HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-05-07, Page 3Thursday, May 7th, 1936 said, following a conference with Prime Minister King and Federal Cabinet Ministers. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES SA LADA" ■Ml ■■ JkTEA U.S, to Build Large Navy Washington—A peacetime record, $531,068,707 naygl appropriation bill, formally labelled as aimed toward a navy second to none, was started through the United States House of Representatives. from a joist in the barn of his father- in-law, Robert Burns, with whom he resided. He stood on a box in the barn, with a rope around his neck and then kicked the box away. He had been despondent for some time. He leaves a wife and two children, inquest will be held, i May Adjust C.N.R, Capital Ottawa—Readjustment of the capi­ tal structure of the Canadian Nation­ al Railways, involving the elminina- tion of $1,500,000,000 duplicate liabili­ ties and losses which appear on the books of the railway and the public accounts of the Dominion of Canada, is receiving the attention of the Ca­ binet. Mitchell Races May 25 The annual meeting of the Mitchell Turf Club was held with a good re­ presentation present. It was decided to hold sports on May 25 including horse* races on three classes, namely 2.27 pace, 2.20 pace and a 2.14 pace; also several outside attractions. C. P. R. Pay off Loan Montreal.—'Eight checks totalling in-value no less a sum that $36,755,630 changed hands when the Canadian Pacific Railway paid off the balance in principal and interest due of the $60,000,000 loan contratced in 1933 and guaranteed by the Dominion Government at that time. Wheat Policy Loss $22,630,000 Ottawa—Cost to the Dominion Treasury of losses incurred from the wheat policy in effect during the past five years was given as $22,630,000 by Finance Minister Dunning in his Bud­ get speech. This, does not include any losses from marketing the crop. 1935 Say McFarland Excuded Authority Ottawa—Charges that John I. Mc­ Farland, former Chairman of the Can­ adian Wheat Board, had exceeded his authority when he purchased wheat options in the Winnipeg pit after the board was formed on Aug. 14, 1935, were made in the Commons Commit­ tee on Wheat Marketing. Italy Anxious to Celebrate Vitcory Rome—While unexpected difficul­ ties retarted the Italian army’s des­ cent upon Addis Ababa, pent-up Fas­ cist eagerness to celebrate the war’s climax' burst its bounds. The conviction that climax of the ‘war had particularly widespread Italy. Authoritative sources strove to check the advance celebrations, sug­ gesting it might be “seven or eight days” before Marshal Pietro Badog- lio’s columns enter the capital of Em­ peror Haile Selassie. a dramatic arrived was in Northern To Investigate Land Settlement Ottawa—An investigation of land settlement scheme, where relief families are placed on farms, will be conducted before the next session of Parliament, Labor Minister Rogers announced. He intended to visit settlements for first-hand knowledge and to assist him in concluding whether the scheme should be retained, expanded or abandoned. the city Objects to B.N.A. Act Changes Ottawa—The Senate heard George Lynch-Staunton (Con., Hamilton) re­ gister objection to any action of the British Parliament which would give Canada the right to amend the British North America Act. Dr. Robertson out of Hospital Halifax—Dr. D. E. Robertson, of Toronto, rapidly recovering from the effects of imprisonment in the Moose River gold mine, left hospital here Friday and moved to a hotel under care of a nurse. Alfred Scadding, his companion for ten days underground, remained in hospital for further treat­ ment' of “trench feet.” Royal Grain Probe? Ottawa—A Royal Commission to report to the Government on the best method of dealing with the wheat situation arid surpluses is likely to be the outcome of the commons com­ mittee investigation, which will short­ ly be concluded. More Charges Against Toronto Police Ex-constable W. J. Watt, who charged that there existed a “brother­ hood of thieves” on the Toronto po­ lice force, has levelled new allegations against polilce administration of Tor­ onto, it was revealed at recent ses­ sion of the Board of Police Commis­ sioners. Re-eletced Boy Scout President Montreal—Sir Edward Beatty was re-elected President of the Boy Scouts Association of Canada at the annual meeting here. Lord Tweedsmuir is the Chief Scout. Complete Trans-Canada Highway by 1938 Ottawa—A passable trans-Canada highway could be completed by the fall of 1938 at a cost of approximate­ ly $10,000,000 nient, Labor the House of The House 527,125 for work in the no thought this year. to the Federal Govern- Ministier Rogers told Commons. approved a vote of $3,- trans-Canada present year. of completing highway There is the road New King Saluted Dover, England—A royal salvo of twenty-one guns rang out for King Faroulk I here as Egypt’s new Sov­ ereign sailed for Calais on the French ship Cote d’Azur en route Egypt to mount the throne of his late father, Fuad. Vice-Admisal Sir E. C. Evans and an honor guard of the Seaforth High­ landers welcomed the 16 year old monarch here. The Cote d’Azur fly­ ing the Egyptian ensign escorted to Calais by a British destroyer. New Set Up for Loan Council Ottawa—Recast Loan Council ma­ chinery which will be more acceptable to Western Provinces, which now owe the Federal Government $116,- 500,000, will be set up, and the Dom­ inion Parliament will proceed with a constitutional amendment to vali­ date certain taxes imposed by the Provincial Governments, Hon Charles Dunning, Minister of Finance, an­ nounced. comfort and will recommend CRESS CORN & BUNION SALVES Price 50c n jnr. Mode in Canada Sold by r.0 DruRhndDept Stores Distributed by Harold . F liitcliiB & Company Ltd., Toronto. King Appointed Duke of ConnaUght London—The King,appointed his great-uncle, the Duke of Connaught, to be the first of his personal aides- de-camp. Another mark of esteem was ac­ corded the Duke, the only living son of Queen Victoria and former Gov­ ernor-General of Canada, when he was proclaimed Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Free-Masons for the thirty-sixth time. To Construct Roads to Mining Area Ottawa—Agreement has been reach­ ed with the Dominion Government for joint construction of roads into mining areas where known ore bodies exist, Premier Hepburn of Ontario NEWS of the DISTRICT 3 S Nail Pierces Foot Frank Johnston, Holyrood farmer, suffered a painful injury when he ran a five-inch spike into his foot. He was give anti-tetanus treatment. Fell into Well Ralph, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rundle, who recent­ ly moved from this community to London Township, had a narrow es­ cape from drowning, when he fell down a well. He was playing with his elder brother and they removed the covering to the well and the lit­ tle lad had fallen in.- The other be­ came frightened and replaced the top. and ren slid found the child in about five feet of water clinging to the pipe with head and arms above water. The well is about 24 feet deep but the child had been uninjured in the fall. The dive in the cold water was an unpleasant experience but fortunately there were no ill effects. —Exeter Times Advo­ cate. VITA FOOD BUILDER 1 2 3 4 It was just at the noon hour, the father looking for the child- heard the child screaming. He down the pipe in the well and Hit With Trap Door Mrs. G'eo, K. Armstrong of Culross, was going to the ground floor in their barn through a loose trap, when part way down the steps the trap fell, not having been securely placed, striking her on the back and throwing her several feet to the cement floor below, the loose door striking a pig and killing it. The injury inficted from the blow of the door, combined with that received on coming in con­ tact with the cement floor has placed the lady in a quiet serious condition, it is hoped not beyond cure. How­ ever, at the best, Mrs. Armstrong j will suffer from the accident for some time.—Exeter Times-Advocate. 5 Poultry Farm Proven. Fed to thousands and thousands of Baby Chicks, annually, ( Promotes Rapid Growth, deep yellow pigmentation and full uniform feathering. Maintains Rugged Health and Vitality; Strong, sturdy bone development — full of vim and vigor. It eliminates the Hazard and Guess-work in your Chick Feeding Program. You can feed Vitafood with full assurance that it will produce better chicks at less cost. ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD. ONTARIO I PROVED RIGHT MADE. RIGHT ; V < at tine Roe poultry Raneh ** ^^at'the-R^e Mill Represented locally by— Howson & Howson, Wingham R. J. Hueston & Son, Gome Alex. Manning, Belgrave. an interesting feature, the local pre­ sident, Frank Fingland, acknowledg­ ing the presentation. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ing in this parable that are commonly overlooked. It is part of our Lord’s discourse on His Second Coming. The latter part of the preceding chapter is a talk He had with His disciples about the end of this age and His own re­ turn; then He continues with this parable on prayer. The time just pre­ ceding His return. He said, will be a time when conditions will be like those of Sodom, and like the days of Noah; in both cases God had to visit swift, sudden, and destructive justice upon those who were rejecting Him. And He warned His disciples that, just before His Second Coming to this earth, conditions would be such that it would seem as though God were letting wicked men have their own way, while His own people, the righteous, were being ignored, down­ trodden, persecuted until it seemed of no use to pray that justice should be done. But God wants His people, in such a time, “always to pray, and not to faint,” for He assures them that the Lord will return and execute justice on earth. ’ “Nevertheless,” said the Lord at the end of this parable, “when the Son of Man cometh shall He find faith (the faith) on the earth,” His question is a warning that His people should not let their faith collapse, but should pray patiently, prevailingly, persistently until the answer comes in the coming of the Lord Himself. It is like the passage in Hebrews 10:35-37: “Cast not away, therefore, your confidence, which' hath great re­ compense of reward . . . For ye have need of patience . . For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” Another immortal parable on pray­ er is given, contrasting the self- righteous Pharisee and the humble, broken-hearted, repentant publican. The Pharisee was thoroughly satis­ fied with himself, and he really did not pray at all, but simply meditated, or “prayed thus with himself,” as he thanked God that he was “not as other men are.” The publican—a tax-gather, hated because he had been an extortioner, grasping, all that is bad—was genu­ inely repentant, and overwhelmed by his sin, so that he could only cry out in prayer: “God be merciful to me, a sinner.” God is quick to forgive all who come to Him confessing their sin, repenting of it, and conscious of their need of salvation. A commenta­ tor has well said: “The Pharisee justified himself; God condemned him. The Pharisee said: ‘I am all right.’ God said: ‘You are all wrong.’ The publican con­ demned himself; God justified him. The publican said: ‘I am all wrong? God said: ‘You are now right in my sight.’ ” EFFECTUAL PRAYER Sunday, May 10—Luke 18:1-14 Golden Text God be merciful to me, a sinner. (Luke 18:13b.) Is it not true that a great many Christian people pray, and then “cave in” in their praying? They pray eag­ erly, hopefully, earnestly that God will do something which they feel sure it is God’s will to do. But no answer comes. They continue pray­ ing—for awhile; they go on in their prayer, somewhat faint-heartedly. Then they give up that prayer alto­ gether. They have “caved in.” The Lord Jesus had a word for such people, for “He spake a parable un­ to them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” A vernacular reading of “faint” is “cave in,” break down, collapse. When we believe that a thing ought to be done, and that it is in accord­ ance with God’s will, then we are to “pray through” until it gets done. That is praying without fainting; it is to “pray without ceasing” as Paul urged. A famous old Methodist, Peter Mc­ Kenzie was asked by a complaining Christian why his prayers were not answered. “Possibly it is because your prayers are like some promis­ sory “notes,” replied Peter; “present­ ed before they are due. Do not cease to pray.” The parable our Lord spoke, on the importance of continued and persis­ tent prayer, has troubled some people. For it tells about a woman who de­ manded justice from an unjust, un­ righteous Judge; and she kept ham­ mering away at him until he finally did what she wanted just to get rid of her. This judge, the Lord said, “fear­ ed not God, neither regarded man.” The woman, who was a widow, came to his court, and said, “Avenge me of mine adversary.” He would not do so. She kept coming. Finally he said to himself that, “because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she I weary me.” And that, said the Lord, shows that j we ought to keep on praying, even j when God does not seem to hear us. The parable should not disturb us, for the Lord explained that it gave a teaching by contrast. “Hear what the unjust judge saith,” said the Lord. Then He made the application shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Hint though He bear long with them? I Goderich Men Ordained at Huntsville Rev. William Weir, B.A., son of Magistrate Weir of Goderich, was Friday night ordained into the min­ istry of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and inducted as minister of the Huntsville Presbyterian Church, where he has labored as student minister for the past year. President of the 1936 graduating class of Knox College, Mr. Weir is well known at the University of Tor­ onto for his interest in student activi­ ties and in athletics. An all round athlete, he played inter-collegiate soc­ cer for the U. of T., and played in­ terfaculty hockey, lacrosse, basket­ ball and indoor baseball for Knox College. Last year he was elected head of the House Committee of the Knox College Undergraduates’ Asso­ ciation and for the past two years was secretary of the Knox College Missionary Society and in charge of student supply. Workman Injured While Terry Allison and Norman Hamilton were unloading logs from a truck at Edgar Lawson’s mill, Au­ burn a skid slipped striking Allison under the chin, knocking him uncon­ scious. Two teeth were broken and there was a cut requiring stitches.Clinton Lions Had Charter Night The Clinton Lions celebrated their charter night with a highly success­ ful banquet held in the town hall. About 150 were present, including visiting Lions from Windsor, Lon­ don, Stratford, Toronto, Sarnia, Pet­ rolia, Seaforth, St. Thomas and Gode­ rich. The deputy district governor, Harry Griff, Goderich presided over an en­ tertaining program which incluled a number of interesting addresses deal­ ing with Lions Club activities and musical numbers. The presentation of the charter by District Governor Reid Murduck, was SPECIAL NOTICE eon now buy THE BEST BRANDS OF PREPARED HOUSE PAINT — Plant Tree to Honor Win. Hartry A trbute to the memory of the late William Hartry, widely-known hor­ ticulturist ,was paid when members of the Seaforth Horticultural ciety planted a fine maple tree ; Seaforth Lions Club park as a orial. Mr. Hartry was for years president of the society. l Sc­ at the mem- many for 1936 Car Found in Dump Police discovered a 1936 blue Ter­ raplane coach, believed to have been stolen, abandoned in a dump at the east end of Goderich. The car had a flat tire. An Owen Sound marker HA-558 was on the rear of the car and two Woodstock license plates — S-4729 were found in the car. I I Kill 17*I Why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernpted top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure ? Insist upon one of these famous time-tested- brands for all your exterior painting. Any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty, long paint life and. economy from first to last. > There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. Proflic Sheep Profile sheep are apparently some­ what numerous this spring. Com­ menting on a recent record set in this district, J. J. Crewson, of Minto Township, states that six ewes of his flock gave birth to fourteen lambs, which is an average better than twins to each ewe. They arc Oxfords, and eleven of the lambs are still living.— Palmerston Observer. And Sherwin-Williams CANADA PAINT MARTI N’SE NOUR Early Rhubarb— jOcsDitc the fact that his hottie is near the extreme northerly limits of the town we believe tliat Mr. Henry Mogk will have no trouble in carry­ ing off the honors for early rhubarb. On Wednesday morning suite a large quantity in which was latter enjoyed stew.—Milvcrton Sun. ho picked his garden as rhubarb Chesley Man Hangs Self Stewaft McDonald, 40 committed suicide by hanging himself of Chesldy NOW is the time to repair your buildings which have been un­ avoidably neglected during trying depression times. Order your roof­ ing* before advances in the price of steal push up the price of roofing. Eastern Steel Products offers two great values in Metal Roofing 1 Rib- Roll and Tite-Lap I Each has exclus­ ive features guaranteeing Weather* tightness and easy application. They do hot Warp, shrink, crack, curl, or bulge, Ask also aboutE.S.P. Barns .... made by the foremost Company-Built Barn manufacturer in Canada. Sole Canadian manufacturers and distrl* butors of Jamesway poultry equipment. Guelph Street • Preston, Ont. Factories also at Toronto and Montreal just because was simple If an unjust tell >OU that He will tvenge them speed ly.” Tin pa ruble dr we h<>me a vital Icssoi by a s mrp ly etc'icd contrast. God ind the inju st j-udj.,'c had no til­ ing iti c omm on--excep th at both were “on the ben ch”, as it were, in the p ositi on o f ju Iging.The unjust judge cartid m thin g for r ightcousness or jtu tire but he finally yielded, did what the widow wanted, of her importunity. It justice that she wanted, judge would render justice front an unworthy motive, how much more may wo be sure that God, who is per­ fect righteousness and justice, will see that justice is done, There is a background and a mean- Shorina Our Protection Safety Deposit Boxes are maintained by this Bank at all its principal Branches* Here for a small annual rental, wills, title deeds, mort­ gages, insurance policies, bonds and stock certificates, and other valuables, may be stored under the protection of the most modern devices for the prevention of burg­ lary or loss by fire. ‘ 444 THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 J. R. M. SPITTAL - - MANAGER WINGHAM BRANCH