near Cook’s fac­ SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of the examinations held at S.S. No. 11 East Wawanosh. The pupils were tested in arithme­ tic, spelling, writing, reading, litera­ ture, history, art hygiene, geography, composition, grammar. Honors 75%. Pass 60%. Sr. IV—June Irwin 75.9%. Jr. IV—Martha Smith 62.4. Sr. Ill—Dorothy Pattison 66.9. Sr. II—Gwendolyn Irvin 67.3. Ruby Smith 51.7. Pr.—Jack Shiell, Audrey Irvin, Ell- mer Shiell, Florence Smith. Number on the roll 9. Average at­ tendance 8.5, Jessie E. Finlayson, teacher. John Mab- 65%, Leila S.S. No. 8, Morris Sr. IV—Della Thynne 87%, Harmon 83%, Lyla Smith 79%, el Harmon 67%, Florence Goll Wilfred Warwick 62%. Jr. IV—- Evelyn Turvey 77%, Agar 71%. Sr. Ill*—Bob Fraser 63%, Clarke Thynne 60%. 11 Jr. Ill—Helen Turvey 67%, Bar­ bara Thynne 69%, Helen Sellers 51%, Getta Smith 48%, Helen Gibb 58%*, Isabel Gibb 54%*, II—Vernon Hamilton 45%. Sr. I—Lillian Smith 82%, Jimmy Cameron 66%. Primer—Shirley Agar 84%, Dor­ othy Fraser 80%. ♦-—Missed some examination. Highest spelling score in term — The following is the report of the Easter examinations held at ,S. S. No. 11, East Wawanosh. The pupils were tested in the following subjects, Spelling, arithmetic, grammar, writ­ ing, reading, literature, art, hygienes, composition, history, geography. Honours 75 per cent. Pass 60 per cent. Sr. IV—June Irwin 75.9%. Jr. IV—Martha Smith 62.4%. Sr. Ill—Dorothy Pattison 66.9%. Sr. II—Gwendolyn Irwin 67.3%, Ruby Smith 51.7%. Primer—Jack Shiell, Audrey Ir­ win, Elmer Shiell, Florence Smith. Number on the roll 9. Jessie E. Finlayson, teacher. U. S. S. No. 12 E. and W. Wawanosh for March and April Those marked with an * were ab­ sent for one or more examinations. V—Howard Martin 58.9. Sr. IV—Raphael St. Marie 71.1; Arthur Ramage 71. Jr. IV—Annie Taylor 77.8*; Rus­ sell Phillips 67.8; Percy Ramage 65.1; Gordon Taylor*. Sr. Ill—Lorene McGuffin 78.6; Ro- zella Phillips 78.2; George McGee 74.9*; Wilfred Ramage 66.6; Harold Taylor Taylor 59.9*. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily May 14 to 28, 1936 Return Limit: 45 Days. Approximately ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches only SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES Passage Tickets also on sale, good in: (a) Tourist sleeping cars at approxi­ mately lJ4c per mile, plus regular berth fare. (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately 11/jc per mile, plus regular seat or berth fare. ROUTES—Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., Chicago, Ill., or Sault Ste. Marie, re­ turning via same route and line only. Generous optional routings. STOPOVERS—within limit of ticket, both going and returning—at Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., and west ;also at Chicago, Ill.; Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and west, in accofd- ance with tariffs of United States lines. Full particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific Jr. Ill—Ada Dow 76*; Eileen Snell 71,6; Feme McGuffin 61.7; Ross Jam­ ieson 48.4; Lucelle St. Marie 46.7. Sr. II—Lois Webster 86. Jr. II—Ruth Irvin 79.6; Kenneth Barbour 75.6; Lansley McGuffin 58.2*; Tom Johnson 52,3*; Isabel Phillips 51.2. I—David Johnson 59*. Er.—Dorene Irwin; Eva Dow; Jack Jamieson; Helen Barbour; John John­ son; Vyetta Phillips.. Teacher, C. L. McBurney. ed last week with friends here. Mrs. John Falconer of Wingham,, visited friends here last Wednesday. Mr. James Burns underwent an operation for the removal of his ton­ sils in Wingham General Hospital on Saturday, His many friends for his speedy recovery. MINUTES—or wish JAMESTOWN We are pleased to have Mrs. Will Edgar and girls home again. Mr. John Miller and family have moved to Wingham Junction. Miss Anna Dobie was off duty last week with the measles. Glad to see Mr. Ben Hislop is out again after his severe illness, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Green and boys have moved to the boundary to the farm recently vacated by Mr. Wm. Campbell. Miss Berva Parr spent Sunday af­ ternoon pith her parents, Milton and Mrs. Parr, 8th Grey. Mrs. James Wallace returned home to Detroit a few days ago. Mr. Stanley and Mervin Grainger visited with their brother, Mr. Cecil Grainger, Gorrie on .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chad Henning and Mildred, spent Sunday at the home of Allan and Mrs. McKercher, Mrs. Walter Savage is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Hayden, Turnberry. Jamestown Sunday School re-open­ ed May 3rd, with a large attendance present. On account of the heavy rainstorm on Saturday, the farmers in surround­ ing district were kept from seeding for a few days. TURNBERRY Mr. Geo. Lowey Mr. Norman Low- ey and Neil visited friends here on Monday last. Mr. Mervin Deeves and Mark Gar­ diner, visited over the week end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Champion and Mr. Richard. Carter, visited over the week end with friends at Lucknow. Mr. Jas. Owens of Teeswater visit- GLENANNAN Van- and Messrs. Ronald and Russel Camp, also Jack Willetts, Mr. Mrs. Harry Wright and baby Marie, also Miss Dorothy Wright were Sun­ day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, H, Marshall. Mrs. Angus Stewart of Wingham, visited last week with her daughter, Mrs. Rich Jeffray. Mrs. Thomas Metcalfe spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R, Bennett, Wingham. Mr. R. J. Barton of Fergus was a recent visitor with friends on the tenth. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Marshall visit­ ed Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huggan, Brussels. Miss Mary Forgie visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Rich Jeffray. Mrs. David Eadie entertained the ladies of the Women’s Institute on Friday afternoon. HOURS? FtAKES The breakfast your family likes • best is the easiest to serve! Kel­ logg’s Corn Flakes — crisp and. wholesome — are fully cooked and toasted. Ready to eat in an instant. Save hours of toil with this tempting, economical en­ ergy food. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Nothing takes the place of- CORN FLAKES ForcedSale ST. HELENS Mrs. Wm. Gallagher of Norwood, and Mrs. Annie Hynes of Peterboro, E. J. Thom and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Thd Citizenship committee with Isobel Miller convener had charge of the meeting of the Y.P.A. on Sunday evening. Harry Swan read the scrip­ ture lesson and Goldwin Purvis the Bible characters. The topic “How we got our Bible” was taken by Iso­ bel Miller. Mr. Gordon, Mr. Robinson Woqds, Mr. Ranger, Misses M. C. Rutherford and Isobel Miller attended the W.M. S. Presbyterial held at Clinton Tuesday. DRESSES AND HATS — at — BURK’S STORE Unheard of Prices. Goods taken for unpaid rent. Cosens & Booth last MORRIS We are pleased to report that Mrs. Rev. Robb is recovering from her re­ cent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallagher spent a few days with Dr. Best and Mrs. Hetherington of Brampton. S. S. No. 10 Morris was closed for a week, owing to the teacher, Miss Anna Dobie having the measles. Mother’s Day program is being well prepared, so be on hand next Sunday at the various churches. Several of the village L.O.L. Bre- thern assisted the Brussels Brethern at the Royal Arch degree. These special values effective for May 7th, 8th and 9th HABITANT TOMATO C Ready-Cut Bulk Macaroni 4lbs X / Glassco’s Pure Orange Marmalade Sliced Singapore Pineapple ZTiosZX £“Z1C Glassco’s Plum Jam nr-23< DOMINO FOODS SOUP Catelli’s Cooked SPAGHETTI KRAFT CHEESE Q VELVEETA . & CHATEAU CHEESE 16-oz. Tin 10< NEW CANADIAN Cheese 2lbs29< BAKING POWDER Weston’s Ginger SNAPS Special Strong BROOMS Each PEANUT McLaren’s Butter &~2T KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES SOAP FLAKES . 3 «>s. jQc Ogilvie Minute _ MOATS p><g 24< Sardines’ 2Tins25( Ready To Eat SHREDDED ~WHEAT * pkgs' Tender Leaf TEA Seleoted and picked by Chase & Sanborn distributors 12-02, Pkg. 49c Ex 1O< 25< BAYSIDE Choice No. 4 Sieve PEAS 1OC «n2 Libby’s, Clark’s, Aylmer Tomato Juice Hawes* Lemon Oil 12-oz. Bot. 23<I White Satin Pastry Flour Choice Cuban Pine­ apples, Size 24’s .................. 2 for 35c Fresh Asparagus ..................2 lbs. 35c Fresh Green Peas .......----------2 lbs. 19c DOMINION STORE5 /J