HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1936-04-16, Page 3Thursday, April 16th, 1936 is delicious 106 Injured in Ireland Dublin—About 100 persons were injured Sunday, when a processidn of members of the Irish Republican Ar­ my, commemorating the victims of the 1916 Easter Rebellion, clashed with onlookers. Work for Alberta Unemployed Calgary—“I hope in two months more we will have all our unemploy­ ed at work for wages,” Premier Ab- erhart of Alberta said when he ad­ dressed the congregation at the Cal­ gary Prophetic Bible Institute. Selassie Rallies Tribes Addis Ababa—Reserve manpower totalling 300,000 warriors is moving into defensive positions across Nor­ thern Ethiopia under the personal dir- ection of Emperor Haile Selassie, the Government announced. An official spokesman described as propaganda Italian reports that the Emperor is fleeing in disguise or considering ab­ dicating. Gyped by Gypsies Hamilton—The Hamilton police have a rather cold trail to' follow, and Arpad Tokos, Caledonia highway, is out $829, most of his savings of many­ years, as a result of a time-worn trick which .gypsies worked cently. ■011 Tokos re- School Pupils Strike Bowmanville—Some children here went on test against the dismissal of J. ,H. Johnston, Principal of the public school. In the morning fifty boys re­ fused to enter the school, doors, and in the afternoon they were joined by fifty other students, both boys and girls. The citizens have taken the school mix-up to heart and forty petitions asking for the reinstatement of Mr. Johnson, the resignation of the School Board, and the resignation of A. B. Clark, Assistant Principal, and Miss M. Collacott, were circulated through the city. school100 strike in pro- Lost in Woods 12 Days New Melbourne, Nfld.—A little girl, lost in the forest twelve days, recounted in Old Perlican Hospital, how she had lain down like the “Bab­ es in the Wood,” never expecting to waken. France Wants Action London — Havas News Agency learned that an immediate study of possible coercive measures against Germany has been asked by France in a communication to the British Government. The time for action un­ der Article 7 for the March 19 four- power agreement has arrived, French memorandum was said have insisted. the to Soviet and Japs Have Skirmish Tokia—Fresh border-fighting tween .Soviet Russians and Japanese in which a Japanese Lieutenant was killed and five soldiers were listed as missing, was reported by the Harbin, Manchukuo, correspondent of the Domei (Japanese) News Agency. be- Edmonton Faces Empty Treasury Edmonton—An empty civic treas­ ury, unable to meet salaries, relief costs .and interest, before the end of the year was in prospect for Edmon­ ton unless Federal Government fin­ ancial aid was forthcoming, Mayor T. Clarke stated. Found Guilty of Conspiracy Donald T.. Holliday and Herbert E. Wilson were found guilty of conspir­ acy to defraud A. E. Ames & Com­ pany of $99,000 in the sale of count­ erfeit bonds by a. general Sessions jury at Toronto, under Judge Parker. Sentence will "be passed on April 20. PROFITZ BY KEEPING ONx\\|/z^ submarine’s main motor half an hour }after the electrical equipment been examined, it was learned. WINGHAM ADVANCE-’TJMES had ROE FARMX MILLING C , ATWOOD ,ONT.Essex South, also Sam Law- Hamilton East, C.C.F. mem- Bombs Sent Though the Mails . Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Dynamite and fire spread terror through the sanctity of Holy Week in this Wyoming Val­ ley anthracite area, At least six bombs were sent through the mails as “Easter gifts,” killing one jnan and injuring five others. Four Killed at London in Motor Accident London, Ont.—Four persons were killed in a head-on collision of two automobiles on Winery Hill on a highway near London, Friday. Two others were injured, one seriously. School Tax Bill Passes The school tax bill passed in the Legislature Thursday by 57 to 17 votes. J. E. Crawford, Fort William, R. G. Croome, Rainy River, and Dr. George A. McQuibban, Wellington North, all Liberals, voted against the measure. There were three Liberal absentees, W. J. Gardhouse, York W., W. E. N. Sinclair, Ontario, L, P. Wigle, rence, ber. ;.llllll»l>llllllllllllllllllll<lllllllllllll<eilltlllll>lll<ll<<IIIMIII>'r NEWS of the DISTRICT 3 E Youth Lacked Almost Everything But Auto Goderich—Thursday afternoon Ar­ thur Fisher, Grey Township youth, was fined $10 for reckless driving, $5 for driving a car with 1935 license plates and $2 for driving with im­ proper lights. “Let me have your permit,” said the court stenographer, as Fisher was about to pay his fine. “I haven’t got one,” retorted the youth.with a grin. Fisher struck and killed a horse driven by R. Jacklin, also of Grey Township, who was fin­ ed $1 for. driving without a light. Supplies Gently Acting “Bulk” to Aid Regular Habits Now and then, in talking with your friends, the subject of bran has’ come up. So that real facts might replace unsupported opinions, the Kellogg Company has aided for some years research in leading nutrition laboratories, Studies made on a group of healthy women showed that two tablespoonfuls of bran daily con­ tinued to relieve constipation* over a period of months. How different from cathartics—where dosage often must be increased. Another series of tests on men in­ dicated that, with some people, the “bulk” in bran was much more effective than that found in fruits and vegetables. Further tests showed that Kel­ logg’s All-Bran provided vitamin B and iron as well as “bujk.” This “bulk” absorbs moisture, and gently exercises and cleanses the system — the right way to correct constipation. Serve All-Bran regularly for regularity. Either as a cereal, with milk or cream, or in cooked dishes. It is a natural laxative food. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. *Constipation due to insufficient “bulk" j of a small football. The jolt he re­ ceived irj his collision with Dr. Camp­ bell caused the sac to rupture, but it would have eventually necessitat­ ed an operation anyway. The kidney, only about one-third normal size, was removed. At latest report the patient was said to be doing nicely. His mo­ ther and an aunt, Mrs. T. H. Gibson of Wingham, accompanied him to Hamilton and are remaining in the city.—Fordwich Record, Young Walton Girl Falls On Railway Track Ruth Cummings, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cummings had the misfortune to fall on the rail­ road track, about a mile east of the village on Sunday afternoon and as a result received a fractured leg. — Seaforth Expositor. Anything But a Stimulant A local man, who suffered a slight weak spell while attending church on Sunday morning last, was kindly escorted from the edifice by his bank­ er and his druggist, and to add to the irony of the episode, an insurance ,man and the undertaker followed the trio out of the structure, The gentle­ man in question was no doubt ill from the oppressiveness of the sacred edi­ fice, but the professions of the quar­ tette who went to his aid were any­ thing but a stimulan o revive him so that he might not pass from this vale of tears.—Walkerton Herald-Times. FOLLOW TH€ L€AD€RZ TO ZUCCGZZ AND 6XTRA FIRST 6 WEEKS ROE VITA FOOD A COMPLETE STARTING FOOD TO 20- ROE COMPLETE GROWINO RATION FOR LAYING BIRDS ROE COMPLETE CONCENTRATE AND APPROVED LAVINO MASH your dealer for ROE FARM PROVEN feeding Program—it will take you over the rough place and give results. Represented locally by— Howson & Howson, Wingham R. J. Hueston & Son, Gorrie Alex. Manning, Belgrave. hide lurched under its own power, A wheel passed over Ben’s foot, crush­ ing it badly. A doctor was' called and drove the injured youth to the hos­ pital, where the foot was placed in a cast.—Goderich Signal. Fractured Leg Mr. Ed, Coward was thrown from a load of hay at the farm of Mr. Nel­ son Hunkin, of Usborne, on Thursday last when the load upset in the yard. In, falling to the ground he had the misfortune to break both ’bones of the left leg below the knee. The frac­ tures were reduced by Dr. Fletcher.— Exeter Times—Advocate. Workman Injured Blyth—W. J. Petts met with an ac­ cident in the Blyth planing mills when a block fell on his hands. The injury was painful but there were no bones broken. Jr. Ill—Verna Thompson 71, Jim , Casemore 70. Elston 70, Frank Burke 69, Billie Elston 67, George Edgar 62, Calvin Burke 59, Jim Golley 52, Hugh Camp­ bell 50*. Second Class—Grace Coulter 85, Carrie Higgins 80, George Higgins 76*, Stanley Hopper 75, Edwin El­ ston 70, Chester Higgins 70, Glenn Golley 66. Wilfred Haines' 63. First Class—Maitland Edgar 83, Ross Procter 78. Primer—Grayce Golley 83,' Jujie we trust one another?” Number on roll 35. , Edna J. Procter, Teacher. f I have decided to take the furnish­ ed flat. Landlady: “Of course I must ask; you for a deposit.” Myself: “Certainly” (handing over the required sum). Landlady (beaming): “Thanks. And' now, do you want a receipt, or shall Hockey Accident Precipitates Operation While taking part in a friendly game of hockey, between two local teams, at the rink last Thursday ev­ ening, McKee Davidson and Dr. Campbell collided heavily in a race for the puck. Almost immediately McKee was attacked with severe spasms of nauseating pain and was under medical attention most of the night. On Friday he was somewhat improved, but took worse that night, so on Saturday Dr. Campbell took him fo Hamilton General Hospital, where an operation was performed at four o’clock that afternoon, when it! 66, Arthur Edgar 59, Jim Casemore was found that a ruptured cyst on the left kidney was the cause of his dis­ tress. According to the doctors, the cyst had been developing from Mc­ Kee’s birth and had attained the size SCHOOL REPORT Purity Flour means real economy. It goes farther. Rich In nourishing gluten, it makes bread that rises right up out of the pans—> and the most delicious biscuits, cakes, pies and flaky pastry ever bakedt Easter report of S. S. No. 7, Mor­ ris. Honours 75 Pass 60 (*) Absent for some exams. Sr. IV—June Burke 63, Jack Hig­ gins 62, Evelyn Scott 57. Jr. IV—Charlie Procter 86, Marg­ aret Haines 67*, Maxine Thompson Worried Over His Money Pleading guilty to attempted sui­ cide on Monday morning last before Magistrate Walker here, Ed. Cups- key ,a farm laborer, who some weeks ago was found lying on the floor of his employer’s barn with his throat cut and a blood-stained razor in his pocket, and who was weak from loss of blood and exposure, when discov­ ered in the morning after lying out there all night in severely cold wea­ ther, admitted that his rash act was prompted by worries over certain monies that he had invested.—Walk­ erton Herald-Times. PURITS FLOUR Best for allyour Baking 55, Charlie Compbell 51*. Sr. Ill—Jim Coulter 82, Norman Higgins 77, (Muriel Hopper 69, Irene McCallum 69*), John Haines 68*, Bernice Thompson 68. Fear Mrs. Bartholomew Kidnapped New York—Fears that Mrs. Wm. Mae Bartholomew had been kidnap­ ped to keep her from getting custody ■of her movie star son, Freddie, were voiced by her husband as her where­ abouts remained a mystery. Mrs. Bartholomew, who arrived here to start a court battle to take her son from his aunt, Miss Millicent Barthol­ omew, had not been heard from by her husband or her attorney', Philip A. Levey, since her vessel docked on Wednesday last week. fill HYDRO LAMPS •»d guaranteed Consider the Company . Back of the Cat Crawford Block. ONLY (Standard Sedas 2-pa$s, Coupe) Master DeLuxe Models from $905 Ddfvutetl al fxfMy, Osliawa, Ont. Falh WM FrtlihhhdewattiNinit RiiWrtHMi Feumfy extra. For The Best Eye Service CONSULT F. F. HOMUTH Eyesight Specialist Phone 118. Harriston Sabotage on Submarine Plymouth—Detectives were called to investigate suspected sabotage on the submarine L-54 at the Davenport dockyard. It Was the ninth reported case of suspected, intentional damage to British naval vessels since last au­ tumn. A large spanner, or wrench, was found under the casing of the The Power of Suggestion Police Magistrate J. R. Blake evi­ dently believes in the power of sug­ gestion arid has a fine sense of hum­ or. In police court in Guelph the oth­ er day he addressed a transient thus­ ly: “I’m remanding you until tomor­ row morning, and if you’re not vis­ ible, nobody will spend much time looking for you. I’m not telling you to get out of town. I’m not even sug­ gesting it, but. . .”—Arthur. Enter­ prise. The Lon# Life L&mps ? Keep* Certon of Six Lamps #9 the House Wingham Utilities Commission Phone 156. Ratepayers Vote to Erect New Building The ratepayers of Exeter have voiced their approval of the erection of a municipal building to be used as a skating rink and recreational centre. In a keenly contested vote on Tuesday the majority was 86 in favor of such a project. The ques­ tion of the.erection of such a build­ ing has been in the minds of some of the citizens for some time and at a recent public meeting a committee was formed to secure plans and esti­ mates. It was proposed to erect a building the front part of which could be used as a gymnasium and recrea­ tional centre particularly in connec­ tion with-the Exeter H. S. and the back part to be used as a skating rink. After securing plans, expert ad­ vice and estimates, the committee were assured that such a building could be erected for ten thousand dol­ lars.—Exeter Times-Advocatc. Relief Workers to Have Gardens The welfare relief committee is again planning gardens fbr the unem­ ployed. Cost of seed for the gardens is partly provided for by the provinc­ ial relief department, while the muni* cipality is expected to arrange for land on which to plant the gardens. It has been suggested that there be a supervisor of the work to see that seed is not wasted and that gardens are made to produce.—Kincardine Re­ view-Reporter. Foot Crushed Ben Fritzley was painfully injured on Thursday afternoon last while as­ sisting his brother, Joe, to do a good, turn. The young men were pushing a ear which had stalled when the ve* TFOU know how automobile experts appraise the I value of a used car. They go over it carefully, point by point—checking the body, engine, brakes,, performance, comfort, etc. It’s a good idea to choose your new car the same­ way. For this year, there’s a BIG "difference between low-priced automobiles. Take Chevrolet, for example. People call it “The Only Complete Low-Priced Car’’ . . . because no other car in its class offers you all six of today's outstanding motor car features! Check these ' features for yourself, as listed below. Then come to our showrooms and drive the car itself — compare the low delivered prices and greatly reduced 7% GMAC time payment plan. GIVES YOU ALL SIX... PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . . . TURRET TOP BODIES BY FISHER .. . VALVE-IN- HEAD ENGINE... FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION... KNEE-ACTION (On Master De Luxe Models)... SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT C-416 priced from