HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-04-16, Page 4WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES xo&bi TORY CORNERS MORRIS BLYTH EAST WAWANOSH SCHOOL REPORT H “BEST CHICKS I expect to be at my Brussels Of­ fice in Make an appointment- or Come Early.*. Mary and Kate King, cf University, London, are the Easter vacation at the their parents, Mr. and Mrs. One Form, One Cheque, for Dornin-| ion and Provincial Income. are j for • the * Thursday, April 16th, 1936 $ FACE FOUR £1QE3O: rf~ THESE |]| WANT AD’S bring results J Malley, of Iroquois Falls, visited over the week-end with relatives in town. Misses Western spending home of T. C. King. lj cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. lomoE AUCTION SALE — ( hold Furniture of Mrs. Gannett will be held at her home John Street, at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Arpil 18th. No reserve. Terms Cash. T. Fells, Auctioneer. :oraoc==ionoE==iono? Of the House-1 Class 3—C. Wellwood, (R. Baird, G. Carr, J. Wettlaufer), M. Coulter. Credit—(K. Hastings, J. Kerr, L. Kerr), M. Kelly, (J. Lamb, W. Tiffin) J. Reed, Z. Cook. Failed—L. Hamilton, E. Arbuckle, . Cameron. Absent L. Campbell, A. McDowell.) Class Average 60%. Latin Class 1—D. McLean. Class 2—J. Gear, E. Weir. Class 3—E. Martin. Passed—M. Coulter, T. Reid, W. Tiffin. Failed—K. Hastings, R. Baird, M. Kelly, C. Wellwood, J. Wettlaufer, D. Orr, C. Reid, Z. Cook, J. Kerr. French j Class 1—D. McLean. 1 Class 3—(M. Coulter, E. Martin), E. Arbuckle. i Credit—(D. Orr, T. Reid), (E. jWeir, C. Wellwood), J. Gear, Z. j Cook, C. Reid, W. Tiffin, R. Baird. _________________________ j Failed—M. Kelly, (M. Cruikshank, FOR SALE CHEAP—Sawing Mach- ; L. Hamilton, W. Pickell), (Z. Cam- ine and Engine, new 32 inch saw. j cron, K. Hastings, B. Mundy), J. Garnet Farrier, Phone 62Sr21. ; Wettlaufer, (J. Kerr, L. Kerr, J. Pres- AUCTION SALE—Of Farm Stock, Implements, etc., at Lot 3, Con. 4, Morris, at 1 o'clock, on Friday, Ap­ ril 24th. Terms Cash. Jas. T. Bryd- ges, Prop.; T, Fells, Auct. BUGGY FOR SALE—Apply to Boyd Marshall, Glenannan R.R. 1. CLEARING AUCTION SALE at 'Winglmm Town Plot, Lucknow Highway, at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 25th of Implements, Farm stock, Grain and Hay. Terms, und­ er $5.00, cash; over that amount 6 months’ credit on approved joint notes acceptable at banks or 3% off for cash. Andrew McDougal, prop.; T. R. Bennett, zXuctioneer. ( FOR SALE OR TRADE—A desir­ able home in the Town of Wing­ ham, would consider city or farm property in or near Calgary, Alta in exchange. Address Mrs. J. Ames Balzac, Alta. z. Mrs. James Underwood spent Sun­ day with her nephew, Bert Under­ wood, M", Walker, of Fordwich, has been engaged with Jno. Wylie for the sum­ mer months. Melvin Taylor motored to Kitchen­ er and spent the week-end father and other relatives. Mr. Whitmore and son, wich, called in the burg on We understand Eldon Reever of Carrick, has leased Jas. Underwood’s house and is. moving in this week. Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Dane called on the latter’s aunt, Miss Bush, who is in a very weak condition at the home of her niece, Mrs. Ed. Palmer. Mr.’ Henry Lakelet, have community in ers, formerly bard, who passed suddenly away Sun­ day morning in Palmerston Hospital, Stock Up with his Mrs. John Johnston and son Jim were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wheeler, Mr. Harold Casemore was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley on Sunday. Mr. Robt. Warwick, of Brussels, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. C. G. Campbell. Mr. John Balfour of Bluevaje spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Casemore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edgar and family, of Wingham, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ed­ gar on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fry, of De­ troit, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alex. MacEwen. Master Jack Orvis, of Wingham, is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. D. H. Campbell. Clever Play Presented by Browntown Young People Last Friday evening the Brown­ town Young People gave their play “Wedding Belle” to a full house. All winter, the players have labored faith­ fully and the result of their efforts was shown in the splendid way each part was taken. Throughout the play the situations were so screamingly funny and the sparkling good humor brought laughs at such a fast pace that the audience were kept in a roar of laughter. The music between acts was given by Mr. Ross Cardiff with his accordion. Mr. Cardiff proved so popular with his audience that the players invited him to accompany them on future presentations, one of which is anticipated very soon. The play showed, how awful it is for a lovely young lady to have her doting mamma arrange her love affairs for her, to the extent of trying to marry her to a rich old duffer when, in real­ ity, the damsel’s heart has gone out to a dashing young adventurer. At least, he is adventurer enough to kid­ nap the lady just before the wedding march begins and my, but doesn’t that rash act stir up excitement! It in­ volves the would-be bride’s mother, two clergymen, the young lover’s pal and her divorced wife, a maid with a bad cold in her head and’ the maid’s light-fingered sweetheart. When the kidnapped and the kidnapper are dis­ covered in the apartment of a friend. The excitement begins in earnest with everyone taking sides even to the two ministers. On top of it all, a $25,000 diamond bracelet, the gift of the would-be groom disappears and is not discovered until after everyone has been suspected. The cast included: Misses Janet Woods, Jean Turvey, . Irene Warwick, Dorothy Stewart and Messrs. Bert Garninss, Melville Ma­ thers, Elmer Sellers, Gordon Harmen, Ross Smith and David Thompson. The Directress was Miss E. Agar. Considerable excitement reigned in the village Saturday evening when R. J. McClennan’s horse ran away. The horse was severely cut when it be­ came entangled in Mr. Garniss’ fence. Chas, and Will Jewitt of Lucknow are spending the holidays with their grandparents, 2 nd Con. Morris. Mr. J. J. Seilers is home from Wau- baushene for a short stay but expects to return to spend the summer with Ihis daughter there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton spent 5 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamil- iton of Drayton. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitfield and | son, Ewart, of Gorrie, spent Sunday j with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ed. Johnston, i I J ! 1 Miss Maude Bryans Home All Day Wednesday, April 22nd, to Examine Eyes Take advantage of this opportun­ ity to have your eyes properly ex­ amined by our exclusive Triplex Method which eliminates all ‘Guess work’ and enables us to prescribe the proper lenses or treatments ne­ cessary to.protect your eyes and give you clear comfortable vision. F. F. Homuth Phm. B., R.O. Harriston Phone 118 Brussels Phone 26x. V. FOR RENT—Two dwelling houses ton), E. Lough. both in good condition, situated on i Note—Forms IV and V will appear Frances St. Rent $15 per month, - next week. Possession May 1st. Apply R. S. Hetherington. i FOR SALE—Desirable residence pro­ perty situated on Shuter St. For sale cheap to close estate. Apply R. S. Hetherington. FOR SALE—Shorthorn Bulls, 10 to 12 months old. Jno. S. Scott, Bel­ grave. Phone 624r2. FOR RENT OR SALE—Modern House with 40 acres, Patrick and Carling Terrace. Immediate pos­ session. Reasonable terms. Apply J. J. Gibbons. FOR SALE—English Yorkshire Boar 15 months old, dam being Wild­ wood Advanced. Register sow, sir- sired by Weston Jay imported sire. Priced reasonable and proven satis­ factory. Apply to Norman Sander- son, Blyth, Ont._________________ FOR SALE—Long hulless Oats, treated, ready to sow, 75c per bus., Red Clover $8.00 per bus., 141 Seed Peas $1.00 per bus. Robt. Coultes, R.R. 5, Wingham; Phone 629r4. ICE DELIVERED at~ Reasonable Rates. Any person wishing ice call John Falconer, Phone 2671. NOTICE A meeting of all players who are interested in playing in the Maitland League will be held in the Council Chambers on the night of Friday, Ap­ ril1 17th, at S p.m. All desiring to play please turn out. LOCAL AND PERSONA! Mr. Harvey Burgess, of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. King MacDonald, of Montreal, spent the Easter holiday with friends here. Miss Louise Thompson, of Kitch­ ener, visited friends in town over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ellacott, of Toronto, spent Easter with relatives in town. Miss Louise Hanna of Guelph spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. G. C. Hanna. Miss Alice Williamson of Kitchen­ er is spending the Easter holidays at her home here. Miss Vera Fry returned home after spending th past few weeks with re­ latives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hopper and family, of Exeter, visited relatives in town over the holiday. Miss Annie Cameron, of Detroit, visited last week at the home of Mr. MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Rout­ es of 800 families in Bruce and Huron Counties. Reliable hustler should start earning $25 weekly and increase rapidly. Write today. Raw­ leigh, Dept. ML-453-S-D, Montreal, Canada. NOTICE—From this date, I will not be responsible for any debts incur­ red by my wife. H. C- Dane, Wrox- eter. RED BRICK BUNGALOW, beauti-1Mrs. Milas Cameron, fully finished, up-to-date in all res-1 pects. Apply to T. Fells. | SEED PEAS~FOR^ALE—75c per» bushel. Applv Mac Ross, Lucknow, a R.R. 5, 612r31. STRAYED—Hound, light brown col­ or, owner may have same by prov- # ing property and paying expenses. ’ Apply at Advance-Times. Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt Mundy and son, of London, were week-end visit­ ors with relative- in town. Miss Man- Johnston, of Toronto, | spent the Easter holidays with her | mother, Mrs, Adam Johnston. ii Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKay and dau- • ghter, Mary Elizabeth, were Easter __ ~ • visitors with relatives in town. SEED POTATOES and RED Clov- j ^f;ss Marv Coultes, Toronto, was er Seed For Sale—Applv James St. ii . xMarie, Phene 615r24, R.R. 2, Luck-jthe ^ues£ feer grandmother, Mrs. now. ' . Thos. Deans, over the week-end. _ _.T. ... _ _ ' Miss Helen Field, of Toronto, wasSPRING CLEARANCE SALE OFj , « . .x t ,, . _ ■■ ,USED PIANOS. Such well-known;? ^eek-end visitor at the nome oi her makes as Heintzman, Nordheimer, ij parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Field. Mason & Rasch, Weber and others s Miss Irene Allan, of Cottam, was prices and term.’. ■; an Easjer visitor at the home of her write Heintzman & Co,, 242 Dun-; ,r j « r-das St.. London, for further partic- Ata. ttlar*. No obligations. i Mr. and. Mrs. R. E. McKinney and .LC.TvrATTxr, “7 77 “7 'Son, of Toronto, spent Sunday at theWE SjhXL WILLARD and Monarch - ’ , ,r 1 w u- n >Batteries, large stock of Shares and of and Mrs’ H' G’^ney. Sales fet all makes of plows. Ho-Mr. Ralph Carr, of Toronto, spent math & Bennett Service Station. ;the Easter holiday at the home of " ' " ~~—————— parej5{s* Mrs. Geo. Carr. HIGH SCHOOL EASTER j Miss Helen Burge: ■p RESULTS ’ the holiday at the home of her 1 * 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burgess. ; Mr. and Mrs. Sterling and Mr. and ! Mrs. Frank Hodgins, of Toronto, vfc- il tied friends in town ©ver the holiday. Miss Barbara Holmes, of Goderich, • is spending the Easter holidays at ,;the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mac- ■! Lean. (Cantsnued frem P’age WA (Absent, A. Mclkwdl, L. Camp­ bell) Cfess Average <54%. English Composition Chss 3—M. Cruikshank, E. Weir. Class 2— (J. Gear. C Reich, Lough, D. McLean, D. Orr, E. Ma; of Ford- Monday. Myers and family, of the sympathy of the the death of Mrs. My- Miss Margaret Hub- White Shirts $1.19 - $1.50 Silk Neckties 49c - 69c masters, or from provincial savings bank branches. Municipal income tax, in cities where such was levied last year, is superseded by the provincial tax and no municipal returns will be required. Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn, prime minister and Provincial Treasurer, has authorized advertisements in the press of Ontario to provide tax-pay­ ers with information on how to make the necessary returns and remit tax payments. As to the amount the Government expects to obtain from the tax, the sum of $6,000,000 has been placed in the estimates. Necessity for introduc­ tion of the provincial income tax was dealt with succinctly by Premier Hep­ burn in his budget address in the Leg­ islature March 12 th. It is understood that the province this year will remit to those muni­ cipalities which formerly collected the income tax an amount based on last year’s levy by such municipalities. Later, all municipalities may partici­ pate, the amount in each case being based on the amount collected by the province from such municipality. The tax-payer must estimate the amount of tax payable. The taxes due April 30th may be paid in four equal instalments, due dates being the last day of April, June, August and October. In case of instalment pay­ ment, the tax-payer is asked to dir­ ect the proper apportionment, other­ wise the whole of an instalment would be applied to the Dominion tax. The exemptions in general are ex­ actly the same as for federal purpos­ es. With certain exceptions, an un­ married person is exempt to the am­ ount of $1,000, a married person to the extent of $2,000. Exemption is $400 for each dependent child, and there are other exemptions covering the exact amounts paid for the sup­ port of various other dependents. Mr. Hamilton of the Bank of Com­ merce, High Park, Toronto, spent Easter with his mother and sister, Miss Elsie. The National Old Time Concert and Dance sponsored by the Blyth Agriclutural Society, will be held on Friday evening, April 17th. Watt, Al­ len Speir orchestra. Old and new­ time dancing. Miss Lois Robinson and Mr. Reg. Argent, of Welland, spent Easter at their respective homes. Mr. A. E. Cook is visiting friends in Toronto this week. There passed away on Thursday, April 9th, Henry Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon McVittie of Hullet Township, aged 30 years. Service was held in Burns Church Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev. W. J. Gardiner of Londesboro. Mr. Aaron Bennett died Monday morning at the home of Mr. Thomas Elliott, aged 68 years. His wife, An­ nie Straughan, predeceased him sev­ eral years. Surviving is one adopted son, John, who resides with Mr. Wm. Straughan, Auburn, also one brother, Mr. William Bennett, of town. Fun­ eral service will be held at the home of Misses Livingstone on Wednesday conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Mr. Melville Beecroft, Colborne, is spending the holiday with his father, Mr. John Beecroft. Mrs. Kane and Jimmy, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Herson Irwin. Miss Jessie Finlayson spent the week-end at her home near Kippen. On account of so many days being missed during the winter months she is teaching the Easter holidays. Mr. Fred Deacon spent Tuesday in Guelph. Brick W. M. S. is holding their monthly meeting at the home of Miss Beatrice Beecroft on Thursday. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. R. Coultes is put to bed for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Pocock and family, of Watford, are spending the holidays with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Helen and Sydney, also Mrs. Sam Thompson visited at Norman Thomp­ son’s at Donnybrook on Friday. Mrs. Thompson Sr. remained there. Mr. Jim Perdue, Toronto, is spend­ ing the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perdue. The S.S. No. 9 and 11 Jolly Time Literary Social is postponed from this Friday night to some future date. INCOME RETURNS DUE APRIL 30th . I EVER RECEIVED FROM ONTARIO” LAST MONTH, we shipped 700 Leghorn day-old chicks to a cus­ tomer at Chateauguay Basin, Que. On March 23rd, he wrote as fol­ lows: “I received the shipment of 700 Leghorn baby chicks on March 20th and wish to state they are the best looking, lot of chicks I have ever received from any shipper in Ontario.” A week ago, we told you of The best Spring tonic we know of is some new shirts,new ties, new socks-and underwear. They’ll make you feel like a new man— so come in and get outfitted to­ day—splurge a little—spend some money on yourself. .You’ll find our values the best buys on the clothing market. Lisle Hose 35c - 50c Shirts and Shorts H. E. I sard (& Co EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL they had attended since in London and Toronto of tenders were received Council met on April 6th with all the members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Communications from the Depart­ ment of Health, the Dept, of Municip-. al Affairs, the Highways Dept, and Thos. Sandy, Goderich, were read and ordered filed. The Reeve and Road Superintendent reported on proceed­ ings which had taken place at meet­ ings held in the interests of good roads which last meeting respectively. A number for operating the stone crusher, also the trucking of gravel from same this coming season. The tender of Chas. Robinson for crushing gravel at 19 cents a cubic yard in the bin was ac­ cepted as was also the tender of Gor­ don Godkin for trucking material from crusher at 10 cents a yard for the first mile and 11 cents, per yard for each additional mile. The Clerk was instructed to adver­ tise for tenders for the construction of the McQuillan drain, tenders to be considered at next meeting of Coun­ cil. A large amount of 1935 taxes being still unpaid the Collector’s time- fori collection of same was again ex­ tended till next meeting, May 4th. De­ linquent taxpayers will please note that after that date no further extension or leniency will be given by Council and that all taxes unpaid at that time will be forwarded on to the County for collection. The following accounts were paidr The Advance-Times, advertising con­ tracts $3.60; Machan Bros., tin box for Assessor $2.75; The Blyth Tele­ phone .system, balance of telephone assessments $448.00; S. McBurney, repairs, salary and expenses to Good' Road Assoc, meeting $21.25. Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, May 4th. A. Porterfield, Clerk. TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective Sun., April 26th Full Information From Agent Canadian National THE BEST BRANDS OF PREPARED HOUSE PAINT now 1 Ontario’s income tax returns ; due on April 30, and machinery , levying and collecting the fax for ‘ province is already functioning, it was i ■ learned at Queen's Park. The tex is ;; ] featured by the utmost simplicity, and j the Government anticipates the full- < co-operation on the part of the | ,’i public in the new pay-as-you-go pol- j pcy. | In a nutshell, the provincial treas- - surer's department explains the oper- Mr. and Mrs. Vic Wilson, of Ts3r-|ation of the tax thus: “If you are li- fiont’O were week-end guests at the|abie for Dominion income tax you • home cf Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Rob-fare liable for provincial income tax. '] ertson. | Fill out only one form. Make out on-« 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, of I only one eheque. Having filled out the | Guelph, spent the week-end 3t f , ‘ ' ' ' . . " ; home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. | . H. Musgrove. •’ Mr. and Mrs. Sid Johnston and child, of Toronto, were Easter guests » •< at the ‘home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 3 T. Robertsom 5 J Misses Mary and Reatha Ssnnamon J < are spending their Easter vacation ’ with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. j Wm. McMichael, Bluevale. I Mr. W. O’Malley and Miss K. Troy, of Toronto and Miss K, O’* I the j form, take it or send it to the federal i I income tax office In your district. If | I you have filed your Dominion tax ■ ij form already, completely filled out, ? |j another will not be necessary.1'* !■' | The form referred to is Tl-1935 or ',|T1A-19S5 :n case of farmers *** and » ■ Is the combined form prescribed and i! < authorized by the Minister of Nation- i | al Revenue, Ottawa, and by the | I Treasurer of Ontario. It may be ob-J tained at branch offices of the federal income tax department, from post A week ago, we told you of a customer who said Bray Chicks are “better birds than you adver­ tise.” Here we have another cus­ tomer saying “Best Chicks I ever received from Ontario.” Isn’t that the kind of chicks you want in your own brooder house, this year? Get a copy of our 1936 Catalogue and you will see there a full des­ cription of the things we do to MAKE Bray chicks ‘'better than we advertise’^—our methods of sel­ ecting breeding stock, selecting hatching eggs, blood-testing, etc. And you will find Bray chicks very reasonably priced, considering their quality. We believe it will pay you to investigate. Fred W. BRAY litbited CHICK HATCHERY A. C. ADAMS, Agent Wingham, Ontario. Easter Report S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh. Honors 75%, Pass 60%. Sr. IV—Ariel Johnston 80.1, Lenore Wellings 56.3. Jr. IV—Howard Walker 67.9, Ken­ neth Johnston 66.5. Sr. Ill—Louise Coultes 72.5. Sr. II—Catherine Currie 82.3. Jr. II—Lois Johnston 73.6, Jean Leaver 73.5, June Johnston 69.3, Wil­ fred Walker 48.1, Alvin Currie 45.6. 1st Class—Wilda Montgomery 84, Ernest Walker 41.6. Primer—Ishbel Currie 84.8, Jimmie Johnston 77.2, Charlie Currie 72.8. Betty Walker, Teacher. Belmore School Sr. IV—Isabel Zinn 79 (absent for one); Wilfred Johann 74. Jr. IV*—Madeline Casemore 76, Robert Curie 71 (absent for three), Jack King 44 (absent for six). Sr. Ill—Mary Abram 67, William Abram 66 (absent for one), Wesley Abram 58, Mary Kelly 56. Jr. HI—Yvonne Douglas 77, Rob­ ert Abram 75, Jean Kelly 69, Lloyd McNeil 68, Ruth Johann 65, Fred Te* mush 64. Jr. II—Betty Zinn 92, Irene Curie 91, Melvin McNeil 70. Sr. Primer—Harold King 65. Average per tent, of weekly exam­ inations. Honours 75, Bass SO. Katherine Campbell, Teacher, ^eraot a !>?oted I68 fcrXy°U ^ve h 9,ns « redene fem to b D^Son S/° nJ1 pr°StioP- evwf0f ? Son ha"co»notfe tuphp, is a a? One ofy Pou, store thc$e ? 'geg.