HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-04-16, Page 7returned
and dau-
over and
Weir of
Mrs, D,
and Mrs. Wes. Palmer
Friday with friends
and Mrs. Wm. Wade
their household effects
L. McEwen’s house on Queen
in Turn-
Thursday, April 16th, 1936
Mr. J. E. Magrath of Toronto is
■visiting his brother, Mr. Joe Magrath.
Miss McCormick of Listowel was
•a' Gorrie visitor last week.
Miss Bessie Wylie of Toronto is
.spending the Easter holidays with her
mother, Mrs. John Wylie.
Mr. Jack Toner and Miss Marjorie
Davie of Toronto spent the week-'
■end. with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Toner.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl and fam
ily of Ethel were Good Friday visi
tors of Mr .and Mrs. R. S. Clegg.
Mr. Jack Lutton and daughter Miss
Kathleen of Toronto were holiday
guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Earl.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffat and
family of Wroxeter were Good Fri
day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton and
son Bertram spent Sunday with
friends at Clifford..
Mrs. J. D. Eilsley and daughter,
Lois spent a few days this week1 with
her parents near Wingham.
’Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera spent
Easter with the latter’s mother, Mrs.
Ellis in Guelph.
Miss Edith Ritchie of Toronto
spent the week-end with her mother,
Mrs. Ritchie.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hamilton and
son Jack of Toronto spent the week
end with the former’s mother, Mrs.
C. Hamilton, who returned to the
city where she will spend a coliple
of weeks.
Mr. J. Baiers, Miss Velma, Mrs.
Howes, Miss Marie and Mr. Denny
Howes spent the week-end with rel
atives at Monkton.'
Mr .and Mrs. W. C. King and son
Earle spent a couple of days in Tor
onto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright of
Elora spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. L. F. Ashton.
Mr. Ewart Whitfield of Blyth spent
the week-end at his home here.
Miss Mae Watters of Toronto
spent the holidays with her mother,
After hours of search of the wreck
age of the transcontinental airliner
which crashed near Uniontown, Pa.,
killing 11 persons, investigators have
reported that they have been unable
to find the cause of the crash. The
theory has been advanced that the
pilot for some unknown reason miss
ed his radio guide beam, but the
wreckage was'so terribly tangled that
not anything could be definitely es
tablished about the crash which only
three survived. The above pictures
show: (1) Otto Ferguson, world-war
ace and pilot of the ill-fated air-liner,
who was killed, in the crash. (2) A
general view of the wreckage of the
airliner. (3) Co-pilot Henry C. Lew
is, who was killed. (4) Charles H.
Smith, Valley Forge Military acad-
emy cadet, who was killed,
ert G. Evans of Lancaster,
ley Forge cadet, who was killed. (6)
Crawford T. Kelly, Valley Forge ca
det, killed in the crash. (7) Donald
R. August, Valley Forge cadet, also
Pa„ Val-
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Factories also at Toronto and Montreal
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(Thursday ahd Saturday afternoons
and sons Lome
few days during
relatives in Lon-
Mrs. J. Watters.
Mrs. Steve King
and Elgin spent a
the past week with
Miss Clara King and Mr. Percy
Colmer of Toronto were Good Fri
day and week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest King.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stafford and.
children were guests of relatives in
Mitchell on Friday last.
Mr. Wm. Edgar of Woodstock visi
ted on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Black.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger and
Mr. T. Nickel were guests of the lat
ter’s daughter in Guelph on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor and
children, Clarence and Clara of Pres
ton, spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Anson Galbraith ,and also Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Guelph
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Black.
Mrs. Wilford King and Earle spent
Monday with friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Jack Bell of Kitchener spent
the week-end with her mother-in-law,
Mrs. Bell.
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Butt and
Margaret of Harrow spent Thursday
evening and Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bradnock. Elmer Butt, who also ac
companied them, was the guest of
Hector Hamilton.
Mr, and Mrs. David Dane and Mrs.
A. Miles of Toronto spent Easter
Sunday with Mr .and Mrg. Isaac
Wade and other relatives.
Master Dick Carson spent a few
days last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Irving Toner, south of Gor
Mr, and Mrs, H, Irwin and dau
ghter Lucille of Long Branch, were
Sunday guests
Mrs .Agnes
Earls of near
day with Ml and Mrs. W. King.
home, Harrow, on Monday, April 7,
after a lingering illness, in her 82nd
year. Burial took place on Wednes
day last week in London cemetery,
following a funeral service in Calvary
United Church, London.
Dance Well Attended
The Easter Dance sponsored by
Gorrie Hockey Club held in the Twp.
hall here on Monday night was well
attended and all present enjoyed the
evening. The. music supplied by
thtir’s Orchestra, of Wingham,
as Usual, the best. The dance
the wind up of a winter’s sport
much credit is due the manager,
Frank Chapman, who has given con
siderable of his time and helped the
clpb in every way possible in making
it the success it has been. The hockey
fans have enjoyed the games during
the past winter and will look forward
to next winter’s games.
Rectory, Eleanor and Betty remaining
for a few days.
Miss Blanche Irwin and Mrs. Fred
Dowdell and little daughter, of Tor
onto, spent Easter with the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hynd
Miss Jeane Grieve, of Hamilon, was
the guest of her friend, Miss Annie
Douglas, during the past week.
Mrs. A. L. Stephens and children
are spending a few days with friends
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston of
Guelph, and Mrs. M. Barron, of Har
riston, were Easter guests of Mrs. S.
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Earls and Mr. Frank
Wroxeter spent Sun
Former Minister Passes
Rev. G. W. Butt, former Pastor
the United Church here, has the sym
pathy of a large circle of friends in
of his mother, Mrs. Ahhie
widow of the Rev. William
who passed away at hla
Smoke was noticed in clouds in the
building during the service, but could
not be traced to a source. However,
when the‘meeting was dispersed, it
was found that wood and other mater
ial in the basement were smoldering
and ready to burst into flame. It was
reported serious enough to keep a
couple of men on guar.d during
rest of the night.
Easter with her parents, Mr. gnd Mrs,
D. C, Pope,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright, of Wing-
ham were Sunday visitors .with Mr*
and Mrs. Alex. Wright.
Misses Hazel and Minnie
Toronto are spending the
with their parents, Mr, and
L. Weir, of Howick.
Mr. Geo. Paulin Sr,, has
home after spending a week with
friends in Detroit.
Miss Eleanor Douglas, of Lebanon
is spending the vacation with her mo
ther, Mrs. J. Douglas,
Mr. W. A. .Sawtell spent Easter
with friends in Toronto, and Mrs.,
Sawtell and Helen who have been vis
iting there during the past week, re
turned home with him.
Miss Dorothy McDonald of
is visiting with her aunt, Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. Phillip Durst
Harriston visitors on Friday.
Miss Ruth Brown of Howick, is vis
iting with her grandparents, Mr. and.
Mrs. Geo. Paulin.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Denny spent
Sunday with friends at Fordwich.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin and son,
Glen, of Gorrie, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Rasmussen.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington
of Toronto spent Easter with Mr. and
Mrs. M. Sellers.
Miss Robertson of Wingham was a
recent guest at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs. H. Wylie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hembly and dau
ghter, Virginia, spent the week-end
with friends at Palmerston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLeod, Tor
onto, were holiday visitors with Dr.
A. and Mrs. McLeod.
Mrs. Anger of Gorrie is visiting at
the home of her son, 'Mr. Geo. Anger i at present.
Service at St. James’ Church
Special Easter Communion was cel-
on Sunday when a large number par-
ebrated in St. James’ Anglican Church
took of sacrament. The chancel was
nicely decorated with spring flowers
and potted plants. The rector, Rev.
A. H. O’Neil, chose as his text I.
Cor. ,15:52, from which he delivered
a splendid Easter message, and spec
ial Easter music was rendered by the
Additional Mroxeter on page 5.
Little Edith Hastie spent a* few
days this week with her aunt, Mrs.
Thos. MacDonald, at Molesworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cook, Clif
ford, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bell.
Miss Olive Lawrence, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lawrence.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King and dau
ghter, Miss Jean, 'of London, spent
Good Friday and the .week-end with
relatives here.
The local school will re-open on
Monday, April 20th. Interested par
ents are reminded that there will be
a class for beginners.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor, Mr. Jas.
Warrell and son, Frank, spent Eas
ter with Mr. and Mrs. Robert War
wick in Morris Township.
Very large congregations were pre
sent at all three churches in this par
ish on Sunday and enjoyed the Easter
message brought to them by their
Rector. About one hundred and eighty
persons took communion and 83 be
ing in St. Stephen’s Church. This was
the largest communion service in the
history of the chttrch. Special Ea,stet
music was enjoyed with the Easter
Anthem “Awake, Awake for Morning
Glory Breaks?*
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, M. Erskine, Phyl
lis and Jack Roe and Betty Terry of
Atwood, visited on Sunday at the
The regular meeting of the Wom
en’s Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s Ang
lican Church met on Thursday last
at the residence of Mrs. H. V.
Holmes, when the ladies worked on
quilt patches.
The meeting opened with prayer by
the president followed by Roll Call,
which was answered by a Scriptuie
verse pertaining to prayer. During the
business period Mrs. Holmes and
Mrs. O’Neil were elected to attend
the Annual meeting at London in
May aS delegates. The Scripture read
ing, St. Matt. 6th chap, verses 1-21
Was taken by Mrs. Wilf. King and
special papers were prepared and giv
en by Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Foster
and Mrs. King, the latter also closing
with the poem “Lide the Way We
Pray.” Prayers were then conducted
by the president, with all repeating
the member’s prayer and the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. A dainty lunch was
then served by the hostess and
business matters discussed. A mouth
organ selection was given by Mrs.
King, followed by a paper which was
an address given by the President in
Toronto, showing how the Women’s
Institutes may co-operate with the
Agricultural Societies. This was read
read by Mrs. Kaine.
Mrs. L. F. Ashton, then took charge
of the election of officers, and Mrs.
Bolton read the names given by the
nominating committee. The following
officers were elected for the coming
President—Mrs. Carroll Gregg.
Vice Pres.—Mrs. Wilf. King.
Secretary—Mrs. E. Sparling.
Treasurer—Mrs. V. Shera.
Press Reporter—Audrene Pyke.
District Representative — Mrs.
Pianist—Mrs. Coles.
Assistant Pianist—Mrs. P. Ashton.
Peace Convenor—Bernice Day.
Auditors—Mrs. D, Gathers, Mrs. E.
Program Committee—Mrs. J. Cath-
ers, Mrs. Gregg.
xAfter closing the meeting by sing
ing “God
ton and
F»«o motels
RATESW ♦1.501
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150 1
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/ ȣASY
Easter at her home here.
Andrew Shearer, of Sault Ste.Man Who
The Gorrie Women’s Institute held
their Annual meeting on Wednesday
last at the home of Mrs. W. King.
The President opened the meeting
in the usual manner with the Ode,
and. Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Roll
Call was answered by some useful
Garden Hints, ahd minutes read a^d
Save the King,” Mrs. Bol-
Mrs. Earngey served a
lunch. •
Holy Week Services wereSpecial
conducted last week, on Tuesday, in
the Presbytreian Church, with Rev.
Fydell giving a most helpful and in
teresting address on the events and
teachig of our Lord during his last
days on earth. Rev. O’Neil was the
speaker on Wednesday evening in the
United Church, when a stirring and
uplifting sermon was preached, and
also on Thursday evening when Rev,
Legatt spoke in the Anglican church
o the “Rejection of Jesus.” These
services were a fitting and beneficial
prelude to the Services held on Good
Friday in each church by its own
What Might have terminated in a
disastrous fire, occurred in the Pres*
byterian church on Tuesday evening
of last week during the special serv
ices there.
Mrs. T. O. Pardon, sons
ghter, of Detroit, motored
spent a few days with the former’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kitchen.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Pleasance of
Port Elgin, spent Sunday with
Neil White.
Mr. J.
Mrs. John Morrison has returned
home after spending the winter with
friends in London and Brussels.
Miss Rona VanVelsor, of Weston,
is spending the Easter vacation at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanderson and
family of Detroit, were Easter visit
ors with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson.
Miss Verda Newton of- Hamilton
spent Easter with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Newton.
Miss Aileen Schaab spent Easter at
her home in Elmwood.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rae and child
ren and Miss Winnifred Rae, all of
Waterloo, were Easter visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rae.
Miss Marjory Waller of Toronto
Marie is spending the vacation at his
Miss Elva Hupfer of Sudbury is
holidaying at her home in Turnberry.
Mr. Laurie VanVelsor spent a few
days recently in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sanderson and
daughter, Catherine, of London, spent
Easter with friends here.
MX*. Jas. Rae, of Brantford, is home
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
Rae for the vacation.
Miss Beatrice Howe of Leamington
is spending the Easter holidays with
her sister, Miss M. Howe.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon and
daughter, Norma, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. North and daughter, and Miss El
va Stocks, all of London, were holi
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Mr. Ashton Morrison of St. Cath
erines, spent Easter with his mother,
Mrs. J. Morrison.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wells and
daughter, Jean, of Toronto, spent
Easter with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wear
Dr. W. A. and Mrs. Spence of Tor
onto and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rann
and children, of Brussels, were Eas
ter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Misses Margaret Durst of Clinton
and Vera Durst of Ingersoll, spent
Easter with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L Durst.
Miss Irene Wright, of near Brace
bridge, is spending the vacation with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex.
Mr. Carl Smith who has been
spending the past few weeks in Tor
onto, was a week-end visitor at his
home here.
Miss Mary Pope of Simcoe spent
near here.Knows
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